
  • purchase_email_form
    • email
    • _token


Form type:


This form has no errors.

Default Data

Property Value
Model Format same as normalized format
Normalized Format
View Format same as normalized format

Submitted Data

This form was not submitted.

Passed Options

Option Passed Value Resolved Value
App\Service\TranslationManager {#417
  -page: "BuyLicenses"
  -keys: [
    "JS" => [
      "Fifth" => [
        "en-CA" => "fifth"
        "fr-CA" => "cinquième "
      "First" => [
        "en-CA" => "first"
        "fr-CA" => "premier"
      "Third" => [
        "en-CA" => "third"
        "fr-CA" => "troisième"
      "Fourth" => [
        "en-CA" => "fourth"
        "fr-CA" => "quatrième"
      "Second" => [
        "en-CA" => "second"
        "fr-CA" => "second"
      "DoneCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Code copié!"
      "Conclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "DefaultCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy code"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le code"
      "Development" => [
        "en-CA" => "Body"
        "fr-CA" => "Développement"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This value can't be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "ChapterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of the %$0iteration% section"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre de la %$0iteration% partie"
      "Introduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Introduction"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction"
      "MaxWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning, with the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words for the whole challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour l'ensemble de son défi."
      "MaxWordPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "- The students will have to write between <b>%$0count%</b> and <b>%$1count%</b> word(s) per object."
        "fr-CA" => "- Les élèves devront écrire entre <b>%$0count%</b> et <b>%$1count%</b> mot(s) par objet."
      "MinWordPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "- The students will have to write at least <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) per object."
        "fr-CA" => "- Les élèves devront écrire au minimum <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) par objet."
      "BadMailFormat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email address isn't valid"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas valide"
      "SubTotalPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "FillFieldError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please fill in this field."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez remplir ce champ."
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password is too short (min. 5 characters)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "MaxIntroWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. With the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words in their introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour son introduction."
      "NotAvailableEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email address is not available"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas disponible"
      "ChapterNameTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can specify the titles of the sections. If this field is left empty, students will be able to choose their own titles."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez spécifier les titres des parties de l'élève. Si le champ est vide, l'élève pourra écrire les titres de son choix."
      "ChapterPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the section title"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre de la partie"
      "DuringTimeValidity" => [
        "en-CA" => "This license will be valid from <b>%$0date%</b> to <b>%$1date%</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette licence sera valide du <b>%$0date%</b> au <b>%$1date%</b>."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "NotEnoughThemesError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one theme from the list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un thème de la liste."
      "AvailableLicenceCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently hold <b>%$0count%</b> available licenses of this type."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous détenez actuellement <b>%$0count%</b> licences disponibles de ce type."
      "MinimumWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value."
        "fr-CA" => "La valeur minimale ne doit pas être supérieure à la valeur maximale."
      "SubTotalWithReduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "MaxConclusionWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. With the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words in their conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour sa conclusion."
      "ConfirmToProceedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please type "CONFIRM" to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire "CONFIRMER" pour continuer."
      "card_declinedStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has been declined. You may not use a test card for actual purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte a été refusée. Votre demande était en mode réel, mais a utilisé une carte de test connue."
      "invalid_numberStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is invalid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte n'est pas valide."
      "MinMandatoryWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The sum of the minimum number of words of the introduction and of the conclusion must not exceed the maximum number of words of the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nombre minimum de mots de l'introduction et de la conclusion réunis ne doit pas excéder le nombre maximum de mots du défi."
      "incomplete_numberStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is incomplete."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte est incomplet."
      "invalid_expiry_year_pastStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your credit card is expired."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte de crédit est expirée."
    "Index" => [
      "tryIt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-le!"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "ViewModifyBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir / modifier"
      "ConditionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please share this access code with your students. By entering this code in the game, students will automatically join your group, as long as you have enough seats available.<br> For younger children, it is often preferable to create their student accounts and add them in your group yourself in the teacher admin platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez donner ce code d’accès à vos élèves. En entrant ce code dans le jeu, les élèves se joindront automatiquement à votre groupe, en autant que vous ayez assez de sièges disponibles.<br> Pour les tout-petits, il est souvent préférable de créer vous-même leur compte élève et les ajouter à votre groupe dans le site d’administration enseignant."
      "ManageMyGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "ProductDescCdo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales requires the app to be installed on all student devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours nécessite l’installation de l’application sur tous les appareils des élèves."
      "YourGroupsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your Nanomonx groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos groupes Nanomonx"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "GoToChallengeBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Aller aux défis"
      "ProductDescTroub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is completely online. No installation required."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est complètement en ligne. Aucune installation nécessaire."
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewChallengeName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi!"
      "AgreementsLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can read the full version on our information website"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez les consulter sur notre site d'information"
      "CountryChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country that should be assigned to your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays à assigner à votre compte"
      "GroupDeletedLabel1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The group %$0name% has been deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Le groupe %$0name% a été effacé"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "TagertedGradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click the following button to create your first group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "CurrentCountryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Country currently assigned to you)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Pays actuellement assigné)"
      "noChallengesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour requires no installation!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour ne demande aucune installation!"
      "ConditionsUpdateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our Terms and Conditions have been updated for added clarity."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos conditions d'utilisation ont été mises à jour pour plus de clarté et afin de toujours mieux protéger vos données."
      "PurchaseSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Obtain a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Procurez-vous un abonnement"
      "StateArchivedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students will no longer be able to work on this challenge. They can always read what they have written via their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "StateAssignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students may now work on this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent maintenant y travailler."
      "licenseOverflowInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than seats allowed by your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "licenseOverflowInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "So that your students have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "licenseOverflowInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "visitorModeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visitor mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur activé"
      "ConditionsUpdateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "AllowPublicAccessLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Guest Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur"
      "ConfigureThisGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer ce groupe"
      "StateUnassignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students will no longer be able to work on this challenge. They can always read what they have written via their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "visitorModeDeactivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visitor mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur désactivé"
      "ClassroomListSubheader2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group contains challenges for the following product(s):"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe contient des défis pour le ou les produits suivants:"
      "CountryChangePopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It appears that the country we have assigned to you when you created your account is not the same as the one of your payment organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Oups! Il semblerait que le pays que nous vous avons assigné lors de votre inscription n'est pas le même que celui de votre organisme de paiement."
      "CountryChangePopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We <u>only</u> use your country of residence in order to suggest country-specific educational content to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous utilisons votre pays de résidence <u>uniquement</u> pour vous fournir du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire de celui-ci."
      "CountryChangePopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have changed country since your account creation, or if the wrong one was assigned to you, you can change it here:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez changé de pays de résidence ou que celui-ci vous avait été assigné par erreur, vous pouvez le changer ci-dessous:"
      "CountryChangePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été effectué!"
      "ToConfirmStudentsBadge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% student(s) pending validation"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% élève(s) en attente de validation"
      "StudentsInThisClassroom2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group's students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe"
      "ConditionsUpdateAgreement" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and I accept the new Terms and Conditions"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai lu et j'accepte les nouvelles conditions d'utilisation"
      "NoClassroomListSubheader3" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no challenges in this group. Which product would you like to use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne contient aucun défi. Quel produit souhaitez-vous utiliser?"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou rejeter des élèves directement sur la liste de vos élèves"
      "newGroupTroubadourWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "100% web-based application. No installation required."
        "fr-CA" => "Application 100% en ligne. Ne demande pas d’installation."
      "ThanksForBuyingPackagesLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing a subscription package. A receipt has been sent to %$0username%."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir acheté un abonnement. Un reçu a été envoyé à l’adresse %$0username%."
      "newGroupConstellationWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "* An application must be installed on the students' device."
        "fr-CA" => "* Une application doit être installée sur l’appareil des élèves."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username has been successfully updated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur a été modifié avec succès!"
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court"
    "LogIn" => [
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous"
      "Welcome" => [
        "en-CA" => "To start using the game and the teacher administration web site, you must first confirm your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour commencer à utiliser le jeu et l'interface Web, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse courriel."
      "CodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code"
      "Greatings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello, %$0firstname% %$1lastname%"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "NameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "GetBrowser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Install %$0navName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenir %$0navName%"
      "loginLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to the teacher platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous pour accéder à la plateforme enseignant."
      "TroubTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo"
      "WelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue à la constellation de l'ours!"
      "confirmEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer mon compte"
      "FreeTrialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free, no credit card required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites un essai gratuitement, aucune carte de crédit nécessaire!"
      "TroubDemoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to try the app from a child’s perspective."
        "fr-CA" => "Envie de faire un essai rapide du point de vue de l'élève?"
      "restaureEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel the change of address"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler le changement d'adresse"
      "AdmMobileLogIn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous!"
      "AndOrTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "and/or"
        "fr-CA" => "et/ou"
      "FreeTrialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start your <span>%$0duration% days</span> free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer votre essai gratuit de <span>%$0duration% jours</span>"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas de compte?"
      "ThanksYouEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Boreal Tales! © Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi La Constellation de l’Ours! © Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "ConfirmEmailAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your navigator:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur:"
      "FreeTrialLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once connected, you will have the opportunity to start a free trial for <span>%$0duration% days</span>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois connecté, vous pourrez faire un essai gratuit de <span>%$0duration% jours</span>!"
      "GetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "To start using the game and the teacher administration web site, you must first confirm your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour commencer à utiliser le jeu et le site web d'administration enseignant, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse"
      "MoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn More"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "confirmNewEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my new address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer ma nouvelle adresse"
      "createMyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Creer mon compte"
      "ConfirmEmailAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*If the button does not work, click the following link or copy it into the address bar of your browser:"
        "fr-CA" => "*Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: "
      "ConstFeatureAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For children age 6 to 12 years old"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans"
      "ConstFeatureGame" => [
        "en-CA" => "Children will create stories they can explore like in a video game"
        "fr-CA" => "Les enfants créent des histoires qu’ils peuvent explorer comme dans un jeu vidéo"
      "DisplayOurPrices" => [
        "en-CA" => "See our prices"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir nos prix"
      "DownloadGameLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ProductLoginLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "ClickHereLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez ici"
      "DisplayOurCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir notre catalogue"
      "DownloadGameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the game"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléchargez le jeu"
      "ProductAccessLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder"
      "ScrollDownLinkTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scroll down"
        "fr-CA" => "Défiler vers le bas"
      "TroubStudentLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student access"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès étudiant"
      "TroubTeacherLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher log"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion enseignant"
      "AccountCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d’avoir validé le courriel de confirmation qui a été envoyé à %$0email%."
      "AppDescriptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher admin platform enables you to manage your groups, your students and your subscription packages!"
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme enseignant vous permet de gérer vos groupes, vos élèves et vos abonnements!"
      "ConstFeatureWorlds" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of objects and characters children can use to populate the worlds they create"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers d’objets et de personnages pour peupler les mondes des enfants "
      "PasswordResetLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "To reset your password, please click on the link below."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, merci de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
      "AccountCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d'avoir                        validé le courriel                        de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "AccountCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have sucessfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "AppDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A literary and artistic creation ecosystem "
        "fr-CA" => "Un écosystème de création littéraire et artistique"
      "ConstFeatureCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of writing and reading challenges designed by specialists in education"
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis d’écriture et de lecture conçu par des spécialistes de l’éducation"
      "ForgotPasscodeHello" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hi,"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour,"
      "ForgotPasscodeIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have requested all your members' codes."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez demandé à recevoir les codes de vos membres."
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid username or password."
        "fr-CA" => "Mauvais nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe."
      "MailActivationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer votre compte"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal,<br> (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "YouMayClosePageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may close this page :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez fermer cette page :)"
      "resetPasswordButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "EmailValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du courriel"
      "StudentAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un élève"
      "UsernameChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email has been successfully changed!"
        "fr-CA" => " Votre courriel a bien été modifié!"
      "ForgotPasscodeMembers" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are your members' codes:"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les codes de vos membres:"
      "ForgotPasscodeSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your family codes"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos codes de votre famille"
      "NanomonxExpertisePara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based in Montreal, our team strives to design products that allow you to experience writing and reading in a unique and fun way."
        "fr-CA" => "Basée à Montréal, notre équipe s’applique à concevoir des produits qui permettent d’expérimenter l’écriture et la lecture d’une façon unique et amusante."
      "NanomonxProductsPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez nos plateformes polyvalentes conçues créer, raconter et partager."
      "ValidationEmailThanks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de nous avoir choisi !"
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "constTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“I am a sixth-grade teacher and I have been using Boreal Tales for three years now. The students love it, and if I happen to forget to include it on the weekly activities schedule... I hear about it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Je suis un enseignant de sixième année et voilà maintenant trois ans que j'utilise La Constellation de l'Ours. Les élèves adorent et si j'ai le malheur de ne pas inscrire La Constellation au menu des activités de la semaine... j'en entends parler! »"
      "constTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We are a homeschool "class" (family) and my boys loved building their own Indigenous village (one in Algonquin mode, the other in Iroquois mode), accompanied by reference books, and presenting their work to highlight the differences between their ways of life. This has been our most in-depth work so far, we are new subscribers but already love Boreal Tales!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous sommes une “classe” (famille) d’école maison et mes garçons ont beaucoup aimé construire chacun un village autochtone (l’un en mode algonquien, l’autre en mode iroquoien), accompagnés de livres de référence, et se présenter le fruit de leur travail pour dénoter les différences entre les modes de vie. Cela a été notre travail le plus approfondi jusqu’ici, nous sommes nouvellement abonnés mais on aime déjà beaucoup La Constellation de l’Ours! »"
      "constTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The children are thrilled, as is the teacher... I have not yet seen anything equivalent or as much appetite for writing among our students.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les enfants sont emballés, la maîtresse aussi…. Je n’ai encore rien vu d’équivalent ni autant d’appétence à écrire chez nos élèves. »"
      "constTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Hello, my daughter is homeschooled. We just downloaded the game 2 days ago... she loves it. She has never written and corrected so much, especially since she hates writing... so first of all, a big congratulations for your game.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Bonjour, ma fille fait école à la maison. Nous venons de télécharger le jeu depuis 2 jours..elle en raffole. Elle n’a jamais autant écrit et corrigé, elle qui déteste le français...alors d’abord un gros bravo pour votre jeu. »"
      "CompatibilityErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to have access to all the features of the teacher platform, we recommend that you install and use one of the following browsers."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin que vous puissiez bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités de la plateforme enseignant, nous vous recommandons d'installer l'un des navigateurs suivants."
      "EmailAdressPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel"
      "ForgotPasscodeThankYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your confidence."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de votre confiance."
      "MailResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser votre compte"
      "NanomonxExpertisePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Nous permettons aux enfants d’explorer le pouvoir des mots dans différents contextes : raconter des histoires, partager les moments marquants de leur journée ou imaginer des aventures fantastiques."
      "NanomonxExpertiseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expertise"
        "fr-CA" => "Savoir faire"
      "ProductMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "TitleConfirmNewAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have successfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "TroubadourLoginTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "The perfect web app to develop writing skills!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'application Web idéale pour travailler l'écriture!"
      "ValidationWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We welcome you to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue à la constellation de l'ours!"
      "NanomonxMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are we?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui sommes-nous?"
      "NanomonxStrengthDiverse" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Encourager l’écriture dans différents contextes."
      "NanomonxStrengthSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Favoriser l’apprentissage de l’écriture par le jeu et le partage."
      "ThankYouForYourPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "constTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Christian Fecteau, Paul VI, CSSDL"
        "fr-CA" => "- Christian Fecteau, École Paul VI, CSSDL"
      "constTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
      "constTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mary Perron, Elementary school La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mary Perron, École primaire La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
      "constTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "\u{A0}- Catherine Cabana, Mother and teacher at home"
        "fr-CA" => "- Catherine Cabana, Mère et enseignante à la maison"
      "CompatibilityErrorTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your browser is unfortunately no longer supported."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre navigateur n'est malheureusement pas supporté."
      "ForgotPasscodeMemberCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code: %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Code: %$0%"
      "ForgotPasscodeMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name: %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom: %$0%"
      "NanomonxStrengthSecurity" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce qu’on écrit dans un environnement sécurisé."
      "NanomonxUnifiedLoginPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "A single connection for all our platforms, whether you are a student or a teacher!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une même connexion pour toutes nos plateformes, que vous soyez élève ou enseignant!"
      "ValidationEmailCopyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "© Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "© Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "NanomonxUnifiedLoginPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une même connexion pour toutes nos plateformes, que vous soyez élève, enfant, parent ou enseignant!"
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use both of our products: <b>Boreal Tales</b> and <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : <b>La Constellation de l’Ours</b> et <b>Troubadour</b>."
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please confirm your account in order to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez confirmer votre compte pour continuer"
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your Nanomonx account now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez votre compte Nanomonx maintenant!"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "NanomonxStrengthCreativity" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Développer sa créativité, sa facilité a s’exprimer et à construire ses idées."
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "UsernameChangeConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my new address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer ma nouvelle adresse"
      "titleStudentNoAccountPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only your teacher can create an account for you."
        "fr-CA" => "Seul ton enseignant peut te créer un compte."
      "CompatibilityDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using an up-to-date browser will enable a smoother and more secure web browsing experience."
        "fr-CA" => "Disposer d'un navigateur récent vous permettra d'avoir une navigation plus fluide et sécurisée sur internet."
      "UsernameChangedConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been changed on Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ValidateNewAccountEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before logging in, validate your email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d’avoir validé le courriel de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "ValidationEmailCDOVideoPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for your students. We suggest showing it to your class before the first use."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour vos élèves, que nous suggérons de présenter en classe avant la première utilisation."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use our two products: <b>Boreal Tales</b> and <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : <b>La Constellation de l’Ours</b> et <b>Troubadour</b>."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To help you get started, we've put together a few instructional videos."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de bien débuter, nous vous proposons quelques vidéos explicatives."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You Nanomonx account is almost created."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte Nanomonx est presque créé."
      "CompatibilityDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why should I use a more up-to-date browser?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi utiliser un navigateur récent est important ?"
      "TroubStudentNoAccountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "I don’t have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n'ai pas de compte"
      "TroubStudentForgottenPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "I forgot my password"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai oublié mon mot de passe"
      "PurchaseEmailConfirmAccntTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get started by first creating your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez créer votre compte pour commencer"
      "TroubPurchaseEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account on our platform to begin benefiting from your subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour profiter de votre abonnement, créez-vous un compte sur notre plateforme."
      "ValidationEmailGetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "A single account to use our products, oversee your classes and manage subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul compte pour utiliser tous nos produits, administrer vos classes et gérer des abonnements."
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideo1Link" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideo2Link" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideoPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for the teacher, covering the basics of creating challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour l’enseignant, couvrant les bases de la création de défis."
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideoPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for your students. We suggest showing it to your class before the first use."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour vos élèves, que nous suggérons de présenter en classe avant la première utilisation."
      "Thisaccounttypecannotloginhere." => [
        "en-CA" => "This account type cannot log in here."
        "fr-CA" => "This account type cannot login here."
      "UsernameChangeConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to reactivate your account, you first need to confirm your address. You will then be able to log in to the teacher platform using this email address."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de réactiver votre compte, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse. Vous pourrez ensuite vous connecter à la plateforme enseignant en utilisant cette adresse courriel."
      "titleStudentForgotPasswordPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Demande à ton enseignant."
      "NanomonxEmailThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi Nanomonx!"
      "TroubValidationEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to start using Troubadour in just a few minutes :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez commencer à utiliser Troubadour en quelques minutes :)"
      "TroubValidationEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account is almost ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est presque créé!"
      "UsernameChangedConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address used for Boreal Tales has changed. If this change was not made by you, click on the link below to restore your email. We also recommend that you change your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur La Constellation de l'Ours. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de ce changement, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour restaurer votre courriel. Nous vous conseillons aussi de changer de mot de passe."
      "ValidationEmailConfirmAccntTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please confirm your account to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez confirmer votre compte pour continuer"
      "descriptionStudentNoAccountPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have a Boreal Tales account? Use it to log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as un compte de La Constellation de l’Ours? Utilise-le pour te connecter!"
      "NanomonxLandingPageDescriptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes student learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture creativity, engagement and motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité, suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara1PlainText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use our two products: Boreal Tales and Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : La Constellation de l’Ours et Troubadour."
      "descriptionStudentForgotPasswordPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you no longer have your password, your teacher can create a new one for you."
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’as plus ton mot de passe, ton enseignant peut t’en créer un nouveau."
      "NanomonxEmailUsernameChangedConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been changed on the Nanomonx website"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur le site de Nanomonx"
      "NanomonxEmailUsernameChangedConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been modified on the Nanomonx website"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur Nanomonx.                Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de ce changement, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour restaurer votre courriel.                Nous vous conseillons aussi de changer de mot de passe."
      "Authenticationrequestcouldnotbeprocessedduetoasystemproblem." => [
        "en-CA" => "Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion."
    "Global" => [
      "By" => [
        "en-CA" => "by"
        "fr-CA" => "par"
      "Go" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Go"
      "No" => [
        "en-CA" => "No"
        "fr-CA" => "Non"
      "OK" => [
        "en-CA" => "OK"
        "fr-CA" => "OK"
      "Ok" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ok"
        "fr-CA" => "Ok"
      "Or" => [
        "en-CA" => "Or"
        "fr-CA" => "Ou"
      "by" => [
        "en-CA" => "by"
        "fr-CA" => "par"
      "All" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "And" => [
        "en-CA" => "and"
        "fr-CA" => "et "
      "Day" => [
        "en-CA" => "Day"
        "fr-CA" => "Jour"
      "Non" => [
        "en-CA" => "No"
        "fr-CA" => "Non"
      "Oui" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui"
      "Yes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui"
      "all" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "Help" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "Here" => [
        "en-CA" => "here"
        "fr-CA" => "ici"
      "Next" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next"
        "fr-CA" => "Suivante"
      "Page" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page"
        "fr-CA" => "Page"
      "Quit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer"
      "Time" => [
        "en-CA" => "Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Temps"
      "User" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "Year" => [
        "en-CA" => "Year"
        "fr-CA" => "Année"
      "Yes!" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui!"
      "allF" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Toutes"
      "Adult" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adult"
        "fr-CA" => "Adulte"
      "Child" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child"
        "fr-CA" => "Enfant"
      "Close" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer"
      "Error" => [
        "en-CA" => "Error"
        "fr-CA" => "Erreur"
      "Every" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "Floor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ground"
        "fr-CA" => "Sol"
      "Hello" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0name%, "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0name%, "
      "Label" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base sous les objets"
      "Large" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grand"
      "Level" => [
        "en-CA" => "Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau"
      "Loved" => [
        "en-CA" => "WOW!"
        "fr-CA" => "WOW!"
      "Micro" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tiny"
        "fr-CA" => "Micro"
      "Month" => [
        "en-CA" => "Month"
        "fr-CA" => "Mois"
      "Owner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire"
      "Small" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petit"
      "Stars" => [
        "en-CA" => "star(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "étoile(s)"
      "Start" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer"
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "À quel jeu souhaitez vous jouer?"
      "Total" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total"
        "fr-CA" => "Total"
      "Words" => [
        "en-CA" => "words"
        "fr-CA" => "mots"
      "login" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Se connecter"
      "Amount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre"
      "Cancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "Create" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer"
      "Cycle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "1st and 2nd grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 1er cycle"
      "Cycle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "3rd and 4th grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 2e cycle"
      "Cycle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "5th grade and up"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 3e cycle"
      "Cycle4" => [
        "en-CA" => "7th and 8th grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Secondaire 1er cycle"
      "Delete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "IsUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the user"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes l'utilisateur"
      "LogOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log Out"
        "fr-CA" => "Se déconnecter"
      "Logout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log out"
        "fr-CA" => "Se déconnecter"
      "MadeBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Made by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "Medium" => [
        "en-CA" => "Average"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyen"
      "Modify" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "MyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "My text"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon texte"
      "Parent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent"
      "Public" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public"
        "fr-CA" => "Public"
      "Status" => [
        "en-CA" => "Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut"
      "Submit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre"
      "AppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "Archive" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archive"
        "fr-CA" => "Archiver"
      "Between" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre"
      "Catalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue"
      "Chapter" => [
        "en-CA" => "section"
        "fr-CA" => "partie"
      "Confirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer"
      "Country" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays"
      "Details" => [
        "en-CA" => "Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Détails"
      "Enabled" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activé"
      "EndDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter la demo"
      "Explore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exploration"
        "fr-CA" => "Exploration"
      "FSError" => [
        "en-CA" => "It seems that your screen is too small. Troubadour is not designed for small screens like those of cell phones."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble que l’écran soit trop petit.Troubadour n’est pas conçu pour de petits écrans comme des cellulaires."
      "Filters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filters"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtres"
      "History" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "MyScene" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma scène"
      "Private" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private"
        "fr-CA" => "Privé"
      "Restore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorize"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser"
      "AddLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter"
      "AllTexts" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the texts"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les textes"
      "AppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales Teacher Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, plateforme enseignant."
      "BuyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter"
      "Chapters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Parties"
      "Continue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "CopyCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy code"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le code"
      "Disabled" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivé"
      "FSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to full screen"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer en plein écran"
      "FilterBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par"
      "GameName" => [
        "en-CA" => "BOREAL TALES"
      "HelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "KnowMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn More"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "LookText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Look at the text"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le texte"
      "NextStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "Optional" => [
        "en-CA" => "Optional"
        "fr-CA" => "Optionnelle"
      "OrgLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
      "Oversize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Huge"
        "fr-CA" => "Énorme"
      "Previous" => [
        "en-CA" => "Previous"
        "fr-CA" => "Précédente"
      "ReadMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read the rest"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire la suite"
      "Revised2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bien"
      "TeamName" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Nanomonx Team"
        "fr-CA" => "L'équipe de Nanomonx"
      "TrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "Tutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "lastStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last step"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape"
      "loginAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login!"
        "fr-CA" => "Se connecter!"
      "Challenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "challenge(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "défi(s)"
      "Completed" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complété"
      "Configure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer"
      "Continuer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "Copyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "&copy; Copyright 2024 by %$0Nanomonx%."
        "fr-CA" => "&copy; Copyright 2024 par %$0Nanomonx%."
      "FreeTrial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit"
      "Greatings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hi, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "Greetings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "GroupCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access Code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code d'accès"
      "MyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon compte"
      "NewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "News"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveautés"
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "Next step" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape suivante"
      "NoComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "No comments yet"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun commentaire pour l'instant"
      "Preschool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Preschool"
        "fr-CA" => "Préscolaire"
      "ResetText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset the text to this state"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre le texte dans cet état"
      "SeatCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges utilisés"
      "SelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout sélectionner"
      "SendLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer"
      "ToImprove" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be improved"
        "fr-CA" => "À améliorer"
      "Unlimited" => [
        "en-CA" => "unlimited"
        "fr-CA" => "illimité"
      "WhoAreYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tell us more about yourself. Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Maintenant, qui êtes-vous?"
      "YourEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel"
      "loginAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez vous"
      "titleDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the game!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essaie le jeu!"
      "AddComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire"
      "BackToHome" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to homepage"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à l'accueil"
      "Background" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene set"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors"
      "Categories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories"
      "ClassLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Classe"
      "CloseWithX" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "&times;&nbsp;Fermer"
      "Conclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "Connection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connection"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "CopiedCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Code copié!"
      "CopiedLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Link copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lien copié!"
      "DescGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google accounts only work with Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation du compte Google fonctionne uniquement avec Troubadour"
      "DoNotShare" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not share"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne pas le partager"
      "EmailLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse courriel"
      "EmptyGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no groups..."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez présentement aucun groupe..."
      "EmptyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work done"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail réalisé"
      "ExpiryDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expiration date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'expiration"
      "FBImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Foreground" => [
        "en-CA" => "Foreground"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant-plan"
      "HelloLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour"
      "HelpVideos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial videos"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules explicatives"
      "InProgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will be able to add and modify whatever they want."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra ajouter et modifier ce qu’il veut."
      "IndexLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "MyAccount1" => [
        "en-CA" => "My account | "
        "fr-CA" => "Mon compte | "
      "MyStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes élèves"
      "NmxPresent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Presents"
        "fr-CA" => "Présente"
      "OldComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your last comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre dernier commentaire"
      "Onboarding" => [
        "en-CA" => "Setting up your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en route"
      "OpenCdoApp" => [
        "en-CA" => "Open the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Ouvrir l’application"
      "PageNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page %$0pageNumber%"
        "fr-CA" => "Page %$0pageNumber%"
      "ReadButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire"
      "SeatAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de siège(s)"
      "SeeHistory" => [
        "en-CA" => "View history"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l'historique"
      "TheCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Le Catalogue de défis"
      "TrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "Understood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Got it"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai compris"
      "titleAsset" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build your scene "
        "fr-CA" => "Construis ta scène "
      "titleIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here we go!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est parti!"
      "wordCount3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="word-count"></span> word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="word-count"></span> mot(s)"
      "wordCount4" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="word-count">0</span> word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="word-count">0</span> mot(s)"
      "AcceptLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Accept"
        "fr-CA" => "Accepter"
      "AdmMetaName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "BoldTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Gras"
      "CatalogLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "ChooseLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "ContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact"
        "fr-CA" => "Contacter"
      "DeepLinkURL" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "DeleteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DescGoogle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google accounts only work with <span>Troubadour</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation du compte Google fonctionne uniquement avec <span>Troubadour</span>"
      "DescGoogle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use a standard account for Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un compte standard pour La Constellation"
      "Description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "DiscoverCDO" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrir La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "DisplayHelp" => [
        "en-CA" => "More Info"
        "fr-CA" => "Afficher l'aide"
      "DownloadUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EditContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit title and instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le titre et les consignes"
      "EmailLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email"
        "fr-CA" => "Courriel"
      "EmptyStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "No challenges..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi..."
      "EndTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter le tutoriel"
      "FBImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "FamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "GalleryLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio"
      "GiveLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder l'abonnement"
      "IAmAStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un élève"
      "IAmATeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un enseignant"
      "IndexButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Index"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "InfoLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Limitations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restrictions"
        "fr-CA" => "Limitations"
      "LoginNeeded" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "LookComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "View comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le commentaire"
      "ManageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion"
      "MinuteCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% minutes"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% minutes"
      "MyChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "Myclassroom" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "NewPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un mot de passe"
      "NonEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unchangeable"
        "fr-CA" => "Non-modifiable"
      "NotEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Unchangeable)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Non-modifiable)"
      "ReturnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner"
      "SaveChanges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Enregistrer les modifications"
      "SceneCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene %$0SceneCount%"
        "fr-CA" => "Scène %$0SceneCount%"
      "SchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School"
        "fr-CA" => "École"
      "SearchInput" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search"
        "fr-CA" => "Rechercher"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "StopReading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop reading"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter la lecture"
      "StudentWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux de l’élève"
      "SubmitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre"
      "TargetLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Targeted Grade Levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires ciblés"
      "ThanksLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thanks!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci!"
      "ToSeeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter"
      "TwitterLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Unsubscribe" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Se désabonner"
      "WriteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write!"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire!"
      "YourComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment on this text"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire sur ce texte"
      "buttonStart" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let’s begin!"
        "fr-CA" => "On commence!"
      "infoLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "troub_plume" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_plume"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_plume"
      "404TextTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oups!"
      "ActivateAll1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate all"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout activer"
      "AddToGallery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students’ work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux à votre portfolio"
      "AdmMetaTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx, Ignite Imagination"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx, Éveiller l'imaginaire"
      "AllDialogues" => [
        "en-CA" => "All dialogs"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les dialogues"
      "BackToGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux groupes"
      "BillingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing"
        "fr-CA" => "Facturation"
      "CancelForNow" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler pour l'instant"
      "CategoryMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Menu de création"
      "ChapterCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% section :"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% partie :"
      "CheckoutStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Checkout"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la caisse"
      "ConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DeselectAll1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deselect all"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout déselectionner"
      "DownloadLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the Game "
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger le jeu"
      "FacebookLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ForNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de famille"
      "GetSeatsStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenir des sièges"
      "ImportButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "InProgStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Rédaction libre"
      "Instructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "Introduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Introduction"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction"
      "KalendarLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "LexiconTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans La Constellation de l'Ours!"
      "LoginMethods" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Méthodes de connexion"
      "MatOverLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base au dessus des objets"
      "MatVoidLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base invisible"
      "MyChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes Défis"
      "NoTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write some text here"
        "fr-CA" => "Écris un texte ici"
      "OrgTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Organization type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’organisation"
      "OurGamesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platforms"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos plateformes"
      "PartnersText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaires"
      "PathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Writing Pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Le parcours d'écriture"
      "PaymnentStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Checkout"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement"
      "RefuseLogOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse and log out"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser et se déconnecter"
      "RememberMeCb" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remember me"
        "fr-CA" => "Se souvenir de moi"
      "SceneryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene set"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "SeeThisGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "See this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ce groupe"
      "ShareButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez"
      "SharedUCText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Provide this address to anyone for whom you wish to share this story:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cette adresse à quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire cette histoires : "
      "StatusFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut des travaux"
      "StudentCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students(%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves(%$0variableA%)"
      "StudentTasks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "StudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes élèves"
      "SubjectLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Sujet"
      "SubjectTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Targeted school subjects:"
        "fr-CA" => "Matières scolaires ciblées:"
      "Subscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement"
      "TakeALicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "TakeLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre abonnement!"
      "TeacherPanel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Plateforme Enseignant"
      "The licenses" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements"
      "TroubTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo!"
      "YourFullName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your name "
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nom"
      "demoEndTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You’ve reached the end…  <br/> for now!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est terminé... <br/>pour l'instant!"
      "galleryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio"
      "instructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "titleScenery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your setting"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis ton décor "
      "AddNewComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a new comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un nouveau commentaire"
      "AddPageButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a page"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter une page"
      "AllClassrooms" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "AssignLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "AucunResultat" => [
        "en-CA" => "No results found..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun résultat trouvé..."
      "BadMailFormat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email address isn't valid"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas valide"
      "BirthDayLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Date of Birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Date de naissance"
      "CancelChanges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler les changements"
      "CatalogButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View our template catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre catalogue de gabarits"
      "ChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du défi"
      "CloseTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate the tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le tutoriel"
      "ComingSoonTBD" => [
        "en-CA" => "Coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ça s’en vient!"
      "ConstHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "CreateNewUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new user"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouvel utilisateur"
      "DeleteTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DownPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The site is currently under maintenance."
        "fr-CA" => "Le site est actuellement en maintenance."
      "EmailLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel"
      "EmptyActivity" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun abonnement..."
      "FSRestriction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go full screen to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Passez en plein écran pour continuer"
      "FamilyVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Version famille"
      "FilterByGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by group"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par groupe"
      "FinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai fini!"
      "FormTitleVal1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Director"
        "fr-CA" => "Directeur.trice"
      "FormTitleVal2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant.e"
      "FormTitleVal3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste"
      "FormTitleVal4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent-educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent-éducateur"
      "FormTitleVal5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pedagogical advisor"
        "fr-CA" => "Conseiller.ère pédagogique"
      "GoToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "View portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le portfolio"
      "HelpVideosUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "InClassroomOf" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the group of"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le groupe de"
      "IndentTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Indenter"
      "InfiniteStory" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Histoire infinie"
      "InstagramLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IntroModText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In Narration Mode, students must place their text only at the entrance of each island.<br><br>This usually leads to a better structured redaction, as the students' texts are written, and automatically placed, in the intended sequence. This is very useful to work on the narrative structure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode Narration permet une création plus structurée pour l'élève. Il sera amené à rédiger un seul texte par île afin de construire son travail en parties distinctes.<br><br>La création et la rédaction s'en retrouvent ainsi mieux structurées, car les textes de l'élèves sont écrits, et automatiquement placés, dans la séquence souhaitée. Pratique pour travailler le schéma narratif!"
      "IntroModText2" => [
        "en-CA" => " In this Mode, it will be impossible for students to add text to objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans ce mode, il sera impossible pour les élèves d'ajouter du texte sur les objets et les personnages."
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "ItalicTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Italique"
      "JobTitleAdmin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrator"
        "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
      "JobTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
        "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
      "ManageStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my students"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes élèves"
      "MatUnderLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base sous les objets"
      "MaturityLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Maturity Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau de maturité"
      "MoreInfosSite" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information site"
        "fr-CA" => "Site informatif"
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "NoSubjectText" => [
        "en-CA" => "none"
        "fr-CA" => "aucune"
      "NoteToTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Note à l'enseignant"
      "OrgTypeFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "OwnedLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer"
      "PasswordLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe"
      "Previous step" => [
        "en-CA" => "Previous step"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape précédente"
      "PutToTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille"
      "ResendUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "RetryRightNow" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try again now"
        "fr-CA" => "Réessayez tout de suite"
      "RevisionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision needed"
        "fr-CA" => "Révision nécessaire"
      "SchoolVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Version scolaire"
      "SharedUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story $%title% has been shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire $%title% est partagée!"
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strikethrough"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "StudentCount3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students (%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves (%$0variableA%)"
      "StudentGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes"
      "StudentPlaces" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students allowed"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves permis"
      "TextRevisions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text history"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique du texte"
      "TrashCanLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "TroubHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil Troubadour"
      "TutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "TutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "UntitledLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Untitled"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans titre"
      "UserNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'utilisateur"
      "VideosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "WannaPlayDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to play? "
        "fr-CA" => "Envie de jouer?"
      "WhiteListMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Libre-service"
      "WorldNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred during the recovery of the world."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération du monde."
      "brushTooltip2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour."
        "fr-CA" => "L'outil pinceau transformera votre curseur. Il suffit simplement de surligner un mot pour en changer la couleur."
      "demoStartDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in fall 2024."
        "fr-CA" => "Offert à l'automne 2024."
      "titlePageDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great, the page is done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super, la page est terminée!"
      "titleRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Final step: Review"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape: Révision"
      "200TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success!"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès!"
      "403TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to be logged in to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accèder à cette page"
      "404TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
      "500TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops! An error has occurred."
        "fr-CA" => "Oh non! Une erreur s'est produite"
      "AddCodeCBLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un mot de passe"
      "AddGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un groupe"
      "AddToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter au portfolio"
      "AdultNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of an adult"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un adulte"
      "AllGroupsShown" => [
        "en-CA" => "All my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "AllLevelsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All Grade Levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les niveaux scolaires"
      "AnErrorOccured" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occured"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite"
      "AppDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connect to the Boreal Tales teacher platform. Boreal Tales is a literary and artistic creation ecosystem designed specifically to motivate elementary school students to write."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès à la plateforme enseignant de La Constellation de l'Ours, écosystème de création littéraire et artistique conçu spécialement pour les élèves du primaire."
      "BabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "CDOHomePageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi: %$0ChallengeTitle%"
      "ChallengesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "ChildNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un enfant"
      "ClassroomsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "CloseTutorial1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may discontinue the tutorial at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez plus suivre le tutoriel, vous pouvez le désactiver à tout moment."
      "CloseTutorial2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can restart the tutorial on the <a href='/manager/account'>My Account page</a> ."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez réinitialiser le tutoriel sur la page <a href='/manager/account'>Mon compte</a>."
      "CompletedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminés"
      "CompletedState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi terminé"
      "ConfirmPremium" => [
        "en-CA" => "GO!"
        "fr-CA" => "GO!"
      "ConfirmTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm and close"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer et fermer"
      "ContactLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "CopyShareLink3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy share link"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le lien de partage"
      "CurrentComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your current comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire en cours"
      "DeepLinkButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download page"
        "fr-CA" => "Page de téléchargement"
      "EmptyDialogues" => [
        "en-CA" => "This scene has no text."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette scène n'a pas de dialogue."
      "ExpirationDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le"
      "FSErrorContact" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're using a tablet or computer and continue to experience difficulties, please <a href="%$0contactLink%">contact us</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous êtes sur une tablette ou un ordinateur et que cela ne marche toujours pas, <a href="%$0contactLink%">contactez-nous</a>."
      "FamilyUseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation familiale?"
      "FavoritesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Favourites"
        "fr-CA" => "Favoris"
      "FinishedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Fini"
      "FirstNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "First Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Prénom"
      "ForgotPasscode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Forgot your password?"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe oublié?"
      "FormTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "FreeTrialBadge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including %$0count% Free Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant %$0count% sièges gratuits"
      "GroupFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information about your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations sur votre groupe"
      "InConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "In construction"
        "fr-CA" => "En construction"
      "InRevisionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will only be able to modify the texts indicated as <span>Needs rework</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra uniquement modifier les textes indiqués comme <span>À retravailler</span>."
      "IncludingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including:"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant:"
      "InfoFAQLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InputTextEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the email address of the recipient"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez l’adresse courriel du destinataire"
      "IntroModeVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IsSharedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagé"
      "NeedHelpButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need help?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin d'aide?"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas de compte?"
      "NoRevisionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have not marked any texts as <span>Needs rework</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas marqué de textes comme étant <span>À retravailler</span>"
      "NotEnoughSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Insufficient Number of Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges disponibles insuffisants"
      "OrgTypeDaycare" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare"
        "fr-CA" => "Garderie"
      "OrgTypeLibrary" => [
        "en-CA" => "Library"
        "fr-CA" => "Bibliothèque"
      "PendingStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l'élève"
      "PostponeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I will do this later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je le ferai plus tard"
      "QuoteFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
      "ReadyToGoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your turn to write"
        "fr-CA" => "À toi d’écrire"
      "ResetTutorial1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you missed part of the tutorial, or haven't recently logged-in to the teacher admin platform, you may wish to restart the tutorial. You will then be guided step-by-step, through the use of the teacher admin platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous pensez avoir raté une étape ou que vous ne vous êtes pas connecté depuis longtemps au site d'administration, n'hésitez pas à réinitialiser le tutoriel. Vous serez alors guidé pas à pas dans l'utilisation de la plateforme enseignant. "
      "ResetTutorial2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to skip steps or deactivate the tutorial at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez à tout moment ignorer des étapes ou fermer le tutoriel."
      "ReviewListTile" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger les travaux"
      "RevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students' Work (%$0UCCount%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux des élèves (%$0UCCount%)"
      "SampleTitleTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mes vacances d'été"
      "SendToPorfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "SetupChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit settings for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer ce défi"
      "SignupEndtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following information will help us suggest challenges that are best suited to your needs."
        "fr-CA" => "Les informations suivantes nous permettront de vous proposer des défis adaptés à vos besoins."
      "StudentProfile" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil de l’Élève"
      "TeacherComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher's comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "TelephoneLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Telephone"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléphone"
      "ThanksSentence" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're looking forward to seing you there soon, <br><b>The Nanomonx team</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Au plaisir de vous y voir bientôt, <br><b>L'équipe de Nanomonx</b>"
      "ToReviewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Waiting for Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "À corriger"
      "TransferLegend" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great news, %$0firstname% %$1lastname%"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne nouvelle, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "TroubDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour: the perfect web app to work on writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : l’appli web idéale pour travailler l’écriture!"
      "TroubFreeDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "All you need to do is <a href="%$0signuplink%">create an account</a> and add your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c'est de <a href="%$0signuplink%">créer votre compte</a> et ajoutez vos élèves."
      "TroubMetaTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour! Writing as an adventure"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour! L'aventure de l'écriture"
      "TutoStep0Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The first step has been completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "La première étape est terminée!"
      "TutoStep0Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <u>Créer mon premier groupe.</u>"
      "TutoStep0Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to manage many subscription packages for a school or a group of schools, go to <b>My Subscription Packages.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez gérer de nombreux abonnements pour une école ou un regroupement d’écoles, dirigez-vous vers <b>Gérer mes abonnements.</b>"
      "TutoStep1Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is now time to create your first group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer votre premier groupe!"
      "TutoStep1Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups are where you add students and where you submit writing challenges to them."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est à partir du groupe que vous pourrez ajouter des élèves et lancer des défis d’écriture."
      "TutoStep2Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Your group has now been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait! Votre groupe est maintenant créé."
      "TutoStep2Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now that your group has been created, your students will be able to join it and work on your challenges. You can also add your students to your group yourself."
        "fr-CA" => "Maintenant que votre groupe est créé, vos élèves pourront s’y ajouter et relever des défis. Vous pouvez également ajouter vous-mêmes vos élèves à votre groupe."
      "TutoStep2Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Speaking of challenges, why not start creating one? Go to <b>My Challenges</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Parlant de défis, pourquoi ne pas en créer un dès maintenant? Allez sur <b>Mes défis</b>."
      "TutoStep3Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un défi"
      "TutoStep3Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges are the creation and writing exercises that your students must complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis sont les exercices de création et d’écriture que doivent réaliser vos élèves."
      "TutoStep3Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clicking on the button <b>Create Challenge for this Group</b> will allow you to create a challenge using a template from our catalog, or to create one from scratch."
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer sur le bouton <b>Créer un défi pour ce groupe</b> vous permettra de créer un défi depuis notre catalogue ou en le paramétrant vous-même."
      "TutoStep4Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure your challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer votre défi."
      "TutoStep4Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following settings let you configure a challenge specifically tailored to your students and the learning objectives. You can start very simply by entering only a title and instructions for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Les paramètres suivants vous donnent la flexibilité de créer un défi sur mesure pour vos élèves et vos objectifs pédagogiques. Vous pouvez débuter très simplement avec uniquement un titre et des consignes pour vos élèves."
      "TutoStep4Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also try to configure other settings in your future challenges, or use one of the pre-built challenges that we provide in our templates."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez essayer d’autres options dans vos prochains défis ou encore utiliser un de nos défis préconstruits que nous offrons dans nos gabarits."
      "TutoStep5Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit this challenge to your students immediately!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lancez ce défi à vos élèves tout de suite!"
      "TutoStep5Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have created a challenge, but it is deactivated by default. It will therefore not be available to your students. Challenges are deactivated by default to enable you to create them in advance and submit them when you are ready."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez créé un défi et celui-ci est désactivé par défaut. Il n’est donc pas disponible pour vos élèves. Les défis sont désactivés par défaut pour vous permettre de les créer à l’avance et de les lancer au moment qui vous convient."
      "TutoStep5Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To enable your students to play, click on <b>Activate</b>. The challenge will then be available to your students in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves puissent jouer, cliquez sur <b>Activer</b>. Le défi deviendra alors disponible pour vos élèves dans le jeu."
      "TutoStep6Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenez un abonnement"
      "TutoStep6Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now or start a free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en acheter maintenant ou faire un essai gratuit. "
      "TutoStep6Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now or start a free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez acheter maintenant ou faire un essai gratuit. "
      "TutoStep7Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en acheter maintenant."
      "TutoStep8Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account has been created and your challenge has been submitted! The only step left is to add students to your group.<br> Don’t forget! You need to install the latest version of the game on your devices in order to use it in class."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est créé et votre défi est lancé! La dernière chose qui reste à faire est d’ajouter des élèves à votre groupe.<br> N’oubliez pas! Il faut télécharger la dernière version du jeu sur les appareils qui seront utilisés en classe."
      "TutoStep8Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To do this, simply go to the page <b>My Students</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ce faire, dirigez-vous vers la page <b>Mes élèves</b>."
      "TutoStep9Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding students to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves à son groupe."
      "TutoStep9Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are two methods to add students to your group. You can manually add them by creating their accounts, defining a username and a password for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter des élèves à votre groupe, il y a deux méthodes. Vous pouvez le faire manuellement en leur créant un compte avec un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe que vous aurez choisis."
      "TutoStep9Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => " Alternatively, you can let them create their own account directly in the game by providing them with your group access code."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez aussi les laisser le faire eux-même via l'application en leur donnant votre code de classe."
      "UCFilterLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display completed works <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> and/or works currently in correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
        "fr-CA" => "Seulement afficher les travaux finis <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> ou en correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
      "UsageIndicator" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau d'utilisation"
      "UsageTypeText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales now offers tailor-made content based on usage. You will receive email messages with exercises that best fit your needs. In order to create and offer you content that is right for you, can you indicate which of these situations <u>best corresponds</u> to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours propose dorénavant du contenu sur mesure, selon le type d’utilisation. Vous recevrez des courriels contenant des exercices adaptés à vos besoins.            Afin de créer et de vous proposer du contenu qui soit pertinent pour vous, pouvez-vous nous indiquer laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "UsageTypeText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to unsubscribe from these emails at any time by following the unsubscribe link at the end of each email."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez vous désabonner de la liste d’envoi de courriels à tout moment, en suivant le lien de désabonnement situé au bas de ceux-ci."
      "UsageTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Support program"
        "fr-CA" => "Programme d'accompagnement éducatif"
      "ValidityPeriod" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validity"
        "fr-CA" => "Validité"
      "WoohooWorkDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Woohoo! Done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Woohoo! Terminé!"
      "WorkWordPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "works"
        "fr-CA" => "travaux"
      "answerKeyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigé"
      "buttonContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "demoStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez Troubadour!"
      "nanomonxBanner" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-fr"
      "stopStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop the guided writing mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter la rédaction guidée"
      "titleParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "The main text!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le grand texte!"
      "troub_marteaux" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_marteaux"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_marteaux"
      "AddStudentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève"
      "AppCatalogTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales, challenge catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, catalogue des défis."
      "BackToAdmButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "adm-back-to-game"
        "fr-CA" => "adm-back-to-game"
      "BackgroundColor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Background colour"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur de fond"
      "BackgroundImage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Background"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrière-plan"
      "BigSubWorldSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande"
      "BillingSettings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing management"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion de la facturation"
      "BuyLicenseLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to the purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir la page d'achat"
      "ChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes défis"
      "ChapterCutLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build the challenge in sections?"
        "fr-CA" => "Composer le défi en parties?"
      "ClassroomConfig" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe"
      "ClassroomFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe"
      "CompletedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complétés"
      "CorrectThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger ce travail"
      "CorrectWorkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction of students' work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger les travaux"
      "CorrectionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En correction"
      "CountryLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your country"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays"
      "CreateChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi"
      "CurrentSelected" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selected"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionné"
      "DeepLinkSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The application will load shortly. Please make sure version 4.2 (or later) is installed on your device to perform this action. Note that the operation does not work on Mac at the moment."
        "fr-CA" => "L'application devrait démarrer sous peu. Assurez-vous d’avoir installé la version 4.2 (ou ultérieure) sur votre appareil pour exécuter cette action. Veuillez noter que l’opération ne fonctionne pas sous Mac actuellement."
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Island"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "DeletionConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write CONFIRM to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Écrivez CONFIRMER pour continuer."
      "DownloadLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EmptyBinderList" => [
        "en-CA" => "As of this moment, no students have started this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le moment, on dirait bien qu’aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi"
      "EmptyInputValue" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be left empty."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette valeur ne doit pas être vide."
      "FreeTrialBanner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free Trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit!"
      "FreeTrialButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start the free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire l'essai gratuit"
      "FromPathwayName" => [
        "en-CA" => "from pathway: %$0CourseName%"
        "fr-CA" => "du parcours : %$0CourseName%"
      "GenerateNewCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate new code"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un nouveau code"
      "GetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Begin!"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer!"
      "GoToReadingMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to reading mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer au mode lecture"
      "GroupEditAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group Profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil du groupe"
      "HistoricWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some objects and characters are not appropriate if used out of context. If the challenge is not historical, these items will not be visible to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains objets et personnages ne sont pas appropriés s'ils sont utilisés hors-contexte. Si le défi n'est pas historique, ces éléments ne seront pas visibles à l'élève."
      "HomeSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool"
        "fr-CA" => "École à la maison"
      "InPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is completed! It can be found in the student's portfolio, and is available to be published on a bulletin board!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complété! Il se retrouvera dans le portfolio de l’élève et vous pourrez le publier sur un babillard!"
      "InProgressState" => [
        "en-CA" => "In progress"
        "fr-CA" => "En rédaction"
      "InactivityTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been disconnected."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez été déconnecté."
      "InvalidEmailMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide a valid email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir une adresse courriel valide"
      "JobTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
      "LogoCDOVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "LogoCdoVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "MaxStudentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Max Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves max. permis"
      "MessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you."
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
      "MoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "NanomonxTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ignite imagination"
        "fr-CA" => "Éveiller l'imaginaire"
      "NoDialogWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This scene has no text. Place objects and characters and add dialogs to them."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette scène n'a pas de dialogue. Place des objets et personnages et ajoute leur des textes."
      "NoMyGalleryItem" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no work from this group’s students in your portfolio. "
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez actuellement aucun travail d’élèves de ce groupe dans votre portfolio."
      "NoOfGroupsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes"
      "OrgNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l'institution ou de l'organisation"
      "PackageBuyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need more seats?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de plus de sièges élèves?"
      "PackagesSubMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "PaidFeatureDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "This feature requires a paid subscription and is not available in the free version."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité nécessite un abonnement payant et n'est pas disponible dans la version gratuite."
      "ParentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un parent"
      "PasswordNoSpace" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe"
      "PortfolioButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to the portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter au portfolio"
      "ReconnectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reconnect"
        "fr-CA" => "Se reconnecter"
      "RedeemCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code d'activation"
      "RedeemCodeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you have an activation code?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez un code d'activation?"
      "RequestDocLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Receive documentation"
        "fr-CA" => "Recevoir la documentation"
      "SceneryNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This setting does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce décor n'existe pas"
      "SeeMyChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "View my challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir mes défis"
      "SelectYourGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis ton groupe"
      "SendToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "StudentUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username: <span>%$0userName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d’utilisateur: <span>%$0userName%</span>"
      "SupportUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged as support"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté au soutien"
      "SwitchToCdoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to play Boreal Tales instead?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez plutôt jouer à La Constellation de l’Ours?"
      "TBDCatalogTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, catalogue des défis."
      "TableMaxStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Size (no. of seats)"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille (nombre de sièges)"
      "TeacherRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "TextNotEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text will no longer be editable by the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte ne sera plus modifiable par l’élève."
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to rework this text"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois retravailler ce texte"
      "TotalWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total Number of Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de mots au total"
      "TroubAdvantage1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Enrichit l’expérience familiale de façon cohérente avec l’activité."
      "TroubAdvantage2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Crée un impact plus puissant et durable sur votre audience cible que la publicité traditionnelle, en laissant une impression positive et mémorable de votre organisation."
      "TroubAdvantage3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Amène les visiteurs à s’amuser en créant du contenu hautement viral et personnalisé."
      "TroubAdvantage4" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "S’aligne sur les priorités des parents d’aujourd’hui en étant non seulement amusant, mais également éducatif."
      "TwitterImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UnassignedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassignés"
      "UnfinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am not finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas fini."
      "UserStatsTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
      "WatchVideoLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch<br>the video!"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir<br>la vidéo!"
      "WeAreReadyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "On est prêts!"
      "WordNumberLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de mots"
      "WorldNameTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of Student’s Work "
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail de l'élève "
      "WriteAsYouBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write to Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire pour construire"
      "YourSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre école"
      "buttonAssetDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next step!"
        "fr-CA" => "Prochaine étape!"
      "comingSoonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est pour bientôt!"
      "demoEndSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour will be available for free with all 2024-25 Boreal Tales subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour sera offert gratuitement avec tous les abonnements 2024-25 de la Constellation de l'Ours."
      "titleConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "totalWordCount4" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="total-word-count"></span> word(s) total"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="total-word-count"></span> mot(s) au total"
      "totalWordCount5" => [
        "en-CA" => "You wrote <span class="total-word-count"></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as écrit <span class="total-word-count"></span> mots."
      "troub-info-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-info-icon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-info-icon"
      "troub-page-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-page-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-page-done"
      "troub-work-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-work-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-work-done"
      "AddTextIfYouWant" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add text if you want"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoute du texte si tu le désires"
      "AllConceptsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All concepts"
        "fr-CA" => "Toutes les notions"
      "AppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales, purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, achat."
      "BackToChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux défis"
      "CartCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception"
      "ChooseAClassroom" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un groupe"
      "ConnectionGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue with Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer avec Google"
      "ContestPrizeCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Courez la chance de gagner <span>100&nbsp;$</span> de carte-cadeau, gracieuseté de <a target='_blank' href='%$0sponsorLinkUrl%'></a>"
      "CopyTemplateLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy the link to this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le lien vers ce gabarit"
      "CorrectChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct students’ work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger des travaux"
      "CreativesLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "DescriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "DuplicationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Existing scenes"
        "fr-CA" => "Scènes existantes"
      "EmailPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EnabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi activé"
      "ExpectedDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Estimated time required"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée prévue"
      "FamilyModeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Famille"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "FreeTrialDayLeft" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0daycount% day(s) before the end of your free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0daycount% jour(s) avant la fin de votre essai gratuit."
      "GalleryListTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students’ work portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio de travaux"
      "GeneratePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un mot de passe"
      "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
      "GreatIUnderstood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! I understand."
        "fr-CA" => "Super! J'ai compris"
      "GroupResetAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students from group"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe"
      "HistoricsLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "HistoryDateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "History of"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique du"
      "InProgressStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ongoing"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours"
      "InRevisionStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "À retravailler"
      "InfoDownloadLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InfoPageNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "That page does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette page n'existe pas"
      "InspiresYouTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ça vous inspire? "
      "InvalidTelNumMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid number"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro invalide"
      "JobTitleLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre d'emploi"
      "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
      "LanguageDropDown" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "LastNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your last name"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nom"
      "LoadingInProcess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Loading in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Chargement en cours"
      "MaskingHowToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève"
      "NanomonxAppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx. Ignite imagination!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx. Éveiller l’imaginaire!"
      "NanomonxHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil Nanomonx"
      "NewChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi"
      "NewPasswordLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe"
      "NoChallengeToAdd" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not contain any work that can be added to your portfolio. Note that only a finished work can be added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne contient aucun travail disponible à ajouter à votre portfolio.Notez que seul un travail terminé peut être ajouté à votre portfolio."
      "NoSubRequiredTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "*Aucun abonnement requis"
      "NonFollowedRules" => [
        "en-CA" => "Broken Rules"
        "fr-CA" => "Règles transgressées"
      "NonStartedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not started"
        "fr-CA" => "Non débutés"
      "NumberOfStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves"
      "OnBoardingLogout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign out and go to the student logon page."
        "fr-CA" => "Me déconnecter et passer à la page de connexion élève."
      "PackageBuyButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter des abonnements"
      "PackageTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "PageNumberHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page<span>%$0%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Page<span>%$0%</span>"
      "PaidFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement requis!"
      "PartnerLoginText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use a login partner:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser un partenaire de connexion:"
      "PlanTrainingSite" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a training"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une formation"
      "PortfolioTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Normally, you have access to your students’ work as long as they remain in one of your groups. A work added to your portfolio will be kept indefinitely. You may explore it in the game, using the Teacher Mode."
        "fr-CA" => "Normalement, vous conservez l’accès aux travaux de vos élèves jusqu’à ce qu’ils quittent votre groupe. Un travail ajouté au portfolio sera conservé indéfiniment. Vous pourrez l'explorer dans le jeu, en mode enseignant."
      "ProductLoginLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "ReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi de lecture"
      "RedeemCodeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre abonnement"
      "RemindMeLaterBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "RunTutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire le tutoriel"
      "ShareThisUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the story $%title%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager l’histoire $%title% ?"
      "StudentChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Works Assigned to student"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux assignés à l'élève"
      "StudentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l'élève"
      "StudentsAddTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves"
      "TableCurrentUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur actuel"
      "TableMaxStudent1" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de siège(s)"
      "TextResetWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure? The text will return to the way the teacher corrected it. You will lose your last changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain? Le texte va redevenir comme l'enseignant l'avait corrigé. Tu perdras tes dernières modifications"
      "TroubFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille"
      "TroubMarketTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "À qui s'adresse Troubadour Partenaires?"
      "TroubSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour for Schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour scolaire"
      "TwitterImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "UnassignStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer des élèves"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "UseGoogleAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use your Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser son compte Google"
      "UserTermsOnlyUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "WordCountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The word counter will be updated when the text is saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compteur de mots sera mis à jour lors de la sauvegarde du texte."
      "WorkWordSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "work"
        "fr-CA" => "travail"
      "WritingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi d'écriture"
      "buttonUnderstood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Understood!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compris!"
      "demoEndSubtitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the real version of the game, this is where you would send your story to your teacher to be corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans la vraie version du jeu, c’est ici que tu enverrais ton histoire à ton enseignant.e pour qu'elle soit corrigée."
      "testimonyAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Kaçandre Bourdelais, Educational consultant CDDHC"
        "fr-CA" => "- Kaçandre Bourdelais, conseiller pédagogique CDDHC"
      "testimonyAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mary Perron, La Gentillerie elementary school, Saint-Malo, France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mary Perron, École primaire La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
      "testimonyAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
      "titleConclusion2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write to final paragraph."
        "fr-CA" => "Écris ton paragraphe de fin."
      "troubHelpImgMove" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-move-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-move-fr"
      "AccessOurProducts" => [
        "en-CA" => "See our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à nos produits"
      "AgreementsLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "AvailablePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements disponibles"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ChallengeDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0Duration% min"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0Duration% min"
      "ChallengeListLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges list"
        "fr-CA" => "Listes des défis"
      "ClassroomStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in group (%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe (%$0variableA%)"
      "ClickHereLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez ici"
      "CompletedRestCall" => [
        "en-CA" => "Task completed successfully"
        "fr-CA" => "Opération effectuée avec succès"
      "ConstructionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Construction"
        "fr-CA" => "Construction"
      "ContactUsFormText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For general inquiries or more information regarding our subscription packages, please complete the following form. Someone will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des demandes générales ou plus d'informations concernant nos forfaits d'abonnement, veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant. Quelqu'un vous contactera sous peu."
      "CookiesDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales uses cookies to improve your user experience. You can refer to our privacy policy"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours utilise des témoins (cookies) afin d'améliorer votre expérience utilisateur. Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de confidentialité"
      "CreationMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon menu de création"
      "DemoChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "The demo challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi démo!"
      "DemoMobileWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer.Try our demo on a larger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est une application scolaire conçue pour être utilisée sur une tablette ou un ordinateur. Essayez notre démo sur un plus grand écran!"
      "DisabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi désactivé"
      "DisplayOurCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "View our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir notre catalogue"
      "DuplicationCancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai changé d'idée"
      "EducationalIntent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "EmailConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter email address again"
        "fr-CA" => "Répéter l'adresse courriel"
      "FBCatalogImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FamilyShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "Finish correcting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction"
      "FirstNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your first name"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre prénom"
      "ForgottenPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Forgot password?"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe oublié?"
      "FreeTrialToooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can seat up to %$0count% students for your free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous disposez de %$0count% sièges dans le cadre de votre essai gratuit."
      "FreemiumModeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Free mode"
        "fr-CA" => "*Mode gratuit"
      "GalleryWorksCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students’ work in portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux en portfolio"
      "GoogleUserInvalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher with username [{{ username }}] logs in with Google and does not use a password."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant avec le nom d'utilisateur [{{ username }}] se connecte avec Google et n'utilise pas un mot de passe."
      "InPortfolioStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "To portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Au portfolio"
      "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your country"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre pays"
      "InvalidMessageMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please write a message"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire un message"
      "InvalidSubjectMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please write a subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire un sujet"
      "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
        "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
      "JobTitleLabelTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job title (only for school subscriptions)"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre d'emploi (seulement pour les abonnements scolaires)"
      "KeppCountryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep this country"
        "fr-CA" => "Conserver mon pays"
      "KnowMoreAboutCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more about the Group Access Code"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus sur le code d'accès"
      "LexiconTriggerBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lexicon"
        "fr-CA" => "Lexique"
      "LicenceInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
        "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
      "ManageMembersText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage members"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les membres"
      "MandatoryFieldMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "* Indicates a required field"
        "fr-CA" => "* Indique un champ obligatoire"
      "MinCharCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field is too short. It must contain at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette chaîne est trop courte. Elle doit avoir au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "MissingTitleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a title to share."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoute un titre pour partager."
      "NanomonxAppsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour and Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour et La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "NeedToWorkStastus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision Required"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de retravailler"
      "NewChallengeName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi!"
      "NoShareWarningTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your story must be longer before it may be shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois écrire plus pour partager cette histoire."
      "NoStudentsStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé"
      "NotAvailableEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email address is not available"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas disponible"
      "PartnerLogginText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use a login partner:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser un partenaire de connexion:"
      "PasswordResetLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your browser: %$0link%"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur: %$0link%"
      "PredefinedChapter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Custom size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille personnalisée"
      "PrivacyPolicyLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PrivacyPolicyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Privacy Policy & User Terms"
        "fr-CA" => "Politique de Confidentialité et Conditions d'utilisation"
      "ProductAccessLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder"
      "PurchaseNowButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy now"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter maintenant"
      "ReadingChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis de lecture"
      "ResponsiveBuyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also discover our subscription package options and pricing plans."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également consulter les prix de nos abonnements."
      "ReturnToBabillard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au Babillard"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "SeeCreativeThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the creative themes in pictures"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les thèmes créatifs en images"
      "SeeHistoricThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the historical themes in pictures"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les thèmes historiques en images"
      "ShareWorkHowToMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invite someone to read this story by providing them with this address:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cet adresse avec quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire l’histoire :"
      "SmallSubWorldSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petite"
      "StudentInfoAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil de l'élève"
      "StudentLoginError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a Student account.<br/>You are now on the Teacher platform. You should instead log in to the app."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci est un compte élève.<br/>Tu es sur la plateforme enseignant. Connecte-toi plutôt sur l'application"
      "StudentsAddTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Students to Group %$0groupName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves au groupe %$0groupName%"
      "StudentsRemoveAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves"
      "SubWorldSizeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Islands Size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille des îles"
      "SubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "SubworldNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text appears in the section titled"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte apparaît dans la partie intitulée"
      "TableIsExpireDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expiration Date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'expiration"
      "TelephoneExtLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tel. Ext."
        "fr-CA" => "Tél. Ext."
      "TemplateCatalogue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue de défis"
      "TextEntryNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte n'existe pas"
      "TroubFeatureIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows students to turn their ideas into images."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet à l'élève de mettre ses idées en images."
      "TroubFeatureTools" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools that make the marking process easier"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils qui simplifient le processus de correction"
      "TroubTryDemoVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Regardez la vidéo"
      "TroubadourAppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour"
      "TroubadourTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing as an adventure"
        "fr-CA" => "L'aventure de l'écriture"
      "UserTermsOnlyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "VisibilityTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Toggles if the challenge is assigned to this student"
        "fr-CA" => "Détermine si le défi est assigné à cet élève ou non"
      "VisitorModeLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows visiting finished works"
        "fr-CA" => "Permettre la visite des travaux terminés"
      "WelcomeToNanomonx" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "WritingChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis d'écriture"
      "addDialogueButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add text"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un texte"
      "buttonSceneryDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene set is in place."
        "fr-CA" => "Mon décor est placé."
      "constellationLogo" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-fr"
      "demoSellingPoint1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of characters, buildings, animals, and objects your students can use in their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de personnages, habitations, animaux et objets pour inspirer les élèves."
      "demoSellingPoint2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rich correction and feedback tools to help students become confident writers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction pour aider les élèves à améliorer leur style."
      "demoSellingPoint3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of ready-made exercises and writing prompts, created by education professionals."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d'exercices et d'amorces de texte, prêts à être utilisés, créés par des professionnels de l'éducation."
      "demoStartSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Embark on a writing adventure."
        "fr-CA" => "Lancez-vous dans l'aventure de l'écriture"
      "textDemoAsStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is a little page to use for practice.<br><br>The story you create here will not be saved!"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici une petite page pour te pratiquer.<br><br>Dans le tutoriel, ton histoire ne sera pas sauvegardée, c’est seulement pour essayer le jeu!"
      "titleInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read the instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Lis les consignes"
      "troub-red-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-red-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-red-balloon"
      "troub-submit-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-submit-icon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-submit-icon"
      "troubHelpImgBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-build-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-build-fr"
      "AddMessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a message"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un message"
      "AdmMetaDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes children's learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture their creativity, spark engagement and increase their motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité,     suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation"
      "AssignLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "AtLeastWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "At least %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Au moins %$0count% mot(s)"
      "BabillardThemeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bulletin Board Theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Thème du babillard"
      "BabillardTitleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bulletin Board Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du babillard"
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and %$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "CDORedirectHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => " has moved"
        "fr-CA" => " a déménagé"
      "CSVExampleFileName" => [
        "en-CA" => "import_example"
        "fr-CA" => "import_exemple"
      "CancelSharingText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If it has already been sent to friends, they will no longer be able to read it."
        "fr-CA" => "Si elle a déjà été envoyée à des amis, ils ne pourront plus la lire."
      "CancelSharingText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "CancelSharingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story will no longer be shared"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire ne sera plus partagée"
      "ChallengeNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom du défi"
      "ChallengeWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0word-count% words"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0word-count% mots"
      "ChangedMyMindLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "ChapterNumberLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de parties"
      "CleanFormatTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clear formatting"
        "fr-CA" => "Effacer le formattage"
      "CommentFromTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teachers' comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "CommentSaveWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This comment will be visible to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce commentaire sera visible par l'élève."
      "ContestInfoHEading" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Déroulement du concours"
      "ContinueWithCourse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway and continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours et continuer"
      "CreateMyFirstGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer mon premier groupe"
      "CreateNewChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouveau défi"
      "CurrentStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte de l'élève"
      "DefaultParentGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0parentName%'s Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe de %$0parentName%"
      "DemoEndWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This will end the demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci mettra fin à la démo."
      "DuplicateMenuLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start from an existing scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer à partir d’une scène existante"
      "DuplicationConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Replace the scene!"
        "fr-CA" => "Remplacer la scène!"
      "FBPurchaseImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FamilyPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "FormYourTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your title:"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre titre&nbsp;:"
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Every week, a new and exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of each week, the current challenge will be closed, and a new one will become availa!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire."
      "HelpInfosLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help topics"
        "fr-CA" => "Rubriques d'aide"
      "HelpVideoLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Videos"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules video"
      "IWantTheNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "I want to receive the newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux recevoir l'infolettre"
      "IgnoreTutorialStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ignore the current step"
        "fr-CA" => "Ignorer l'étape actuelle"
      "InTransferPackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes abonnements en cours de distribution"
      "InitialBuildPoints" => [
        "en-CA" => "Starting Number of Stars"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'étoiles de départ"
      "InvalidJobTitleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please indicate your job title"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez indiquer votre titre d'emploi"
      "InvalidLastNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide your last name"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire votre nom de famille"
      "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
      "LeaveLikeThisLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave as is"
        "fr-CA" => "Laissez ainsi"
      "LexiconDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales can be used both in schools and for homeschooling. To keep the interface easy to read, some words we use have an extended meaning. To help you navigate on the platform, here is a short list of these words and their meaning:"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours peut être utilisée à l'école comme à la maison.             Pour simplifier les choses, nous utilisons toujours les mêmes termes.              Pour vous aider à vous y retrouver, voici un petit lexique des termes utilisés :"
      "LicencesInTransfer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours de distribution"
      "LocalizationChoice" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "LogoCDO_vert_color" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "MailReceiptSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "MandatoryFieldInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory"
        "fr-CA" => "Obligatoire"
      "MarkAsDoneContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer ce travail"
      "MarskAsDoneCongrat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Well done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bravo!"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NeedRevisionStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "À retravailler"
      "NoBackToChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, back to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, retour aux défis"
      "NoClassroomWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not part of any group"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne fais partie d'aucun groupe"
      "NoStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a indiqué qu’il avait fini"
      "OrderedListTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Liste numérotée"
      "OverflowPopupInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have %$1num_students_actual% students, but your subscription only entitles you to a maximum of %$0num_students_allowed%."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos abonnements vous donne droit à un maximum de %$0num_students_allowed% mais vous en avez présentement %$1num_students_actual%."
      "OverflowPopupInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>What does this mean?</strong><br>For Troubadour, you will be switched to free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Qu’est-ce que ça fait?</strong><br>Dans Troubadour, vous passez en mode gratuit."
      "OverflowPopupInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "For Boreal Tales, your students will lose access to the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans La Constellation de l’Ours, vos élèves perdent l’accès à la plateforme."
      "OverflowPopupInfo4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To resolve the situation, choose one of the following options:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour régler la situation, choisissez l’une des options suivantes:"
      "PartnersHeaderText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Laissez les familles raconter leur expérience et la partager avec leur entourage d'une façon tout à fait unique et personnelle."
      "PremiumSwitchTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
      "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre"
      "ReturnToGooglePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the Google page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner à la page Google"
      "SampleNarrationTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le premier jour de mes vacances d'été..."
      "ShareOptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options de partage"
      "StateArchivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked"
        "fr-CA" => "En Banque"
      "StayConnectedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stay connected"
        "fr-CA" => "Rester connecté"
      "StudentsAddTitle9 " => [
        "en-CA" => "Add some student to the group |"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves au groupe |"
      "SwitchToCdoAppInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the app is installed, <a href='%$0%'>click here</a> to open it.<br>Otherwise, you need the <a target='_blank' href=''>download here</a>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si l’application est installée, <a href='%$0%'>clique ici</a> pour l’ouvrir.<br>Sinon, tu dois la <a target='_blank' href=''>télécharger ici</a>!"
      "TextRevisionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text revisions"
        "fr-CA" => "Revisions du texte"
      "ThemesAllowedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Thèmes par défaut"
      "TroubFeatureSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A solution designed for school"
        "fr-CA" => "Une solution conçue pour le milieu scolaire"
      "TroubHelpMoveTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Move an object"
        "fr-CA" => "Déplacer un objet"
      "TroubadourAppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Writing as an Adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, l'aventure de l'écriture."
      "VoirPortfolioLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "View your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ton portfolio"
      "YieldLicencesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement"
      "allSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "allTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "challengeStructure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Structure du défi"
      "comingSoonBackLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Retournez à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "comingSoonSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "That’s all we can share with you for now!"
        "fr-CA" => "On ne vous en dit pas plus pour tout de suite!"
      "demoCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This was just a sneak peek..."
        "fr-CA" => "C'était un avant-goût..."
      "lightboxTriggerBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial Video"
        "fr-CA" => "Vidéo explicative"
      "medSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Medium"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyen"
      "newChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveaux défis"
      "noChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no challenge to work on at the moment. Your teacher or parent must create one for you so that you can work."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas de défis à travailler en ce moment. Ton enseignant ou parent doit t'en créer un pour que tu puisses travailler."
      "npcTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Characters"
        "fr-CA" => "Personnages"
      "subtitlePageNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page %PAGE_NUMBER%"
        "fr-CA" => "Page %PAGE_NUMBER%"
      "titleDemoAsStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Young author's tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel du jeune auteur"
      "titleEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure?"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain.e?"
      "titleInstructions2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire les consignes"
      "titleRevisionReady" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am ready to review my work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis prêt.e à réviser mon travail!"
      "troub-blue-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-blue-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-blue-balloon"
      "troub-scenery-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-scenery-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-scenery-done"
      "troubRevisionImage" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "troub_background_l" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_l"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_l"
      "troub_background_r" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_r"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_r"
      "AccessDeniedDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not have permission to access or modify this resource."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas le droit d'accéder ou de modifier cette resource."
      "AccountCreationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création du compte"
      "AccountCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "AddReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this reading challenge To Application"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ce défi de lecture dans l'application "
      "AlreadyGotAnAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Already have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà un compte?"
      "AlreadyImportedSpan" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>Already Imported</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "<span>Déjà Importé</span>"
      "AssignLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "BackToUserCreations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to bulletin board"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner au babillard"
      "CancelTransferTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre la distribution"
      "CaptchaErrorMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "A captcha error has occurred. If you are indeed a human ;), please contact us directly at NB: We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of any such problem."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur de captcha est survenue. Si vous êtes bel et bien un être humain ;), veuillez nous contacter directement à l'adresse NB : Il serait gentil de nous mentionner que vous avez eu un problème de captcha pour que nous puissions le corriger."
      "ChallengePrintTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "ChallengeTypeFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type de défi"
      "ChallengeWillBeLost" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge will be lost"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi sera perdu"
      "ChallengeWordCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0word-count%<span>words</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0word-count%<span>mots</span>"
      "ChangeCountryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my country"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer mon pays"
      "ChangeUsernameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change the account email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer son adresse courriel"
      "ClickToViewYourText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see your text at this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique pour voir ton texte à cette date"
      "CommentFromTeacher1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "CommentFromTeacher2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire"
      "CompletedStatusDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work has been completed. Neither the teacher nor the student may make any changes."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complété. Ni l’enseignant, ni l’élève ne peut maintenant le modifier. "
      "ConclusionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Paragraphe à la fin"
      "CorrectionStateDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has submitted their work for correction. Only the teacher may make modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève a soumis son travail pour correction. Seul l’enseignant.e peut maintenant le modifier."
      "CourrielPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer votre adresse courriel"
      "CreateAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer mon compte"
      "CreateChallengeStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi"
      "CreateChallengeZero" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge from Scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de zéro"
      "CreateStudentssStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner des sièges"
      "DemoEndNextSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parents and teachers who want to know more?"
        "fr-CA" => "Parents et enseignant.e.s qui veulent en savoir plus?"
      "DoYouWishToContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you want to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Veux-tu continuer?"
      "DownloadApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléchargez l'application"
      "DuplicateSceneTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy an existing scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier une scène existante"
      "EmptyChallengeGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently no challenges for this group..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi pour ce groupe..."
      "EmptyClassroomList1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no groups..."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez actuellement aucun groupe..."
      "EndCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exit the scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Sortir de cette scène"
      "FBPurchaseImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "FamilyCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add my family"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ma famille"
      "FamilyUseParagraph1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Troubadour version for schools is also perfect for homeschooling. It allows parents to manage the child's work and guide their learning."
        "fr-CA" => "La version scolaire de Troubadour est parfaite pour l'école à la maison. Elle permet aux parents de gérer les défis de l'enfant et de guider ses apprentissages."
      "FamilyUseParagraph2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For a more flexible approach, or as a supplement to homework, we offer the family version. This version provides the child with an outlet for creativity that does not require the parent’s involvement."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour une utilisation plus libre ou en complément des devoirs, nous proposons la version famille. Cette version permet à l'enfant de créer plus librement, sans avoir besoin de l'intervention d'un parent."
      "FileUploadException" => [
        "en-CA" => "The document could not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le document n'a pas pu être sauvegardé."
      "FreeTrialNotStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your free trial will automatically start when one of your students starts working on your challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre essai gratuit démarrera automatiquement lorsqu’un de vos élèves commencera à travailler sur vos défis."
      "FreeTrialPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're giving you all the features of %$1productName% for %$0duration% days!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous offrons toutes les fonctionnalités de %$1productName% pour %$0duration% jours!"
      "FreeTrialPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This free trial allows up to %$0amount% students. Student accounts and the stories they write will be retained. To avoid any interruptions, purchase a subscription now!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit permet jusqu'à %$0amount% élèves. Les comptes des élèves et les histoires qu'ils rédigent seront conservés. Pour éviter toute interruption, achetez votre abonnement maintenant!"
      "FreeTrialPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We have prepared a free trial for you!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons préparé un essai gratuit pour vous!"
      "FreemiumGetSubLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "FreemiumSwitchTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been switched to free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes passé en mode gratuit"
      "GoToBorealTalesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer vers La Constellation de l’Ours"
      "HalloweenSceneLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Scène d'Halloween"
      "IgnoreTutorialStep1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to skip this step of the tutorial, you may ignore it and directly go to the next step."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez sauter cette étape du tutoriel, vous pouvez l'ignorer et passer directement à la suivante. "
      "ImportTemplateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Shared Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi partagé"
      "InProgressStateDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has started their work. Only they may make modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève a commencé son travail. Lui seul peut le modifier."
      "InTransferPackages2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements en cours de distribution"
      "InputConfirmPattern" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter “confirm”"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez “confirmer”"
      "InvalidFirstNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide your first name"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire votre prénom"
      "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid credentials."
        "fr-CA" => "Informations d'identification invalides."
      "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
      "LeaveStudentComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave a comment for the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser un commentaire à l'élève"
      "LicencesSharedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages Available via Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements en libre-service"
      "LoginElsewhereTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are connected on another device"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes connecté ailleurs"
      "LoginRedirectionMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "After logging in you will be forwarded to the requested page."
        "fr-CA" => "Après vous être connecté, vous serez redirigé vers la page demandée."
      "LogoCdoVerticalDark" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-dark-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-dark-fr"
      "MarkedAsUndoneToast" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is no longer marked as finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail n’est plus marqué comme fini."
      "MaskingHowToTextAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi"
      "MustBeLoggedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "NanomonxCompanyName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx Inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx Inc."
      "NanomonxFooterTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We are"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous sommes"
      "NoClassroomWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "As soon as a teacher adds you to a group, you will be able to continue to work."
        "fr-CA" => "Dès qu'un enseignant t'aura ajouté à un groupe, tu pourras continuer à travailler."
      "NumChildrenLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Approximate number of children"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre approximatif d'enfants"
      "NumStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves ont fini"
      "NumberWorksFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_finished% finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_finished% fini"
      "OrgTypePublicSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public school"
        "fr-CA" => "École Publique"
      "PackageShareButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer des abonnements"
      "PasswordExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be used by the student to log in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Devra être utilisé par l'élève au moment de la connexion."
      "PredefinedSizeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Predefined size?"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille prédéfinie?"
      "PredeterminedLength" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Longueur prédéterminée"
      "PremiumFeature1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog full of turnkey activities."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue rempli d'activités clé en main."
      "PremiumFeature2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "PremiumFeature3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create challenges as desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de défis à volonté."
      "PremiumFeature4Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves."
      "PurchaseThanksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new subscriptions are ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos nouveaux abonnements sont prêts!"
      "PutSharedToTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille (arrête le partage)"
      "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
        "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
      "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A School"
        "fr-CA" => "Une école"
      "RedeemCodeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "RedeemCodeFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre abonnement"
      "ResetFiltersTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset all filters"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser tous les filtres"
      "ResetPasswordAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "ResponsiveErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For the best experience, consider using a larger screen (tablet or desktop browser)."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez utiliser un écran plus large pour bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités."
      "RevisionNoUCsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not started"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas commencé"
      "SampleChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi : Le défi du débutant."
      "SeeLessOptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Voir moins d’options"
      "SeeMoreOptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Voir plus d’options"
      "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send request"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
      "StateAsssignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "StateProvinceRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "State/Province/School Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État/Province/Region d'école"
      "StudentAssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à un groupe"
      "StudentPanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% is awaiting corrections for the following challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% attend des corrections pour ces défis :"
      "SubscriptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "TeacherPackagePrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% per year for the entire class!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% par an pour toute la classe!"
      "ThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Boreal Tales! © Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx Inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi La Constellation de l’Ours! © Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "TroubHelpBuildTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Construire"
      "TroubTryStudentDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e élève"
      "TroubTryTeacherDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e enseignant.e"
      "UnknownPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unknown subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement inconnu"
      "WelcomeToTroubadour" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour"
      "WhiteListPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre abonnement!"
      "WorkstatesHelpTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The different work states"
        "fr-CA" => "Les états des travaux."
      "YieldLicencesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement"
      "YourMessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your message"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre message"
      "buttonParagraphDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My text is complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Mon texte est complet."
      "coming-soon-warning" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Product Coming Soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un nouveau produit arrive bientôt!"
      "demoCatalogLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Check it out now."
        "fr-CA" => "Jetez-y un coup d'oeil."
      "demoTryWithStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo with your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo avec vos élèves"
      "nanomonx_loginLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous"
      "newAccCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email containing your receipt, and a link to confirm the creation of your account, has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour confirmer la création de votre compte."
      "newAccCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please check your email and click the link to take advantage of your subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez consulter vos courriels et cliquer sur le lien pour pouvoir profiter de vos abonnements!"
      "titleGeneralComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read your teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Lis le commentaire de ton enseignant.e"
      "troub_background_r2" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_r2"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_r2"
      "AboutUsStrengthTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expertise"
        "fr-CA" => "Savoir-faire"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "ActivatePackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer un abonnement"
      "AddMembersDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My family is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma famille est complète"
      "AdditionalActivities" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Note à l'enseignant"
      "AdmBackToConstButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-back-to-game-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-back-to-game"
      "AssetDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This game element contains dialogue. By deleting it, you will also delete the text. Do you want to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élément de jeu contient un dialogue. En le supprimant, vous supprimerez le texte également. Voulez-vous continuer?"
      "BackToUserChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux défis"
      "CDO_HelpInfosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CancelTransferAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre les distributions en cours"
      "CancelTransferButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre la distribution"
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "ChallengeLabelPrefix" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi&nbsp;:&nbsp;"
      "ChallengeStateShared" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est partagé."
      "CompletedButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer"
      "ConclusionChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add an additional text block at the end of the work? Ex: To write a conclusion, a summary, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin du travail? Ex: Pour rédiger une conclusion, un bilan, etc."
      "ConditionsUpdateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been logged out due to inactivity.<br>Please log in again."
        "fr-CA" => "En raison d'une trop longue inactivité, vous avez été deconnecté.<br>Veuillez vous reconnecter."
      "ConstProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une application téléchargeable qui allie création de mondes et écriture pour inspirer les jeunes de 6 à 14 ans.<br><br>*Cette plateforme sera remplacée par Troubadour d’ici septembre 2025."
      "ConstellationAppDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Plays in an app installed on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Se joue dans une application installée sur ton appareil."
      "ConstellationAppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ConstellationTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Worlds to build, stories to tell"
        "fr-CA" => "Des mondes à créer, des histoires à raconter"
      "ContinueConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue my work"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer mon travail"
      "CorrectionDemoButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e enseignant.e"
      "CountryNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This country doens't exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce pays n'existe pas"
      "CreateBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creating a Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d’un babillard"
      "CreateNewStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer une nouvelle histoire!"
      "DuplicateDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful!"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention!"
      "EducationalObjective" => [
        "en-CA" => "Educational intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "EmptyTextEntriesList" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write any text..."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit de textes..."
      "EndChallengeRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the correction of this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction de ce travail"
      "ExpiredPackagesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Expired Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes abonnements expirés"
      "FamilyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Le babillard de %$0name%"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free mode activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "GradeLevelDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must indicate the grade level for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez indiquer le niveau scolaire pour ce groupe."
      "GroupDeletedInfoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group has been deleted on"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe a été supprimé le"
      "HelpContactLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us"
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous"
      "HelpLexiconLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lexicon"
        "fr-CA" => "Lexique"
      "ImportTemplateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import a Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi"
      "InRevisionStatusDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher has finished correcting this work and the student must now rework certain texts. Only the student may edit their work."
        "fr-CA" => "L’enseignant.e a corrigé et souhaite que l’élève retravaille certains textes. Seul l’élève peut modifier son travail."
      "InstitutionCityLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "City of institution"
        "fr-CA" => "Ville d'institution"
      "InstitutionNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution "
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'institution"
      "IntroModeSizeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is recommended to use Small Islands when activating the Narration Mode. A world built on many Big Islands can be very time consuming."
        "fr-CA" => "Les petites îles sont recommandées pour le mode Narration. Un travail en plusieurs parties sur de grandes îles peut s'avérer trop long à construire."
      "LexiconUCDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Work</b>: A Work is the creation of a student in order to complete a Challenge provided by the Teacher. Students submit their Work to their Teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Travail</b> : Un Travail est la création d'un élève dans le but de relever un Défi de son Enseignant.                     Un Élève soumet son Travail à son Enseignant pour correction."
      "LicensesConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer votre achat"
      "ManagerNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "A teacher with the email [{{ username }}] does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant avec le courriel [{{ username }}] n'existe pas."
      "MaskedChallengesInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0num% challenges are hidden from this student"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0num% défis sont masqués à cet élève"
      "ModifyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify a Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification d’un babillard"
      "MoreInfoRequestLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Finalement, je veux les explications"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NanomonxProductsPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover our versatile platforms developed to learn to write."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez nos plateformes polyvalentes conçues pour apprendre à écrire."
      "NanomonxStrengthBond" => [
        "en-CA" => "Improve teacher-student relationships"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonifier le lien enseignant-apprenant"
      "NewChallengeAssigned" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge assigned!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi assigné!"
      "NewsletterPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe to our newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnez-vous à notre infolettre"
      "NoChallengeNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must enter a title for your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez saisir un titre pour votre défi"
      "NotEnoughSeatsCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0seatCount% seat(s) missing for your students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0seatCount% siège(s) manquants pour vos élèves"
      "NotEnoughThemesError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one theme from the list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir au moins un thème de la liste."
      "NumChallengePagesTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de pages pour ce défi&nbsp;:&nbsp;%$0var1%"
      "NumOfWorksInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% in writing"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% en rédaction"
      "NumOfWorksInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% to be reworked"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% à retravailler"
      "OrgTypePrivateSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private school"
        "fr-CA" => "École Privée"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PremiumFeaturesIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "You now have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez dorénavant accès à toutes les fonctionnalités!"
      "PrivacyPolicyOnlyUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PurchaseForOtherText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once connected to your account, you will have access to several options for sharing or offering your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois connecté à votre compte vous aurez accès à plusieurs options pour partager ou offrir vos abonnements."
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Brush mode enabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type: {userType} Country: {country} Desired classes: {classAmount} Message: {message}"
        "fr-CA" => "Type: {userType} Pays: {country} Classes souhaitées: {classAmount} Message: {message}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
      "ReadingModePopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => """
          Quand tu crée une vraie histoire, elle devient un livre animé que tu peux partager avec tes amis et ta famille.\n
                          Cette fonctionnalité n’est pas disponible dans le tutoriel.
      "RedeemCodePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you have an activation code?"
        "fr-CA" => "Avez-vous un code d’activation?"
      "ResponsiveErrorText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please try on a laptop or desktop computer, or on a tablet."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez essayer sur un ordinateur portable ou de bureau, ou sur une tablette."
      "ResponsiveErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher platform is not compatible with this device."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme enseignant n'est pas compatible avec cet appareil."
      "SampleChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi : Le défi du débutant."
      "SecondPromoPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The School subscription allows all teachers, specialists, educators, janitors, larks(!) unlimited use of Troudadour.<br><br>All this for as little as the price of 4 subscriptions!*<br><br>*Price may vary depending on the size of the school."
        "fr-CA" => "L'abonnement École permet à les, spécialistes, éducateur.trices, concierges, alouette(!) d'utiliser Troudadour à volonté.<br><br>            Tout ça pour aussi peu que le prix de 4 abonnements!*<br><br>            *Le prix peut varier en fonction de la taille de l'école."
      "SharedLicencesTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner(s) allowing you to self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire(s) vous autorisant au libre-service"
      "StartViewSceneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir la scène"
      "StayInformedWithToub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stay informed on all Troubadour developments!"
        "fr-CA" => "Restez informés sur tous les développements de Troubadour!"
      "StudentNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève n'existe pas."
      "StudentUserNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username"
        "fr-CA" => "Identifiant"
      "StudentsWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave this page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter cette page?"
      "SupportPlatformTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Support Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Plateforme administrateur"
      "SwitchTeacherVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version enseignant"
      "TextEntriesListTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Texts"
        "fr-CA" => "Textes de l'élève"
      "TitleEndConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished?"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé?"
      "TitleOfYourChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre de ton travail"
      "TransferCompletedMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Your work has been added to your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super! Tes travaux sont dans ton portfolio!"
      "TroubAdvantagesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Avantages de Troubadour"
      "TroubDemoDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is a new online platform designed to help students of elementary cycles two and three improve their writing skills. This fun and educational app offers fluid feedback, helps students generate ideas and can be used in class and for distance learning. Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est une nouvelle plateforme en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du 2e et 3e cycle du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture. L’appli éducative et ludique offre une rétroaction efficace, aide les élèves à générer des idées et s’utilise aussi bien en classe qu’à distance."
      "TroubMetaDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Conçue pour un usage scolaire, Troubadour scolaire est une plateforme d'écriture créative qui aide les élèves de 7 à 12 ans à développer le plaisir d'écrire."
      "TroubadourStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez Troubadour!"
      "TryTheDemoLinkButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo!"
      "UserTypeTeacherLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Professeur"
      "WelcomeToBorealTales" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans La Constellation de l’Ours"
      "WhiteListPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Prenez un abonnement!"
      "WhoWantsToStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who wants to start?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui veut commencer?"
      "buttonConclusionDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My conclusion is complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Ma conclusion est complète."
      "generic_student_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generic student name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'élève générique"
      "largeSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grand"
      "packageReceivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have received a subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez reçu un abonnement!"
      "smallSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petit"
      "stripe_card_declined" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has been declined."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte a été refusée."
      "stripe_incorrect_zip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The zip code and/or address you supplied failed validation."
        "fr-CA" => "Le code postal et/ou l'adresse fournis ne sont pas valides."
      "studentsInGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in this group (%$0%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves de ce groupe (%$0%)"
      "titleCorrectionDemo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grab your highlighters!"
        "fr-CA" => "Sortez vos surligneurs!"
      "titleDemoChoicePopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la version démo"
      "troub-brush-revision" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-brush-revision"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-brush-revision"
      "troub-checkmark-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-checkmark"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-checkmark"
      "troub-yellow-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-yellow-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-yellow-balloon"
      "troubHelpImgNavigate" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-navigate-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-navigate-fr"
      "troub_logo_vert_coul" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
      "AccountValidationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account Validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du compte"
      "AddNewTextEntryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a new text."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre texte."
      "AdmTwitterAccountName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "AppCatalogDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog offers challenges suited to your group’s level."
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue vous propose des défis appropriés au niveau de votre groupe."
      "CDO_HelpVideosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "ChallengePanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following students are waiting to have this challenge corrected:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves attendent des corrections pour ce défi :"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "ChoosenPredefinedSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "or custom number:"
        "fr-CA" => "ou nombre personnalisé:"
      "ChromeDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using the game on Chromebooks"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation sur Chromebook"
      "ClassPlusPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom+ subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe+"
      "ClassroomFilterGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google Classroom class"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe Google Classroom"
      "ClassroomPanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following challenges have pending corrections"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ont des travaux en attente de correction"
      "ConstLandingStatDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation to write."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants utilisant le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves face à l’écriture."
      "ConstLandingStatDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards re-subscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de service scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "ConstLandingStatDesc3" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game believe that using the game has had a direct positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants utilisant le jeu estiment que l’utilisation du jeu a eu un impact direct positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "ConstellationTagline2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teach children to read, write and socialize through play."
        "fr-CA" => "Apprendre aux enfants la lecture, l’écriture et l’univers social par le jeu."
      "ContactUsFormDescText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For technical support, general inquiries or more information regarding our subscription packages, please complete the following form. Our team will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour du support technique, des demandes générales ou plus d'informations concernant nos forfaits d'abonnement, veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant. Notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
      "ContinueTutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer le tutoriel"
      "ContinueWithoutCourse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue without activating the pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer sans activer le parcours"
      "CountryChangedSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your country has successfully been changed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays a bien été changé!"
      "CountryTagLengthError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The country tag must be 2 characters long"
        "fr-CA" => "Le tag du pays doit être de 2 caractères"
      "EmailConfirmationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation de l'adresse courriel"
      "ExpiredPackagesTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expired Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements expirés"
      "FamilyMarkAsDoneTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Is your story finished?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton histoire est finie?"
      "FamilyMemberCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter 4 numbers that you will remember easily."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez 4 chiffres que vous retiendrez facilement."
      "FamilyMemberGreeting1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0%, welcome to Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0%, bienvenue dans Troubadour!"
      "FamilyMemberGreeting2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can learn to play by completing the tutorial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux apprendre à jouer en faisant le tutoriel!"
      "FileNotFoundException" => [
        "en-CA" => "The document was not found"
        "fr-CA" => "Le document n'a pas été trouvé"
      "FreeConstructionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can create as many sections as they wish."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut construire autant de parties qu'il le souhaite."
      "FreeTrialBannerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start a free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire un essai gratuit"
      "FreeTrialPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit!"
      "FreemiumSwitchMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "The writing pathway is now activated.<br><br>All other challenges have been unassigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Le parcours d’écriture est activé.<br><br>Les autres défis ont été déassignés."
      "HalloweenContestStep1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous sur cette page pour recevoir la marche à suivre par courriel."
      "HalloweenContestStep2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Participez à une activité d’écriture d’Halloween excitante avec vos élèves."
      "HalloweenContestStep3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Faites-nous parvenir vos histoires pour courir la chance de gagner 100&nbsp;$ sur <a target='_blank' href='%$0sponsorLinkUrl%'></a>!"
      "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
      "LicenceSubNavMyUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Usage"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon utilisation"
      "LoginElsewhereMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may only be logged-in on one device at a time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez vous connecter que sur un seul appareil à la fois."
      "ManageChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes défis"
      "MarkAsDoneStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette histoire est finie"
      "MarskAsDoneInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work is FINISHED!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton travail est FINI!"
      "MemberNameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This name can be fictional, but it's better if family members can recognize each other."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom peut être fictif, mais c’est mieux si les membres de la famille peuvent se reconnaître."
      "MyBulletinBoardsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Classroom Walls"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes Babillards"
      "NanomonxProductsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos produits"
      "NanomonxStrengthAdapt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapt teaching to meet students’ needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Adapter l'enseignement aux besoins des élèves"
      "NanomonxStrengthPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx specializes in the development of digital educational platforms that improve teaching and make learning fun."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx se spécialise dans la création de plateformes éducatives numériques qui enrichissent l'enseignement et rendent l'apprentissage amusant."
      "NanomonxStrengthPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based in Montreal, our multi-disciplinary team develops products that meet the needs of teachers and learners."
        "fr-CA" => "Basée à Montréal, notre équipe pluridisciplinaire s'applique à concevoir ses produits en fonction des besoins des enseignants et des apprenants."
      "NewPackageOptionsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages are valid from now, until Summer 2023!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements valides dès maintenant, et jusqu'à l'été 2023!"
      "NoActivationCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I don't have an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas de code d’activation"
      "NoPackagesPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun abonnement..."
      "NumOfWorksInPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% in portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% en portfolio"
      "OpenClientApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Open the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Ouvrir l'application"
      "PackageAddHelperTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pay with a check or via bank transfer!"
        "fr-CA" => "Payer par chèque ou virement bancaire!"
      "ParentValidationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The parent must enter their code to approve the sharing of this story."
        "fr-CA" => "Le parent doit entrer son code pour approuver le partage."
      "ParentValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The parent must validate"
        "fr-CA" => "Le parent doit valider"
      "PortfolioRemoveButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from the portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer du portfolio"
      "PrivacyPolicyOnlyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Privacy Policy"
        "fr-CA" => "Politique de Confidentialité"
      "PrivacyPolicyTextLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "<a target='_blank' href=''>Privacy Policy</a>"
        "fr-CA" => "<a target='_blank' href=''>Politique de Confidentialité</a>"
      "ProductSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access a product"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à un produit"
      "ProgressBarErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the current settings, students will not be able to place objects. Please increase the maximum number of words allowed or reduce the difficulty level."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec les paramètres actuels, les élèves ne pourront pas placer d'objets. Veuillez augmenter le nombre maximum de mots ou réduire le niveau de difficulté."
      "PurchaseForOtherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you purchasing for someone else?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour quelqu’un d’autre?"
      "ReadingModePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Livre animé!"
      "RestartCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restart"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommencer"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school was not found. You can add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "SharingChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the story <span>$%title%</span>?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager l’histoire <span>$%title%</span>&nbsp;?"
      "SingleStudentFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 student has finished"
        "fr-CA" => "1 élève a fini"
      "StartCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "StateArchivedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$0% challenge is in the bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% est en banque"
      "StateAssignedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge %$0% has been assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% a été assigné"
      "StudentTotalWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You wrote <span class="total-word-count"></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as écrit <span class="total-word-count"></span> mots."
      "StudentsInGroupsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in your groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves dans vos groupes"
      "SubscribeToNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe to our newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "S'inscrire à l'infolettre"
      "TBDCatalogDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog offers challenges suited to your group’s level."
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue vous propose des défis appropriés au niveau de votre groupe."
      "TeacherTotalWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has written <span class='total-word-count'></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit <span class='total-word-count'></span> mots."
      "TemplateNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This template does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce gabarit n'existe pas"
      "TransferCompletedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work is in the COMPLETED section of your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tes travaux sont dans la section TERMINÉS de ton portfolio!"
      "TroubAppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour | purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour | achat."
      "TroubFamilyLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Instills a love of writing in children"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubFeatureExercices" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers the possibility to create exercises to meet students’ needs."
        "fr-CA" => "Offre la possibilité de créer des exercices en fonction des besoins des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureReviseWeb" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows correction directly on the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet de corriger directement sur la plateforme."
      "TroubReadInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux donc continuer sans lire les explications. "
      "UserChallengeNotOwned" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not allowed to modify this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas le droit de modifier ce défi"
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "WorkStatusChangedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may not make any modifications while it's being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas le modifier pendant la correction."
      "WorkstateDoNotCorrect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave it as is"
        "fr-CA" => "Le laisser comme il est"
      "WorkstateTitleWaitVal" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en correction"
      "assistedTooltipSubmit" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you have finished reviewing, click here to submit to the teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu as fini de réviser, clique ici pour soumettre à l'enseignant."
      "assistedTooltipToPage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget! You can return to the finished pages at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oublie pas! Tu peux retourner sur les pages terminées à tout moment."
      "assistedTooltipToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you are ready to add the text to this scene, you can do so by clicking here."
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu seras prêt.e à ajouter le texte à cette scène, tu peux le faire en cliquant ici."
      "const_hor_EN_25-black" => [
        "en-CA" => "const_hor_EN_25-black"
        "fr-CA" => "bnr_ConstellationOurs-black"
      "failedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis terminés"
      "objectTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects"
        "fr-CA" => "Objets"
      "stripe_invoice_footer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions are not refundable, as specified in the user agreement available at the following address:  For any questions, contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont par remboursables, tel que spécifié dans l’entente d’utilisation consultable à l’adresse suivante :  Pour toute question , communiquer avec nous à"
      "studentPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon portfolio"
      "testimonyDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“A superb writing help resource that both students and teachers love. Boreal Tales is used in a variety of learning contexts, for languages as well as social studies.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Une superbe ressource d'aide à l'écriture grandement appréciée par les élèves et les enseignants qui l'utilisent. La Constellation de l'Ours est utilisée dans une variété de contextes d'apprentissage tant dans le domaine des langues que dans le domaine de l'univers social. »"
      "testimonyDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The children are pleased, the teacher too… I had never seen something that motivated students to write this much.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les enfants sont emballés, la maîtresse aussi…. Je n’ai encore rien vu d’équivalent ni autant d’appétence à écrire chez nos élèves. »"
      "testimonyDescription3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We are a homeschool class (family) and my boys both loved building their own Native village [...] , complete with reference books, and showing each other their finished creations to note the differences between lifestyles. This has been our most in-depth work until now, we have just recently subscribed but we already love Boreal Tales!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous sommes une «classe» (famille) d’école maison et mes garçons ont beaucoup aimé construire chacun un village autochtone [...] , accompagnés de livres de référence, et se présenter le fruit de leur travail pour dénoter les différences entre les modes de vie. Cela a été notre travail le plus approfondi jusqu’ici, nous sommes nouvellement abonnés mais on aime déjà beaucoup La Constellation de l’Ours! »"
      "403LoggedInTextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not authorized to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page"
      "AddAnotherMemberButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a person"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter une personne"
      "AdultCreateAccountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only an adult may do this; <strong>it only takes 2 minutes</strong>. Once the account is created, the whole family can get to work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Seul un adulte peut le faire; <strong>cela ne prend que 2 minutes</strong>. Une fois le compte créé, toute la famille pourra se mettre à l’œuvre!"
      "AdultSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is only for the responsible adult."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour l'adulte responsable."
      "AppPurchaseDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Boreal Tales subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements à La Constellation de l'Ours."
      "AssignedWorksThisGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work assigned to %$0student% for this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux assignés à %$0student% pour ce groupe"
      "CDO_HelpContactLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeActivatedInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge %$0ChallengeName% is now available to the following group/groups: %$1Groups%."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0ChallengeName% vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe / des groupes : %$1Groups%. "
      "ChallengeConceptsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a concept"
        "fr-CA" => "Notion à travailler"
      "ChallengeNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'existe pas"
      "ChapterLimitationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit the number of sections?"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter le nombre de parties?"
      "CheckoutCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase has been completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été complété!"
      "ChildSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s profile requires a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Le profile de %$0name% nécessite un mot de passe"
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ClassBasicPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ClassroomFilterClassic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classic Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe classique"
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "ClassroomNotOwnedError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not own this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne vous appartient pas"
      "ClickToViewStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see the student's text on this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour voir le texte de l'élève à cette date"
      "ClickToViewYourComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see your change on this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour voir votre modification à cette date"
      "ConnectTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à Troubadour"
      "ConstLandingStatsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Statistics that speak for themselves <sup>*</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "Des statistiques qui parlent d’elles-mêmes <sup>*</sup>"
      "ConstructionDemoButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e élève"
      "ContactUsFormMandatory" => [
        "en-CA" => "All fields are mandatory"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les champs sont obligatoires"
      "ContinueCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep creating"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez à créer"
      "ContinueNoQuestionMark" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "DisplayNameExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name that will be visible to the student's classmates in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom que ses camarades verront dans le jeu."
      "EmailConfirmationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation de l'adresse courriel"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is currently in free writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en rédaction libre"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to change the state?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous changer son état?"
      "ForgottenPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour développer les idées, rien de mieux que de créer une scène!</p><p>Cliquez sur le bouton pour construire!</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtDecor" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ces boutons te permettront d’ajouter des objets et des décors à ta scène.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Une histoire doit avoir un bon titre! Par contre, ce n’est pas facile d’en trouver un...</p><p>Pourquoi ne pas commencer par construire des scènes et ajouter un titre plus tard.</p>"
      "HalloweenContestHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Concours<br>terrifiant!"
      "HomeschoolPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à domicile"
      "InstructionsToStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions communicated to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "InvalidEmailAddressMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid email"
        "fr-CA" => "Courriel invalide"
      "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "InvalidStudentDeeplink" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game is already installed?<br/> <span class='link'>Click here to start!</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est déjà installé?<br/> <span class='link'>Clique ici pour le lancer!</span>"
      "LexiconGameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Game</b>: The Game is the application that must be downloaded and installed on the devices used by the Students."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Jeu</b> : Le Jeu est l'application qui doit être installée sur les appareils utilisés par les Élèves."
      "LicenceSubNavWhitelist" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser le libre-service"
      "NanomonxCompanyAddress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal,<br> (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "NanomonxStrengthEngage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Involve students in their learning process"
        "fr-CA" => "Engager l'élève dans son processus d'apprentissage"
      "NewFamilyChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New story"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle histoire"
      "NewPackageOptionsInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Offer compatible with group purchase discounts. "
        "fr-CA" => "*Offre cumulable avec les rabais offerts sur les achats de groupe."
      "NoChallengeFromCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir du catalogue"
      "NoChallengeFromScratch" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de zéro"
      "NoTemplateForChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is not associated with a template"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'est pas associé à un gabarit"
      "NotEnoughSeatLeftText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not have enough seats for all of your students. As a result, <b>all of your students temporarily no longer have access to your groups</b>.<br>This may be due to the expiration of one of your subscription packages, or perhaps the owner of a package you were using has taken it back."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne disposez plus de suffisamment de sièges pour vos élèves. En conséquence, <b>tous vos élèves n’ont temporairement plus accès à vos groupes</b>.<br>                Cela peut être dû à l’expiration d‘un de vos abonnements, ou encore à la reprise d’un abonnement que vous utilisez par son propriétaire."
      "NotEnoughSeatLeftText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To enable your students to access your groups again, you need to purchase a subscription package of the appropriate size.<br> You may also remove some students from your groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves puissent de nouveau accéder à vos groupes, vous devez acheter un nouvel abonnement correspondant à vos besoins.<br>        Vous pouvez aussi retirer des élèves de vos groupes."
      "OnboardingParentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent ou tuteur"
      "PopupButtonAcceptLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and agree"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai pris connaissance et j’accepte"
      "ProductMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "ProductSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle plateforme?"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "SendToCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en correction"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the work you wish to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "SignupRedirectMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are being redirected to sign-up form"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes redirigé vers la Plateforme"
      "SwitchToCdoConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>You have challenges waiting for you in Troubadour, but none in Boreal Tales.</p><p>If you are sure, Boreal Tales is an application installed on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Tu as des défis qui t’attendent dans Troubadour, mais tu n’en as pas dans La Constellation.</p><p>Si tu es bien certain, La Constellation de l’Ours est une application installée sur ton appareil."
      "TBDCatalogTutorialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here you will find turnkey challenges, tailor-made by specialists in education."
        "fr-CA" => "Ici, vous trouverez des défis clés en main, créés sur mesure par des spécialistes de l’éducation. "
      "TBDSharingLinkNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This sharing link is no longer available"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce lien de partage n'est pas disponible"
      "TransferCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super!"
      "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureSparkIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "To spark ideas!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour déclencher des idées!"
      "TroubFeatureWritingFun" => [
        "en-CA" => "Makes writing assignments fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rend les travaux d'écriture amusants!"
      "TroubHelpNavigateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scroll through your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Naviguer dans son travail"
      "TroubMarketMissionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "La mission&nbsp;: créer une thématique permettant aux élèves de représenter leur réalité sur notre plateforme."
      "TroubMarketProjectDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le projet <b><em>La chasse à l'oie dans Eeyou Istchee</em></b>, réalisé pour la Commission scolaire crie, illustre parfaitement le potentiel de Troubadour."
      "TroubStudentLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubTeacherLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubTutorialIntroText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Clique le bouton <em>Écrire</em> du <em>Défi du débutant</em> pour apprendre comment fonctionne Troubadour."
      "TroubadourFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why choose Troubadour?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi choisir Troubadour?"
      "TryDemoOnLargerScreen3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer.<br/><br/>Try it on a bigger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont conçues pour être utilisées sur une tablette ou un ordinateur.<br/><br/>Essayez sur un plus grand écran!"
      "TwitterCatalogImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UserPasswordCheckError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Incorrect password. Please enter your NANOMONX password."
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe incorrect. Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe NANOMONX."
      "Usework-pageNavTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use this menu to navigate the page"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez ce menu pour naviguer la page"
      "WorkStatusChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher is correcting your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e corrige ton travail"
      "WorkstateChangedMyMind" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "WouldYouLikeToContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voulez-vous continuer?"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice1" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 star per word"
        "fr-CA" => "1 étoile par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice2" => [
        "en-CA" => "2 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "2 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice3" => [
        "en-CA" => "3 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "3 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice4" => [
        "en-CA" => "4 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "4 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice5" => [
        "en-CA" => "5 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "5 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "When the 'Write to Build' mode is activated, students will spend stars each time they place an object. To get more stars, they will need to write more words. This mode is useful for students who tend to spend most of their time building instead of writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque le mode "Écrire pour construire" est activé, les élèves utiliseront des étoiles à chaque fois qu'ils placent un objet. Pour avoir plus d'étoiles, les élèves doivent écrire des textes. Ce mode est pratique pour s'assurer que les élèves n'oublient pas d'écrire lorsqu'ils construisent."
      "assistedTooltipSubmit2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you're done, click here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu as fini, clique ici!"
      "buttonInstructionsRead" => [
        "en-CA" => "I carefully read the instructions!"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai bien lu les consignes!"
      "demoCorrectionEndTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "More tools to come!"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus d’outils à venir!"
      "demoSellingPointsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers you:"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour vous offre :"
      "troub_ecureuilSouriant" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_ecureuilSouriant"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_ecureuilSouriant"
      "troubadourLogoVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
      "2020SubscriptionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "From now on, instead of purchasing licenses for each student in your group, you simply need to buy the package that best suits the size of your class."
        "fr-CA" => " Dorénavant, plutôt que d’acheter des licences pour chaque élève de votre groupe, vous sélectionnez simplement l’abonnement qui convient à la taille de votre groupe."
      "AccountCreatedObjective" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before proceeding, for what purpose are you creating this account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de continuer, dans quel but créez-vous ce compte? "
      "AddGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire"
      "AddToPortfolioPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "They will be added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Ils iront maintenant dans ton portfolio."
      "AdminManageHeadingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Managing Nanomonx accounts and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion de comptes et d’abonnements Nanomonx"
      "AdultCreateAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask an adult to create the account"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande à un adulte de créer le compte"
      "BlocksAmountDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is divided in how many parts? Each part contains a scene and a text block."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est divisé en combien de parties? Chaque partie comporte une scène et un bloc de texte."
      "CSVExcelExampleFileName" => [
        "en-CA" => "import_example_excel"
        "fr-CA" => "import_exemple_excel"
      "ChallengeActivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge activated! <span>from the pathway: %$0CourseName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi activé!<span>du parcours : %$0CourseName%</span>"
      "ChallengeStateNotShared" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is not shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est pas partagé."
      "ChallengesCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d'un défi"
      "ChapterEnvironmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Environment Selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Choix de l'environnement"
      "ChooseYourPlatformTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre plateforme"
      "ClassroomStudentsNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0variableA% students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0variableA% élèves"
      "CompletedStatusSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complété"
      "CorrectStudentParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct the student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigez le paragraphe de l'élève"
      "CreateChallengeTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Challenge from our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de notre catalogue"
      "DeepLinkValidationError" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occured"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue"
      "DemoEndContinueSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you want to continue creating?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu veux continuer à créer?"
      "DemoEndDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is:"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour c'est:"
      "DuplicateMenuButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy a scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier une scène"
      "EnableWriteToBuildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the 'Write to Build' mode ?"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le mode "Écrire pour construire" ?"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "End of correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Fin de la correction"
      "FamilySubscriptionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0MonthlyPrice% per month <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> unlimited access for the whole family"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0MonthlyPrice% par mois <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> accès illimité pour toute la famille"
      "FirstPromotionPopupLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FirstPromotionPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction tools, positive feedback, educational differentiation...<br><br>During a webinar with Tania you will learn how Troubadour was designed to meet the needs of teachers!"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction, rétroaction positive, différentiation pédagogique...<br><br>Apprenez comment Troubadour a été conçu pour répondre aux besoins des enseignants au cours d’un webinaire avec Tania!"
      "FreeTrialMessageBanner2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to try the game with your class? Have a %$0duration%-day free trial, on us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez essayer le jeu avec votre classe? Obtenez des licences d'essai de %$0duration% jours, gratuitement!"
      "FreemiumPromotionHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access all features with the %$0startYear%-%$1endYear% subscription. Valid until August %$1endYear%!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accédez à toutes les fonctionnalités avec l’abonnement %$0startYear%-%$1endYear%. Valide jusqu’en aout %$1endYear%!"
      "GetNotifiedByNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get notified!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour être averti!"
      "GroupConfigurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group Editing"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration d'un groupe"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ajoutez maintenant un objet ou un décor à ta scène.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtFinish" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Tu peux maintenant t’amuser avec cette page. Lorsque tu es prêt à créer des histoires, quitte ce tutoriel pour commencer!</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu as fini, n’oublie pas de l’indiquer ici.</p><p>Ne t’en fais pas, tu peux revenir dans une histoire et la changer même si elle est finie.</p>"
      "HistoricalCategoryLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit sensitive elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter les éléments sensibles"
      "LoggedAsSupportUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged in as a"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté en tant que"
      "ManageSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les abonnements"
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're sorry to see you go!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous sommes désolés de vous voir partir!"
      "MarkAsDoneTitleWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're done, click this button!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu as fini, clique sur ce bouton!"
      "MarkAsUnDoneStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is not complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette histoire n'est pas finie"
      "MarkUndoneTitleWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're not sure that you're finished, click this button!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’est pas certain d’avoir fini, clique sur ce bouton!"
      "MarskAsDoneNeedRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have finished reworking!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as fini de retravailler!"
      "MemberSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is only for the parent."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour le parent."
      "MissingTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "My crazy cat!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les alligators allumés "
      "NanomonxCompanyAddress2" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 André-Grasset, suite 201 <br/> Montréal, Québec, H2M 2E9<br/>Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 André-Grasset, suite 201 <br/> Montréal, Québec, H2M 2E9<br/>Canada"
      "NeedsRevisionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected this work. You must make some corrections:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a corrigé ces travaux. Tu dois faire des petites modifications:"
      "NewFamilyChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new story"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer une nouvelle histoire"
      "NewUserChallengeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not started this work."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas encore commencé ce travail."
      "NoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis actifs"
      "NoChallengesToStartInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève n’a pas de défis assigné"
      "NumberWorksInCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% en correction"
      "OnboardingManagerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I wish to manage or purchase subscription packages for someone else"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux gérer ou acheter des abonnements pour quelqu’un d’autre"
      "OnboardingTeacherButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, or other education specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant.e ou autre spécialiste de l'éducation"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
      "ParentSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is restricted parent only."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour le parent."
      "PasswordHelperTextShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using different passwords for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève."
      "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type: {userType} Country: {country} Desired classes: {classAmount}"
        "fr-CA" => " Type: {userType} Pays: {country} Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
      "ReadingChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to change the content of a reading challenge, open the application and log in using the same credentials used to connect to the teacher platform. You must set the challenge to “public” to make it available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour modifier le contenu d’un défi de lecture, ouvrez l’application et connectez-vous avec les mêmes identifiants que ceux utilisés sur la plateforme enseignant. Vous devez le rendre public pour qu'il soit visible par les élèves du groupe."
      "RedeemCodePopupMainText" => [
        "en-CA" => "An activation code will automatically assign you a subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Un code d’activation vous assignera automatiquement un abonnement."
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best fit your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "SeatsCurrentlyUsedTotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats currently in use: %$0% of %$1%"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges utilisés en ce moment : %$0% sur %$1%"
      "SeeModificationsHistory" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the modification history"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l'historique des modifications"
      "ShareWorkNoPersInfoWarn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ensure the work does not include personal information."
        "fr-CA" => "Assurez-vous que le travail ne contienne pas de renseignements personnels."
      "StartConsultationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter"
      "StateUnassignedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge %$0% has been unassigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% a été désassigné."
      "StudentShouldReviewText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you send this work for revision, the student will have to revise this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous envoyez ce travail en révision, l’élève devra modifier ce texte."
      "StudentsNotStartedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "These students have not started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves n’ont pas commencé."
      "StudentsNotStartedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The list excludes students for whom the challenge is hidden."
        "fr-CA" => "La liste exclu les élèves pour lesquels le défi est masqué."
      "SwitchToCdoConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to use Boreal Tales?"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain de vouloir utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours?"
      "TBDCatalogTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue des défis"
      "TextEntrySaveSuccessful" => [
        "en-CA" => "The text has been saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le texte a été sauvegardé."
      "ThirdPromotionPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school bulletin board for creating projects that bring together many classes.<br><br>A dashboard for monitoring the evolution of student engagement."
        "fr-CA" => "Le babillard école pour créer des projets réunissant plusieurs classes.<br><br>Un tableau de bord pour suivre l'évolution de l'engagement des élèves."
      "TitleOfStudentChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of the student's work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail de l'élève"
      "TroubChallengesWorkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges and Works"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis et travaux"
      "TroubDemoStartLearnMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "To learn more on the features, classroom use and pricing, follow the link below!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour en savoir plus sur les fonctionnalités, l'utilisation en classe et les tarifs, c'est par ici!"
      "TroubFeatureApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "A web app that helps develop writing skills"
        "fr-CA" => "Une appli Web pour travailler l'écriture"
      "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
      "TroubFeatureHelpStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Helps students improve their writing skills"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide les élèves à s'améliorer en écriture"
      "TroubFirstVisitQuestion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que c’est la première fois que tu utilises Troubadour?"
      "TroubadourStrengthPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning to write is an adventure in itself."
        "fr-CA" => "L'apprentissage de l'écriture est une aventure en soi. "
      "TroubadourStrengthPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubadourStrengthTime1" => [
        "en-CA" => "For students <br/>ages 8 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de<br/> 8 à 12 ans"
      "TroubadourStrengthTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour: writing to learn"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour: écrire pour apprendre"
      "TwitterPurchaseImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UnassignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove student from group"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève du groupe"
      "UserAgreementPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please read and accept our new terms and conditions before proceeding."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de passer à l’étape suivante, vous devez lire et accepter nos nouvelles conditions d’utilisation."
      "UserChallengeCountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student can work on <span>%$0count%</span> challenge(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève peut travailler sur <span>%$0count%</span> défi(s)."
      "UserChallengeWrongState" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work must be completed before it may be shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail doit être terminé pour être partagé."
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandes-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "WorkStatusPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may no longer make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus le modifier."
      "WorkstateTitleCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "assistedTooltipToAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here to select your objects and build your scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique ici pour sélectionner tes objets et construire ta scène."
      "buttonReturnToChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner aux défis"
      "lightboxTriggerBtnLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more about the teacher platform features ."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez les fonctionnalités de la plateforme enseignant."
      "modifyBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce babillard"
      "newAccountCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>. It contains your purchase receipt and a link to confirm your account creation. Please check your inbox and click on the link to start using your subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour confirmer la création de votre compte. Veuillez consulter vos courriels et cliquer sur le lien pour pouvoir profiter de vos abonnements."
      "newAccountCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat!"
      "revisionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges to review"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis à retravailler"
      "stripe_incorrect_number" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is incorrect."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte est incorrect."
      " CreateChallengeTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge from our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de notre catalogue"
      "AboutUsTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Customer testimonials"
        "fr-CA" => "Témoignages de clients"
      "AccountCreatedConfirmned" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account created and confirmed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compte créé et confirmé!"
      "AccountModificationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account modification"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification de votre compte"
      "AddInstitutionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We offer specific features to users within the same organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons des fonctionnalités spécifiques aux utilisateurs d’une même organisation"
      "AddToPortfolioPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have newly completed work. Well done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as des nouveaux travaux terminés. Bravo!"
      "BorealTalesDownloadText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales is an application that must be installed on student devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de L’Ours est une application qui doit être installée sur les appareils des élèves."
      "BorealTalesDownloadText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend that you try the new version of our platform called <a href='%$0TroubLink%'>Troubadour</a>.<br>Troubadour is played in a browser and does not require any installation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons d’essayer la nouvelle version de notre plateforme nommée <a href='%$0TroubLink%'>Troubadour</a>.<br>Troubadour se joue dans un navigateur et ne nécessite aucune installation."
      "CDOOnboardingDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "For young people aged 6 to 14, this downloadable app integrates world building and writing to inspire creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "Une application téléchargeable qui allie création de mondes et écriture pour inspirer les jeunes de 6 à 14 ans."
      "ChallengesNotStartedInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not started %$0num% assigned challenge(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève n’a pas commencé %$0num% défi(s) assigné(s)"
      "ChallengesNotStartedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "These challenges have not been started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ne sont pas commencés."
      "CommentPopupTitleStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is your text of"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici ton texte du"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Version of the text as of"
        "fr-CA" => "Version du texte en date du"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this story has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers cette histoire a été copié dans votre presse-papier."
      "CreateChallengeZeroShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "From scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "À partir de zéro"
      "DemoChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge of your choice using the objects at your disposal. The full version of Troubadour will feature more than a thousand objects and characters and will allow teachers to create custom challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un défi de votre choix à l'aide de la sélection d'objets proposée.            La version complète de Troubadour contiendra plus d'un millier d'objets et de personnages et permettra aux enseignants de créer des défis sur mesure!"
      "DuplicateSceneDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your scene will be replaced."
        "fr-CA" => "Ta scène sera remplacée."
      "EditGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier votre commentaire"
      "EducationalPathwaySelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your educational path"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez votre parcours scolaire"
      "EndStudentCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish adding students"
        "fr-CA" => "Finir l'ajout d'élèves"
      "FamilyMarkAsDoneContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer à écrire"
      "FamilyNewAccConfirmText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>, it contains your receipt and a link to use the subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour utiliser l’abonnement."
      "FirstPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore all of Troubadour's features"
        "fr-CA" => "Explorez toutes les fonctionnalités de Troubadour"
      "FreemiumNoteThisWeekText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To begin writing stories, all they need to do is log in at <span></span>. Head to <a href="%$0challenges%">Challenges and Works</a> to see what your students have created."
        "fr-CA" => "Ils n’ont qu’à se connecter en allant sur <span></span> pour y écrire des histoires. Dirigez-vous vers <a href="%$0challenges%">Défis et travaux</a> pour voir ce que vos élèves ont créés."
      "GroupConfigurationLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration <span>%$0ClassroomName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe <span>%$0ClassroomName%</span>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu es prêt à continuer, cliquer sur le bouton <b><em>Continuer le tutoriel</em></b>.</p>"
      "InstitutionPostcodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Postal code of institution"
        "fr-CA" => "Code postal d'institution"
      "InvalidStudentLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "MandatoryConclusionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory conclusion?"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion obligatoire?"
      "MoreInfoRequestQuoteText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to know more about our prices or buy a subscription?"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur nos prix ou acheter un abonnement."
      "MultipleStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves ont fini"
      "NanomonxAppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx | Purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx | achat."
      "NanomonxStrengthInnovate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bring innovation to educational content"
        "fr-CA" => "Innover en matière d'offre éducative"
      "NoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis créés"
      "NoHistoryTextPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no revision for this text at the moment."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore de révisions pour ce texte."
      "NoThemesLimitationsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "No Theme Restrictions"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune limitation de thèmes."
      "NotFinishedQuestionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Pas fini?"
      "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "PackagesManagementButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage My Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes abonnements"
      "PreventAnonymizationLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, copy this address in your browser: %$0link%"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, copier cette adresse dans votre navigateur: %$0link% "
      "ProceedToCorrectThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer en correction"
      "ReadingModeFromPageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire à partir de la page en cours"
      "SaveGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Enregistrer votre commentaire"
      "ShareBulletinBoardButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard"
      "StudentFailedBannerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is done! You can only read your story."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé! Tu peux seulement lire ton histoire."
      "StudentFailedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé!"
      "StudentPanelHeadingEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% has no other work open for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% n’a que le travail présentement ouvert pour correction."
      "SubWorldEnvironmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Island Environment Selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Choix de l'environnement des îles"
      "TBDOnboardingDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "An online resource dedicated to developing creative writing skills for students from eight to twelve years old.<br><br>A perfect fit for schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme en ligne, dédiée à l’écriture créative, qui aide les élèves de 8 à 12 ans à développer leurs habiletés à l’écrit.<br><br>Idéale pour le milieu scolaire!"
      "TeacherFailedBannerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed. The student can no longer edit this work but can explore it."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé. L'élève ne peut plus modifier ce travail mais il peut l'explorer."
      "TeacherFailedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will become private, it will not be accessible to other students in the group. Only you and the student author will be able to read it."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail deviendra privé, il ne sera plus accessible aux autres élèves du groupe. Seul vous et l'élève auteur pourrez le consulter."
      "TextEntryDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you really want to destroy this text?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire ce texte?"
      "ThirdPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform your school into a community of authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez votre école en communauté d’auteurs!"
      "TroubTutorialIntroTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Super! Nous allons te montrer comment écrire une histoire."
      "TroubTutorialIntroTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "En faisant le tutoriel tu apprendras comment écrire une histoire."
      "TwitterPurchaseImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "TypeOfEstablishmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of establishment"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’établissement"
      "UserChallengeStatusTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut du travail"
      "WorkStatusPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher moved this work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e a mis ce travail au portfolio"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must wait for your teacher to finish correcting your work."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois attendre que ton enseignant.e termine de corriger ton travail."
      "WorkstateHappyCorrecting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy correcting!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne correction!"
      "WorkstateTitleInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail en rédaction"
      "completedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis terminés"
      "newChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenges created by your teacher. You haven't started them yet!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des nouveaux défis créés par ton enseignant. Tu ne les as pas commencés!"
      "newLoginEmailPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre adresse courriel "
      "stopCorrectionStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop showing explanations"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus montrer les explications"
      "troubadourLogoHorizontal" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-hor"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-hor"
      "writeAsYouBuildBaseCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Starting Number of Stars"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’étoiles au départ"
      "403NotLoggedInTextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accèder à cette page"
      "AccountSubscriptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Compte et abonnements"
      "AddMemberSeatsRestriction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have reached the maximum number of family members allowed."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de personne dans une famille."
      "AddMembersGroupDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My group is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon groupe est complet"
      "BabillardTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Week, theme, etc..."
        "fr-CA" => "Semaine, thématique, etc ..."
      "ChallengeConceptsSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a concept to work with, and to filter the catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez une notion à travailler pour filtrer le catalogue."
      "ChallengeDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes du défi"
      "ChallengePanelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following challenges have corrections pending"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ont des travaux en attente de correction"
      "ClassroomsAndStudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups and students"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes et élèves"
      "ClickToViewTeacherComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see the modification of your teacher at this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique pour voir la modification de ton enseignant à cette date"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The address has been copied to your clipboard"
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse est ajoutée à votre presse-papier"
      "ConstLandingFeaturesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A versatile app for parents and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Une application polyvalente pour les parents et enseignants"
      "ConstLandingStatsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "<sup>*</sup> According to our 2022 satisfaction survey"
        "fr-CA" => "<sup>*</sup> Selon notre sondage de satisfaction 2022"
      "FamilyBabillardIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Bulletin Board is currently empty."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard est actuellement vide."
      "FamilyMemberPasscodesSent" => [
        "en-CA" => "All profile codes have been sent to %$0email%"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les codes de profile ont étés envoyés à %$0email%"
      "FirstPromotionPopupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Register for the webinar"
        "fr-CA" => "S’inscrire au webinaire"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your free trial period is over, you can reactivate the student accounts associated with it by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the work that was started, and will have access to it again once you have assigned them the seats of your new subscription package.To let your kids keep playing after the free trial ends, purchase now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement.Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$2productName%'s free trial offers <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% jours</b> days without any commitment. All features are available to you, whether you use it to homeschool, introduce your kids or students to fun and educational activities, or simply to learn more about it."
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% comprend <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges pour une période de <b>%$1duration% jours</b> sans obligation de votre part. Que ce soit pour l’école à la maison, pour offrir des activités amusantes et éducatives à vos enfants ou élèves, pour découvrir notre plateforme, votre essai gratuit vous donne accès à toutes les fonctionnalités."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "By purchasing a new subscription package after the free trial has ended, you can reactivate the accounts of the students associated with it.  Students will not lose their on-going  work and will be able to access it again. Ensure your kids can keep playing after the free trial by purchasing a subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "En achetant un abonnement à la fin de votre essai gratuit, vous pourrez transférer les comptes élèves qui y étaient associés.  Les élèves auront accès aux travaux déjà commencés et pourront continuer à y travailler. Pour vous assurer que vos élèves puissent profiter de Troubadour sans interruption, achetez votre abonnement maintenant!"
      "GroupDuplicatedMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "That name is already in use by someone in your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Une personne de votre groupe s'appelle déjà comme ça."
      "GroupMembersCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your group members"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les membres de votre groupe"
      "HalloweenContestSubheader" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour invite tous les élèves à créer leur histoire la plus halloweenesque!!!!*"
      "HelpPageSpecificLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Capsules of this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules de cette page"
      "ImportTemplateActionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "LexiconTeacherDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Teacher</b>: Anyone responsible for one or more children (Students): parents, teachers, tutors, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Enseignant</b> : Toute personne responsable d'un ou plusieurs enfants (Élèves) : parent, enseignant, orthopédagogue, tuteur, etc."
      "LexiconWebsiteDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Teacher Platform</b>: This website. The Teacher Platform is exclusively used by Teachers and school and district managers."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Plateforme Enseignant</b> : Ce site internet.                 La Plateforme Enseignant est exclusivement utilisée par les Enseignants et les gestionnaires institutionnels."
      "MinimalConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Minimum configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurations minimales"
      "NotAvailableInTutorialMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel."
      "OrientationDisplayWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx are more fun to use in landscape mode. <br>Please turn your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont plus agréables à utiliser en mode paysage.<br>Veuillez tourner votre appareil."
      "OwnedPackagesDistribution" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribution d'abonnements"
      "PlayTroubadourDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "A web-based creative writing game that requires no installation. Quick to use with students"
        "fr-CA" => "Un jeu de création littéraire en version Web ne nécessitant aucune installation. Rapide d'utilisation avec les élèves"
      "PreventAnonymizationLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your navigator: <br/> %$0link% "
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: <br/> %$0link% "
      "ReadingModeFromStartLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire à partir du début"
      "RedeemCodePopupSecondText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you purchased through a distributor, you should receive the activation code by email."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez fait l’achat par un distributeur, vous devriez recevoir le code d’activation par courriel."
      "RedeemCodeinformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may now use the following subscription: %$0packageName%. This subscription allows you to add %$1% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser votre %$0packageName%. Cet abonnement vous permet l’ajout de %$1% élèves"
      "RetryingConnectionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Retrying.<br>One moment please."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous réessayons.<br>Un instant svp."
      "SecondPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Make Troubadour a school project!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites de Troubadour un projet-école!"
      "ShareWorkFromNameQuestion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share <span id='current-name'></span>'s work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez le travail de <span id='current-name'></span>?"
      "ShareWorkPublicDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Anyone with this link will have access to read this story, and see the student's name, as well as yours."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous partagez, tout visiteur avec le lien pourra lire cette histoire et voir le nom affiché de l’élève ainsi que le vôtre."
      "SharedBulletinBoardsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard de %$0name%"
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "StudentChallengeGreeting3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0studentName%!<br>Ready for a challenge? Choose a work from those available below."
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0studentName%!<br>Prêt.e pour un défi? Choisis un travail parmi ceux disponibles ci-dessous."
      "StudentChallengeGreeting4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to <span>Troubadour</span> %$0studentName%!<br>Ready for a challenge? Choose a challenge from those available below."
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans <span>Troubadour</span> %$0studentName%!<br>Prêt.e pour un défi? Choisis un travail parmi ceux disponibles ci-dessous."
      "StudentClassroomGreeting5" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are part of many groups. Choose which one you want to work in today."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu fais partie de plusieurs groupes. Choisis celui dans lequel tu aimerais travailler aujourd'hui."
      "StudentFailedWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is not accessible to your classmates."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'est pas visitable par tes camarades de classe."
      "StudentRevisionBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected your work. You need to revise some of the text. Once the revisions are complete, resubmit the work."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e a corrigé ton travail. Tu dois réviser certains textes. Une fois que les révisions sont terminées, soumets le travail à nouveau."
      "StudentsSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves et abonnements"
      "SubscriptionRequiredTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement requis!"
      "SwitchToFamilyVersionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family can be used from your account. However, it uses a separate subscription and works differently from the school version. You can switch from one version to another at any time, depending on your use."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille peut être utilisée à partir de votre compte. Cependant, elle utilise un abonnement distinct et son fonctionnement est différent de la version scolaire.         Vous pourrez à tout moment, passer d'une version à l'autre, selon votre utilisation."
      "TBDChallengeTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have configured your Nanomonx account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez configuré votre compte Nanomonx!"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "It’s time to create writing challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer des défis d’écriture!"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour"
      "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn_en"
        "fr-CA" => "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn_fr"
      "TeacherFailedBannerTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "TeacherRevisionBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have marked some texts as requiring revision. When the student has completed the corrections, they may re-submit the work for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez marqué certains textes comme nécessitant des révisions. Lorsque l'élève aura terminé ses corrections, il pourra vous soumettre le travail à nouveau."
      "TroubadourFeatureSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour increases motivation, confidence <br/>and gives children a taste for writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour augmente la motivation, la confiance<br/> et donne le goût d'écrire aux enfants."
      "TroubadourStrengthNoIdea1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotes<br/>idea generation</br>for writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Favorise<br/> l'émergence d'idées</br> pour écrire"
      "UnlimitedExclamationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Illimité!"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "WaitingForValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En correction"
      "WelcomeToTroubadourFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour Family!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour Famille!"
      "WhiteListPopupDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group has access to subscriptions.<br><br>Take one now."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous faites partie d’un groupe ayant accès à des abonnements.<br><br>Sélectionnez-en un maintenant."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may not write at this moment"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas écrire pour l’instant"
      "WorkstateNeedRevisionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can only modify the texts marked as To be improved."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève ne peut modifier seulement les textes marqués comme À retravailler."
      "WorkstateOnlyYouMayModify" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the only one who can now modify this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes la seule personne qui puisse maintenant modifier ce travail."
      "buttonCancelEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, I changed my mind."
        "fr-CA" => "Non, j'ai changé d'idée."
      "correctionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges waiting for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en attente de correction"
      "demoCorrectionEndSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>The student will need to correct the requested modifications and send the text again for correction.</p><p>The full version of Troubadour will have even more correction tools!</p> "
        "fr-CA" => "<p>L'élève devra corriger les modifications demandées et vous soumettre le texte à nouveau pour validation.</p><p>La version finale du jeu contiendra encore plus d'outils de correction!</p> "
      "demoTryCorrectionLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try them in our correction Demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-les dans notre démo de correction."
      "generic_manager_last_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "So-and-so"
        "fr-CA" => "Untel"
      "studentChallengesPageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Stop correcting and place this work in the portfolio?"
        "fr-CA" => "*Arrêter la correction et mettre ce travail au portfolio?"
      "BorealTalesDownloadHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download<br>Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger la<br>Constellation de l’Ours"
      "BrowserNeedUpdateErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform does not support your browser version. Please update your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme ne supporte pas la version de votre navigateur. Veuillez mettre à jour votre navigateur s'il vous plaît."
      "CDONoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Active challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Défis actifs"
      "ConnectedWithGoogleAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged in to your Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté à votre compte Google"
      "ConnectionLostRetryMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hmmm, it looks like your internet connection is not responding. Retrying in..."
        "fr-CA" => "Mmmm, il semble que l’internet ne réponde pas. Nous allons réessayer dans..."
      "ConstellationSettingsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information specific to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Information spécifique à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ConstructionHelpPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need help?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin d'aide?"
      "CreateChallengeFromCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser le catalogue"
      "CreateChallengeFromScratch" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create from scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer à partir de zéro"
      "DefaultParentChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "My first challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon premier défi"
      "DescriptionEndConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will now send your work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu vas maintenant envoyer ton travail à ton enseignant.e pour correction."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the exercice"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le travail"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to construction"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour en  rédaction"
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask student to revise"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève doit retravailler"
      "FamilyDuplicatedMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "That name is already in use by someone in your family."
        "fr-CA" => "Une personne de votre famille s'appelle déjà comme ça."
      "FamilyMembersCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your family members"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les membres de votre famille"
      "GeneralCommentTitleStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher's comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant.e"
      "GeneralCommentTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtNarration" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu peux commencer à écrire ton histoire. Inspire toi de la scène que tu as créé pour inventer quelque chose de passionnant.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtNextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Prochaine étape&nbsp;&rarr;"
      "InCorrectionHelpPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is being corrected by your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en correction par ton enseignant.e."
      "InCorrectionHelpPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must wait until correcting has been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois attendre que la correction soit terminée."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter a challenge code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "InvalidStudentNogroupPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "To play our games, you must be part of a group. You can ask a teacher, parent, tutor or other person in charge to add you to their group."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour jouer à nos jeux, tu dois faire partie d'un groupe. Tu peux demander à un enseignant, parent, tuteur ou autre responsable de t'ajouter à son groupe."
      "InvalidStudentNogroupPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to be added to a group, you can give them your <b> username </b> and <b> password.</b> This is what you’ve used to log in. This will allow them to add you to the My students section of the teacher platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Afin d'être ajouté à un groupe, tu peux leur fournir ton <b>nom d'utilisateur</b> et ton <b>mot de passe.</b> C'est ce que tu viens d'utiliser pour te connecter. Ceci leur permettra de t'ajouter dans la section Mes élèves de la plateforme enseignant!"
      "LexiconStudentsDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Student</b>: Anyone using the game to build words and write text. The Student only works in the game, and does not have access to this web platform dedicated to Teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Élève</b> : Toute personne qui utilise le jeu pour construire des mondes et rédiger des textes.                    L'Élève travaille uniquement dans le jeu, et n'a pas accès à cette plateforme web dédiée aux enseignants."
      "MandatoryIntroductionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory introduction?"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction obligatoire?"
      "MemberSwitchAccessSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the password"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le mot de passe"
      "NoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Works"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "NoTextLockWarnTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no text to correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a aucun texte à corriger"
      "OnboardingCreateChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have finished setting up your Nanomonx account!<br>It's time to create challenges for your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez configuré votre compte Nanomonx!<br>Il est temps de créer des défis à vos élèves!"
      "OnboardingImportedStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students imported via Google Classroom (%$0%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves importés via Google Classroom (%$0%)"
      "PathwayPaidUserEnabledDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% has been activated.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% est présentement activé.</strong>"
      "RedeemCodePopupCloseButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I do not have a code"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas de code"
      "ReturnToCorrectingThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en rédaction"
      "ShareThisUCDisclaimerText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: It is crucial that the story does not contain vulgarity, personal information about the child, or defamatory messages. It is your responsibility to ensure that your posts meet these criteria."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Il est crucial que l’histoire ne contienne ni vulgarités, ni informations personnelles sur l’enfant, ni messages diffamatoires. Il vous incombe de vous assurer que vos publications respectent ces critères."
      "ShareThisUCDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the event that inappropriate content is shared, please note that Nanomonx reserves the right to delete the offending content, and close the responsible account in accordance with our terms of use. We are counting on your collaboration to preserve a healthy and respectful educational environment."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le cas où du contenu inapproprié serait partagé, sachez que Nanomonx se réserve le droit de supprimer le contenu incriminé et de fermer le compte concerné, conformément à nos conditions d'utilisation. Nous comptons sur votre collaboration pour préserver un environnement éducatif sain et respectueux."
      "SharedBabillardIsEmptyMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hey, %$0% hasn't added any works yet."
        "fr-CA" => "Tiens donc, %$0% n’a pas encore ajouté de travaux."
      "SharedBabillardIsEmptyMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Come back and visit this Classroom Wall later!"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenez visiter ce babillard plus tard!"
      "SingleConnectionForAllText" => [
        "en-CA" => "One connection<br>for all"
        "fr-CA" => "Une seule connexion<br>pour tous"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it on a bigger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez sur un plus grand écran!"
      "StudentCompletedBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé!"
      "StudentFailedWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé"
      "StudentRevisionBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to edit elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois modifier des éléments"
      "StudentUserNameExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be used by the student to log in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Devra être utilisé par l'élève au moment de la connexion."
      "SwitchToFamilyVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Basculer vers Troubadour Famille"
      "TBDReadyNanomonxGoogleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students may now log in to <a href="/"></a> with their Google accounts, to complete their first challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves peuvent maintenant se connecter avec leur compte Google à partir de <a href="/"></a> pour relever leur premier défi."
      "TeacherCompletedBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé!"
      "TeacherRevisionBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student must edit some elements"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève doit modifier des éléments"
      "TroubDemoConstructionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the Troubadour demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo de Troubadour!"
      "TroubFamilyProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Conçue pour un usage familial, Troubadour Famille est une plateforme qui permet aux enfants de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire dans un environnement sécuritaire."
      "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
      "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureWritingNotions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers the possibility to work on all kinds of writing concepts."
        "fr-CA" => "Offre la possibilité de travailler toutes sortes de notions d'écriture."
      "TroubPartnerProgramTargets" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le programme Partenaires s’adresse principalement aux organisations culturelles et touristiques."
      "TroubadourAboutFooterTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is made <br/>with passion by Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est créé avec <br/> passion par Nanomonx"
      "UnavailableInformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information not yet available"
        "fr-CA" => "Information non disponible"
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "WhiteListPopupDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "These users have offered you a subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces utilisateurs vous offre un abonnement :"
      "WorkstateTitleNeedRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail à retravailler"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoiceLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'étoiles par mot"
      "descriptionDemoChoicePopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now try our new platform Troubadour from two different perspectives!<br><br> Build a story as a student or give feedback to a sample student with an overview of our correction tools."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez désormais essayez notre nouvelle plateforme Troubadour de deux façons! <br><br>                                    Construisez une histoire comme le feraient vos élèves ou donnez de la rétroaction à un élève                                    fictif grâce à un aperçu de nos outils de correction"
      "generic_manager_first_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mr."
        "fr-CA" => "Monsieur "
      "stripe_invoice_description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx - Awaken the imagination. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to work with you."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx - Éveiller l'imaginaire.  Merci de nous donner cette opportunité de travailler avec vous."
      "troubadourLogoVerticalDark" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-dark"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-dark"
      "AllTextEntryDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroying this text will erase any corrections, history or comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce texte effacera toutes corrections, historiques ou commentaires"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes en train de corriger ce travail."
      "BrowserNeedUpdateErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please update your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez mettre à jour votre navigateur s'il vous plait."
      "CDONoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Created challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Défis créés"
      "ChallengeCreationStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will only have access to challenges that have been activated. You can create a bank of challenges, then activate them as your students progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves auront accès aux défis activés. Vous pouvez vous créer une banque de défis désactivés, puis les activer au fur et à mesure que progressent vos élèves."
      "ChallengeTeacherDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "ConfirmSharedChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story <span>$%title%</span> has been shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire <span>$%title%</span> est partagée!"
      "ConfirmWorkstateButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go!"
        "fr-CA" => "Allons-y!"
      "ConstellationRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux des élèves"
      "CorrectionWorkShareLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*The sharing link will remain unchanged."
        "fr-CA" => "*Le lien de partage restera le même. "
      "DefaultParentChallengeDescr" => [
        "en-CA" => "A first challenge, no instructions. Just build and write what you want!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un premier défi libre, sans instructions. Créez et écrivez ce que vous voulez! "
      "DefaultUserAgreementWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note: Other terms may apply to you if your membership is subject to a contract, agreement with a government or educational institution. Account creation will include specific documentation for your case."
        "fr-CA" => "Note : D'autres termes et conditions peuvent s'appliquer à vous, selon que votre abonnement est régi par un contrat, une entente avec un gouvernement ou une entité scolaire. Les documents propres à votre dossier vous seront présentés au moment de créer le compte."
      "DeleteStudentFromListAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from the list"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer de la liste"
      "DuplicateTextLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will lose the texts of this scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu perdras les textes de cette scène."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complet"
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student continues to work"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève continue de travailler"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow the student to modify everything"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser l’élève tout modifier "
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work must be modified"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail doit être modifié"
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student must rework"
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève doit retravailler"
      "FamilyMemberSwitchCodeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The code entered is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le code entré est invalide."
      "FamilyRecurringPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille récurrent"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtAssetPlace" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Cliquez sur l'élément pour finaliser le placement.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtPagination" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ton histoire peut avoir autant de pages et de scènes que tu veux! Tu peux en ajouter ici.</p><p>Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel.</p>"
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% per year <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> unlimited access for the whole family"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% par an <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> accès illimité pour toute la famille"
      "InvalidStudentDownloadLink1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This game must be installed. If you do not have the game, <span class='link'>download it!</span>\u{2003}"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce jeu doit être installé. Si tu n'as pas le jeu, <span class='link'>télécharge-le!</span>"
      "InvalidStudentLoginGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0displayName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Salut %$0displayName%"
      "InvalidStudentLoginSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "À quel jeu souhaites-tu jouer?"
      "LexiconChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Challenge</b>: A challenge is the description of  a work given to Students: it contains a title, instructions and a series of settings configured by the Teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Défi</b> : Un Défi est la description d'un exercice soumis aux élèves:                     il contient un titre, des consignes et une série de paramètres ajustables par l'Enseignant."
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student*"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève*"
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*These changes will be applied when you assign the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "*Ces changements seront appliqués lorsque vous assignerez le défi"
      "MoreInfoSubscriptionPricing" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you would like more information about our prices, or to purchase a subscription, <a href='%$0PurchaseLink%'>visit the purchase section</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur nos prix ou acheter un abonnement, <a href='%$0PurchaseLink%'>visitez la section achat</a>."
      "NoChallengeDescriptionError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to add instructions for your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez ajouter une consigne à votre défi"
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With your subscription, you have full control over your students' writing challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec votre abonnement, vous avez le plein contrôle sur les défis d’écritures de vos élèves."
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to start by activating the <strong>Writing Pathway<strong>?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous commencer par activer le <strong>Parcours d’Écriture<strong>?"
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg3" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the writing pathway, your students will receive a creative challenge every week. You will be able to read and share their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec le parcours d’écriture, vos élèves recevront un défi créatif à chaque semaine. Vous pourrez lire et partager leurs créations."
      "OverGameMenuBackButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour"
      "PathwayPaidUserDisabledDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% has been disabled.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% est présentement désactivé.</strong>"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change your device and come back to see us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Changez d'appareil et revenez nous voir&nbsp;!"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer."
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont conçues pour être utilisées sur une tablette ou un ordinateur."
      "StateInCorrectionToastTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en correction."
      "StopManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop managing this Message Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêtez de gérer ce babillard"
      "StudentCompletedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé!"
      "StudentInProgressBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This assignment is accessible. Read your teacher's instructions carefully and get started! When you're done, don't forget to submit it for correction!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est accessible. Lis-bien les consignes de ton enseignant.e et vas-y! Quand tu auras fini, n'oublie pas de lui soumettre pour correction!"
      "StudentValidationBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is awaiting your teacher's corrections. You can read the story but you cannot change anything."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en attente des corrections de ton enseignant.e. Tu peux lire l'histoire mais tu ne peux rien modifier."
      "SubscriptionRequiredMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use of this feature requires an active subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour accéder à cette fonctionnalité, vous devez avoir un abonnement actif."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family and teacher versions can be used from the same account. However, they require separate subscriptions and function very differently. You may switch between these two versions at any time without losing any work."
        "fr-CA" => "Les versions famille et enseignant peuvent être utilisées à partir du même compte. Elles utilisent des abonnements distincts et fonctionnent très différemment. Vous pourrez passer de l’une à l’autre à tout moment et rien ne sera perdu."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: The teacher version is designed for use in class or for homework."
        "fr-CA" => "NB : La version enseignant est conçue pour une utilisation en classe ou pour les devoirs."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to the teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la version enseignants"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "For your first challenge, we suggest using our catalog of pre-made challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour votre premier défi, nous vous suggérons d’utiliser notre catalogue de défis."
      "TBDReadyGoogleTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Everything is ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout est prêt!"
      "TeacherCompletedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed public exercice"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé public"
      "TeacherCompletedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will become public, it will be accessible to other students in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail deviendra public, il sera accessible aux autres élèves du groupe."
      "TeacherInProgressBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has begun working. Until the student submits the work for correction, you will not have access to make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a commencé son travail. Vous ne pouvez rien modifier tant qu'il ne vous l'a pas soumis pour correction."
      "TeacherValidationBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has completed this work. It must now be corrected"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève à terminé ce travail. Il faut maintenant le corriger"
      "TroubFeatureEasyRetroaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Supports the learner with teacher feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Soutient l'apprenant grâce à la rétroaction de l'enseignant."
      "TroubMetaHalloween2024Title" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Concours d’écriture terrifiant!"
      "TroubZohoDemoPageNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UserTypeParentGuardianLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent ou gardien"
      "WorkstateInProgressOpenDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will be able to modify all your corrections. The challenge will need to be re-corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra modifier toutes vos corrections comme il le souhaite. Le défi devra être recorrigé."
      "WorkstateTitleNeedRevision2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in needs revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant à retravailler."
      "assistedTooltipTitleWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget to give your work a title on the first page."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oublie pas de mettre un titre à ton travail en première page."
      "buttonContinueEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes! I know how to do it."
        "fr-CA" => "Oui! Je sais comment faire."
      "constructionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en cours"
      "demoTryConstructionLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try a sample in our student Demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez les en partie dans notre démo du mode Élève."
      "failedChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has finished correcting one of your challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a terminé la correction d'un de tes défis!"
      "onlyRevsionChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no challenge to work on at the moment. Your teacher or parent must create one for you so that you can work."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas de défi à travailler en ce moment. Ton enseignant ou parent doit t'en créer un ou corriger ceux en attente pour que tu puisses travailler."
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "BrowserNotSupportedErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform only supports Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera browsers."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme ne supporte que les navigateurs Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox et Opera."
      "CONSTELLATION_BackToGameBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-back-to-game-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-back-to-game-fr"
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in group: <span>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe : <span>%$1Groups%</span>. "
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A regularly updated catalog of ready-to-use exercises is provided with all our subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d'exercices clé en main, mis à jour régulièrement, est offert avec tous nos abonnements."
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>The catalog is not available in free mode.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>Le catalogue n’est pas offert dans le mode gratuit.</em>"
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue"
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free mode offers challenges for all ages."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode gratuit offre des défis pour tous les âges."
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you will be able to create challenges on specific topics, and assign them to any of your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous pourrez créer des défis sur des sujets pointus et les assigner uniquement à certains élèves."
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>In free mode, challenges are assigned to all students.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>En mode gratuit, les défis sont assignés à tous les élèves.</em>"
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pedagogical differentiation"
        "fr-CA" => "La différenciation pédagogique"
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you can choose which backgrounds and characters will be accessible, the writing rules to practice, the structure of the challenge, and more."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous pourrez choisir quels décors et personnages seront accessibles, les règles d’écriture à pratiquer, la structure du défi et plus encore."
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>Challenge creation is not available in free mode.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>La création de défi n’est pas offerte dans le mode gratuit.</em>"
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "La création de défis"
      "ConnectionEstablishedMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connection restored!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion rétablie!"
      "CreateChallengeTemplateShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "From the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "À partir du catalogue"
      "DownloadBorealTalesPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the game • Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger le jeu • Constellation de l'Ours"
      "DuplicateAssetLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The objects and characters you have placed will be changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Les objets et personnages que tu as placés seront remplacés."
      "ExistingAccountCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your subscription packages have been assigned to your administrator account. A receipt has been sent to the following email address: <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos abonnements ont été assignés à votre compte administrateur. Un reçu a été envoyé à l'adresse <span>%$0email%</span>."
      "ExistingAccountCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to your account to create your students' accounts and start using the platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous dès maintenant pour créer les comptes des élèves et commencer à utiliser la plateforme!"
      "ExistingNanomonxAccountMsgqq" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> matches an existing Nanomonx account.<br>Would you prefer to use Google for all future logins?"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> correspond à un compte Nanomonx existant.<br>Souhaitez-vous utiliser Google pour vous connecter à l’avenir?"
      "FamilyAccountCreationTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creating your account and adding your family takes about 2 or 3 minutes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer son compte et ajouter sa famille ne prend que deux ou trois minutes!"
      "GameShieldConstructionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Construire"
      "GeneralCommentSaveSuccessMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment has been saved"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire a été enregistré"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtMatControls" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu pourras choisir des options pour placer les objets.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtReadingMode" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour voir ton histoire en action, clique ici!</p><p>Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemoTip1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Essaie par toi-même! Place quelques objets et décors.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemoTip2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu sélectionnes un personnage, clique sur ce boutton pour lui ajouter du texte.</p>"
      "HalloweenSignupRedirectTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes redirigé vers la page des règlements."
      "MarkAsDoneButtonTextWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Fini!"
      "MarkUndoneButtonTextWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas fini!"
      "NanomonxDescriptionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes children's learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture their creativity, spark engagement and increase their motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité, suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation."
      "NoChallengeDescriptionError1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to add a context to your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez ajouter une mise en contexte à votre défi"
      "NoSceneToDuplicateDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "No scene available"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune scène n'est disponible"
      "OnboardingFirstStepCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "The first step is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "La première étape est terminée!"
      "OverGameMenuCloseButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma scène"
      "PlayConstellationDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "A playful platform for immersive creative writing. Requires an installation"
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme ludique de création littéraire immersive. Nécessite une installation"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
        "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "RedirectToSchoolVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switching to the school version"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous allons basculer vers la version scolaire"
      "ReturningWhiteListPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not currently have any valid subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas d'abonnements valide."
      "ShareChallengeCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager le défi"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform was designed to be used on a tablet or personal computer."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme est conçue pour être utilisée sur tablette ou ordinateur."
      "StartManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage this Message Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ce babillard"
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your classmates can visit it."
        "fr-CA" => "Il peut être visité par tes camarades de classe."
      "StudentInProgressBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est parti!"
      "StudentValidationBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours de correction"
      "TBDReadyNanomonxTutorialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now provide your students with their account credentials, and ask them to log in at <a href="/"></a> to complete their first challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant fournir les identifiants à vos élèves et leur demander de se connecter à partir de <a href="/"></a> pour relever leur premier défi."
      "TeacherInProgressBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has begun working"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a commencé son travail"
      "TeacherValidationBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's your turn to correct"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est à vous de corriger"
      "TroubEnrichOrgExperienceText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Explorons ensemble comment Troubadour peut enrichir l’expérience de votre organisation."
      "TroubFeatureEducationProgram" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers content specific to the school program."
        "fr-CA" => "Propose du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire."
      "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
      "TroubPartnersProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une version de Troubadour adaptée aux contextes touristiques et culturels qui permet aux visiteurs de raconter et de partager leur expérience d'une façon unique."
      "UnavailableTemplateForRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "This template is not available in this region."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce gabarit n'est pas disponible pour cette région."
      "WorkStateHeaderChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge: %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi: %$0name%"
      "WorkstateHelpChangeToCorrect" => [
        "en-CA" => "To make corrections, you must %$0%switch to correction mode%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le corriger, vous devez %$0%le faire passer en correction%$1%."
      "WorkstateTitleInProgressOpen" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch back in progress?"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en rédaction libre?"
      "assistedTooltipEndCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you have finished, return the work to be corrected to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous avez terminé, renvoyez le travail à corriger à l’élève."
      "assistedTooltipToInstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can find the instructions at any time here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux revoir les consignes à tout moment ici!"
      "generic_manager_display_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mr. So-and-so"
        "fr-CA" => "Monsieur Untel"
      "usersAreWaitingForCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following students have works pending correction for this challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves attendent des corrections pour ce défi:"
      "AddGeneralCommentTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a general comment?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire général?"
      "BrowserNotSupportedErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our teacher platform does not support your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme enseignant ne supporte pas votre navigateur."
      "CDONoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Submitted student works"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "CDOOnboardingDescriptionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "An application installed on your device. Kids will feel like they are creating their very own video game!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une application installée sur votre appareil. Les enfants auront l’impression de créer des jeux vidéos!"
      "CommentPopupTitleStudentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your text"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton texte"
      "CommentPopupTitleStudentText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte de l'élève"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacherText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Révision de ton enseignant"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacherText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre révision"
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "ConstLandingTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""None have the stress of the blank page and the performance. All persevere. All experience success and pride.""
        "fr-CA" => "« Aucun n'a le stress de la page blanche et de la performance. Tous persévèrent. Tous\u{A0} vivent des réussites et de la fierté. »"
      "ConstructionStatusMissingPage" => [
        "en-CA" => "At this construction status, you must include a page variable"
        "fr-CA" => "À ce status de construction, vous devez inclure une variable de page"
      "ContactUsFormSendConfirmation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your message has been received and someone will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre message a été reçu et quelqu'un vous contactera sous peu."
      "CorrectionWorkShareCancelText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will no longer be shared publicly. Once it is completed, you may share it again.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail ne sera plus partagé publiquement.<br>Lorsqu’il sera terminé à nouveau, vous pourrez le repartager.*"
      "EmailAndPasswordActivatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter avec le courriel %$0email% et ce mot de passe."
      "ExistingNanomonxAccountMsgqq2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> matches an existing Nanomonx account.<br>Would you like to add Google as a login method?"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> correspond à un compte Nanomonx existant.<br>Souhaitez-vous ajouter Google comme méthode de connexion?"
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your card is charged, an email containing your receipt will be sent to <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque votre carte sera débitée, un courriel contenant votre reçu sera envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>."
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue to student account creation, and start using the platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez pour créer les comptes des élèves et commencer à utiliser la plateforme!"
      "FamilyMemberPasscodesSentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "All profile codes have been sent to <strong>%$0email%</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les codes de profile ont étés envoyés à <strong>%$0email%</strong>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Si le défi a des consignes, c’est important de commencer par bien les lire.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtZoomControls" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu pourras t’approcher ou t’éloigner de ta scène.</p>"
      "InvalidStudentNogroupSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do have your own account, but it looks as if you are not part of a group."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu possèdes bien un compte, mais tu ne sembles pas faire partie d'un groupe."
      "LandscapeUnsupportedErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This content must be displayed in portrait orientation on this device."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce contenu doit être affiché en orientation portrait sur cet appareil."
      "OnboardingTeacherParentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use the platforms with students/children."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser les plateformes avec des élèves/des enfants."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students pending validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves en attente de validation"
      "ResendEmailConfirmationLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send me a confirmation email"
        "fr-CA" => "M'envoyer un courriel de confirmation"
      "StateInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must finish the correction before the student can resume working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can no longer modify this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus modifier ce travail."
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé"
      "StudentOverflowWarningMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your subscription allows for %$0SeatsAllowed% students. Currently, you have %$1SeatsAssigned%.<br>You will need to remove students from your groups, or purchase more seats to continue using your subscription.<br>The free mode will be activated until this situation is resolved."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre abonnement vous donne droit à %$0SeatsAllowed% élèves. Vous en avez actuellement %$1SeatsAssigned%.<br>Vous devrez retirer des élèves de vos groupes ou acheter davantage d'abonnements pour utiliser votre souscription.<br>Le mode gratuit sera activé entre-temps."
      "TBDOnboardingDescriptionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, without any installation. Ideal for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, sans installation. Idéal pour les enseignants."
      "TBDReadyNanomonxTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Everything is ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout est prêt!"
      "TitleOfStudentChallengeSimple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail"
      "TroubTutorialLinkLocationTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu veux tout de même les voir, tu peux cliquer sur le boutton suivant"
      "TroubTutorialLinkLocationTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Il se trouve tout en haut de l’écran."
      "TroubadourFullVersionTraining" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a live training with our team!"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une formation en direct avec notre équipe!"
      "TroubadourStrengthAdaptation1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs<br/>of students<br/>and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux<br/> besoins des élèves<br/> et des enseignants"
      "UnassignedChallengesPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "These works will now be in the <strong>Unassigned</strong> section of your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces travaux seront maintenant dans la section <strong>Désassignés</strong> de ton portfolio"
      "WorkSateHeaderExploreGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de"
      "assistedCorrectionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Give feedback to your student on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Donnez de la rétroaction à votre élève sur les différentes pages de son texte.</p><p>Vous pouvez modifier et                        surligner certains mots en utilisant les outils de correction ou indiquer si le texte est approuvé ou s’il doit être retravaillé.</p>"
      "assistedTooltipRevisionSubmit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here to give the work back to your teacher!"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique ici pour redonner le travail à ton enseignant.e!"
      "revisionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected your challenge. Now you need to make some changes."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a corrigé ton défi. Tu dois maintenant apporter quelques modifications."
      "storefrontOtherPayementAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact Us"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous contacter"
      "titleCorrectionDemoReviseText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct the text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigez le texte"
      "AssistedConstructionSubmitText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work will now be corrected by your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton exercice sera maintenant corrigé par ton enseignant."
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in the following groups: <span>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves des groupes : <span>%$1Groups%</span>. "
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "CorrectStudentParagraphPageNum" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paragraph from page %$0PageNumber%"
        "fr-CA" => "Paragraphe de la page %$0PageNumber%"
      "CreateChallengeHybridCondition" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>The challenge has been activated for group %$0%, and students now have access.</p><p>The challenge was created for group %$1%, but has not been activated.<br>Activate the challenge when you are ready for your students to begin participating.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Le défi est activé pour les groupe %$0% et les élèves y ont maintenant accès.</p><p>Le défi a été créé pour le groupe %$1%, mais il n’est pas activé.<br>Activez le défi quand vous souhaitez que vos élèves y participe.</p>"
      "EmptyGeneralCommentTextStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has not left a comment. Correct any texts that are marked for revision in yellow."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e n'a pas laissé de commentaire encore. S'il y a des textes à réviser en jaune, corrige-les."
      "GooglePermissionsErrorPageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "On the previous page there were checkboxes from Google. You must check them in order to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Sur la page précédente, il y avait des cases à cocher de Google. Tu dois les cocher pour pouvoir te connecter."
      "GuidedTutorialTxtFinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai fini!&nbsp;&check;"
      "LandscapeUnsupportedErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Landscape orientation not supported"
        "fr-CA" => "Orientation paysage non prise en charge"
      "MustBeLoggedSanswerKeydWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to view the answer sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous pour visualiser le corrigé"
      "NanomonxAppPurchaseDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase of subscriptions for Nanomonx."
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements pour Nanomonx."
      "OnboardingPackageManagerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "To manage or purchase subscriptions for someone else"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour gérer ou acheter des abonnements pour quelqu’un d’autre"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
        "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
      "StudentWorkPopupCompletedEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works in their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail au portfolio."
      "TBDCatalogTutorialTextFreeUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>This feature requires a paid subscription.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Cette fonctionnalité nécessite un abonnement.</strong>"
      "TextEntryAddCommentButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire"
      "TroubZohoLandingPageNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TroubadourFullVersionDateInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is available <br/> Click here to find out the latest news."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est disponible!<br/> Cliquez ici pour connaître les dernières nouveautés."
      "UnassignedChallengesPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work is no longer assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Des travaux ne sont plus assignés"
      "WorkstateNoEditWhileCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will not be allowed to make modifications while the work is being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève ne pourra plus le modifier pendant les corrections."
      "WorkstateTitleReturnInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en rédaction"
      "challengeCategorySummaryTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game elements and characters available in the student creation menu."
        "fr-CA" => "Éléments de jeu et personnages disponibles dans le menu de création de l'élève."
      "completedChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has finished correcting one of your challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a terminé la correction d'un de tes défis!"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de %$0name%"
      "ChallengeCorrectionFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription will allow you to correct, leave comments, and ask the student to rework certain parts."
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement vous permettra de corriger, de laisser des commentaires et de demander à l’élève de retravailler certaines parties."
      "ChallengeCorrectionFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction et rétroaction"
      "ConfirmUseChallengeTemplateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that if you decide to leave this page, the challenge you are creating will be lost."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez prendre note que si vous décidez de changer de page, le défi que vous êtes en train de créer sera perdu."
      "ConnectionStillLostRetryMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your internet connection is still not responding.<br>Retrying again in..."
        "fr-CA" => "L’internet ne répond toujours pas.<br>Nous réessayons donc dans ..."
      "IncludedGlobalSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription allows:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’abonnement permet&nbsp;:"
      "NoTextLockWarnTextTeacherInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not yet written anything for this element."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas encore écrit de textes pour cet élément."
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use a tablet or computer to take full advantage of Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous sur tablette ou ordinateur pour profiter pleinement de Troubadour!"
      "OnboardingFreemiumCompletedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free subscription gives you access to the Writing Pathway!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’abonnement gratuit vous donne accès au Parcours d’Écriture!"
      "OnboardingFreemiumCompletedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>A new challenge for your students will be activated every week! Be sure to come back often so you don't miss out!<strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Un nouveau défi sera activé à chaque semaine pour vos élèves! Ne manquez pas de revenir souvent pour ne pas en rater!<strong>"
      "OnboardingProductSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quel produit allez-vous utiliser le plus souvent?"
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumPackageButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les abonnements"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly. Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "RedeemCodePopupActivationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez un code d’activation"
      "StudentInValidationWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's your teacher's turn to correct it"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est au tour de ton enseignant.e de le corriger"
      "StudentWorkPopupInProgressEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works in progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail en rédaction."
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge is good, but without students, it’s a bit sad :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi c’est bien, mais sans élèves, c’est un peu triste :)"
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<a href="%$0link%">Add students to your group</a> so they can benefit."
        "fr-CA" => "<a href="%$0link%">Ajoutez des élèves à votre groupe</a> pour qu’ils puissent en profiter."
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "All that's missing are your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Il ne manque plus que vos élèves."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%Completed%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%Terminé%$1%."
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de %$0name%"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusWaitVal" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous corrigez le travail de %$0name%"
      "correctionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot change these challenges until your teacher has made the correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas modifier ces défis tant que ton enseignant n'a pas fait la correction."
      "ChallengeDescriptionManagerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to students"
        "fr-CA" => " Consignes fournies aux élèves"
      "ConstLandingTestimonialsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Caroline Cyr, 3rd Grade Teacher, École Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, CSSDM"
        "fr-CA" => "- Caroline Cyr, Enseignante 3e année, École Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, CSSDM"
      "CreateChallengeActiveSingleGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge has been activated for the %$0% group. Students now have access."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi est activé pour le groupe %$0%, les élèves y ont maintenant accès."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can no longer modify his/her work."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève ne peut plus modifier son travail."
      "EndCorrectionContinueDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can edit everything."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut tout modifier."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can revise some texts."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut retravailler certains textes."
      "NanomonxEmailThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi Nanomonx!"
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hooray! You have finished creating your account! Your students can now begin creating!"
        "fr-CA" => "Hourra! Vous avez terminé la création de votre compte! Vos élèves peuvent maintenant réaliser des créations!"
      "SmallDeviceFamilyRestrictionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Story creation works on tablet or computer only."
        "fr-CA" => "La création d'histoire fonctionne sur tablette ou ordinateur seulement."
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is still being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est toujours en correction."
      "StudentEndRevisionValidationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Now it's your teacher's turn to correct your work! "
        "fr-CA" => "Super! C'est maintenant à ton enseignant.e de recorriger ton travail! "
      "StudentInValidationWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can't change this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas modifier ce travail"
      "TroubDemoConstructionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour's demo mode lets you experience the adventure of writing from a child's point of view. Troubadour is a fun and easy-to-use online application. Get to know this school-based platform by creating your own challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode démo de Troubadour vous permet de vivre l’aventure de l’écriture du point de vue d’un enfant. Troubadour est une appli en ligne amusante et facile à utiliser. Familiarisez-vous avec cette plateforme conçue pour le milieu scolaire en créant votre propre défi!"
      "TroubadourProductDescriptionPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Since learning to write is an adventure in itself, Troubadour offers an online educational platform that helps students of elementary cycles two and three improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Parce que l'apprentissage de l'écriture est une aventure en soi, Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne qui aide les élèves du 2<sup>e</sup> et 3<sup>e</sup> cycle du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubadourStrengthAccessibility1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A simple website, <br/>accessible from <br/>anywhere"
        "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web,<br/> accessible de<br/> partout"
      "WorkSateHeaderCorrectionGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting the work of"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous corrigez le travail de"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not open for correction at this time"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas corriger pour l’instant"
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%In correction%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%En correction%$1%."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%In progress%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%En rédaction%$1%."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is in: %$0%Needs revision%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%À retravailler%$1%."
      "WorkstateQuestSwitchToCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to move this work back to In correction?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous passer le travail au mode En correction afin de le corriger?"
      "titleCorrectionDemoRetroaction1 " => [
        "en-CA" => "Add feedback!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez de la retroaction!"
      "AssistedConstructionToExploreMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to read your story?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voudrais-tu faire une lecture guidée de ton histoire?"
      "EmailChallengeActivatedInfoSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span style='color:#123289'><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in group: <span style='color:#3F6FE9'>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span style='color:#123289'><strong><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></strong></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe : <span style='color:#3F6FE9'><strong>%$1Groups%</strong></span>. "
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDescription4" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can only rework texts that need to be improved."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève ne peut retravailler que les textes à améliorer."
      "GooglePermissionsErrorPageHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "To log in, you must accept the Google permissions"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour te connecter, tu dois accepter les accès Google"
      "StudentEndConstructionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you send it to your teacher, you will not be able to change it while it is being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tu enverras à ton enseignant.e, tu ne pourras plus modifier ce travail pendant la correction."
      "StudentWorkPopupNeedRevisionEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works that require reworking."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail à retravailler."
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will have access to a challenge only after it has been activated."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin que vos élèves puissent accéder à votre défi, celui-ci doit être activé."
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate it from <a href="%$0link%">the challenges list</a>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez-le depuis <a href="%$0link%">la liste des défis</a>!"
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre défi"
      "TeacherEndValidationWorkMenuText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish correcting"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction"
      "TroubMetaHalloween2024Description" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Courez la chance de gagner un chèque-cadeau de 300$"
      "TroubadourNoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Active challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Défis actifs"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé."
      "allUserChallengesCorrectedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have completed all the corrections for this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez corrigé tous les travaux en attente de correction pour cet exercice."
      "assistedConstructionEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Assisted writing will no longer be activated for this work.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>La rédaction guidée ne pourra plus être réactivée pour ce travail.</p><p>Veux-tu continuer?</p>"
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Here is the work of a fictitious student! Give the student feedback on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Voici le travail d’un élève fictif! Donnez lui de la rétroaction sur les différentes pages de son texte.</p><p>Vous pouvez modifier et surligner certains mots en utilisant les outils de correction ou indiquer si le texte est approuvé ou s’il doit être retravaillé.</p>"
      "constructionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "You started these challenges but did not submit them to your teacher. Finish them so you can submit them!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as commencé ces défis mais tu ne les as pas soumis à ton enseignant. Termine-les afin de les soumettre!"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work has been completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est terminé"
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoUnknownGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> has just been launched to the students in your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves de votre groupe!"
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "CreateChallengeInactiveSingleGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge was created for the %$0% group, but has not been activated.<br>Activate the challenge when you want your students to participate."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi a été créé pour le groupe %$0%, mais il n’est pas activé.<br>Activez le défi quand vous souhaitez que vos élèves y participe."
      "GoogleClassroomMustUseTroubMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google Classroom classes must use %$0%Troubadour%$1%"
        "fr-CA" => "Les groupes Google Classroom doivent utiliser %$0%Troubadour%$1%"
      "InvalidStudentStudentLoginGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0displayName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Salut %$0displayName%"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> transferred Nanomonx subscriptions to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré des abonnements Nanomonx:"
      "OnboardingProductSelectionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You will be able to use other products later "
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous aurez toujours accès à l’autre plateforme."
      "ReturningWhiteListPopupDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "However, you belong to a group with access to subscriptions.<br><br>Get one now"
        "fr-CA" => "Par contre, vous faites partie d’un groupe ayant accès a des abonnements.<br><br>Prenez-en un maintenant"
      "StudentEndConstructionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre le travail à ton enseignant pour correction"
      "TeacherCompletedBannerToggleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mark this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce travail privé"
      "TeacherStartValidationWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch the exercice to correction state"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre le travail en correction"
      "TroubadourNoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Created challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Défis créés"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTitleCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing no longer allowed"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus écrire"
      "ConstellationProductDescriptionPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Since 2016, Boreal Tales has been enabling kids to bring their stories to life on a unique platform that can be used in both home and school situations. Thousands of children in Canada and abroad use it to work on writing and social studies in a fun way."
        "fr-CA" => "Depuis 2016, La Constellation de l’Ours propose aux jeunes de donner vie à leurs récits sur une plateforme unique, utilisable dans un contexte familial et scolaire. Des milliers de jeunes au Canada et à l'étranger l'utilisent pour travailler l'écriture et l'univers social de façon ludique."
      "CreateChallengeActiveMultipleGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge has been activated for students in the %$0% group."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi est activé pour les groupe %$0% les élèves y ont maintenant accès."
      "DuplicateAssetAndTextLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects and characters <u>as well as your texts</u> will be replaced."
        "fr-CA" => "Les objets et personnages <u>ainsi que tes textes</u> seront remplacés."
      "EmailChallengeActivatedInfoMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span style='color:#123289'><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in the following groups: <span style='color:#3F6FE9'>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span style='color:#123289'><strong><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></strong></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves des groupes : <span style='color:#3F6FE9'><strong>%$1Groups%</strong></span>. "
      "GuidedTutorialTxtMatControlsOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Choisissez l’une des options ci-dessus.</p>"
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The platform is not available on mobile devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme n’est pas disponible sur mobile."
      "StudentCompleteRevisionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre le travail à ton enseignant pour correction."
      "StudentEndConstructionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Have you finished building your story?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé de construire ton histoire?"
      "TeacherStartValidationWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to correct this work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez corriger ce travail?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue your story on the next page."
        "fr-CA" => "Continue ton histoire sur la prochaine page."
      "assistedTooltipFullscreenCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The use of Troubadour is more enjoyable in full screen mode."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisation de Troubadour est plus agréable en mode plein écran."
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mark's work is now in progress. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant en rédaction. Continuez votre correction."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% student has not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élève n'a pas commencé"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "FeatureNotAvailableInThisModeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This option is not available when the work is in this status."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible quand le défi est dans ce mode."
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: your account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last chance - your account is about to be deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière chance - votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé!"
      "StudentCompleteRevisionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Did you review everything?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as tout révisé?"
      "StudentEndConstructionValidationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Now it's your teacher's turn to correct your work! "
        "fr-CA" => "Super! C'est maintenant à ton enseignant.e de corriger ton travail! "
      "TeacherStartCorrectionNewWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "TroubadourNoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Submitted student works"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "WorkstateStudentModifyOnlyMarkedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you want the student to modify only the texts marked as To be improved, %$0openlink%click here%$1closelink%."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez que l’élève modifie seulement les textes marqués comme À retravailler, %$0openlink%c’est par ici%$1closelink%."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionDemo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Hello! Here you can try Troubadour freely, like you would use it in class. Be creative and… make sure to have fun!</p> <p>*Since this is a demo, what you create will not be saved if you leave the page.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Bonjour! Ici tu peux essayer librement Troubadour, comme si tu l’utilisais en classe. Bonne création et surtout… amuse-toi!</p> <p>*Comme c’est une démo, ce que tu crées ne sera pas sauvegardé si tu quittes la page.</p>"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "It’s your turn to create. Read the instructions carefully and dive into your writing adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est à toi de créer. <br/><br/>Lis bien les consignes et vas-y!"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionScene" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place your characters and the different objects that make up your scene. You can add dialogue to characters or assign text to objects."
        "fr-CA" => "Place tes personnages et les différents objets qui composent ta scène. Tu peux ajouter des dialogues aux personnages ou assigner du texte aux objets."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionAddText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also edit the text directly."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également modifier directement le texte."
      "assistedDemoConstructionDescStudent1" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>By following this tutorial, you will be able to create a story in Troubadour.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>En suivant ce tutoriel, tu pourras créer une histoire dans Troubadour.</p>"
      "assistedDemoConstructionDescStudent2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p class='smaller'>It won't be saved, but it will allow you to try the game!</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p class='smaller'>Elle ne sera pas sauvegardée, mais elle te permettra d'essayer le jeu!</p>"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now ready to be improved. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant à retravailler. Continuez votre correction."
      "StudentIncompleteRevisionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre tout de même le travail à ton enseignant.e pour correction."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnStudentModifyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only the text entries in <span>yellow</span> may be edited."
        "fr-CA" => "Modifie les textes dans la zone en <span>jaune</span> seulement."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is in progress. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en rédaction. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% student"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élève"
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2-LoggedIn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue and enjoy your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez pour profiter de votre abonnement!"
      "StudentIncompleteRevisionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some texts are not revised"
        "fr-CA" => "Certains textes ne sont pas révisés"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnStudentModifyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text is no longer editable"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte n’est plus modifiable"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is under review. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en révision. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionScenery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Where and when does your scene take place? Answer these questions by decorating it according to your story."
        "fr-CA" => "Où et quand se déroule ta scène? Réponds à ces questions en la décorant selon ton histoire."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionHighlight" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can highlight the words to be corrected using the brush tool."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez surligner les mots à corriger en utilisant l’outil pinceau."
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now completed. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant terminé. Continuez votre correction."
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2-LoggedOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in now to take advantage of your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous maintenant pour profiter de votre abonnement!"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
      "TeacherStartCorrectionFailedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is currently completed and private. It will switch to 'In correction' state."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est présentement terminé et privé. Il reviendra 'En correction'"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now in progress. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant en rédaction. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDisabledDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "No text is marked for revision. Revision mode is not available."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun texte n'est marqué comme pouvant être amélioré. Envoyer en révision n'est pas disponible."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give your story a title and write a text to accompany the scene you have just created."
        "fr-CA" => "Donne un titre à ton histoire et écris un texte qui accompagne la scène que tu viens de créer."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionRetroaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Indicate the texts that need to be modified by pressing the "To be revised" button.</p> <p>Only these texts will be allowed to be edited by the student during the revision stage.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Indiquez les textes qui doivent être modifiés en appuyant sur le bouton “À retravailler”.</p> <p>Seuls ces textes pourront être modifiés par l’élève lors de l’étape de révision.</p>"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now ready to be improved. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant à retravailler. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDisabledDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no texts to improve. Sending this work for review is currently unavailable."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail ne comporte aucun texte à améliorer. Envoyer en révision n'est pas disponible."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionProgressWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionRevisionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your story is almost complete! All you have to do is write a conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton histoire est presque complète! Il ne te reste plus qu'à écrire une conclusion."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionCompletedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now complete and public. It will switch to 'In correction' state."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est présentement terminé et public. Il reviendra 'En correction' "
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now completed. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant terminé. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionLastRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now you can scroll through your work for a final review."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux maintenant naviguer à travers ton travail pour une dernière révision."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionAssetLocation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click this button to select your object or character."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique sur ce bouton pour sélectionner un objet ou un personnage."
      "PreventStudentAccountAnonymization_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you do not wish to keep the "%$0username%" account, no action is required on your part. If, on the other hand, you would like to keep the account and prevent its deletion, please click the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte de "%$0username%", aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful: the "%$0username%" student account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: le compte de votre élève "%$0username%" est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionInitialPlacement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once selected, place the object by dragging it on the scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois choisi, place l'objet en le glissant sur la scène."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionSecondPlacement3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>To move an object or character, click on the base.</p><p>Click once to select it, a second time to drag it.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour déplacer un objet ou un personnage, clique sur la base.</p><p>Clique une fois pour le sélectionner, une deuxième fois pour le faire glisser.</p>"
      "PreventStudentAccountAnonymization_ManagerEmail2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The account will be deleted on %$1deletionDate%. If you do not wish to keep the account of "%$0username%", no action is required on your part. If you wish to keep the account and prevent its deletion, please click on the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compte sera supprimé le %$1deletionDate%. Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte de "%$0username%", aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "ThisGoogleUserisnotauthorizedtoperformthisaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Google User is not authorized to perform this action"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet utilisateur Google n'est pas autorisé à effectuer cette action"
    "SignUp" => [
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous"
      "BadEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email is incorrect or invalid"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce courriel est incorrect ou invalide"
      "NoAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must provide your date of birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez fournir votre date de naissance"
      "SchoolName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre école (facultatif)"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "SignupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account to have access to the teacher admin platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un compte afin d’accéder à la plateforme enseignant"
      "BackToGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux groupes"
      "NewsletterCb" => [
        "en-CA" => "I wish to receive emails containing useful information on how to use the game (at a very infrequent rate)."
        "fr-CA" => "J'accepte de recevoir des courriels contenant des informations pratiques sur l'utilisation du jeu (à très rare fréquence)."
      "LegalAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to be %$0Age% years old or more to use the administration website."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être agé de %$0Age% ans ou plus pour utiliser le site web d'administration."
      "OrgTypeFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "ConditionsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and I accept the terms and conditions available at this link "
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai lu et j'accepte les conditions d'utilisation disponibles au lien suivant "
      "FreeTrialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once logged in, you will be able to activate a free <span>%$0duration% day</span> trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites l’essai de la contellation de l’ours pendant <span>30 jours</span>"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas de compte\u{A0}?"
      "EmailErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Emails do not match"
        "fr-CA" => "Les courriels ne sont pas identiques"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre centre de services scolaire (facultatif)"
      "TooLongPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too long (80 characters maximum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop long (80 caractères maximum)"
      "UsageTypeSelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which of these situations best corresponds to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "Laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "YourSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre école"
      "AccountPartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations sur le compte"
      "CartCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception."
      "ConditionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "ProvinceDropdown" => [
        "en-CA" => "State / Province / Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État / Province / Région"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too short (5 characters minimum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "TroubFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille"
      "UnsubscribeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Désabonnement"
      "RedeemCodeInvalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "This activation code is no longer valid. This is normally the result of a refund. If you believe this is a mistake, contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce code d'activation n'est plus valide. Cela est normalement causé par un remboursement. Si vous croyez que c'est une erreur, contactez-nous à"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "AgreementErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to accept the terms and conditions in order to create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez accepter les conditions d'utilisation afin de créer votre compte."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "OtherPathwaysGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "OutsideCanadaLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I do not live in one of those countries"
        "fr-CA" => "Je réside à l'extérieur de ces pays"
      "PassWordErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The passwords do not match"
        "fr-CA" => "Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "RedeemCodeFormText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your activation code to activate your subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre code d’activation pour activer votre abonnement :"
      "AccountCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have sucessfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "RedeemCodeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "StateProvinceRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "State / Province / Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État / Province / Region"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "EmailValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du courriel"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Répéter le mot de passe"
      "YourSchoolBoardLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school board"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commission scolaire"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "RedeemCodeAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "This activation code has already been used."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce code d'activation a déjà été utilisé."
      "SchoolInfosDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help us serve you better by providing information about your school:"
        "fr-CA" => "Aidez-nous à mieux vous servir en fournissant des informations sur votre école:"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We could not find your school. You may add it to the list by clicking the above link."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "StudentOnboardingText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are a student and you wish to connect to the game? You are not at the right place. You need to<a href='' target='_blank'> download the game</a>, install it, and log into it by entering the username and password provided by your teacher. "
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes un élève qui désire se connecter au jeu? Vous n'êtes pas au bon endroit. Il vous faut <a href='' target='_blank'>télécharger le jeu</a>, l'installer, et y entrer les identifiants fournis par votre enseignant."
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "AccountCreatedSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d'avoir                        validé le courriel                        de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "MailResendFloodMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already asked for a validation email to be sent to '{{ email }}', less that 10 minutes ago."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà demandé une validation pour '{{ email }}', il y a moins de 10 minutes"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "WelcomeToNanomonxTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those in your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandes-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "EducationalPathwaySelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your Academic Program"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez votre parcours scolaire"
      "RecommendedPathwaysGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "We welcome you to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "TypeOfEstablishmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of establishment"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’établissement"
      "WelcomeToTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enjoy Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Profitez de Troubadour"
      "PasswordResetFloodMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already asked for a validation email to be sent to '{{ email }}', less that 10 minutes ago."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà demandé une réinitialisation pour '{{ email }}', il y a moins de 10 minutes"
      "RedeemCodeinformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now use your %$0packageName%. This subscription allows you to add %$1% students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser votre %$0packageName%. Cet abonnement vous permet l’ajout de %$1% élèves."
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proud creator of <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> and <span class="cdo-product">Boreal Tales</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Fier créateur de <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> et de la <span class="cdo-product">Constellation de L'Ours</span>"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "UserNameManagerAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address %$0UserName% is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse courriel %$0UserName% est déjà utilisée."
      "UserNameStudentAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username %$0UserName% is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "L'identifiant %$0UserName% est déjà utilisé."
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
    "Signup" => [
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "CreatingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account will be created to allow you to manage your subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
      "ExistingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription packages will be added to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
      "BackToPurchasePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
      "EmailConfirmationDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you are purchasing a subscription for school use, we recommend that you use your work email address."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous achetez pour une utilisation école, il est préférable d'utiliser votre adresse courriel scolaire."
    "Gallery" => [
      "GalleryItemAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work has been added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail a été ajouté à votre portfolio"
      "GalleryItemRemoved" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work has been removed from your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail a été retiré de votre portfolio"
    "Pathway" => [
      "NextPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next week!"
        "fr-CA" => "La semaine prochaine!"
      "SeePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "AssignPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway for groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours pour les groupes"
      "NoteToTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Notes to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Notes à l’enseignant"
      "PathwayDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Every Saturday, a new writing activity will automatically become available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque samedi, une nouvelle activité d'écriture s'activera automatiquement pour vos élèves."
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "CurrentPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This week!"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette semaine!"
      "AssignPathwayOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time?"
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul défi à la fois?"
      "AssignPathwayTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "If this option is enabled, the current challenge will be automatically unassigned when the next one is assigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Si cette option est activée, le défi en cours sera automatiquement désassigné lorsque le suivant sera assigné."
      "PathwayNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This pathway does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce parcours n'existe pas"
      "ActivatePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours"
      "DisabledPathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disable pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le parcours"
      "OneAtATimeOptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time"
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul défi à la fois"
      "ConfigurePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer le parcours"
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi à la fois"
      "FreemiumNoteNextWeekText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It will be available next Saturday!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il le sera à partir de samedi prochain!"
      "EducationalIntentionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Educational intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "FreemiumNoteNextWeekTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge has not been assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n’est pas encore assigné"
      "FreemiumNoteThisWeekTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is currently assigned to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est présentement assigné à vos élèves!"
      "OneAtATimeOptionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "If this option is enabled, the current challenge will be automatically unassigned when the next one is assigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Si cette option est activée, le défi en cours sera automatiquement désassigné lorsque le suivant sera assigné."
      "SinglePathwayActivationDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "When this option is enabled, the challenge of the week will be automatically replaced each week with a new challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque cette option est activée, le défi de la semaine sera remplacé par un nouveau défi la semaine suivante."
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free version of Troubadour only allows one challenge at a time per group.<br><br>To assign as many challenges as you want, for as long as you want, a paid subscription is required."
        "fr-CA" => "La version gratuite de Troubadour permet seulement un défi à la fois par groupe.<br><br>Pour assigner autant de défis que vous le souhaitez, pour aussi longtemps que vous le désirez, un abonnement est nécessaire."
      "PathwaySingleClassroomLanguage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges for the group: <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis pour le groupe : <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
      "PathwayMultipleClassroomLanguage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges for the groups: <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis pour les groupes : <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
    "Receipt" => [
      "Tax" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taxes"
        "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
      "Balance" => [
        "en-CA" => "Amount Outstanding"
        "fr-CA" => "Solde"
      "Payement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
      "Subtotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
        "fr-CA" => "Sous-total"
      "GoToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Se créer un compte"
      "PriceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix"
      "PriceDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "QuantityTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quantity"
        "fr-CA" => "Quantité"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "UsernameThanks" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0fisrtName% %$1lastName%, thank you for your purchase!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0fisrtName% %$1lastName%, merci pour votre achat!"
      "PurchaseThankYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase. Your payment has been processed."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat. Votre paiement a bien été traité."
      "MailReceiptSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal, (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "PurchaseThanksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new subscription packages are ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos nouveaux abonnements sont prêts!"
      "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "PlainTextLicenceTable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription package type                      Quantity                      Price"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement\t\t\tQuantité\t\t\tPrix"
      "PlainTextLicenceTableDivider" => [
        "en-CA" => "------------------------------------------------------"
        "fr-CA" => "------------------------------------------------------"
    "Student" => [
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "CompletedAt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work ended on"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé le"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Colour"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove "
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "DeletedInfosText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deleting a group or challenge is irreversible, and will no longer appear on the teacher's platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous supprimez un groupe ou un défi, cette action est irréversible et ceux-ci n'apparaissent plus dans la plateforme enseignant."
      "DeletedInfosText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "However, students’ work that have <u>previously</u> been added to your portfolio are still accessible."
        "fr-CA" => "Toutefois, les travaux ajoutés <u>préalablement</u> à votre portfolio sont toujours accessibles."
      "DeletedInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deleted groups or challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes ou défis supprimés"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l'enseignant"
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction"
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l’enseignant.e"
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Publish the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le défi"
      "EditReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le défi de lecture"
      "LoginToEditChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to the game if you wish to edit the text of the challenge.  The changes you make could render the quiz and/or the answer sheet inaccurate."
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous en jeu pour éditer les textes du défi. Notez que vos changements pourraient rendre le questionnaire et/ou le corrigé inexacts."
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for Revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en révision"
      "AddChallengeToGallery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students’ work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux à votre portfolio"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click Here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a colour and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: the group or challenge to which the work was associated, has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le groupe ou le défi auquel était attaché le travail a été supprimé antérieurement."
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you remove this work from your portfolio, it will no longer be available. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous retirez ce travail de votre portfolio, celui-ci ne sera plus disponible. <b>Cette action est irréversible.</b>"
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a work that is no longer attached to a group or challenge "
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un travail dont la source a été supprimée"
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Beware: the student who created this work is no longer in any of your groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, l'élève qui a créé ce travail ne fait plus partie de vos groupes."
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you remove this work from your portfolio, it will no longer be available. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous retirez ce travail de votre portfolio, il ne sera plus disponible. <b>Cette action est irréversible.</b>"
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student is no longer in any of your current groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève ne fait plus partie d'un de vos groupes."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username has been changed successfully!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur a été modifié avec succès!"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: These changes will be applied directly to the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot directly edit a student's text until the work is published. Once you have published the work, you will be able to edit the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier directement le texte d'un élève avant que le travail soit terminé.\u{A0}Une fois que vous aurez terminé le travail, vous pourrez modifier le texte de l'élève."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court"
    "gallery" => [
      "CompletedAt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work ended on"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé le"
      "CompletedBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "By"
        "fr-CA" => "Par"
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ToWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu'à %$0count% mot(s)"
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and%$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "ChallengeDeletedInfoDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ce groupe a été marqué comme supprimé le %$0date%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi a été marqué comme supprimé le %$0date%"
    "Partners" => [
      "TroubParnerCTA1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Invitez vos visiteurs à raconter leur journée :"
      "TroubParnerCTA2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez une dimention créative à une exposition :"
      "TroubParnerCTA3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez une activité culturelle : "
      "ContactUsBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez nous!"
      "PartnerProgramHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Avec le programme Partenaires, utilisez les atouts de Troubadour pour diffuser du contenu éducatif et ajouter une dimension créative à vos activités culturelles ou touristiques."
    "Password" => [
      "ExpiredLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "The link used is no longer valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le lien utilisé n'est plus valide."
      "EmailSendLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel vous a été envoyé."
      "PasswordChanged" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your password has been successfully changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre mot de passe a bien été changé."
      "RedirectionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the resetting link."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien de réinitialisation."
      "UnsubscribeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter your email to unsubscribe from all marketing emails."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez saisir votre courriel pour vous désabonner de tous les courriels de marketing."
      "UnsubscribeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Désabonnement"
      "PasswordFormLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please fill in this form to reset your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez compléter le formulaire suivant afin de réinitialiser votre mot de passe."
    "Students" => [
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "AllGroupMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "All Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "RejectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser"
      "AssignSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your student has been assigned to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Votre élève a bien été assigné à votre groupe."
      "DeleteButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your student has been removed from your groups’ log."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Votre élève a bien été retiré de l'historique de vos groupes."
      "RejectSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This student has been removed from your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Cet élève a bien été retiré de votre groupe."
      "RenameStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change display name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le nom affiché"
      "RevokeSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This student has been removed from your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Cet élève a bien été retiré de votre groupe."
      "importSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have successfully added students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez ajouté des élèves avec succès!"
      "ConfirmSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your students have been confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vos élèves ont bien été confirmés."
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By entering this access code, the students will be able to join your group automatically. You just need to share the code with them.        <br>For younger students, you can also create their student account "
        "fr-CA" => "En entrant ce code d’accès, les élèves pourront automatiquement se joindre à votre groupe. Il vous suffit de le leur transmettre.        <br>Pour les tout petits, vous pouvez également créer leur compte élève"
      "StudentsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Students: <span class='%$1class%'>(%$0amount%)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'élèves: <span class='%$1class%'>(%$0amount%)</span>"
      "UnassignButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer"
      "InvalidPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid password."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est incorrect."
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "AssignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add student to group?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un élève à un groupe?"
      "DeletePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you wish to remove this student from your archived students list?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer cet élève de votre liste d’élèves archivés?"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "RejectPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse access to these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser ces élèves ?"
      "DeletePopupAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "DeletePopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you wish to remove this student from your archived students list?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer %$0studentName% de vos élèves archivés?"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "StudentPutSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The students’ accounts have been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Les comptes des élèves ont bien étés créés!"
      "AssignSutdentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding a student to a group will allow them to work on the challenges associated to that group.<br><b>A student added to several groups will use one seat per group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un élève à un groupe lui permettra de travailler sur les défis de ce dernier.<br><b>Un élève peut être ajouté à plusieurs groupes, mais utilisera ainsi plusieurs sièges.</b>"
      "AssignSutdentText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>An empty seat is required to add a student to a group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Un siège libre est nécessaire pour ajouter un élève à un groupe.</b>"
      "DeletePopupWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student may always request to join one of your groups at a later time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il pourra toujours demander à rejoindre l'un de vos groupes ultérieurement."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset the password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "UnassignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cet élève?"
      "CurrentDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom actuel"
      "PendingStudentsMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves en attente"
      "RenameStudentTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change a student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changement de nom d'un élève"
      "StudentGroupsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student's groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes de cet élève"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "UnassignPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove %$0studentName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer %$0studentName%?"
      "rejectStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse access"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser les élèves"
      "ArchivedStudentsMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archived Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves archivés"
      "AssignToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to Another Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à un autre groupe"
      "PasswordResetSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The password has been reset."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le mot de passe a bien été modifié."
      "StudentNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student account does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte élève n'existe pas."
      "AlreadyRemovedStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has already been removed from the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève a déjà été retiré du groupe."
      "AssignGroupPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group(s) of"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe(s) de "
      "AssignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add the student to the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter l'élève au groupe."
      "RejectStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>The creations made by these students in other groups will not be affected. These students will be able to request access to your group again at a later time.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Les travaux réalisés par les élèves dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés. Ces élèves pourront demander à nouveau l’accès à votre groupe ultérieurement.</b>"
      "RejectStudentWarning3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Denying access to a group of students will erase the creations they have started within that group. This action is irreversible. Deleted creations cannot be recovered."
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser des élèves d'un groupe supprimera leurs travaux en cours réalisés dans ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible. Les travaux effacés ne pourront pas être récupérés.</u></b>"
      "RenameStudentSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name displayed will be visible to the other students in the class."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom affiché est celui qui apparaîtra aux autres élèves de la classe."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove those students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves ?"
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "LongPasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles                                 à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all the students from group %$0classroomName% ?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe %$0classroomName% ?"
      "AlreadyConfirmedStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has already been confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève a déjà été confirmé"
      "UnassignStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a student from a group erases all of their ongoing creations, as well as any finished but private creations made within this group.<br><b><u>This action is irreversible.</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés privés réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br><b><u>Cette action est irréversible.</u></b>"
      "UnassignStudentWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "The finished and public creations of the student are not erased. <br><b>Creations made by the student in other groups are also not affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "UnassignedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer les élèves"
      "AddStudentToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student to another group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève à un autre groupe."
      "ResetPasswordPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the new password"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire le nouveau mot de passe"
      "UnassignedStudentSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "PasswordGoodPracticesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PasswordGoodPracticesText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please visit our information webpage to learn more about password best practices in class."
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre page d’information pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures pratiques au niveau des mots de passe en classe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "StudentIsPartOfTheseGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student is part of the following groups"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève fait partie des groupes suivants"
      "UnassignMultiplePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves?"
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The display name has been changed successfully!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'affichage a été modifié avec succès!"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a student from a group erases all of their ongoing creations, as well as any finished but private creations made within this group.<br><b><u>This action is irreversible.</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés privés réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br><b><u>Cette action est irréversible.</u></b>"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The finished public creations of the students are not erased. <br><b>Creations made by the students in other groups are also not affected.</b><br>The seats occupied in this group by these students will be made available."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b><br>Les sièges qu'ils occupaient dans ce groupe seront néanmoins libérés."
      "ClassroomRegistrationNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student is not part of this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève ne fait pas parti de ce groupe."
      "ClassroomRegistrationsNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has never been part of a group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève n'a jamais fait partie d'un groupe."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court."
    "TrashCan" => [
      "RemoveFromTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre au babillard"
      "TrashCanIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "La corbeille est actuellement vide."
    "Babillard" => [
      "NoUcText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It appears that none of your students have created any stories. Invite them to get started by logging in to"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l’instant, aucun de vos élèves n’a créé d’histoires. Invitez-les à débuter en se connectant à partir de"
      "NoUcText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your students have started, return to this page to create beautiful bulletin boards of their work. Bulletin boards can be shared with parents and friends."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vos élèves auront commencé, revenez sur cette page pour créer de beaux babillards qui pourront êtres partagés avec parents et amis."
      "NoUcText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nb: Only works containing text will be available"
        "fr-CA" => "Nb: Seuls les travaux contenant du texte seront proposés"
      "NoUcTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is nothing to add"
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a rien à ajouter"
      "AddWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add works"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux"
      "UntitledLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Untitled"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans titre"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "CurrentTotalUC" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected works"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travaux sélectionnés"
      "RemoveWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove works"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer des travaux"
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "AboutBabillardsMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Classroom Wall allows you to share student work with the rest of the class, parents and friends :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Un babillard permet de partager des travaux d’élèves avec le reste de la classe, les parents et les amis :)"
      "AddSelectionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter la sélection"
      "BabillardThemeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Thème"
      "BabillardTitleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre"
      "EndRemoveWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Done removing works"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter d'enlever"
      "FilterByGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by group"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par groupe"
      "ShareOptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options de partage"
      "BabillardIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is just waiting for your students' work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’attend plus que les travaux de vos élèves!"
      "CompletedWorksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished works"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux terminés"
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click the following button to create your first group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "DeleteBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce babillard"
      "EmptyChallengeField" => [
        "en-CA" => "No works to add to the Classroom Wall..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi à ajouter au babillard..."
      "SharedBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invite anyone to read the stories on this Classroom Wall by providing them with this address:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cette adresse à quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire les histoires du babillard : "
      "ClickToAddWorksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click on works to add them to your Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur les travaux pour les ajouter à votre babillard."
      "CreateBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d’un babillard"
      "CurrentTotalUCPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected works"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travaux sélectionnés"
      "DeleteBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Classroom Wall sharing link is no longer active."
        "fr-CA" => "Le lien de partage du babillard ne fonctionnera plus."
      "DeleteBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This operation is irreversible."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette opération est irréversible."
      "DeleteBabillardText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow student works to remain shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser les travaux des élèves partagés"
      "DeleteBabillardText5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Classroom Wall works will remain intact. They will not be altered or destroyed."
        "fr-CA" => "Les travaux du babillard resteront intacts. Ils ne seront pas affectés ou détruits."
      "DeleteBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Destruction du babillard"
      "ModifyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification d’un babillard"
      "NoUCBabillardMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not include any works that you can add to your Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne comprend aucun travail que vous puissiez ajouter à votre babillard."
      "SearchByStudentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search by student"
        "fr-CA" => "Chercher par élève"
      "SharedBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom Wall shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard partagé!"
      "WorksToPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "All work will be placed in the student's portfolio.<br>The student will no longer be able to make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les travaux seront placé dans le portfolio de l’élève.<br>L’élève ne pourra plus les modifier."
      "EnterStudentNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer nom de l’élève"
      "WorksToPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux au portfolio"
      "BabillardNotSharedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher has stopped sharing this Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble que l'enseignant.e ait interrompu le partage de ce babillard."
      "BabillardNotSharedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not hesitate to contact the teacher for more information."
        "fr-CA" => "N'hésitez pas à contacter l'enseignant.e pour obtenir plus d'informations."
      "CloseWithoutAddingText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close without adding"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer sans ajouter"
      "CurrentTotalUCSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected work"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travail sélectionné"
      "SearchByChallengeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search by challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Chercher par défi"
      "SearchByStudentDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un élève"
      "SelectionCompletedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selection complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection terminée"
      "BabillardNotSharedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is no longer shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’est plus partagé"
      "EmptyUserChallengeField" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only corrected and completed works may be added to a classroom wall. "
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls les travaux corrigés et terminés peuvent aller sur un babillard. Vous pouvez corriger des travaux pour les ajouter par la suite."
      "ShareThisBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once shared, visitors will be able to read these stories and see the students' display names, as well as yours."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois partagé, les visiteurs pourront lire ces histoires et voir le nom affiché des élèves ainsi que le vôtre."
      "ShareThisBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Make sure the stories don't contain personal information."
        "fr-CA" => "Assurez-vous que les histoires ne contiennent pas de renseignements personnels."
      "ShareThisBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Classroom Wall?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard?"
      "createBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer nouveau babillard"
      "modifyBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce babillard"
      "AddStudentCreationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your students' creations"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les créations de vos élèves"
      "ConfirmCopyBabillardLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this Classroom Wall has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce babillard a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "SearchByChallengeDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un défi"
      "ShareBulletinBoardButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard"
      "createBulletinBoardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un babillard"
      "BabillardTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Week, theme, etc..."
        "fr-CA" => "Semaine, thématique, etc ..."
      "ConfirmDeleteBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm the deletion"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer la destruction"
      "StopManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop managing this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêtez de gérer ce babillard"
      "TeacherPresentsStudentWorks" => [
        "en-CA" => "presents these wonderful student works!"
        "fr-CA" => "vous présente ces magnifiques travaux d’élèves!"
      "StartManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ce babillard"
      "ConfirmCancelBabillardSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’est plus partagé."
      "NoSearchResultBabillardMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "This search returned no results."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette recherche ne retourne aucun résultat."
      "ShareThisBabillardDisclaimerText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: It is crucial that work posted on this Classroom Wall does not contain profanity, personal information about students, or defamatory messages. It is your responsibility to ensure that your posts meet these criteria."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Il est crucial que les travaux affichés sur ce babillard ne contiennent ni vulgarités, ni informations personnelles sur les élèves, ni messages diffamatoires. Il vous incombe de vous assurer que vos publications respectent ces critères."
      "ShareThisBabillardDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the event that inappropriate content is shared, please be aware that Nanomonx reserves the right to delete the offending content and close the teacher account, in accordance with our terms of use. We are counting on your collaboration to preserve a healthy and respectful educational environment."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le cas où du contenu inapproprié serait partagé, sachez que Nanomonx se réserve le droit de supprimer le contenu incriminé et de fermer le compte enseignant concerné, conformément à nos conditions d'utilisation. Nous comptons sur votre collaboration pour préserver un environnement éducatif sain et respectueux."
    "Challenge" => [
      "" => [
        "en-CA" => "For loading purposes and to ensure a better student experience, we recommend not exceeding %$0maxSelectionAmount% categories."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de chargement et une meilleure expérience élève, nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser %$0maxSelectionAmount% catégories."
      "Name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "Language" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "ShowAll2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display all"
        "fr-CA" => "Afficher tout"
      "GradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "AssignLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "BoldTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bold"
        "fr-CA" => "Gras"
      "Description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "EditContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Adapter le titre et les consignes"
      "LoginNeeded" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "CloseWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you deactivate this challenge, your students will no longer be able to work on their associated creations.                   However, you can reactivate the challenge whenever you wish to do so."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous marquez ce défi comme désactivé, vos élèves ne pourront plus modifier les mondes attachés à ce défi.                    Vous pourrez néanmoins le réactiver ultérieurement si vous le souhaitez. "
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Color"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "Description2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Context or description "
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en contexte ou description"
      "IntroWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: the current parameters will limit the students to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) for their introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront les élèves à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) pour leur introduction."
      "NumberBlocks" => [
        "en-CA" => "How many parts to this work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en combien de parties?"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "ShowHistoric" => [
        "en-CA" => "ShowHistoric"
        "fr-CA" => "ShowHistoric"
      "StudentTasks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "WaybSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "'Write to Build' Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode "Écrire pour construire""
      "ChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du défi"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été supprimé."
      "DurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duration (in minutes)"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée en minutes"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "IndentTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Indent"
        "fr-CA" => "Indenter"
      "IntroModText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In Narration Mode, students must place their text only at the entrance of each island.<br><br>This usually leads to a better structured redaction, as the students' texts are written, and automatically placed, in the intended sequence. This is very useful to work on the narrative structure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode Narration permet une création plus structurée pour l'élève. Il sera amené à rédiger un seul texte par île afin de construire un texte son travail en parties distinctes.<br><br>La création et la rédaction s'en retrouvent ainsi mieux structurées, car les textes de l'élèves sont écrits, et automatiquement placés, dans la séquence souhaitée. Pratique pour travailler le schéma narratif!"
      "IntroModText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In this Mode, it will be impossible for students to add text to objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans ce mode, il sera impossible pour les élèves d'ajouter du texte sur les objets et les personnages."
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "ItalicTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Italics "
        "fr-CA" => "Italique"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "WordsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Mots"
      "schoolSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Matière scolaire"
      "ChallengeRules" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramètres du défi"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "GlobalSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General"
        "fr-CA" => "Général"
      "IntroModeVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IslandSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Island Settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramètres de l'ile"
      "ResetTimeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Resetting the challenge time of <b>%$0name%</b> will reset the remaining time of each student back to its original value of <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Réinitialiser le temps du défi remettra le temps restant de chaque élève sur le défi <b>%$0name%</b> à sa valeur maximale de <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)"
      "SetupChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit settings for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer ce défi"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "AssignChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner cet exercice"
      "ChallengeAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Items available in the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Éléments disponibles dans le défi"
      "ChallengeThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Thèmes du défi"
      "ChapterSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Parties"
      "ChooseGroupInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the group in which you wish to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez le groupe pour lequel vous souhaitez créer ce défi."
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "ModifyChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier cet exercice"
      "ModifyWorkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "NamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the challenge title"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre du défi"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ShowNonHistoric" => [
        "en-CA" => "ShowNonHistoric"
        "fr-CA" => "ShowNonHistoric"
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "WorldParameters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge format"
        "fr-CA" => "Format du défi"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "ChallengeOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Additional options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options supplémentaires"
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "ExpectedDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Estimated time required"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée prévue"
      "GradeLevelFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "HistoricWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some objects and characters are appropriate only if used in the proper context.<br><br> For example, The American Revolution features characters holding guns.<br><br> If the box is checked, these more sensitive objects will not appear to the student. In the context of a historical challenge, for example, these elements are important and the option does not have to be checked."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains objets et personnages sont appropriés lorsqu’ils sont utilisés dans le bon contexte mais pas nécessairement hors contexte.<br><br>                            Par exemple, la Révolution Américaine comporte des personnages tenant des armes à feu.<br><br>                            Si la boite est cochée, ces objets plus sensibles n’apparaîtront pas à l’élève. Dans le cadre d’un défi historique, par exemple, ces éléments sont importants et l’option n’a pas à être cochée. "
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "ReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi de lecture"
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "SettingModeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Settings Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode de paramétrage"
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "TemplateOverview" => [
        "en-CA" => "View this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ce gabarit"
      "TimeLimitWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Changing the time allocated to a challenge will reset the remaining time for all students."
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la durée d'un défi réinitialisera le temps de tous les élèves."
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "WordCountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning, with the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%<\/b> words for the whole challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindont l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour l'ensemble de son défi."
      "WritingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi d'écriture"
      "CatalogComingSoon" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog is coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue arrive bientôt!"
      "CategorySelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Individual selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection à la pièce"
      "CopiedTextConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le code a été copié dans votre presse-papier!"
      "EducationalIntent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "TemplateBasedName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based on the template:"
        "fr-CA" => "Basé sur le gabarit:"
      "ThematicSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection rapide"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "AssignOrBankPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign now, or place in bank?"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner maintenant ou mettre en banque?"
      "BasicSettingsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Basic Parameters"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrage simple"
      "ChapterPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the title of this section"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre de la partie"
      "ChooseByThematique" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select by theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir par thématique"
      "CleanFormatTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clear formatting"
        "fr-CA" => "Effacer le formatage"
      "DisabledFieldLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Worlds have been created using this challenge. Changing the settings now could affect the coherence and the integrity of your students' creations. For this reason, most of the settings can no longer be changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Des mondes ont été créés avec ce défi. En changer maintenant les paramètres pourrait porter atteinte à l'intégrité et la cohérence des créations de vos élèves. Pour cette raison, l'édition de la plupart des champs a été déactivée."
      "EditChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Éditer le défi"
      "LargeWorldSelected" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large Islands selected"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande taille d'île sélectionnée"
      "NoAssetMenuWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no items in the menu. Please select at least one category."
        "fr-CA" => "Le menu ne contient aucun élément. Veuillez sélectionner au minimum une catégorie."
      "OrderedListTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Numbered list"
        "fr-CA" => "Liste numérotée"
      "RemoveThisCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this category"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cette catégorie"
      "SettingModeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The settings level toggles between basic and advanced parameters. Choose advanced parameters if you want more options."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode de paramétrage vous permet de choisir uniquement les paramètres essentiels d'un défi ou bien de disposer d'options plus avancées."
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's review"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "AddReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add To Application"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ce défi de lecture dans l'application"
      "BackToCatalogButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au catalogue"
      "ChallengeParameters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ChallengeTypeFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type de défi"
      "ChaptersRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge with many sections will be built on as many islands."
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi en plusieurs parties sera composé de plusieurs îles"
      "CloseChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver un défi "
      "ConclusionChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a block of text at the end of the work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte à la fin du travail?"
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Texte revised"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "GroupSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez les groupes"
      "HistoricalChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Historical challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi historique"
      "MustBeLoggedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction"
      "SchoolSubjectFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Matière scolaire"
      "StudentCreationMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Menu de création de l'élève"
      "StudentInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes à l'élève"
      "SubworldSizeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend selecting Small Islands when ‘Write to Build’ Mode is activated.  "
        "fr-CA" => "Il est fortement recommandé de sélectionner une petite taille d'île lorsque le mode Écrire pour construire est activé."
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l’enseignant.e"
      "AssignToGroupsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign to group(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner aux groupe(s)"
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Publish the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le défi"
      "ConclsionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: the current parameters will limit the students to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) for their conclusion. "
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront les élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) pour leur conclusion."
      "ConclusionChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add an additional text block at the end of the work? Ex: To write a conclusion, a summary, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin du travail? Ex: Pour rédiger une conclusion, un bilan, etc."
      "CreateChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create the challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez le défi!"
      "CreateFirstGroupInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new challenge must be associated with a group in order to be saved. Create your first group, and your new challenge will be added to it automatically."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nouveau défi doit être associé à un groupe pour être sauvegardé. Créez votre premier groupe, votre nouveau défi y sera ajouté automatiquement."
      "EditSummaryStructure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit challenge structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la structure du défi"
      "NoStudentInChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "No student can currently access your challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève ne peut présentement accéder à votre défi!"
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "ReturnToSummaryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au résumé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for Revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en révision"
      "SharedTemplate label" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge has been shared and can no longer be edited. To modify it, import it using its sharing code."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi a été partagé et n'est plus éditable. Pour le modifier, importez-le en utilisant son code de partage."
      "TemplateSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir ce gabarit"
      "TemplateSelectionNav" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a template"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un gabarit"
      "WordCountGlobalError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The sum of the minimum number of words of the introduction and of the conclusion must not exceed the maximum number of words of the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nombre minimum de mots de l'introduction et de la conclusion réunis ne doit pas excèder le nombre maximum de mots du défi."
      "WorldSizeRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend using small islands for challenges containing many sections."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous recommandons des petites îles pour des défis en plusieurs parties comme, par exemple, un défi utilisant le schéma narratif."
      "AdvancedSettingsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Advanced Parameters"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrage avancé"
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selecting "Activate all" will activate all the creative themes including those added in the future."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner "Tout activer" activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir."
      "AssignSingleGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge will be created.<br>Should it be assigned automatically?"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous allons créer le défi.<br>Doit-il être assigné automatiquement?"
      "ChallengeStatusHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated or deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activé ou désactivé"
      "ChallengeStatusUpdate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge's status has been updated"
        "fr-CA" => "Le statut du défi a bien été mis à jour"
      "ChallengeSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Summary of your exercise "
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de votre exercice"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "EditSummaryCategories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les catégories"
      "EditSummaryStructure2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access this section"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à cette section"
      "FreemiumCatalogHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you will have unlimited access to the catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous aurez un accès illimité au catalogue."
      "MinimumWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value."
        "fr-CA" => "La valeur minimale ne doit pas être supérieure à la valeur maximale."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChallengeCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d'un défi d'écriture"
      "ChallengeSceneryTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exercise setting"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors de l'exercice"
      "ChallengeWillBeCreated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation."
        "fr-CA" => "Création du défi."
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "DescriptionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez la description du défi"
      "DisableChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le défi"
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
      "WorldAmountRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you select NO, students will be able to create as many islands as they wish."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous sélectionnez NON, les élèves pourront créer autant d'îles qu'ils le souhaitent."
      "historicSummaryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "* This challenge filters sensitive objects"
        "fr-CA" => "* Ce défi filtre les objets sensibles"
      "AssignMultipleGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can assign the challenge to multiple groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez assigner le défi à plusieurs groupes."
      "BlocksAmountDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is divided in how many parts? Each part contains a scene and a text block."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est divisé en combien de parties? Chaque partie comporte une scène et un bloc de texte."
      "ChallengeStructureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exercise structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Structure de l'exercice"
      "ChallengeSummaryHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé du défi"
      "ChallengeVisibiliyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that can access your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant accès à votre défi"
      "ClassroomSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner cet exercice"
      "EditSummaryInformations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit information"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les informations"
      "FilterHistoricSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter the selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer la sélection"
      "HistoricalCategoryLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit sensitive elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter les éléments sensibles"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceNo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creative"
        "fr-CA" => "Créatifs"
      "InfiniteModeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves pourront créer autant de scènes qu’ils le souhaitent. Parfait pour les longs projets."
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a color and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "ReadingChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to change the content of a reading challenge, open the application and log in using the same credentials used to connect to the teacher platform. You must set the challenge to “public” to make it available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour modifier le contenu d’un défi de lecture, ouvrez l’application et connectez-vous avec les mêmes identifiants que ceux utilisés sur la plateforme enseignant. Vous devez le rendre public pour qu'il soit visible par les élèves du groupe."
      "ResetChallengeTimeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Resetting Challenge Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps du défi"
      "SharedTemplateBasedName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based on the template:"
        "fr-CA" => "Basé sur le gabarit partagé:"
      "ShowHistoricFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "categorySelectionAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> selected categories"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> catégories sélectionnées"
      "AssignAndSubmitChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign and complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner et terminer"
      "ChallengeScenerySubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Depending on your selection, here are the setting elements that will be offered to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Selon votre sélection, voici les éléments de décor qui seront proposés aux élèves."
      "ChooseCategoriesOneByOne" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the categories one by one"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir les catégories une à une"
      "ClassroomAssignmentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner le défi :"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceYes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Historic"
        "fr-CA" => "Historiques"
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "SummaryStructureTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "This exercise has: %$0pages%"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet exercice est composé de : %$0pages%"
      "structureSummaryWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge contains <span class='block-amount'></span> page(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi contient <span class='block-amount'></span> page(s)"
      "AssetMenuPanelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is the menu that students will see in game."
        "fr-CA" => "Voici le menu que verront les élèves en jeu."
      "ChallengeStructureExample" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work structure preview"
        "fr-CA" => "Aperçu de la structure du travail"
      "ChallengeStructureSummary" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages% pages"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages% pages"
      "ChallengeTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: Back to school"
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : La rentrée scolaire"
      "CompleteChallengeCreation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete my challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compléter mon défi!"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importéer comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "SummaryStructureTemplate2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages% pages"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages% pages"
      "nonHistoricSummaryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "* This challenge does not filter sensitive objects"
        "fr-CA" => "* Ce défi ne filtre pas les objets sensibles"
      "ChallengeStructureSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the number of pages of the work."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez le nombre de pages que comportera le travail."
      "ClassroomSelectionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the group(s) that will have access to the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez le ou les groupes qui auront accès au défi."
      "ClassroomSelectionSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "To complete the creation of the challenge, assign the exercise to one or multiple groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour terminer la création du défi, assignez l'exercice à un ou plusieurs groupes."
      "FilterHistoricalCategories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter historical categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les catégories historiques"
      "FilterHistoricalThematique" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter historical themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les thématiques historiques"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow historic themes?"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser les thèmes historiques ?"
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "ShowNonHistoricFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Non history"
        "fr-CA" => "Non-historique"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "UnavailableInformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information not yet available"
        "fr-CA" => "Information non disponible"
      "noSelectionCategoryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one category"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner au moins une catégorie"
      "ChallengeConfigurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration d'un défi"
      "ChallengeFilterTypeTooltip2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick selection groups by theme, categories that work well together.<br><br>Individual selection allows you to choose one by one the categories of objects and characters.<br><br> Both methods can be used for the same challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "La sélection rapide regroupe par thématique, des catégories qui fonctionnent bien ensemble.<br><br>                     La sélection à la pièce permet de choisir une à une les catégories d’objets et personnages.<br><br>                     Les deux méthodes peuvent être utilisées pour un même défi."
      "ChallengeStructureDemoError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modifying the number of parts will delete and recreate the challenge. Do not modify if the demo has already been built (or if you are ready to build it again)"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le nombre de parties supprimera puis recréera le défi. Ne pas modifier si                la démo est déjà construite (ou alors si vous êtes prêt à la reconstruire)"
      "ChallengeSummaryDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ImportSharedChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Shared Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi partagé"
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "ChallengeCreationStatusTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated and deactivated challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis activés et désactivés"
      "ChallengeSummaryInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions communicated to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "RecommendedCategoriesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend a maximum of 10 categories per challenge to avoid long loading times"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons un maximum de 10 catégories par défi pour éviter un chargement trop long"
      "TemplateImportFailureMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge code is incorrect, please try again"
        "fr-CA" => "Le code de défi est incorrect, veuillez réessayer"
      "selectedCategoryDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are the categories that will be displayed in the student creation menu. Click on a category to see its objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les catégories qui apparaîtront dans le menu de création de l'élève. Appuyez sur une catégorie pour voir les objets et personnages de celle-ci."
      "ChallengeFormStructureWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, as soon as the students start working, you will no longer be able to change the elements of this section. This could undermine the integrity and consistency of your students’ works."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, dès que les élèves auront commencé à                travailler, vous ne pourrez plus modifier les éléments de cette section. Cela pourrait porter                atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence des créations de vos élèves."
      "ChallengeResumCategoriesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects categories and characters available"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’objets et personnages disponibles"
      "ChallengeFormCategoriesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note, you can no longer modify certain elements in this section because students have started working on this challenge. This could undermine the integrity and coherence of their creation."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, vous ne pouvez plus modifier certains éléments de cette section car des élèves ont commencé à travailler sur ce défi. Cela pourrait porter atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence de leur création. "
      "ChallengeFormStructureWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you cannot modify certain elements of this section anymore because students have started working on the challenge. This could undermine the integrity and consistency of their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, vous ne pouvez plus modifier certains éléments de cette section car des élèves ont commencé à travailler sur ce défi. Cela pourrait porter                atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence de leur création."
      "SelectedCategoriesForChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Categories selected for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories sélectionnées pour ce défi"
      "StudentInstructionsPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the work instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez les consignes du travail"
      "SummaryStructureTemplateSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "page"
        "fr-CA" => "page"
      "ChallengeDescriptionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: It's back to school! Share a moment from your first week."
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : C’est la rentrée! Raconte un moment de ta première semaine d’école."
      "FilterCategoryThematicSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the objects and characters that will be offered to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les objets et personnage qui seront présentés aux élèves."
      "ChallengeCreationStepProgression" => [
        "en-CA" => "Step <span class='current-step'></span> / <span class='max-step'></span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape <span class='current-step'></span> / <span class='max-step'></span>"
      "ChallengeInstructionsPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: It's back to school! Share a moment from your first week."
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : C’est la rentrée! Raconte un moment de ta première semaine d’école."
      "ClassroomSelectionActivationInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can assign an exercise without activating it. No one will know the exercise exists until it is activated. Useful to plan your exercises ahead!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez assigner un exercice mais le désactiver. Personne n’aura connaissance que l’exercice existe tant qu’il n’est pas activé.<br><br>                         Pratique pour organiser ses exercices à l’avance!"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "SummaryStructureTemplateMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "pages"
        "fr-CA" => "pages"
      "formHistoricalTooltipTriggerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why this option?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi cette option?"
      "ChallengeStructureSummaryTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages%"
      "AddBySelectingThematiqueOrCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add items by selecting the themes and categories below."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des éléments en sélectionnant les thématiques et les catégories ci-dessous."
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "SummaryStructureTemplateConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "and a conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "et une conclusion"
      "structureSummaryConclusionWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge contains an additional text block at the end.\u{2003}"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi comporte un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin."
    "Languages" => [
      "French" => "fr-CA"
      "English" => "en-CA"
    "MyAccount" => [
      "Activated" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Activé"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "Deactivated" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivé"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "EnterPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le mot de passe"
      "ChangePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le mot de passe"
      "GooglePwdLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaire de connexion Google"
      "MyAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les informations de mon compte"
      "RepeatPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Répétez le mot de passe"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "SchoolInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School use"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation scolaire"
      "TooLongPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too long (80 characters maximum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop long (80 caractères maximum)"
      "AccountInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Information du compte"
      "ChangedMyMindBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "GoToStripeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my billing"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ma facturation"
      "ModifyGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify group"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le groupe"
      "NanomonxPwdLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe Nanomonx"
      "PasswordNotValid" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe n'est pas valide"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too short (5 characters minimum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "CurrentEmailLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your current email address is <b>%$0email%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel actuel est: <b>%$0email%</b>"
      "DoNotUseGoogleBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not use Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne pas utiliser Google"
      "ModifyFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit family"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la famille"
      "NewPasswordPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre nouveau mot de passe"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "ActionIrreversible" => [
        "en-CA" => "This action is irreversible."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette action est irréversible."
      "ChangeUsenameText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A validation email will be sent to your new address. You will need to use this new email address to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de validation sera envoyé sur votre nouvelle adresse. Vous devrez utiliser cette nouvelle adresse courriel pour vous connecter."
      "ChangeUsenameText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A confirmation email will be sent to your new address. You will need to use this new email address to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de validation sera envoyé à votre nouvelle adresse. Vous devrez utiliser cette nouvelle adresse courriel pour vous connecter."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "AddThisMethodButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cette méthode"
      "CancelChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler les changements"
      "PasswordChangedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "L’ancien mot de passe ne fonctionnera plus."
      "AgreeGoogleFutureBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, use Google in the future"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, utiliser Google à l’avenir"
      "ChangePasswordButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change password"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le mot de passe"
      "ChangeUsernameButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change the email"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le courriel"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe changé!"
      "YouDontUseFamilyMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not using the family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’utilisez pas la version famille"
      "AgreeGoogleFutureBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, add Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, ajouter Google"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "CurrentPasswordPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe actuel"
      "GoogleDeactivatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devrez maintenant utiliser une autre méthode de connexion."
      "ResetOnboardingButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restart Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le tutoriel"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school you entered was not found. You may add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "StripeRedirectWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This link will take you to our payment partner"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce lien vous amènera vers notre partenaire de paiement"
      "ChangeUsenameFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "STEP 2: New email address"
        "fr-CA" => "ÉTAPE 2 : Nouvelle adresse courriel"
      "CheckPasswordFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "STEP 1: Confirm your password"
        "fr-CA" => "ÉTAPE 1 : Confirmez votre mot de passe"
      "DeactivateGoogleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver"
      "EditScholarLevelButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer les niveaux scolaires"
      "EnterPasswordToConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter your Nanomonx password to confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe Nanomonx pour confirmer"
      "GoogleDeactivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaire de connexion Google désactivé."
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "TryFamilyVersionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayer la version famille"
      "TrySchoolVersionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the school version"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayer la version école"
      "MergeGoogleAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using a Google account for login"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation d’un compte Google pour la connexion"
      "ModifyScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification des niveaux scolaires"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following grade levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "ChangeUsenameDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can change your account email to replace your username and the email address where you want to receive all the information related to Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez changer le courriel associé à votre compte afin de remplacer votre nom d'utilisateur et l’adresse courriel à laquelle vous souhaitez recevoir toutes les informations relatives à La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "ChangeUsenameDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For security purposes, please begin by entering your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Par mesure de sécurité, veuillez commencer par entrer votre mot de passe."
      "ChangePasswordButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my account password"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le mot de passe de votre compte"
      "ConfirmGoogleAccountUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm use of Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmez l’utilisation du compte Google"
      "FutureLoginsOnlyWithGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "To log in, you will now only need to use your Google account."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour vous connecter, vous devrez dorénavant utiliser uniquement votre compte Google."
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "ConfirmMergeGoogleAccountBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm use of Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l’utilisation du compte Google"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "EmailAndPasswordActivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion avec courriel et mot de passe activée"
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectLogout" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Pour finaliser les changements, vous serez maintenant déconnecté.<br/><br/>Reconnectez-vous en utilisant une autre méthode de connexion."
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter avec: Partenaire de connexion Google<br/><br/>Continuer?"
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez au moins un groupe utilisant Google Classroom.<br/><br/>Vous devez supprimer ces groupes avant de vous déconnecter de Google."
    "Onboarding" => [
      "later" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "HaveFun" => [
        "en-CA" => "Have fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Amusez-vous!"
      "GetTrial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free for %$0duration% days"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites un essai gratuit de %$0duration% jours"
      "Username" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom utilisateur de l'enfant"
      "AddAChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un enfant"
      "AddToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à votre groupe"
      "BuyLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy a subscription package!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passez à l'achat!"
      "AddNewChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add another child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre enfant"
      "AddChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "We have automatically created a challenge for your kids so they can start using the app immediately. Don't forget to create new challenges for them so they can continue expressing their creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer des défis pour vos enfants pour qu'ils puissent profiter de l'application. Nous leur en avons soumis un automatiquement pour qu'ils puissent commencer immédiatement."
      "FamilyVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version famille"
      "No obligation" => [
        "en-CA" => "No purchase necessary"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans obligation d'achat"
      "SchoolVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "School version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version scolaire"
      "CdoOnlyWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information specific to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Information spécifique à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "AddAnotherChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add another child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre enfant"
      "ChildHasAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My child already has an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon enfant a déjà un compte"
      "LastStepLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last step: Subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape: les abonnements!"
      "RemoveFromGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this child"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cet enfant"
      "AccountConfirmed" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account has been created and confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est créé et confirmé."
      "AddExistingChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your child by entering his/her login credentials."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez votre enfant en entrant ses identifiants de connexion"
      "NeedToAddLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order for the children in your group to play, you must have a subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que les enfants de votre groupe puissent jouer, vous devez avoir un abonnement."
      "YourTrialStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your Free Trial has been activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre essai gratuit a été activé"
      "FamilyVersionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "For more flexible use or as a supplement to homework."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour une utilisation plus libre ou en complément des devoirs."
      "IPreferToAddLater" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "SchoolVersionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "For homeschooling."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l’école à la maison."
      "AddChildrenToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your children to your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez vos enfants à votre groupe "
      "ChildIsPartOfGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0username% is now part of your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0username% fait partie de votre groupe!"
      "FamilyGroupIsEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group has no children."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre groupe ne contient aucun enfant."
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
      "GameUsagePrevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Of the following uses of Boreal Tales, which one best corresponds to the intended use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle utilisation de La Constellation de l'Ours correspond le mieux à celle que vous prévoyez faire?"
      "OnboardingSkipStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Skip this step for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauter cette étape pour l'instant"
      "AllChildrenAreAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have added all my children"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai ajouté tous mes enfants"
      "CdoOnlyWarningInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Do not fill out if you plan to use <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "*Ne pas remplir si vous comptez utiliser <b>Troubadour</b>"
      "StartWritingStories" => [
        "en-CA" => "You and your children may now log in the application to create amazing worlds and write epic adventures."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous et vos enfants pouvez maintenant vous connecter à l'application pour créer des histoires et vivre des aventures"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "CreateMoreChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "To create new challenges, go to"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour en créer d'autres, dirigez-vous vers"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "OpenHouseDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you enable "Visitor Mode", you allow students and teachers from other classes in your school or parents who have your group's access code to visit your students' completed public creations.<br><br> If the feature is disabled, only students in your group will be able to visit group creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous activez le "Mode visiteur", vous permettez aux élèves et enseignants des autres classes de votre école ou à des parents qui possèdent le code d’accès de votre groupe de visiter les créations publiques terminées de vos élèves.<br><br>             Si la fonction est désactivée, seuls les élèves de votre groupe pourront visiter les créations du groupe."
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Will activate all current creative themes as well as those added in the future"
        "fr-CA" => "Activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir"
      "ChildrenAmountDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have %$0studentsAmount% child(ren) in your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez %$0studentsAmount% enfant(s) dans votre groupe!"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "GoogleClassroomOptOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, use a standard group"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, utiliser un groupe standard"
      "TBDGameUsagePrevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Of the following uses of Troubadour, which one best corresponds to the intended use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle utilisation de Troubadour correspond le mieux à celle que vous prévoyez de faire?"
      "AddChildViaApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your child can also join your group directly by logging in the app and entering your access code:"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre enfant peut également rejoindre votre groupe directement dans l'application en se connectant et en entrant votre code d'accès :"
      "CreateAdminOnlyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This will create an administrator account without students."
        "fr-CA" => "Cela créera un compte administrateur sans élève."
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "ChildDoesNotHaveAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My child doesn’t have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon enfant n'a pas de compte"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following grade levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "OnboardingHelpVideoLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you need more information?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de plus d'information avant de commencer?"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$2productName% free trial makes <b>%$0amount%</b> seats available to you free of charge, with no commitment, for a period of <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether to homeschool, suggest a fun and educational activity to your kids or students, or simply to discover the application, you will have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% c'est <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de  <b>%$1duration% jours</b>. Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, proposer une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once the free trial is over, it will be possible to reactivate the accounts of your students associated with these seats by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the works they have started and will be able to get access again after giving them seats from your new subscription. To make sure your kids can keep playing after the free trial, buy a subscription package now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement. Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Google Classroom class will only be able to use Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe Google Classroom ne pourra utiliser que Troubadour."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student management may only be done in Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "La gestion des élèves se fera uniquement dans Google Classroom."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to import a group from Google Classroom?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous importer un groupe de Google Classroom?"
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "DefaultThemeSelectionTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The themes that will be selected by default when creating a challenge. They can be changed at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Les thèmes qui seront sélectionnés par défaut lors de la création d'un défi. Ils peuvent être modifiés à tout moment."
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "StudentCreationLengthWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget to create challenges for your students. You can create challenge by using our catalog or create one from scratch."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer des défis pour vos élèves. Vous pouvez créer des défis en utilisant notre catalogue ou en bâtir à partir de zéro."
      "OnboardingClassroomCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group will be able to use both Boreal Tales and Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre groupe pourra utiliser autant La Constellation de l'Ours que Troubadour."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t forget to create a challenge for your students. Your students will be able to begin as soon as the challenge is activated."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer un défi pour vos élèves. Vos élèves pourront commencer aussitôt que celui-ci sera actif."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take time to explore the application. The free trial will begin only when the kids start working on a challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Prenez le temps d'explorer l'application. L'essai gratuit démarrera uniquement lorsque les enfants commenceront à travailler sur un défi."
      "OnboardingClassroomCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de votre groupe"
      "TeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your children's teacher should have provided you with a username and password for them. They must use them to connect to the application."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant devrait vous avoir transmis un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour votre enfant. Votre enfant doit les utiliser pour se connecter dans l'application."
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Its time to create some challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer des défis!"
      "CDOTeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales requires installation.  Your child's teacher should be able to provide the username and password for the installed application."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours se joue dans une application que l’on installe. L’enseignant de votre enfant devrait vous transmettre                             un nom d’utilisateur et un mot de passe, que vous utiliserez dans l’application installée."
      "TBDTeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "You should receive the username and password from your child's teacher. Your child will access the platform through a log in screen (no parent account is required)."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant devrait vous transmettre le nom d’utilisateur et le mot de passe de votre enfant. Votre enfant peut alors se connecter sur la page de connexion.  Vous n’avez pas besoin d’avoir un compte parent."
      "OnboardingTeacherCreateMoreChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Head there now"
        "fr-CA" => "Dirigez-vous vers"
      "OnboardingFreemiumClassroomCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The writing challenges will be based on the academic level of your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis d’écritures seront en fonction du niveau scolaire de votre groupe."
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now head to the Boreal Tales Teacher Platform where you will be able to create your first challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passons maintenant à la plateforme enseignant de La constellation de l'Ours où vous pourrez créer vos premiers défis!"
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationChallenges1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let’s now move on to the Troubadour teacher platform where you will be able to create your first challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passons maintenant à la plateforme enseignant de Troubadour où vous pourrez créer vos premiers défis!"
    "BuyLicenses" => [
      "CVC" => [
        "en-CA" => "CVC"
        "fr-CA" => "Code de sécurité"
      "Pays" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays"
      "Ville" => [
        "en-CA" => "City"
        "fr-CA" => "Ville"
      "Modify" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "Resume" => [
        "en-CA" => "Summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Récapitulatif"
      "Adresse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse"
      "Balance" => [
        "en-CA" => "Amount Outstanding"
        "fr-CA" => "Solde"
      "WithTax" => [
        "en-CA" => "+taxes"
        "fr-CA" => "+taxes"
      "OrgLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
      "Payement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
      "PostCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Postcode"
        "fr-CA" => "Code postal"
      "Province" => [
        "en-CA" => "Province"
        "fr-CA" => "Province"
      "CardNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Card Number"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de la carte"
      "ClassLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Classe"
      "TaxesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taxes"
        "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
      "TotalLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total"
        "fr-CA" => "Total"
      "FamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "RegionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Province"
        "fr-CA" => "Province d'où vous faites l'achat"
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "SchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School"
        "fr-CA" => "École"
      "TPS_taxName" => [
        "en-CA" => "GST"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS"
      "TVH_taxName" => [
        "en-CA" => "HST"
        "fr-CA" => "TVH"
      "TVP_taxName" => [
        "en-CA" => "RST"
        "fr-CA" => "TVP"
      "TVQ_taxName" => [
        "en-CA" => "QST"
        "fr-CA" => "TVQ"
      "404TextTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oops!"
      "NoRefundText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription packages are not refundable as mentionned in the<a href=''>Teacher's Users Agreement. </a> "
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont pas remboursables, tel que spécifié dans <a href=''>l'entente            d'utilisation. </a>"
      "PriceDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "BuyPromoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current promotion!"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion en cours!"
      "JobTitleAdmin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrator"
        "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
      "JobTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
        "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
      "LicenceInfos1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each teacher must have their own subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque enseignant doit posséder son abonnement."
      "LicenceInfos2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions cannot be split to transfer part of them to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu’un d’autre."
      "LicenceInfos3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription package gives you access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement donne accès à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "MedSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "From 300 to 500 students"
        "fr-CA" => "De 300 à 500 élèves"
      "PromotionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sale!"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécial promo!"
      "SelectedPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "SubTotalLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
        "fr-CA" => "Sous total"
      "SubmitPayment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Confimer l'achat"
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "TroubStat2Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "85%"
        "fr-CA" => "85%"
      "TroubStat3Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "77%"
        "fr-CA" => "77%"
      "ValidityRange" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on <b>%$0date%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le <b>%$0date%</b>"
      "404TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
      "ABProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Alberta"
        "fr-CA" => "Alberta"
      "BCProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "British Columbia"
        "fr-CA" => "Colombie-Britannique"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "BuySubmitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proceed with the order"
        "fr-CA" => "Procéder à la commande"
      "CardholderName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cardholder Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom du détenteur de la carte"
      "EditCartButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit my shopping cart"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier mon panier"
      "MBProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manitoba"
        "fr-CA" => "Manitoba"
      "MedSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Medium school"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyenne école"
      "NBProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Brunswick"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau-Brunswick"
      "NLProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Newfoundland and Labrador"
        "fr-CA" => "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador"
      "NSProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nova Scotia"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle-Écosse"
      "NTProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Northwest Territories"
        "fr-CA" => "Territoires du Nord-Ouest"
      "NUProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nunavut"
        "fr-CA" => "Nunavut"
      "ONProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ontario"
        "fr-CA" => "Ontario"
      "QCProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quebec"
        "fr-CA" => "Québec"
      "QuoteFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
      "RateLimitError" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete the transaction at the moment. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "SKProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
        "fr-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
      "SchoolCTAItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
        "fr-CA" => "De formations personnalisées"
      "SchoolCTAItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailor-made documentation for your school"
        "fr-CA" => "D’une documentation sur mesure pour votre école"
      "SchoolCTAItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A lesson plan to introduce students to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "D'un plan de cours pour initier les élèves à Troubadour"
      "SchoolCTAItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Attentive customer service"
        "fr-CA" => "Un service à la clientèle attentionné"
      "TotalLabelText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total:"
        "fr-CA" => "Total:"
      "TroubStat1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TroubStat2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubStat3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "TutoStep0Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <b>Créer mon premier groupe.</b>"
      "YTProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yukon"
        "fr-CA" => "Yukon"
      "État/Province" => [
        "en-CA" => "State/Province"
        "fr-CA" => "État/Province"
      "AddMorePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des abonnements"
      "AddPackageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un abonnement"
      "BuyPromoDetails" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save on the purchase of 1000 classroom subscriptions! Get 15% off for any additional subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Économisez à l’achat de 1000 abonnements classes! Obtenez 15% de rabais pour tout abonnement supplémentaire!"
      "FamilyPckgPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$65"
        "fr-CA" => "65$"
      "JobTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
      "LargeSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "More than 500 students"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus de 500 élèves"
      "MessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you and any additional message"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
      "MessageTextArea" => [
        "en-CA" => "Message"
        "fr-CA" => "Message"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses courriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "PEIProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Prince Edward Island"
        "fr-CA" => "Île-du-Prince-Édouard"
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation"
      "SchoolSizeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille de l’école"
      "SmallSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "300 students or fewer"
        "fr-CA" => "300 élèves et moins"
      "lgSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;200"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;200$"
      "lgSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$3&thinsp;240"
        "fr-CA" => "3&thinsp;240$"
      "mdSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;000"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;000$"
      "mdSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$2&thinsp;700"
        "fr-CA" => "2&thinsp;700$"
      "smSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$700"
        "fr-CA" => "700$"
      "smSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;890"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;890$"
      "AddLicenseV3Info" => [
        "en-CA" => "All our subscriptions include access to both <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> and <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>Boreal Tales</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Tous nos abonnements donnent accès à <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> et à <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>La Constellation de l’Ours</a>."
      "CartSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Order Summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
      "ChromeDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're planning to use the game on Chromebooks?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous planifiez d'utiliser le jeu sur des Chromebooks?"
      "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
      "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
      "LargeSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large school"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande école"
      "LicenceTypeTotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currencySymbol% %$0currencyLabel%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0currencyLabel%%$1currencySymbol%"
      "PackageBuyHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements"
      "SchoolCTAHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy for the whole school and enjoy:"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez pour toute l’école et profitez&nbsp;:"
      "SmallSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small school"
        "fr-CA" => "Petite école"
      "StripeDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your security, your credit card details are securely encrypted and transmitted to our 3rd party payment provider, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx does not store or save your card details."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger votre sécurité, les détails de votre carte de crédit sont encryptés et transmis à notre fournisseur sécurisé de services de paiement, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx ne sauvegarde jamais les détails de votre carte."
      "TeacherPckgPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$130"
        "fr-CA" => "130$"
      "licensePromoTag1" => [
        "en-CA" => "promo"
        "fr-CA" => "promotion"
      "CardErrorOccurred" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occurred with your card:"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue avec votre carte de crédit:"
      "CardErrorTryAgain" => [
        "en-CA" => "The amount has not been charged to your card. Please try again."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant n'a pas été facturé à votre carte de crédit. Veuillez essayer de nouveau."
      "CreatingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "An administrator account will be created for you to manage your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
      "ExistingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions will be added to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
      "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter a country"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner un pays"
      "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
        "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
      "LicenceTypeAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Siège(s)"
      "NeededClassAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "PackageAddHelper4" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to pay by check or via bank transfer, send us a purchase order at <a href=""></a>.<br>Make sure your purchase order includes the following information."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez payer par chèque ou virement bancaire, simplement nous transmettre un bon de commande contenant l'information suivante à l’adresse            <a href=""></a>."
      "PersonalInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personal information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations personnelles"
      "QuoteFormUserType" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes :"
      "RegionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your province"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province"
      "RequestQuoteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demander un devis"
      "SubFeatureCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for students."
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation d’un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour les élèves."
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign me up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "stripe_rate_limit" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "AskForAQuoteAdvice" => [
        "en-CA" => "To purchase more than 4 subscriptions:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour acheter plus de 4 abonnements :"
      "BackToPurchasePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
      "BuyPackageBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe!"
        "fr-CA" => "S’abonner!"
      "BuyPromoDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Only valid for school subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "*Uniquement valide pour abonnements scolaires"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChromebookListLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ClientsRenewedDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of schools renew year after year"
        "fr-CA" => "des écoles ont renouvelé leur abonnement"
      "FamilyPackageItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "FamilyPackageItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your children."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour vos enfants."
      "FamilyPackageItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
      "FamilyPackageItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to %$0noOfStudents% children!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à %$0noOfStudents% enfants!"
      "FamilyPackageItem5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Valide un an à partir de la date d'achat."
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
      "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PackageNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% seats"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% sièges"
      "PackageOrgFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Even lower price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix encore plus avantageux"
      "PackageOrgFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In-person or virtual training"
        "fr-CA" => "Des formations en personne ou en virtuel"
      "PackageOrgFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Custom settings and characters for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors et personnages sur mesure pour votre organisation"
      "PackageOrgFeature4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailored exercises for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Exercices sur mesure pour votre organisation"
      "PaymentInformation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Payment Information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations de paiement"
      "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
      "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
      "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre"
      "RenewedClientsStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
      "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
      "stripe_invalid_cvc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas valide."
      "AddFamilyPackageBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "FamilyPackageParam1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your children."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos enfants."
      "FamilyPackageParam2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "FamilyPackageParam3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
      "FamilyPackageParam4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to 5 children!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à 5 enfants!"
      "FamilyPackageParam5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide pour un an à partir de la date d’achat"
      "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
      "NoPackagesChosenMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have not selected any subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas choisi d’abonnements."
      "OrgFeaturePriceDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our institutional discounts are very attractive. Take advantage of the best prices and tailor-made features. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contact us to learn more</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos rabais institutionnels sont très intéressants. Profitez des meilleurs prix et de fonctionnalités sur mesure. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus</a>."
      "OrgSubscriptionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "From schools to school boards to entire public school systems, we are accustomed to large-scale deployments."
        "fr-CA" => "Des écoles aux conseils scolaires, jusqu'aux systèmes scolaires publics entiers, nous sommes habitués aux déploiements à grande échelle."
      "PackageSeatsAmount1" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> siège(s)"
      "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
        "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
      "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A school"
        "fr-CA" => "Une école"
      "SelectedSeatsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
      "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send request"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
      "TangibleResultsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "See how, after just 45 days of use, teachers saw a remarkable increase in writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TeacherPackageItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "TeacherPackageItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de d’exercices clé en main pour vos élèves."
      "TeacherPackageItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "TeacherPackageItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
      "TeacherPackageItem5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiryDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
      "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
      "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
      "stripe_expired_card" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has expired."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte bancaire est expirée."
      "stripe_token_in_use" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "ActivationCodePrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have an activation code, <a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>click here</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous détenez un code d’activation,&nbsp;<a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>c’est par ici</a>."
      "AddTeacherPackageBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
      "BuyPackagePromoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase your 2024/25 subscription and receive instant access!"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement 2024/25 et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
      "CartCustomerProvince" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please choose your province:"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province pour le calcul des taxes :"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "InvalidSchoolNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of the school"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement scolaire"
      "LicenceTypeUnitPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "OrgFeaturePriceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lower prices!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des prix plus qu’avantageux!"
      "OrgPackageAdvantages" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the School advantages +"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les avantages Écoles +"
      "OrgSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour pour votre organisation"
      "PackageCategoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’abonnements"
      "PackageClassFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
      "PackageClassFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
      "PackageClassFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
      "PurchaseSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Order summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
      "QuoteFormUserTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
      "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
        "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
      "SubDuration3yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "10% discount and fixed price for 3 years!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais de 10% et prix fixe pour 3 ans!"
      "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
        "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
      "TeacherPackageParam1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos élèves."
      "TeacherPackageParam2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "TeacherPackageParam3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "TeacherPackageParam4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
      "TeacherPackageParam5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until August 28, 2023"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au 28 aout 2023"
      "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
        "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
      "stripe_email_invalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your billing address is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse mail n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_incorrect_cvc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not correct."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas correct."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For students aged 8 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de 8 à 12 ans"
      "AddLicenseV3TroubDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "BuyFamilyPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "ChromebookInstallLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChromebookNetworkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InvalidNumChildrenMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the approximate number of children"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre approximatif d'enfants"
      "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
      "PackageNumberChildren" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0% children"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu’à %$0% enfants"
      "PackageSchoolFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Very advantageous price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix très avantageux"
      "PackageSchoolFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
      "PackageSchoolFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
      "PackageSchoolFeature4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
      "PackageSchoolFeature5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
      "PackageValidityRange3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expire on <span class='expiration-date'>%$0Year%-%$1Month%-%$2Day%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le <span class='expiration-date'>%$2Day%-%$1Month%-%$0Year%</span>"
      "SelectLicenseCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription category"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
      "SelectPackageCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription type"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
      "StoriesByStudentsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stories created by students"
        "fr-CA" => "Histoires créées par les élèves"
      "StoriesByStudentsStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "SubDuration1yearTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "1&nbsp;year"
        "fr-CA" => "1&nbsp;an"
      "SubDuration3yearTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "3&nbsp;years"
        "fr-CA" => "3&nbsp;ans"
      "TroubCTAFamilyPackage" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also have a family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons aussi une version familiale"
      "stripe_invalid_number" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de carte bancaire n'est pas valide."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotes the emergence of ideas for writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Favorise l'émergence d'idées pour écrire"
      "AddLicenseV3TroubNeeds" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs of students and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux besoins des élèves et des enseignants"
      "AddMoreThanFourLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchasing for more than 4 classes?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour plus de 4 classes?"
      "BuyPackagePromoDetails" => [
        "en-CA" => "Benefit from an extension to your subscription: valid from the moment of purchase until the end of the next school year."
        "fr-CA" => "Bénéficiez d'un prolongement de votre abonnement : il sera valide du moment de l'achat jusqu'à la fin de la prochaine année scolaire."
      "BuyPackagePromoTitleV2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase your %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% subscription now, and begin using it immediately!"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
      "BuyPromoExpirationDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotion until August 20, 2023"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au 20 août 2023"
      "BuyTeacherPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ClassSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform students into authors"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez chaque élève en auteur"
      "FamilyPackageBuyButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe my family"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonner ma famille"
      "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "OrgFeatureContentItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding tailor-made exercises to the catalog, created by you or by our team"
        "fr-CA" => "L'ajout d'exercices sur mesure dans le catalogue, créés par vous ou par notre équipe"
      "OrgFeatureContentItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creation of settings and characters that represent your reality. For example, we can add your school, or a popular activity within your organization."
        "fr-CA" => "La création de décors et de personnages qui représentent votre réalité. Nous pouvons par exemple ajouter votre école, ou une activité populaire au sein de votre organisation."
      "OrgFeatureContentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Content tailored to your needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Du contenu sur mesure pour vos besoins"
      "OrgRequestInfoFrmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information request form"
        "fr-CA" => "Formulaire de demande d’informations"
      "PackageAddHelperButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other payment method?"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre mode de paiement?"
      "PackageExpiryDateLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le %$0%"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
      "SelectedReductionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "SubFeatureDesignAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves!"
      "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
      "TroubPackagesFamilyBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement Famille"
      "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour has a proven track record in schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
      "ViewSchoolSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the School subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École"
      "stripe_api_key_expired" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "FamilyPackageDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 4 children"
        "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 4 enfants"
      "FamilyPurchasePageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform your children into authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez vos enfants en auteurs!"
      "FamilySubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "FamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instill a love of writing in children"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour faire naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
      "MedSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 6 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 6 abonnements classes"
      "OrgSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Live training and personalized support!"
        "fr-CA" => "Formations en direct et  accompagnement personnalisé!"
      "PackageInfosButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
        "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
      "PackageTotalSeatsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> siège(s)"
      "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
      "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}"
        "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
      "ReturnToBuyPageLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go back to the purchase page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retournez à la page d’achat?"
      "SchoolSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École"
      "SchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We transform schools into communities of engaged authors"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous transformons les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
      "SeeAllSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "See all subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir tous les abonnements"
      "TransferDisclaimerTexte" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions can be combined and transferred to suit your needs, but cannot be split to transfer a part of it to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements peuvent être combinés et transférés pour convenir à vos besoins, mais ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu'un d'autre."
      "TransferDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note :"
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien :"
      "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
      "TroubPackagesFamilyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Turn screen time into creation time with Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez le temps d’écran en temps de création avec Troubadour."
      "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
      "stripe_amount_too_large" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too high."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop élevé."
      "stripe_amount_too_small" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too low."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop bas."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubWebsite" => [
        "en-CA" => "A simple website, accessible from anywhere"
        "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web, accessible de partout"
      "ChallengesByTeachersDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher-created writing challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis d’écriture créés par les enseignants"
      "ChallengesByTeachersStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "EstablishedResourceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A well-established resource"
        "fr-CA" => "Une ressource bien établie"
      "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "PackageAddHelperBullets2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing name and address (usually: school or district)<br> Name of responsible person <br> Purchase order number <br> Type and quantity of required subscription packages <br> Email address of the account to which subscription packages must be transferred"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom et adresse de facturation (en général: centre de services scolaire ou école)<br>                    Nom de la personne responsable <br>                    Numéro de bon de commande <br>                    Type et nombre d'abonnement(s) désiré(s) <br>                    Adresse courriel du compte où transférer les abonnements                "
      "QuoteFormUserSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Services Centre"
        "fr-CA" => "Centre de services"
      "SchoolSubscriptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Scolaires"
      "SubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription allows"
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement permet"
      "SubscriptionOptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore the other subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Explorer les autres abonnements"
      "TeacherPackageExpiration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiry Date%"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
      "TroubPackagesFamilyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "stripe_incorrect_address" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your address is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse n'est pas une adresse valide."
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText0" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game is available on Chromebook if your model allows installing Android applications. We have installed the game on various models without any problems, but we still recommend that you install the game on one of your students' Chromebook first and test it for free before buying packages. The number of Chromebook models supporting Android increases continuously, but there is still no guarantee that your Chromebooks will support the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est disponible sur Chromebook si le modèle que vous utilisez permet d'installer            des applications Android. Google considère cette fonctionnalité comme étant encore en mode Beta. Nous avons            installé le jeu sur divers modèles sans problèmes mais nous recommandons tout de même d'installer            le jeu sur le Chromebook d'un élève et de l'essayer gratuitement avant de vous procurer des            abonnements. Le nombre de modèles supportant Android augmente sans cesse mais il n'y a pas de garantie que vos            Chromebooks supporteront le jeu."
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A list of Chromebook models compatible with Android can be found "
        "fr-CA" => "Une liste des modèles de Chromebooks compatibles Android se trouve "
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google provides instructions on how to install Android applications on a networked computer (as is often the case in schools) "
        "fr-CA" => "Google fournit des explications sur comment installer des applications Android sur un            ordinateur en réseau (comme c'est souvent le cas dans une école) "
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To install it on a personal Chromebook, the information can be found"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l'installer sur un Chromebook personnel, les informations se trouvent "
      "ClassSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires students, gives them confidence, and nurtures the writer within them."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les élèves, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "IncludedSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement&nbsp;:"
      "LargeSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 7 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 7 abonnements classes"
      "NoProvinceSelectedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your province."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre province."
      "OrgRequestInfoFrmSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We will respond as soon as possible."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais."
      "OtherPaymentModesBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other payment methods are available"
        "fr-CA" => "D’autres mode de paiement sont disponibles"
      "PackageTotalPurchasePrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
      "PaymentIssueContactPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Having difficulty paying via credit card? Want other payment options? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contact us!</a>"
        "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le payment via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contactez nous!</a>"
      "PurchaseErrorOccuredLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => " An error occurred during the transaction. If you have not received your licence, or if a purchase was made in error, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la transaction. Si vous n'avez pas reçu vos abonnements, ou si un achat a été effectué par erreur, veuillez nous contacter à"
      "SmallSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 4 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 4 abonnements classes"
      "SubscriptionDurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription duration"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée de l’abonnement"
      "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
      "stripe_token_already_used" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your transaction has already been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre transaction a déjà été effectuée."
      "CreditCardIssueDisclaimer3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Problems paying with your credit card? Do you need other payment options?<b>Contact us</b> "
        "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le paiement via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <b> Contactez nous! </b> "
      "FamilySubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires young people, gives them confidence, and nourishes the author within them."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les jeunes, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
        "fr-CA" => "Des formations personnalisées"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailored user documentation and a plan for getting started"
        "fr-CA" => "Une documentation sur mesure pour les utilisateurs et un plan de démarrage"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Dedicated customer support"
        "fr-CA" => "Un support client dédié"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Monthly usage reports"
        "fr-CA" => "Des rapports d’utilisation mensuels"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete management of the implementation in your organization:"
        "fr-CA" => "Une prise en main complète de l’implémentation dans votre organisation&nbsp;:"
      "PackageDecreaseNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to standard Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en abonnement Classe standard"
      "PackageIncreaseNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Convert to Classroom+ subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformer en abonnement Classe+"
      "PackageTotalPurchaseDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
        "fr-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
      "QuoteFormConclusionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Someone from our team will contact you shortly with a quote. Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelqu’un de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu avec un devis.Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "ReturnToSubscriptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux abonnements"
      "SchoolSubscriptionInfoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For several subscriptions, the school subscription may be more advantageous."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour plusieurs abonnements, l’achat école peut être plus avantageux."
      "SchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative platform that facilitates the teaching of writing and brings the school together around an inspiring and unifying project."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme créative qui facilite l’enseignement de l’écriture et réunit l’école autour d’un projet inspirant et rassembleur."
      "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
      "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
      "TroubPackagesHomeSchoolBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Homeschool subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École à la maison"
      "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
      "stripe_country_unsupported" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card was refused by our payment processor."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays n'est malheureusement pas supporté par l'organisme de payement."
      "stripe_invalid_expiry_year" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your expiration year is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "L'année d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_postal_code_invalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your postcode is not correct."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code postal n'est pas correct."
      "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With Troubadour, your children will develop their creativity by discovering the pleasure of writing and telling stories."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec Troubadour, vos enfants développeront leur créativité en découvrant le plaisir d'écrire et de raconter des histoires."
      "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also have versions for school and home education!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons également une version pour le milieu scolaire et l'éducation à domicile!"
      "HomeSchoolPackageDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 5 children. Subscription valid for up to one year after the date of purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 5 enfants. Abonnement valide jusqu’à un an après la date d’achat."
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à la maison"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
        "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
      "OrgSubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We offer:"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons&nbsp;:"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student at the école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, the ideas come very quickly!”"
        "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
        "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
      "TroubPackagesComparisonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlock thousands of scenery options, correction tools, and more!"
        "fr-CA" => "Débloquez des milliers de décors, des outils de correction et plus encore!"
      "stripe_invalid_expiry_month" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your expiration month is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mois d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_invalid_source_usage" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
        "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
      "PackageTotalCurrencyTaxLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% + Tax"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% + Taxes"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
        "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
      "TroubFeatureFamilySpacesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each member of the family will have a space for their own creations.<br><br>You will be able to view what your children create, and encourage them!"
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque membre de la famille aura son propre espace de création.<br><br>Vous pourrez lire ce que vos enfants créent et les encourager!"
      "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
      "stripe_invalid_charge_amount" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction n'est pas valide."
      "BuyPromoExpirationDateDynamic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotion until %$0promotionEndDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au %$0promotionEndDate%"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
        "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0} Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
      "LicenceTypeUnitPriceReduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
      "OrganisationNameLabelShortTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of school"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement scolaire"
      "SubFeatureUnlimitedChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "The ability to create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "La possibilité de créer autant de défis que vous le souhaitez."
      "TroubFeatureMonthlyThemesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Fantastic, historical, and realistic themes will be offered to you each month!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des thèmes fantastiques, historiques et réalistes vous seront proposés chaque mois!"
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the tools you need to monitor your child's progress, encourage them, and help them improve!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour suivre la progression de votre enfant, l’encourager et l’aider à s’améliorer!"
      "IncludedClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the Classroom subscription, you will be able to:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Classe, vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
        "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
      "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
        "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
        "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
      "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription you will be able to:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly.<br><br>Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.<br><br>Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
      "stripe_platform_api_key_expired" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the Family subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Famille&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
      "TroubEducationSubscriptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour education subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour Éducation"
      "TroubFeatureUnlimitedStoriesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your children will be able to create as many stories as they want, using thousands of characters and settings."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos enfants pourront créer autant d'histoires qu'ils le souhaitent en utilisant des milliers de personnages et de décors."
      "SchoolPackageExpirationDateDynamic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy now and enjoy the subscription until %$0Package EndDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez maintenant et profitez de l’abonnement jusqu'au %$0PackagaeEndDate%"
    "ExploreMode" => [
      "AuthorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "WorkGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le groupe de"
      "PresentedByText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Presented by"
        "fr-CA" => "Présenté par"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ReadCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read your teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire le commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "StopSharingUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is posted on one or more shared Classroom Walls."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est affiché sur un ou plusieurs babillards partagés."
      "StopSharingUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsharing this work will remove it from any Classroom Wall(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus le partager le retirera du ou des babillards."
      "StopSharingUCText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous continuer ?"
      "StopSharingUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager ce travail"
      "BackToWritingButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner écrire"
      "TitleStudentNameText" => [
        "en-CA" => "By %$0student%"
        "fr-CA" => "Par %$0student%"
      "ReadYourCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire"
      "TitleStudentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A story created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Une histoire créée par"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this work has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce travail a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must complete the corrections before the student can continue working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
    "Translation" => [
      "Export" => [
        "en-CA" => "Export"
        "fr-CA" => "Exporter"
      "Import" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "IncompleteOnlyCB" => [
        "en-CA" => "Incomplete Only"
        "fr-CA" => "Incomplètes uniquement"
      "TranslationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Translation"
        "fr-CA" => "Traduction"
    "PackagesMail" => [
      "UserText" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "GoToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Se créer un compte"
      "GoToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Aller à mon compte"
      "UCCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux envoyés"
      "LastUsageText" => [
        "en-CA" => " Last Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière utilisation"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "SeatAmountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges assignés"
      "TransferDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "- (%$0count%) %$1packageName%"
        "fr-CA" => "- (%$0count%) %$1packageName%"
      "LicenceTypeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "ConfirmEmailAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*If the button does not work, click the following link or copy it to your browser's address bar:"
        "fr-CA" => "*Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: "
      "PackagesToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use it, you simply need to create your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l'utiliser, il vous suffit de vous créer un compte!"
      "TransferDateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned On"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné le"
      "TransfersSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The user has received the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! L'utilisateur a bien reçu vos abonnements."
      "LicensesToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use it immediately in your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez-le dès maintenant dans votre compte!"
      "PackagesToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can use it immediately in your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez désormais l'utiliser dans votre compte."
      "TransferNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) transferred a subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) vous a transféré un abonnement:"
      "ChallengeCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis lancés"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal, QC H2M 2E9"
      "packageReceivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have received a subscription package!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez reçu un abonnement!"
      "TransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$2username%)</span></b> has transferred a Boreal Tales subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré un abonnement à La Constellation de l'Ours:"
      "TransferNameNoAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) has transferred a Boreal Tales subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) vous a transféré des abonnements à La Constellation de l'Ours:"
      "TransferLegendNoAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Good news,"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne nouvelle, "
      "MailTransferPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% sent a subscription package to you"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% vous a envoyé un abonnement"
      "TransfersNoAccountSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The user does not yet have an account, but an email with instructions has been sent out. The subscription package will automatically be transferred once the user’s account is created. "
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! L'utilisateur ne possède pas encore de compte, mais un courriel explicatif lui a été envoyé. L’abonnement lui sera automatiquement attribué une fois son compte créé."
      "TransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> transferred Nanomonx subscription(s) to you :"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré un(des) abonnement(s) Nanomonx:"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
    "Anonymization" => [
      "Username" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'utilisateur de l'enfant"
      "KeepMyAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder mon compte"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal, (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "CreateNewAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new account"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouveau compte"
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Due to your 2 years of inactivity on, we have removed your personal information from our servers and made your account inaccessible. This measure is part of our efforts to protect your data."
        "fr-CA" => "En raison de votre inactivité pendant 2 ans sur, nous avons supprimé vos informations personnelles de nos serveurs et rendu votre compte inaccessible. Cette mesure fait partie de nos efforts pour protéger vos données."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The e-mail address associated with your account has been released for reuse. If you would like to re-join, please click on the link below."
        "fr-CA" => "L'adresse électronique associée à votre compte a été libérée pour être réutilisée. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre à nouveau, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_4" => [
        "en-CA" => "We hope you have enjoyed your experience with Troubadour and Boreal Tales. We look forward to welcoming you back to discover the new features of our educational platforms."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié votre expérience avec Troubadour et La Constellation de l'Ours. Nous serions ravis de vous voir revenir pour découvrir les nouvelles fonctionnalités de nos plateformes éducatives."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for using our products!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d'avoir utilisé nos produits!"
      "KeepStudentAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep the account"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder le compte"
      "MailMangerInactiveTitle_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: your account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "PrivacyPolicy_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to have more information, you can view our privacy policy by clicking"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez avoir plus d’information, vous pouvez consulter notre politique de confidentialité en cliquant "
      "KeepAllStudentAccountsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep all accounts"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder tous les comptes"
      "ValidateStudentAccountsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validate my students"
        "fr-CA" => "Valider mes élèves"
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your data and your student's data, we will automatically delete your account and your personal data, because the account has not been used for almost two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger vos données et les données de vos élèves, nous allons automatiquement supprimer votre compte et vos données personnelles, car le compte n’a pas été utilisé depuis près de deux ans."
      "MailStudentInactiveToManagerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restore your student’s account"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le compte de votre élève"
      "PreventManagerAccountAnonymization2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The account will be deleted on %$0deletionDate%. If you do not wish to keep your account, no action is required on your part. If you wish to keep the account and prevent it from being deleted, please click on the button below and login to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compte sera supprimé le %$0deletionDate%. Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder votre compte, aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationInfoPart2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that once your account is deleted, it will be inaccessible and unrecoverable."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que lorsque votre compte sera supprimé, il sera inaccessible et irrécupérable."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "One or more students have created an account and wish to be added to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Un ou plusieurs élèves ont créé un compte et souhaitent s’ajouter à votre groupe."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please log in to the teacher platform, and go to the Groups and students menu to validate the accounts within 72 hours. Otherwise, they will be deleted from the system."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez vous connecter à la plateforme enseignant, et aller dans le menu Groupes et élèves pour valider les comptes d’ici 72 heures, sans quoi ils seront effacés du système."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your students' data, we will automatically delete their accounts and personal data, as the accounts have not been used for more than two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger les données de vos élèves, nous allons automatiquement supprimer leurs comptes et leurs données personnelles, car leurs comptes n’ont pas été utilisés depuis plus de deux ans."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that only personal data is deleted, student work remains intact. Your students' work in your portfolio will therefore remain accessible."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que seules les données personnelles sont supprimées, les travaux d’élèves demeurent intacts. Les travaux de vos élèves qui se trouvent dans votre portfolio demeureront donc accessibles."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you do not wish to keep the account, no action is required on your part. If you do wish to keep the account and prevent it from being deleted, please click the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte, aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si, dans le cas contraire, vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To keep all accounts, click the button below:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour garder tous les comptes, cliquer le bouton ci-dessous:"
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationInfo_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your student’s data, we will automatically delete the account and personal data because the account has not been used in almost two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger les données de votre élève, nous allons automatiquement supprimer son compte et ses données personnelles, car le compte n’a pas été utilisé depuis près de deux ans."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validation of your students' accounts"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation des comptes de vos élèves"
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationDeletionDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Will be deleted on %$0deletionDate%."
        "fr-CA" => "Sera supprimé le %$0deletionDate%"
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Attention: your students' accounts are about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: les comptes de vos élèves sont sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a reminder."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci est un petit rappel."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "One or more students have created an account and wish to be added to your group. If you do not verify these accounts within the next 12 hours, they will be deleted from our system."
        "fr-CA" => "Un ou plusieurs élèves ont créé un compte et souhaitent s’ajouter à votre groupe. Si vous ne validez pas leur compte dans les 12 prochaines heures, ceux-ci seront effacés de notre système."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you don't want these students added to your group, you can ignore this message."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas que ces élèves s’ajoutent à votre groupe, vous pouvez ignorer ce message."
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationInfoPart2_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that only personal data will be deleted, the students’ works remain intact. The works of your students that are in your portfolio will remain accessible. "
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que seules les données personnelles sont supprimées, les travaux d’élèves demeurent intacts. Les travaux de vos élèves qui se trouvent dans votre portfolio demeureront donc accessibles."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "REMINDER: student accounts not activated within 24 hours will be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "RAPPEL : les comptes élèves non activés seront effacés dans 24 heures"
    "FamilyLanding" => [
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "AddMyFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get Started"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ma famille"
      "HowItWorksUIText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A picture is worth a thousand words! Thanks to its unique interface, Troubadour allows you to transform your ideas into images. Your child will naturally find the words to tell their story."
        "fr-CA" => "Une image vaut mille mots! Grâce à son interface unique, Troubadour permet de mettre ses idées en images. Ainsi, le récit émerge et l'enfant trouve naturellement les mots pour raconter."
      "HowItWorksUIText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour helps the child discover the pleasure of writing, and to perfect their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour permet de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire et de perfectionner ses compétences."
      "HowItWorksUIText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing becomes a creative means of expression, and allows your child's voice to emerge."
        "fr-CA" => "L'écriture devient un moyen d’expression créatif, et laisse émerger la voix de l'enfant."
      "WorldExample1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Weave a tale of wizards and warlocks!"
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte une histoire de magiciens!"
      "WorldExample2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share sweet details of your day at the sugar shack."
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte ta journée à la cabane à sucre."
      "WorldExample3Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recount an odyssey of intergalactic adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte une aventure intergalactique!"
      "WorldExample4Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the highlights of your Canadian vacation."
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte ton voyage au Canada."
      "HowItWorksDecorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings to engage every child: from the aspiring author, to the reluctant writer!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors pour engager chaque enfant : de l’aspirant auteur, à l’écrivain réticent!"
      "HowItWorksSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "How does it work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Comment ça marche?"
      "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour has proven itself in schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
      "TroubadourFamilyTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family writing platform that turns your child into an author."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture familiale qui transforme votre enfant en auteur."
      "WorldExamplesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "By creating interactive scenes in worlds that captivate them, children enjoy writing."
        "fr-CA" => "En créant des scènes interactives dans des univers qui les captivent, les enfants prennent du plaisir à écrire."
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student at école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, ideas come really quickly!”"
        "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
        "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
      "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
    "LicencesIndex" => [
      "IsOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "You!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes le propriétaire"
      "ReturnLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "MyPackagesTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Subscription Packages Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements que je peux utiliser"
      "LicenceV2InfoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TableCurrentOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire"
      "LiberateLicenceMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription will be returned to the owner, and you will no longer have access to the seats.<br>Without a subscription, you will be switched to the free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "L'abonnement sera retourné au propriétaire, et vous ne pourrez plus l'utiliser.<br>Si vous n'avez plus d'abonnement, vous passerez en mode gratuit."
      "AdministrateLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer mes abonnements"
      "LiberateLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you return the subscription package, the owner will once again be able to use the seats it contains, or may assign it to another user."
        "fr-CA" => "En restituant l'abonnement, son propriétaire pourra de nouveau bénéficier des sièges qui lui sont associés, ou l'assigner à un autre utilisateur."
      "LiberateLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you return your subscription package to its owner, you will no longer have access to the seats it granted you."
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer votre abonnement à son propriétaire ne vous permettra plus de bénéficier des sièges associés à celui-ci."
      "LiberateLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<u>Every student in each of your groups requires a seat. Make sure you keep enough seats for your needs before returning a subscription package.</u>"
        "fr-CA" => "<u>Des sièges sont nécessaires pour qu'un groupe puisse comporter des élèves. Assurez-vous de conserver suffisamment de sièges pour vos élèves.</u>"
      "LiberateLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "LiberateLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "FreeTrialNotStartedYet" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas commencé"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$2productName% free trial makes <b>%$0amount%</b> seats available to you free of charge, with no commitment, for a period of <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether to homeschool, suggest a fun and educational activity to your kids or students, or simply to discover the application, you will have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% c'est <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de  <b>%$1duration% jours</b>. Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, proposer une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités! "
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once the free trial is over, it will be possible to reactivate the accounts of your students associated with these seats by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the works they have started and will be able to get access again after giving them seats from your new subscription. To make sure your kids can keep playing after the free trial, buy a subscription package now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement. Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
    "OwnedLicences" => [
      "IsOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes le propriétaire"
      "UserText" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "SearchInput" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search"
        "fr-CA" => "Rechercher"
      "UCSentCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Creations Submitted by Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de travaux soumis par les élèves"
      "UCCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux envoyés"
      "UCFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creations"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux"
      "BundleActions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Batch Actions"
        "fr-CA" => "Actions en lots"
      "LastUsageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière utilisation"
      "ReturnSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You have returned this subscription package to the owner."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous avez restitué cet abonnement à son propriétaire."
      "RevokeSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You can access the seats of your subscription again."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez de nouveau accéder aux sièges de votre abonnement."
      "SeatUsedCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de sièges utilisés"
      "UsernameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username format is incorrect"
        "fr-CA" => "Le format du nom d'utilisateur est incorrect"
      "PackageFilters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les abonnements"
      "SeatAmountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges assignés"
      "TableBuyedDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchased on"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheté le"
      "TableSelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner tout"
      "DuplicateReturn" => [
        "en-CA" => "This subscription package has already been returned."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet abonnement a déjà été restitué."
      "LicenceTypeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "PackageHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PackagedExpired" => [
        "en-CA" => "This subscription has expired"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet abonnement est expiré"
      "SeatsFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges"
      "UserStatsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Package Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Détails de l’abonnement"
      "SameUserTransfer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can already use this subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez déjà utiliser cet abonnement."
      "TransferDateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned On"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné le"
      "UserStatsFilters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter Users"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les utilisateurs"
      "ConsultTransferts" => [
        "en-CA" => "View Pending Transfers"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les distributions en cours"
      "YieldLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Giving a subscription package to another user transfers the ownership of the package. The new owner will have access to all the seats associated with the package."
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement à un utilisateur lui permettra de bénéficier de tous les sièges associés à l'abonnement. L'utilisateur deviendra le nouveau propriétaire de l'abonnement."
      "YieldLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Warning! This action is irreversible. By giving the subscription package, you will not only lose the seats associated with it but also its administration rights.</b><br>The new owner will be able to use the seats of the package, but also to assign it or give it to another user. If you would rather only permit the use of the package without losing its ownership or its administration rights, you should assign the package instead of giving it."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Attention! Cette action est irréversible. En cédant l'abonnement, vous perdez les sièges associés mais aussi les droits d'administration de celui-ci.</b><br>Le nouveau propriétaire pourra alors utiliser les sièges de l'abonnement, mais aussi l'assigner ou le céder à son tour. Si vous préférez simplement permettre l’utilisation de l’abonnement sans en perdre la propriété ni les droits d’administration, vous pouvez assigner l’abonnement plutôt que le céder."
      "AssignLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigning a subscription package to another user grants this user with access to all the seats associated with the package."
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner un abonnement à un utilisateur lui permettra de bénéficier de tous les sièges associés à l'abonnement."
      "AssignLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will retain ownership of the subscription package and can take it back at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous restez propriétaire de l'abonnement et pouvez le récupérer à n'importe quel moment."
      "AssignLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Every student in each of your groups requires a seat. Make sure you keep enough seats for your needs with your other subscription packages before giving this package.</u> "
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Des sièges sont nécessaires pour qu'un groupe puisse comporter des élèves. Assurez-vous d’avoir assez de sièges pour vos élèves avec vos autres abonnements avant de céder cet abonnement.</b>"
      "FilterOptionState2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Libre"
      "FilterOptionState3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "FilterSelectState0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un état"
      "LicenceStatsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "User Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques de l'utilisateur"
      "AssignLicenceAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "ChallengeCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis lancés"
      "ChallengeFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis"
      "FilterLastChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Submitted Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernier défi soumis"
      "FilterMinChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers who have created at least: "
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants qui ont créé au moins :"
      "FilterMinSeatCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers who have assigned at least:"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants qui ont assigné au moins :"
      "PackageFiltersCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filtered Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements filtrés"
      "ChallengeCreateCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Challenges Created"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de défis créés"
      "UnassignLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taking back the subscription package of a user will give you access to the seats that are associated to it."
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement d'un utilisateur vous permettra de récupérer les sièges qui y sont associés."
      "UnassignLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will then have the possibility of using these seats for your own groups, or to assign the package to another user."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez alors de nouveau utiliser les sièges de l'abonnement pour vos groupes ou assigner l'abonnement à un autre utilisateur."
      "UnassignLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The current user will no longer be able to use the seats associated with this subscription package. If this results in the user not having enough seats, this user will have to choose between removing some students or acquiring another subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisateur actuel ne pourra plus utiliser les sièges associés à cet abonnement. Si ceci fait en sorte que l'utilisateur ne dispose plus de suffisamment de sièges, cet utilisateur devra choisir entre retirer des élèves ou se procurer un nouvel abonnement."
      "UnassignLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement"
      "UnassignLicenceAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement"
      "UnassignLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner l'abonnement"
      "FilterPackageAvailable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Package Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponibilité des abonnements"
      "UnassignLicencesAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre les abonnements"
      "FilterMinUserChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers whose students have submitted at least:"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants dont les élèves ont soumis au moins:  :"
      "FilterDateSelectionAfter" => [
        "en-CA" => "After"
        "fr-CA" => "Après"
      "FilterDateSelectionBefore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant"
      "SharedPackageManagersList" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Recipients"
        "fr-CA" => "Les utilisateurs à qui j'ai partagé des abonnements"
      "FilterLicencesPurchaseDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'achat"
      "PackageManagerDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owned Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements dont je suis propriétaire"
      "FilterSelectionLicencesType" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select Package Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un type"
    "UserChallenge" => [
      "Print" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer"
      "DoneBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Written By <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "FAILED" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private"
        "fr-CA" => "Privé"
      "minutes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Minutes"
        "fr-CA" => "Minutes"
      "HelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "WritedOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text written by the student on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Texte écrit par l'élève le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "COMPLETED" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public"
        "fr-CA" => "Public"
      "Continuer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "ApprovedOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Approved on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Approuvé le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "BankAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place in bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en banque"
      "EditButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Éditer"
      "ReadButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "IN_PROGRESS" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ongoing"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours"
      "PrintButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer"
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "AssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ce défi"
      "CloseWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you deactivate this challenge, your students will no longer be able to work on their associated creations.                   However, you can reactivate the challenge whenever you wish to do so."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous marquez ce défi comme désactivé, vos élèves ne pourront plus modifier les mondes attachés à ce défi.                    Vous pourrez néanmoins le réactiver ultérieurement si vous le souhaitez. "
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Color"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "DeleteAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroy this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce défi"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "OurGamesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platforms"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos plateformes"
      "RefreshTimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "ArchiveAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bank this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce défi en banque"
      "CopyShareLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse de partage"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été supprimé."
      "DeleteWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you delete this challenge, you will no longer be able to edit it, and it will disappear from the challenges list.                    Students will no longer be able to access the worlds they built for this challenge. <br><b>All deletions are final.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous supprimez définitement ce défi, vous ne pourrez plus le modifier et celui-ci disparaîtra de la liste des défis.                Aussi, vos élèves n'auront plus accès aux mondes de ce défi.<br><b>Toute suppression est définitive</b>"
      "DisableButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "NEED_REVISION" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision Required"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de retravailler"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "ToWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu'à %$0count% mot(s)"
      "403TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to access this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accéder à cette page."
      "ActivateButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "ChallengesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "ClassroomsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "EmptyGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group has no students.<br><br>Add students to this group and invite them to participate!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'a pas d'élève.<br><br>Ajoutez des élèves au groupe et invitez-les à se connecter pour participer."
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "IncludingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including:"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant:"
      "ResetTimeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Resetting the challenge time of <b>%$0name%</b> will reset the remaining time of each student back to its original value of <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Réinitialiser le temps du défi remettra le temps restant de chaque élève sur le défi <b>%$0name%</b> à sa valeur maximale de <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)"
      "UCFilterLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display completed works <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> and/or works currently in correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
        "fr-CA" => "Seulement afficher les travaux finis <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> ou en correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
      "UnassignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ce défi"
      "WorkWordPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "works"
        "fr-CA" => "travaux"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "ChallengeFailed" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Public Completed Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail complété et privé)"
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "DuplicateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer ce défi"
      "DuplicateBUtton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer"
      "EmptyBinderList" => [
        "en-CA" => "As of this moment, no students have started this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le moment, on dirait bien qu’aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi"
      "SendToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ShareDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you decide to share this challenge, any user of Boreal Tales will be able to use it with their group if they have the share code. <br>Your name will not appear associated with the challenge, and you cede any copyright to the contents of this challenge. <br><br>Users who use your template will be able to modify it during the import. <br><br>You will not be able to modify this challenge anymore. Nanomonx may use your challenge in a public library of templates."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous décidez de partager ce défi, n'importe quel utilisateur de La Constellation de l'Ours pourra l'utiliser avec son groupe pour peu qu’il ait le code de partage.        <br>Votre nom n'apparaîtra pas, vous cédez donc vos droits d’auteurs pour l’utilisation de ce défi.        <br><br>Les utilisateurs qui utiliseront votre gabarit pourront le modifier lors de l’importation.        <br><br>Vous ne pourrez plus modifier ce défi.        <br>Il est possible que Nanomonx utilise votre défi dans la banque publique des gabarits."
      "ShownChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis affichés :"
      "StudentReviewOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected by the student on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigé par l'élève le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "TeacherReviewOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last correction on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière correction le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "UnassignAction2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set to unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en désassigné"
      "ActivateAndClose" => [
        "en-CA" => "I want to activate the challenge now"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux activer le défi maintenant"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "DescriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "MaskingHowToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève"
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "RevisionApproved" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Le texte a été marqué comme corrigé."
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "ShareInstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can share this code with any Boreal Takes user, and they will be able to use the code to import this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez partager ce code avec n'importe quel utilisateur de La Constellation de l'Ours pour qu'il puisse importer ce défi."
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "WorkWordSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "work"
        "fr-CA" => "travail"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ChallengeDescTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge is a story starter or assignment created by the teacher.<br>Challenges contain student work.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi est une amorce de récit ou un devoir créé par l'enseignant.<br>Les défis contiennent les travaux des élèves.*"
      "ChallengeDescTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Without challenges, students cannot create anything."
        "fr-CA" => "*Sans défis, les élèves ne peuvent rien créer."
      "DisabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi désactivé"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "StateArchivedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save your successful challenges for next year by placing them in the bank."
        "fr-CA" => "Conservez vos défis réussis pour l’année prochaine en les mettant en banque."
      "StateAssignedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can write, build, and have fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut écrire, construire et s'amuser\u{A0}!"
      "SubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and %$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "ChallengeCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Public Completed Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail complété et public)"
      "ChallengeNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$name%</b>"
      "CorrectAllUCButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout corriger"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "RevisionUnapproved" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may correct this text again."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez de nouveau corriger le texte."
      "ShareAndCloseLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share and Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager et fermer"
      "StateArchivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked"
        "fr-CA" => "En banque"
      "StateAssignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "StopSharingUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is posted on one or more shared Classroom Walls."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est affiché sur un ou plusieurs babillards partagés."
      "StopSharingUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsharing this work will remove it from any Classroom Wall(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus le partager le retirera du ou des babillards."
      "StopSharingUCText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous continuer ?"
      "StopSharingUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager ce travail"
      "StudentsGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe"
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's review"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "ChallengeFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis"
      "ChallengeInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Ongoing Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail en cours)"
      "ChallengePrintTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "CloseChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver un défi "
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "EditChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "ExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots que le maximum demandé."
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "NumberWorksFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_finished% finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_finished% fini"
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "RemainingStarsPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% star(s) remaining."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% étoile(s) restante(s)."
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "RevisionSaveSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text saved!"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte sauvegardé!"
      "ShareChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager un défi"
      "StateUnassignedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can still read what they have written but they cannot make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Les étudiants peuvent toujours lire ce qu’ils ont écrit mais ils ne peuvent rien modifier."
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l'enseignant"
      "TemplateImportError" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred during the template import, please retry later."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'import du gabarit, veuillez réessayer."
      "WorldObjectNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred while retrieving the object."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération de l'objet."
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is deactivated by default. You may activate it whenever you are ready to submit it to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Celui-ci est désactivé par défaut mais vous pourrez l'activer à tout moment lorsque vos élèves seront prêts à y participer."
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ChallengeStatesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges can be assigned, unassigned, or banked."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis peuvent être assignés, désassignés ou mis en banque."
      "ChallengeStatesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can only work on assigned challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Les étudiants ne peuvent travailler que sur les défis assignés."
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le travail"
      "DuplicateSingleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Should the duplicate challenge be automatically assigned?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que le défi dupliqué sera automatiquement assigné?"
      "HideForStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hide for certain students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masquer pour certains élèves"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NoNeedToReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nothing to revise"
        "fr-CA" => "Rien à corriger"
      "NoStudentInChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "No student can currently access your challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève ne peut présentement accéder à votre défi!"
      "NumOfWorksInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% in writing"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% en rédaction"
      "NumOfWorksInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% to be reworked"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% à retravailler"
      "PendingStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending"
        "fr-CA" => "En attente de validation"
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send Back Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer le travail en révision"
      "StateUnassignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigné"
      "StayInactiveAndClose" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep the challenge inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser le défi inactif"
      "ActiveStatusChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis activés"
      "ChallengeCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Congratulations, you have created a challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Félicitations, vous venez de créer un défi!"
      "ChallengeReviewLegend" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction du défi"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "IntroTextDoesNotExist" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write the mandatory introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit l'introduction obligatoire."
      "NumOfWorksInPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% in portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% en portfolio"
      "PublicRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This work is now visible to other students."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi est désormais visible par les autres élèves."
      "RemoveAChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer un défi"
      "SendToRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The work has been sent back to your student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le travail a bien été envoyé à votre élève pour révision."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChallengeNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'existe pas."
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "DisableChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le défi"
      "FreemiumUnassignedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, a new challenge is activated and the current one is unassigned. Unassigned challenges will be found on this page."
        "fr-CA" => "À chaque semaine, un nouveau défi s’active et celui en cours est désassigné. Les défis désassignés se retrouveront sur cette page."
      "FreemiumUnassignedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When a challenge is unassigned, you will still have access to completed works, and be able to share them on a bulletin board!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu’un défi est désassigné, vous pouvez toujours accéder aux travaux des élèves et les partager sur un babillard!"
      "PrivateRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This work is no longer visible to other students."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi n'est plus visibile par les autres élèves."
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
        "en-CA" => "Waiting for Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "À corriger"
      "ChallengeVisibiliyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that can access your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant accès à votre défi"
      "DisabledStatusChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désactivés"
      "DoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots."
      "NumberWorksInCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% en correction"
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a color and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "ReSendToRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Done! You can correct this work once again and/or return it to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez de nouveau corriger ce travail et/ou le retourner à l’élève."
      "ResetChallengeTimeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Resetting Challenge Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps du défi"
      "StudentsNotStartedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "These students have not started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves n’ont pas commencé."
      "StudentsNotStartedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The list excludes students for whom the challenge is hidden."
        "fr-CA" => "La liste exclut les élèves pour lesquels le défi est masqué."
      "ChallengeListDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge context"
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en contexte du défi"
      "CompletedRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été complété."
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this work has been saved to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce travail a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "ClassroomsAndStudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups and students"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes et élèves"
      "DuplicateChallangeOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign or place in bank?"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ou mettre en banque?"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "EmptyChallengesReviewText" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started this challenge.<br><br>Invite them to participate by logging in to"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi.<br><br>Invitez-les à se connecter sur pour y participer."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your free trial period is over, you can reactivate the student accounts associated with it by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the work that was started, and will have access to it again once you have assigned them the seats of your new subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "StudentsSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves et abonnements"
      "ViewModifyChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter / Modifier"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Stop correcting and place this work in the portfolio?"
        "fr-CA" => "*Arrêter la correction et mettre ce travail au portfolio?"
      "ChallengeReviewStudentName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "ConclusionTextDoesNotExist" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write the mandatory conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit la conclusion obligatoire."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes en train de corriger ce travail."
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Students will still be able to read them."
        "fr-CA" => "*Les élèves pourront toujours les lire."
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "By destroying this challenge, you will no longer be able to view any associated student works."
        "fr-CA" => "En détruisant ce défi, vous ne pourrez plus consulter les travaux des élèves y étant rattachés."
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student*"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève*"
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*These changes will be applied when you assign the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "*Ces changements seront appliqués lorsque vous assignerez le défi"
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "ChallengeTimerRefreshSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge time has been successfully reset."
        "fr-CA" => "Le temps de votre défi a bien été réinitialisé."
      "DuplicateMultiChallangeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate for these groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer dans ces groupes"
      "IntroTextExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum for the introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots dans son introduction que le maximum demandé."
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "ShareChallengeDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager un défi"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "ChallengeEditionSuccessMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been updated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les modifications à votre défi ont été enregistrées!"
      "ChallengeCreationSuccessMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre défi a été créé!"
      "CreateChallengeForClassDropdown" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge for this Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi pour ce groupe"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "IntroTextDoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words for the introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots dans son introduction."
      "ChallengeListStudentInstructions1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "ConclusionTextExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum for the conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots que demandé dans sa conclusion."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot directly edit a student's text until the work is published. Once you have published the work, you will be able to edit the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier directement le texte d'un élève avant que le travail soit terminé.\u{A0}Une fois que vous aurez terminé le travail, vous pourrez modifier le texte de l'élève."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% student has not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élève n'a pas commencé"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "ConclusionTextDoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words for the conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots dans sa conclusion."
      "SharedReadingChallengeToBeImplemented" => [
        "en-CA" => "This feature is not yet available for reading challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas encore disponible pour les défis de lecture."
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% student"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élève"
    "FamilyCreation" => [
      "FamNameErrMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide a name between 3 and 90 characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir un nom entre 3 et 90 caractères."
      "GroupTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Is this a family?"
        "fr-CA" => "S’agit-il d’une famille?"
      "GroupIsFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Members of the same family"
        "fr-CA" => "Il s’agit des membres d’une même famille"
      "NameYourGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Nommez votre groupe"
      "HereWeGoButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here we go!"
        "fr-CA" => "On y va!"
      "NameYourFamilyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name your family"
        "fr-CA" => "Nommez votre famille"
      "FamilyNamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Squirrel Squad"
        "fr-CA" => "L'équipe des écureuils"
      "GroupIsNotFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a group whose members are not a family"
        "fr-CA" => "Il s’agit d’un groupe dont les membres ne sont pas une famille"
      "MemberNameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This name can be fictional, but it's better if family members can recognize each other."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom peut être fictif, mais c’est mieux si les membres de la famille peuvent se reconnaître."
      "UseActivationCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redeem an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un code d’activation"
      "FamilyCreationRadioLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you going to play as a family?"
        "fr-CA" => "Allez-vous jouer en famille?"
      "AddMembersGroupDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My group is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon groupe est complet"
      "DeleteFamilyMemberPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This action is irreversible. You will lose all of this child's creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet action est irréversible. Vous perdrez toutes les creations de cet enfant."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family and teacher versions can be used from the same account. However, they require separate subscriptions and function very differently. You may switch between these two versions at any time without losing any work."
        "fr-CA" => "Les versions famille et enseignant peuvent être utilisées à partir du même compte. Elles utilisent des abonnements distincts et fonctionnent très différemment. Vous pourrez passer de l’une à l’autre à tout moment et rien ne sera perdu."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: The teacher version is designed for use in class or for homework."
        "fr-CA" => "NB : La version enseignant est conçue pour une utilisation en classe ou pour les devoirs."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to the teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la version enseignants"
      "DeleteFamilyMemberPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this child?"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer cet enfant?"
    "MarketingEmail" => [
      "MailNewChallengeSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge for you!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi pour vous!"
      "ValidationEmailCopyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "© Copyright 2023 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "© Copyright 2023 par Nanomonx inc."
    "SharedLicences" => [
      "ClaimSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You can now use this subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez désormais utiliser cet abonnement."
      "TakeLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "MyPackagesTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions I can use"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements que je peux utiliser"
      "AvailablePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements disponibles"
      "SharedLicenceCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Total disponible "
    "ClassroomCreate" => [
      "SchoolName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre école (facultatif)"
      "DeleteWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you permanently delete this group, <br> all its challenges, its students and their work will be destroyed. <br>            <br> Their licenses will be unassigned and you can reassign them to other students in another of your groups.<br> <b> Any deletion is irreversible.</b> "
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous supprimez définitivement ce groupe, <br>tous ses défis, ses élèves et leurs travaux seront détruits.                    <br><br>Leurs sièges vous seront néanmoins réattribués et vous pourrez les réassigner à d'autres élèves dans un autre de vos groupes.                    <br><b>Toute suppression est définitive</b> "
      "RenameStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change display name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le nom affiché"
      "ClassNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By entering this access code, students will automatically be able to join your group. You just need to pass it on to them. <br>For the young ones, you can also create their student account"
        "fr-CA" => "En entrant ce code d’accès, les élèves pourront automatiquement se joindre à votre groupe. Il vous suffit de le leur transmettre.        <br>Pour les tout petits, vous pouvez également créer leur compte élève"
      "LangSelectLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language used in game"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue utilisée dans le jeu"
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "NoClassroomsMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no other classes at this time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas d'autres classes pour le moment."
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre centre de services scolaire (facultatif)"
      "UsageTypeSelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which of these situations best corresponds to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "Laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "DeleteGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete group"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer le groupe"
      "DeletePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to remove this student from your archived students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer cet élève de vos élèves archivés?"
      "RejectPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser ces élèves ?"
      "DeleteGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer le groupe"
      "DeletePopupAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "DeletePopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to remove %$0studentName% from your archived students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer %$0studentName% de vos élèves archivés?"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "DeletePopupWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student may request to re-join one of your groups at a later time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il pourra toujours demander à rejoindre l'un de vos groupes ultérieurement."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "TagertedGradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "UnassignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner cet élève ?"
      "studentsCountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students who are present in this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves présents dans ce groupe"
      "CurrentDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Actual name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom actuel"
      "OpenHouseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you activate the Guest Mode, you allow everyone who has your group’s access code to explore the public, finished creations of your students.<br>                This function is very useful when you want to share the creations of your students with, for example, parents, or, teachers and students from other groups.<br>             When the guest mode is deactivated, only the students of your group will be able to explore their classmates’ creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous activez le mode visiteur,     vous permettez à toute personne qui possède le code d’accès de votre groupe de visiter les créations publiques terminées de vos élèves.<br>              C’est utile pour permettre, par exemple, aux élèves et enseignants des autres classes de votre école ou à des parents de découvrir les créations de vos élèves.<br>               Si le mode est désactivé, seuls les élèves de votre groupe pourront visiter les créations du groupe."
      "RejectAdditionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Decline addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser l’ajout"
      "RenameStudentTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change a student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changement de nom d'un élève"
      "StudentGroupsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student's groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes de cet élève"
      "UnassignPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove %$0studentName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer %$0studentName% ?"
      "rejectStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Decline student"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser l'élève"
      "ConfirmAdditionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l’ajout"
      "GradeLevelDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The grade levels are currently based on the cycles of the Quebec Education Program. The average student age corresponding to each cycle is provided for non-Quebec users for reference."
        "fr-CA" => "Les niveaux scolaires sont présentement basés sur les cycles du programme de formation de l’école québécoise.                    L’âge moyen des élèves correspondant à chaque cycle est indiqué à titre de référence pour nos utilisateurs hors-Québec."
      "GroupNamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the name of the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le nom du groupe"
      "PurchaseSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grab a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Procurez-vous un abonnement"
      "licenseOverflowInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than allowed by your current subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "licenseOverflowInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "So that your students have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "licenseOverflowInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You may also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "manageStudentsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage students"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les élèves"
      "removeGroupsStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selecting "Activate all" will activate all the creative themes including those added in the future."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner "Tout activer" activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir."
      "AssignGroupPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group(s) of"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe(s) de "
      "AssignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign student to group"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'élève au groupe"
      "DeleteThisGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce groupe"
      "RejectStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Work done by students in other groups will not be affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Les travaux réalisés par les élèves dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "RejectStudentWarning3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing students from a group will remove their work in progress from that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser des élèves d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "RenameStudentSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name displayed is the one that will appear to other students in the class."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom affiché est celui qui apparaîtra aux autres élèves de la classe."
      "SchoolInfosDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help us serve you better by providing information about your school:"
        "fr-CA" => "Aidez-nous à mieux vous servir en fournissant des informations sur votre école:"
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ces élèves ?"
      "AllowPublicAccessLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Guest mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur"
      "LongPasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend that you use different passwords for each student. If all the passwords are identical, or easy to guess, you risk that some students log in under other accounts to modify the content."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles                                 à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "RemoveGroupsOrStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students from group %$0classroomName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe %$0classroomName% ?"
      "licenseOverflowMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than seats allowed by your current subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "pendingStudentsMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some students have been added to your group.<br>You must confirm their addition to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains élèves se sont ajoutés à votre groupe.<br>Vous devez confirmer leur ajout pour continuer."
      "AccessStudentChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For your students to have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "CreateStandardGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, create a standard group"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, faire un groupe standard"
      "OnboardingAddGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout d'un groupe :"
      "UnassignStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigning a student from a group will remove their works in progress, and their completed (public) works done within that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés mais public réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "UnassignStudentWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed and public works will carry over.<br><b>Work completed by the student in other groups will not be affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "UnassignedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign students"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner les élèves"
      "studentsCountButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0variableA% student(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0variableA% élève(s)"
      "AddStudentToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student to another group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève à un autre groupe."
      "ManageGoogleClassroomMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "To add or remove students, please use Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter ou enlever des élèves, passer par Google Classroom directement."
      "ResetPasswordPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the new password"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire le nouveau mot de passe"
      "SyncGoogleClassroomLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sync with Google Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Synchroniser avec Google Classroom"
      "UnassignedStudentSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign student"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner l'élève"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Google Classroom class will only be able to use Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe Google Classroom ne pourra utiliser que Troubadour."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student management must be done in Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "La gestion des élèves se fera uniquement dans Google Classroom."
      "PasswordGoodPracticesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PasswordGoodPracticesText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visit our information page to learn more about classroom password best practices."
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre page d’information pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures pratiques au niveau des mots de passe en classe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When a student joins your group through the app, they can directly access your challenges and start working.<br> However, to access the work of their classmates and be marked, you will need to confirm their participation in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu'un élève rejoint votre groupe via l'application, il peut directement accèder à vos défis et commencer à travailler.<br>            Toutefois, pour accèder aux travaux de ses camarades de classe et être corrigé, vous devrez confirmer sa participation au groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can confirm or reject students directly on the list of your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou rejeter des élèves directement sur la liste de vos élèves"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to import a group from Google Classroom?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous importer un groupe de Google Classroom?"
      "RemoveSelectedStudentsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves"
      "StudentIsPartOfTheseGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student belongs to the following groups"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève fait partie des groupes suivants"
      "UnassignMultiplePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ces élèves ?"
      "AddGroupConfigurationLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout d'un groupe"
      "AlreadyExistingGroupNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already have a group with this name."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous disposez déjà d'un groupe avec ce nom."
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigning a student from a group will remove their works in progress, and their completed (public) works done within that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés mais public réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed and public works will carry over.<br><b>Work completed by the student in other groups will not be affected.</b><br> The seats they occupied will nevertheless be released."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br>        <b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b><br>           Les sièges qu'ils occupaient seront néanmoins libérés."
      "OnboardingGroupConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration:"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe :"
    "ExpiredLicences" => [
      "selfUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "You"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes l'utilisateur"
    "FamilyChallenge" => [
      "" => [
        "en-CA" => "For a better student experience, we advise you not to exceed %$0maxSelectionAmount% categories."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de chargement et une meilleure expérience élève,nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser %$0maxSelectionAmount% catégories."
      "BeginStoryBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start the story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer l’histoire!"
      "RemoveThisCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this category"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cette catégorie"
      "categorySelectionAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> selected categories"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> categories sélectionnées"
      "noSelectionThemeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must select a theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner un thème"
      "CreateFamilyChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's time to create a new story!"
        "fr-CA" => "C’est le temps de créer une nouvelle histoire!"
      "noSelectionCategoryWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must select a category"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner une catégorie"
      "selectedCategoryDescription3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are the characters and settings included in the theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les personnages et décors compris dans le thème"
      "CreateFamilyChallengeSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a theme of objects and settings for your story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis une thématique d’objets et de décors pour ton histoire!"
    "Troubadour_Play" => [
      "SeeCaseStudy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the case study!"
        "fr-CA" => "Regarder l’étude de cas!"
      "ScheduleDemoBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une démo"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "RequestDocsPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email containing all the required information will be sent to you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel contenant les informations requises vous sera envoyé sous peu."
      "RequestDocsPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also offer tailored one-on-one Troubadour demos for schools and organizations."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous proposons également des démonstrations personnalisées pour les écoles et les organisations."
      "RequestDocsPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can schedule an appointment at a time and date that suits you."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous à l'heure et à la date qui vous conviennent."
      "RequestDocsPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre intérêt&nbsp;!"
      "SignupPlayFreeHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Signup and play for free!<span>(for as long as you want!)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous et jouez gratuitement&nbsp;!<span>(aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez&nbsp;!)</span>"
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous faisons naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "An empowering online platform for creative writing that inspires students, builds confidence, and nurtures their inner authors."
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme d’écriture créative qui encourage les élèves, renforce leur confiance et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn how Troubadour transforms schools into communities of enthusiastic writers!"
        "fr-CA" => "Apprenez comment Troubadour transforme les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
      "TroubSchoolProjectBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour as a school project"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour comme projet d’école"
      "RequestDocsSchoolOrgHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request documentation for schools and organizations"
        "fr-CA" => "Demander de la documentation pour les écoles et les organisations."
    "TroubadourGroups" => [
      "BankAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place in bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en banque"
      "AssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ce défi"
      "DeleteAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroy this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce défi"
      "ArchiveAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bank this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce défi en banque"
      "UnassignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ce défi"
      "DuplicateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer ce défi"
      "UnassignAction2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set to unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en désassigné"
      "NoStudentsStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé"
      "CountryChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country to assign to your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays à assigner à votre compte"
      "IdleStudentWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% students have no challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élèves n’ont pas de défis sur lesquels travailler."
      "NoStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a indiqué qu’il avait fini"
      "CurrentCountryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Country currently assigned)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Pays actuellement assigné)"
      "EditChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "EmptyChallengesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un."
      "EmptyChallengesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='unassigned'>unassigned</span> challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='unassigned'>désassignés</span>."
      "EmptyChallengesText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='archived'>banked challenges<span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='archived'>en banque<span>."
      "EmptyChallengesText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='unassigned'>unassigned</span> or <span class='archived'>banked<span> challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='unassigned'>désassignés</span> et <span class='archived'>en banque<span>."
      "EmptyChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No challenges assigned for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi assigné pour ce groupe."
      "HideForStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hide for some students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masquer pour certains élèves"
      "StateArchivedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will no longer be able to modify these works. They will be available to read from their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "StateAssignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now available for students to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent maintenant y travailler."
      "BankedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "SingleStudentFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 student has finished"
        "fr-CA" => "1 élève a fini"
      "StateUnassignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will no longer be able to modify these works. They will be available to read from their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "ArchivedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "AssignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis assignés"
      "CountryChangePopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops! It appears that the country we assigned to you when you registered is not the same as that of your payment organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Oups! Il semblerait que le pays que nous vous avons assigné lors de votre inscription n'est pas le même que celui de votre organisme de paiement."
      "CountryChangePopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We use your country of residence <u>only</u> to provide you with curriculum-specific content."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous utilisons votre pays de résidence <u>uniquement</u> pour vous fournir du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire de celui-ci."
      "CountryChangePopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have changed your country of residence or it was assigned to you by mistake, you may change it below:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez changé de pays de résidence ou que celui-ci vous avait été assigné par erreur, vous pouvez le changer ci-dessous:"
      "CountryChangePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase was successful!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été effectué!"
      "IdleStudentWarningSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% student does not have any challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élève n’a pas de défi sur lequel travailler."
      "ChallengeDuplicateSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been duplicated"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre défi a bien été dupliqué"
      "UnassignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désassignés"
      "ViewModifyChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter / Modifier"
      "EmptyBankedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No banked challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi en banque pour ce groupe."
      "IdleStudentWarningMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% students have no challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élèves n’ont pas de défis sur lesquels travailler."
      "BankedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "EmptyArchivedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No banked challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi en banque pour ce groupe."
      "ThanksForBuyingPackagesLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing a subscription. A receipt has been sent to %$0username%"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir acheté un abonnement. Un reçu a été envoyé à l’adresse %$0username%"
      "ArchivedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "AssignedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges assigned to students"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis assignés aux élèves"
      "EmptyUnassignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No unassigned challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi désassigné pour ce groupe."
      "UnassignedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désassignés"
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must finish the correction before the student can resume working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
    "LicenceStatistics" => [
      "UserNoUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune activité"
      "UserLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "UserNoUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Inactif"
      "UserHighUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Very Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Très actif"
      "IndicatorNoUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unused"
        "fr-CA" => "Non utilisé"
      "UserAverageUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "UserVeryLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "IndicatorLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
      "IndicatorNoUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not used"
        "fr-CA" => "Non utilisé"
      "IndicatorHighUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Extensively Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Beaucoup utilisé"
      "IndicatorAverageUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
      "IndicatorVeryLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
    "LoggedOutCheckout" => [
      "newLoginLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to signup to finish your purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez créer un compte pour finaliser vos achats."
      "CartCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in or Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous ou faites la création de votre compte administrateur"
      "CartCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cart has just been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre panier a été créé!"
      "loginLabelCheckout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Already have an account? Log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà un compte? Connectez-vous!"
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid username or password."
        "fr-CA" => "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect."
      "ValidationMailInfoSub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the validation link in the email that you received when you created your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien du courriel reçu lors de l'inscription."
      "ResendValidationEmail1" => [
        "en-CA" => "I did not receive a confirmation email"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n'ai pas reçu de courriel de confirmation"
      "ValidationMailInfoMain" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has not been validated."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel n'a pas été validée."
      "ValidationMailSendTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A confirmation email has been sent."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de confirmation vous a été envoyé."
      "ValidationMailSendSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the confirmation link."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien de confirmation"
      "ResendValidationEmailDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception"
      "ResendValidationEmailValidation2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you did not receive the confirmation email, we can resend it to you. You may also want to make sure it is not in your spam box."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous n'avez rien reçu, nous pouvons vous envoyer le  courriel de confirmation à nouveau. Vous pouvez également vérifier s’il ne se trouve pas dans votre boîte de courrier indésirable."
    "WhiteListLicences" => [
      "ArchiveButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archived"
        "fr-CA" => "Archivés"
      "UserAuthorize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized Users"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateurs autorisés"
      "AuthorizeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized"
        "fr-CA" => "Autorisés"
      "DomainAuthorize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized Domains"
        "fr-CA" => "Domaines autorisés"
      "DomainNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This domain name does not exist, or the format is incorrect."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom de domaine n'existe pas ou son format est incorrect."
      "noWhitelistUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "No authorized users at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun utilisateur autorisé pour le moment..."
      "noWhitelistDomain" => [
        "en-CA" => "No authorized domains at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun domaine autorisé pour le moment..."
      "DuplicateUserError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This user has already been added."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet utilisateur a déjà été ajouté."
      "addUserPlaceHolder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add user’s email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter l’adresse courriel d’un utilisateur"
      "SelfWhiteListedError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already have access to your own subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà accès à vos propres abonnements"
      "addDomainPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Domain"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un domaine"
      "UnauthorizedDomainName" => [
        "en-CA" => "This domain name is not permitted."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom de domaine n'est pas permis."
      "noWhitelistArchivedUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "No archived users at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun utilisateur archivé pour le moment..."
      "NanotoastSuccessDeleteWhitelistUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address has been successfully deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse courriel a été supprimée avec succès!"
      "NanotoastSuccessDeleteWhitelistDomain" => [
        "en-CA" => "The domain name has been successfully deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom de domaine a été supprimé avec succès!"
    "InTransferLicences" => [
      "BundleActions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Batch Actions"
        "fr-CA" => "Actions en lots"
      "CancelSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The transfer has been cancelled."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le transfert a bien été annulé."
      "TableSentDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sent on"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyé le"
      "TargetedRight" => [
        "en-CA" => "Management levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux de gestion"
      "TableSelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner tout"
      "PackageHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TableSendingToUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recipient"
        "fr-CA" => "Destinataire"
      "CancelTransferText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The user has not yet created an account, and therefore has not received your subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisateur n'a pas encore créé son compte et n'a donc pas encore reçu votre abonnement."
      "CancelTransferText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can cancel the transfer if you have decided you want to use the package yourself, or if you want to transfer it to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez interrompre la distribution si vous souhaitez finalement vous servir de l'abonnement ou le transférer à un autre utilisateur."
      "NoPackageInTransferPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages pending transfer..."
        "fr-CA" => " Aucun abonnement en cours de distribution..."
    "StudentCredentials" => [
      "Hard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complex "
        "fr-CA" => "Complexe"
      "later" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "Simple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Simple "
        "fr-CA" => "Simple"
      "GoToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to the Group page"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder au groupe"
      "QuitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter"
      "NoAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must provide your date of birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez fournir votre date de naissance"
      "SelectGame" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select a game"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un jeu"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "ImportToggle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import students from spreadsheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer des élèves depuis un chiffrier"
      "CreationHelp1" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are two ways to add students to a group:<br>        1) You can create their account, thereby automatically adding the student to your group. This method is preferred in the case of younger students.<br>          2)You can also provide your group’s access code to your students: "
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent être ajoutés à un groupe de deux façons:<br>            1) Vous pouvez créer un compte élève et il sera ajouté à votre groupe. Cette méthode est préférable pour les plus jeunes.<br>            2) La nouvelle façon consiste à fournir le code d’accès de votre groupe aux élèves:"
      "CreationHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will be able to create their own account directly in the game and use this code to join your group. This way, you will not have to manage their account, and they will be able to reuse an existing account if they want to."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves pourront se créer un compte rapidement à même le jeu et utiliser ce code pour rejoindre votre groupe. De cette façon, vous n’aurez pas à gérer leur compte et ils pourront réutiliser un compte existant."
      "LegalAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be %$0Age% or older to use the administration website."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être agé de %$0Age% ans ou plus pour utiliser le site web d'administration."
      "FastOptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Passwords will be automatically generated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous nous chargeons de générer les mots de passe!"
      "DefaultPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1adjective%%$0noun%%$2number"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0noun%%$1adjective%%$2number"
      "FastOptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout rapide"
      "ImportFileTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import your file"
        "fr-CA" => "Importez le fichier"
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "AddStudentsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students to the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez des élèves au groupe"
      "CreationWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some of your students are valid and ready to be confirmed, are you sure you want to leave the page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Certains de vos élèves sont valides et prêts à être confirmés, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter la page?"
      "CreationWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By leaving this page, your unconfirmed students will be lost."
        "fr-CA" => "En quittant la page, vos élèves non confirmés seront perdus."
      "DisplayNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom affiché à l'écran"
      "ImportButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once ready, import your students from the file !"
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois prêt, importez vos élèves depuis votre fichier !"
      "ImportFileButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Your Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer vos élèves"
      "ManualOptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You choose the passwords for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous choisissez les mots de passe pour chaque élève."
      "PasswordDownload" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the passwords"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger les mots de passe"
      "AddStudentManualy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import students manually"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer des élèves manuellement"
      "EndCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer (revenir à ma liste d'élèves)"
      "FastCreationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the first name of each student in your class without spaces, separated by a comma or a tab."
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez le prénom de chaque élèves de votre classe sans espace, séparé par une virgule ou une tabulation."
      "FastCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quickly add students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout rapide des élèves"
      "FreemiumModeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode gratuit"
      "IPreferToAddLater" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "ManualOptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manual addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout manuel"
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "PasswordDownload2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will no longer be able to view your students’ passwords once you close this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pourrez plus consulter leurs mots de passe une fois cette page fermée."
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "StudentHasAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student already has an account"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a déjà un compte"
      "CancelImportButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler l'import"
      "ChoiceOptionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Addition methods"
        "fr-CA" => "Méthodes d’ajout"
      "ImportExempleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Prepare Your File"
        "fr-CA" => "Préparez votre fichier"
      "OnboardingSkipStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Skip this step for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauter cette étape pour l'instant"
      "PasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "AddedStudentMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Added student"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ajouté"
      "AllChildrenAreAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "I added all my children"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai ajouté tous mes enfants"
      "ImportCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import from a spreadsheet file"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un fichier tableur"
      "ImportExempleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the example"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger l'exemple"
      "ManualCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manual addition of students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout manuel des élèves"
      "PasswordDisclaimer3" => [
        "en-CA" => "For privacy and security reasons, all the students’ passwords are now encrypted. If you leave this page, you will no longer have access to the passwords you have just generated."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de sécurité, tous les mots de passe des élèves sont maintenant cryptés. Si vous quittez cette page, vous n’aurez plus accès aux mots de passe que vous venez de créer."
      "PasswordDisclaimer4" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is therefore strongly suggested to keep a copy of these passwords on your computer, or to print out a list for safekeeping."
        "fr-CA" => "Il est donc fortement recommandé de garder une copie des mots de passe sur votre ordinateur ou encore d’en imprimer une liste."
      "PasswordDisclaimer5" => [
        "en-CA" => "If students forget their passwords, don’t worry! You can always reset their passwords on the My Students page."
        "fr-CA" => "Si un élève oublie son mot de passe, pas de panique! Vous pourrez lui en créer un nouveau en tout temps sur la page Mes élèves."
      "StudentAddInfoText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must have an available seat for each student that you add."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez disposer d'un siège libre pour chaque élève que vous ajoutez."
      "StudentSeatWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not Enough Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas suffisamment de sièges"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "AddStudentTagsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add these students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ces élèves"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordDownloadName" => [
        "en-CA" => "identifiers_%$0className%"
        "fr-CA" => "identifiants_%$0className%"
      "BuyMorePackagesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter un abonnement"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "CreationWarningAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir à la création"
      "CreationWarningCancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter cette page"
      "NoStudentContentError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The imported file does not appear to have any students."
        "fr-CA" => "Le fichier fourni ne semble pas comporter d'élèves."
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school you entered was not found. You may add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "TransferFamilyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you may begin using Troubadour as a teacher, we need a little more information."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de pouvoir utiliser Troubadour comme enseignant, nous avons besoin d'un peu plus d'informations."
      "UseSameAccountTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is recommended that students who have already used Boreal Tales, for example in their class last year, continue to use the same account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si un élève a déjà utilisé La Constellation de l'Ours, par exemple dans sa classe l'année dernière, il est préférable qu'il continue à utiliser le même compte si possible."
      "ClassroomCreationToast" => [
        "en-CA" => "The group %$0name% has been created."
        "fr-CA" => "Le groupe %$0name% a été créé."
      "ImportExplainationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "1. Download and open the example file. The file can be opened in any spreadsheet software, e.g. Excel or Google Sheets (which is free online).<br> 2. Add the display name, username and password of each of your students in the correct column (only the display name is mandatory).<br> 3. You can add as many students as you wish (attention - you need to have enough seats for your students).<br> 4. You need to export the file in the CSV format.<br> In Google Sheets, the option is under "File"/"Download as"/"Comma-separated Values (.csv, current sheet)".<br> In Excel, the option is under "File"/"Save as" and then select "Comma-separated Values (*.csv)" under "Save as type".<br> 5. Click on "Import", on this page, and select your CSV file. If there are problems, the site will let your correct these, one by one.<br> 6. After you click confirm, all the students will be added to your group.<br>"
        "fr-CA" => "1.  Téléchargez le fichier d'exemple. Le fichier peut s’ouvrir dans n’importe quel logiciel de fichiers tableurs tel qu'Excel ou Google Sheets (gratuit et en ligne).<br>                        2. Insérez le nom affiché à l'écran, l'identifiant et le mot de passe dans les bonnes colonnes (seul le nom affiché à l'écran est obligatoire). <br>                        3. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de rangées que vous avez d’élèves (attention, vous devez posséder suffisamment de sièges libres).<br>                        4. Vous devez ensuite exporter ce fichier en format CSV.<br>                        Dans Google Sheets, l’option se situe dans Fichier/Téléchargez sous/.csv.<br>                        Dans Excel, l’option se situe dans Fichier/Enregistrez sous/ choisir CSV dans la boite qui s’ouvrira.<br>                        5. Cliquez sur Importer, ci-dessous sur cette page, et sélectionnez votre fichier CSV. Si il y a des problèmes, le site vous laissera les corriger un à un.<br>                        6. Voilà, tous les élèves seront ajoutés à votre groupe.<br>"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "WelcomeToNanomonxTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "ConfirmationDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The usernames and passwords have been automatically downloaded on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les noms d'utilisateur et les mots de passe ont été automatiquement téléchargés sur votre appareil."
      "ConfirmationDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For security reasons, all your students' passwords are now encrypted and are no longer accessible in this platform. It is therefore strongly recommended to keep the downloaded list on your device, or to print it, for future reference."
        "fr-CA" => " Pour des raisons de sécurité, tous les mots de passe des élèves sont maintenant cryptés, et ne sont plus accessibles sur cette plateforme.<br>  Il est donc fortement recommandé de garder la copie téléchargée sur votre appareil ou encore d’en imprimer une liste.<br><i>* Si un élève oublie son mot de passe et que vous n'avez pas sauvegardé la liste, pas de panique! Vous pourrez lui en créer un nouveau en tout temps sur la page Mes élèves.</i>"
      "ImportExempleButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can get an annotated example to help you."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez obtenir un exemple commenté pour vous aider."
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those in your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "CancelFastCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo additions"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler l'ajout"
      "ExportExcelExempleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Excel Version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version Excel"
      "FastCreationSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirmation student additions"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation des élèves"
      "ManageGoogleClassroomMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "To add or remove students, please use Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter ou enlever des élèves, passer par Google Classroom directement."
      "PasswordDisclaimerTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students Created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves créés!"
      "PasswordDisclaimerTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The usernames and passwords have been automatically downloaded on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les noms d'utilisateur et les mots de passe ont été automatiquement téléchargés sur votre appareil."
      "WelcomeToTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enjoy Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Profitez de Troubadour"
      "OnboardingSkipAddStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "PasswordDownloadButton111" => [
        "en-CA" => "Passwords"
        "fr-CA" => "Mots de passe"
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proud creators of <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> and the <span class="cdo-product">Boreal Tales</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Fiers créateurs de <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> et de la <span class="cdo-product">Constellation de L'Ours</span>"
      "StudentDoesNotHaveAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student does not have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n’a pas de compte"
      "StudentCreationHelperTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "RemoveImportedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "StudentImportedLoadingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Importing your students..."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous importons vos élèves..."
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "StudentCreationLengthWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "StudentImportExtensionError2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The file isn't in the correct form, we only support CSV.                     You can export a spreadsheet from Excel in the correct form via the button "Save As" menu, then selecting "Comma Separated Values (*.csv)" as the "Save as Type"."
        "fr-CA" => "Le fichier n'est pas dans le format approprié, veuillez fournir un document de type CSV.                    Vous pouvez exporter un tableur dans ce format via le bouton enregistrer sous de votre outils puis en sélectionnant Texte CSV (*.csv)"
      "OnboardingStudentCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students to your group "
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout des élèves à votre groupe"
      "OnboardingGroupConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration:"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe :"
      "StudentImportedValidationDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students have been imported, please verify their information and correct where needed, then click confirm to create them."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves ont bien été importés, veuillez vérifier leurs informations et les corriger au besoin, puis confirmez leur création."
      "AddStudentConfirmationDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students have been added to group %$0classroomName%."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ont été ajoutés au groupe %$0classroomName%."
    "Troubadour_Landing" => [
      "TryDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo!"
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "TroubStat2Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "85%"
        "fr-CA" => "85%"
      "TroubStat3Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "77%"
        "fr-CA" => "77%"
      "TroubStat1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TroubStat2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubStat3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "CallToActionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "In just a few minutes, even your most reluctant students will be writing stories. Plus, it's free!"
        "fr-CA" => "En quelques minutes, même vos élèves les plus réticents rédigeront des histoires. En plus, c’est gratuit!"
      "TroubTools1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game students love, the tools a teacher needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu que les élèves adorent, les outils dont l’enseignant a besoin"
      "TroubTools2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "A tool that will change the way you teach writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Un outil qui changera la manière dont vous enseignez l’écriture"
      "TryItNowBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go"
        "fr-CA" => "Allons-y"
      "CallToActionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it in your classroom today!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-le dans votre classe dès aujourd’hui!"
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "TroubFeature1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students create fascinating scenes that stimulate their imagination and creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves créent des scènes fascinantes qui stimulent leur imagination et leur créativité."
      "TroubFeature2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers personalized correction and feedback tools for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour offre des outils de correction et de rétroaction personnalisés pour l’enseignant."
      "TroubFeature3Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creations are transformed into shareable illustrated albums that will delight parents, classmates and the school community!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les créations des élèves se transforment en albums illustrés partageables qui enchanteront les parents, les camarades et la communauté de l'école!"
      "TroubTryDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to try it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous voulez essayer?"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CreateAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un compte!"
      "InfoLandingHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "We inspire a love of writing in children."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous faisons naitre l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants."
      "TroubFeature1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Desire to write <span>(intrinsic motivation)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désir d'écrire <span>(motivation intrinsèque)</span>"
      "TroubFeature2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools designed for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils conçus pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFeature3Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing and recognition"
        "fr-CA" => "Partage et reconnaissance"
      "TroubFeature4Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers curriculum-specific content."
        "fr-CA" => "Propose du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire."
      "TroubFeature4Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows you to correct directly on the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet de corriger directement sur la plateforme."
      "TroubFeature4Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with learning support tools."
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’apprentissage."
      "TroubFeature4Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFeature5Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Makes writing assignments fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rend les travaux d'écriture amusants!"
      "TroubFeature5Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows students to translate their ideas into images."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet aux élèves de transposer leurs idées en images."
      "TroubFeature5Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of objects and characters for their stories!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers d'objets et de personnages pour leurs histoires!"
      "TroubFeature5Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "An engaging game for students"
        "fr-CA" => "Un jeu engageant pour les élèves"
      "TryDemoDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Test the feedback tools or experiment with the student tutorial."
        "fr-CA" => "Testez les outils de rétroaction ou expérimentez le tutoriel élève."
      "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
      "FreeTrialClassTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free with your class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez le gratuitement avec votre classe!"
      "SignupPlayFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will be ready to write epic stories in just minutes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves seront prêt à rédiger des histoires épiques en quelques minutes!"
      "StudentDemoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel élève"
      "TangibleResultsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "After just 45 days of use, teachers noticed a remarkable increase in motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TeacherDemoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher correction tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de rétroaction enseignant.e"
      "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
      "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
      "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
        "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
      "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
        "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
      "CreateAccountCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Register my class for free"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrire ma classe gratuitement"
      "InfoLandingSubHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "A creative writing platform that encourages students, builds their confidence, and nurtures their inner writer."
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme d’écriture créative qui encourage les élèves, renforce leur confiance et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "TroubExplainerVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
      "TroubTryStudentTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo élève"
      "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
      "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
        "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
        "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
        "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
      "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
        "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
        "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
    "Troubadour_Subpage" => [
      "TroubFreeDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, a new writing activity will automatically become available to your students. You can then read and share their creations with your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque semaine, une nouvelle activité d'écriture s'activera automatiquement pour vos élèves. Vous pourrez ensuite lire et partager leurs créations avec votre groupe."
      "TroubFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour, free"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, gratuitement"
      "TroubWriteDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "By creating scenes, the student sees his story emerge as if by magic. Ideas spring forth, and facilitate transposition into writing."
        "fr-CA" => "En créant des mises en scène, l'élève voit son récit émerger comme par magie. Les idées jaillissent, et facilitent la transposition à l'écrit."
      "TroubWriteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Desire to write"
        "fr-CA" => "Désir d’écrire"
      "TroubSharingDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creations are shared in the form of beautiful interactive stories."
        "fr-CA" => "Les créations des élèves sont partagées sous forme de magnifiques histoires interactives."
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "TroubFreeSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Developing the pleasure of writing, it's easy with Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Développer le plaisir d'écrire, c'est simple avec Troubadour!"
      "TroubSharingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing and recognition"
        "fr-CA" => "Partage et reconnaissance"
      "TroubWriteUxText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thanks to its unique interface, students can graphically represent their ideas. This mode of creation reduces apprehension and facilitates the writing process."
        "fr-CA" => "Grâce à son interface unique, l'élève peut représenter graphiquement ses idées. Cette phase de création réduit les appréhensions et  facilite le processus d'écriture."
      "TroubWriteUxText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour allows students to discover the pleasure of writing, and perfect their skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour permet de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire et de perfectionner ses compétences."
      "TroubWriteUxText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing becomes a means of creative expression, and allows the students' voices to emerge."
        "fr-CA" => "L'écriture devient un moyen d’expression créatif, et laisse émerger la voix des élèves."
      "TroubWriteSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Intrinsic motivation"
        "fr-CA" => "Motivation intrinsèque"
      "FreeTrialClassTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free with your class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez le gratuitement avec votre classe!"
      "TroubWriteAssetsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of characters, objects and settings to instill the pleasure of writing in young authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de personnages, d'objets et de décors pour insuffler le plaisir d'écrire chez les jeunes auteurs!"
      "TroubTeacherToolsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision tools that simplify the lives of teachers and allow students to improve without becoming demotivated."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de révision qui simplifient la vie des enseignants et qui permettent à l'élève de s'améliorer sans se démotiver."
      "TroubCompatibilityNote" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: Troubadour is compatible with learning support tools!"
        "fr-CA" => "NB&nbsp;:&nbsp;Troubadour est compatible avec les outils d'aide à l'apprentissage!"
      "TroubTeacherToolsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools designed for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils conçus pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authors are worth reading!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les auteurs méritent d'être lus!"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When an activity is completed, head to the Bulletin Board section to share student creations in the form of interactive albums"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu'une activité est terminée, dirigez-vous vers la section Babillard pour diffuser les créations des élèves sous forme d'albums interactifs"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parents will love it!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les parents adoreront!"
      "TroubFreeChallengeText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge per week!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une semaine par défi!"
      "TroubFreeChallengeText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, l'activité en cours est fermée et remplacée par une nouvelle."
      "TroubWriteResultsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>87%</span> of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on student motivation in writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "<span>87%</span> des enseignants utilisant le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves face à l’écriture!"
      "TroubWriteTestimonialAuth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student of École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubWriteTestimonialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, ideas come quickly”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages”"
      "TroubSharingBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Easily group and share student achievements by creating themed bulletin boards."
        "fr-CA" => "Regroupez et partagez facilement les réalisations des élèves en créant des babillards thématiques."
      "TroubSharingBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A great way to disseminate the works of your class throughout the school, and to establish a link with parents who will be able to follow their child's progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Une belle façon de diffuser les oeuvres de votre classe dans toute l'école, et de nouer un lien avec les parents qui pourront suivre l'évolution de leur enfant."
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build your students' confidence by sharing their stories in the form of interactive illustrated albums!"
        "fr-CA" => "Renforcez la confiance de vos élèves en partageant leurs récits sous forme d'albums illustrés interactifs!"
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform the class into a community of authors."
        "fr-CA" => "Transforme la classe en une communauté d'auteurs."
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Gives students a purpose for their writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Donne aux élèves un but à leur écriture."
      "TroubSharingTestimonialAuth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Rosalie, mother, École St-Louis-de-France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Rosalie, maman, École St-Louis-de-France"
      "TroubSharingTestimonialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents).<br><br>I agree 100%.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents).<br><br>J’approuve à 100%.”"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Beaulieu, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Beaulieu, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Children want to use the platform. These were periods of writing where the students were calm and engaged.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Les enfants ont le goût d'aller sur la plateforme. Ça été des périodes d'écriture où les élèves étaient calmes, étaient engagés.<br><br>Je ne reculerais pas.”"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mylène Corfield, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mylène Corfield, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“My first experience with Troubadour, I found it really pleasant.<br><br>The interface is simple and intuitive.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Ma première expérience avec Troubadour, je l'ai trouvé vraiment agréable.<br><br>L'interface est simple et intuitive.”"
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a correction to specific elements before continuing, consult the modification history, and assign different activities according to everyone's needs.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez de corriger une partie du texte avant de poursuivre, consultez l'historique des modifications, assignez différentes activités selon les besoins de chacun.*"
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our tools are designed specifically for a primary school teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos outils sont conçus spécifiquement pour un enseignant du primaire."
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Some of these tools require a paid subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "*Certains de ces outils nécessitent un abonnement payant."
      "TroubTeacherToolsResultsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>85%</span> of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "<span>85%</span> des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubTeacherToolsCorrectionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Feedback is one of the most influential factors in a student’s success."
        "fr-CA" => "La rétroaction est l'un des facteurs les plus influents sur la réussite d’un élève."
      "TroubTeacherToolsCorrectionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By providing feedback, words of encouragement, corrections, and constructive suggestions, the teacher helps students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "En incorporant des commentaires, des mots d'encouragement, des corrections et des suggestions constructives, l'enseignant aide ses élèves à améliorer leurs compétences en écriture."
    "BorealTalesDownload" => []
    "TroubadourPortfolio" => [
      "AddTrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Move to trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille"
      "EmptyTrashList" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no works in the trash."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a aucun travail dans la corbeille."
      "AddFavoriteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to favorites"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter aux favoris"
      "RemoveTrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Enlever de la corbeille"
      "EmptyCompletedList" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your work has been corrected and completed by your teacher, you will find it here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tes travaux auront été corrigés et terminés par ton enseignant, tu pourras les retrouver ici !"
      "EmptyFavoritesList" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no works in your favorites."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a aucun travail dans tes favoris."
      "YourPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton portfolio!"
      "EmptyTrashBubbleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you are not happy with one of your works, you can move it to the trash by clicking here."
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’aimes pas trop un travail, tu peux le mettre à la corbeille en cliquant ici."
      "EmptyUnassignedList" => [
        "en-CA" => "No unassigned work at the moment :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun travaux désassignés pour le moment:)"
      "RemoveFavoriteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from favourites"
        "fr-CA" => "Enlever des favoris"
      "EmptyFavoritesBubbleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you're proud of one of your works, click here to add it to your favourites."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tu seras fier d’un travail, clique ici pour l’ajouter aux favoris."
      "SamplePortfolioCardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A story for which I am very proud!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une histoire dont je suis fier!"
      "StudentPortfolioPageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to read them again."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique dessus pour les relire."
      "EmptyStudentPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your work is corrected and completed, you will find it here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tes travaux seront corrigés et terminés, tu pourras les retrouver ici!"
      "StudentPortfolioPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Wow, you have a lot of completed works!"
        "fr-CA" => "Wow, tu as beaucoup de travaux terminés!"
      "EmptyStudentPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You don't have any completed work yet"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu n’as pas encore de travaux terminés`"
      "StudentPortfolioPageTitleAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is your finished work"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici tes travaux terminés"
    "Halloween_Contest_Page" => [
      "SignupGroupCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrire mon groupe"
      "ParticipateNowCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Participez maintenant!"
      "HalloweenSignupPlayFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous recevrez la marche à suivre par courriel."
  -pageKeys: [
    "CVC" => [
      "en-CA" => "CVC"
      "fr-CA" => "Code de sécurité"
    "Pays" => [
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    "Ville" => [
      "en-CA" => "City"
      "fr-CA" => "Ville"
    "Modify" => [
      "en-CA" => "Modify"
      "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
    "Resume" => [
      "en-CA" => "Summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Récapitulatif"
    "Adresse" => [
      "en-CA" => "Address"
      "fr-CA" => "Adresse"
    "Balance" => [
      "en-CA" => "Amount Outstanding"
      "fr-CA" => "Solde"
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    "OrgLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
    "Payement" => [
      "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
      "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
    "PostCode" => [
      "en-CA" => "Postcode"
      "fr-CA" => "Code postal"
    "Province" => [
      "en-CA" => "Province"
      "fr-CA" => "Province"
    "CardNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "Card Number"
      "fr-CA" => "Numéro de la carte"
    "ClassLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom"
      "fr-CA" => "Classe"
    "TaxesLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Taxes"
      "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
    "TotalLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Total"
      "fr-CA" => "Total"
    "FamilyLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family"
      "fr-CA" => "Famille"
    "RegionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Province"
      "fr-CA" => "Province d'où vous faites l'achat"
    "ResetButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Reset"
      "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
    "SchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "School"
      "fr-CA" => "École"
    "TPS_taxName" => [
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      "fr-CA" => "TPS"
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      "fr-CA" => "TVQ"
    "404TextTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Oops!"
      "fr-CA" => "Oops!"
    "NoRefundText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription packages are not refundable as mentionned in the<a href=''>Teacher's Users Agreement. </a> "
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont pas remboursables, tel que spécifié dans <a href=''>l'entente            d'utilisation. </a>"
    "PriceDisplay" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
    "BuyPromoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Current promotion!"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion en cours!"
    "JobTitleAdmin" => [
      "en-CA" => "Administrator"
      "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
    "JobTitleLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
      "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
    "LicenceInfos1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each teacher must have their own subscription."
      "fr-CA" => "Chaque enseignant doit posséder son abonnement."
    "LicenceInfos2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions cannot be split to transfer part of them to someone else."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu’un d’autre."
    "LicenceInfos3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A subscription package gives you access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement donne accès à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "MedSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "From 300 to 500 students"
      "fr-CA" => "De 300 à 500 élèves"
    "PromotionText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sale!"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécial promo!"
    "SelectedPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
    "SubTotalLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
      "fr-CA" => "Sous total"
    "SubmitPayment" => [
      "en-CA" => "Confirm Purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Confimer l'achat"
    "TroubStat1Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "87%"
      "fr-CA" => "87%"
    "TroubStat2Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "85%"
      "fr-CA" => "85%"
    "TroubStat3Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "77%"
      "fr-CA" => "77%"
    "ValidityRange" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expires on <b>%$0date%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le <b>%$0date%</b>"
    "404TextContent" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
      "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
    "ABProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Alberta"
      "fr-CA" => "Alberta"
    "BCProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "British Columbia"
      "fr-CA" => "Colombie-Britannique"
    "BuyLicenseLink" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Achat"
    "BuySubmitLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Proceed with the order"
      "fr-CA" => "Procéder à la commande"
    "CardholderName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Cardholder Name"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom du détenteur de la carte"
    "EditCartButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Edit my shopping cart"
      "fr-CA" => "Modifier mon panier"
    "MBProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Manitoba"
      "fr-CA" => "Manitoba"
    "MedSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Medium school"
      "fr-CA" => "Moyenne école"
    "NBProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "New Brunswick"
      "fr-CA" => "Nouveau-Brunswick"
    "NLProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Newfoundland and Labrador"
      "fr-CA" => "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador"
    "NSProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Nova Scotia"
      "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle-Écosse"
    "NTProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Northwest Territories"
      "fr-CA" => "Territoires du Nord-Ouest"
    "NUProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Nunavut"
      "fr-CA" => "Nunavut"
    "ONProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Ontario"
      "fr-CA" => "Ontario"
    "QCProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quebec"
      "fr-CA" => "Québec"
    "QuoteFormTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
    "RateLimitError" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete the transaction at the moment. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "SKProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
      "fr-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
    "SchoolCTAItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
      "fr-CA" => "De formations personnalisées"
    "SchoolCTAItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailor-made documentation for your school"
      "fr-CA" => "D’une documentation sur mesure pour votre école"
    "SchoolCTAItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A lesson plan to introduce students to Troubadour"
      "fr-CA" => "D'un plan de cours pour initier les élèves à Troubadour"
    "SchoolCTAItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Attentive customer service"
      "fr-CA" => "Un service à la clientèle attentionné"
    "TotalLabelText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Total:"
      "fr-CA" => "Total:"
    "TroubStat1Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
      "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
    "TroubStat2Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
      "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
    "TroubStat3Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
      "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
    "TutoStep0Text2" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <b>Créer mon premier groupe.</b>"
    "YTProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Yukon"
      "fr-CA" => "Yukon"
    "État/Province" => [
      "en-CA" => "State/Province"
      "fr-CA" => "État/Province"
    "AddMorePackages" => [
      "en-CA" => "Add subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des abonnements"
    "AddPackageLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Add a subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un abonnement"
    "BuyPromoDetails" => [
      "en-CA" => "Save on the purchase of 1000 classroom subscriptions! Get 15% off for any additional subscriptions!"
      "fr-CA" => "Économisez à l’achat de 1000 abonnements classes! Obtenez 15% de rabais pour tout abonnement supplémentaire!"
    "FamilyPckgPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$65"
      "fr-CA" => "65$"
    "JobTitleTeacher" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
    "LargeSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "More than 500 students"
      "fr-CA" => "Plus de 500 élèves"
    "MessageLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you and any additional message"
      "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
    "MessageTextArea" => [
      "en-CA" => "Message"
      "fr-CA" => "Message"
    "NotEqualsEmails" => [
      "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
      "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses courriel ne sont pas identiques"
    "PEIProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Prince Edward Island"
      "fr-CA" => "Île-du-Prince-Édouard"
    "SchoolBoardName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation"
    "SchoolSizeTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "School size"
      "fr-CA" => "Taille de l’école"
    "SmallSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "300 students or fewer"
      "fr-CA" => "300 élèves et moins"
    "lgSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;200"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;200$"
    "lgSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$3&thinsp;240"
      "fr-CA" => "3&thinsp;240$"
    "mdSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;000"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;000$"
    "mdSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$2&thinsp;700"
      "fr-CA" => "2&thinsp;700$"
    "smSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$700"
      "fr-CA" => "700$"
    "smSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;890"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;890$"
    "AddLicenseV3Info" => [
      "en-CA" => "All our subscriptions include access to both <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> and <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>Boreal Tales</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Tous nos abonnements donnent accès à <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> et à <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>La Constellation de l’Ours</a>."
    "CartSummaryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Order Summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
    "ChromeDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "You're planning to use the game on Chromebooks?"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous planifiez d'utiliser le jeu sur des Chromebooks?"
    "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
    "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
      "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
    "LargeSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Large school"
      "fr-CA" => "Grande école"
    "LicenceTypeTotal" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$1currencySymbol% %$0currencyLabel%"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0currencyLabel%%$1currencySymbol%"
    "PackageBuyHeader" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements"
    "SchoolCTAHeading" => [
      "en-CA" => "Buy for the whole school and enjoy:"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez pour toute l’école et profitez&nbsp;:"
    "SmallSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Small school"
      "fr-CA" => "Petite école"
    "StripeDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "In order to protect your security, your credit card details are securely encrypted and transmitted to our 3rd party payment provider, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx does not store or save your card details."
      "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger votre sécurité, les détails de votre carte de crédit sont encryptés et transmis à notre fournisseur sécurisé de services de paiement, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx ne sauvegarde jamais les détails de votre carte."
    "TeacherPckgPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$130"
      "fr-CA" => "130$"
    "licensePromoTag1" => [
      "en-CA" => "promo"
      "fr-CA" => "promotion"
    "CardErrorOccurred" => [
      "en-CA" => "An error has occurred with your card:"
      "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue avec votre carte de crédit:"
    "CardErrorTryAgain" => [
      "en-CA" => "The amount has not been charged to your card. Please try again."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant n'a pas été facturé à votre carte de crédit. Veuillez essayer de nouveau."
    "CreatingEmailText" => [
      "en-CA" => "An administrator account will be created for you to manage your subscriptions."
      "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
    "ExistingEmailText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions will be added to your account."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
    "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please enter a country"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner un pays"
    "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
      "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
      "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
    "LicenceTypeAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Siège(s)"
    "NeededClassAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "Number of classes desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Nombre de classes souhaitées"
    "PackageAddHelper4" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you wish to pay by check or via bank transfer, send us a purchase order at <a href=""></a>.<br>Make sure your purchase order includes the following information."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez payer par chèque ou virement bancaire, simplement nous transmettre un bon de commande contenant l'information suivante à l’adresse            <a href=""></a>."
    "PersonalInfoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personal information"
      "fr-CA" => "Informations personnelles"
    "QuoteFormUserType" => [
      "en-CA" => "You are:"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes :"
    "RegionPlaceholder" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please select your province"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province"
    "RequestQuoteTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demander un devis"
    "SubFeatureCatalog" => [
      "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for students."
      "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation d’un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour les élèves."
    "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sign me up"
      "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
    "stripe_rate_limit" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "AskForAQuoteAdvice" => [
      "en-CA" => "To purchase more than 4 subscriptions:"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour acheter plus de 4 abonnements :"
    "BackToPurchasePage" => [
      "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
      "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
    "BuyPackageBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscribe!"
      "fr-CA" => "S’abonner!"
    "BuyPromoDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Only valid for school subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "*Uniquement valide pour abonnements scolaires"
    "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ChromebookListLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ClientsRenewedDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of schools renew year after year"
      "fr-CA" => "des écoles ont renouvelé leur abonnement"
    "FamilyPackageItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "FamilyPackageItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your children."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour vos enfants."
    "FamilyPackageItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
    "FamilyPackageItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to %$0noOfStudents% children!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à %$0noOfStudents% enfants!"
    "FamilyPackageItem5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase."
      "fr-CA" => "Valide un an à partir de la date d'achat."
    "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
      "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
    "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
      "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
      "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
    "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
    "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
      "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
      "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
    "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "PackageNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$0% seats"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0% sièges"
    "PackageOrgFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Even lower price"
      "fr-CA" => "Prix encore plus avantageux"
    "PackageOrgFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "In-person or virtual training"
      "fr-CA" => "Des formations en personne ou en virtuel"
    "PackageOrgFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Custom settings and characters for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Décors et personnages sur mesure pour votre organisation"
    "PackageOrgFeature4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailored exercises for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Exercices sur mesure pour votre organisation"
    "PaymentInformation" => [
      "en-CA" => "Payment Information"
      "fr-CA" => "Informations de paiement"
    "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
      "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
    "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
      "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
    "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other"
      "fr-CA" => "Autre"
    "RenewedClientsStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
    "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
      "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
    "stripe_invalid_cvc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas valide."
    "AddFamilyPackageBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family"
      "fr-CA" => "Famille"
    "FamilyPackageParam1" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your children."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos enfants."
    "FamilyPackageParam2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "FamilyPackageParam3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
    "FamilyPackageParam4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to 5 children!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à 5 enfants!"
    "FamilyPackageParam5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide pour un an à partir de la date d’achat"
    "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
    "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
      "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
      "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
    "NoPackagesChosenMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "You have not selected any subscriptions."
      "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas choisi d’abonnements."
    "OrgFeaturePriceDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Our institutional discounts are very attractive. Take advantage of the best prices and tailor-made features. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contact us to learn more</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Nos rabais institutionnels sont très intéressants. Profitez des meilleurs prix et de fonctionnalités sur mesure. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus</a>."
    "OrgSubscriptionDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "From schools to school boards to entire public school systems, we are accustomed to large-scale deployments."
      "fr-CA" => "Des écoles aux conseils scolaires, jusqu'aux systèmes scolaires publics entiers, nous sommes habitués aux déploiements à grande échelle."
    "PackageSeatsAmount1" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> siège(s)"
    "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
      "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
    "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
      "en-CA" => "A school"
      "fr-CA" => "Une école"
    "SelectedSeatsAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
    "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Send request"
      "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
    "TangibleResultsText" => [
      "en-CA" => "See how, after just 45 days of use, teachers saw a remarkable increase in writing motivation."
      "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
    "TeacherPackageItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "TeacherPackageItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your students."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de d’exercices clé en main pour vos élèves."
    "TeacherPackageItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
    "TeacherPackageItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
    "TeacherPackageItem5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiryDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
    "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
      "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
      "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
    "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
      "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
    "stripe_expired_card" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card has expired."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre carte bancaire est expirée."
    "stripe_token_in_use" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "ActivationCodePrompt" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you have an activation code, <a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>click here</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous détenez un code d’activation,&nbsp;<a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>c’est par ici</a>."
    "AddTeacherPackageBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
    "BuyPackagePromoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase your 2024/25 subscription and receive instant access!"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement 2024/25 et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
    "CartCustomerProvince" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please choose your province:"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province pour le calcul des taxes :"
    "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
      "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
      "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
    "InvalidSchoolNameMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of the school"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement scolaire"
    "LicenceTypeUnitPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
    "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "OrgFeaturePriceTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Lower prices!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des prix plus qu’avantageux!"
    "OrgPackageAdvantages" => [
      "en-CA" => "All the School advantages +"
      "fr-CA" => "Tous les avantages Écoles +"
    "OrgSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour pour votre organisation"
    "PackageCategoryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’abonnements"
    "PackageClassFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
      "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
    "PackageClassFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
      "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
    "PackageClassFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
      "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
    "PurchaseSummaryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Order summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
    "QuoteFormUserTeacher" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
    "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
      "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
      "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
    "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
    "SubDuration3yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "10% discount and fixed price for 3 years!"
      "fr-CA" => "Rabais de 10% et prix fixe pour 3 ans!"
    "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
      "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
    "TeacherPackageParam1" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your students."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos élèves."
    "TeacherPackageParam2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "TeacherPackageParam3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
    "TeacherPackageParam4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
    "TeacherPackageParam5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until August 28, 2023"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au 28 aout 2023"
    "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
      "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
      "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
    "stripe_email_invalid" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your billing address is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse mail n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_incorrect_cvc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not correct."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas correct."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubAges" => [
      "en-CA" => "For students aged 8 to 12"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de 8 à 12 ans"
    "AddLicenseV3TroubDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
    "BuyFamilyPackageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "ChromebookInstallLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ChromebookNetworkLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "InvalidNumChildrenMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the approximate number of children"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre approximatif d'enfants"
    "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
      "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
    "PackageNumberChildren" => [
      "en-CA" => "Up to %$0% children"
      "fr-CA" => "Jusqu’à %$0% enfants"
    "PackageSchoolFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Very advantageous price"
      "fr-CA" => "Prix très avantageux"
    "PackageSchoolFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
      "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
    "PackageSchoolFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
      "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
    "PackageSchoolFeature4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
      "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
    "PackageSchoolFeature5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
      "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
    "PackageValidityRange3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expire on <span class='expiration-date'>%$0Year%-%$1Month%-%$2Day%</span>"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le <span class='expiration-date'>%$2Day%-%$1Month%-%$0Year%</span>"
    "SelectLicenseCategory" => [
      "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription category"
      "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
    "SelectPackageCategory" => [
      "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription type"
      "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
    "StoriesByStudentsDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Stories created by students"
      "fr-CA" => "Histoires créées par les élèves"
    "StoriesByStudentsStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
    "SubDuration1yearTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "1&nbsp;year"
      "fr-CA" => "1&nbsp;an"
    "SubDuration3yearTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "3&nbsp;years"
      "fr-CA" => "3&nbsp;ans"
    "TroubCTAFamilyPackage" => [
      "en-CA" => "We also have a family version"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous avons aussi une version familiale"
    "stripe_invalid_number" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card number is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de carte bancaire n'est pas valide."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubIdeas" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotes the emergence of ideas for writing"
      "fr-CA" => "Favorise l'émergence d'idées pour écrire"
    "AddLicenseV3TroubNeeds" => [
      "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs of students and teachers"
      "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux besoins des élèves et des enseignants"
    "AddMoreThanFourLicense" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchasing for more than 4 classes?"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour plus de 4 classes?"
    "BuyPackagePromoDetails" => [
      "en-CA" => "Benefit from an extension to your subscription: valid from the moment of purchase until the end of the next school year."
      "fr-CA" => "Bénéficiez d'un prolongement de votre abonnement : il sera valide du moment de l'achat jusqu'à la fin de la prochaine année scolaire."
    "BuyPackagePromoTitleV2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase your %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% subscription now, and begin using it immediately!"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
    "BuyPromoExpirationDate" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotion until August 20, 2023"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au 20 août 2023"
    "BuyTeacherPackageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
    "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "click here"
      "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
    "ClassSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
    "ClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Transform students into authors"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez chaque élève en auteur"
    "FamilyPackageBuyButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscribe my family"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonner ma famille"
    "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
    "OrgFeatureContentItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Adding tailor-made exercises to the catalog, created by you or by our team"
      "fr-CA" => "L'ajout d'exercices sur mesure dans le catalogue, créés par vous ou par notre équipe"
    "OrgFeatureContentItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creation of settings and characters that represent your reality. For example, we can add your school, or a popular activity within your organization."
      "fr-CA" => "La création de décors et de personnages qui représentent votre réalité. Nous pouvons par exemple ajouter votre école, ou une activité populaire au sein de votre organisation."
    "OrgFeatureContentTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Content tailored to your needs"
      "fr-CA" => "Du contenu sur mesure pour vos besoins"
    "OrgRequestInfoFrmTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Information request form"
      "fr-CA" => "Formulaire de demande d’informations"
    "PackageAddHelperButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other payment method?"
      "fr-CA" => "Autre mode de paiement?"
    "PackageExpiryDateLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expires on %$0%"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le %$0%"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
      "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
    "SelectedReductionPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
    "SubFeatureDesignAssets" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves!"
    "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
      "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
    "TroubPackagesFamilyBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "View the Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement Famille"
    "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour has a proven track record in schools!"
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
    "ViewSchoolSubscription" => [
      "en-CA" => "View the School subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École"
    "stripe_api_key_expired" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "FamilyPackageDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 4 children"
      "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 4 enfants"
    "FamilyPurchasePageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Transform your children into authors!"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez vos enfants en auteurs!"
    "FamilySubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "FamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Instill a love of writing in children"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour faire naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
    "MedSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 6 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 6 abonnements classes"
    "OrgSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Live training and personalized support!"
      "fr-CA" => "Formations en direct et  accompagnement personnalisé!"
    "PackageInfosButtonLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
      "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
    "PackageTotalSeatsAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> siège(s)"
    "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
    "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
      "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}"
      "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
    "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
    "ReturnToBuyPageLinkText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Go back to the purchase page?"
      "fr-CA" => "Retournez à la page d’achat?"
    "SchoolSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "School subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École"
    "SchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We transform schools into communities of engaged authors"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous transformons les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
    "SeeAllSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "See all subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir tous les abonnements"
    "TransferDisclaimerTexte" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions can be combined and transferred to suit your needs, but cannot be split to transfer a part of it to someone else."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements peuvent être combinés et transférés pour convenir à vos besoins, mais ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu'un d'autre."
    "TransferDisclaimerTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please note :"
      "fr-CA" => "Notez bien :"
    "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
      "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
    "TroubPackagesFamilyText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Turn screen time into creation time with Troubadour."
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez le temps d’écran en temps de création avec Troubadour."
    "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
      "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
      "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
    "stripe_amount_too_large" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too high."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop élevé."
    "stripe_amount_too_small" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too low."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop bas."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubWebsite" => [
      "en-CA" => "A simple website, accessible from anywhere"
      "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web, accessible de partout"
    "ChallengesByTeachersDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher-created writing challenges"
      "fr-CA" => "Défis d’écriture créés par les enseignants"
    "ChallengesByTeachersStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
    "EstablishedResourceTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "A well-established resource"
      "fr-CA" => "Une ressource bien établie"
    "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
    "PackageAddHelperBullets2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Billing name and address (usually: school or district)<br> Name of responsible person <br> Purchase order number <br> Type and quantity of required subscription packages <br> Email address of the account to which subscription packages must be transferred"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom et adresse de facturation (en général: centre de services scolaire ou école)<br>                    Nom de la personne responsable <br>                    Numéro de bon de commande <br>                    Type et nombre d'abonnement(s) désiré(s) <br>                    Adresse courriel du compte où transférer les abonnements                "
    "QuoteFormUserSchoolBoard" => [
      "en-CA" => "Services Centre"
      "fr-CA" => "Centre de services"
    "SchoolSubscriptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "School Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Scolaires"
    "SubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "A subscription allows"
      "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement permet"
    "SubscriptionOptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Explore the other subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Explorer les autres abonnements"
    "TeacherPackageExpiration" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiry Date%"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
    "TroubPackagesFamilyTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "stripe_incorrect_address" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your address is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse n'est pas une adresse valide."
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText0" => [
      "en-CA" => "The game is available on Chromebook if your model allows installing Android applications. We have installed the game on various models without any problems, but we still recommend that you install the game on one of your students' Chromebook first and test it for free before buying packages. The number of Chromebook models supporting Android increases continuously, but there is still no guarantee that your Chromebooks will support the game."
      "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est disponible sur Chromebook si le modèle que vous utilisez permet d'installer            des applications Android. Google considère cette fonctionnalité comme étant encore en mode Beta. Nous avons            installé le jeu sur divers modèles sans problèmes mais nous recommandons tout de même d'installer            le jeu sur le Chromebook d'un élève et de l'essayer gratuitement avant de vous procurer des            abonnements. Le nombre de modèles supportant Android augmente sans cesse mais il n'y a pas de garantie que vos            Chromebooks supporteront le jeu."
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A list of Chromebook models compatible with Android can be found "
      "fr-CA" => "Une liste des modèles de Chromebooks compatibles Android se trouve "
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Google provides instructions on how to install Android applications on a networked computer (as is often the case in schools) "
      "fr-CA" => "Google fournit des explications sur comment installer des applications Android sur un            ordinateur en réseau (comme c'est souvent le cas dans une école) "
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText4" => [
      "en-CA" => "To install it on a personal Chromebook, the information can be found"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour l'installer sur un Chromebook personnel, les informations se trouvent "
    "ClassSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires students, gives them confidence, and nurtures the writer within them."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les élèves, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
    "IncludedSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With a subscription:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement&nbsp;:"
    "LargeSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 7 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 7 abonnements classes"
    "NoProvinceSelectedWarning" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please select your province."
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre province."
    "OrgRequestInfoFrmSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We will respond as soon as possible."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais."
    "OtherPaymentModesBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other payment methods are available"
      "fr-CA" => "D’autres mode de paiement sont disponibles"
    "PackageTotalPurchasePrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
    "PaymentIssueContactPrompt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Having difficulty paying via credit card? Want other payment options? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contact us!</a>"
      "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le payment via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contactez nous!</a>"
    "PurchaseErrorOccuredLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => " An error occurred during the transaction. If you have not received your licence, or if a purchase was made in error, please contact us at"
      "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la transaction. Si vous n'avez pas reçu vos abonnements, ou si un achat a été effectué par erreur, veuillez nous contacter à"
    "SmallSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 4 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 4 abonnements classes"
    "SubscriptionDurationTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription duration"
      "fr-CA" => "Durée de l’abonnement"
    "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
      "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
      "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
    "stripe_token_already_used" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your transaction has already been completed."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre transaction a déjà été effectuée."
    "CreditCardIssueDisclaimer3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Problems paying with your credit card? Do you need other payment options?<b>Contact us</b> "
      "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le paiement via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <b> Contactez nous! </b> "
    "FamilySubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires young people, gives them confidence, and nourishes the author within them."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les jeunes, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
      "fr-CA" => "Des formations personnalisées"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailored user documentation and a plan for getting started"
      "fr-CA" => "Une documentation sur mesure pour les utilisateurs et un plan de démarrage"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Dedicated customer support"
      "fr-CA" => "Un support client dédié"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Monthly usage reports"
      "fr-CA" => "Des rapports d’utilisation mensuels"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete management of the implementation in your organization:"
      "fr-CA" => "Une prise en main complète de l’implémentation dans votre organisation&nbsp;:"
    "PackageDecreaseNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "Return to standard Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Remettre en abonnement Classe standard"
    "PackageIncreaseNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "Convert to Classroom+ subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformer en abonnement Classe+"
    "PackageTotalPurchaseDetail" => [
      "en-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
      "fr-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
    "QuoteFormConclusionMessage" => [
      "en-CA" => "Someone from our team will contact you shortly with a quote. Thank you for your interest!"
      "fr-CA" => "Quelqu’un de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu avec un devis.Merci de votre intérêt!"
    "ReturnToSubscriptionsLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Back to subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Retour aux abonnements"
    "SchoolSubscriptionInfoText" => [
      "en-CA" => "For several subscriptions, the school subscription may be more advantageous."
      "fr-CA" => "Pour plusieurs abonnements, l’achat école peut être plus avantageux."
    "SchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative platform that facilitates the teaching of writing and brings the school together around an inspiring and unifying project."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme créative qui facilite l’enseignement de l’écriture et réunit l’école autour d’un projet inspirant et rassembleur."
    "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
      "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
    "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
      "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
    "TroubPackagesHomeSchoolBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "See the Homeschool subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École à la maison"
    "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
      "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
      "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
    "stripe_country_unsupported" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card was refused by our payment processor."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre pays n'est malheureusement pas supporté par l'organisme de payement."
    "stripe_invalid_expiry_year" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your expiration year is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "L'année d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_postal_code_invalid" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your postcode is not correct."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code postal n'est pas correct."
    "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle1" => [
      "en-CA" => "With Troubadour, your children will develop their creativity by discovering the pleasure of writing and telling stories."
      "fr-CA" => "Avec Troubadour, vos enfants développeront leur créativité en découvrant le plaisir d'écrire et de raconter des histoires."
    "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle2" => [
      "en-CA" => "We also have versions for school and home education!"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous avons également une version pour le milieu scolaire et l'éducation à domicile!"
    "HomeSchoolPackageDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 5 children. Subscription valid for up to one year after the date of purchase."
      "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 5 enfants. Abonnement valide jusqu’à un an après la date d’achat."
    "HomeSchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à la maison"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
      "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
      "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
      "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
      "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
      "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
      "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
    "OrgSubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We offer:"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons&nbsp;:"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Student at the école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
      "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
      "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, the ideas come very quickly!”"
      "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
      "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
      "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
      "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
    "TroubPackagesComparisonText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlock thousands of scenery options, correction tools, and more!"
      "fr-CA" => "Débloquez des milliers de décors, des outils de correction et plus encore!"
    "stripe_invalid_expiry_month" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your expiration month is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Le mois d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_invalid_source_usage" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
      "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
    "PackageTotalCurrencyTaxLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$0% + Tax"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0% + Taxes"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
      "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
      "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
    "TroubFeatureFamilySpacesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each member of the family will have a space for their own creations.<br><br>You will be able to view what your children create, and encourage them!"
      "fr-CA" => "Chaque membre de la famille aura son propre espace de création.<br><br>Vous pourrez lire ce que vos enfants créent et les encourager!"
    "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
    "stripe_invalid_charge_amount" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction n'est pas valide."
    "BuyPromoExpirationDateDynamic" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotion until %$0promotionEndDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au %$0promotionEndDate%"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0} Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
      "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
    "LicenceTypeUnitPriceReduction" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
    "OrganisationNameLabelShortTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of school"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement scolaire"
    "SubFeatureUnlimitedChallenges" => [
      "en-CA" => "The ability to create an unlimited number of challenges."
      "fr-CA" => "La possibilité de créer autant de défis que vous le souhaitez."
    "TroubFeatureMonthlyThemesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Fantastic, historical, and realistic themes will be offered to you each month!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des thèmes fantastiques, historiques et réalistes vous seront proposés chaque mois!"
    "HomeSchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "All the tools you need to monitor your child's progress, encourage them, and help them improve!"
      "fr-CA" => "Tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour suivre la progression de votre enfant, l’encourager et l’aider à s’améliorer!"
    "IncludedClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With the Classroom subscription, you will be able to:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Classe, vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
      "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
      "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
    "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
      "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
      "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
    "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With a subscription you will be able to:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly.<br><br>Thank you for your interest!"
      "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.<br><br>Merci de votre intérêt!"
    "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
      "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
      "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
    "stripe_platform_api_key_expired" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle2" => [
      "en-CA" => "With the Family subscription:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Famille&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly."
      "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
    "TroubEducationSubscriptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour education subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour Éducation"
    "TroubFeatureUnlimitedStoriesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your children will be able to create as many stories as they want, using thousands of characters and settings."
      "fr-CA" => "Vos enfants pourront créer autant d'histoires qu'ils le souhaitent en utilisant des milliers de personnages et de décors."
    "SchoolPackageExpirationDateDynamic" => [
      "en-CA" => "Buy now and enjoy the subscription until %$0Package EndDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez maintenant et profitez de l’abonnement jusqu'au %$0PackagaeEndDate%"
  -lang: "en-CA"
  -allLanguages: null
  -activeLanguages: [
    App\Entity\Language {#3317
      #id: 14
      #language: "French"
      #displayName: "Français"
      #tag: "fr-CA"
      #isActive: true
      #noun_sample: "angle, armoire, banc, bureau, cabinet, carreau, chaise, classe, clé, coin, couloir, dossier, eau, école, écriture, entrée, escalier, étude, extérieur, fenêtre, intérieur, lavabo, lecture, lit, marche, matelas, maternelle, meuble, mousse, mur, peluche, placard, plafond, porte, poubelle, radiateur, rampe, rideau, robinet, savon, serrure, serviette, siège, sieste, silence, sol, sommeil, sonnette, sortie, table, tableau, tabouret, tapis, tiroir, vitre, crayon, stylo, feutre, pointe, mine, gomme, dessin, coloriage, rayure, peinture, pinceau, couleur, craie, papier, feuille, cahier, carnet, carton, ciseaux, découpage, pliage, pli, colle, affaire, boîte, casier, caisse, trousse, cartable, jouet, jeu, pion, domino, puzzle, cube, perle, chose, forme, rond, livre, histoire, image, album, titre, conte, magazine, catalogue, page, ligne, mot, enveloppe, étiquette, affiche, alphabet, appareil, cassette, chaîne, chanson, chiffre, contraire, doigt, écran, écriture, film, fois, idée, intrus, lettre, liste, main, micro, modèle, musique, nom, nombre, orchestre, ordinateur, photo, point, poster, pouce, prénom, question, radio, sens, tambour, téléphone, trait, trompette, voix, zéro, ami, attention, camarade, colère, copain, coquin, dame, droit, effort, élève, enfant, fatigue, faute, fille, garçon, gardien, madame, maître, ordre, personne, retard, sourire, travail, arrosoir, assiette, balle, bateau, boîte, bouchon, bouteille, bulle, canard, casserole, cuillère, cuvette, entonnoir, goutte, litre, moulin, pluie, poisson, pont, pot, roue, saladier, seau, tablier, tasse, verre, anorak, arc, bagage, baguette, barbe, bonnet, botte, bouton, bretelle, cagoule, casque, ceinture, chapeau, chaussette, chausson, chaussure, chemise, col, couronne, cravate, culotte, écharpe, épée, fée, flèche, gant, habit, jean, jupe, lacet, laine, linge, lunette, magicien, magie, maillot, manche, manteau, mouchoir, moufle, nœud, paire, pantalon, pied, prince, pyjama, reine, robe, roi, ruban, semelle, soldat, sorcière, tache, taille, talon, tissu, tricot, uniforme, valise, veste, vêtement, aiguille, ampoule, avion, bois, bout, bricolage, bruit, cabane, clou, colle, crochet, élastique, ficelle, fil, marionnette, marteau, métal, mètre, morceau, moteur, objet, outil, peinture, planche, plâtre, scie, tournevis, vis, voiture, aéroport, auto, camion, feu, frein, fusée, garage, gare, grue, moto, panne, parking, pilote, pneu, quai, train, virage, vitesse, voyage, wagon, zigzag, acrobate, arrêt, arrière, barre, barreau, bord, bras, cerceau, chaise, cheville, chute, corde, côté, cou, coude, danger, dos, échelle, épaule, équipe, escabeau, filet, fond, genou, hanche, jambe, jeu, main, milieu, montagne, muscle, numéro, ongle, parcours, pas, passerelle, pente, peur, pied, plongeoir, poignet, poing, prise, roulade, saut, serpent, sport, suivant, tête, toboggan, tour, trampoline, tunnel, ventre, bagarre, balançoire, ballon, bande, bicyclette, bille, cadenas, cerf-volant, château, coup, cour, course, échasse, flaque, paix, pardon, partie, pelle, pompe, raquette, rayon, sable, sifflet, signe, tricycle, tuyau, vélo, filet, allumette, anniversaire, appétit, beurre, coquille, crêpe, croûte, dessert, envie, faim, fève, four, galette, gâteau, goût, invitation, langue, lèvre, liquide, louche, mie, moitié, odeur, part, pâte, recette, rouleau, sel, soif, tarte, tranche, yaourt, glaçon, jus, kiwi, lame, mûre, noyau, paille, râpe, arête, frite, gobelet, jambon, os, poulet, purée, radis, sole, animal, bébé, bouche, cage, câlin, foin, hamster, lapin, maison, nez, oreille, patte, toit, yeux, légume, abeille, agneau, aile, âne, arbre, bain, barque, bassin, bébé, bec, bête, bœuf, bottedefoin, boue, bouquet, bourgeon, branche, caillou, campagne, car, champ, chariot, chat, cheminée, cheval, chèvre, chien, cochon, colline, coq, coquelicot, crapaud, cygne, départ, dindon, escargot, étang, ferme, fermier, feuille, flamme, fleur, fontaine, fumée, grain, grenouille, griffe, guêpe, herbe, hérisson, insecte, jardin, mare, marguerite, miel, morceaudepain, mouche, mouton, oie, oiseau, pierre, pigeon, plante, plume, poney, poule, poussin, prairie, rat, rivière, route, tortue, tracteur, tulipe, vache, vétérinaire, aigle, animal, aquarium, bête, cerf, chouette, cigogne, crocodile, dauphin, éléphant, girafe, hibou, kangourou, lion, loup, ours, panda, panthère, perroquet, phoque, renard, requin, singe, tigre, zèbre, zoo, épingle, bâton, bonhomme, botte, canne, cauchemar, cri, danse, déguisement, dinosaure, drapeau, fête, figure, géant, gens, grand-mère, grand-père, joie, joue, journaux, maquillage, masque, monsieur, moustache, ogre, princesse, rue, trottoir, boule, cadeau, chance, cube, guirlande, humeur, papillon, spectacle, surprise, trou, visage, âge, année, calendrier, début, dimanche, été, étoile, fin, heure, hiver, horloge, jeudi, jour, journée, lumière, lundi, lune, mardi, matin, mercredi, midi, minuit, minute, mois, moment, montre, nuit, ombre, pendule, retour, réveil, saison, samedi, semaine, soir, soleil, temps, univers, vacances, vendredi, air, brouillard, ciel, éclair, flocon, goutte, hirondelle, luge, neige, nuage, orage, ouragan, parapluie, parasol, tempête, tonnerre, traîneau, vent, assiette, balai, biscuit, boisson, bonbon, céréale, confiture, coquetier, couteau, couvercle, couvert, cuillère, cuisine, cuisinière, désordre, dînette, éponge, évier, four, fourchette, lait, lave-linge, lessive, machine, nappe, pain, pile, plat, plateau, poêle, réfrigérateur, repas, tartine, torchon, vaisselle, argent, bague, barrette, bijou, bracelet, brosse, cadre, canapé, chambre, cheveu, chiffon, cil, coffre, coffret, collier, couette, coussin, couverture, dent, dentifrice, drap, fauteuil, frange, glace, lampe, lit, ménage, or, oreiller, parfum, peigne, pouf, poupée, poussette, poussière, shampoing, sourcil, trésor, tube, vase, album, bavoir, biberon, caprice, rasoir, ambulance, bosse, champignon, dentiste, docteur, fièvre, front, gorge, infirmier, infirmière, jambe, larme, médecin, menton, mine, pansement, peau, piqûre, poison, sang, santé, squelette, trousse, araignée, brouette, chenille, coccinelle, fourmi, herbe, jonquille, lézard, rangée, râteau, souris, taupe, terrain, terre, terrier, tige, sac, billet, caisse, farce, grimace, grotte, pays, regard, ticket, bûche, buisson, camp, chasseur, chemin, chêne, corbeau, écorce, écureuil, forêt, gourde, lac, loupe, lutin, marron, moustique, muguet, paysage, pin, rocher, sapin, sommet, tente, adresse, ascenseur, balcon, boulanger, boutique, caniveau, caravane, carrefour, cinéma, cirque, cloche, clocher, clown, coiffeur, courrier, endroit, enveloppe, essence, facteur, fleuriste, foire, hôpital, hôtel, immeuble, incendie, laisse, magasin, manège, moineau, monde, monument, ouvrier, palais, panneau, paquet, parc, passage, piscine, place, police, policier, pompier, poste, promenade, quartier, square, timbre, travaux, usine, village, ville, voisin, volet, abricot, ail, aliment, ananas, banane, café, carotte, cerise, chocolat, chou, citron, citrouille, concombre, crabe, crevette, endive, farine, fraise, framboise, fromage, fruit, gâteau, haricot, huile, marchand, melon, monnaie, navet, noisette, noix, nourriture, oignon, orange, panier, pâtes, pêche, persil, poire, poireau, pomme, prix, prune, raisin, salade, sucre, tomate, viande, baleine, bouée, jumelles, marin, mouette, navire, pêcheur, plage, poisson, port, sardine, vague, voile"
      #adjective_sample: "Abricot, Acajou, Alezan, Ambre, Ardoise, Argent, Argile, Aurore, Azur, Basané, Beige, ivoire, platine, neige, Blé, bleuet, électrique, marine, saphir, Bordeaux, Brique, Bronze, Châtain, Chocolat, Cyan, Ebène, Ecarlate, Fauve, Jade, Jaune, Magenta, Marron, Mauve, Or, Orange, Pastel, Pêche, Pourpre, Prune, Rose, Rouge, Saumon, Taupe, grenat, adorable, dynamique, hirsute, magnifique, maigre, mince, propre, sale, sauvage, snob, sombre, splendide, svelte, terne, fade, timide, avare, brave, calme, fourbe, hypocrite, intrépide, lâche, loufoque, placide, sage, sincère, solitaire, vorace, coupable, fourbe, horrible, malade, mature, pacifique, perplexe, timide, tranquille, triste, large, maigre, raide, simple, vaste, énorme, immense, infime, minuscule, super, vaste, antique, jeune, moderne, rapide, vétuste, dense, énorme, vide, âcre, aigre, fade, ferme, souple, tendre, Admirable, Agréable, Aimable, Céleste, Chouette, Cynique, Drôle, Efficace, Équitable, Excusable, Exemplaire, Flamboyante, Formidable, Grandiose, Honnête, Horrible, Incrédule, Innommable, Intenable, Louable, Magnifique, Médiocre, Minable, Ordinaire, Passable, Placide, Quelconque, Remarquable, Splendide, Suave, Sublime, Superbe, Suprême, Supportable, Tolérable, Tragique, Valable, Vénérable, Vivable, Magique, Féérique, Antique, Colérique, Unique, Critique, Ludique"
    App\Entity\Language {#3329
      #id: 15
      #language: "English"
      #displayName: "English"
      #tag: "en-CA"
      #isActive: true
      #noun_sample: "aardvark, air, airplane, airport, alarm, almond, alphabet, ambulance, animal, ankle, ant, anteater, antelope, ape, apple, arm, armchair, arrow, asparagus, aunt, baby, back, backbone, bacon, badge, badger, bag, bagpipe, bait, bakery, ball, balloon, bamboo, banana, band, bandana, banjo, bank, baseball, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathroom, bathtub, battery, battle, bay, beach, bead, bean, bear, beard, beast, beat, beauty, beaver, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beetle, bell, belt, bench, beret, berry, bicycle, bike, bird, birthday, bite, blade, blanket, blob, block, blood, blouse, boar, board, bus, bush, butter, button, cabbage, cactus, cafe, cake, calendar, calf, camel, camera, camp, candle, canoe, canvas, cap, captain, car, card, cardboard, cardigan, carpenter, carrot, carton, cartoon, cat, caterpillar, cathedral, cattle, cave, celery, cello, cement, cemetery, cereal, boat, bobcat, body, bone, book, bookcase, booklet, boot, border, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brass, bread, break, breakfast, breath, brick, bridge, broccoli, brochure, brother, brush, bubble, bucket, bug, building, bulb, bull, bulldozer, bun, butter, chain, chair, chalk, channel, cheek, cheese, cherry, chess, chest, chick, chicken, children, chin, chip, chive, chocolate, church, cinema, circle, city, clam, clip, clock, closet, cloth, cloud, coach, coal, coast, coat, cobweb, cocoa, coffee, coil, coin, collar, college, colt, comb, comics, comma, computer, cone, copy, corn, cotton, couch, cougar, country, course, court, cousin, cow, crab, crack, cracker, crate, crayfish, crayon, cream, creek, cricket, crocodile, crop, crow, crowd, crown, crumb, cucumber, cup, cupboard, curtain, curve, cushion, cyclone, dad, daffodil, daisy, dance, daughter, deer, denim, dentist, desert, desk, dessert, detective, dew, diamond, dictionary, dinghy, dinosaur, dirt, dish, dock, dog, doll, dollar, door, dragon, dragonfly, drain, drawer, drawing, dress, dresser, drill, drink, drum, dryer, duck, duckling, dungeon, dust, eagle, ear, earth, eel, egg, eggplant, elbow, elephant, energy, engine, equipment, eye, eyebrow, face, fact, factory, fairy, family, fan, fang, farm, farmer, father, fear, feast, feather, feet, finger, fire, fireplace, fish, fist, flag, flame, flood, floor, flower, flute, fly, foam, fog, food, foot, football, forehead, forest, fork, fountain, fox, frame, freckle, freezer, frog, frost, fruit, fuel, fur, furniture, game, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gear, ghost, giraffe, girl, glass, glove, glue, goal, goat, gold, goldfish, golf, gorilla, grape, grass, grasshopper, grater, grease, grill, grin, group, guitar, gum, gym, gymnast, hail, hair, haircut, hall, ham, hamburger, hammer, hamster, hand, handball, handle, hardware, harmony, hat, hawk, head, headlight, heart, heat, hedge, height, helmet, hem, hen, hill, hip, hockey, hog, home, honey, hood, hook, hope, horn, horse, hose, hospital, house, hurricane, hyena, ice, icicle, ink, insect, instrument, iron, island, jacket, jade, jail, jam, jar, jaw, jeans, jeep, jelly, jellyfish, jet, jewel, joke, journey, judge, judo, juice, jump, jumper, kangaroo, karate, kayak, kettle, key, keyboard, kick, kiss, kitchen, kite, kitten, knee, knife, knight, knot, lace, ladybug, lake, lamb, lamp, land, laugh, laundry, leaf, leather, leek, leg, lemon, lemonade, leopard, letter, lettuce, library, lift, light, lightning, lily, line, lion, lip, lipstick, liquid, list, litter, lizard, loaf, lobster, lock, locker, locket, locust, look, lotion, love, lunch, machine, magazine, magic, magician, mail, mailbox, mailman, makeup, man, map, marble, mark, market, mascara, mask, match, meal, meat, mechanic, medicine, memory, men, menu, message, metal, mice, middle, milk, mint, minute, mirror, mist, mistake, mitten, monday, money, monkey, month, moon, morning, mother, motorboat, motorcycle, mountain, mouse, mouth, music, mustard, nail, name, napkin, neck, needle, nest, net, news, night, noise, noodle, nose, note, notebook, number, nurse, nut, oak, oatmeal, ocean, octopus, office, oil, olive, onion, orange, otter, oven, owl, oyster, packet, page, pail, pain, paint, painter, painting, pair, pajama, pan, pancake, panda, pansy, panther, pants, paper, parcel, parent, park, parrot, party, pasta, paste, pastry, patch, path, pea, peace, peanut, pear, pelican, pen, pencil, pepper, perfume, person, pest, pet, phone, piano, pickle, picture, pie, pig, pigeon, pillow, pilot, pimple, pin, pipe, pizza, plane, plant, plastic, plate, playground, plot, pocket, poison, police, policeman, pond, popcorn, poppy, postage, postbox, pot, potato, poultry, powder, power, price, printer, prison, pumpkin, puppy, pyramid, queen, question, quicksand, quill, quilt, rabbit, radio, radish, raft, rail, railway, rain, rainbow, raincoat, rainstorm, rake, rat, ray, recorder, rectangle, relatives, restaurant, reward, rhino, rice, riddle, ring, river, road, roast, rock, roll, roof, room, rooster, rose, rowboat, rubber, sack, sail, sailboat, sailor, salad, salmon, salt, sand, sandwich, sauce, sausage, saw, scarecrow, scarf, school, scissors, scooter, scorpion, screw, sea, seagull, seal, seashore, season, seat, second, secret, seed, sentence, servant, shade, shadow, shallot, shampoo, shark, shears, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell, ship, shirt, shoe, shop, shorts, shovel, show, side, sidewalk, sign, silk, silver, singer, sink, sister, skin, skirt, sky, sled, slippers, slope, smoke, snail, snake, sneeze, snow, snowflake, snowman, soap, soccer, sock, sofa, softball, soldier, son, song, sound, soup, soybean, space, spade, spark, sparrow, spear, speedboat, spider, spike, spinach, sponge, spoon, spot, sprout, spy, square, squash, squid, squirrel, stage, stairs, stamp, star, station, steam, steel, stem, step, stew, stick, stitch, stinger, stomach, stone, stool, stopwatch, store, storm, story, stove, stranger, straw, stream, string, sugar, suit, summer, sun, sunshine, sunflower, supermarket, surfboard, surname, surprise, sushi, swallow, swamp, swan, sweater, sweatshirt, sweets, swing, switch, sword, swordfish, syrup, table, tabletop, tadpole, tail, target, tax, taxi, tea, teacher, team, teeth, tennis, tent, textbook, theater, thistle, thought, thread, throat, throne, thumb, thunder, thunderstorm, ticket, tie, tiger, tile, time, tire, toad, toast, toe, toilet, tomato, tongue, tooth, toothbrush, toothpaste, top, tornado, tower, town, toy, tractor, traffic, trail, train, transport, tray, tree, triangle, trick, trip, trombone, trouble, trousers, truck, trumpet, truck, trunk, tub, tuba, tugboat, tulip, tuna, tune, turkey, turnip, turtle, twig, twilight, twine, umbrella, uncle, valley, van, vase, vegetable, vessel, vest, violin, volcano, volleyball, vulture, wagon, wall, walnut, walrus, washer, wasp, waste, watch, water, wave, wax, weasel, weather, web, wedge, well, whale, wheat, wheel, whip, whisk, whistle, wilderness, willow, wind, window, windscreen, wing, winter, wire, wish, wolf, woman, wood, wool, word, workshop, worm, wound, wren, wrench, wrinkles, wrist, yacht, yak, yard"
      #adjective_sample: "Absurd, Adorable, Afraid, Alert, Alert, Alive, Amusing, Amusing, Angry, Annoyed, Apologetic, Arrogant, Askew, Awful, Awkward, Bad, Bashful, Beautiful, Better, Big, Bitter, Blistering, Blithe, Blue, Bored, Brave, Brawny, Brazen, Brilliant, Broad, Bulky, Busy, Calm, Capable, Carefree, Careless, Caring, Cautious, Cavernous, Ceaseless, Challenging, Charming, Cheeky, Cheerful, Chilly, Clean, Clever, Clumsy, Content, Contrary, Courteous, Cowardly, Cozy, Cozy, Crabby, Cranky, Cranky, Crawling, Crazy, Creaky, Creaky, Creative, Creeping, Creepy, Crispy, Cruel, Cruel, Cuddly, Curious, Curly, Dangerous, Daring, Dawdling, Dead, Deep, Delicate, Delighted, Delinquent, Demanding, Dense, Desolate, Difficult, Disgusting, Dishonest, Dismal, Disrespectful, Dowdy, Dreadful, Dreadful, Dull, Dull, Early, Easy, Ecstatic, Edgy, Effortless, Enchanting, Endless, Endless, Enormous, Entertaining, Erratic, Eternal, Excited, Exhausted, Faint, Fair, Famished, Fancy, Fantastic, Fetid, Fidgety, Fierce, Filthy, First, Flat, Fluffy, Fluttering, Foolish, Foul, Freezing, Friendly, Frosty, Furious, Fussy, Fuzzy, Gaunt, Gauzy, Generous, Gentle, Ghastly, Gilded, Glassy, Gloomy, Glowing, Good, Gorgeous, Graceful, Grand, Grave, Gray, Great, Greedy, Greedy, Green, Grimy, Grimy, Groggy, Gullible, Happy, Hard, Hardworking, Hasty, Haughty, Heavy, Hideous, Hopeful, Horrid, Hostile, Huge, Huge, Humble, Icy, Idyllic, Immense, Important, Indifferent, Infamous, Ingenious, Intense, Intimidating, Irritable, Itchy, Jolly, Joyful, Kind, Large, Last, Lavish, Lazy, Little, Lively, Lonely, Long, Loud, Lousy, Lovely, Loyal, Lulling, Lumpy, Mangy, Marvelous, Massive, Massive, Meek, Menacing, Messy, Mighty, Minute, Miserable, Modern, Modest, Monstrous, Moody, Muffled, Muggy, Mushy, Mysterious, Narrow, Nasty, Nasty, Nervous, New, Nimble, Odd, Old, Oppressive, Optimistic, Opulent, Orange, Ornery, Parched, Peculiar, Perpetual, Petite, Picturesque, Piercing, Plain, Pleasant, Plump, Plush, Polite, Precise, Proud, Prudent, Puny, Puny, Purple, Quaint, Quick, Quiet, Rancid, Rapid, Raspy, Red, Relaxed, Rich, Rotten, Rude, Rusty, Savage, Scarce, Scared, Scary, Scorching, Selfish, Serious, Severe, Shining, Shocking, Shy, Silly, Simple, Simple, Sizzling, Sleepy, Slick, Slick, Slight, Slimy, Slimy, Sloppy, Sluggish, Small, Smelly, Smooth, Snug, Soaring, Solemn, Somber, Sparkling, Speedy, Spiky, Splendid, Spoiled, Spoiled, Startled, Starving, Steaming, Stern, Sticky, Stiff, Stifling, Still, Stingy, Stinky, Strict, Striking, Strong, Stubborn, Stuffed, Stunning, Sturdy, Subtle, Sullen, Superb, Surprised, Sweet, Sweltering, Swift, Swollen, Tart, Temporary, Tender, Tense, Terrified, Thrifty, Timid, Tiny, Tiny, Tough, Towering, Tranquil, Trendy, Tricky, Truthful, Ugly, Vast, Verdant, Vigilant, Vile, Warm, Weak, Wet, Wide, Wild, Wise, Witty, Wonderful, Wooden, Worried, Wrinkly, Wrong, Yellow, Young, Yummy"
  -em: App\Repository\NanomonxManager {#436 …}
  -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#681 …}
  -env: "dev"
  -folderPath: "/code/src/"
  -bugsnagReporter: App\Service\Error\BugsnagReporter {#435 …}
  -dbTranslation: App\Entity\TranslationFile {#267 …}
same as passed value

Resolved Options

Option Value
"The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form."
Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2457
  -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#2456 …}
  -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#2454 …}
  -namespace: Closure() {#2521 …}
Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3276
  class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType"
"This form should not contain extra fields."
"This value is not valid."
"The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file."
App\Service\TranslationManager {#417
  -page: "BuyLicenses"
  -keys: [
    "JS" => [
      "Fifth" => [
        "en-CA" => "fifth"
        "fr-CA" => "cinquième "
      "First" => [
        "en-CA" => "first"
        "fr-CA" => "premier"
      "Third" => [
        "en-CA" => "third"
        "fr-CA" => "troisième"
      "Fourth" => [
        "en-CA" => "fourth"
        "fr-CA" => "quatrième"
      "Second" => [
        "en-CA" => "second"
        "fr-CA" => "second"
      "DoneCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Code copié!"
      "Conclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "DefaultCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy code"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le code"
      "Development" => [
        "en-CA" => "Body"
        "fr-CA" => "Développement"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This value can't be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "ChapterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of the %$0iteration% section"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre de la %$0iteration% partie"
      "Introduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Introduction"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction"
      "MaxWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning, with the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words for the whole challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour l'ensemble de son défi."
      "MaxWordPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "- The students will have to write between <b>%$0count%</b> and <b>%$1count%</b> word(s) per object."
        "fr-CA" => "- Les élèves devront écrire entre <b>%$0count%</b> et <b>%$1count%</b> mot(s) par objet."
      "MinWordPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "- The students will have to write at least <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) per object."
        "fr-CA" => "- Les élèves devront écrire au minimum <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) par objet."
      "BadMailFormat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email address isn't valid"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas valide"
      "SubTotalPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "FillFieldError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please fill in this field."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez remplir ce champ."
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password is too short (min. 5 characters)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "MaxIntroWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. With the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words in their introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour son introduction."
      "NotAvailableEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email address is not available"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas disponible"
      "ChapterNameTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can specify the titles of the sections. If this field is left empty, students will be able to choose their own titles."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez spécifier les titres des parties de l'élève. Si le champ est vide, l'élève pourra écrire les titres de son choix."
      "ChapterPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the section title"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre de la partie"
      "DuringTimeValidity" => [
        "en-CA" => "This license will be valid from <b>%$0date%</b> to <b>%$1date%</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette licence sera valide du <b>%$0date%</b> au <b>%$1date%</b>."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "NotEnoughThemesError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one theme from the list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un thème de la liste."
      "AvailableLicenceCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently hold <b>%$0count%</b> available licenses of this type."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous détenez actuellement <b>%$0count%</b> licences disponibles de ce type."
      "MinimumWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value."
        "fr-CA" => "La valeur minimale ne doit pas être supérieure à la valeur maximale."
      "SubTotalWithReduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "MaxConclusionWordLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. With the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> words in their conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour sa conclusion."
      "ConfirmToProceedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please type "CONFIRM" to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire "CONFIRMER" pour continuer."
      "card_declinedStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has been declined. You may not use a test card for actual purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte a été refusée. Votre demande était en mode réel, mais a utilisé une carte de test connue."
      "invalid_numberStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is invalid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte n'est pas valide."
      "MinMandatoryWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The sum of the minimum number of words of the introduction and of the conclusion must not exceed the maximum number of words of the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nombre minimum de mots de l'introduction et de la conclusion réunis ne doit pas excéder le nombre maximum de mots du défi."
      "incomplete_numberStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is incomplete."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte est incomplet."
      "invalid_expiry_year_pastStripeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your credit card is expired."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte de crédit est expirée."
    "Index" => [
      "tryIt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-le!"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "ViewModifyBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir / modifier"
      "ConditionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please share this access code with your students. By entering this code in the game, students will automatically join your group, as long as you have enough seats available.<br> For younger children, it is often preferable to create their student accounts and add them in your group yourself in the teacher admin platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez donner ce code d’accès à vos élèves. En entrant ce code dans le jeu, les élèves se joindront automatiquement à votre groupe, en autant que vous ayez assez de sièges disponibles.<br> Pour les tout-petits, il est souvent préférable de créer vous-même leur compte élève et les ajouter à votre groupe dans le site d’administration enseignant."
      "ManageMyGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "ProductDescCdo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales requires the app to be installed on all student devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours nécessite l’installation de l’application sur tous les appareils des élèves."
      "YourGroupsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your Nanomonx groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos groupes Nanomonx"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "GoToChallengeBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Aller aux défis"
      "ProductDescTroub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is completely online. No installation required."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est complètement en ligne. Aucune installation nécessaire."
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewChallengeName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi!"
      "AgreementsLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can read the full version on our information website"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez les consulter sur notre site d'information"
      "CountryChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country that should be assigned to your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays à assigner à votre compte"
      "GroupDeletedLabel1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The group %$0name% has been deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Le groupe %$0name% a été effacé"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "TagertedGradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click the following button to create your first group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "CurrentCountryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Country currently assigned to you)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Pays actuellement assigné)"
      "noChallengesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour requires no installation!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour ne demande aucune installation!"
      "ConditionsUpdateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our Terms and Conditions have been updated for added clarity."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos conditions d'utilisation ont été mises à jour pour plus de clarté et afin de toujours mieux protéger vos données."
      "PurchaseSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Obtain a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Procurez-vous un abonnement"
      "StateArchivedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students will no longer be able to work on this challenge. They can always read what they have written via their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "StateAssignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students may now work on this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent maintenant y travailler."
      "licenseOverflowInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than seats allowed by your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "licenseOverflowInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "So that your students have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "licenseOverflowInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "visitorModeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visitor mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur activé"
      "ConditionsUpdateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "AllowPublicAccessLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Guest Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur"
      "ConfigureThisGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer ce groupe"
      "StateUnassignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students will no longer be able to work on this challenge. They can always read what they have written via their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "visitorModeDeactivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visitor mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur désactivé"
      "ClassroomListSubheader2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group contains challenges for the following product(s):"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe contient des défis pour le ou les produits suivants:"
      "CountryChangePopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It appears that the country we have assigned to you when you created your account is not the same as the one of your payment organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Oups! Il semblerait que le pays que nous vous avons assigné lors de votre inscription n'est pas le même que celui de votre organisme de paiement."
      "CountryChangePopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We <u>only</u> use your country of residence in order to suggest country-specific educational content to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous utilisons votre pays de résidence <u>uniquement</u> pour vous fournir du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire de celui-ci."
      "CountryChangePopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have changed country since your account creation, or if the wrong one was assigned to you, you can change it here:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez changé de pays de résidence ou que celui-ci vous avait été assigné par erreur, vous pouvez le changer ci-dessous:"
      "CountryChangePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été effectué!"
      "ToConfirmStudentsBadge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% student(s) pending validation"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% élève(s) en attente de validation"
      "StudentsInThisClassroom2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group's students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe"
      "ConditionsUpdateAgreement" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and I accept the new Terms and Conditions"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai lu et j'accepte les nouvelles conditions d'utilisation"
      "NoClassroomListSubheader3" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no challenges in this group. Which product would you like to use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne contient aucun défi. Quel produit souhaitez-vous utiliser?"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou rejeter des élèves directement sur la liste de vos élèves"
      "newGroupTroubadourWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "100% web-based application. No installation required."
        "fr-CA" => "Application 100% en ligne. Ne demande pas d’installation."
      "ThanksForBuyingPackagesLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing a subscription package. A receipt has been sent to %$0username%."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir acheté un abonnement. Un reçu a été envoyé à l’adresse %$0username%."
      "newGroupConstellationWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "* An application must be installed on the students' device."
        "fr-CA" => "* Une application doit être installée sur l’appareil des élèves."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username has been successfully updated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur a été modifié avec succès!"
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court"
    "LogIn" => [
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous"
      "Welcome" => [
        "en-CA" => "To start using the game and the teacher administration web site, you must first confirm your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour commencer à utiliser le jeu et l'interface Web, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse courriel."
      "CodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code"
      "Greatings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello, %$0firstname% %$1lastname%"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "NameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "GetBrowser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Install %$0navName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenir %$0navName%"
      "loginLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to the teacher platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous pour accéder à la plateforme enseignant."
      "TroubTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo"
      "WelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue à la constellation de l'ours!"
      "confirmEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer mon compte"
      "FreeTrialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free, no credit card required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites un essai gratuitement, aucune carte de crédit nécessaire!"
      "TroubDemoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to try the app from a child’s perspective."
        "fr-CA" => "Envie de faire un essai rapide du point de vue de l'élève?"
      "restaureEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel the change of address"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler le changement d'adresse"
      "AdmMobileLogIn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous!"
      "AndOrTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "and/or"
        "fr-CA" => "et/ou"
      "FreeTrialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start your <span>%$0duration% days</span> free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer votre essai gratuit de <span>%$0duration% jours</span>"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas de compte?"
      "ThanksYouEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Boreal Tales! © Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi La Constellation de l’Ours! © Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "ConfirmEmailAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your navigator:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur:"
      "FreeTrialLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once connected, you will have the opportunity to start a free trial for <span>%$0duration% days</span>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois connecté, vous pourrez faire un essai gratuit de <span>%$0duration% jours</span>!"
      "GetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "To start using the game and the teacher administration web site, you must first confirm your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour commencer à utiliser le jeu et le site web d'administration enseignant, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse"
      "MoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn More"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "confirmNewEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my new address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer ma nouvelle adresse"
      "createMyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Creer mon compte"
      "ConfirmEmailAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*If the button does not work, click the following link or copy it into the address bar of your browser:"
        "fr-CA" => "*Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: "
      "ConstFeatureAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For children age 6 to 12 years old"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans"
      "ConstFeatureGame" => [
        "en-CA" => "Children will create stories they can explore like in a video game"
        "fr-CA" => "Les enfants créent des histoires qu’ils peuvent explorer comme dans un jeu vidéo"
      "DisplayOurPrices" => [
        "en-CA" => "See our prices"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir nos prix"
      "DownloadGameLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ProductLoginLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "ClickHereLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez ici"
      "DisplayOurCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir notre catalogue"
      "DownloadGameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the game"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléchargez le jeu"
      "ProductAccessLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder"
      "ScrollDownLinkTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scroll down"
        "fr-CA" => "Défiler vers le bas"
      "TroubStudentLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student access"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès étudiant"
      "TroubTeacherLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher log"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion enseignant"
      "AccountCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d’avoir validé le courriel de confirmation qui a été envoyé à %$0email%."
      "AppDescriptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher admin platform enables you to manage your groups, your students and your subscription packages!"
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme enseignant vous permet de gérer vos groupes, vos élèves et vos abonnements!"
      "ConstFeatureWorlds" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of objects and characters children can use to populate the worlds they create"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers d’objets et de personnages pour peupler les mondes des enfants "
      "PasswordResetLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "To reset your password, please click on the link below."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, merci de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
      "AccountCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d'avoir                        validé le courriel                        de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "AccountCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have sucessfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "AppDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A literary and artistic creation ecosystem "
        "fr-CA" => "Un écosystème de création littéraire et artistique"
      "ConstFeatureCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of writing and reading challenges designed by specialists in education"
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis d’écriture et de lecture conçu par des spécialistes de l’éducation"
      "ForgotPasscodeHello" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hi,"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour,"
      "ForgotPasscodeIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have requested all your members' codes."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez demandé à recevoir les codes de vos membres."
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid username or password."
        "fr-CA" => "Mauvais nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe."
      "MailActivationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer votre compte"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal,<br> (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "YouMayClosePageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may close this page :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez fermer cette page :)"
      "resetPasswordButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "EmailValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du courriel"
      "StudentAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un élève"
      "UsernameChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email has been successfully changed!"
        "fr-CA" => " Votre courriel a bien été modifié!"
      "ForgotPasscodeMembers" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are your members' codes:"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les codes de vos membres:"
      "ForgotPasscodeSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your family codes"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos codes de votre famille"
      "NanomonxExpertisePara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based in Montreal, our team strives to design products that allow you to experience writing and reading in a unique and fun way."
        "fr-CA" => "Basée à Montréal, notre équipe s’applique à concevoir des produits qui permettent d’expérimenter l’écriture et la lecture d’une façon unique et amusante."
      "NanomonxProductsPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez nos plateformes polyvalentes conçues créer, raconter et partager."
      "ValidationEmailThanks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de nous avoir choisi !"
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "constTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“I am a sixth-grade teacher and I have been using Boreal Tales for three years now. The students love it, and if I happen to forget to include it on the weekly activities schedule... I hear about it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Je suis un enseignant de sixième année et voilà maintenant trois ans que j'utilise La Constellation de l'Ours. Les élèves adorent et si j'ai le malheur de ne pas inscrire La Constellation au menu des activités de la semaine... j'en entends parler! »"
      "constTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We are a homeschool "class" (family) and my boys loved building their own Indigenous village (one in Algonquin mode, the other in Iroquois mode), accompanied by reference books, and presenting their work to highlight the differences between their ways of life. This has been our most in-depth work so far, we are new subscribers but already love Boreal Tales!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous sommes une “classe” (famille) d’école maison et mes garçons ont beaucoup aimé construire chacun un village autochtone (l’un en mode algonquien, l’autre en mode iroquoien), accompagnés de livres de référence, et se présenter le fruit de leur travail pour dénoter les différences entre les modes de vie. Cela a été notre travail le plus approfondi jusqu’ici, nous sommes nouvellement abonnés mais on aime déjà beaucoup La Constellation de l’Ours! »"
      "constTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The children are thrilled, as is the teacher... I have not yet seen anything equivalent or as much appetite for writing among our students.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les enfants sont emballés, la maîtresse aussi…. Je n’ai encore rien vu d’équivalent ni autant d’appétence à écrire chez nos élèves. »"
      "constTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Hello, my daughter is homeschooled. We just downloaded the game 2 days ago... she loves it. She has never written and corrected so much, especially since she hates writing... so first of all, a big congratulations for your game.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Bonjour, ma fille fait école à la maison. Nous venons de télécharger le jeu depuis 2 jours..elle en raffole. Elle n’a jamais autant écrit et corrigé, elle qui déteste le français...alors d’abord un gros bravo pour votre jeu. »"
      "CompatibilityErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to have access to all the features of the teacher platform, we recommend that you install and use one of the following browsers."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin que vous puissiez bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités de la plateforme enseignant, nous vous recommandons d'installer l'un des navigateurs suivants."
      "EmailAdressPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel"
      "ForgotPasscodeThankYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your confidence."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de votre confiance."
      "MailResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser votre compte"
      "NanomonxExpertisePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Nous permettons aux enfants d’explorer le pouvoir des mots dans différents contextes : raconter des histoires, partager les moments marquants de leur journée ou imaginer des aventures fantastiques."
      "NanomonxExpertiseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expertise"
        "fr-CA" => "Savoir faire"
      "ProductMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "TitleConfirmNewAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have successfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "TroubadourLoginTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "The perfect web app to develop writing skills!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'application Web idéale pour travailler l'écriture!"
      "ValidationWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We welcome you to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue à la constellation de l'ours!"
      "NanomonxMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are we?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui sommes-nous?"
      "NanomonxStrengthDiverse" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Encourager l’écriture dans différents contextes."
      "NanomonxStrengthSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Favoriser l’apprentissage de l’écriture par le jeu et le partage."
      "ThankYouForYourPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "constTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Christian Fecteau, Paul VI, CSSDL"
        "fr-CA" => "- Christian Fecteau, École Paul VI, CSSDL"
      "constTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
      "constTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mary Perron, Elementary school La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mary Perron, École primaire La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
      "constTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "\u{A0}- Catherine Cabana, Mother and teacher at home"
        "fr-CA" => "- Catherine Cabana, Mère et enseignante à la maison"
      "CompatibilityErrorTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your browser is unfortunately no longer supported."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre navigateur n'est malheureusement pas supporté."
      "ForgotPasscodeMemberCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code: %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Code: %$0%"
      "ForgotPasscodeMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name: %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom: %$0%"
      "NanomonxStrengthSecurity" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce qu’on écrit dans un environnement sécurisé."
      "NanomonxUnifiedLoginPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "A single connection for all our platforms, whether you are a student or a teacher!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une même connexion pour toutes nos plateformes, que vous soyez élève ou enseignant!"
      "ValidationEmailCopyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "© Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "© Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "NanomonxUnifiedLoginPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une même connexion pour toutes nos plateformes, que vous soyez élève, enfant, parent ou enseignant!"
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use both of our products: <b>Boreal Tales</b> and <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : <b>La Constellation de l’Ours</b> et <b>Troubadour</b>."
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please confirm your account in order to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez confirmer votre compte pour continuer"
      "PurchaseEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your Nanomonx account now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez votre compte Nanomonx maintenant!"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "NanomonxStrengthCreativity" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Développer sa créativité, sa facilité a s’exprimer et à construire ses idées."
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "UsernameChangeConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm my new address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer ma nouvelle adresse"
      "titleStudentNoAccountPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only your teacher can create an account for you."
        "fr-CA" => "Seul ton enseignant peut te créer un compte."
      "CompatibilityDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using an up-to-date browser will enable a smoother and more secure web browsing experience."
        "fr-CA" => "Disposer d'un navigateur récent vous permettra d'avoir une navigation plus fluide et sécurisée sur internet."
      "UsernameChangedConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been changed on Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ValidateNewAccountEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before logging in, validate your email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d’avoir validé le courriel de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "ValidationEmailCDOVideoPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for your students. We suggest showing it to your class before the first use."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour vos élèves, que nous suggérons de présenter en classe avant la première utilisation."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use our two products: <b>Boreal Tales</b> and <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : <b>La Constellation de l’Ours</b> et <b>Troubadour</b>."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To help you get started, we've put together a few instructional videos."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de bien débuter, nous vous proposons quelques vidéos explicatives."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You Nanomonx account is almost created."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte Nanomonx est presque créé."
      "CompatibilityDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why should I use a more up-to-date browser?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi utiliser un navigateur récent est important ?"
      "TroubStudentNoAccountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "I don’t have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n'ai pas de compte"
      "TroubStudentForgottenPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "I forgot my password"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai oublié mon mot de passe"
      "PurchaseEmailConfirmAccntTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get started by first creating your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez créer votre compte pour commencer"
      "TroubPurchaseEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account on our platform to begin benefiting from your subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour profiter de votre abonnement, créez-vous un compte sur notre plateforme."
      "ValidationEmailGetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "A single account to use our products, oversee your classes and manage subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul compte pour utiliser tous nos produits, administrer vos classes et gérer des abonnements."
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideo1Link" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideo2Link" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideoPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for the teacher, covering the basics of creating challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour l’enseignant, couvrant les bases de la création de défis."
      "ValidationEmailTroubVideoPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A video for your students. We suggest showing it to your class before the first use."
        "fr-CA" => "Une vidéo pour vos élèves, que nous suggérons de présenter en classe avant la première utilisation."
      "Thisaccounttypecannotloginhere." => [
        "en-CA" => "This account type cannot log in here."
        "fr-CA" => "This account type cannot login here."
      "UsernameChangeConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to reactivate your account, you first need to confirm your address. You will then be able to log in to the teacher platform using this email address."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de réactiver votre compte, vous devez d'abord confirmer votre adresse. Vous pourrez ensuite vous connecter à la plateforme enseignant en utilisant cette adresse courriel."
      "titleStudentForgotPasswordPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Demande à ton enseignant."
      "NanomonxEmailThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi Nanomonx!"
      "TroubValidationEmailWelcomePara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to start using Troubadour in just a few minutes :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez commencer à utiliser Troubadour en quelques minutes :)"
      "TroubValidationEmailWelcomeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account is almost ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est presque créé!"
      "UsernameChangedConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address used for Boreal Tales has changed. If this change was not made by you, click on the link below to restore your email. We also recommend that you change your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur La Constellation de l'Ours. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de ce changement, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour restaurer votre courriel. Nous vous conseillons aussi de changer de mot de passe."
      "ValidationEmailConfirmAccntTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please confirm your account to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez confirmer votre compte pour continuer"
      "descriptionStudentNoAccountPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have a Boreal Tales account? Use it to log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as un compte de La Constellation de l’Ours? Utilise-le pour te connecter!"
      "NanomonxLandingPageDescriptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes student learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture creativity, engagement and motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité, suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation."
      "ValidationEmailWelcomePara1PlainText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This account will allow you to manage subscriptions and use our two products: Boreal Tales and Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte vous permettra de gérer des abonnements et d’utiliser nos deux produits : La Constellation de l’Ours et Troubadour."
      "descriptionStudentForgotPasswordPopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you no longer have your password, your teacher can create a new one for you."
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’as plus ton mot de passe, ton enseignant peut t’en créer un nouveau."
      "NanomonxEmailUsernameChangedConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been changed on the Nanomonx website"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur le site de Nanomonx"
      "NanomonxEmailUsernameChangedConfirmDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has been modified on the Nanomonx website"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel a été modifiée sur Nanomonx.                Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de ce changement, vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour restaurer votre courriel.                Nous vous conseillons aussi de changer de mot de passe."
      "Authenticationrequestcouldnotbeprocessedduetoasystemproblem." => [
        "en-CA" => "Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la connexion."
    "Global" => [
      "By" => [
        "en-CA" => "by"
        "fr-CA" => "par"
      "Go" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Go"
      "No" => [
        "en-CA" => "No"
        "fr-CA" => "Non"
      "OK" => [
        "en-CA" => "OK"
        "fr-CA" => "OK"
      "Ok" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ok"
        "fr-CA" => "Ok"
      "Or" => [
        "en-CA" => "Or"
        "fr-CA" => "Ou"
      "by" => [
        "en-CA" => "by"
        "fr-CA" => "par"
      "All" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "And" => [
        "en-CA" => "and"
        "fr-CA" => "et "
      "Day" => [
        "en-CA" => "Day"
        "fr-CA" => "Jour"
      "Non" => [
        "en-CA" => "No"
        "fr-CA" => "Non"
      "Oui" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui"
      "Yes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui"
      "all" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "Help" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "Here" => [
        "en-CA" => "here"
        "fr-CA" => "ici"
      "Next" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next"
        "fr-CA" => "Suivante"
      "Page" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page"
        "fr-CA" => "Page"
      "Quit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer"
      "Time" => [
        "en-CA" => "Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Temps"
      "User" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "Year" => [
        "en-CA" => "Year"
        "fr-CA" => "Année"
      "Yes!" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui!"
      "allF" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Toutes"
      "Adult" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adult"
        "fr-CA" => "Adulte"
      "Child" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child"
        "fr-CA" => "Enfant"
      "Close" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer"
      "Error" => [
        "en-CA" => "Error"
        "fr-CA" => "Erreur"
      "Every" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "Floor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ground"
        "fr-CA" => "Sol"
      "Hello" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0name%, "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0name%, "
      "Label" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base sous les objets"
      "Large" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grand"
      "Level" => [
        "en-CA" => "Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau"
      "Loved" => [
        "en-CA" => "WOW!"
        "fr-CA" => "WOW!"
      "Micro" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tiny"
        "fr-CA" => "Micro"
      "Month" => [
        "en-CA" => "Month"
        "fr-CA" => "Mois"
      "Owner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire"
      "Small" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petit"
      "Stars" => [
        "en-CA" => "star(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "étoile(s)"
      "Start" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer"
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "À quel jeu souhaitez vous jouer?"
      "Total" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total"
        "fr-CA" => "Total"
      "Words" => [
        "en-CA" => "words"
        "fr-CA" => "mots"
      "login" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Se connecter"
      "Amount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre"
      "Cancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "Create" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer"
      "Cycle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "1st and 2nd grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 1er cycle"
      "Cycle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "3rd and 4th grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 2e cycle"
      "Cycle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "5th grade and up"
        "fr-CA" => "Primaire 3e cycle"
      "Cycle4" => [
        "en-CA" => "7th and 8th grade"
        "fr-CA" => "Secondaire 1er cycle"
      "Delete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "IsUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the user"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes l'utilisateur"
      "LogOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log Out"
        "fr-CA" => "Se déconnecter"
      "Logout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log out"
        "fr-CA" => "Se déconnecter"
      "MadeBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Made by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "Medium" => [
        "en-CA" => "Average"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyen"
      "Modify" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "MyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "My text"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon texte"
      "Parent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent"
      "Public" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public"
        "fr-CA" => "Public"
      "Status" => [
        "en-CA" => "Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut"
      "Submit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre"
      "AppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "Archive" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archive"
        "fr-CA" => "Archiver"
      "Between" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre"
      "Catalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue"
      "Chapter" => [
        "en-CA" => "section"
        "fr-CA" => "partie"
      "Confirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer"
      "Country" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays"
      "Details" => [
        "en-CA" => "Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Détails"
      "Enabled" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activé"
      "EndDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter la demo"
      "Explore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exploration"
        "fr-CA" => "Exploration"
      "FSError" => [
        "en-CA" => "It seems that your screen is too small. Troubadour is not designed for small screens like those of cell phones."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble que l’écran soit trop petit.Troubadour n’est pas conçu pour de petits écrans comme des cellulaires."
      "Filters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filters"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtres"
      "History" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "MyScene" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma scène"
      "Private" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private"
        "fr-CA" => "Privé"
      "Restore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorize"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser"
      "AddLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter"
      "AllTexts" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the texts"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les textes"
      "AppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales Teacher Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, plateforme enseignant."
      "BuyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter"
      "Chapters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Parties"
      "Continue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "CopyCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy code"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le code"
      "Disabled" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivé"
      "FSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to full screen"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer en plein écran"
      "FilterBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par"
      "GameName" => [
        "en-CA" => "BOREAL TALES"
      "HelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "KnowMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn More"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "LookText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Look at the text"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le texte"
      "NextStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "Optional" => [
        "en-CA" => "Optional"
        "fr-CA" => "Optionnelle"
      "OrgLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
      "Oversize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Huge"
        "fr-CA" => "Énorme"
      "Previous" => [
        "en-CA" => "Previous"
        "fr-CA" => "Précédente"
      "ReadMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read the rest"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire la suite"
      "Revised2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bien"
      "TeamName" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Nanomonx Team"
        "fr-CA" => "L'équipe de Nanomonx"
      "TrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "Tutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "lastStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last step"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape"
      "loginAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login!"
        "fr-CA" => "Se connecter!"
      "Challenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "challenge(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "défi(s)"
      "Completed" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complété"
      "Configure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer"
      "Continuer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "Copyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "&copy; Copyright 2024 by %$0Nanomonx%."
        "fr-CA" => "&copy; Copyright 2024 par %$0Nanomonx%."
      "FreeTrial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit"
      "Greatings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hi, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "Greetings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "GroupCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access Code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code d'accès"
      "MyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon compte"
      "NewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "News"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveautés"
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "Next step" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape suivante"
      "NoComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "No comments yet"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun commentaire pour l'instant"
      "Preschool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Preschool"
        "fr-CA" => "Préscolaire"
      "ResetText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset the text to this state"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre le texte dans cet état"
      "SeatCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges utilisés"
      "SelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout sélectionner"
      "SendLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer"
      "ToImprove" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be improved"
        "fr-CA" => "À améliorer"
      "Unlimited" => [
        "en-CA" => "unlimited"
        "fr-CA" => "illimité"
      "WhoAreYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tell us more about yourself. Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Maintenant, qui êtes-vous?"
      "YourEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel"
      "loginAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez vous"
      "titleDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the game!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essaie le jeu!"
      "AddComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire"
      "BackToHome" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to homepage"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à l'accueil"
      "Background" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene set"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors"
      "Categories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories"
      "ClassLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Classe"
      "CloseWithX" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "&times;&nbsp;Fermer"
      "Conclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "Connection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connection"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "CopiedCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Code copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Code copié!"
      "CopiedLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Link copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lien copié!"
      "DescGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google accounts only work with Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation du compte Google fonctionne uniquement avec Troubadour"
      "DoNotShare" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not share"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne pas le partager"
      "EmailLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse courriel"
      "EmptyGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no groups..."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez présentement aucun groupe..."
      "EmptyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work done"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail réalisé"
      "ExpiryDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expiration date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'expiration"
      "FBImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Foreground" => [
        "en-CA" => "Foreground"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant-plan"
      "HelloLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour"
      "HelpVideos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial videos"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules explicatives"
      "InProgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will be able to add and modify whatever they want."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra ajouter et modifier ce qu’il veut."
      "IndexLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "MyAccount1" => [
        "en-CA" => "My account | "
        "fr-CA" => "Mon compte | "
      "MyStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes élèves"
      "NmxPresent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Presents"
        "fr-CA" => "Présente"
      "OldComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your last comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre dernier commentaire"
      "Onboarding" => [
        "en-CA" => "Setting up your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en route"
      "OpenCdoApp" => [
        "en-CA" => "Open the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Ouvrir l’application"
      "PageNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page %$0pageNumber%"
        "fr-CA" => "Page %$0pageNumber%"
      "ReadButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire"
      "SeatAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de siège(s)"
      "SeeHistory" => [
        "en-CA" => "View history"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l'historique"
      "TheCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Le Catalogue de défis"
      "TrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "Understood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Got it"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai compris"
      "titleAsset" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build your scene "
        "fr-CA" => "Construis ta scène "
      "titleIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here we go!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est parti!"
      "wordCount3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="word-count"></span> word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="word-count"></span> mot(s)"
      "wordCount4" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="word-count">0</span> word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="word-count">0</span> mot(s)"
      "AcceptLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Accept"
        "fr-CA" => "Accepter"
      "AdmMetaName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "BoldTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Gras"
      "CatalogLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "ChooseLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "ContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact"
        "fr-CA" => "Contacter"
      "DeepLinkURL" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "DeleteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DescGoogle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google accounts only work with <span>Troubadour</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation du compte Google fonctionne uniquement avec <span>Troubadour</span>"
      "DescGoogle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use a standard account for Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un compte standard pour La Constellation"
      "Description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "DiscoverCDO" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrir La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "DisplayHelp" => [
        "en-CA" => "More Info"
        "fr-CA" => "Afficher l'aide"
      "DownloadUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EditContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit title and instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le titre et les consignes"
      "EmailLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email"
        "fr-CA" => "Courriel"
      "EmptyStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "No challenges..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi..."
      "EndTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter le tutoriel"
      "FBImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "FamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "GalleryLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio"
      "GiveLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder l'abonnement"
      "IAmAStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un élève"
      "IAmATeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis un enseignant"
      "IndexButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Index"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "InfoLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Limitations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restrictions"
        "fr-CA" => "Limitations"
      "LoginNeeded" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "LookComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "View comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le commentaire"
      "ManageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion"
      "MinuteCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% minutes"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% minutes"
      "MyChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "Myclassroom" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "NewPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un mot de passe"
      "NonEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unchangeable"
        "fr-CA" => "Non-modifiable"
      "NotEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Unchangeable)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Non-modifiable)"
      "ReturnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner"
      "SaveChanges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Enregistrer les modifications"
      "SceneCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene %$0SceneCount%"
        "fr-CA" => "Scène %$0SceneCount%"
      "SchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School"
        "fr-CA" => "École"
      "SearchInput" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search"
        "fr-CA" => "Rechercher"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "StopReading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop reading"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter la lecture"
      "StudentWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux de l’élève"
      "SubmitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre"
      "TargetLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Targeted Grade Levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires ciblés"
      "ThanksLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thanks!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci!"
      "ToSeeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter"
      "TwitterLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "Unsubscribe" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Se désabonner"
      "WriteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write!"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire!"
      "YourComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment on this text"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire sur ce texte"
      "buttonStart" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let’s begin!"
        "fr-CA" => "On commence!"
      "infoLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "troub_plume" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_plume"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_plume"
      "404TextTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oups!"
      "ActivateAll1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate all"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout activer"
      "AddToGallery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students’ work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux à votre portfolio"
      "AdmMetaTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx, Ignite Imagination"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx, Éveiller l'imaginaire"
      "AllDialogues" => [
        "en-CA" => "All dialogs"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les dialogues"
      "BackToGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux groupes"
      "BillingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing"
        "fr-CA" => "Facturation"
      "CancelForNow" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler pour l'instant"
      "CategoryMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Menu de création"
      "ChapterCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% section :"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% partie :"
      "CheckoutStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Checkout"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la caisse"
      "ConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DeselectAll1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deselect all"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout déselectionner"
      "DownloadLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the Game "
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger le jeu"
      "FacebookLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ForNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de famille"
      "GetSeatsStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenir des sièges"
      "ImportButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "InProgStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Rédaction libre"
      "Instructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "Introduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Introduction"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction"
      "KalendarLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "LexiconTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans La Constellation de l'Ours!"
      "LoginMethods" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Méthodes de connexion"
      "MatOverLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base au dessus des objets"
      "MatVoidLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base invisible"
      "MyChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes Défis"
      "NoTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write some text here"
        "fr-CA" => "Écris un texte ici"
      "OrgTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Organization type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’organisation"
      "OurGamesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platforms"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos plateformes"
      "PartnersText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaires"
      "PathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Writing Pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Le parcours d'écriture"
      "PaymnentStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Checkout"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement"
      "RefuseLogOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse and log out"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser et se déconnecter"
      "RememberMeCb" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remember me"
        "fr-CA" => "Se souvenir de moi"
      "SceneryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scene set"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "SeeThisGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "See this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ce groupe"
      "ShareButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez"
      "SharedUCText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Provide this address to anyone for whom you wish to share this story:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cette adresse à quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire cette histoires : "
      "StatusFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut des travaux"
      "StudentCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students(%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves(%$0variableA%)"
      "StudentTasks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "StudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes élèves"
      "SubjectLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Sujet"
      "SubjectTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Targeted school subjects:"
        "fr-CA" => "Matières scolaires ciblées:"
      "Subscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement"
      "TakeALicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "TakeLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre abonnement!"
      "TeacherPanel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Plateforme Enseignant"
      "The licenses" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements"
      "TroubTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo!"
      "YourFullName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your name "
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nom"
      "demoEndTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You’ve reached the end…  <br/> for now!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est terminé... <br/>pour l'instant!"
      "galleryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio"
      "instructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "titleScenery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your setting"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis ton décor "
      "AddNewComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a new comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un nouveau commentaire"
      "AddPageButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a page"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter une page"
      "AllClassrooms" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "AssignLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "AucunResultat" => [
        "en-CA" => "No results found..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun résultat trouvé..."
      "BadMailFormat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email address isn't valid"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas valide"
      "BirthDayLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Date of Birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Date de naissance"
      "CancelChanges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler les changements"
      "CatalogButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View our template catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre catalogue de gabarits"
      "ChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du défi"
      "CloseTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate the tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le tutoriel"
      "ComingSoonTBD" => [
        "en-CA" => "Coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ça s’en vient!"
      "ConstHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "CreateNewUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new user"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouvel utilisateur"
      "DeleteTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DownPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The site is currently under maintenance."
        "fr-CA" => "Le site est actuellement en maintenance."
      "EmailLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel"
      "EmptyActivity" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun abonnement..."
      "FSRestriction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go full screen to continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Passez en plein écran pour continuer"
      "FamilyVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Version famille"
      "FilterByGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by group"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par groupe"
      "FinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai fini!"
      "FormTitleVal1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Director"
        "fr-CA" => "Directeur.trice"
      "FormTitleVal2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant.e"
      "FormTitleVal3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste"
      "FormTitleVal4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent-educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent-éducateur"
      "FormTitleVal5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pedagogical advisor"
        "fr-CA" => "Conseiller.ère pédagogique"
      "GoToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "View portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le portfolio"
      "HelpVideosUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "InClassroomOf" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the group of"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le groupe de"
      "IndentTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Indenter"
      "InfiniteStory" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Histoire infinie"
      "InstagramLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IntroModText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In Narration Mode, students must place their text only at the entrance of each island.<br><br>This usually leads to a better structured redaction, as the students' texts are written, and automatically placed, in the intended sequence. This is very useful to work on the narrative structure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode Narration permet une création plus structurée pour l'élève. Il sera amené à rédiger un seul texte par île afin de construire son travail en parties distinctes.<br><br>La création et la rédaction s'en retrouvent ainsi mieux structurées, car les textes de l'élèves sont écrits, et automatiquement placés, dans la séquence souhaitée. Pratique pour travailler le schéma narratif!"
      "IntroModText2" => [
        "en-CA" => " In this Mode, it will be impossible for students to add text to objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans ce mode, il sera impossible pour les élèves d'ajouter du texte sur les objets et les personnages."
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "ItalicTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Italique"
      "JobTitleAdmin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrator"
        "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
      "JobTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
        "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
      "ManageStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my students"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes élèves"
      "MatUnderLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Base sous les objets"
      "MaturityLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Maturity Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau de maturité"
      "MoreInfosSite" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information site"
        "fr-CA" => "Site informatif"
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "NoSubjectText" => [
        "en-CA" => "none"
        "fr-CA" => "aucune"
      "NoteToTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Note à l'enseignant"
      "OrgTypeFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "OwnedLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer"
      "PasswordLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe"
      "Previous step" => [
        "en-CA" => "Previous step"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape précédente"
      "PutToTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille"
      "ResendUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "RetryRightNow" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try again now"
        "fr-CA" => "Réessayez tout de suite"
      "RevisionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision needed"
        "fr-CA" => "Révision nécessaire"
      "SchoolVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Version scolaire"
      "SharedUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story $%title% has been shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire $%title% est partagée!"
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strikethrough"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "StudentCount3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students (%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves (%$0variableA%)"
      "StudentGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes"
      "StudentPlaces" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students allowed"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves permis"
      "TextRevisions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text history"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique du texte"
      "TrashCanLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Corbeille"
      "TroubHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil Troubadour"
      "TutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "TutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel"
      "UntitledLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Untitled"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans titre"
      "UserNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'utilisateur"
      "VideosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "WannaPlayDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to play? "
        "fr-CA" => "Envie de jouer?"
      "WhiteListMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Libre-service"
      "WorldNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred during the recovery of the world."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération du monde."
      "brushTooltip2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The brush tool will transform your cursor. Simply highlight a word to change its colour."
        "fr-CA" => "L'outil pinceau transformera votre curseur. Il suffit simplement de surligner un mot pour en changer la couleur."
      "demoStartDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in fall 2024."
        "fr-CA" => "Offert à l'automne 2024."
      "titlePageDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great, the page is done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super, la page est terminée!"
      "titleRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Final step: Review"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape: Révision"
      "200TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success!"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès!"
      "403TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to be logged in to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accèder à cette page"
      "404TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
      "500TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops! An error has occurred."
        "fr-CA" => "Oh non! Une erreur s'est produite"
      "AddCodeCBLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un mot de passe"
      "AddGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un groupe"
      "AddToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter au portfolio"
      "AdultNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of an adult"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un adulte"
      "AllGroupsShown" => [
        "en-CA" => "All my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "AllLevelsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All Grade Levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les niveaux scolaires"
      "AnErrorOccured" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occured"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite"
      "AppDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connect to the Boreal Tales teacher platform. Boreal Tales is a literary and artistic creation ecosystem designed specifically to motivate elementary school students to write."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès à la plateforme enseignant de La Constellation de l'Ours, écosystème de création littéraire et artistique conçu spécialement pour les élèves du primaire."
      "BabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "CDOHomePageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi: %$0ChallengeTitle%"
      "ChallengesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "ChildNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un enfant"
      "ClassroomsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "CloseTutorial1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may discontinue the tutorial at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez plus suivre le tutoriel, vous pouvez le désactiver à tout moment."
      "CloseTutorial2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can restart the tutorial on the <a href='/manager/account'>My Account page</a> ."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez réinitialiser le tutoriel sur la page <a href='/manager/account'>Mon compte</a>."
      "CompletedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminés"
      "CompletedState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi terminé"
      "ConfirmPremium" => [
        "en-CA" => "GO!"
        "fr-CA" => "GO!"
      "ConfirmTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm and close"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer et fermer"
      "ContactLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "CopyShareLink3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy share link"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le lien de partage"
      "CurrentComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your current comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire en cours"
      "DeepLinkButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download page"
        "fr-CA" => "Page de téléchargement"
      "EmptyDialogues" => [
        "en-CA" => "This scene has no text."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette scène n'a pas de dialogue."
      "ExpirationDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le"
      "FSErrorContact" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're using a tablet or computer and continue to experience difficulties, please <a href="%$0contactLink%">contact us</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous êtes sur une tablette ou un ordinateur et que cela ne marche toujours pas, <a href="%$0contactLink%">contactez-nous</a>."
      "FamilyUseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation familiale?"
      "FavoritesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Favourites"
        "fr-CA" => "Favoris"
      "FinishedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Fini"
      "FirstNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "First Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Prénom"
      "ForgotPasscode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Forgot your password?"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe oublié?"
      "FormTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "FreeTrialBadge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including %$0count% Free Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant %$0count% sièges gratuits"
      "GroupFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information about your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations sur votre groupe"
      "InConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "In construction"
        "fr-CA" => "En construction"
      "InRevisionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will only be able to modify the texts indicated as <span>Needs rework</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra uniquement modifier les textes indiqués comme <span>À retravailler</span>."
      "IncludingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including:"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant:"
      "InfoFAQLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InputTextEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the email address of the recipient"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez l’adresse courriel du destinataire"
      "IntroModeVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IsSharedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagé"
      "NeedHelpButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need help?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin d'aide?"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas de compte?"
      "NoRevisionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have not marked any texts as <span>Needs rework</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas marqué de textes comme étant <span>À retravailler</span>"
      "NotEnoughSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Insufficient Number of Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges disponibles insuffisants"
      "OrgTypeDaycare" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare"
        "fr-CA" => "Garderie"
      "OrgTypeLibrary" => [
        "en-CA" => "Library"
        "fr-CA" => "Bibliothèque"
      "PendingStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l'élève"
      "PostponeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I will do this later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je le ferai plus tard"
      "QuoteFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
      "ReadyToGoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your turn to write"
        "fr-CA" => "À toi d’écrire"
      "ResetTutorial1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you missed part of the tutorial, or haven't recently logged-in to the teacher admin platform, you may wish to restart the tutorial. You will then be guided step-by-step, through the use of the teacher admin platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous pensez avoir raté une étape ou que vous ne vous êtes pas connecté depuis longtemps au site d'administration, n'hésitez pas à réinitialiser le tutoriel. Vous serez alors guidé pas à pas dans l'utilisation de la plateforme enseignant. "
      "ResetTutorial2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to skip steps or deactivate the tutorial at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez à tout moment ignorer des étapes ou fermer le tutoriel."
      "ReviewListTile" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger les travaux"
      "RevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students' Work (%$0UCCount%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux des élèves (%$0UCCount%)"
      "SampleTitleTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mes vacances d'été"
      "SendToPorfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "SetupChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit settings for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer ce défi"
      "SignupEndtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following information will help us suggest challenges that are best suited to your needs."
        "fr-CA" => "Les informations suivantes nous permettront de vous proposer des défis adaptés à vos besoins."
      "StudentProfile" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil de l’Élève"
      "TeacherComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher's comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "TelephoneLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Telephone"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléphone"
      "ThanksSentence" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're looking forward to seing you there soon, <br><b>The Nanomonx team</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Au plaisir de vous y voir bientôt, <br><b>L'équipe de Nanomonx</b>"
      "ToReviewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Waiting for Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "À corriger"
      "TransferLegend" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great news, %$0firstname% %$1lastname%"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne nouvelle, %$0firstname% %$1lastname% "
      "TroubDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour: the perfect web app to work on writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : l’appli web idéale pour travailler l’écriture!"
      "TroubFreeDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "All you need to do is <a href="%$0signuplink%">create an account</a> and add your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c'est de <a href="%$0signuplink%">créer votre compte</a> et ajoutez vos élèves."
      "TroubMetaTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour! Writing as an adventure"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour! L'aventure de l'écriture"
      "TutoStep0Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The first step has been completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "La première étape est terminée!"
      "TutoStep0Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <u>Créer mon premier groupe.</u>"
      "TutoStep0Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to manage many subscription packages for a school or a group of schools, go to <b>My Subscription Packages.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez gérer de nombreux abonnements pour une école ou un regroupement d’écoles, dirigez-vous vers <b>Gérer mes abonnements.</b>"
      "TutoStep1Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is now time to create your first group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer votre premier groupe!"
      "TutoStep1Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups are where you add students and where you submit writing challenges to them."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est à partir du groupe que vous pourrez ajouter des élèves et lancer des défis d’écriture."
      "TutoStep2Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Your group has now been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait! Votre groupe est maintenant créé."
      "TutoStep2Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now that your group has been created, your students will be able to join it and work on your challenges. You can also add your students to your group yourself."
        "fr-CA" => "Maintenant que votre groupe est créé, vos élèves pourront s’y ajouter et relever des défis. Vous pouvez également ajouter vous-mêmes vos élèves à votre groupe."
      "TutoStep2Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Speaking of challenges, why not start creating one? Go to <b>My Challenges</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Parlant de défis, pourquoi ne pas en créer un dès maintenant? Allez sur <b>Mes défis</b>."
      "TutoStep3Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un défi"
      "TutoStep3Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges are the creation and writing exercises that your students must complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis sont les exercices de création et d’écriture que doivent réaliser vos élèves."
      "TutoStep3Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clicking on the button <b>Create Challenge for this Group</b> will allow you to create a challenge using a template from our catalog, or to create one from scratch."
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer sur le bouton <b>Créer un défi pour ce groupe</b> vous permettra de créer un défi depuis notre catalogue ou en le paramétrant vous-même."
      "TutoStep4Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure your challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer votre défi."
      "TutoStep4Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following settings let you configure a challenge specifically tailored to your students and the learning objectives. You can start very simply by entering only a title and instructions for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Les paramètres suivants vous donnent la flexibilité de créer un défi sur mesure pour vos élèves et vos objectifs pédagogiques. Vous pouvez débuter très simplement avec uniquement un titre et des consignes pour vos élèves."
      "TutoStep4Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also try to configure other settings in your future challenges, or use one of the pre-built challenges that we provide in our templates."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez essayer d’autres options dans vos prochains défis ou encore utiliser un de nos défis préconstruits que nous offrons dans nos gabarits."
      "TutoStep5Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit this challenge to your students immediately!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lancez ce défi à vos élèves tout de suite!"
      "TutoStep5Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have created a challenge, but it is deactivated by default. It will therefore not be available to your students. Challenges are deactivated by default to enable you to create them in advance and submit them when you are ready."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez créé un défi et celui-ci est désactivé par défaut. Il n’est donc pas disponible pour vos élèves. Les défis sont désactivés par défaut pour vous permettre de les créer à l’avance et de les lancer au moment qui vous convient."
      "TutoStep5Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To enable your students to play, click on <b>Activate</b>. The challenge will then be available to your students in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves puissent jouer, cliquez sur <b>Activer</b>. Le défi deviendra alors disponible pour vos élèves dans le jeu."
      "TutoStep6Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Obtenez un abonnement"
      "TutoStep6Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now or start a free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en acheter maintenant ou faire un essai gratuit. "
      "TutoStep6Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now or start a free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez acheter maintenant ou faire un essai gratuit. "
      "TutoStep7Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can buy one now."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en acheter maintenant."
      "TutoStep8Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account has been created and your challenge has been submitted! The only step left is to add students to your group.<br> Don’t forget! You need to install the latest version of the game on your devices in order to use it in class."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est créé et votre défi est lancé! La dernière chose qui reste à faire est d’ajouter des élèves à votre groupe.<br> N’oubliez pas! Il faut télécharger la dernière version du jeu sur les appareils qui seront utilisés en classe."
      "TutoStep8Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To do this, simply go to the page <b>My Students</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ce faire, dirigez-vous vers la page <b>Mes élèves</b>."
      "TutoStep9Text0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding students to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves à son groupe."
      "TutoStep9Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are two methods to add students to your group. You can manually add them by creating their accounts, defining a username and a password for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter des élèves à votre groupe, il y a deux méthodes. Vous pouvez le faire manuellement en leur créant un compte avec un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe que vous aurez choisis."
      "TutoStep9Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => " Alternatively, you can let them create their own account directly in the game by providing them with your group access code."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez aussi les laisser le faire eux-même via l'application en leur donnant votre code de classe."
      "UCFilterLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display completed works <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> and/or works currently in correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
        "fr-CA" => "Seulement afficher les travaux finis <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> ou en correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
      "UsageIndicator" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau d'utilisation"
      "UsageTypeText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales now offers tailor-made content based on usage. You will receive email messages with exercises that best fit your needs. In order to create and offer you content that is right for you, can you indicate which of these situations <u>best corresponds</u> to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours propose dorénavant du contenu sur mesure, selon le type d’utilisation. Vous recevrez des courriels contenant des exercices adaptés à vos besoins.            Afin de créer et de vous proposer du contenu qui soit pertinent pour vous, pouvez-vous nous indiquer laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "UsageTypeText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will be able to unsubscribe from these emails at any time by following the unsubscribe link at the end of each email."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez vous désabonner de la liste d’envoi de courriels à tout moment, en suivant le lien de désabonnement situé au bas de ceux-ci."
      "UsageTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Support program"
        "fr-CA" => "Programme d'accompagnement éducatif"
      "ValidityPeriod" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validity"
        "fr-CA" => "Validité"
      "WoohooWorkDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Woohoo! Done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Woohoo! Terminé!"
      "WorkWordPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "works"
        "fr-CA" => "travaux"
      "answerKeyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigé"
      "buttonContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "demoStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez Troubadour!"
      "nanomonxBanner" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-fr"
      "stopStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop the guided writing mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter la rédaction guidée"
      "titleParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "The main text!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le grand texte!"
      "troub_marteaux" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_marteaux"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_marteaux"
      "AddStudentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève"
      "AppCatalogTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales, challenge catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, catalogue des défis."
      "BackToAdmButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "adm-back-to-game"
        "fr-CA" => "adm-back-to-game"
      "BackgroundColor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Background colour"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur de fond"
      "BackgroundImage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Background"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrière-plan"
      "BigSubWorldSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande"
      "BillingSettings" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing management"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion de la facturation"
      "BuyLicenseLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to the purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir la page d'achat"
      "ChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes défis"
      "ChapterCutLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build the challenge in sections?"
        "fr-CA" => "Composer le défi en parties?"
      "ClassroomConfig" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe"
      "ClassroomFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe"
      "CompletedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complétés"
      "CorrectThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger ce travail"
      "CorrectWorkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction of students' work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger les travaux"
      "CorrectionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En correction"
      "CountryLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your country"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays"
      "CreateChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi"
      "CurrentSelected" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selected"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionné"
      "DeepLinkSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The application will load shortly. Please make sure version 4.2 (or later) is installed on your device to perform this action. Note that the operation does not work on Mac at the moment."
        "fr-CA" => "L'application devrait démarrer sous peu. Assurez-vous d’avoir installé la version 4.2 (ou ultérieure) sur votre appareil pour exécuter cette action. Veuillez noter que l’opération ne fonctionne pas sous Mac actuellement."
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Island"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "DeletionConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write CONFIRM to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Écrivez CONFIRMER pour continuer."
      "DownloadLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EmptyBinderList" => [
        "en-CA" => "As of this moment, no students have started this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le moment, on dirait bien qu’aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi"
      "EmptyInputValue" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be left empty."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette valeur ne doit pas être vide."
      "FreeTrialBanner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free Trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit!"
      "FreeTrialButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start the free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire l'essai gratuit"
      "FromPathwayName" => [
        "en-CA" => "from pathway: %$0CourseName%"
        "fr-CA" => "du parcours : %$0CourseName%"
      "GenerateNewCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate new code"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un nouveau code"
      "GetStartedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Begin!"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer!"
      "GoToReadingMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to reading mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer au mode lecture"
      "GroupEditAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group Profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil du groupe"
      "HistoricWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some objects and characters are not appropriate if used out of context. If the challenge is not historical, these items will not be visible to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains objets et personnages ne sont pas appropriés s'ils sont utilisés hors-contexte. Si le défi n'est pas historique, ces éléments ne seront pas visibles à l'élève."
      "HomeSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool"
        "fr-CA" => "École à la maison"
      "InPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is completed! It can be found in the student's portfolio, and is available to be published on a bulletin board!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complété! Il se retrouvera dans le portfolio de l’élève et vous pourrez le publier sur un babillard!"
      "InProgressState" => [
        "en-CA" => "In progress"
        "fr-CA" => "En rédaction"
      "InactivityTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been disconnected."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez été déconnecté."
      "InvalidEmailMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide a valid email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir une adresse courriel valide"
      "JobTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
      "LogoCDOVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "LogoCdoVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "MaxStudentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Max Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves max. permis"
      "MessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you."
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
      "MoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "NanomonxTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ignite imagination"
        "fr-CA" => "Éveiller l'imaginaire"
      "NoDialogWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This scene has no text. Place objects and characters and add dialogs to them."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette scène n'a pas de dialogue. Place des objets et personnages et ajoute leur des textes."
      "NoMyGalleryItem" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no work from this group’s students in your portfolio. "
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez actuellement aucun travail d’élèves de ce groupe dans votre portfolio."
      "NoOfGroupsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes"
      "OrgNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l'institution ou de l'organisation"
      "PackageBuyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need more seats?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de plus de sièges élèves?"
      "PackagesSubMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "PaidFeatureDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "This feature requires a paid subscription and is not available in the free version."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité nécessite un abonnement payant et n'est pas disponible dans la version gratuite."
      "ParentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'un parent"
      "PasswordNoSpace" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe"
      "PortfolioButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to the portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter au portfolio"
      "ReconnectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reconnect"
        "fr-CA" => "Se reconnecter"
      "RedeemCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Code d'activation"
      "RedeemCodeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you have an activation code?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez un code d'activation?"
      "RequestDocLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Receive documentation"
        "fr-CA" => "Recevoir la documentation"
      "SceneryNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This setting does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce décor n'existe pas"
      "SeeMyChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "View my challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir mes défis"
      "SelectYourGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis ton groupe"
      "SendToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "StudentUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username: <span>%$0userName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d’utilisateur: <span>%$0userName%</span>"
      "SupportUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged as support"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté au soutien"
      "SwitchToCdoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to play Boreal Tales instead?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez plutôt jouer à La Constellation de l’Ours?"
      "TBDCatalogTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, catalogue des défis."
      "TableMaxStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Size (no. of seats)"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille (nombre de sièges)"
      "TeacherRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "TextNotEditable" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text will no longer be editable by the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte ne sera plus modifiable par l’élève."
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to rework this text"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois retravailler ce texte"
      "TotalWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total Number of Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de mots au total"
      "TroubAdvantage1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Enrichit l’expérience familiale de façon cohérente avec l’activité."
      "TroubAdvantage2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Crée un impact plus puissant et durable sur votre audience cible que la publicité traditionnelle, en laissant une impression positive et mémorable de votre organisation."
      "TroubAdvantage3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Amène les visiteurs à s’amuser en créant du contenu hautement viral et personnalisé."
      "TroubAdvantage4" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "S’aligne sur les priorités des parents d’aujourd’hui en étant non seulement amusant, mais également éducatif."
      "TwitterImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UnassignedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassignés"
      "UnfinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am not finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas fini."
      "UserStatsTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
      "WatchVideoLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch<br>the video!"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir<br>la vidéo!"
      "WeAreReadyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "On est prêts!"
      "WordNumberLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de mots"
      "WorldNameTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of Student’s Work "
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail de l'élève "
      "WriteAsYouBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write to Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire pour construire"
      "YourSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre école"
      "buttonAssetDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next step!"
        "fr-CA" => "Prochaine étape!"
      "comingSoonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est pour bientôt!"
      "demoEndSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour will be available for free with all 2024-25 Boreal Tales subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour sera offert gratuitement avec tous les abonnements 2024-25 de la Constellation de l'Ours."
      "titleConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion"
      "totalWordCount4" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class="total-word-count"></span> word(s) total"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class="total-word-count"></span> mot(s) au total"
      "totalWordCount5" => [
        "en-CA" => "You wrote <span class="total-word-count"></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as écrit <span class="total-word-count"></span> mots."
      "troub-info-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-info-icon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-info-icon"
      "troub-page-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-page-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-page-done"
      "troub-work-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-work-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-work-done"
      "AddTextIfYouWant" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add text if you want"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoute du texte si tu le désires"
      "AllConceptsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All concepts"
        "fr-CA" => "Toutes les notions"
      "AppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales, purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours, achat."
      "BackToChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux défis"
      "CartCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception"
      "ChooseAClassroom" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un groupe"
      "ConnectionGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue with Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer avec Google"
      "ContestPrizeCopy" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Courez la chance de gagner <span>100&nbsp;$</span> de carte-cadeau, gracieuseté de <a target='_blank' href='%$0sponsorLinkUrl%'></a>"
      "CopyTemplateLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy the link to this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier le lien vers ce gabarit"
      "CorrectChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct students’ work"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger des travaux"
      "CreativesLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "DescriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "DuplicationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Existing scenes"
        "fr-CA" => "Scènes existantes"
      "EmailPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "EnabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi activé"
      "ExpectedDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Estimated time required"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée prévue"
      "FamilyModeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Famille"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "FreeTrialDayLeft" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0daycount% day(s) before the end of your free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0daycount% jour(s) avant la fin de votre essai gratuit."
      "GalleryListTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students’ work portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Portfolio de travaux"
      "GeneratePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generate a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Générer un mot de passe"
      "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
      "GreatIUnderstood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! I understand."
        "fr-CA" => "Super! J'ai compris"
      "GroupResetAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students from group"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe"
      "HistoricsLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "HistoryDateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "History of"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique du"
      "InProgressStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ongoing"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours"
      "InRevisionStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "À retravailler"
      "InfoDownloadLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InfoPageNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "That page does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette page n'existe pas"
      "InspiresYouTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ça vous inspire? "
      "InvalidTelNumMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid number"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro invalide"
      "JobTitleLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre d'emploi"
      "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
      "LanguageDropDown" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "LastNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your last name"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nom"
      "LoadingInProcess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Loading in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Chargement en cours"
      "MaskingHowToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève"
      "NanomonxAppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx. Ignite imagination!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx. Éveiller l’imaginaire!"
      "NanomonxHomeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil Nanomonx"
      "NewChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi"
      "NewPasswordLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe"
      "NoChallengeToAdd" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not contain any work that can be added to your portfolio. Note that only a finished work can be added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne contient aucun travail disponible à ajouter à votre portfolio.Notez que seul un travail terminé peut être ajouté à votre portfolio."
      "NoSubRequiredTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "*Aucun abonnement requis"
      "NonFollowedRules" => [
        "en-CA" => "Broken Rules"
        "fr-CA" => "Règles transgressées"
      "NonStartedStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not started"
        "fr-CA" => "Non débutés"
      "NumberOfStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves"
      "OnBoardingLogout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign out and go to the student logon page."
        "fr-CA" => "Me déconnecter et passer à la page de connexion élève."
      "PackageBuyButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter des abonnements"
      "PackageTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "PageNumberHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page<span>%$0%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Page<span>%$0%</span>"
      "PaidFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement requis!"
      "PartnerLoginText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use a login partner:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser un partenaire de connexion:"
      "PlanTrainingSite" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a training"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une formation"
      "PortfolioTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Normally, you have access to your students’ work as long as they remain in one of your groups. A work added to your portfolio will be kept indefinitely. You may explore it in the game, using the Teacher Mode."
        "fr-CA" => "Normalement, vous conservez l’accès aux travaux de vos élèves jusqu’à ce qu’ils quittent votre groupe. Un travail ajouté au portfolio sera conservé indéfiniment. Vous pourrez l'explorer dans le jeu, en mode enseignant."
      "ProductLoginLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Login"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion"
      "ReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi de lecture"
      "RedeemCodeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre abonnement"
      "RemindMeLaterBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "RunTutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire le tutoriel"
      "ShareThisUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the story $%title%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager l’histoire $%title% ?"
      "StudentChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Works Assigned to student"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux assignés à l'élève"
      "StudentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l'élève"
      "StudentsAddTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves"
      "TableCurrentUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur actuel"
      "TableMaxStudent1" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de siège(s)"
      "TextResetWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure? The text will return to the way the teacher corrected it. You will lose your last changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain? Le texte va redevenir comme l'enseignant l'avait corrigé. Tu perdras tes dernières modifications"
      "TroubFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille"
      "TroubMarketTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "À qui s'adresse Troubadour Partenaires?"
      "TroubSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour for Schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour scolaire"
      "TwitterImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "UnassignStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer des élèves"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "UseGoogleAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use your Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser son compte Google"
      "UserTermsOnlyUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "WordCountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The word counter will be updated when the text is saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compteur de mots sera mis à jour lors de la sauvegarde du texte."
      "WorkWordSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "work"
        "fr-CA" => "travail"
      "WritingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi d'écriture"
      "buttonUnderstood" => [
        "en-CA" => "Understood!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compris!"
      "demoEndSubtitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the real version of the game, this is where you would send your story to your teacher to be corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans la vraie version du jeu, c’est ici que tu enverrais ton histoire à ton enseignant.e pour qu'elle soit corrigée."
      "testimonyAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Kaçandre Bourdelais, Educational consultant CDDHC"
        "fr-CA" => "- Kaçandre Bourdelais, conseiller pédagogique CDDHC"
      "testimonyAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mary Perron, La Gentillerie elementary school, Saint-Malo, France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mary Perron, École primaire La Gentillerie, Saint-Malo, France"
      "testimonyAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Jetté, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu"
      "titleConclusion2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write to final paragraph."
        "fr-CA" => "Écris ton paragraphe de fin."
      "troubHelpImgMove" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-move-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-move-fr"
      "AccessOurProducts" => [
        "en-CA" => "See our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à nos produits"
      "AgreementsLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "AvailablePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements disponibles"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ChallengeDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0Duration% min"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0Duration% min"
      "ChallengeListLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges list"
        "fr-CA" => "Listes des défis"
      "ClassroomStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in group (%$0variableA%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe (%$0variableA%)"
      "ClickHereLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez ici"
      "CompletedRestCall" => [
        "en-CA" => "Task completed successfully"
        "fr-CA" => "Opération effectuée avec succès"
      "ConstructionState" => [
        "en-CA" => "Construction"
        "fr-CA" => "Construction"
      "ContactUsFormText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For general inquiries or more information regarding our subscription packages, please complete the following form. Someone will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des demandes générales ou plus d'informations concernant nos forfaits d'abonnement, veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant. Quelqu'un vous contactera sous peu."
      "CookiesDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales uses cookies to improve your user experience. You can refer to our privacy policy"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours utilise des témoins (cookies) afin d'améliorer votre expérience utilisateur. Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de confidentialité"
      "CreationMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon menu de création"
      "DemoChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "The demo challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi démo!"
      "DemoMobileWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer.Try our demo on a larger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est une application scolaire conçue pour être utilisée sur une tablette ou un ordinateur. Essayez notre démo sur un plus grand écran!"
      "DisabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi désactivé"
      "DisplayOurCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "View our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir notre catalogue"
      "DuplicationCancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai changé d'idée"
      "EducationalIntent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "EmailConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter email address again"
        "fr-CA" => "Répéter l'adresse courriel"
      "FBCatalogImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FamilyShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "Finish correcting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction"
      "FirstNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your first name"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre prénom"
      "ForgottenPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Forgot password?"
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe oublié?"
      "FreeTrialToooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can seat up to %$0count% students for your free trial."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous disposez de %$0count% sièges dans le cadre de votre essai gratuit."
      "FreemiumModeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Free mode"
        "fr-CA" => "*Mode gratuit"
      "GalleryWorksCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students’ work in portfolio "
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux en portfolio"
      "GoogleUserInvalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher with username [{{ username }}] logs in with Google and does not use a password."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant avec le nom d'utilisateur [{{ username }}] se connecte avec Google et n'utilise pas un mot de passe."
      "InPortfolioStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "To portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Au portfolio"
      "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your country"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre pays"
      "InvalidMessageMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please write a message"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire un message"
      "InvalidSubjectMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please write a subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire un sujet"
      "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
        "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
      "JobTitleLabelTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job title (only for school subscriptions)"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre d'emploi (seulement pour les abonnements scolaires)"
      "KeppCountryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep this country"
        "fr-CA" => "Conserver mon pays"
      "KnowMoreAboutCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more about the Group Access Code"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus sur le code d'accès"
      "LexiconTriggerBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lexicon"
        "fr-CA" => "Lexique"
      "LicenceInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
        "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
      "ManageMembersText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage members"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les membres"
      "MandatoryFieldMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "* Indicates a required field"
        "fr-CA" => "* Indique un champ obligatoire"
      "MinCharCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field is too short. It must contain at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette chaîne est trop courte. Elle doit avoir au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "MissingTitleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a title to share."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoute un titre pour partager."
      "NanomonxAppsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour and Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour et La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "NeedToWorkStastus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision Required"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de retravailler"
      "NewChallengeName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi!"
      "NoShareWarningTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your story must be longer before it may be shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois écrire plus pour partager cette histoire."
      "NoStudentsStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé"
      "NotAvailableEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email address is not available"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette adresse couriel n'est pas disponible"
      "PartnerLogginText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use a login partner:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser un partenaire de connexion:"
      "PasswordResetLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your browser: %$0link%"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur: %$0link%"
      "PredefinedChapter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Custom size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille personnalisée"
      "PrivacyPolicyLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PrivacyPolicyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Privacy Policy & User Terms"
        "fr-CA" => "Politique de Confidentialité et Conditions d'utilisation"
      "ProductAccessLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder"
      "PurchaseNowButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy now"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter maintenant"
      "ReadingChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis de lecture"
      "ResponsiveBuyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also discover our subscription package options and pricing plans."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également consulter les prix de nos abonnements."
      "ReturnToBabillard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au Babillard"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "SeeCreativeThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the creative themes in pictures"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les thèmes créatifs en images"
      "SeeHistoricThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the historical themes in pictures"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les thèmes historiques en images"
      "ShareWorkHowToMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invite someone to read this story by providing them with this address:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cet adresse avec quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire l’histoire :"
      "SmallSubWorldSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petite"
      "StudentInfoAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student profile"
        "fr-CA" => "Profil de l'élève"
      "StudentLoginError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a Student account.<br/>You are now on the Teacher platform. You should instead log in to the app."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci est un compte élève.<br/>Tu es sur la plateforme enseignant. Connecte-toi plutôt sur l'application"
      "StudentsAddTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Students to Group %$0groupName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves au groupe %$0groupName%"
      "StudentsRemoveAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves"
      "SubWorldSizeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Islands Size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille des îles"
      "SubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "SubworldNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text appears in the section titled"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte apparaît dans la partie intitulée"
      "TableIsExpireDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expiration Date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'expiration"
      "TelephoneExtLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tel. Ext."
        "fr-CA" => "Tél. Ext."
      "TemplateCatalogue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue de défis"
      "TextEntryNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte n'existe pas"
      "TroubFeatureIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows students to turn their ideas into images."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet à l'élève de mettre ses idées en images."
      "TroubFeatureTools" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools that make the marking process easier"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils qui simplifient le processus de correction"
      "TroubTryDemoVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Regardez la vidéo"
      "TroubadourAppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour"
      "TroubadourTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing as an adventure"
        "fr-CA" => "L'aventure de l'écriture"
      "UserTermsOnlyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "VisibilityTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Toggles if the challenge is assigned to this student"
        "fr-CA" => "Détermine si le défi est assigné à cet élève ou non"
      "VisitorModeLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows visiting finished works"
        "fr-CA" => "Permettre la visite des travaux terminés"
      "WelcomeToNanomonx" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "WritingChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis d'écriture"
      "addDialogueButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add text"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un texte"
      "buttonSceneryDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene set is in place."
        "fr-CA" => "Mon décor est placé."
      "constellationLogo" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-logo-hor-color-fr"
      "demoSellingPoint1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of characters, buildings, animals, and objects your students can use in their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de personnages, habitations, animaux et objets pour inspirer les élèves."
      "demoSellingPoint2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rich correction and feedback tools to help students become confident writers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction pour aider les élèves à améliorer leur style."
      "demoSellingPoint3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of ready-made exercises and writing prompts, created by education professionals."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d'exercices et d'amorces de texte, prêts à être utilisés, créés par des professionnels de l'éducation."
      "demoStartSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Embark on a writing adventure."
        "fr-CA" => "Lancez-vous dans l'aventure de l'écriture"
      "textDemoAsStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is a little page to use for practice.<br><br>The story you create here will not be saved!"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici une petite page pour te pratiquer.<br><br>Dans le tutoriel, ton histoire ne sera pas sauvegardée, c’est seulement pour essayer le jeu!"
      "titleInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read the instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Lis les consignes"
      "troub-red-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-red-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-red-balloon"
      "troub-submit-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-submit-icon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-submit-icon"
      "troubHelpImgBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-build-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-build-fr"
      "AddMessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a message"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un message"
      "AdmMetaDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes children's learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture their creativity, spark engagement and increase their motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité,     suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation"
      "AssignLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "AtLeastWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "At least %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Au moins %$0count% mot(s)"
      "BabillardThemeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bulletin Board Theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Thème du babillard"
      "BabillardTitleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bulletin Board Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du babillard"
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and %$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "CDORedirectHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => " has moved"
        "fr-CA" => " a déménagé"
      "CSVExampleFileName" => [
        "en-CA" => "import_example"
        "fr-CA" => "import_exemple"
      "CancelSharingText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If it has already been sent to friends, they will no longer be able to read it."
        "fr-CA" => "Si elle a déjà été envoyée à des amis, ils ne pourront plus la lire."
      "CancelSharingText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "CancelSharingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story will no longer be shared"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire ne sera plus partagée"
      "ChallengeNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom du défi"
      "ChallengeWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0word-count% words"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0word-count% mots"
      "ChangedMyMindLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "ChapterNumberLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de parties"
      "CleanFormatTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clear formatting"
        "fr-CA" => "Effacer le formattage"
      "CommentFromTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teachers' comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "CommentSaveWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This comment will be visible to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce commentaire sera visible par l'élève."
      "ContestInfoHEading" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Déroulement du concours"
      "ContinueWithCourse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway and continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours et continuer"
      "CreateMyFirstGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer mon premier groupe"
      "CreateNewChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouveau défi"
      "CurrentStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte de l'élève"
      "DefaultParentGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0parentName%'s Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe de %$0parentName%"
      "DemoEndWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This will end the demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci mettra fin à la démo."
      "DuplicateMenuLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start from an existing scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer à partir d’une scène existante"
      "DuplicationConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Replace the scene!"
        "fr-CA" => "Remplacer la scène!"
      "FBPurchaseImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FamilyPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "FormYourTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your title:"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre titre&nbsp;:"
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Every week, a new and exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of each week, the current challenge will be closed, and a new one will become availa!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire."
      "HelpInfosLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help topics"
        "fr-CA" => "Rubriques d'aide"
      "HelpVideoLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Videos"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules video"
      "IWantTheNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "I want to receive the newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux recevoir l'infolettre"
      "IgnoreTutorialStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ignore the current step"
        "fr-CA" => "Ignorer l'étape actuelle"
      "InTransferPackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes abonnements en cours de distribution"
      "InitialBuildPoints" => [
        "en-CA" => "Starting Number of Stars"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'étoiles de départ"
      "InvalidJobTitleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please indicate your job title"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez indiquer votre titre d'emploi"
      "InvalidLastNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide your last name"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire votre nom de famille"
      "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
      "LeaveLikeThisLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave as is"
        "fr-CA" => "Laissez ainsi"
      "LexiconDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales can be used both in schools and for homeschooling. To keep the interface easy to read, some words we use have an extended meaning. To help you navigate on the platform, here is a short list of these words and their meaning:"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours peut être utilisée à l'école comme à la maison.             Pour simplifier les choses, nous utilisons toujours les mêmes termes.              Pour vous aider à vous y retrouver, voici un petit lexique des termes utilisés :"
      "LicencesInTransfer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours de distribution"
      "LocalizationChoice" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "LogoCDO_vert_color" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-color-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-color-fr"
      "MailReceiptSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "MandatoryFieldInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory"
        "fr-CA" => "Obligatoire"
      "MarkAsDoneContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer ce travail"
      "MarskAsDoneCongrat" => [
        "en-CA" => "Well done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bravo!"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NeedRevisionStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "À retravailler"
      "NoBackToChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, back to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, retour aux défis"
      "NoClassroomWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not part of any group"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne fais partie d'aucun groupe"
      "NoStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a indiqué qu’il avait fini"
      "OrderedListTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Liste numérotée"
      "OverflowPopupInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have %$1num_students_actual% students, but your subscription only entitles you to a maximum of %$0num_students_allowed%."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos abonnements vous donne droit à un maximum de %$0num_students_allowed% mais vous en avez présentement %$1num_students_actual%."
      "OverflowPopupInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>What does this mean?</strong><br>For Troubadour, you will be switched to free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Qu’est-ce que ça fait?</strong><br>Dans Troubadour, vous passez en mode gratuit."
      "OverflowPopupInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "For Boreal Tales, your students will lose access to the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans La Constellation de l’Ours, vos élèves perdent l’accès à la plateforme."
      "OverflowPopupInfo4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To resolve the situation, choose one of the following options:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour régler la situation, choisissez l’une des options suivantes:"
      "PartnersHeaderText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Laissez les familles raconter leur expérience et la partager avec leur entourage d'une façon tout à fait unique et personnelle."
      "PremiumSwitchTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
      "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre"
      "ReturnToGooglePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the Google page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner à la page Google"
      "SampleNarrationTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le premier jour de mes vacances d'été..."
      "ShareOptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options de partage"
      "StateArchivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked"
        "fr-CA" => "En Banque"
      "StayConnectedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stay connected"
        "fr-CA" => "Rester connecté"
      "StudentsAddTitle9 " => [
        "en-CA" => "Add some student to the group |"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des élèves au groupe |"
      "SwitchToCdoAppInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the app is installed, <a href='%$0%'>click here</a> to open it.<br>Otherwise, you need the <a target='_blank' href=''>download here</a>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si l’application est installée, <a href='%$0%'>clique ici</a> pour l’ouvrir.<br>Sinon, tu dois la <a target='_blank' href=''>télécharger ici</a>!"
      "TextRevisionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text revisions"
        "fr-CA" => "Revisions du texte"
      "ThemesAllowedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Thèmes par défaut"
      "TroubFeatureSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A solution designed for school"
        "fr-CA" => "Une solution conçue pour le milieu scolaire"
      "TroubHelpMoveTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Move an object"
        "fr-CA" => "Déplacer un objet"
      "TroubadourAppTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Writing as an Adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, l'aventure de l'écriture."
      "VoirPortfolioLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "View your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ton portfolio"
      "YieldLicencesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement"
      "allSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "allTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous"
      "challengeStructure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Structure du défi"
      "comingSoonBackLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Retournez à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "comingSoonSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "That’s all we can share with you for now!"
        "fr-CA" => "On ne vous en dit pas plus pour tout de suite!"
      "demoCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This was just a sneak peek..."
        "fr-CA" => "C'était un avant-goût..."
      "lightboxTriggerBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tutorial Video"
        "fr-CA" => "Vidéo explicative"
      "medSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Medium"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyen"
      "newChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveaux défis"
      "noChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no challenge to work on at the moment. Your teacher or parent must create one for you so that you can work."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas de défis à travailler en ce moment. Ton enseignant ou parent doit t'en créer un pour que tu puisses travailler."
      "npcTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Characters"
        "fr-CA" => "Personnages"
      "subtitlePageNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Page %PAGE_NUMBER%"
        "fr-CA" => "Page %PAGE_NUMBER%"
      "titleDemoAsStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Young author's tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel du jeune auteur"
      "titleEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure?"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain.e?"
      "titleInstructions2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire les consignes"
      "titleRevisionReady" => [
        "en-CA" => "I am ready to review my work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Je suis prêt.e à réviser mon travail!"
      "troub-blue-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-blue-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-blue-balloon"
      "troub-scenery-done" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-scenery-done"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-scenery-done"
      "troubRevisionImage" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "troub_background_l" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_l"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_l"
      "troub_background_r" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_r"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_r"
      "AccessDeniedDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not have permission to access or modify this resource."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas le droit d'accéder ou de modifier cette resource."
      "AccountCreationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création du compte"
      "AccountCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "AddReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this reading challenge To Application"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ce défi de lecture dans l'application "
      "AlreadyGotAnAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Already have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà un compte?"
      "AlreadyImportedSpan" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>Already Imported</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "<span>Déjà Importé</span>"
      "AssignLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "BackToUserCreations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to bulletin board"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner au babillard"
      "CancelTransferTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre la distribution"
      "CaptchaErrorMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "A captcha error has occurred. If you are indeed a human ;), please contact us directly at NB: We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of any such problem."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur de captcha est survenue. Si vous êtes bel et bien un être humain ;), veuillez nous contacter directement à l'adresse NB : Il serait gentil de nous mentionner que vous avez eu un problème de captcha pour que nous puissions le corriger."
      "ChallengePrintTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "ChallengeTypeFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type de défi"
      "ChallengeWillBeLost" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge will be lost"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi sera perdu"
      "ChallengeWordCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0word-count%<span>words</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0word-count%<span>mots</span>"
      "ChangeCountryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my country"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer mon pays"
      "ChangeUsernameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change the account email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer son adresse courriel"
      "ClickToViewYourText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see your text at this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique pour voir ton texte à cette date"
      "CommentFromTeacher1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "CommentFromTeacher2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire"
      "CompletedStatusDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work has been completed. Neither the teacher nor the student may make any changes."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complété. Ni l’enseignant, ni l’élève ne peut maintenant le modifier. "
      "ConclusionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "Paragraphe à la fin"
      "CorrectionStateDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has submitted their work for correction. Only the teacher may make modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève a soumis son travail pour correction. Seul l’enseignant.e peut maintenant le modifier."
      "CourrielPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer votre adresse courriel"
      "CreateAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer mon compte"
      "CreateChallengeStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi"
      "CreateChallengeZero" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge from Scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de zéro"
      "CreateStudentssStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner des sièges"
      "DemoEndNextSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parents and teachers who want to know more?"
        "fr-CA" => "Parents et enseignant.e.s qui veulent en savoir plus?"
      "DoYouWishToContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you want to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Veux-tu continuer?"
      "DownloadApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Téléchargez l'application"
      "DuplicateSceneTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy an existing scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier une scène existante"
      "EmptyChallengeGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently no challenges for this group..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi pour ce groupe..."
      "EmptyClassroomList1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You currently have no groups..."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez actuellement aucun groupe..."
      "EndCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exit the scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Sortir de cette scène"
      "FBPurchaseImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "facebook_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "FamilyCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add my family"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ma famille"
      "FamilyUseParagraph1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Troubadour version for schools is also perfect for homeschooling. It allows parents to manage the child's work and guide their learning."
        "fr-CA" => "La version scolaire de Troubadour est parfaite pour l'école à la maison. Elle permet aux parents de gérer les défis de l'enfant et de guider ses apprentissages."
      "FamilyUseParagraph2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For a more flexible approach, or as a supplement to homework, we offer the family version. This version provides the child with an outlet for creativity that does not require the parent’s involvement."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour une utilisation plus libre ou en complément des devoirs, nous proposons la version famille. Cette version permet à l'enfant de créer plus librement, sans avoir besoin de l'intervention d'un parent."
      "FileUploadException" => [
        "en-CA" => "The document could not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le document n'a pas pu être sauvegardé."
      "FreeTrialNotStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your free trial will automatically start when one of your students starts working on your challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre essai gratuit démarrera automatiquement lorsqu’un de vos élèves commencera à travailler sur vos défis."
      "FreeTrialPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're giving you all the features of %$1productName% for %$0duration% days!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous offrons toutes les fonctionnalités de %$1productName% pour %$0duration% jours!"
      "FreeTrialPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This free trial allows up to %$0amount% students. Student accounts and the stories they write will be retained. To avoid any interruptions, purchase a subscription now!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit permet jusqu'à %$0amount% élèves. Les comptes des élèves et les histoires qu'ils rédigent seront conservés. Pour éviter toute interruption, achetez votre abonnement maintenant!"
      "FreeTrialPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We have prepared a free trial for you!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons préparé un essai gratuit pour vous!"
      "FreemiumGetSubLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "FreemiumSwitchTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been switched to free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes passé en mode gratuit"
      "GoToBorealTalesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer vers La Constellation de l’Ours"
      "HalloweenSceneLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Scène d'Halloween"
      "IgnoreTutorialStep1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to skip this step of the tutorial, you may ignore it and directly go to the next step."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez sauter cette étape du tutoriel, vous pouvez l'ignorer et passer directement à la suivante. "
      "ImportTemplateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Shared Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi partagé"
      "InProgressStateDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has started their work. Only they may make modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève a commencé son travail. Lui seul peut le modifier."
      "InTransferPackages2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements en cours de distribution"
      "InputConfirmPattern" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter “confirm”"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez “confirmer”"
      "InvalidFirstNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide your first name"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez écrire votre prénom"
      "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid credentials."
        "fr-CA" => "Informations d'identification invalides."
      "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
      "LeaveStudentComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave a comment for the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser un commentaire à l'élève"
      "LicencesSharedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages Available via Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements en libre-service"
      "LoginElsewhereTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are connected on another device"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes connecté ailleurs"
      "LoginRedirectionMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "After logging in you will be forwarded to the requested page."
        "fr-CA" => "Après vous être connecté, vous serez redirigé vers la page demandée."
      "LogoCdoVerticalDark" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-vert-dark-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-vert-dark-fr"
      "MarkedAsUndoneToast" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is no longer marked as finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail n’est plus marqué comme fini."
      "MaskingHowToTextAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi"
      "MustBeLoggedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "NanomonxCompanyName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx Inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx Inc."
      "NanomonxFooterTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We are"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous sommes"
      "NoClassroomWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "As soon as a teacher adds you to a group, you will be able to continue to work."
        "fr-CA" => "Dès qu'un enseignant t'aura ajouté à un groupe, tu pourras continuer à travailler."
      "NumChildrenLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Approximate number of children"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre approximatif d'enfants"
      "NumStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves ont fini"
      "NumberWorksFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_finished% finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_finished% fini"
      "OrgTypePublicSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public school"
        "fr-CA" => "École Publique"
      "PackageShareButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer des abonnements"
      "PasswordExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be used by the student to log in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Devra être utilisé par l'élève au moment de la connexion."
      "PredefinedSizeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Predefined size?"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille prédéfinie?"
      "PredeterminedLength" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Longueur prédéterminée"
      "PremiumFeature1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog full of turnkey activities."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue rempli d'activités clé en main."
      "PremiumFeature2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "PremiumFeature3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create challenges as desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de défis à volonté."
      "PremiumFeature4Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves."
      "PurchaseThanksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new subscriptions are ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos nouveaux abonnements sont prêts!"
      "PutSharedToTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille (arrête le partage)"
      "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
        "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
      "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A School"
        "fr-CA" => "Une école"
      "RedeemCodeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "RedeemCodeFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre abonnement"
      "ResetFiltersTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset all filters"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser tous les filtres"
      "ResetPasswordAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "ResponsiveErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For the best experience, consider using a larger screen (tablet or desktop browser)."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez utiliser un écran plus large pour bénéficier de toutes les fonctionnalités."
      "RevisionNoUCsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not started"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas commencé"
      "SampleChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi : Le défi du débutant."
      "SeeLessOptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Voir moins d’options"
      "SeeMoreOptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Voir plus d’options"
      "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send request"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
      "StateAsssignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "StateProvinceRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "State/Province/School Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État/Province/Region d'école"
      "StudentAssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à un groupe"
      "StudentPanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% is awaiting corrections for the following challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% attend des corrections pour ces défis :"
      "SubscriptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "TeacherPackagePrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% per year for the entire class!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% par an pour toute la classe!"
      "ThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Boreal Tales! © Copyright 2024 by Nanomonx Inc."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi La Constellation de l’Ours! © Copyright 2024 par Nanomonx inc."
      "TroubHelpBuildTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Construire"
      "TroubTryStudentDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e élève"
      "TroubTryTeacherDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e enseignant.e"
      "UnknownPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unknown subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement inconnu"
      "WelcomeToTroubadour" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour"
      "WhiteListPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre abonnement!"
      "WorkstatesHelpTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The different work states"
        "fr-CA" => "Les états des travaux."
      "YieldLicencesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement"
      "YourMessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your message"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre message"
      "buttonParagraphDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My text is complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Mon texte est complet."
      "coming-soon-warning" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Product Coming Soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un nouveau produit arrive bientôt!"
      "demoCatalogLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Check it out now."
        "fr-CA" => "Jetez-y un coup d'oeil."
      "demoTryWithStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo with your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo avec vos élèves"
      "nanomonx_loginLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous"
      "newAccCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email containing your receipt, and a link to confirm the creation of your account, has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour confirmer la création de votre compte."
      "newAccCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please check your email and click the link to take advantage of your subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez consulter vos courriels et cliquer sur le lien pour pouvoir profiter de vos abonnements!"
      "titleGeneralComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read your teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Lis le commentaire de ton enseignant.e"
      "troub_background_r2" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_branch_r2"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_branch_r2"
      "AboutUsStrengthTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expertise"
        "fr-CA" => "Savoir-faire"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "ActivatePackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer un abonnement"
      "AddMembersDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My family is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma famille est complète"
      "AdditionalActivities" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Note à l'enseignant"
      "AdmBackToConstButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-back-to-game-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-back-to-game"
      "AssetDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This game element contains dialogue. By deleting it, you will also delete the text. Do you want to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élément de jeu contient un dialogue. En le supprimant, vous supprimerez le texte également. Voulez-vous continuer?"
      "BackToUserChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux défis"
      "CDO_HelpInfosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CancelTransferAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop Pending Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre les distributions en cours"
      "CancelTransferButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Transfer"
        "fr-CA" => "Interrompre la distribution"
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "ChallengeLabelPrefix" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi&nbsp;:&nbsp;"
      "ChallengeStateShared" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est partagé."
      "CompletedButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer"
      "ConclusionChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add an additional text block at the end of the work? Ex: To write a conclusion, a summary, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin du travail? Ex: Pour rédiger une conclusion, un bilan, etc."
      "ConditionsUpdateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have been logged out due to inactivity.<br>Please log in again."
        "fr-CA" => "En raison d'une trop longue inactivité, vous avez été deconnecté.<br>Veuillez vous reconnecter."
      "ConstProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une application téléchargeable qui allie création de mondes et écriture pour inspirer les jeunes de 6 à 14 ans.<br><br>*Cette plateforme sera remplacée par Troubadour d’ici septembre 2025."
      "ConstellationAppDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Plays in an app installed on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Se joue dans une application installée sur ton appareil."
      "ConstellationAppName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ConstellationTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Worlds to build, stories to tell"
        "fr-CA" => "Des mondes à créer, des histoires à raconter"
      "ContinueConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue my work"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer mon travail"
      "CorrectionDemoButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e enseignant.e"
      "CountryNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This country doens't exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce pays n'existe pas"
      "CreateBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creating a Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d’un babillard"
      "CreateNewStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer une nouvelle histoire!"
      "DuplicateDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful!"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention!"
      "EducationalObjective" => [
        "en-CA" => "Educational intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "EmptyTextEntriesList" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write any text..."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit de textes..."
      "EndChallengeRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the correction of this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction de ce travail"
      "ExpiredPackagesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Expired Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes abonnements expirés"
      "FamilyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Le babillard de %$0name%"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free mode activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "GradeLevelDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must indicate the grade level for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez indiquer le niveau scolaire pour ce groupe."
      "GroupDeletedInfoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group has been deleted on"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe a été supprimé le"
      "HelpContactLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us"
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous"
      "HelpLexiconLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lexicon"
        "fr-CA" => "Lexique"
      "ImportTemplateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import a Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi"
      "InRevisionStatusDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher has finished correcting this work and the student must now rework certain texts. Only the student may edit their work."
        "fr-CA" => "L’enseignant.e a corrigé et souhaite que l’élève retravaille certains textes. Seul l’élève peut modifier son travail."
      "InstitutionCityLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "City of institution"
        "fr-CA" => "Ville d'institution"
      "InstitutionNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution "
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'institution"
      "IntroModeSizeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is recommended to use Small Islands when activating the Narration Mode. A world built on many Big Islands can be very time consuming."
        "fr-CA" => "Les petites îles sont recommandées pour le mode Narration. Un travail en plusieurs parties sur de grandes îles peut s'avérer trop long à construire."
      "LexiconUCDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Work</b>: A Work is the creation of a student in order to complete a Challenge provided by the Teacher. Students submit their Work to their Teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Travail</b> : Un Travail est la création d'un élève dans le but de relever un Défi de son Enseignant.                     Un Élève soumet son Travail à son Enseignant pour correction."
      "LicensesConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm your purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer votre achat"
      "ManagerNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "A teacher with the email [{{ username }}] does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant avec le courriel [{{ username }}] n'existe pas."
      "MaskedChallengesInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0num% challenges are hidden from this student"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0num% défis sont masqués à cet élève"
      "ModifyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify a Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification d’un babillard"
      "MoreInfoRequestLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Finalement, je veux les explications"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NanomonxProductsPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover our versatile platforms developed to learn to write."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez nos plateformes polyvalentes conçues pour apprendre à écrire."
      "NanomonxStrengthBond" => [
        "en-CA" => "Improve teacher-student relationships"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonifier le lien enseignant-apprenant"
      "NewChallengeAssigned" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge assigned!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi assigné!"
      "NewsletterPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe to our newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnez-vous à notre infolettre"
      "NoChallengeNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must enter a title for your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez saisir un titre pour votre défi"
      "NotEnoughSeatsCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0seatCount% seat(s) missing for your students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0seatCount% siège(s) manquants pour vos élèves"
      "NotEnoughThemesError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one theme from the list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir au moins un thème de la liste."
      "NumChallengePagesTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de pages pour ce défi&nbsp;:&nbsp;%$0var1%"
      "NumOfWorksInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% in writing"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% en rédaction"
      "NumOfWorksInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% to be reworked"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% à retravailler"
      "OrgTypePrivateSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private school"
        "fr-CA" => "École Privée"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PremiumFeaturesIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "You now have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez dorénavant accès à toutes les fonctionnalités!"
      "PrivacyPolicyOnlyUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PurchaseForOtherText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once connected to your account, you will have access to several options for sharing or offering your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois connecté à votre compte vous aurez accès à plusieurs options pour partager ou offrir vos abonnements."
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Brush mode enabled"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type: {userType} Country: {country} Desired classes: {classAmount} Message: {message}"
        "fr-CA" => "Type: {userType} Pays: {country} Classes souhaitées: {classAmount} Message: {message}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
      "ReadingModePopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => """
          Quand tu crée une vraie histoire, elle devient un livre animé que tu peux partager avec tes amis et ta famille.\n
                          Cette fonctionnalité n’est pas disponible dans le tutoriel.
      "RedeemCodePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you have an activation code?"
        "fr-CA" => "Avez-vous un code d’activation?"
      "ResponsiveErrorText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please try on a laptop or desktop computer, or on a tablet."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez essayer sur un ordinateur portable ou de bureau, ou sur une tablette."
      "ResponsiveErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher platform is not compatible with this device."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme enseignant n'est pas compatible avec cet appareil."
      "SampleChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Défi : Le défi du débutant."
      "SecondPromoPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The School subscription allows all teachers, specialists, educators, janitors, larks(!) unlimited use of Troudadour.<br><br>All this for as little as the price of 4 subscriptions!*<br><br>*Price may vary depending on the size of the school."
        "fr-CA" => "L'abonnement École permet à les, spécialistes, éducateur.trices, concierges, alouette(!) d'utiliser Troudadour à volonté.<br><br>            Tout ça pour aussi peu que le prix de 4 abonnements!*<br><br>            *Le prix peut varier en fonction de la taille de l'école."
      "SharedLicencesTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner(s) allowing you to self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire(s) vous autorisant au libre-service"
      "StartViewSceneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir la scène"
      "StayInformedWithToub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stay informed on all Troubadour developments!"
        "fr-CA" => "Restez informés sur tous les développements de Troubadour!"
      "StudentNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève n'existe pas."
      "StudentUserNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username"
        "fr-CA" => "Identifiant"
      "StudentsWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave this page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter cette page?"
      "SupportPlatformTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Support Platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Plateforme administrateur"
      "SwitchTeacherVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version enseignant"
      "TextEntriesListTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Texts"
        "fr-CA" => "Textes de l'élève"
      "TitleEndConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished?"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé?"
      "TitleOfYourChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre de ton travail"
      "TransferCompletedMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Your work has been added to your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super! Tes travaux sont dans ton portfolio!"
      "TroubAdvantagesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Avantages de Troubadour"
      "TroubDemoDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is a new online platform designed to help students of elementary cycles two and three improve their writing skills. This fun and educational app offers fluid feedback, helps students generate ideas and can be used in class and for distance learning. Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est une nouvelle plateforme en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du 2e et 3e cycle du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture. L’appli éducative et ludique offre une rétroaction efficace, aide les élèves à générer des idées et s’utilise aussi bien en classe qu’à distance."
      "TroubMetaDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Conçue pour un usage scolaire, Troubadour scolaire est une plateforme d'écriture créative qui aide les élèves de 7 à 12 ans à développer le plaisir d'écrire."
      "TroubadourStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Discover Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez Troubadour!"
      "TryTheDemoLinkButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la demo!"
      "UserTypeTeacherLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Professeur"
      "WelcomeToBorealTales" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans La Constellation de l’Ours"
      "WhiteListPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take a subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Prenez un abonnement!"
      "WhoWantsToStartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who wants to start?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui veut commencer?"
      "buttonConclusionDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "My conclusion is complete."
        "fr-CA" => "Ma conclusion est complète."
      "generic_student_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Generic student name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'élève générique"
      "largeSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large"
        "fr-CA" => "Grand"
      "packageReceivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have received a subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez reçu un abonnement!"
      "smallSizeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small"
        "fr-CA" => "Petit"
      "stripe_card_declined" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has been declined."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte a été refusée."
      "stripe_incorrect_zip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The zip code and/or address you supplied failed validation."
        "fr-CA" => "Le code postal et/ou l'adresse fournis ne sont pas valides."
      "studentsInGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in this group (%$0%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves de ce groupe (%$0%)"
      "titleCorrectionDemo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grab your highlighters!"
        "fr-CA" => "Sortez vos surligneurs!"
      "titleDemoChoicePopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la version démo"
      "troub-brush-revision" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-brush-revision"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-brush-revision"
      "troub-checkmark-icon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-checkmark"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-checkmark"
      "troub-yellow-balloon" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-yellow-balloon"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-yellow-balloon"
      "troubHelpImgNavigate" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-help-navigate-en"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-help-navigate-fr"
      "troub_logo_vert_coul" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
      "AccountValidationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account Validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du compte"
      "AddNewTextEntryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a new text."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre texte."
      "AdmTwitterAccountName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx"
      "AppCatalogDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog offers challenges suited to your group’s level."
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue vous propose des défis appropriés au niveau de votre groupe."
      "CDO_HelpVideosLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "ChallengePanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following students are waiting to have this challenge corrected:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves attendent des corrections pour ce défi :"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "ChoosenPredefinedSize" => [
        "en-CA" => "or custom number:"
        "fr-CA" => "ou nombre personnalisé:"
      "ChromeDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using the game on Chromebooks"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation sur Chromebook"
      "ClassPlusPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom+ subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe+"
      "ClassroomFilterGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google Classroom class"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe Google Classroom"
      "ClassroomPanelHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following challenges have pending corrections"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ont des travaux en attente de correction"
      "ConstLandingStatDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation to write."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants utilisant le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves face à l’écriture."
      "ConstLandingStatDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards re-subscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de service scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "ConstLandingStatDesc3" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game believe that using the game has had a direct positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants utilisant le jeu estiment que l’utilisation du jeu a eu un impact direct positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "ConstellationTagline2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teach children to read, write and socialize through play."
        "fr-CA" => "Apprendre aux enfants la lecture, l’écriture et l’univers social par le jeu."
      "ContactUsFormDescText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For technical support, general inquiries or more information regarding our subscription packages, please complete the following form. Our team will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour du support technique, des demandes générales ou plus d'informations concernant nos forfaits d'abonnement, veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant. Notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
      "ContinueTutorialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer le tutoriel"
      "ContinueWithoutCourse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue without activating the pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer sans activer le parcours"
      "CountryChangedSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your country has successfully been changed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays a bien été changé!"
      "CountryTagLengthError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The country tag must be 2 characters long"
        "fr-CA" => "Le tag du pays doit être de 2 caractères"
      "EmailConfirmationStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation de l'adresse courriel"
      "ExpiredPackagesTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expired Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements expirés"
      "FamilyMarkAsDoneTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Is your story finished?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton histoire est finie?"
      "FamilyMemberCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter 4 numbers that you will remember easily."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez 4 chiffres que vous retiendrez facilement."
      "FamilyMemberGreeting1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0%, welcome to Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0%, bienvenue dans Troubadour!"
      "FamilyMemberGreeting2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can learn to play by completing the tutorial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux apprendre à jouer en faisant le tutoriel!"
      "FileNotFoundException" => [
        "en-CA" => "The document was not found"
        "fr-CA" => "Le document n'a pas été trouvé"
      "FreeConstructionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can create as many sections as they wish."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut construire autant de parties qu'il le souhaite."
      "FreeTrialBannerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start a free trial"
        "fr-CA" => "Faire un essai gratuit"
      "FreeTrialPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essai gratuit!"
      "FreemiumSwitchMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "The writing pathway is now activated.<br><br>All other challenges have been unassigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Le parcours d’écriture est activé.<br><br>Les autres défis ont été déassignés."
      "HalloweenContestStep1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous sur cette page pour recevoir la marche à suivre par courriel."
      "HalloweenContestStep2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Participez à une activité d’écriture d’Halloween excitante avec vos élèves."
      "HalloweenContestStep3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Faites-nous parvenir vos histoires pour courir la chance de gagner 100&nbsp;$ sur <a target='_blank' href='%$0sponsorLinkUrl%'></a>!"
      "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
      "LicenceSubNavMyUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Usage"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon utilisation"
      "LoginElsewhereMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may only be logged-in on one device at a time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez vous connecter que sur un seul appareil à la fois."
      "ManageChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes défis"
      "MarkAsDoneStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette histoire est finie"
      "MarskAsDoneInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work is FINISHED!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton travail est FINI!"
      "MemberNameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This name can be fictional, but it's better if family members can recognize each other."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom peut être fictif, mais c’est mieux si les membres de la famille peuvent se reconnaître."
      "MyBulletinBoardsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Classroom Walls"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes Babillards"
      "NanomonxProductsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos produits"
      "NanomonxStrengthAdapt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapt teaching to meet students’ needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Adapter l'enseignement aux besoins des élèves"
      "NanomonxStrengthPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx specializes in the development of digital educational platforms that improve teaching and make learning fun."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx se spécialise dans la création de plateformes éducatives numériques qui enrichissent l'enseignement et rendent l'apprentissage amusant."
      "NanomonxStrengthPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based in Montreal, our multi-disciplinary team develops products that meet the needs of teachers and learners."
        "fr-CA" => "Basée à Montréal, notre équipe pluridisciplinaire s'applique à concevoir ses produits en fonction des besoins des enseignants et des apprenants."
      "NewPackageOptionsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Packages are valid from now, until Summer 2023!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements valides dès maintenant, et jusqu'à l'été 2023!"
      "NoActivationCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I don't have an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas de code d’activation"
      "NoPackagesPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun abonnement..."
      "NumOfWorksInPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% in portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% en portfolio"
      "OpenClientApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Open the app"
        "fr-CA" => "Ouvrir l'application"
      "PackageAddHelperTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pay with a check or via bank transfer!"
        "fr-CA" => "Payer par chèque ou virement bancaire!"
      "ParentValidationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The parent must enter their code to approve the sharing of this story."
        "fr-CA" => "Le parent doit entrer son code pour approuver le partage."
      "ParentValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The parent must validate"
        "fr-CA" => "Le parent doit valider"
      "PortfolioRemoveButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from the portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer du portfolio"
      "PrivacyPolicyOnlyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Privacy Policy"
        "fr-CA" => "Politique de Confidentialité"
      "PrivacyPolicyTextLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "<a target='_blank' href=''>Privacy Policy</a>"
        "fr-CA" => "<a target='_blank' href=''>Politique de Confidentialité</a>"
      "ProductSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access a product"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à un produit"
      "ProgressBarErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the current settings, students will not be able to place objects. Please increase the maximum number of words allowed or reduce the difficulty level."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec les paramètres actuels, les élèves ne pourront pas placer d'objets. Veuillez augmenter le nombre maximum de mots ou réduire le niveau de difficulté."
      "PurchaseForOtherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you purchasing for someone else?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour quelqu’un d’autre?"
      "ReadingModePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Livre animé!"
      "RestartCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restart"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommencer"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school was not found. You can add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "SharingChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the story <span>$%title%</span>?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager l’histoire <span>$%title%</span>&nbsp;?"
      "SingleStudentFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 student has finished"
        "fr-CA" => "1 élève a fini"
      "StartCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "StateArchivedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$0% challenge is in the bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% est en banque"
      "StateAssignedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge %$0% has been assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% a été assigné"
      "StudentTotalWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You wrote <span class="total-word-count"></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as écrit <span class="total-word-count"></span> mots."
      "StudentsInGroupsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in your groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves dans vos groupes"
      "SubscribeToNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe to our newsletter"
        "fr-CA" => "S'inscrire à l'infolettre"
      "TBDCatalogDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog offers challenges suited to your group’s level."
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue vous propose des défis appropriés au niveau de votre groupe."
      "TeacherTotalWordCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has written <span class='total-word-count'></span> words."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit <span class='total-word-count'></span> mots."
      "TemplateNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This template does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce gabarit n'existe pas"
      "TransferCompletedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work is in the COMPLETED section of your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tes travaux sont dans la section TERMINÉS de ton portfolio!"
      "TroubAppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour | purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour | achat."
      "TroubFamilyLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Instills a love of writing in children"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubFeatureExercices" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers the possibility to create exercises to meet students’ needs."
        "fr-CA" => "Offre la possibilité de créer des exercices en fonction des besoins des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureReviseWeb" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows correction directly on the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet de corriger directement sur la plateforme."
      "TroubReadInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux donc continuer sans lire les explications. "
      "UserChallengeNotOwned" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not allowed to modify this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas le droit de modifier ce défi"
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "WorkStatusChangedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may not make any modifications while it's being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas le modifier pendant la correction."
      "WorkstateDoNotCorrect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave it as is"
        "fr-CA" => "Le laisser comme il est"
      "WorkstateTitleWaitVal" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en correction"
      "assistedTooltipSubmit" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you have finished reviewing, click here to submit to the teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu as fini de réviser, clique ici pour soumettre à l'enseignant."
      "assistedTooltipToPage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget! You can return to the finished pages at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oublie pas! Tu peux retourner sur les pages terminées à tout moment."
      "assistedTooltipToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you are ready to add the text to this scene, you can do so by clicking here."
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu seras prêt.e à ajouter le texte à cette scène, tu peux le faire en cliquant ici."
      "const_hor_EN_25-black" => [
        "en-CA" => "const_hor_EN_25-black"
        "fr-CA" => "bnr_ConstellationOurs-black"
      "failedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis terminés"
      "objectTypeFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects"
        "fr-CA" => "Objets"
      "stripe_invoice_footer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions are not refundable, as specified in the user agreement available at the following address:  For any questions, contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont par remboursables, tel que spécifié dans l’entente d’utilisation consultable à l’adresse suivante :  Pour toute question , communiquer avec nous à"
      "studentPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "My portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon portfolio"
      "testimonyDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“A superb writing help resource that both students and teachers love. Boreal Tales is used in a variety of learning contexts, for languages as well as social studies.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Une superbe ressource d'aide à l'écriture grandement appréciée par les élèves et les enseignants qui l'utilisent. La Constellation de l'Ours est utilisée dans une variété de contextes d'apprentissage tant dans le domaine des langues que dans le domaine de l'univers social. »"
      "testimonyDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The children are pleased, the teacher too… I had never seen something that motivated students to write this much.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les enfants sont emballés, la maîtresse aussi…. Je n’ai encore rien vu d’équivalent ni autant d’appétence à écrire chez nos élèves. »"
      "testimonyDescription3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We are a homeschool class (family) and my boys both loved building their own Native village [...] , complete with reference books, and showing each other their finished creations to note the differences between lifestyles. This has been our most in-depth work until now, we have just recently subscribed but we already love Boreal Tales!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous sommes une «classe» (famille) d’école maison et mes garçons ont beaucoup aimé construire chacun un village autochtone [...] , accompagnés de livres de référence, et se présenter le fruit de leur travail pour dénoter les différences entre les modes de vie. Cela a été notre travail le plus approfondi jusqu’ici, nous sommes nouvellement abonnés mais on aime déjà beaucoup La Constellation de l’Ours! »"
      "403LoggedInTextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not authorized to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page"
      "AddAnotherMemberButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a person"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter une personne"
      "AdultCreateAccountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only an adult may do this; <strong>it only takes 2 minutes</strong>. Once the account is created, the whole family can get to work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Seul un adulte peut le faire; <strong>cela ne prend que 2 minutes</strong>. Une fois le compte créé, toute la famille pourra se mettre à l’œuvre!"
      "AdultSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is only for the responsible adult."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour l'adulte responsable."
      "AppPurchaseDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Boreal Tales subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements à La Constellation de l'Ours."
      "AssignedWorksThisGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work assigned to %$0student% for this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux assignés à %$0student% pour ce groupe"
      "CDO_HelpContactLinkUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChallengeActivatedInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge %$0ChallengeName% is now available to the following group/groups: %$1Groups%."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0ChallengeName% vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe / des groupes : %$1Groups%. "
      "ChallengeConceptsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a concept"
        "fr-CA" => "Notion à travailler"
      "ChallengeNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'existe pas"
      "ChapterLimitationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit the number of sections?"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter le nombre de parties?"
      "CheckoutCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase has been completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été complété!"
      "ChildSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s profile requires a password"
        "fr-CA" => "Le profile de %$0name% nécessite un mot de passe"
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ClassBasicPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ClassroomFilterClassic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classic Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe classique"
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "ClassroomNotOwnedError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not own this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne vous appartient pas"
      "ClickToViewStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see the student's text on this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour voir le texte de l'élève à cette date"
      "ClickToViewYourComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see your change on this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour voir votre modification à cette date"
      "ConnectTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à Troubadour"
      "ConstLandingStatsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Statistics that speak for themselves <sup>*</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "Des statistiques qui parlent d’elles-mêmes <sup>*</sup>"
      "ConstructionDemoButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it as a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez comme un.e élève"
      "ContactUsFormMandatory" => [
        "en-CA" => "All fields are mandatory"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les champs sont obligatoires"
      "ContinueCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep creating"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez à créer"
      "ContinueNoQuestionMark" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "DisplayNameExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name that will be visible to the student's classmates in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom que ses camarades verront dans le jeu."
      "EmailConfirmationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Email Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation de l'adresse courriel"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is currently in free writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en rédaction libre"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to change the state?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous changer son état?"
      "ForgottenPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Password Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtBuild" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour développer les idées, rien de mieux que de créer une scène!</p><p>Cliquez sur le bouton pour construire!</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtDecor" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ces boutons te permettront d’ajouter des objets et des décors à ta scène.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Une histoire doit avoir un bon titre! Par contre, ce n’est pas facile d’en trouver un...</p><p>Pourquoi ne pas commencer par construire des scènes et ajouter un titre plus tard.</p>"
      "HalloweenContestHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Concours<br>terrifiant!"
      "HomeschoolPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à domicile"
      "InstructionsToStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions communicated to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "InvalidEmailAddressMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid email"
        "fr-CA" => "Courriel invalide"
      "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "InvalidStudentDeeplink" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game is already installed?<br/> <span class='link'>Click here to start!</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est déjà installé?<br/> <span class='link'>Clique ici pour le lancer!</span>"
      "LexiconGameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Game</b>: The Game is the application that must be downloaded and installed on the devices used by the Students."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Jeu</b> : Le Jeu est l'application qui doit être installée sur les appareils utilisés par les Élèves."
      "LicenceSubNavWhitelist" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow Self-serve"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser le libre-service"
      "NanomonxCompanyAddress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal,<br> (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "NanomonxStrengthEngage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Involve students in their learning process"
        "fr-CA" => "Engager l'élève dans son processus d'apprentissage"
      "NewFamilyChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New story"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle histoire"
      "NewPackageOptionsInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Offer compatible with group purchase discounts. "
        "fr-CA" => "*Offre cumulable avec les rabais offerts sur les achats de groupe."
      "NoChallengeFromCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir du catalogue"
      "NoChallengeFromScratch" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de zéro"
      "NoTemplateForChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is not associated with a template"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'est pas associé à un gabarit"
      "NotEnoughSeatLeftText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not have enough seats for all of your students. As a result, <b>all of your students temporarily no longer have access to your groups</b>.<br>This may be due to the expiration of one of your subscription packages, or perhaps the owner of a package you were using has taken it back."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne disposez plus de suffisamment de sièges pour vos élèves. En conséquence, <b>tous vos élèves n’ont temporairement plus accès à vos groupes</b>.<br>                Cela peut être dû à l’expiration d‘un de vos abonnements, ou encore à la reprise d’un abonnement que vous utilisez par son propriétaire."
      "NotEnoughSeatLeftText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "To enable your students to access your groups again, you need to purchase a subscription package of the appropriate size.<br> You may also remove some students from your groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves puissent de nouveau accéder à vos groupes, vous devez acheter un nouvel abonnement correspondant à vos besoins.<br>        Vous pouvez aussi retirer des élèves de vos groupes."
      "OnboardingParentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent ou tuteur"
      "PopupButtonAcceptLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and agree"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai pris connaissance et j’accepte"
      "ProductMoreInfosButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "ProductSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle plateforme?"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "SendToCorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en correction"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the work you wish to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "SignupRedirectMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are being redirected to sign-up form"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes redirigé vers la Plateforme"
      "SwitchToCdoConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>You have challenges waiting for you in Troubadour, but none in Boreal Tales.</p><p>If you are sure, Boreal Tales is an application installed on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Tu as des défis qui t’attendent dans Troubadour, mais tu n’en as pas dans La Constellation.</p><p>Si tu es bien certain, La Constellation de l’Ours est une application installée sur ton appareil."
      "TBDCatalogTutorialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here you will find turnkey challenges, tailor-made by specialists in education."
        "fr-CA" => "Ici, vous trouverez des défis clés en main, créés sur mesure par des spécialistes de l’éducation. "
      "TBDSharingLinkNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "This sharing link is no longer available"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce lien de partage n'est pas disponible"
      "TransferCompletedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great!"
        "fr-CA" => "Super!"
      "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureSparkIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "To spark ideas!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour déclencher des idées!"
      "TroubFeatureWritingFun" => [
        "en-CA" => "Makes writing assignments fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rend les travaux d'écriture amusants!"
      "TroubHelpNavigateTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Scroll through your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Naviguer dans son travail"
      "TroubMarketMissionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "La mission&nbsp;: créer une thématique permettant aux élèves de représenter leur réalité sur notre plateforme."
      "TroubMarketProjectDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le projet <b><em>La chasse à l'oie dans Eeyou Istchee</em></b>, réalisé pour la Commission scolaire crie, illustre parfaitement le potentiel de Troubadour."
      "TroubStudentLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubTeacherLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour : Fait naître l’amour de l’écriture chez l’enfant"
      "TroubTutorialIntroText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Clique le bouton <em>Écrire</em> du <em>Défi du débutant</em> pour apprendre comment fonctionne Troubadour."
      "TroubadourFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why choose Troubadour?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi choisir Troubadour?"
      "TryDemoOnLargerScreen3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer.<br/><br/>Try it on a bigger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont conçues pour être utilisées sur une tablette ou un ordinateur.<br/><br/>Essayez sur un plus grand écran!"
      "TwitterCatalogImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UserPasswordCheckError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Incorrect password. Please enter your NANOMONX password."
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe incorrect. Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe NANOMONX."
      "Usework-pageNavTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use this menu to navigate the page"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez ce menu pour naviguer la page"
      "WorkStatusChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher is correcting your work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e corrige ton travail"
      "WorkstateChangedMyMind" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "WouldYouLikeToContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voulez-vous continuer?"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice1" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 star per word"
        "fr-CA" => "1 étoile par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice2" => [
        "en-CA" => "2 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "2 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice3" => [
        "en-CA" => "3 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "3 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice4" => [
        "en-CA" => "4 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "4 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoice5" => [
        "en-CA" => "5 stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "5 étoiles par mot"
      "WriteAsYouBuildTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "When the 'Write to Build' mode is activated, students will spend stars each time they place an object. To get more stars, they will need to write more words. This mode is useful for students who tend to spend most of their time building instead of writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque le mode "Écrire pour construire" est activé, les élèves utiliseront des étoiles à chaque fois qu'ils placent un objet. Pour avoir plus d'étoiles, les élèves doivent écrire des textes. Ce mode est pratique pour s'assurer que les élèves n'oublient pas d'écrire lorsqu'ils construisent."
      "assistedTooltipSubmit2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you're done, click here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tu as fini, clique ici!"
      "buttonInstructionsRead" => [
        "en-CA" => "I carefully read the instructions!"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai bien lu les consignes!"
      "demoCorrectionEndTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "More tools to come!"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus d’outils à venir!"
      "demoSellingPointsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers you:"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour vous offre :"
      "troub_ecureuilSouriant" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub_ecureuilSouriant"
        "fr-CA" => "troub_ecureuilSouriant"
      "troubadourLogoVertical" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-coul"
      "2020SubscriptionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "From now on, instead of purchasing licenses for each student in your group, you simply need to buy the package that best suits the size of your class."
        "fr-CA" => " Dorénavant, plutôt que d’acheter des licences pour chaque élève de votre groupe, vous sélectionnez simplement l’abonnement qui convient à la taille de votre groupe."
      "AccountCreatedObjective" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before proceeding, for what purpose are you creating this account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de continuer, dans quel but créez-vous ce compte? "
      "AddGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire"
      "AddToPortfolioPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "They will be added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Ils iront maintenant dans ton portfolio."
      "AdminManageHeadingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Managing Nanomonx accounts and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Gestion de comptes et d’abonnements Nanomonx"
      "AdultCreateAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask an adult to create the account"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande à un adulte de créer le compte"
      "BlocksAmountDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is divided in how many parts? Each part contains a scene and a text block."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est divisé en combien de parties? Chaque partie comporte une scène et un bloc de texte."
      "CSVExcelExampleFileName" => [
        "en-CA" => "import_example_excel"
        "fr-CA" => "import_exemple_excel"
      "ChallengeActivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge activated! <span>from the pathway: %$0CourseName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi activé!<span>du parcours : %$0CourseName%</span>"
      "ChallengeStateNotShared" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is not shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est pas partagé."
      "ChallengesCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d'un défi"
      "ChapterEnvironmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Environment Selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Choix de l'environnement"
      "ChooseYourPlatformTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose your platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez votre plateforme"
      "ClassroomStudentsNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0variableA% students"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0variableA% élèves"
      "CompletedStatusSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Complété"
      "CorrectStudentParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct the student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigez le paragraphe de l'élève"
      "CreateChallengeTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Challenge from our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de notre catalogue"
      "DeepLinkValidationError" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occured"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue"
      "DemoEndContinueSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you want to continue creating?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu veux continuer à créer?"
      "DemoEndDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is:"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour c'est:"
      "DuplicateMenuButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy a scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier une scène"
      "EnableWriteToBuildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the 'Write to Build' mode ?"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le mode "Écrire pour construire" ?"
      "EndCorrectionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "End of correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Fin de la correction"
      "FamilySubscriptionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0MonthlyPrice% per month <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> unlimited access for the whole family"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0MonthlyPrice% par mois <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> accès illimité pour toute la famille"
      "FirstPromotionPopupLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "FirstPromotionPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction tools, positive feedback, educational differentiation...<br><br>During a webinar with Tania you will learn how Troubadour was designed to meet the needs of teachers!"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction, rétroaction positive, différentiation pédagogique...<br><br>Apprenez comment Troubadour a été conçu pour répondre aux besoins des enseignants au cours d’un webinaire avec Tania!"
      "FreeTrialMessageBanner2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Want to try the game with your class? Have a %$0duration%-day free trial, on us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez essayer le jeu avec votre classe? Obtenez des licences d'essai de %$0duration% jours, gratuitement!"
      "FreemiumPromotionHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access all features with the %$0startYear%-%$1endYear% subscription. Valid until August %$1endYear%!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accédez à toutes les fonctionnalités avec l’abonnement %$0startYear%-%$1endYear%. Valide jusqu’en aout %$1endYear%!"
      "GetNotifiedByNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get notified!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour être averti!"
      "GroupConfigurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group Editing"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration d'un groupe"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ajoutez maintenant un objet ou un décor à ta scène.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtFinish" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Tu peux maintenant t’amuser avec cette page. Lorsque tu es prêt à créer des histoires, quitte ce tutoriel pour commencer!</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu as fini, n’oublie pas de l’indiquer ici.</p><p>Ne t’en fais pas, tu peux revenir dans une histoire et la changer même si elle est finie.</p>"
      "HistoricalCategoryLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit sensitive elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter les éléments sensibles"
      "LoggedAsSupportUserName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged in as a"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté en tant que"
      "ManageSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les abonnements"
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We're sorry to see you go!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous sommes désolés de vous voir partir!"
      "MarkAsDoneTitleWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're done, click this button!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu as fini, clique sur ce bouton!"
      "MarkAsUnDoneStoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is not complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette histoire n'est pas finie"
      "MarkUndoneTitleWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you're not sure that you're finished, click this button!"
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’est pas certain d’avoir fini, clique sur ce bouton!"
      "MarskAsDoneNeedRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have finished reworking!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as fini de retravailler!"
      "MemberSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is only for the parent."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour le parent."
      "MissingTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "My crazy cat!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les alligators allumés "
      "NanomonxCompanyAddress2" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 André-Grasset, suite 201 <br/> Montréal, Québec, H2M 2E9<br/>Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 André-Grasset, suite 201 <br/> Montréal, Québec, H2M 2E9<br/>Canada"
      "NeedsRevisionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected this work. You must make some corrections:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a corrigé ces travaux. Tu dois faire des petites modifications:"
      "NewFamilyChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new story"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer une nouvelle histoire"
      "NewUserChallengeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not started this work."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas encore commencé ce travail."
      "NoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis actifs"
      "NoChallengesToStartInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève n’a pas de défis assigné"
      "NumberWorksInCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% en correction"
      "OnboardingManagerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I wish to manage or purchase subscription packages for someone else"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux gérer ou acheter des abonnements pour quelqu’un d’autre"
      "OnboardingTeacherButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, or other education specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant.e ou autre spécialiste de l'éducation"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
      "ParentSwitchAccessTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This section is restricted parent only."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette section est uniquement pour le parent."
      "PasswordHelperTextShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using different passwords for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève."
      "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type: {userType} Country: {country} Desired classes: {classAmount}"
        "fr-CA" => " Type: {userType} Pays: {country} Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
      "ReadingChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to change the content of a reading challenge, open the application and log in using the same credentials used to connect to the teacher platform. You must set the challenge to “public” to make it available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour modifier le contenu d’un défi de lecture, ouvrez l’application et connectez-vous avec les mêmes identifiants que ceux utilisés sur la plateforme enseignant. Vous devez le rendre public pour qu'il soit visible par les élèves du groupe."
      "RedeemCodePopupMainText" => [
        "en-CA" => "An activation code will automatically assign you a subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Un code d’activation vous assignera automatiquement un abonnement."
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best fit your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "SeatsCurrentlyUsedTotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats currently in use: %$0% of %$1%"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges utilisés en ce moment : %$0% sur %$1%"
      "SeeModificationsHistory" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the modification history"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l'historique des modifications"
      "ShareWorkNoPersInfoWarn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ensure the work does not include personal information."
        "fr-CA" => "Assurez-vous que le travail ne contienne pas de renseignements personnels."
      "StartConsultationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter"
      "StateUnassignedMsgTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge %$0% has been unassigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi %$0% a été désassigné."
      "StudentShouldReviewText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you send this work for revision, the student will have to revise this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous envoyez ce travail en révision, l’élève devra modifier ce texte."
      "StudentsNotStartedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "These students have not started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves n’ont pas commencé."
      "StudentsNotStartedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The list excludes students for whom the challenge is hidden."
        "fr-CA" => "La liste exclu les élèves pour lesquels le défi est masqué."
      "SwitchToCdoConfirmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to use Boreal Tales?"
        "fr-CA" => "Es-tu certain de vouloir utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours?"
      "TBDCatalogTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue des défis"
      "TextEntrySaveSuccessful" => [
        "en-CA" => "The text has been saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Le texte a été sauvegardé."
      "ThirdPromotionPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school bulletin board for creating projects that bring together many classes.<br><br>A dashboard for monitoring the evolution of student engagement."
        "fr-CA" => "Le babillard école pour créer des projets réunissant plusieurs classes.<br><br>Un tableau de bord pour suivre l'évolution de l'engagement des élèves."
      "TitleOfStudentChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of the student's work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail de l'élève"
      "TroubChallengesWorkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges and Works"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis et travaux"
      "TroubDemoStartLearnMore" => [
        "en-CA" => "To learn more on the features, classroom use and pricing, follow the link below!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour en savoir plus sur les fonctionnalités, l'utilisation en classe et les tarifs, c'est par ici!"
      "TroubFeatureApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "A web app that helps develop writing skills"
        "fr-CA" => "Une appli Web pour travailler l'écriture"
      "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
      "TroubFeatureHelpStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Helps students improve their writing skills"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide les élèves à s'améliorer en écriture"
      "TroubFirstVisitQuestion" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que c’est la première fois que tu utilises Troubadour?"
      "TroubadourStrengthPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning to write is an adventure in itself."
        "fr-CA" => "L'apprentissage de l'écriture est une aventure en soi. "
      "TroubadourStrengthPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubadourStrengthTime1" => [
        "en-CA" => "For students <br/>ages 8 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de<br/> 8 à 12 ans"
      "TroubadourStrengthTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour: writing to learn"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour: écrire pour apprendre"
      "TwitterPurchaseImageUrl" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UnassignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove student from group"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève du groupe"
      "UserAgreementPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please read and accept our new terms and conditions before proceeding."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de passer à l’étape suivante, vous devez lire et accepter nos nouvelles conditions d’utilisation."
      "UserChallengeCountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student can work on <span>%$0count%</span> challenge(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève peut travailler sur <span>%$0count%</span> défi(s)."
      "UserChallengeWrongState" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work must be completed before it may be shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail doit être terminé pour être partagé."
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandes-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "WorkStatusPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may no longer make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus le modifier."
      "WorkstateTitleCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "assistedTooltipToAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here to select your objects and build your scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique ici pour sélectionner tes objets et construire ta scène."
      "buttonReturnToChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to the challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner aux défis"
      "lightboxTriggerBtnLogin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more about the teacher platform features ."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez les fonctionnalités de la plateforme enseignant."
      "modifyBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce babillard"
      "newAccountCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>. It contains your purchase receipt and a link to confirm your account creation. Please check your inbox and click on the link to start using your subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour confirmer la création de votre compte. Veuillez consulter vos courriels et cliquer sur le lien pour pouvoir profiter de vos abonnements."
      "newAccountCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat!"
      "revisionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges to review"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis à retravailler"
      "stripe_incorrect_number" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is incorrect."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre numéro de carte est incorrect."
      " CreateChallengeTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge from our catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi à partir de notre catalogue"
      "AboutUsTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Customer testimonials"
        "fr-CA" => "Témoignages de clients"
      "AccountCreatedConfirmned" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account created and confirmed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compte créé et confirmé!"
      "AccountModificationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account modification"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification de votre compte"
      "AddInstitutionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We offer specific features to users within the same organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons des fonctionnalités spécifiques aux utilisateurs d’une même organisation"
      "AddToPortfolioPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have newly completed work. Well done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as des nouveaux travaux terminés. Bravo!"
      "BorealTalesDownloadText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales is an application that must be installed on student devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de L’Ours est une application qui doit être installée sur les appareils des élèves."
      "BorealTalesDownloadText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend that you try the new version of our platform called <a href='%$0TroubLink%'>Troubadour</a>.<br>Troubadour is played in a browser and does not require any installation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons d’essayer la nouvelle version de notre plateforme nommée <a href='%$0TroubLink%'>Troubadour</a>.<br>Troubadour se joue dans un navigateur et ne nécessite aucune installation."
      "CDOOnboardingDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "For young people aged 6 to 14, this downloadable app integrates world building and writing to inspire creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "Une application téléchargeable qui allie création de mondes et écriture pour inspirer les jeunes de 6 à 14 ans."
      "ChallengesNotStartedInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not started %$0num% assigned challenge(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève n’a pas commencé %$0num% défi(s) assigné(s)"
      "ChallengesNotStartedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "These challenges have not been started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ne sont pas commencés."
      "CommentPopupTitleStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is your text of"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici ton texte du"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Version of the text as of"
        "fr-CA" => "Version du texte en date du"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this story has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers cette histoire a été copié dans votre presse-papier."
      "CreateChallengeZeroShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "From scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "À partir de zéro"
      "DemoChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a challenge of your choice using the objects at your disposal. The full version of Troubadour will feature more than a thousand objects and characters and will allow teachers to create custom challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un défi de votre choix à l'aide de la sélection d'objets proposée.            La version complète de Troubadour contiendra plus d'un millier d'objets et de personnages et permettra aux enseignants de créer des défis sur mesure!"
      "DuplicateSceneDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your scene will be replaced."
        "fr-CA" => "Ta scène sera remplacée."
      "EditGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier votre commentaire"
      "EducationalPathwaySelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your educational path"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez votre parcours scolaire"
      "EndStudentCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish adding students"
        "fr-CA" => "Finir l'ajout d'élèves"
      "FamilyMarkAsDoneContinue" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer à écrire"
      "FamilyNewAccConfirmText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to <span>%$0email%</span>, it contains your receipt and a link to use the subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel a été envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>, il contient votre reçu ainsi qu'un lien pour utiliser l’abonnement."
      "FirstPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore all of Troubadour's features"
        "fr-CA" => "Explorez toutes les fonctionnalités de Troubadour"
      "FreemiumNoteThisWeekText" => [
        "en-CA" => "To begin writing stories, all they need to do is log in at <span></span>. Head to <a href="%$0challenges%">Challenges and Works</a> to see what your students have created."
        "fr-CA" => "Ils n’ont qu’à se connecter en allant sur <span></span> pour y écrire des histoires. Dirigez-vous vers <a href="%$0challenges%">Défis et travaux</a> pour voir ce que vos élèves ont créés."
      "GroupConfigurationLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration <span>%$0ClassroomName%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe <span>%$0ClassroomName%</span>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu es prêt à continuer, cliquer sur le bouton <b><em>Continuer le tutoriel</em></b>.</p>"
      "InstitutionPostcodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Postal code of institution"
        "fr-CA" => "Code postal d'institution"
      "InvalidStudentLoginTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Home"
        "fr-CA" => "Accueil"
      "MandatoryConclusionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory conclusion?"
        "fr-CA" => "Conclusion obligatoire?"
      "MoreInfoRequestQuoteText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to know more about our prices or buy a subscription?"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur nos prix ou acheter un abonnement."
      "MultipleStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% élèves ont fini"
      "NanomonxAppPurchaseTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx | Purchases."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx | achat."
      "NanomonxStrengthInnovate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bring innovation to educational content"
        "fr-CA" => "Innover en matière d'offre éducative"
      "NoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis créés"
      "NoHistoryTextPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no revision for this text at the moment."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore de révisions pour ce texte."
      "NoThemesLimitationsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "No Theme Restrictions"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune limitation de thèmes."
      "NotFinishedQuestionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Pas fini?"
      "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "PackagesManagementButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage My Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes abonnements"
      "PreventAnonymizationLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, copy this address in your browser: %$0link%"
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, copier cette adresse dans votre navigateur: %$0link% "
      "ProceedToCorrectThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer en correction"
      "ReadingModeFromPageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire à partir de la page en cours"
      "SaveGeneralCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Enregistrer votre commentaire"
      "ShareBulletinBoardButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard"
      "StudentFailedBannerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is done! You can only read your story."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé! Tu peux seulement lire ton histoire."
      "StudentFailedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé!"
      "StudentPanelHeadingEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% has no other work open for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% n’a que le travail présentement ouvert pour correction."
      "SubWorldEnvironmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Island Environment Selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Choix de l'environnement des îles"
      "TBDOnboardingDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "An online resource dedicated to developing creative writing skills for students from eight to twelve years old.<br><br>A perfect fit for schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme en ligne, dédiée à l’écriture créative, qui aide les élèves de 8 à 12 ans à développer leurs habiletés à l’écrit.<br><br>Idéale pour le milieu scolaire!"
      "TeacherFailedBannerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed. The student can no longer edit this work but can explore it."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé. L'élève ne peut plus modifier ce travail mais il peut l'explorer."
      "TeacherFailedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will become private, it will not be accessible to other students in the group. Only you and the student author will be able to read it."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail deviendra privé, il ne sera plus accessible aux autres élèves du groupe. Seul vous et l'élève auteur pourrez le consulter."
      "TextEntryDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you really want to destroy this text?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voulez-vous vraiment détruire ce texte?"
      "ThirdPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform your school into a community of authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez votre école en communauté d’auteurs!"
      "TroubTutorialIntroTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Super! Nous allons te montrer comment écrire une histoire."
      "TroubTutorialIntroTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "En faisant le tutoriel tu apprendras comment écrire une histoire."
      "TwitterPurchaseImageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_en"
        "fr-CA" => "twitter_og_purchase_image_fr"
      "TypeOfEstablishmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of establishment"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’établissement"
      "UserChallengeStatusTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut du travail"
      "WorkStatusPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher moved this work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e a mis ce travail au portfolio"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must wait for your teacher to finish correcting your work."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois attendre que ton enseignant.e termine de corriger ton travail."
      "WorkstateHappyCorrecting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy correcting!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne correction!"
      "WorkstateTitleInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail en rédaction"
      "completedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis terminés"
      "newChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenges created by your teacher. You haven't started them yet!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des nouveaux défis créés par ton enseignant. Tu ne les as pas commencés!"
      "newLoginEmailPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre adresse courriel "
      "stopCorrectionStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop showing explanations"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus montrer les explications"
      "troubadourLogoHorizontal" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-hor"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-hor"
      "writeAsYouBuildBaseCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Starting Number of Stars"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’étoiles au départ"
      "403NotLoggedInTextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to access this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accèder à cette page"
      "AccountSubscriptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Compte et abonnements"
      "AddMemberSeatsRestriction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have reached the maximum number of family members allowed."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de personne dans une famille."
      "AddMembersGroupDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My group is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon groupe est complet"
      "BabillardTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Week, theme, etc..."
        "fr-CA" => "Semaine, thématique, etc ..."
      "ChallengeConceptsSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a concept to work with, and to filter the catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez une notion à travailler pour filtrer le catalogue."
      "ChallengeDescriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes du défi"
      "ChallengePanelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following challenges have corrections pending"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces défis ont des travaux en attente de correction"
      "ClassroomsAndStudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups and students"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes et élèves"
      "ClickToViewTeacherComment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to see the modification of your teacher at this date"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique pour voir la modification de ton enseignant à cette date"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The address has been copied to your clipboard"
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse est ajoutée à votre presse-papier"
      "ConstLandingFeaturesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A versatile app for parents and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Une application polyvalente pour les parents et enseignants"
      "ConstLandingStatsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "<sup>*</sup> According to our 2022 satisfaction survey"
        "fr-CA" => "<sup>*</sup> Selon notre sondage de satisfaction 2022"
      "FamilyBabillardIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Bulletin Board is currently empty."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard est actuellement vide."
      "FamilyMemberPasscodesSent" => [
        "en-CA" => "All profile codes have been sent to %$0email%"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les codes de profile ont étés envoyés à %$0email%"
      "FirstPromotionPopupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Register for the webinar"
        "fr-CA" => "S’inscrire au webinaire"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your free trial period is over, you can reactivate the student accounts associated with it by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the work that was started, and will have access to it again once you have assigned them the seats of your new subscription package.To let your kids keep playing after the free trial ends, purchase now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement.Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$2productName%'s free trial offers <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% jours</b> days without any commitment. All features are available to you, whether you use it to homeschool, introduce your kids or students to fun and educational activities, or simply to learn more about it."
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% comprend <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges pour une période de <b>%$1duration% jours</b> sans obligation de votre part. Que ce soit pour l’école à la maison, pour offrir des activités amusantes et éducatives à vos enfants ou élèves, pour découvrir notre plateforme, votre essai gratuit vous donne accès à toutes les fonctionnalités."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "By purchasing a new subscription package after the free trial has ended, you can reactivate the accounts of the students associated with it.  Students will not lose their on-going  work and will be able to access it again. Ensure your kids can keep playing after the free trial by purchasing a subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "En achetant un abonnement à la fin de votre essai gratuit, vous pourrez transférer les comptes élèves qui y étaient associés.  Les élèves auront accès aux travaux déjà commencés et pourront continuer à y travailler. Pour vous assurer que vos élèves puissent profiter de Troubadour sans interruption, achetez votre abonnement maintenant!"
      "GroupDuplicatedMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "That name is already in use by someone in your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Une personne de votre groupe s'appelle déjà comme ça."
      "GroupMembersCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your group members"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les membres de votre groupe"
      "HalloweenContestSubheader" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour invite tous les élèves à créer leur histoire la plus halloweenesque!!!!*"
      "HelpPageSpecificLinkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Capsules of this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Capsules de cette page"
      "ImportTemplateActionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "LexiconTeacherDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Teacher</b>: Anyone responsible for one or more children (Students): parents, teachers, tutors, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Enseignant</b> : Toute personne responsable d'un ou plusieurs enfants (Élèves) : parent, enseignant, orthopédagogue, tuteur, etc."
      "LexiconWebsiteDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Teacher Platform</b>: This website. The Teacher Platform is exclusively used by Teachers and school and district managers."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Plateforme Enseignant</b> : Ce site internet.                 La Plateforme Enseignant est exclusivement utilisée par les Enseignants et les gestionnaires institutionnels."
      "MinimalConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Minimum configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurations minimales"
      "NotAvailableInTutorialMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel."
      "OrientationDisplayWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx are more fun to use in landscape mode. <br>Please turn your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont plus agréables à utiliser en mode paysage.<br>Veuillez tourner votre appareil."
      "OwnedPackagesDistribution" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribution d'abonnements"
      "PlayTroubadourDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "A web-based creative writing game that requires no installation. Quick to use with students"
        "fr-CA" => "Un jeu de création littéraire en version Web ne nécessitant aucune installation. Rapide d'utilisation avec les élèves"
      "PreventAnonymizationLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the button does not work, click on the following link or copy it in the address bar of your navigator: <br/> %$0link% "
        "fr-CA" => "Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: <br/> %$0link% "
      "ReadingModeFromStartLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Lire à partir du début"
      "RedeemCodePopupSecondText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you purchased through a distributor, you should receive the activation code by email."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez fait l’achat par un distributeur, vous devriez recevoir le code d’activation par courriel."
      "RedeemCodeinformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may now use the following subscription: %$0packageName%. This subscription allows you to add %$1% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser votre %$0packageName%. Cet abonnement vous permet l’ajout de %$1% élèves"
      "RetryingConnectionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Retrying.<br>One moment please."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous réessayons.<br>Un instant svp."
      "SecondPromotionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Make Troubadour a school project!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites de Troubadour un projet-école!"
      "ShareWorkFromNameQuestion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share <span id='current-name'></span>'s work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez le travail de <span id='current-name'></span>?"
      "ShareWorkPublicDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Anyone with this link will have access to read this story, and see the student's name, as well as yours."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous partagez, tout visiteur avec le lien pourra lire cette histoire et voir le nom affiché de l’élève ainsi que le vôtre."
      "SharedBulletinBoardsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard de %$0name%"
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "StudentChallengeGreeting3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0studentName%!<br>Ready for a challenge? Choose a work from those available below."
        "fr-CA" => "Bonjour %$0studentName%!<br>Prêt.e pour un défi? Choisis un travail parmi ceux disponibles ci-dessous."
      "StudentChallengeGreeting4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to <span>Troubadour</span> %$0studentName%!<br>Ready for a challenge? Choose a challenge from those available below."
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans <span>Troubadour</span> %$0studentName%!<br>Prêt.e pour un défi? Choisis un travail parmi ceux disponibles ci-dessous."
      "StudentClassroomGreeting5" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are part of many groups. Choose which one you want to work in today."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu fais partie de plusieurs groupes. Choisis celui dans lequel tu aimerais travailler aujourd'hui."
      "StudentFailedWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is not accessible to your classmates."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'est pas visitable par tes camarades de classe."
      "StudentRevisionBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected your work. You need to revise some of the text. Once the revisions are complete, resubmit the work."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e a corrigé ton travail. Tu dois réviser certains textes. Une fois que les révisions sont terminées, soumets le travail à nouveau."
      "StudentsSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves et abonnements"
      "SubscriptionRequiredTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription required!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement requis!"
      "SwitchToFamilyVersionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family can be used from your account. However, it uses a separate subscription and works differently from the school version. You can switch from one version to another at any time, depending on your use."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille peut être utilisée à partir de votre compte. Cependant, elle utilise un abonnement distinct et son fonctionnement est différent de la version scolaire.         Vous pourrez à tout moment, passer d'une version à l'autre, selon votre utilisation."
      "TBDChallengeTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have configured your Nanomonx account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez configuré votre compte Nanomonx!"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "It’s time to create writing challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer des défis d’écriture!"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour"
      "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn_en"
        "fr-CA" => "TROUBADOUR_BackToGameBtn_fr"
      "TeacherFailedBannerTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "TeacherRevisionBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have marked some texts as requiring revision. When the student has completed the corrections, they may re-submit the work for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez marqué certains textes comme nécessitant des révisions. Lorsque l'élève aura terminé ses corrections, il pourra vous soumettre le travail à nouveau."
      "TroubadourFeatureSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour increases motivation, confidence <br/>and gives children a taste for writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour augmente la motivation, la confiance<br/> et donne le goût d'écrire aux enfants."
      "TroubadourStrengthNoIdea1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotes<br/>idea generation</br>for writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Favorise<br/> l'émergence d'idées</br> pour écrire"
      "UnlimitedExclamationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Illimité!"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "WaitingForValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En correction"
      "WelcomeToTroubadourFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Troubadour Family!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue dans Troubadour Famille!"
      "WhiteListPopupDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group has access to subscriptions.<br><br>Take one now."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous faites partie d’un groupe ayant accès à des abonnements.<br><br>Sélectionnez-en un maintenant."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may not write at this moment"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas écrire pour l’instant"
      "WorkstateNeedRevisionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can only modify the texts marked as To be improved."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève ne peut modifier seulement les textes marqués comme À retravailler."
      "WorkstateOnlyYouMayModify" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the only one who can now modify this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes la seule personne qui puisse maintenant modifier ce travail."
      "buttonCancelEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, I changed my mind."
        "fr-CA" => "Non, j'ai changé d'idée."
      "correctionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges waiting for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en attente de correction"
      "demoCorrectionEndSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>The student will need to correct the requested modifications and send the text again for correction.</p><p>The full version of Troubadour will have even more correction tools!</p> "
        "fr-CA" => "<p>L'élève devra corriger les modifications demandées et vous soumettre le texte à nouveau pour validation.</p><p>La version finale du jeu contiendra encore plus d'outils de correction!</p> "
      "demoTryCorrectionLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try them in our correction Demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-les dans notre démo de correction."
      "generic_manager_last_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "So-and-so"
        "fr-CA" => "Untel"
      "studentChallengesPageName" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Stop correcting and place this work in the portfolio?"
        "fr-CA" => "*Arrêter la correction et mettre ce travail au portfolio?"
      "BorealTalesDownloadHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download<br>Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger la<br>Constellation de l’Ours"
      "BrowserNeedUpdateErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform does not support your browser version. Please update your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme ne supporte pas la version de votre navigateur. Veuillez mettre à jour votre navigateur s'il vous plaît."
      "CDONoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Active challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Défis actifs"
      "ConnectedWithGoogleAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Logged in to your Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Connecté à votre compte Google"
      "ConnectionLostRetryMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hmmm, it looks like your internet connection is not responding. Retrying in..."
        "fr-CA" => "Mmmm, il semble que l’internet ne réponde pas. Nous allons réessayer dans..."
      "ConstellationSettingsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information specific to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Information spécifique à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "ConstructionHelpPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Need help?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin d'aide?"
      "CreateChallengeFromCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser le catalogue"
      "CreateChallengeFromScratch" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create from scratch"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer à partir de zéro"
      "DefaultParentChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "My first challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon premier défi"
      "DescriptionEndConstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will now send your work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu vas maintenant envoyer ton travail à ton enseignant.e pour correction."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete the exercice"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le travail"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to construction"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour en  rédaction"
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask student to revise"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève doit retravailler"
      "FamilyDuplicatedMemberName" => [
        "en-CA" => "That name is already in use by someone in your family."
        "fr-CA" => "Une personne de votre famille s'appelle déjà comme ça."
      "FamilyMembersCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your family members"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les membres de votre famille"
      "GeneralCommentTitleStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher's comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de ton enseignant.e"
      "GeneralCommentTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtNarration" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu peux commencer à écrire ton histoire. Inspire toi de la scène que tu as créé pour inventer quelque chose de passionnant.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtNextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Prochaine étape&nbsp;&rarr;"
      "InCorrectionHelpPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is being corrected by your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en correction par ton enseignant.e."
      "InCorrectionHelpPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must wait until correcting has been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois attendre que la correction soit terminée."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter a challenge code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "InvalidStudentNogroupPara1" => [
        "en-CA" => "To play our games, you must be part of a group. You can ask a teacher, parent, tutor or other person in charge to add you to their group."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour jouer à nos jeux, tu dois faire partie d'un groupe. Tu peux demander à un enseignant, parent, tuteur ou autre responsable de t'ajouter à son groupe."
      "InvalidStudentNogroupPara2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to be added to a group, you can give them your <b> username </b> and <b> password.</b> This is what you’ve used to log in. This will allow them to add you to the My students section of the teacher platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Afin d'être ajouté à un groupe, tu peux leur fournir ton <b>nom d'utilisateur</b> et ton <b>mot de passe.</b> C'est ce que tu viens d'utiliser pour te connecter. Ceci leur permettra de t'ajouter dans la section Mes élèves de la plateforme enseignant!"
      "LexiconStudentsDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Student</b>: Anyone using the game to build words and write text. The Student only works in the game, and does not have access to this web platform dedicated to Teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Élève</b> : Toute personne qui utilise le jeu pour construire des mondes et rédiger des textes.                    L'Élève travaille uniquement dans le jeu, et n'a pas accès à cette plateforme web dédiée aux enseignants."
      "MandatoryIntroductionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mandatory introduction?"
        "fr-CA" => "Introduction obligatoire?"
      "MemberSwitchAccessSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the password"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le mot de passe"
      "NoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Works"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "NoTextLockWarnTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no text to correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a aucun texte à corriger"
      "OnboardingCreateChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have finished setting up your Nanomonx account!<br>It's time to create challenges for your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez configuré votre compte Nanomonx!<br>Il est temps de créer des défis à vos élèves!"
      "OnboardingImportedStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students imported via Google Classroom (%$0%)"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves importés via Google Classroom (%$0%)"
      "PathwayPaidUserEnabledDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% has been activated.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% est présentement activé.</strong>"
      "RedeemCodePopupCloseButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "I do not have a code"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n’ai pas de code"
      "ReturnToCorrectingThisWork" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en rédaction"
      "ShareThisUCDisclaimerText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: It is crucial that the story does not contain vulgarity, personal information about the child, or defamatory messages. It is your responsibility to ensure that your posts meet these criteria."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Il est crucial que l’histoire ne contienne ni vulgarités, ni informations personnelles sur l’enfant, ni messages diffamatoires. Il vous incombe de vous assurer que vos publications respectent ces critères."
      "ShareThisUCDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the event that inappropriate content is shared, please note that Nanomonx reserves the right to delete the offending content, and close the responsible account in accordance with our terms of use. We are counting on your collaboration to preserve a healthy and respectful educational environment."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le cas où du contenu inapproprié serait partagé, sachez que Nanomonx se réserve le droit de supprimer le contenu incriminé et de fermer le compte concerné, conformément à nos conditions d'utilisation. Nous comptons sur votre collaboration pour préserver un environnement éducatif sain et respectueux."
      "SharedBabillardIsEmptyMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hey, %$0% hasn't added any works yet."
        "fr-CA" => "Tiens donc, %$0% n’a pas encore ajouté de travaux."
      "SharedBabillardIsEmptyMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Come back and visit this Classroom Wall later!"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenez visiter ce babillard plus tard!"
      "SingleConnectionForAllText" => [
        "en-CA" => "One connection<br>for all"
        "fr-CA" => "Une seule connexion<br>pour tous"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it on a bigger screen!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez sur un plus grand écran!"
      "StudentCompletedBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé!"
      "StudentFailedWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé"
      "StudentRevisionBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to edit elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu dois modifier des éléments"
      "StudentUserNameExplanation" => [
        "en-CA" => "To be used by the student to log in the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Devra être utilisé par l'élève au moment de la connexion."
      "SwitchToFamilyVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Basculer vers Troubadour Famille"
      "TBDReadyNanomonxGoogleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students may now log in to <a href="/"></a> with their Google accounts, to complete their first challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves peuvent maintenant se connecter avec leur compte Google à partir de <a href="/"></a> pour relever leur premier défi."
      "TeacherCompletedBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé!"
      "TeacherRevisionBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student must edit some elements"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève doit modifier des éléments"
      "TroubDemoConstructionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the Troubadour demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo de Troubadour!"
      "TroubFamilyProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Conçue pour un usage familial, Troubadour Famille est une plateforme qui permet aux enfants de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire dans un environnement sécuritaire."
      "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
      "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
      "TroubFeatureWritingNotions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers the possibility to work on all kinds of writing concepts."
        "fr-CA" => "Offre la possibilité de travailler toutes sortes de notions d'écriture."
      "TroubPartnerProgramTargets" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le programme Partenaires s’adresse principalement aux organisations culturelles et touristiques."
      "TroubadourAboutFooterTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is made <br/>with passion by Nanomonx"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est créé avec <br/> passion par Nanomonx"
      "UnavailableInformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information not yet available"
        "fr-CA" => "Information non disponible"
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "WhiteListPopupDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "These users have offered you a subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces utilisateurs vous offre un abonnement :"
      "WorkstateTitleNeedRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work needs rework"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail à retravailler"
      "WriteAsYouBuildChoiceLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of stars per word"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'étoiles par mot"
      "descriptionDemoChoicePopup" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now try our new platform Troubadour from two different perspectives!<br><br> Build a story as a student or give feedback to a sample student with an overview of our correction tools."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez désormais essayez notre nouvelle plateforme Troubadour de deux façons! <br><br>                                    Construisez une histoire comme le feraient vos élèves ou donnez de la rétroaction à un élève                                    fictif grâce à un aperçu de nos outils de correction"
      "generic_manager_first_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mr."
        "fr-CA" => "Monsieur "
      "stripe_invoice_description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx - Awaken the imagination. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to work with you."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx - Éveiller l'imaginaire.  Merci de nous donner cette opportunité de travailler avec vous."
      "troubadourLogoVerticalDark" => [
        "en-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-dark"
        "fr-CA" => "troub-logo-vert-dark"
      "AllTextEntryDeletionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroying this text will erase any corrections, history or comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce texte effacera toutes corrections, historiques ou commentaires"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes en train de corriger ce travail."
      "BrowserNeedUpdateErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please update your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez mettre à jour votre navigateur s'il vous plait."
      "CDONoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Created challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Défis créés"
      "ChallengeCreationStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will only have access to challenges that have been activated. You can create a bank of challenges, then activate them as your students progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves auront accès aux défis activés. Vous pouvez vous créer une banque de défis désactivés, puis les activer au fur et à mesure que progressent vos élèves."
      "ChallengeTeacherDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description"
      "ConfirmSharedChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The story <span>$%title%</span> has been shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’histoire <span>$%title%</span> est partagée!"
      "ConfirmWorkstateButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go!"
        "fr-CA" => "Allons-y!"
      "ConstellationRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux des élèves"
      "CorrectionWorkShareLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*The sharing link will remain unchanged."
        "fr-CA" => "*Le lien de partage restera le même. "
      "DefaultParentChallengeDescr" => [
        "en-CA" => "A first challenge, no instructions. Just build and write what you want!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un premier défi libre, sans instructions. Créez et écrivez ce que vous voulez! "
      "DefaultUserAgreementWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Note: Other terms may apply to you if your membership is subject to a contract, agreement with a government or educational institution. Account creation will include specific documentation for your case."
        "fr-CA" => "Note : D'autres termes et conditions peuvent s'appliquer à vous, selon que votre abonnement est régi par un contrat, une entente avec un gouvernement ou une entité scolaire. Les documents propres à votre dossier vous seront présentés au moment de créer le compte."
      "DeleteStudentFromListAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from the list"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer de la liste"
      "DuplicateTextLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will lose the texts of this scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu perdras les textes de cette scène."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est complet"
      "EndCorrectionCompleteTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student continues to work"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève continue de travailler"
      "EndCorrectionContinueTitle4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow the student to modify everything"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser l’élève tout modifier "
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work must be modified"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail doit être modifié"
      "EndCorrectionRevisionTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student must rework"
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève doit retravailler"
      "FamilyMemberSwitchCodeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The code entered is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le code entré est invalide."
      "FamilyRecurringPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille récurrent"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtAssetPlace" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Cliquez sur l'élément pour finaliser le placement.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtPagination" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ton histoire peut avoir autant de pages et de scènes que tu veux! Tu peux en ajouter ici.</p><p>Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel.</p>"
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% per year <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> unlimited access for the whole family"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0AnnualPrice% par an <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> accès illimité pour toute la famille"
      "InvalidStudentDownloadLink1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This game must be installed. If you do not have the game, <span class='link'>download it!</span>\u{2003}"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce jeu doit être installé. Si tu n'as pas le jeu, <span class='link'>télécharge-le!</span>"
      "InvalidStudentLoginGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0displayName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Salut %$0displayName%"
      "InvalidStudentLoginSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "À quel jeu souhaites-tu jouer?"
      "LexiconChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Challenge</b>: A challenge is the description of  a work given to Students: it contains a title, instructions and a series of settings configured by the Teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Défi</b> : Un Défi est la description d'un exercice soumis aux élèves:                     il contient un titre, des consignes et une série de paramètres ajustables par l'Enseignant."
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student*"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève*"
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*These changes will be applied when you assign the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "*Ces changements seront appliqués lorsque vous assignerez le défi"
      "MoreInfoSubscriptionPricing" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you would like more information about our prices, or to purchase a subscription, <a href='%$0PurchaseLink%'>visit the purchase section</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur nos prix ou acheter un abonnement, <a href='%$0PurchaseLink%'>visitez la section achat</a>."
      "NoChallengeDescriptionError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to add instructions for your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez ajouter une consigne à votre défi"
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With your subscription, you have full control over your students' writing challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec votre abonnement, vous avez le plein contrôle sur les défis d’écritures de vos élèves."
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to start by activating the <strong>Writing Pathway<strong>?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous commencer par activer le <strong>Parcours d’Écriture<strong>?"
      "OnboardingTroubCompleteMsg3" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the writing pathway, your students will receive a creative challenge every week. You will be able to read and share their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec le parcours d’écriture, vos élèves recevront un défi créatif à chaque semaine. Vous pourrez lire et partager leurs créations."
      "OverGameMenuBackButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour"
      "PathwayPaidUserDisabledDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% has been disabled.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>%$0pathwayName% est présentement désactivé.</strong>"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change your device and come back to see us!"
        "fr-CA" => "Changez d'appareil et revenez nous voir&nbsp;!"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The educational applications of Nanomonx have been designed to be used on a tablet or a computer."
        "fr-CA" => "Les applications éducatives de Nanomonx sont conçues pour être utilisées sur une tablette ou un ordinateur."
      "StateInCorrectionToastTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en correction."
      "StopManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop managing this Message Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêtez de gérer ce babillard"
      "StudentCompletedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're done!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé!"
      "StudentInProgressBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This assignment is accessible. Read your teacher's instructions carefully and get started! When you're done, don't forget to submit it for correction!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est accessible. Lis-bien les consignes de ton enseignant.e et vas-y! Quand tu auras fini, n'oublie pas de lui soumettre pour correction!"
      "StudentValidationBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is awaiting your teacher's corrections. You can read the story but you cannot change anything."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en attente des corrections de ton enseignant.e. Tu peux lire l'histoire mais tu ne peux rien modifier."
      "SubscriptionRequiredMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use of this feature requires an active subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour accéder à cette fonctionnalité, vous devez avoir un abonnement actif."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family and teacher versions can be used from the same account. However, they require separate subscriptions and function very differently. You may switch between these two versions at any time without losing any work."
        "fr-CA" => "Les versions famille et enseignant peuvent être utilisées à partir du même compte. Elles utilisent des abonnements distincts et fonctionnent très différemment. Vous pourrez passer de l’une à l’autre à tout moment et rien ne sera perdu."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: The teacher version is designed for use in class or for homework."
        "fr-CA" => "NB : La version enseignant est conçue pour une utilisation en classe ou pour les devoirs."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to the teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la version enseignants"
      "TBDChallengeTutorialTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "For your first challenge, we suggest using our catalog of pre-made challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour votre premier défi, nous vous suggérons d’utiliser notre catalogue de défis."
      "TBDReadyGoogleTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Everything is ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout est prêt!"
      "TeacherCompletedBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed public exercice"
        "fr-CA" => "Travail terminé public"
      "TeacherCompletedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will become public, it will be accessible to other students in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail deviendra public, il sera accessible aux autres élèves du groupe."
      "TeacherInProgressBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has begun working. Until the student submits the work for correction, you will not have access to make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a commencé son travail. Vous ne pouvez rien modifier tant qu'il ne vous l'a pas soumis pour correction."
      "TeacherValidationBannerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has completed this work. It must now be corrected"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève à terminé ce travail. Il faut maintenant le corriger"
      "TroubFeatureEasyRetroaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Supports the learner with teacher feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Soutient l'apprenant grâce à la rétroaction de l'enseignant."
      "TroubMetaHalloween2024Title" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Concours d’écriture terrifiant!"
      "TroubZohoDemoPageNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "UserTypeParentGuardianLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent ou gardien"
      "WorkstateInProgressOpenDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will be able to modify all your corrections. The challenge will need to be re-corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève pourra modifier toutes vos corrections comme il le souhaite. Le défi devra être recorrigé."
      "WorkstateTitleNeedRevision2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in needs revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant à retravailler."
      "assistedTooltipTitleWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget to give your work a title on the first page."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oublie pas de mettre un titre à ton travail en première page."
      "buttonContinueEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes! I know how to do it."
        "fr-CA" => "Oui! Je sais comment faire."
      "constructionChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en cours"
      "demoTryConstructionLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try a sample in our student Demo."
        "fr-CA" => "Découvrez les en partie dans notre démo du mode Élève."
      "failedChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has finished correcting one of your challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a terminé la correction d'un de tes défis!"
      "onlyRevsionChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is no challenge to work on at the moment. Your teacher or parent must create one for you so that you can work."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas de défi à travailler en ce moment. Ton enseignant ou parent doit t'en créer un ou corriger ceux en attente pour que tu puisses travailler."
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "BrowserNotSupportedErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform only supports Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera browsers."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme ne supporte que les navigateurs Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox et Opera."
      "CONSTELLATION_BackToGameBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "const-back-to-game-en"
        "fr-CA" => "const-back-to-game-fr"
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in group: <span>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe : <span>%$1Groups%</span>. "
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A regularly updated catalog of ready-to-use exercises is provided with all our subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d'exercices clé en main, mis à jour régulièrement, est offert avec tous nos abonnements."
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>The catalog is not available in free mode.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>Le catalogue n’est pas offert dans le mode gratuit.</em>"
      "ChallengeCatalogFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue"
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free mode offers challenges for all ages."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode gratuit offre des défis pour tous les âges."
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you will be able to create challenges on specific topics, and assign them to any of your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous pourrez créer des défis sur des sujets pointus et les assigner uniquement à certains élèves."
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureDesc3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>In free mode, challenges are assigned to all students.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>En mode gratuit, les défis sont assignés à tous les élèves.</em>"
      "ChallengeMaskingFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pedagogical differentiation"
        "fr-CA" => "La différenciation pédagogique"
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you can choose which backgrounds and characters will be accessible, the writing rules to practice, the structure of the challenge, and more."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous pourrez choisir quels décors et personnages seront accessibles, les règles d’écriture à pratiquer, la structure du défi et plus encore."
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureDesc2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>Challenge creation is not available in free mode.</em>"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>La création de défi n’est pas offerte dans le mode gratuit.</em>"
      "ChallengeScratchFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "La création de défis"
      "ConnectionEstablishedMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Connection restored!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion rétablie!"
      "CreateChallengeTemplateShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "From the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "À partir du catalogue"
      "DownloadBorealTalesPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the game • Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger le jeu • Constellation de l'Ours"
      "DuplicateAssetLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The objects and characters you have placed will be changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Les objets et personnages que tu as placés seront remplacés."
      "ExistingAccountCheckoutText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your subscription packages have been assigned to your administrator account. A receipt has been sent to the following email address: <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos abonnements ont été assignés à votre compte administrateur. Un reçu a été envoyé à l'adresse <span>%$0email%</span>."
      "ExistingAccountCheckoutText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to your account to create your students' accounts and start using the platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous dès maintenant pour créer les comptes des élèves et commencer à utiliser la plateforme!"
      "ExistingNanomonxAccountMsgqq" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> matches an existing Nanomonx account.<br>Would you prefer to use Google for all future logins?"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> correspond à un compte Nanomonx existant.<br>Souhaitez-vous utiliser Google pour vous connecter à l’avenir?"
      "FamilyAccountCreationTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creating your account and adding your family takes about 2 or 3 minutes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer son compte et ajouter sa famille ne prend que deux ou trois minutes!"
      "GameShieldConstructionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build"
        "fr-CA" => "Construire"
      "GeneralCommentSaveSuccessMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment has been saved"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire a été enregistré"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtMatControls" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu pourras choisir des options pour placer les objets.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtReadingMode" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour voir ton histoire en action, clique ici!</p><p>Cette option n’est pas disponible dans ce tutoriel.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemoTip1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Essaie par toi-même! Place quelques objets et décors.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtTryDemoTip2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Quand tu sélectionnes un personnage, clique sur ce boutton pour lui ajouter du texte.</p>"
      "HalloweenSignupRedirectTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes redirigé vers la page des règlements."
      "MarkAsDoneButtonTextWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Fini!"
      "MarkUndoneButtonTextWorkMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not finished!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas fini!"
      "NanomonxDescriptionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nanomonx promotes children's learning by creating digital educational resources that nurture their creativity, spark engagement and increase their motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Nanomonx favorise l'apprentissage des jeunes en créant des ressources éducatives numériques qui nourrissent leur créativité, suscitent leur engagement et élèvent leur motivation."
      "NoChallengeDescriptionError1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to add a context to your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez ajouter une mise en contexte à votre défi"
      "NoSceneToDuplicateDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "No scene available"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune scène n'est disponible"
      "OnboardingFirstStepCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "The first step is completed!"
        "fr-CA" => "La première étape est terminée!"
      "OverGameMenuCloseButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "My scene"
        "fr-CA" => "Ma scène"
      "PlayConstellationDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "A playful platform for immersive creative writing. Requires an installation"
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme ludique de création littéraire immersive. Nécessite une installation"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
        "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "RedirectToSchoolVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switching to the school version"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous allons basculer vers la version scolaire"
      "ReturningWhiteListPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do not currently have any valid subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas d'abonnements valide."
      "ShareChallengeCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager le défi"
      "SmallDeviceRestrictionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platform was designed to be used on a tablet or personal computer."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme est conçue pour être utilisée sur tablette ou ordinateur."
      "StartManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage this Message Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ce babillard"
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your classmates can visit it."
        "fr-CA" => "Il peut être visité par tes camarades de classe."
      "StudentInProgressBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est parti!"
      "StudentValidationBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In correction"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours de correction"
      "TBDReadyNanomonxTutorialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now provide your students with their account credentials, and ask them to log in at <a href="/"></a> to complete their first challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant fournir les identifiants à vos élèves et leur demander de se connecter à partir de <a href="/"></a> pour relever leur premier défi."
      "TeacherInProgressBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has begun working"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a commencé son travail"
      "TeacherValidationBannerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's your turn to correct"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est à vous de corriger"
      "TroubEnrichOrgExperienceText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Explorons ensemble comment Troubadour peut enrichir l’expérience de votre organisation."
      "TroubFeatureEducationProgram" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers content specific to the school program."
        "fr-CA" => "Propose du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire."
      "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
      "TroubPartnersProductCardText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Une version de Troubadour adaptée aux contextes touristiques et culturels qui permet aux visiteurs de raconter et de partager leur expérience d'une façon unique."
      "UnavailableTemplateForRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "This template is not available in this region."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce gabarit n'est pas disponible pour cette région."
      "WorkStateHeaderChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge: %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi: %$0name%"
      "WorkstateHelpChangeToCorrect" => [
        "en-CA" => "To make corrections, you must %$0%switch to correction mode%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le corriger, vous devez %$0%le faire passer en correction%$1%."
      "WorkstateTitleInProgressOpen" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch back in progress?"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en rédaction libre?"
      "assistedTooltipEndCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you have finished, return the work to be corrected to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous avez terminé, renvoyez le travail à corriger à l’élève."
      "assistedTooltipToInstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can find the instructions at any time here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux revoir les consignes à tout moment ici!"
      "generic_manager_display_name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mr. So-and-so"
        "fr-CA" => "Monsieur Untel"
      "usersAreWaitingForCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The following students have works pending correction for this challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves attendent des corrections pour ce défi:"
      "AddGeneralCommentTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a general comment?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un commentaire général?"
      "BrowserNotSupportedErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our teacher platform does not support your browser."
        "fr-CA" => "Notre plateforme enseignant ne supporte pas votre navigateur."
      "CDONoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales - Submitted student works"
        "fr-CA" => "Constellation de l'Ours - Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "CDOOnboardingDescriptionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "An application installed on your device. Kids will feel like they are creating their very own video game!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une application installée sur votre appareil. Les enfants auront l’impression de créer des jeux vidéos!"
      "CommentPopupTitleStudentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your text"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton texte"
      "CommentPopupTitleStudentText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte de l'élève"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacherText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Révision de ton enseignant"
      "CommentPopupTitleTeacherText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre révision"
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This story is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "ConstLandingTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""None have the stress of the blank page and the performance. All persevere. All experience success and pride.""
        "fr-CA" => "« Aucun n'a le stress de la page blanche et de la performance. Tous persévèrent. Tous\u{A0} vivent des réussites et de la fierté. »"
      "ConstructionStatusMissingPage" => [
        "en-CA" => "At this construction status, you must include a page variable"
        "fr-CA" => "À ce status de construction, vous devez inclure une variable de page"
      "ContactUsFormSendConfirmation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your message has been received and someone will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre message a été reçu et quelqu'un vous contactera sous peu."
      "CorrectionWorkShareCancelText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work will no longer be shared publicly. Once it is completed, you may share it again.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail ne sera plus partagé publiquement.<br>Lorsqu’il sera terminé à nouveau, vous pourrez le repartager.*"
      "EmailAndPasswordActivatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter avec le courriel %$0email% et ce mot de passe."
      "ExistingNanomonxAccountMsgqq2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> matches an existing Nanomonx account.<br>Would you like to add Google as a login method?"
        "fr-CA" => "<em>%$0%</em> correspond à un compte Nanomonx existant.<br>Souhaitez-vous ajouter Google comme méthode de connexion?"
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your card is charged, an email containing your receipt will be sent to <span>%$0email%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque votre carte sera débitée, un courriel contenant votre reçu sera envoyé à <span>%$0email%</span>."
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue to student account creation, and start using the platform!"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez pour créer les comptes des élèves et commencer à utiliser la plateforme!"
      "FamilyMemberPasscodesSentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "All profile codes have been sent to <strong>%$0email%</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les codes de profile ont étés envoyés à <strong>%$0email%</strong>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Si le défi a des consignes, c’est important de commencer par bien les lire.</p>"
      "GuidedTutorialTxtZoomControls" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Ici, tu pourras t’approcher ou t’éloigner de ta scène.</p>"
      "InvalidStudentNogroupSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You do have your own account, but it looks as if you are not part of a group."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu possèdes bien un compte, mais tu ne sembles pas faire partie d'un groupe."
      "LandscapeUnsupportedErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This content must be displayed in portrait orientation on this device."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce contenu doit être affiché en orientation portrait sur cet appareil."
      "OnboardingTeacherParentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use the platforms with students/children."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour utiliser les plateformes avec des élèves/des enfants."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students pending validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves en attente de validation"
      "ResendEmailConfirmationLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send me a confirmation email"
        "fr-CA" => "M'envoyer un courriel de confirmation"
      "StateInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must finish the correction before the student can resume working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can no longer modify this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus modifier ce travail."
      "StudentCompletedWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé"
      "StudentOverflowWarningMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your subscription allows for %$0SeatsAllowed% students. Currently, you have %$1SeatsAssigned%.<br>You will need to remove students from your groups, or purchase more seats to continue using your subscription.<br>The free mode will be activated until this situation is resolved."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre abonnement vous donne droit à %$0SeatsAllowed% élèves. Vous en avez actuellement %$1SeatsAssigned%.<br>Vous devrez retirer des élèves de vos groupes ou acheter davantage d'abonnements pour utiliser votre souscription.<br>Le mode gratuit sera activé entre-temps."
      "TBDOnboardingDescriptionShort" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, without any installation. Ideal for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, sans installation. Idéal pour les enseignants."
      "TBDReadyNanomonxTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Everything is ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout est prêt!"
      "TitleOfStudentChallengeSimple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title of this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du travail"
      "TroubTutorialLinkLocationTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu veux tout de même les voir, tu peux cliquer sur le boutton suivant"
      "TroubTutorialLinkLocationTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Il se trouve tout en haut de l’écran."
      "TroubadourFullVersionTraining" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a live training with our team!"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une formation en direct avec notre équipe!"
      "TroubadourStrengthAdaptation1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs<br/>of students<br/>and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux<br/> besoins des élèves<br/> et des enseignants"
      "UnassignedChallengesPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "These works will now be in the <strong>Unassigned</strong> section of your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ces travaux seront maintenant dans la section <strong>Désassignés</strong> de ton portfolio"
      "WorkSateHeaderExploreGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de"
      "assistedCorrectionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Give feedback to your student on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Donnez de la rétroaction à votre élève sur les différentes pages de son texte.</p><p>Vous pouvez modifier et                        surligner certains mots en utilisant les outils de correction ou indiquer si le texte est approuvé ou s’il doit être retravaillé.</p>"
      "assistedTooltipRevisionSubmit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here to give the work back to your teacher!"
        "fr-CA" => "Clique ici pour redonner le travail à ton enseignant.e!"
      "revisionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has corrected your challenge. Now you need to make some changes."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a corrigé ton défi. Tu dois maintenant apporter quelques modifications."
      "storefrontOtherPayementAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact Us"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous contacter"
      "titleCorrectionDemoReviseText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct the text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigez le texte"
      "AssistedConstructionSubmitText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your work will now be corrected by your teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton exercice sera maintenant corrigé par ton enseignant."
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in the following groups: <span>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves des groupes : <span>%$1Groups%</span>. "
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "CorrectStudentParagraphPageNum" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paragraph from page %$0PageNumber%"
        "fr-CA" => "Paragraphe de la page %$0PageNumber%"
      "CreateChallengeHybridCondition" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>The challenge has been activated for group %$0%, and students now have access.</p><p>The challenge was created for group %$1%, but has not been activated.<br>Activate the challenge when you are ready for your students to begin participating.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Le défi est activé pour les groupe %$0% et les élèves y ont maintenant accès.</p><p>Le défi a été créé pour le groupe %$1%, mais il n’est pas activé.<br>Activez le défi quand vous souhaitez que vos élèves y participe.</p>"
      "EmptyGeneralCommentTextStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has not left a comment. Correct any texts that are marked for revision in yellow."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant.e n'a pas laissé de commentaire encore. S'il y a des textes à réviser en jaune, corrige-les."
      "GooglePermissionsErrorPageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "On the previous page there were checkboxes from Google. You must check them in order to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Sur la page précédente, il y avait des cases à cocher de Google. Tu dois les cocher pour pouvoir te connecter."
      "GuidedTutorialTxtFinishedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai fini!&nbsp;&check;"
      "LandscapeUnsupportedErrorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Landscape orientation not supported"
        "fr-CA" => "Orientation paysage non prise en charge"
      "MustBeLoggedSanswerKeydWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to view the answer sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous pour visualiser le corrigé"
      "NanomonxAppPurchaseDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase of subscriptions for Nanomonx."
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements pour Nanomonx."
      "OnboardingPackageManagerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "To manage or purchase subscriptions for someone else"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour gérer ou acheter des abonnements pour quelqu’un d’autre"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
        "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
      "StudentWorkPopupCompletedEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works in their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail au portfolio."
      "TBDCatalogTutorialTextFreeUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>This feature requires a paid subscription.</strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Cette fonctionnalité nécessite un abonnement.</strong>"
      "TextEntryAddCommentButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire"
      "TroubZohoLandingPageNewsletter" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TroubadourFullVersionDateInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour is available <br/> Click here to find out the latest news."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour est disponible!<br/> Cliquez ici pour connaître les dernières nouveautés."
      "UnassignedChallengesPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work is no longer assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Des travaux ne sont plus assignés"
      "WorkstateNoEditWhileCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student will not be allowed to make modifications while the work is being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "L’élève ne pourra plus le modifier pendant les corrections."
      "WorkstateTitleReturnInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now in progress"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est maintenant en rédaction"
      "challengeCategorySummaryTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game elements and characters available in the student creation menu."
        "fr-CA" => "Éléments de jeu et personnages disponibles dans le menu de création de l'élève."
      "completedChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher has finished correcting one of your challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton enseignant a terminé la correction d'un de tes défis!"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de %$0name%"
      "ChallengeCorrectionFeatureDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription will allow you to correct, leave comments, and ask the student to rework certain parts."
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement vous permettra de corriger, de laisser des commentaires et de demander à l’élève de retravailler certaines parties."
      "ChallengeCorrectionFeatureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction et rétroaction"
      "ConfirmUseChallengeTemplateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that if you decide to leave this page, the challenge you are creating will be lost."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez prendre note que si vous décidez de changer de page, le défi que vous êtes en train de créer sera perdu."
      "ConnectionStillLostRetryMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your internet connection is still not responding.<br>Retrying again in..."
        "fr-CA" => "L’internet ne répond toujours pas.<br>Nous réessayons donc dans ..."
      "IncludedGlobalSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription allows:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’abonnement permet&nbsp;:"
      "NoTextLockWarnTextTeacherInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student has not yet written anything for this element."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas encore écrit de textes pour cet élément."
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use a tablet or computer to take full advantage of Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous sur tablette ou ordinateur pour profiter pleinement de Troubadour!"
      "OnboardingFreemiumCompletedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free subscription gives you access to the Writing Pathway!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’abonnement gratuit vous donne accès au Parcours d’Écriture!"
      "OnboardingFreemiumCompletedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<strong>A new challenge for your students will be activated every week! Be sure to come back often so you don't miss out!<strong>"
        "fr-CA" => "<strong>Un nouveau défi sera activé à chaque semaine pour vos élèves! Ne manquez pas de revenir souvent pour ne pas en rater!<strong>"
      "OnboardingProductSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "What game would you like to play?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quel produit allez-vous utiliser le plus souvent?"
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumPackageButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "View subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les abonnements"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly. Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "RedeemCodePopupActivationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez un code d’activation"
      "StudentInValidationWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's your teacher's turn to correct it"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est au tour de ton enseignant.e de le corriger"
      "StudentWorkPopupInProgressEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works in progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail en rédaction."
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge is good, but without students, it’s a bit sad :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi c’est bien, mais sans élèves, c’est un peu triste :)"
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<a href="%$0link%">Add students to your group</a> so they can benefit."
        "fr-CA" => "<a href="%$0link%">Ajoutez des élèves à votre groupe</a> pour qu’ils puissent en profiter."
      "TBDStudentCreationTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "All that's missing are your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Il ne manque plus que vos élèves."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%Completed%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%Terminé%$1%."
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are viewing the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous visionnez le travail de %$0name%"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusWaitVal" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting the work of %$0name%"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous corrigez le travail de %$0name%"
      "correctionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot change these challenges until your teacher has made the correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas modifier ces défis tant que ton enseignant n'a pas fait la correction."
      "ChallengeDescriptionManagerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to students"
        "fr-CA" => " Consignes fournies aux élèves"
      "ConstLandingTestimonialsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Caroline Cyr, 3rd Grade Teacher, École Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, CSSDM"
        "fr-CA" => "- Caroline Cyr, Enseignante 3e année, École Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, CSSDM"
      "CreateChallengeActiveSingleGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge has been activated for the %$0% group. Students now have access."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi est activé pour le groupe %$0%, les élèves y ont maintenant accès."
      "EndCorrectionCompleteDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can no longer modify his/her work."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève ne peut plus modifier son travail."
      "EndCorrectionContinueDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can edit everything."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut tout modifier."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can revise some texts."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut retravailler certains textes."
      "NanomonxEmailThankYouForPurchase" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for choosing Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir choisi Nanomonx!"
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hooray! You have finished creating your account! Your students can now begin creating!"
        "fr-CA" => "Hourra! Vous avez terminé la création de votre compte! Vos élèves peuvent maintenant réaliser des créations!"
      "SmallDeviceFamilyRestrictionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Story creation works on tablet or computer only."
        "fr-CA" => "La création d'histoire fonctionne sur tablette ou ordinateur seulement."
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is still being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est toujours en correction."
      "StudentEndRevisionValidationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Now it's your teacher's turn to correct your work! "
        "fr-CA" => "Super! C'est maintenant à ton enseignant.e de recorriger ton travail! "
      "StudentInValidationWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can't change this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux pas modifier ce travail"
      "TroubDemoConstructionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour's demo mode lets you experience the adventure of writing from a child's point of view. Troubadour is a fun and easy-to-use online application. Get to know this school-based platform by creating your own challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode démo de Troubadour vous permet de vivre l’aventure de l’écriture du point de vue d’un enfant. Troubadour est une appli en ligne amusante et facile à utiliser. Familiarisez-vous avec cette plateforme conçue pour le milieu scolaire en créant votre propre défi!"
      "TroubadourProductDescriptionPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Since learning to write is an adventure in itself, Troubadour offers an online educational platform that helps students of elementary cycles two and three improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Parce que l'apprentissage de l'écriture est une aventure en soi, Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne qui aide les élèves du 2<sup>e</sup> et 3<sup>e</sup> cycle du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "TroubadourStrengthAccessibility1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A simple website, <br/>accessible from <br/>anywhere"
        "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web,<br/> accessible de<br/> partout"
      "WorkSateHeaderCorrectionGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting the work of"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous corrigez le travail de"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not open for correction at this time"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas corriger pour l’instant"
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%In correction%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%En correction%$1%."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is: %$0%In progress%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%En rédaction%$1%."
      "WorkstateHelpCurrStateInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is in: %$0%Needs revision%$1%."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est : %$0%À retravailler%$1%."
      "WorkstateQuestSwitchToCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to move this work back to In correction?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous passer le travail au mode En correction afin de le corriger?"
      "titleCorrectionDemoRetroaction1 " => [
        "en-CA" => "Add feedback!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez de la retroaction!"
      "AssistedConstructionToExploreMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to read your story?"
        "fr-CA" => "Voudrais-tu faire une lecture guidée de ton histoire?"
      "EmailChallengeActivatedInfoSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span style='color:#123289'><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in group: <span style='color:#3F6FE9'>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span style='color:#123289'><strong><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></strong></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves du groupe : <span style='color:#3F6FE9'><strong>%$1Groups%</strong></span>. "
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDescription4" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can only rework texts that need to be improved."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève ne peut retravailler que les textes à améliorer."
      "GooglePermissionsErrorPageHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "To log in, you must accept the Google permissions"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour te connecter, tu dois accepter les accès Google"
      "StudentEndConstructionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you send it to your teacher, you will not be able to change it while it is being corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tu enverras à ton enseignant.e, tu ne pourras plus modifier ce travail pendant la correction."
      "StudentWorkPopupNeedRevisionEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Currently, the student does not have any works that require reworking."
        "fr-CA" => "Présentement, l’élève n’a pas de travail à retravailler."
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will have access to a challenge only after it has been activated."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin que vos élèves puissent accéder à votre défi, celui-ci doit être activé."
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate it from <a href="%$0link%">the challenges list</a>!"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez-le depuis <a href="%$0link%">la liste des défis</a>!"
      "TBDActivateChallengeTutorialTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Activez votre défi"
      "TeacherEndValidationWorkMenuText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish correcting"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer la correction"
      "TroubMetaHalloween2024Description" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Courez la chance de gagner un chèque-cadeau de 300$"
      "TroubadourNoActiveChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Active challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Défis actifs"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé."
      "allUserChallengesCorrectedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have completed all the corrections for this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez corrigé tous les travaux en attente de correction pour cet exercice."
      "assistedConstructionEndStepByStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Assisted writing will no longer be activated for this work.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>La rédaction guidée ne pourra plus être réactivée pour ce travail.</p><p>Veux-tu continuer?</p>"
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionDemo" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Here is the work of a fictitious student! Give the student feedback on the different pages of his text.</p><p>You can modify and highlight certain words by using the correction tools, or indicate if the text has been approved or if it needs to be reworked.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Voici le travail d’un élève fictif! Donnez lui de la rétroaction sur les différentes pages de son texte.</p><p>Vous pouvez modifier et surligner certains mots en utilisant les outils de correction ou indiquer si le texte est approuvé ou s’il doit être retravaillé.</p>"
      "constructionChallengesDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "You started these challenges but did not submit them to your teacher. Finish them so you can submit them!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as commencé ces défis mais tu ne les as pas soumis à ton enseignant. Termine-les afin de les soumettre!"
      "corrHeaderGreetingStatusCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work has been completed"
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est terminé"
      "ChallengeActivatedInfoUnknownGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> has just been launched to the students in your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves de votre groupe!"
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "CreateChallengeInactiveSingleGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge was created for the %$0% group, but has not been activated.<br>Activate the challenge when you want your students to participate."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi a été créé pour le groupe %$0%, mais il n’est pas activé.<br>Activez le défi quand vous souhaitez que vos élèves y participe."
      "GoogleClassroomMustUseTroubMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google Classroom classes must use %$0%Troubadour%$1%"
        "fr-CA" => "Les groupes Google Classroom doivent utiliser %$0%Troubadour%$1%"
      "InvalidStudentStudentLoginGreeting" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hello %$0displayName%"
        "fr-CA" => "Salut %$0displayName%"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> transferred Nanomonx subscriptions to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré des abonnements Nanomonx:"
      "OnboardingProductSelectionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You will be able to use other products later "
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous aurez toujours accès à l’autre plateforme."
      "ReturningWhiteListPopupDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "However, you belong to a group with access to subscriptions.<br><br>Get one now"
        "fr-CA" => "Par contre, vous faites partie d’un groupe ayant accès a des abonnements.<br><br>Prenez-en un maintenant"
      "StudentEndConstructionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre le travail à ton enseignant pour correction"
      "TeacherCompletedBannerToggleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mark this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce travail privé"
      "TeacherStartValidationWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch the exercice to correction state"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre le travail en correction"
      "TroubadourNoChallengesCreatedLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Created challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Défis créés"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTitleCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing no longer allowed"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu ne peux plus écrire"
      "ConstellationProductDescriptionPara" => [
        "en-CA" => "Since 2016, Boreal Tales has been enabling kids to bring their stories to life on a unique platform that can be used in both home and school situations. Thousands of children in Canada and abroad use it to work on writing and social studies in a fun way."
        "fr-CA" => "Depuis 2016, La Constellation de l’Ours propose aux jeunes de donner vie à leurs récits sur une plateforme unique, utilisable dans un contexte familial et scolaire. Des milliers de jeunes au Canada et à l'étranger l'utilisent pour travailler l'écriture et l'univers social de façon ludique."
      "CreateChallengeActiveMultipleGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge has been activated for students in the %$0% group."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi est activé pour les groupe %$0% les élèves y ont maintenant accès."
      "DuplicateAssetAndTextLostDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects and characters <u>as well as your texts</u> will be replaced."
        "fr-CA" => "Les objets et personnages <u>ainsi que tes textes</u> seront remplacés."
      "EmailChallengeActivatedInfoMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge <span style='color:#123289'><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></span> is now available to students in the following groups: <span style='color:#3F6FE9'>%$1Groups%</span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Le défi <span style='color:#123289'><strong><em>%$0ChallengeName%</em></strong></span> vient d’être lancé aux élèves des groupes : <span style='color:#3F6FE9'><strong>%$1Groups%</strong></span>. "
      "GuidedTutorialTxtMatControlsOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Choisissez l’une des options ci-dessus.</p>"
      "OnboardingEndDeviceRestrictSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The platform is not available on mobile devices."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme n’est pas disponible sur mobile."
      "StudentCompleteRevisionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre le travail à ton enseignant pour correction."
      "StudentEndConstructionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Have you finished building your story?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as terminé de construire ton histoire?"
      "TeacherStartValidationWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to correct this work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous souhaitez corriger ce travail?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionDone" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue your story on the next page."
        "fr-CA" => "Continue ton histoire sur la prochaine page."
      "assistedTooltipFullscreenCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "The use of Troubadour is more enjoyable in full screen mode."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisation de Troubadour est plus agréable en mode plein écran."
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Mark's work is now in progress. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant en rédaction. Continuez votre correction."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% student has not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élève n'a pas commencé"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "FeatureNotAvailableInThisModeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This option is not available when the work is in this status."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible quand le défi est dans ce mode."
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: your account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last chance - your account is about to be deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière chance - votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé!"
      "StudentCompleteRevisionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Did you review everything?"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu as tout révisé?"
      "StudentEndConstructionValidationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Great! Now it's your teacher's turn to correct your work! "
        "fr-CA" => "Super! C'est maintenant à ton enseignant.e de corriger ton travail! "
      "TeacherStartCorrectionNewWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "TroubadourNoSubmittedChallengesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour - Submitted student works"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour - Travaux d'élèves soumis"
      "WorkstateStudentModifyOnlyMarkedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you want the student to modify only the texts marked as To be improved, %$0openlink%click here%$1closelink%."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez que l’élève modifie seulement les textes marqués comme À retravailler, %$0openlink%c’est par ici%$1closelink%."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionDemo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Hello! Here you can try Troubadour freely, like you would use it in class. Be creative and… make sure to have fun!</p> <p>*Since this is a demo, what you create will not be saved if you leave the page.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Bonjour! Ici tu peux essayer librement Troubadour, comme si tu l’utilisais en classe. Bonne création et surtout… amuse-toi!</p> <p>*Comme c’est une démo, ce que tu crées ne sera pas sauvegardé si tu quittes la page.</p>"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionIntro" => [
        "en-CA" => "It’s your turn to create. Read the instructions carefully and dive into your writing adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "C'est à toi de créer. <br/><br/>Lis bien les consignes et vas-y!"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionScene" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place your characters and the different objects that make up your scene. You can add dialogue to characters or assign text to objects."
        "fr-CA" => "Place tes personnages et les différents objets qui composent ta scène. Tu peux ajouter des dialogues aux personnages ou assigner du texte aux objets."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionAddText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also edit the text directly."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également modifier directement le texte."
      "assistedDemoConstructionDescStudent1" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>By following this tutorial, you will be able to create a story in Troubadour.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>En suivant ce tutoriel, tu pourras créer une histoire dans Troubadour.</p>"
      "assistedDemoConstructionDescStudent2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p class='smaller'>It won't be saved, but it will allow you to try the game!</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p class='smaller'>Elle ne sera pas sauvegardée, mais elle te permettra d'essayer le jeu!</p>"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now ready to be improved. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant à retravailler. Continuez votre correction."
      "StudentIncompleteRevisionWorkMenuText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submit the work to your teacher for correction."
        "fr-CA" => "Soumettre tout de même le travail à ton enseignant.e pour correction."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnStudentModifyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only the text entries in <span>yellow</span> may be edited."
        "fr-CA" => "Modifie les textes dans la zone en <span>jaune</span> seulement."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is in progress. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en rédaction. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% student"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élève"
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2-LoggedIn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue and enjoy your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuez pour profiter de votre abonnement!"
      "StudentIncompleteRevisionWorkMenuTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some texts are not revised"
        "fr-CA" => "Certains textes ne sont pas révisés"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnStudentModifyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text is no longer editable"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte n’est plus modifiable"
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is under review. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en révision. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionScenery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Where and when does your scene take place? Answer these questions by decorating it according to your story."
        "fr-CA" => "Où et quand se déroule ta scène? Réponds à ces questions en la décorant selon ton histoire."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionHighlight" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can highlight the words to be corrected using the brush tool."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez surligner les mots à corriger en utilisant l’outil pinceau."
      "contCorrectPopupTitleContinueCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now completed. Continue your correcting."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant terminé. Continuez votre correction."
      "FamilyExistingAccConfirmText2-LoggedOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in now to take advantage of your subscription!"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous maintenant pour profiter de votre abonnement!"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
      "TeacherStartCorrectionFailedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is currently completed and private. It will switch to 'In correction' state."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est présentement terminé et privé. Il reviendra 'En correction'"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsInProg" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now in progress. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant en rédaction. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDisabledDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "No text is marked for revision. Revision mode is not available."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun texte n'est marqué comme pouvant être amélioré. Envoyer en révision n'est pas disponible."
      "WorkpageItemLockWarnTextTeacherCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is finished. Would you like to correct it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est terminé. Souhaitez-vous le mettre en correction?"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionParagraph" => [
        "en-CA" => "Give your story a title and write a text to accompany the scene you have just created."
        "fr-CA" => "Donne un titre à ton histoire et écris un texte qui accompagne la scène que tu viens de créer."
      "assistedCorrectionDescriptionRetroaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>Indicate the texts that need to be modified by pressing the "To be revised" button.</p> <p>Only these texts will be allowed to be edited by the student during the revision stage.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Indiquez les textes qui doivent être modifiés en appuyant sur le bouton “À retravailler”.</p> <p>Seuls ces textes pourront être modifiés par l’élève lors de l’étape de révision.</p>"
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsNeedRev" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now ready to be improved. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant à retravailler. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "EndCorrectionRevisionDisabledDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no texts to improve. Sending this work for review is currently unavailable."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail ne comporte aucun texte à améliorer. Envoyer en révision n'est pas disponible."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionProgressWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionRevisionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the student is currently working on this challenge, their last action may not be saved."
        "fr-CA" => "Si l'élève est présentement en train de travailler sur ce défi, sa dernière action pourrait ne pas être sauvegardée."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your story is almost complete! All you have to do is write a conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "Ton histoire est presque complète! Il ne te reste plus qu'à écrire une conclusion."
      "TeacherStartCorrectionCompletedWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The work is now complete and public. It will switch to 'In correction' state."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail est présentement terminé et public. Il reviendra 'En correction' "
      "contCorrectPopupTitleMoreStudentsCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name%'s work is now completed. Correct another student."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail de %$0name% est maintenant terminé. Corrigez un autre élève."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionLastRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now you can scroll through your work for a final review."
        "fr-CA" => "Tu peux maintenant naviguer à travers ton travail pour une dernière révision."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionAssetLocation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click this button to select your object or character."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique sur ce bouton pour sélectionner un objet ou un personnage."
      "PreventStudentAccountAnonymization_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you do not wish to keep the "%$0username%" account, no action is required on your part. If, on the other hand, you would like to keep the account and prevent its deletion, please click the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte de "%$0username%", aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful: the "%$0username%" student account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: le compte de votre élève "%$0username%" est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionInitialPlacement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once selected, place the object by dragging it on the scene."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois choisi, place l'objet en le glissant sur la scène."
      "assistedConstructionDescriptionSecondPlacement3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<p>To move an object or character, click on the base.</p><p>Click once to select it, a second time to drag it.</p>"
        "fr-CA" => "<p>Pour déplacer un objet ou un personnage, clique sur la base.</p><p>Clique une fois pour le sélectionner, une deuxième fois pour le faire glisser.</p>"
      "PreventStudentAccountAnonymization_ManagerEmail2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The account will be deleted on %$1deletionDate%. If you do not wish to keep the account of "%$0username%", no action is required on your part. If you wish to keep the account and prevent its deletion, please click on the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compte sera supprimé le %$1deletionDate%. Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte de "%$0username%", aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "ThisGoogleUserisnotauthorizedtoperformthisaction" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Google User is not authorized to perform this action"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet utilisateur Google n'est pas autorisé à effectuer cette action"
    "SignUp" => [
      "Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous"
      "BadEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "This email is incorrect or invalid"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce courriel est incorrect ou invalide"
      "NoAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must provide your date of birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez fournir votre date de naissance"
      "SchoolName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre école (facultatif)"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "SignupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account to have access to the teacher admin platform"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez un compte afin d’accéder à la plateforme enseignant"
      "BackToGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux groupes"
      "NewsletterCb" => [
        "en-CA" => "I wish to receive emails containing useful information on how to use the game (at a very infrequent rate)."
        "fr-CA" => "J'accepte de recevoir des courriels contenant des informations pratiques sur l'utilisation du jeu (à très rare fréquence)."
      "LegalAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to be %$0Age% years old or more to use the administration website."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être agé de %$0Age% ans ou plus pour utiliser le site web d'administration."
      "OrgTypeFamily" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "ConditionsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have read and I accept the terms and conditions available at this link "
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai lu et j'accepte les conditions d'utilisation disponibles au lien suivant "
      "FreeTrialLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once logged in, you will be able to activate a free <span>%$0duration% day</span> trial!"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites l’essai de la contellation de l’ours pendant <span>30 jours</span>"
      "NoAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t have an account?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n'avez pas de compte\u{A0}?"
      "EmailErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Emails do not match"
        "fr-CA" => "Les courriels ne sont pas identiques"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre centre de services scolaire (facultatif)"
      "TooLongPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too long (80 characters maximum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop long (80 caractères maximum)"
      "UsageTypeSelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which of these situations best corresponds to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "Laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "YourSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre école"
      "AccountPartTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations sur le compte"
      "CartCreatedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception."
      "ConditionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Terms of Use"
        "fr-CA" => "Conditions d'utilisation"
      "ProvinceDropdown" => [
        "en-CA" => "State / Province / Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État / Province / Région"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too short (5 characters minimum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "TroubFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour Famille"
      "UnsubscribeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Désabonnement"
      "RedeemCodeInvalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "This activation code is no longer valid. This is normally the result of a refund. If you believe this is a mistake, contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce code d'activation n'est plus valide. Cela est normalement causé par un remboursement. Si vous croyez que c'est une erreur, contactez-nous à"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "AgreementErrorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to accept the terms and conditions in order to create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez accepter les conditions d'utilisation afin de créer votre compte."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "OtherPathwaysGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "OutsideCanadaLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "I do not live in one of those countries"
        "fr-CA" => "Je réside à l'extérieur de ces pays"
      "PassWordErrorLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The passwords do not match"
        "fr-CA" => "Les mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "RedeemCodeFormText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter your activation code to activate your subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre code d’activation pour activer votre abonnement :"
      "AccountCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have sucessfully created your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez bien créé votre compte!"
      "RedeemCodeActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement activé!"
      "StateProvinceRegion" => [
        "en-CA" => "State / Province / Region"
        "fr-CA" => "État / Province / Region"
      "AccountCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de compte"
      "EmailValidationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Email validation"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation du courriel"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordConfirmLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Password"
        "fr-CA" => "Répéter le mot de passe"
      "YourSchoolBoardLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your school board"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commission scolaire"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "RedeemCodeAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "This activation code has already been used."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce code d'activation a déjà été utilisé."
      "SchoolInfosDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help us serve you better by providing information about your school:"
        "fr-CA" => "Aidez-nous à mieux vous servir en fournissant des informations sur votre école:"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We could not find your school. You may add it to the list by clicking the above link."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "StudentOnboardingText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are a student and you wish to connect to the game? You are not at the right place. You need to<a href='' target='_blank'> download the game</a>, install it, and log into it by entering the username and password provided by your teacher. "
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes un élève qui désire se connecter au jeu? Vous n'êtes pas au bon endroit. Il vous faut <a href='' target='_blank'>télécharger le jeu</a>, l'installer, et y entrer les identifiants fournis par votre enseignant."
      "ViewProductLinksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to all our products"
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion à tous nos produits"
      "AccountCreatedSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you connect, please make sure that you have confirmed your account creation through the email that was sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de vous connecter, assurez-vous d'avoir                        validé le courriel                        de confirmation qui vous a été envoyé."
      "MailResendFloodMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already asked for a validation email to be sent to '{{ email }}', less that 10 minutes ago."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà demandé une validation pour '{{ email }}', il y a moins de 10 minutes"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "WelcomeToNanomonxTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those in your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ask them to make you one, along with some challenges, and then start playing!"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandes-lui de t’en faire un puis de te créer des défis pour commencer à jouer!"
      "UserTypeSelectionprompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Who are you?"
        "fr-CA" => "Qui êtes-vous?"
      "EducationalPathwaySelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select your Academic Program"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez votre parcours scolaire"
      "RecommendedPathwaysGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "We welcome you to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "TypeOfEstablishmentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of establishment"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d’établissement"
      "WelcomeToTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enjoy Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Profitez de Troubadour"
      "PasswordResetFloodMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already asked for a validation email to be sent to '{{ email }}', less that 10 minutes ago."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà demandé une réinitialisation pour '{{ email }}', il y a moins de 10 minutes"
      "RedeemCodeinformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can now use your %$0packageName%. This subscription allows you to add %$1% students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser votre %$0packageName%. Cet abonnement vous permet l’ajout de %$1% élèves."
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proud creator of <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> and <span class="cdo-product">Boreal Tales</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Fier créateur de <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> et de la <span class="cdo-product">Constellation de L'Ours</span>"
      "UserTypeChildSelWarnTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your teacher (or tutor) must create your account."
        "fr-CA" => "C’est ton enseignant (ou tuteur) qui doit te créer ton compte."
      "UserTypeStudentChildLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student or child"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ou enfant"
      "UserNameManagerAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address %$0UserName% is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse courriel %$0UserName% est déjà utilisée."
      "UserNameStudentAlreadyUsed" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username %$0UserName% is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "L'identifiant %$0UserName% est déjà utilisé."
      "UserTypeTeacherParentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher, parent or guardian"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant, parent ou tuteur"
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
    "Signup" => [
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "CreatingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account will be created to allow you to manage your subscription packages."
        "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
      "ExistingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription packages will be added to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
      "BackToPurchasePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
      "EmailConfirmationDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you are purchasing a subscription for school use, we recommend that you use your work email address."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous achetez pour une utilisation école, il est préférable d'utiliser votre adresse courriel scolaire."
    "Gallery" => [
      "GalleryItemAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work has been added to your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail a été ajouté à votre portfolio"
      "GalleryItemRemoved" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work has been removed from your portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail a été retiré de votre portfolio"
    "Pathway" => [
      "NextPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Next week!"
        "fr-CA" => "La semaine prochaine!"
      "SeePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn more"
        "fr-CA" => "En savoir plus"
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "AssignPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway for groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours pour les groupes"
      "NoteToTeacherTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Notes to the teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Notes à l’enseignant"
      "PathwayDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Every Saturday, a new writing activity will automatically become available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque samedi, une nouvelle activité d'écriture s'activera automatiquement pour vos élèves."
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "CurrentPathwayTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This week!"
        "fr-CA" => "Cette semaine!"
      "AssignPathwayOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time?"
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul défi à la fois?"
      "AssignPathwayTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "If this option is enabled, the current challenge will be automatically unassigned when the next one is assigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Si cette option est activée, le défi en cours sera automatiquement désassigné lorsque le suivant sera assigné."
      "PathwayNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This pathway does not exist"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce parcours n'existe pas"
      "ActivatePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate the pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer le parcours"
      "DisabledPathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Disable pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le parcours"
      "OneAtATimeOptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time"
        "fr-CA" => "Un seul défi à la fois"
      "ConfigurePathwayButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Configure pathway"
        "fr-CA" => "Configurer le parcours"
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge at a time"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi à la fois"
      "FreemiumNoteNextWeekText" => [
        "en-CA" => "It will be available next Saturday!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il le sera à partir de samedi prochain!"
      "EducationalIntentionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Educational intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "FreemiumNoteNextWeekTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge has not been assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n’est pas encore assigné"
      "FreemiumNoteThisWeekTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is currently assigned to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est présentement assigné à vos élèves!"
      "OneAtATimeOptionDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "If this option is enabled, the current challenge will be automatically unassigned when the next one is assigned."
        "fr-CA" => "Si cette option est activée, le défi en cours sera automatiquement désassigné lorsque le suivant sera assigné."
      "SinglePathwayActivationDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "When this option is enabled, the challenge of the week will be automatically replaced each week with a new challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque cette option est activée, le défi de la semaine sera remplacé par un nouveau défi la semaine suivante."
      "OneAtATimeFreemiumDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "The free version of Troubadour only allows one challenge at a time per group.<br><br>To assign as many challenges as you want, for as long as you want, a paid subscription is required."
        "fr-CA" => "La version gratuite de Troubadour permet seulement un défi à la fois par groupe.<br><br>Pour assigner autant de défis que vous le souhaitez, pour aussi longtemps que vous le désirez, un abonnement est nécessaire."
      "PathwaySingleClassroomLanguage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges for the group: <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis pour le groupe : <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
      "PathwayMultipleClassroomLanguage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges for the groups: <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis pour les groupes : <span>%$0Groups%</span>"
    "Receipt" => [
      "Tax" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taxes"
        "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
      "Balance" => [
        "en-CA" => "Amount Outstanding"
        "fr-CA" => "Solde"
      "Payement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
      "Subtotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
        "fr-CA" => "Sous-total"
      "GoToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Se créer un compte"
      "PriceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix"
      "PriceDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "QuantityTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quantity"
        "fr-CA" => "Quantité"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "UsernameThanks" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0fisrtName% %$1lastName%, thank you for your purchase!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0fisrtName% %$1lastName%, merci pour votre achat!"
      "PurchaseThankYou" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your purchase. Your payment has been processed."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat. Votre paiement a bien été traité."
      "MailReceiptSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre achat"
      "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal, (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "PurchaseThanksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new subscription packages are ready!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos nouveaux abonnements sont prêts!"
      "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "PlainTextLicenceTable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription package type                      Quantity                      Price"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement\t\t\tQuantité\t\t\tPrix"
      "PlainTextLicenceTableDivider" => [
        "en-CA" => "------------------------------------------------------"
        "fr-CA" => "------------------------------------------------------"
    "Student" => [
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "CompletedAt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work ended on"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé le"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Colour"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove "
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "DeletedInfosText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deleting a group or challenge is irreversible, and will no longer appear on the teacher's platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous supprimez un groupe ou un défi, cette action est irréversible et ceux-ci n'apparaissent plus dans la plateforme enseignant."
      "DeletedInfosText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "However, students’ work that have <u>previously</u> been added to your portfolio are still accessible."
        "fr-CA" => "Toutefois, les travaux ajoutés <u>préalablement</u> à votre portfolio sont toujours accessibles."
      "DeletedInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deleted groups or challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes ou défis supprimés"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l'enseignant"
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction"
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l’enseignant.e"
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Publish the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le défi"
      "EditReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le défi de lecture"
      "LoginToEditChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in to the game if you wish to edit the text of the challenge.  The changes you make could render the quiz and/or the answer sheet inaccurate."
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous en jeu pour éditer les textes du défi. Notez que vos changements pourraient rendre le questionnaire et/ou le corrigé inexacts."
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for Revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en révision"
      "AddChallengeToGallery" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students’ work to your portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux à votre portfolio"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click Here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a colour and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: the group or challenge to which the work was associated, has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le groupe ou le défi auquel était attaché le travail a été supprimé antérieurement."
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you remove this work from your portfolio, it will no longer be available. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous retirez ce travail de votre portfolio, celui-ci ne sera plus disponible. <b>Cette action est irréversible.</b>"
      "RemoveFromDeletedInfosTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a work that is no longer attached to a group or challenge "
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un travail dont la source a été supprimée"
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Beware: the student who created this work is no longer in any of your groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, l'élève qui a créé ce travail ne fait plus partie de vos groupes."
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you remove this work from your portfolio, it will no longer be available. <b>This action is irreversible.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous retirez ce travail de votre portfolio, il ne sera plus disponible. <b>Cette action est irréversible.</b>"
      "RemoveFromDeletedStudentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student is no longer in any of your current groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève ne fait plus partie d'un de vos groupes."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username has been changed successfully!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur a été modifié avec succès!"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: These changes will be applied directly to the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot directly edit a student's text until the work is published. Once you have published the work, you will be able to edit the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier directement le texte d'un élève avant que le travail soit terminé.\u{A0}Une fois que vous aurez terminé le travail, vous pourrez modifier le texte de l'élève."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court"
    "gallery" => [
      "CompletedAt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work ended on"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminé le"
      "CompletedBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "By"
        "fr-CA" => "Par"
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ToWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu'à %$0count% mot(s)"
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and%$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "ChallengeDeletedInfoDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ce groupe a été marqué comme supprimé le %$0date%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi a été marqué comme supprimé le %$0date%"
    "Partners" => [
      "TroubParnerCTA1" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Invitez vos visiteurs à raconter leur journée :"
      "TroubParnerCTA2" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez une dimention créative à une exposition :"
      "TroubParnerCTA3" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partagez une activité culturelle : "
      "ContactUsBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez nous!"
      "PartnerProgramHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Avec le programme Partenaires, utilisez les atouts de Troubadour pour diffuser du contenu éducatif et ajouter une dimension créative à vos activités culturelles ou touristiques."
    "Password" => [
      "ExpiredLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "The link used is no longer valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le lien utilisé n'est plus valide."
      "EmailSendLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email has been sent to you."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel vous a été envoyé."
      "PasswordChanged" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your password has been successfully changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre mot de passe a bien été changé."
      "RedirectionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the resetting link."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien de réinitialisation."
      "UnsubscribeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter your email to unsubscribe from all marketing emails."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez saisir votre courriel pour vous désabonner de tous les courriels de marketing."
      "UnsubscribeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsubscribe"
        "fr-CA" => "Désabonnement"
      "PasswordFormLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please fill in this form to reset your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez compléter le formulaire suivant afin de réinitialiser votre mot de passe."
    "Students" => [
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "AllGroupMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "All Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les groupes"
      "RejectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser"
      "AssignSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your student has been assigned to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Votre élève a bien été assigné à votre groupe."
      "DeleteButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your student has been removed from your groups’ log."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Votre élève a bien été retiré de l'historique de vos groupes."
      "RejectSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This student has been removed from your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Cet élève a bien été retiré de votre groupe."
      "RenameStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change display name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le nom affiché"
      "RevokeSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This student has been removed from your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Cet élève a bien été retiré de votre groupe."
      "importSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have successfully added students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez ajouté des élèves avec succès!"
      "ConfirmSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! Your students have been confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vos élèves ont bien été confirmés."
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By entering this access code, the students will be able to join your group automatically. You just need to share the code with them.        <br>For younger students, you can also create their student account "
        "fr-CA" => "En entrant ce code d’accès, les élèves pourront automatiquement se joindre à votre groupe. Il vous suffit de le leur transmettre.        <br>Pour les tout petits, vous pouvez également créer leur compte élève"
      "StudentsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "No. of Students: <span class='%$1class%'>(%$0amount%)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d'élèves: <span class='%$1class%'>(%$0amount%)</span>"
      "UnassignButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer"
      "InvalidPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid password."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est incorrect."
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "AssignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add student to group?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un élève à un groupe?"
      "DeletePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you wish to remove this student from your archived students list?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer cet élève de votre liste d’élèves archivés?"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "RejectPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse access to these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser ces élèves ?"
      "DeletePopupAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "DeletePopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you wish to remove this student from your archived students list?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer %$0studentName% de vos élèves archivés?"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "StudentPutSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The students’ accounts have been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Les comptes des élèves ont bien étés créés!"
      "AssignSutdentText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding a student to a group will allow them to work on the challenges associated to that group.<br><b>A student added to several groups will use one seat per group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un élève à un groupe lui permettra de travailler sur les défis de ce dernier.<br><b>Un élève peut être ajouté à plusieurs groupes, mais utilisera ainsi plusieurs sièges.</b>"
      "AssignSutdentText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>An empty seat is required to add a student to a group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Un siège libre est nécessaire pour ajouter un élève à un groupe.</b>"
      "DeletePopupWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student may always request to join one of your groups at a later time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il pourra toujours demander à rejoindre l'un de vos groupes ultérieurement."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset the password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "UnassignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cet élève?"
      "CurrentDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom actuel"
      "PendingStudentsMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves en attente"
      "RenameStudentTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change a student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changement de nom d'un élève"
      "StudentGroupsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student's groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes de cet élève"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "UnassignPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove %$0studentName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer %$0studentName%?"
      "rejectStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Refuse access"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser les élèves"
      "ArchivedStudentsMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archived Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves archivés"
      "AssignToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to Another Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à un autre groupe"
      "PasswordResetSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The password has been reset."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le mot de passe a bien été modifié."
      "StudentNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student account does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce compte élève n'existe pas."
      "AlreadyRemovedStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has already been removed from the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève a déjà été retiré du groupe."
      "AssignGroupPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group(s) of"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe(s) de "
      "AssignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add the student to the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter l'élève au groupe."
      "RejectStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>The creations made by these students in other groups will not be affected. These students will be able to request access to your group again at a later time.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Les travaux réalisés par les élèves dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés. Ces élèves pourront demander à nouveau l’accès à votre groupe ultérieurement.</b>"
      "RejectStudentWarning3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Denying access to a group of students will erase the creations they have started within that group. This action is irreversible. Deleted creations cannot be recovered."
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser des élèves d'un groupe supprimera leurs travaux en cours réalisés dans ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible. Les travaux effacés ne pourront pas être récupérés.</u></b>"
      "RenameStudentSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name displayed will be visible to the other students in the class."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom affiché est celui qui apparaîtra aux autres élèves de la classe."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove those students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves ?"
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "LongPasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles                                 à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all the students from group %$0classroomName% ?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe %$0classroomName% ?"
      "AlreadyConfirmedStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has already been confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève a déjà été confirmé"
      "UnassignStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a student from a group erases all of their ongoing creations, as well as any finished but private creations made within this group.<br><b><u>This action is irreversible.</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés privés réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br><b><u>Cette action est irréversible.</u></b>"
      "UnassignStudentWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "The finished and public creations of the student are not erased. <br><b>Creations made by the student in other groups are also not affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "UnassignedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer les élèves"
      "AddStudentToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student to another group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève à un autre groupe."
      "ResetPasswordPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the new password"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire le nouveau mot de passe"
      "UnassignedStudentSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "PasswordGoodPracticesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PasswordGoodPracticesText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please visit our information webpage to learn more about password best practices in class."
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre page d’information pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures pratiques au niveau des mots de passe en classe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "StudentIsPartOfTheseGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student is part of the following groups"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève fait partie des groupes suivants"
      "UnassignMultiplePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves?"
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "The display name has been changed successfully!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'affichage a été modifié avec succès!"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing a student from a group erases all of their ongoing creations, as well as any finished but private creations made within this group.<br><b><u>This action is irreversible.</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés privés réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br><b><u>Cette action est irréversible.</u></b>"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The finished public creations of the students are not erased. <br><b>Creations made by the students in other groups are also not affected.</b><br>The seats occupied in this group by these students will be made available."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b><br>Les sièges qu'ils occupaient dans ce groupe seront néanmoins libérés."
      "ClassroomRegistrationNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student is not part of this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève ne fait pas parti de ce groupe."
      "ClassroomRegistrationsNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student has never been part of a group."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet élève n'a jamais fait partie d'un groupe."
      "NanotoastEditStudentNameLenghtError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The username is too short."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom d'utilisateur est trop court."
    "TrashCan" => [
      "RemoveFromTrashCan" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre au babillard"
      "TrashCanIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "La corbeille est actuellement vide."
    "Babillard" => [
      "NoUcText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "It appears that none of your students have created any stories. Invite them to get started by logging in to"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l’instant, aucun de vos élèves n’a créé d’histoires. Invitez-les à débuter en se connectant à partir de"
      "NoUcText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your students have started, return to this page to create beautiful bulletin boards of their work. Bulletin boards can be shared with parents and friends."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vos élèves auront commencé, revenez sur cette page pour créer de beaux babillards qui pourront êtres partagés avec parents et amis."
      "NoUcText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nb: Only works containing text will be available"
        "fr-CA" => "Nb: Seuls les travaux contenant du texte seront proposés"
      "NoUcTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is nothing to add"
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a rien à ajouter"
      "AddWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add works"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des travaux"
      "UntitledLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Untitled"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans titre"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "CurrentTotalUC" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected works"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travaux sélectionnés"
      "RemoveWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove works"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer des travaux"
      "FirstGroupButton2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un groupe"
      "AboutBabillardsMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Classroom Wall allows you to share student work with the rest of the class, parents and friends :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Un babillard permet de partager des travaux d’élèves avec le reste de la classe, les parents et les amis :)"
      "AddSelectionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter la sélection"
      "BabillardThemeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Thème"
      "BabillardTitleText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre"
      "EndRemoveWorksText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Done removing works"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter d'enlever"
      "FilterByGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter by group"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer par groupe"
      "ShareOptionsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options de partage"
      "BabillardIsEmptyMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is just waiting for your students' work!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’attend plus que les travaux de vos élèves!"
      "CompletedWorksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finished works"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux terminés"
      "CreateFirstGroupCTA" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click the following button to create your first group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour créer votre premier groupe:"
      "DeleteBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce babillard"
      "EmptyChallengeField" => [
        "en-CA" => "No works to add to the Classroom Wall..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi à ajouter au babillard..."
      "SharedBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Invite anyone to read the stories on this Classroom Wall by providing them with this address:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez qu’à fournir cette adresse à quelqu’un pour l’inviter à lire les histoires du babillard : "
      "ClickToAddWorksTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click on works to add them to your Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez sur les travaux pour les ajouter à votre babillard."
      "CreateBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d’un babillard"
      "CurrentTotalUCPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected works"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travaux sélectionnés"
      "DeleteBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Classroom Wall sharing link is no longer active."
        "fr-CA" => "Le lien de partage du babillard ne fonctionnera plus."
      "DeleteBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This operation is irreversible."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette opération est irréversible."
      "DeleteBabillardText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow student works to remain shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser les travaux des élèves partagés"
      "DeleteBabillardText5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Classroom Wall works will remain intact. They will not be altered or destroyed."
        "fr-CA" => "Les travaux du babillard resteront intacts. Ils ne seront pas affectés ou détruits."
      "DeleteBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Destruction du babillard"
      "ModifyBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification d’un babillard"
      "NoUCBabillardMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not include any works that you can add to your Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe ne comprend aucun travail que vous puissiez ajouter à votre babillard."
      "SearchByStudentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search by student"
        "fr-CA" => "Chercher par élève"
      "SharedBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom Wall shared!"
        "fr-CA" => "Babillard partagé!"
      "WorksToPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "All work will be placed in the student's portfolio.<br>The student will no longer be able to make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les travaux seront placé dans le portfolio de l’élève.<br>L’élève ne pourra plus les modifier."
      "EnterStudentNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer nom de l’élève"
      "WorksToPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Portfolio work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux au portfolio"
      "BabillardNotSharedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The teacher has stopped sharing this Classroom Wall."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble que l'enseignant.e ait interrompu le partage de ce babillard."
      "BabillardNotSharedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not hesitate to contact the teacher for more information."
        "fr-CA" => "N'hésitez pas à contacter l'enseignant.e pour obtenir plus d'informations."
      "CloseWithoutAddingText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Close without adding"
        "fr-CA" => "Fermer sans ajouter"
      "CurrentTotalUCSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works% selected work"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works% travail sélectionné"
      "SearchByChallengeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search by challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Chercher par défi"
      "SearchByStudentDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un élève"
      "SelectionCompletedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selection complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection terminée"
      "BabillardNotSharedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is no longer shared"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’est plus partagé"
      "EmptyUserChallengeField" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only corrected and completed works may be added to a classroom wall. "
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls les travaux corrigés et terminés peuvent aller sur un babillard. Vous pouvez corriger des travaux pour les ajouter par la suite."
      "ShareThisBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once shared, visitors will be able to read these stories and see the students' display names, as well as yours."
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois partagé, les visiteurs pourront lire ces histoires et voir le nom affiché des élèves ainsi que le vôtre."
      "ShareThisBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Make sure the stories don't contain personal information."
        "fr-CA" => "Assurez-vous que les histoires ne contiennent pas de renseignements personnels."
      "ShareThisBabillardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Classroom Wall?"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard?"
      "createBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer nouveau babillard"
      "modifyBulletinBoardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce babillard"
      "AddStudentCreationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your students' creations"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter les créations de vos élèves"
      "ConfirmCopyBabillardLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this Classroom Wall has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce babillard a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "SearchByChallengeDefault" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un défi"
      "ShareBulletinBoardButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share this Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager ce babillard"
      "createBulletinBoardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a Classroom Wall"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un babillard"
      "BabillardTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Week, theme, etc..."
        "fr-CA" => "Semaine, thématique, etc ..."
      "ConfirmDeleteBabillardText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm the deletion"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer la destruction"
      "StopManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop managing this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêtez de gérer ce babillard"
      "TeacherPresentsStudentWorks" => [
        "en-CA" => "presents these wonderful student works!"
        "fr-CA" => "vous présente ces magnifiques travaux d’élèves!"
      "StartManageThisBulletinBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage this Bulletin Board"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ce babillard"
      "ConfirmCancelBabillardSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This Classroom Wall is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce babillard n’est plus partagé."
      "NoSearchResultBabillardMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "This search returned no results."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette recherche ne retourne aucun résultat."
      "ShareThisBabillardDisclaimerText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: It is crucial that work posted on this Classroom Wall does not contain profanity, personal information about students, or defamatory messages. It is your responsibility to ensure that your posts meet these criteria."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Il est crucial que les travaux affichés sur ce babillard ne contiennent ni vulgarités, ni informations personnelles sur les élèves, ni messages diffamatoires. Il vous incombe de vous assurer que vos publications respectent ces critères."
      "ShareThisBabillardDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the event that inappropriate content is shared, please be aware that Nanomonx reserves the right to delete the offending content and close the teacher account, in accordance with our terms of use. We are counting on your collaboration to preserve a healthy and respectful educational environment."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le cas où du contenu inapproprié serait partagé, sachez que Nanomonx se réserve le droit de supprimer le contenu incriminé et de fermer le compte enseignant concerné, conformément à nos conditions d'utilisation. Nous comptons sur votre collaboration pour préserver un environnement éducatif sain et respectueux."
    "Challenge" => [
      "" => [
        "en-CA" => "For loading purposes and to ensure a better student experience, we recommend not exceeding %$0maxSelectionAmount% categories."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de chargement et une meilleure expérience élève, nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser %$0maxSelectionAmount% catégories."
      "Name" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "Language" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue"
      "ShowAll2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display all"
        "fr-CA" => "Afficher tout"
      "GradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "AssignLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "BoldTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bold"
        "fr-CA" => "Gras"
      "Description" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "EditContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Adapter le titre et les consignes"
      "LoginNeeded" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "CloseWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you deactivate this challenge, your students will no longer be able to work on their associated creations.                   However, you can reactivate the challenge whenever you wish to do so."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous marquez ce défi comme désactivé, vos élèves ne pourront plus modifier les mondes attachés à ce défi.                    Vous pourrez néanmoins le réactiver ultérieurement si vous le souhaitez. "
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Color"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "Description2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Context or description "
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en contexte ou description"
      "IntroWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: the current parameters will limit the students to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) for their introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront les élèves à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) pour leur introduction."
      "NumberBlocks" => [
        "en-CA" => "How many parts to this work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est en combien de parties?"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "ShowHistoric" => [
        "en-CA" => "ShowHistoric"
        "fr-CA" => "ShowHistoric"
      "StudentTasks" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the students"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "WaybSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "'Write to Build' Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode "Écrire pour construire""
      "ChallengeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Title"
        "fr-CA" => "Titre du défi"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été supprimé."
      "DurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duration (in minutes)"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée en minutes"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "IndentTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Indent"
        "fr-CA" => "Indenter"
      "IntroModText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In Narration Mode, students must place their text only at the entrance of each island.<br><br>This usually leads to a better structured redaction, as the students' texts are written, and automatically placed, in the intended sequence. This is very useful to work on the narrative structure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode Narration permet une création plus structurée pour l'élève. Il sera amené à rédiger un seul texte par île afin de construire un texte son travail en parties distinctes.<br><br>La création et la rédaction s'en retrouvent ainsi mieux structurées, car les textes de l'élèves sont écrits, et automatiquement placés, dans la séquence souhaitée. Pratique pour travailler le schéma narratif!"
      "IntroModText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In this Mode, it will be impossible for students to add text to objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Dans ce mode, il sera impossible pour les élèves d'ajouter du texte sur les objets et les personnages."
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "ItalicTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Italics "
        "fr-CA" => "Italique"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "WordsSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Words"
        "fr-CA" => "Mots"
      "schoolSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Matière scolaire"
      "ChallengeRules" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramètres du défi"
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "GlobalSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General"
        "fr-CA" => "Général"
      "IntroModeVideo" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "IslandSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Island Settings"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramètres de l'ile"
      "ResetTimeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Resetting the challenge time of <b>%$0name%</b> will reset the remaining time of each student back to its original value of <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Réinitialiser le temps du défi remettra le temps restant de chaque élève sur le défi <b>%$0name%</b> à sa valeur maximale de <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)"
      "SetupChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit settings for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrer ce défi"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "AssignChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner cet exercice"
      "ChallengeAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Items available in the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Éléments disponibles dans le défi"
      "ChallengeThemes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Thèmes du défi"
      "ChapterSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sections"
        "fr-CA" => "Parties"
      "ChooseGroupInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the group in which you wish to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez le groupe pour lequel vous souhaitez créer ce défi."
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "ModifyChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier cet exercice"
      "ModifyWorkLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "NamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the challenge title"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre du défi"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ShowNonHistoric" => [
        "en-CA" => "ShowNonHistoric"
        "fr-CA" => "ShowNonHistoric"
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "WorldParameters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge format"
        "fr-CA" => "Format du défi"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "ChallengeOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Additional options"
        "fr-CA" => "Options supplémentaires"
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "ExpectedDuration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Estimated time required"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée prévue"
      "GradeLevelFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "HistoricWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some objects and characters are appropriate only if used in the proper context.<br><br> For example, The American Revolution features characters holding guns.<br><br> If the box is checked, these more sensitive objects will not appear to the student. In the context of a historical challenge, for example, these elements are important and the option does not have to be checked."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains objets et personnages sont appropriés lorsqu’ils sont utilisés dans le bon contexte mais pas nécessairement hors contexte.<br><br>                            Par exemple, la Révolution Américaine comporte des personnages tenant des armes à feu.<br><br>                            Si la boite est cochée, ces objets plus sensibles n’apparaîtront pas à l’élève. Dans le cadre d’un défi historique, par exemple, ces éléments sont importants et l’option n’a pas à être cochée. "
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "ReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reading Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi de lecture"
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "SettingModeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Settings Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode de paramétrage"
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "TemplateOverview" => [
        "en-CA" => "View this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir ce gabarit"
      "TimeLimitWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Changing the time allocated to a challenge will reset the remaining time for all students."
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la durée d'un défi réinitialisera le temps de tous les élèves."
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "WordCountWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning, with the current settings, students will be limited to a maximum of <b>%$0count%<\/b> words for the whole challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindont l'élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mots pour l'ensemble de son défi."
      "WritingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi d'écriture"
      "CatalogComingSoon" => [
        "en-CA" => "The catalog is coming soon!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le catalogue arrive bientôt!"
      "CategorySelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Individual selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection à la pièce"
      "CopiedTextConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copied!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le code a été copié dans votre presse-papier!"
      "EducationalIntent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learning intention"
        "fr-CA" => "Intention pédagogique"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "TemplateBasedName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based on the template:"
        "fr-CA" => "Basé sur le gabarit:"
      "ThematicSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélection rapide"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "AssignOrBankPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign now, or place in bank?"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner maintenant ou mettre en banque?"
      "BasicSettingsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Basic Parameters"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrage simple"
      "ChapterPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the title of this section"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le titre de la partie"
      "ChooseByThematique" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select by theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir par thématique"
      "CleanFormatTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Clear formatting"
        "fr-CA" => "Effacer le formatage"
      "DisabledFieldLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Worlds have been created using this challenge. Changing the settings now could affect the coherence and the integrity of your students' creations. For this reason, most of the settings can no longer be changed."
        "fr-CA" => "Des mondes ont été créés avec ce défi. En changer maintenant les paramètres pourrait porter atteinte à l'intégrité et la cohérence des créations de vos élèves. Pour cette raison, l'édition de la plupart des champs a été déactivée."
      "EditChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Éditer le défi"
      "LargeWorldSelected" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large Islands selected"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande taille d'île sélectionnée"
      "NoAssetMenuWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no items in the menu. Please select at least one category."
        "fr-CA" => "Le menu ne contient aucun élément. Veuillez sélectionner au minimum une catégorie."
      "OrderedListTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Numbered list"
        "fr-CA" => "Liste numérotée"
      "RemoveThisCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this category"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cette catégorie"
      "SettingModeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The settings level toggles between basic and advanced parameters. Choose advanced parameters if you want more options."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mode de paramétrage vous permet de choisir uniquement les paramètres essentiels d'un défi ou bien de disposer d'options plus avancées."
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's review"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "AddReadingChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add To Application"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ce défi de lecture dans l'application"
      "BackToCatalogButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to the catalog"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au catalogue"
      "ChallengeParameters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ChallengeTypeFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Type de défi"
      "ChaptersRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge with many sections will be built on as many islands."
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi en plusieurs parties sera composé de plusieurs îles"
      "CloseChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver un défi "
      "ConclusionChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a block of text at the end of the work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte à la fin du travail?"
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Texte revised"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "GroupSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez les groupes"
      "HistoricalChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Historical challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi historique"
      "MustBeLoggedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must log in to create this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour créer ce défi."
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction"
      "SchoolSubjectFilter" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subject"
        "fr-CA" => "Matière scolaire"
      "StudentCreationMenu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creation menu"
        "fr-CA" => "Menu de création de l'élève"
      "StudentInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions provided to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes à l'élève"
      "SubworldSizeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend selecting Small Islands when ‘Write to Build’ Mode is activated.  "
        "fr-CA" => "Il est fortement recommandé de sélectionner une petite taille d'île lorsque le mode Écrire pour construire est activé."
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l’enseignant.e"
      "AssignToGroupsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign to group(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner aux groupe(s)"
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Publish the Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le défi"
      "ConclsionWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: the current parameters will limit the students to a maximum of <b>%$0count%</b> word(s) for their conclusion. "
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, les paramètres actuels restreindront les élève à un maximum de <b>%$0count%</b> mot(s) pour leur conclusion."
      "ConclusionChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add an additional text block at the end of the work? Ex: To write a conclusion, a summary, etc."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin du travail? Ex: Pour rédiger une conclusion, un bilan, etc."
      "CreateChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create the challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créez le défi!"
      "CreateFirstGroupInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your new challenge must be associated with a group in order to be saved. Create your first group, and your new challenge will be added to it automatically."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre nouveau défi doit être associé à un groupe pour être sauvegardé. Créez votre premier groupe, votre nouveau défi y sera ajouté automatiquement."
      "EditSummaryStructure" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit challenge structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la structure du défi"
      "NoStudentInChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "No student can currently access your challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève ne peut présentement accéder à votre défi!"
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "ReturnToSummaryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour au résumé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send for Revision"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer en révision"
      "SharedTemplate label" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge has been shared and can no longer be edited. To modify it, import it using its sharing code."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi a été partagé et n'est plus éditable. Pour le modifier, importez-le en utilisant son code de partage."
      "TemplateSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose this template"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir ce gabarit"
      "TemplateSelectionNav" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a template"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un gabarit"
      "WordCountGlobalError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The sum of the minimum number of words of the introduction and of the conclusion must not exceed the maximum number of words of the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nombre minimum de mots de l'introduction et de la conclusion réunis ne doit pas excèder le nombre maximum de mots du défi."
      "WorldSizeRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend using small islands for challenges containing many sections."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous recommandons des petites îles pour des défis en plusieurs parties comme, par exemple, un défi utilisant le schéma narratif."
      "AdvancedSettingsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Advanced Parameters"
        "fr-CA" => "Paramétrage avancé"
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selecting "Activate all" will activate all the creative themes including those added in the future."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner "Tout activer" activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir."
      "AssignSingleGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The challenge will be created.<br>Should it be assigned automatically?"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous allons créer le défi.<br>Doit-il être assigné automatiquement?"
      "ChallengeStatusHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated or deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activé ou désactivé"
      "ChallengeStatusUpdate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge's status has been updated"
        "fr-CA" => "Le statut du défi a bien été mis à jour"
      "ChallengeSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Summary of your exercise "
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de votre exercice"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "EditSummaryCategories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les catégories"
      "EditSummaryStructure2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access this section"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder à cette section"
      "FreemiumCatalogHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription, you will have unlimited access to the catalog."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement, vous aurez un accès illimité au catalogue."
      "MinimumWordCountError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value."
        "fr-CA" => "La valeur minimale ne doit pas être supérieure à la valeur maximale."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChallengeCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing challenge creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Création d'un défi d'écriture"
      "ChallengeSceneryTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exercise setting"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors de l'exercice"
      "ChallengeWillBeCreated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge creation."
        "fr-CA" => "Création du défi."
      "ClassroomNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'existe pas"
      "DescriptionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez la description du défi"
      "DisableChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le défi"
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
      "WorldAmountRuleTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you select NO, students will be able to create as many islands as they wish."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous sélectionnez NON, les élèves pourront créer autant d'îles qu'ils le souhaitent."
      "historicSummaryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "* This challenge filters sensitive objects"
        "fr-CA" => "* Ce défi filtre les objets sensibles"
      "AssignMultipleGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can assign the challenge to multiple groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez assigner le défi à plusieurs groupes."
      "BlocksAmountDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is divided in how many parts? Each part contains a scene and a text block."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est divisé en combien de parties? Chaque partie comporte une scène et un bloc de texte."
      "ChallengeStructureTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Exercise structure"
        "fr-CA" => "Structure de l'exercice"
      "ChallengeSummaryHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé du défi"
      "ChallengeVisibiliyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that can access your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant accès à votre défi"
      "ClassroomSelectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this exercise"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner cet exercice"
      "EditSummaryInformations" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit information"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les informations"
      "FilterHistoricSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter the selection"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer la sélection"
      "HistoricalCategoryLimit" => [
        "en-CA" => "Limit sensitive elements"
        "fr-CA" => "Limiter les éléments sensibles"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceNo" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creative"
        "fr-CA" => "Créatifs"
      "InfiniteModeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves pourront créer autant de scènes qu’ils le souhaitent. Parfait pour les longs projets."
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a color and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "ReadingChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to change the content of a reading challenge, open the application and log in using the same credentials used to connect to the teacher platform. You must set the challenge to “public” to make it available to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour modifier le contenu d’un défi de lecture, ouvrez l’application et connectez-vous avec les mêmes identifiants que ceux utilisés sur la plateforme enseignant. Vous devez le rendre public pour qu'il soit visible par les élèves du groupe."
      "ResetChallengeTimeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Resetting Challenge Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps du défi"
      "SharedTemplateBasedName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Based on the template:"
        "fr-CA" => "Basé sur le gabarit partagé:"
      "ShowHistoricFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "History"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "categorySelectionAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> selected categories"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> catégories sélectionnées"
      "AssignAndSubmitChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign and complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner et terminer"
      "ChallengeScenerySubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Depending on your selection, here are the setting elements that will be offered to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Selon votre sélection, voici les éléments de décor qui seront proposés aux élèves."
      "ChooseCategoriesOneByOne" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the categories one by one"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir les catégories une à une"
      "ClassroomAssignmentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the challenge:"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner le défi :"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceYes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Historic"
        "fr-CA" => "Historiques"
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "SummaryStructureTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "This exercise has: %$0pages%"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet exercice est composé de : %$0pages%"
      "structureSummaryWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge contains <span class='block-amount'></span> page(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi contient <span class='block-amount'></span> page(s)"
      "AssetMenuPanelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is the menu that students will see in game."
        "fr-CA" => "Voici le menu que verront les élèves en jeu."
      "ChallengeStructureExample" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work structure preview"
        "fr-CA" => "Aperçu de la structure du travail"
      "ChallengeStructureSummary" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages% pages"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages% pages"
      "ChallengeTitlePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: Back to school"
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : La rentrée scolaire"
      "CompleteChallengeCreation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete my challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Compléter mon défi!"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importéer comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "SummaryStructureTemplate2" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages% pages"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages% pages"
      "nonHistoricSummaryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "* This challenge does not filter sensitive objects"
        "fr-CA" => "* Ce défi ne filtre pas les objets sensibles"
      "ChallengeStructureSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the number of pages of the work."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez le nombre de pages que comportera le travail."
      "ClassroomSelectionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the group(s) that will have access to the challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez le ou les groupes qui auront accès au défi."
      "ClassroomSelectionSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "To complete the creation of the challenge, assign the exercise to one or multiple groups."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour terminer la création du défi, assignez l'exercice à un ou plusieurs groupes."
      "FilterHistoricalCategories" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter historical categories"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les catégories historiques"
      "FilterHistoricalThematique" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter historical themes"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les thématiques historiques"
      "HistoricalThemeChoiceLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allow historic themes?"
        "fr-CA" => "Autoriser les thèmes historiques ?"
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "ShowNonHistoricFilterLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Non history"
        "fr-CA" => "Non-historique"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "UnavailableInformationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information not yet available"
        "fr-CA" => "Information non disponible"
      "noSelectionCategoryWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to select at least one category"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner au moins une catégorie"
      "ChallengeConfigurationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Configuration"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration d'un défi"
      "ChallengeFilterTypeTooltip2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick selection groups by theme, categories that work well together.<br><br>Individual selection allows you to choose one by one the categories of objects and characters.<br><br> Both methods can be used for the same challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "La sélection rapide regroupe par thématique, des catégories qui fonctionnent bien ensemble.<br><br>                     La sélection à la pièce permet de choisir une à une les catégories d’objets et personnages.<br><br>                     Les deux méthodes peuvent être utilisées pour un même défi."
      "ChallengeStructureDemoError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modifying the number of parts will delete and recreate the challenge. Do not modify if the demo has already been built (or if you are ready to build it again)"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le nombre de parties supprimera puis recréera le défi. Ne pas modifier si                la démo est déjà construite (ou alors si vous êtes prêt à la reconstruire)"
      "ChallengeSummaryDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ImportSharedChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Shared Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un défi partagé"
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "ChallengeCreationStatusTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated and deactivated challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis activés et désactivés"
      "ChallengeSummaryInstructions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions communicated to the student"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes communiquées à l’élève"
      "RecommendedCategoriesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "We recommend a maximum of 10 categories per challenge to avoid long loading times"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons un maximum de 10 catégories par défi pour éviter un chargement trop long"
      "TemplateImportFailureMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge code is incorrect, please try again"
        "fr-CA" => "Le code de défi est incorrect, veuillez réessayer"
      "selectedCategoryDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are the categories that will be displayed in the student creation menu. Click on a category to see its objects and characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les catégories qui apparaîtront dans le menu de création de l'élève. Appuyez sur une catégorie pour voir les objets et personnages de celle-ci."
      "ChallengeFormStructureWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, as soon as the students start working, you will no longer be able to change the elements of this section. This could undermine the integrity and consistency of your students’ works."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, dès que les élèves auront commencé à                travailler, vous ne pourrez plus modifier les éléments de cette section. Cela pourrait porter                atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence des créations de vos élèves."
      "ChallengeResumCategoriesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Objects categories and characters available"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’objets et personnages disponibles"
      "ChallengeFormCategoriesWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note, you can no longer modify certain elements in this section because students have started working on this challenge. This could undermine the integrity and coherence of their creation."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, vous ne pouvez plus modifier certains éléments de cette section car des élèves ont commencé à travailler sur ce défi. Cela pourrait porter atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence de leur création. "
      "ChallengeFormStructureWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you cannot modify certain elements of this section anymore because students have started working on the challenge. This could undermine the integrity and consistency of their creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, vous ne pouvez plus modifier certains éléments de cette section car des élèves ont commencé à travailler sur ce défi. Cela pourrait porter                atteinte à l'intégrité et à la cohérence de leur création."
      "SelectedCategoriesForChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Categories selected for this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories sélectionnées pour ce défi"
      "StudentInstructionsPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the work instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez les consignes du travail"
      "SummaryStructureTemplateSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "page"
        "fr-CA" => "page"
      "ChallengeDescriptionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: It's back to school! Share a moment from your first week."
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : C’est la rentrée! Raconte un moment de ta première semaine d’école."
      "FilterCategoryThematicSelection" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select the objects and characters that will be offered to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les objets et personnage qui seront présentés aux élèves."
      "ChallengeCreationStepProgression" => [
        "en-CA" => "Step <span class='current-step'></span> / <span class='max-step'></span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Étape <span class='current-step'></span> / <span class='max-step'></span>"
      "ChallengeInstructionsPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Example: It's back to school! Share a moment from your first week."
        "fr-CA" => "Exemple : C’est la rentrée! Raconte un moment de ta première semaine d’école."
      "ClassroomSelectionActivationInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can assign an exercise without activating it. No one will know the exercise exists until it is activated. Useful to plan your exercises ahead!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez assigner un exercice mais le désactiver. Personne n’aura connaissance que l’exercice existe tant qu’il n’est pas activé.<br><br>                         Pratique pour organiser ses exercices à l’avance!"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "SummaryStructureTemplateMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "pages"
        "fr-CA" => "pages"
      "formHistoricalTooltipTriggerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Why this option?"
        "fr-CA" => "Pourquoi cette option?"
      "ChallengeStructureSummaryTemplate" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge consists of: %$0pages%"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi est composé de : %$0pages%"
      "AddBySelectingThematiqueOrCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add items by selecting the themes and categories below."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des éléments en sélectionnant les thématiques et les catégories ci-dessous."
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "SummaryStructureTemplateConclusion" => [
        "en-CA" => "and a conclusion"
        "fr-CA" => "et une conclusion"
      "structureSummaryConclusionWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge contains an additional text block at the end.\u{2003}"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi comporte un bloc de texte supplémentaire à la fin."
    "Languages" => [
      "French" => "fr-CA"
      "English" => "en-CA"
    "MyAccount" => [
      "Activated" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Activé"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "Deactivated" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivé"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "EnterPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le mot de passe"
      "ChangePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le mot de passe"
      "GooglePwdLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaire de connexion Google"
      "MyAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier les informations de mon compte"
      "RepeatPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Répétez le mot de passe"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses couriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "SchoolInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School use"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation scolaire"
      "TooLongPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too long (80 characters maximum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop long (80 caractères maximum)"
      "AccountInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Account information"
        "fr-CA" => "Information du compte"
      "ChangedMyMindBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "I changed my mind"
        "fr-CA" => "J’ai changé d’idée"
      "GoToStripeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my billing"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer ma facturation"
      "ModifyGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify group"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le groupe"
      "NanomonxPwdLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe Nanomonx"
      "PasswordNotValid" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe n'est pas valide"
      "TooShortPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "The password is too short (5 characters minimum)"
        "fr-CA" => "Le mot de passe est trop court (5 caractères minimum)"
      "CurrentEmailLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your current email address is <b>%$0email%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre courriel actuel est: <b>%$0email%</b>"
      "DoNotUseGoogleBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do not use Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne pas utiliser Google"
      "ModifyFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit family"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier la famille"
      "NewPasswordPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez votre nouveau mot de passe"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "ActionIrreversible" => [
        "en-CA" => "This action is irreversible."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette action est irréversible."
      "ChangeUsenameText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A validation email will be sent to your new address. You will need to use this new email address to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de validation sera envoyé sur votre nouvelle adresse. Vous devrez utiliser cette nouvelle adresse courriel pour vous connecter."
      "ChangeUsenameText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A confirmation email will be sent to your new address. You will need to use this new email address to log in."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de validation sera envoyé à votre nouvelle adresse. Vous devrez utiliser cette nouvelle adresse courriel pour vous connecter."
      "NotEqualsPasswords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two passwords are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux mots de passe ne sont pas identiques"
      "AddThisMethodButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cette méthode"
      "CancelChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler les changements"
      "PasswordChangedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "L’ancien mot de passe ne fonctionnera plus."
      "AgreeGoogleFutureBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, use Google in the future"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, utiliser Google à l’avenir"
      "ChangePasswordButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change password"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le mot de passe"
      "ChangeUsernameButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change the email"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le courriel"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordChangedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe changé!"
      "YouDontUseFamilyMode" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are not using the family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’utilisez pas la version famille"
      "AgreeGoogleFutureBtn2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, add Google"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, ajouter Google"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "CurrentPasswordPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Mot de passe actuel"
      "GoogleDeactivatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devrez maintenant utiliser une autre méthode de connexion."
      "ResetOnboardingButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restart Tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le tutoriel"
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school you entered was not found. You may add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "StripeRedirectWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This link will take you to our payment partner"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce lien vous amènera vers notre partenaire de paiement"
      "ChangeUsenameFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "STEP 2: New email address"
        "fr-CA" => "ÉTAPE 2 : Nouvelle adresse courriel"
      "CheckPasswordFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "STEP 1: Confirm your password"
        "fr-CA" => "ÉTAPE 1 : Confirmez votre mot de passe"
      "DeactivateGoogleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver"
      "EditScholarLevelButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer les niveaux scolaires"
      "EnterPasswordToConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter your Nanomonx password to confirm"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe Nanomonx pour confirmer"
      "GoogleDeactivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Partenaire de connexion Google désactivé."
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "TryFamilyVersionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayer la version famille"
      "TrySchoolVersionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the school version"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayer la version école"
      "MergeGoogleAccountTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Using a Google account for login"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisation d’un compte Google pour la connexion"
      "ModifyScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Modification des niveaux scolaires"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following grade levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "ChangeUsenameDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can change your account email to replace your username and the email address where you want to receive all the information related to Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez changer le courriel associé à votre compte afin de remplacer votre nom d'utilisateur et l’adresse courriel à laquelle vous souhaitez recevoir toutes les informations relatives à La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "ChangeUsenameDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For security purposes, please begin by entering your password."
        "fr-CA" => "Par mesure de sécurité, veuillez commencer par entrer votre mot de passe."
      "ChangePasswordButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change my account password"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le mot de passe de votre compte"
      "ConfirmGoogleAccountUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm use of Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmez l’utilisation du compte Google"
      "FutureLoginsOnlyWithGoogle" => [
        "en-CA" => "To log in, you will now only need to use your Google account."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour vous connecter, vous devrez dorénavant utiliser uniquement votre compte Google."
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "ConfirmMergeGoogleAccountBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm use of Google account"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l’utilisation du compte Google"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "EmailAndPasswordActivatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Connexion avec courriel et mot de passe activée"
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectLogout" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Pour finaliser les changements, vous serez maintenant déconnecté.<br/><br/>Reconnectez-vous en utilisant une autre méthode de connexion."
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectConfirm" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter avec: Partenaire de connexion Google<br/><br/>Continuer?"
      "GoogleClassroomDisconnectWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez au moins un groupe utilisant Google Classroom.<br/><br/>Vous devez supprimer ces groupes avant de vous déconnecter de Google."
    "Onboarding" => [
      "later" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "HaveFun" => [
        "en-CA" => "Have fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Amusez-vous!"
      "GetTrial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free for %$0duration% days"
        "fr-CA" => "Faites un essai gratuit de %$0duration% jours"
      "Username" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom utilisateur de l'enfant"
      "AddAChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un enfant"
      "AddToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter à votre groupe"
      "BuyLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy a subscription package!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passez à l'achat!"
      "AddNewChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add another child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre enfant"
      "AddChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "We have automatically created a challenge for your kids so they can start using the app immediately. Don't forget to create new challenges for them so they can continue expressing their creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer des défis pour vos enfants pour qu'ils puissent profiter de l'application. Nous leur en avons soumis un automatiquement pour qu'ils puissent commencer immédiatement."
      "FamilyVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version famille"
      "No obligation" => [
        "en-CA" => "No purchase necessary"
        "fr-CA" => "Sans obligation d'achat"
      "SchoolVersion" => [
        "en-CA" => "School version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version scolaire"
      "CdoOnlyWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information specific to Boreal Tales"
        "fr-CA" => "Information spécifique à La Constellation de l'Ours"
      "AddAnotherChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add another child"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un autre enfant"
      "ChildHasAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My child already has an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon enfant a déjà un compte"
      "LastStepLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last step: Subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière étape: les abonnements!"
      "RemoveFromGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this child"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cet enfant"
      "AccountConfirmed" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your account has been created and confirmed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre compte est créé et confirmé."
      "AddExistingChild" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your child by entering his/her login credentials."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez votre enfant en entrant ses identifiants de connexion"
      "NeedToAddLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order for the children in your group to play, you must have a subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que les enfants de votre groupe puissent jouer, vous devez avoir un abonnement."
      "YourTrialStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your Free Trial has been activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre essai gratuit a été activé"
      "FamilyVersionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "For more flexible use or as a supplement to homework."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour une utilisation plus libre ou en complément des devoirs."
      "IPreferToAddLater" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "SchoolVersionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "For homeschooling."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l’école à la maison."
      "AddChildrenToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add your children to your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez vos enfants à votre groupe "
      "ChildIsPartOfGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0username% is now part of your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0username% fait partie de votre groupe!"
      "FamilyGroupIsEmpty" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group has no children."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre groupe ne contient aucun enfant."
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
      "GameUsagePrevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Of the following uses of Boreal Tales, which one best corresponds to the intended use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle utilisation de La Constellation de l'Ours correspond le mieux à celle que vous prévoyez faire?"
      "OnboardingSkipStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Skip this step for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauter cette étape pour l'instant"
      "AllChildrenAreAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "I have added all my children"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai ajouté tous mes enfants"
      "CdoOnlyWarningInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Do not fill out if you plan to use <b>Troubadour</b>."
        "fr-CA" => "*Ne pas remplir si vous comptez utiliser <b>Troubadour</b>"
      "StartWritingStories" => [
        "en-CA" => "You and your children may now log in the application to create amazing worlds and write epic adventures."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous et vos enfants pouvez maintenant vous connecter à l'application pour créer des histoires et vivre des aventures"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "CreateMoreChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "To create new challenges, go to"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour en créer d'autres, dirigez-vous vers"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "OpenHouseDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you enable "Visitor Mode", you allow students and teachers from other classes in your school or parents who have your group's access code to visit your students' completed public creations.<br><br> If the feature is disabled, only students in your group will be able to visit group creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous activez le "Mode visiteur", vous permettez aux élèves et enseignants des autres classes de votre école ou à des parents qui possèdent le code d’accès de votre groupe de visiter les créations publiques terminées de vos élèves.<br><br>             Si la fonction est désactivée, seuls les élèves de votre groupe pourront visiter les créations du groupe."
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Will activate all current creative themes as well as those added in the future"
        "fr-CA" => "Activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir"
      "ChildrenAmountDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have %$0studentsAmount% child(ren) in your group!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez %$0studentsAmount% enfant(s) dans votre groupe!"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "GoogleClassroomOptOut" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, use a standard group"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, utiliser un groupe standard"
      "TBDGameUsagePrevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "Of the following uses of Troubadour, which one best corresponds to the intended use?"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelle utilisation de Troubadour correspond le mieux à celle que vous prévoyez de faire?"
      "AddChildViaApplication" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your child can also join your group directly by logging in the app and entering your access code:"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre enfant peut également rejoindre votre groupe directement dans l'application en se connectant et en entrant votre code d'accès :"
      "CreateAdminOnlyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This will create an administrator account without students."
        "fr-CA" => "Cela créera un compte administrateur sans élève."
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "ChildDoesNotHaveAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "My child doesn’t have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon enfant n'a pas de compte"
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following grade levels match those of your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "OnboardingHelpVideoLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do you need more information?"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de plus d'information avant de commencer?"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$2productName% free trial makes <b>%$0amount%</b> seats available to you free of charge, with no commitment, for a period of <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether to homeschool, suggest a fun and educational activity to your kids or students, or simply to discover the application, you will have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% c'est <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de  <b>%$1duration% jours</b>. Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, proposer une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once the free trial is over, it will be possible to reactivate the accounts of your students associated with these seats by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the works they have started and will be able to get access again after giving them seats from your new subscription. To make sure your kids can keep playing after the free trial, buy a subscription package now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement. Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Google Classroom class will only be able to use Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe Google Classroom ne pourra utiliser que Troubadour."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student management may only be done in Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "La gestion des élèves se fera uniquement dans Google Classroom."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to import a group from Google Classroom?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous importer un groupe de Google Classroom?"
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "DefaultThemeSelectionTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "The themes that will be selected by default when creating a challenge. They can be changed at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Les thèmes qui seront sélectionnés par défaut lors de la création d'un défi. Ils peuvent être modifiés à tout moment."
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "StudentCreationLengthWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don't forget to create challenges for your students. You can create challenge by using our catalog or create one from scratch."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer des défis pour vos élèves. Vous pouvez créer des défis en utilisant notre catalogue ou en bâtir à partir de zéro."
      "OnboardingClassroomCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your group will be able to use both Boreal Tales and Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre groupe pourra utiliser autant La Constellation de l'Ours que Troubadour."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Don’t forget to create a challenge for your students. Your students will be able to begin as soon as the challenge is activated."
        "fr-CA" => "N'oubliez pas de créer un défi pour vos élèves. Vos élèves pourront commencer aussitôt que celui-ci sera actif."
      "OnboardingTeacherAddChallenges2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take time to explore the application. The free trial will begin only when the kids start working on a challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Prenez le temps d'explorer l'application. L'essai gratuit démarrera uniquement lorsque les enfants commenceront à travailler sur un défi."
      "OnboardingClassroomCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Création de votre groupe"
      "TeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your children's teacher should have provided you with a username and password for them. They must use them to connect to the application."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant devrait vous avoir transmis un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour votre enfant. Votre enfant doit les utiliser pour se connecter dans l'application."
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Its time to create some challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Il est temps de créer des défis!"
      "CDOTeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "Boreal Tales requires installation.  Your child's teacher should be able to provide the username and password for the installed application."
        "fr-CA" => "La Constellation de l’Ours se joue dans une application que l’on installe. L’enseignant de votre enfant devrait vous transmettre                             un nom d’utilisateur et un mot de passe, que vous utiliserez dans l’application installée."
      "TBDTeacherShouldHaveSentCredentials" => [
        "en-CA" => "You should receive the username and password from your child's teacher. Your child will access the platform through a log in screen (no parent account is required)."
        "fr-CA" => "L'enseignant devrait vous transmettre le nom d’utilisateur et le mot de passe de votre enfant. Votre enfant peut alors se connecter sur la page de connexion.  Vous n’avez pas besoin d’avoir un compte parent."
      "OnboardingTeacherCreateMoreChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Head there now"
        "fr-CA" => "Dirigez-vous vers"
      "OnboardingFreemiumClassroomCreationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The writing challenges will be based on the academic level of your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis d’écritures seront en fonction du niveau scolaire de votre groupe."
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now head to the Boreal Tales Teacher Platform where you will be able to create your first challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passons maintenant à la plateforme enseignant de La constellation de l'Ours où vous pourrez créer vos premiers défis!"
      "OnboardingTeacherConfirmationChallenges1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let’s now move on to the Troubadour teacher platform where you will be able to create your first challenges!"
        "fr-CA" => "Passons maintenant à la plateforme enseignant de Troubadour où vous pourrez créer vos premiers défis!"
    "BuyLicenses" => [
      "CVC" => [
        "en-CA" => "CVC"
        "fr-CA" => "Code de sécurité"
      "Pays" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays"
      "Ville" => [
        "en-CA" => "City"
        "fr-CA" => "Ville"
      "Modify" => [
        "en-CA" => "Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "Resume" => [
        "en-CA" => "Summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Récapitulatif"
      "Adresse" => [
        "en-CA" => "Address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse"
      "Balance" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "Solde"
      "WithTax" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "+taxes"
      "OrgLabel" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
      "Payement" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
        "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
      "PostCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Postcode"
        "fr-CA" => "Code postal"
      "Province" => [
        "en-CA" => "Province"
        "fr-CA" => "Province"
      "CardNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "Card Number"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de la carte"
      "ClassLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Classe"
      "TaxesLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taxes"
        "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
      "TotalLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total"
        "fr-CA" => "Total"
      "FamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "RegionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Province"
        "fr-CA" => "Province d'où vous faites l'achat"
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "SchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School"
        "fr-CA" => "École"
      "TPS_taxName" => [
        "en-CA" => "GST"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS"
      "TVH_taxName" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "TVH"
      "TVP_taxName" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "TVP"
      "TVQ_taxName" => [
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        "fr-CA" => "TVQ"
      "404TextTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops!"
        "fr-CA" => "Oops!"
      "NoRefundText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription packages are not refundable as mentionned in the<a href=''>Teacher's Users Agreement. </a> "
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont pas remboursables, tel que spécifié dans <a href=''>l'entente            d'utilisation. </a>"
      "PriceDisplay" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
      "BuyPromoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Current promotion!"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion en cours!"
      "JobTitleAdmin" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrator"
        "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
      "JobTitleLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
        "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
      "LicenceInfos1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each teacher must have their own subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque enseignant doit posséder son abonnement."
      "LicenceInfos2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions cannot be split to transfer part of them to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu’un d’autre."
      "LicenceInfos3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription package gives you access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement donne accès à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "MedSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "From 300 to 500 students"
        "fr-CA" => "De 300 à 500 élèves"
      "PromotionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sale!"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécial promo!"
      "SelectedPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "SubTotalLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
        "fr-CA" => "Sous total"
      "SubmitPayment" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Confimer l'achat"
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "TroubStat2Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "85%"
        "fr-CA" => "85%"
      "TroubStat3Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "77%"
        "fr-CA" => "77%"
      "ValidityRange" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on <b>%$0date%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le <b>%$0date%</b>"
      "404TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
      "ABProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Alberta"
        "fr-CA" => "Alberta"
      "BCProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "British Columbia"
        "fr-CA" => "Colombie-Britannique"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "BuySubmitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proceed with the order"
        "fr-CA" => "Procéder à la commande"
      "CardholderName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cardholder Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom du détenteur de la carte"
      "EditCartButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit my shopping cart"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier mon panier"
      "MBProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manitoba"
        "fr-CA" => "Manitoba"
      "MedSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Medium school"
        "fr-CA" => "Moyenne école"
      "NBProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "New Brunswick"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau-Brunswick"
      "NLProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Newfoundland and Labrador"
        "fr-CA" => "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador"
      "NSProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nova Scotia"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle-Écosse"
      "NTProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Northwest Territories"
        "fr-CA" => "Territoires du Nord-Ouest"
      "NUProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nunavut"
        "fr-CA" => "Nunavut"
      "ONProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ontario"
        "fr-CA" => "Ontario"
      "QCProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quebec"
        "fr-CA" => "Québec"
      "QuoteFormTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
      "RateLimitError" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete the transaction at the moment. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "SKProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
        "fr-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
      "SchoolCTAItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
        "fr-CA" => "De formations personnalisées"
      "SchoolCTAItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailor-made documentation for your school"
        "fr-CA" => "D’une documentation sur mesure pour votre école"
      "SchoolCTAItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A lesson plan to introduce students to Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "D'un plan de cours pour initier les élèves à Troubadour"
      "SchoolCTAItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Attentive customer service"
        "fr-CA" => "Un service à la clientèle attentionné"
      "TotalLabelText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Total:"
        "fr-CA" => "Total:"
      "TroubStat1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TroubStat2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubStat3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "TutoStep0Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <b>Créer mon premier groupe.</b>"
      "YTProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yukon"
        "fr-CA" => "Yukon"
      "État/Province" => [
        "en-CA" => "State/Province"
        "fr-CA" => "État/Province"
      "AddMorePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des abonnements"
      "AddPackageLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un abonnement"
      "BuyPromoDetails" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save on the purchase of 1000 classroom subscriptions! Get 15% off for any additional subscriptions!"
        "fr-CA" => "Économisez à l’achat de 1000 abonnements classes! Obtenez 15% de rabais pour tout abonnement supplémentaire!"
      "FamilyPckgPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$65"
        "fr-CA" => "65$"
      "JobTitleTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
      "LargeSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "More than 500 students"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus de 500 élèves"
      "MessageLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you and any additional message"
        "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
      "MessageTextArea" => [
        "en-CA" => "Message"
        "fr-CA" => "Message"
      "NotEqualsEmails" => [
        "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
        "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses courriel ne sont pas identiques"
      "PEIProvinceName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Prince Edward Island"
        "fr-CA" => "Île-du-Prince-Édouard"
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation"
      "SchoolSizeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School size"
        "fr-CA" => "Taille de l’école"
      "SmallSchoolDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "300 students or fewer"
        "fr-CA" => "300 élèves et moins"
      "lgSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;200"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;200$"
      "lgSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$3&thinsp;240"
        "fr-CA" => "3&thinsp;240$"
      "mdSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;000"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;000$"
      "mdSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$2&thinsp;700"
        "fr-CA" => "2&thinsp;700$"
      "smSubDur1yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$700"
        "fr-CA" => "700$"
      "smSubDur3yPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;890"
        "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;890$"
      "AddLicenseV3Info" => [
        "en-CA" => "All our subscriptions include access to both <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> and <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>Boreal Tales</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Tous nos abonnements donnent accès à <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> et à <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>La Constellation de l’Ours</a>."
      "CartSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Order Summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
      "ChromeDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You're planning to use the game on Chromebooks?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous planifiez d'utiliser le jeu sur des Chromebooks?"
      "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
      "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
      "LargeSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Large school"
        "fr-CA" => "Grande école"
      "LicenceTypeTotal" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1currencySymbol% %$0currencyLabel%"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0currencyLabel%%$1currencySymbol%"
      "PackageBuyHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements"
      "SchoolCTAHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy for the whole school and enjoy:"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez pour toute l’école et profitez&nbsp;:"
      "SmallSchoolLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Small school"
        "fr-CA" => "Petite école"
      "StripeDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your security, your credit card details are securely encrypted and transmitted to our 3rd party payment provider, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx does not store or save your card details."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger votre sécurité, les détails de votre carte de crédit sont encryptés et transmis à notre fournisseur sécurisé de services de paiement, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx ne sauvegarde jamais les détails de votre carte."
      "TeacherPckgPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "$130"
        "fr-CA" => "130$"
      "licensePromoTag1" => [
        "en-CA" => "promo"
        "fr-CA" => "promotion"
      "CardErrorOccurred" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error has occurred with your card:"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue avec votre carte de crédit:"
      "CardErrorTryAgain" => [
        "en-CA" => "The amount has not been charged to your card. Please try again."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant n'a pas été facturé à votre carte de crédit. Veuillez essayer de nouveau."
      "CreatingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "An administrator account will be created for you to manage your subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
      "ExistingEmailText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions will be added to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
      "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter a country"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner un pays"
      "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
        "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
        "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
      "LicenceTypeAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Siège(s)"
      "NeededClassAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "PackageAddHelper4" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to pay by check or via bank transfer, send us a purchase order at <a href=""></a>.<br>Make sure your purchase order includes the following information."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez payer par chèque ou virement bancaire, simplement nous transmettre un bon de commande contenant l'information suivante à l’adresse            <a href=""></a>."
      "PersonalInfoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personal information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations personnelles"
      "QuoteFormUserType" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are:"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes :"
      "RegionPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your province"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province"
      "RequestQuoteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
        "fr-CA" => "Demander un devis"
      "SubFeatureCatalog" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for students."
        "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation d’un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour les élèves."
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign me up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "stripe_rate_limit" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "AskForAQuoteAdvice" => [
        "en-CA" => "To purchase more than 4 subscriptions:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour acheter plus de 4 abonnements :"
      "BackToPurchasePage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
      "BuyPackageBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe!"
        "fr-CA" => "S’abonner!"
      "BuyPromoDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Only valid for school subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "*Uniquement valide pour abonnements scolaires"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChromebookListLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ClientsRenewedDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of schools renew year after year"
        "fr-CA" => "des écoles ont renouvelé leur abonnement"
      "FamilyPackageItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "FamilyPackageItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your children."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour vos enfants."
      "FamilyPackageItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
      "FamilyPackageItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to %$0noOfStudents% children!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à %$0noOfStudents% enfants!"
      "FamilyPackageItem5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Valide un an à partir de la date d'achat."
      "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
      "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
      "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
      "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
        "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
        "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PackageNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% seats"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% sièges"
      "PackageOrgFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Even lower price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix encore plus avantageux"
      "PackageOrgFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "In-person or virtual training"
        "fr-CA" => "Des formations en personne ou en virtuel"
      "PackageOrgFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Custom settings and characters for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Décors et personnages sur mesure pour votre organisation"
      "PackageOrgFeature4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailored exercises for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Exercices sur mesure pour votre organisation"
      "PaymentInformation" => [
        "en-CA" => "Payment Information"
        "fr-CA" => "Informations de paiement"
      "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
      "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
        "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
      "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre"
      "RenewedClientsStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
      "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
      "stripe_invalid_cvc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas valide."
      "AddFamilyPackageBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family"
        "fr-CA" => "Famille"
      "FamilyPackageParam1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your children."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos enfants."
      "FamilyPackageParam2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "FamilyPackageParam3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
      "FamilyPackageParam4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to 5 children!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à 5 enfants!"
      "FamilyPackageParam5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide pour un an à partir de la date d’achat"
      "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
      "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
        "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
      "NoPackagesChosenMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have not selected any subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas choisi d’abonnements."
      "OrgFeaturePriceDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our institutional discounts are very attractive. Take advantage of the best prices and tailor-made features. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contact us to learn more</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos rabais institutionnels sont très intéressants. Profitez des meilleurs prix et de fonctionnalités sur mesure. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus</a>."
      "OrgSubscriptionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "From schools to school boards to entire public school systems, we are accustomed to large-scale deployments."
        "fr-CA" => "Des écoles aux conseils scolaires, jusqu'aux systèmes scolaires publics entiers, nous sommes habitués aux déploiements à grande échelle."
      "PackageSeatsAmount1" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> siège(s)"
      "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
        "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
      "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
        "en-CA" => "A school"
        "fr-CA" => "Une école"
      "SelectedSeatsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
      "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send request"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
      "TangibleResultsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "See how, after just 45 days of use, teachers saw a remarkable increase in writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TeacherPackageItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "TeacherPackageItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de d’exercices clé en main pour vos élèves."
      "TeacherPackageItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "TeacherPackageItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
      "TeacherPackageItem5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiryDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
      "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
      "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
      "stripe_expired_card" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card has expired."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre carte bancaire est expirée."
      "stripe_token_in_use" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "ActivationCodePrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have an activation code, <a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>click here</a>."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous détenez un code d’activation,&nbsp;<a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>c’est par ici</a>."
      "AddTeacherPackageBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
      "BuyPackagePromoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase your 2024/25 subscription and receive instant access!"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement 2024/25 et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
      "CartCustomerProvince" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please choose your province:"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province pour le calcul des taxes :"
      "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
      "InvalidSchoolNameMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of the school"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement scolaire"
      "LicenceTypeUnitPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "OrgFeaturePriceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Lower prices!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des prix plus qu’avantageux!"
      "OrgPackageAdvantages" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the School advantages +"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les avantages Écoles +"
      "OrgSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour for your organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour pour votre organisation"
      "PackageCategoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’abonnements"
      "PackageClassFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
      "PackageClassFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
      "PackageClassFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
      "PurchaseSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Order summary"
        "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
      "QuoteFormUserTeacher" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
      "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
        "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
      "SubDuration3yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "10% discount and fixed price for 3 years!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais de 10% et prix fixe pour 3 ans!"
      "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
        "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
        "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
        "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
      "TeacherPackageParam1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos élèves."
      "TeacherPackageParam2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
        "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
      "TeacherPackageParam3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
      "TeacherPackageParam4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
      "TeacherPackageParam5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until August 28, 2023"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au 28 aout 2023"
      "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
        "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
      "stripe_email_invalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your billing address is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse mail n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_incorrect_cvc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not correct."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas correct."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For students aged 8 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de 8 à 12 ans"
      "AddLicenseV3TroubDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
      "BuyFamilyPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "ChromebookInstallLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "ChromebookNetworkLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "InvalidNumChildrenMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the approximate number of children"
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre approximatif d'enfants"
      "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
        "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
        "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
      "PackageNumberChildren" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0% children"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu’à %$0% enfants"
      "PackageSchoolFeature1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Very advantageous price"
        "fr-CA" => "Prix très avantageux"
      "PackageSchoolFeature2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
      "PackageSchoolFeature3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
      "PackageSchoolFeature4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
        "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
      "PackageSchoolFeature5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
      "PackageValidityRange3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expire on <span class='expiration-date'>%$0Year%-%$1Month%-%$2Day%</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le <span class='expiration-date'>%$2Day%-%$1Month%-%$0Year%</span>"
      "SelectLicenseCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription category"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
      "SelectPackageCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription type"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
      "StoriesByStudentsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stories created by students"
        "fr-CA" => "Histoires créées par les élèves"
      "StoriesByStudentsStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "SubDuration1yearTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "1&nbsp;year"
        "fr-CA" => "1&nbsp;an"
      "SubDuration3yearTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "3&nbsp;years"
        "fr-CA" => "3&nbsp;ans"
      "TroubCTAFamilyPackage" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also have a family version"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons aussi une version familiale"
      "stripe_invalid_number" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card number is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code de carte bancaire n'est pas valide."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubIdeas" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotes the emergence of ideas for writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Favorise l'émergence d'idées pour écrire"
      "AddLicenseV3TroubNeeds" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs of students and teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux besoins des élèves et des enseignants"
      "AddMoreThanFourLicense" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchasing for more than 4 classes?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour plus de 4 classes?"
      "BuyPackagePromoDetails" => [
        "en-CA" => "Benefit from an extension to your subscription: valid from the moment of purchase until the end of the next school year."
        "fr-CA" => "Bénéficiez d'un prolongement de votre abonnement : il sera valide du moment de l'achat jusqu'à la fin de la prochaine année scolaire."
      "BuyPackagePromoTitleV2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase your %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% subscription now, and begin using it immediately!"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
      "BuyPromoExpirationDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotion until August 20, 2023"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au 20 août 2023"
      "BuyTeacherPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "ClassSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
      "ClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform students into authors"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez chaque élève en auteur"
      "FamilyPackageBuyButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscribe my family"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonner ma famille"
      "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "OrgFeatureContentItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Adding tailor-made exercises to the catalog, created by you or by our team"
        "fr-CA" => "L'ajout d'exercices sur mesure dans le catalogue, créés par vous ou par notre équipe"
      "OrgFeatureContentItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creation of settings and characters that represent your reality. For example, we can add your school, or a popular activity within your organization."
        "fr-CA" => "La création de décors et de personnages qui représentent votre réalité. Nous pouvons par exemple ajouter votre école, ou une activité populaire au sein de votre organisation."
      "OrgFeatureContentTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Content tailored to your needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Du contenu sur mesure pour vos besoins"
      "OrgRequestInfoFrmTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Information request form"
        "fr-CA" => "Formulaire de demande d’informations"
      "PackageAddHelperButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other payment method?"
        "fr-CA" => "Autre mode de paiement?"
      "PackageExpiryDateLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Expires on %$0%"
        "fr-CA" => "Expire le %$0%"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
        "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
      "SelectedReductionPrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "SubFeatureDesignAssets" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves!"
      "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
      "TroubPackagesFamilyBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement Famille"
      "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour has a proven track record in schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
      "ViewSchoolSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "View the School subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École"
      "stripe_api_key_expired" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "FamilyPackageDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 4 children"
        "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 4 enfants"
      "FamilyPurchasePageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform your children into authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez vos enfants en auteurs!"
      "FamilySubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "FamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instill a love of writing in children"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour faire naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
      "MedSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 6 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 6 abonnements classes"
      "OrgSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Live training and personalized support!"
        "fr-CA" => "Formations en direct et  accompagnement personnalisé!"
      "PackageInfosButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
        "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
      "PackageTotalSeatsAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> seat(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> siège(s)"
      "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
      "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}"
        "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
      "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
        "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
      "ReturnToBuyPageLinkText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go back to the purchase page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retournez à la page d’achat?"
      "SchoolSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "School subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École"
      "SchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We transform schools into communities of engaged authors"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous transformons les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
      "SeeAllSubscriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "See all subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir tous les abonnements"
      "TransferDisclaimerTexte" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions can be combined and transferred to suit your needs, but cannot be split to transfer a part of it to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements peuvent être combinés et transférés pour convenir à vos besoins, mais ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu'un d'autre."
      "TransferDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note :"
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien :"
      "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
      "TroubPackagesFamilyText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Turn screen time into creation time with Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Transformez le temps d’écran en temps de création avec Troubadour."
      "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
      "stripe_amount_too_large" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too high."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop élevé."
      "stripe_amount_too_small" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too low."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop bas."
      "AddLicenseV3TroubWebsite" => [
        "en-CA" => "A simple website, accessible from anywhere"
        "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web, accessible de partout"
      "ChallengesByTeachersDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher-created writing challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis d’écriture créés par les enseignants"
      "ChallengesByTeachersStat" => [
        "en-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
        "fr-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "EstablishedResourceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A well-established resource"
        "fr-CA" => "Une ressource bien établie"
      "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
      "PackageAddHelperBullets2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Billing name and address (usually: school or district)<br> Name of responsible person <br> Purchase order number <br> Type and quantity of required subscription packages <br> Email address of the account to which subscription packages must be transferred"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom et adresse de facturation (en général: centre de services scolaire ou école)<br>                    Nom de la personne responsable <br>                    Numéro de bon de commande <br>                    Type et nombre d'abonnement(s) désiré(s) <br>                    Adresse courriel du compte où transférer les abonnements                "
      "QuoteFormUserSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Services Centre"
        "fr-CA" => "Centre de services"
      "SchoolSubscriptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Scolaires"
      "SubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A subscription allows"
        "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement permet"
      "SubscriptionOptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Explore the other subscription types"
        "fr-CA" => "Explorer les autres abonnements"
      "TeacherPackageExpiration" => [
        "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiry Date%"
        "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
      "TroubPackagesFamilyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
      "stripe_incorrect_address" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your address is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse n'est pas une adresse valide."
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText0" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game is available on Chromebook if your model allows installing Android applications. We have installed the game on various models without any problems, but we still recommend that you install the game on one of your students' Chromebook first and test it for free before buying packages. The number of Chromebook models supporting Android increases continuously, but there is still no guarantee that your Chromebooks will support the game."
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est disponible sur Chromebook si le modèle que vous utilisez permet d'installer            des applications Android. Google considère cette fonctionnalité comme étant encore en mode Beta. Nous avons            installé le jeu sur divers modèles sans problèmes mais nous recommandons tout de même d'installer            le jeu sur le Chromebook d'un élève et de l'essayer gratuitement avant de vous procurer des            abonnements. Le nombre de modèles supportant Android augmente sans cesse mais il n'y a pas de garantie que vos            Chromebooks supporteront le jeu."
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A list of Chromebook models compatible with Android can be found "
        "fr-CA" => "Une liste des modèles de Chromebooks compatibles Android se trouve "
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Google provides instructions on how to install Android applications on a networked computer (as is often the case in schools) "
        "fr-CA" => "Google fournit des explications sur comment installer des applications Android sur un            ordinateur en réseau (comme c'est souvent le cas dans une école) "
      "ChromebookDisclaimerText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To install it on a personal Chromebook, the information can be found"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l'installer sur un Chromebook personnel, les informations se trouvent "
      "ClassSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires students, gives them confidence, and nurtures the writer within them."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les élèves, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "IncludedSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement&nbsp;:"
      "LargeSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 7 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 7 abonnements classes"
      "NoProvinceSelectedWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please select your province."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre province."
      "OrgRequestInfoFrmSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We will respond as soon as possible."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais."
      "OtherPaymentModesBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Other payment methods are available"
        "fr-CA" => "D’autres mode de paiement sont disponibles"
      "PackageTotalPurchasePrice" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
      "PaymentIssueContactPrompt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Having difficulty paying via credit card? Want other payment options? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contact us!</a>"
        "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le payment via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contactez nous!</a>"
      "PurchaseErrorOccuredLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => " An error occurred during the transaction. If you have not received your licence, or if a purchase was made in error, please contact us at"
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la transaction. Si vous n'avez pas reçu vos abonnements, ou si un achat a été effectué par erreur, veuillez nous contacter à"
      "SmallSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 4 classroom subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 4 abonnements classes"
      "SubscriptionDurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription duration"
        "fr-CA" => "Durée de l’abonnement"
      "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
      "stripe_token_already_used" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your transaction has already been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre transaction a déjà été effectuée."
      "CreditCardIssueDisclaimer3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Problems paying with your credit card? Do you need other payment options?<b>Contact us</b> "
        "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le paiement via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <b> Contactez nous! </b> "
      "FamilySubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires young people, gives them confidence, and nourishes the author within them."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les jeunes, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
        "fr-CA" => "Des formations personnalisées"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tailored user documentation and a plan for getting started"
        "fr-CA" => "Une documentation sur mesure pour les utilisateurs et un plan de démarrage"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Dedicated customer support"
        "fr-CA" => "Un support client dédié"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Monthly usage reports"
        "fr-CA" => "Des rapports d’utilisation mensuels"
      "OrgFeatureIntegrationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complete management of the implementation in your organization:"
        "fr-CA" => "Une prise en main complète de l’implémentation dans votre organisation&nbsp;:"
      "PackageDecreaseNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to standard Classroom subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Remettre en abonnement Classe standard"
      "PackageIncreaseNumberSeats" => [
        "en-CA" => "Convert to Classroom+ subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Transformer en abonnement Classe+"
      "PackageTotalPurchaseDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
        "fr-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
      "QuoteFormConclusionMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Someone from our team will contact you shortly with a quote. Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quelqu’un de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu avec un devis.Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "ReturnToSubscriptionsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Retour aux abonnements"
      "SchoolSubscriptionInfoText" => [
        "en-CA" => "For several subscriptions, the school subscription may be more advantageous."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour plusieurs abonnements, l’achat école peut être plus avantageux."
      "SchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The creative platform that facilitates the teaching of writing and brings the school together around an inspiring and unifying project."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme créative qui facilite l’enseignement de l’écriture et réunit l’école autour d’un projet inspirant et rassembleur."
      "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
      "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
      "TroubPackagesHomeSchoolBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Homeschool subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École à la maison"
      "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
      "stripe_country_unsupported" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your card was refused by our payment processor."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre pays n'est malheureusement pas supporté par l'organisme de payement."
      "stripe_invalid_expiry_year" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your expiration year is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "L'année d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_postal_code_invalid" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your postcode is not correct."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre code postal n'est pas correct."
      "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "With Troubadour, your children will develop their creativity by discovering the pleasure of writing and telling stories."
        "fr-CA" => "Avec Troubadour, vos enfants développeront leur créativité en découvrant le plaisir d'écrire et de raconter des histoires."
      "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also have versions for school and home education!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous avons également une version pour le milieu scolaire et l'éducation à domicile!"
      "HomeSchoolPackageDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 5 children. Subscription valid for up to one year after the date of purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 5 enfants. Abonnement valide jusqu’à un an après la date d’achat."
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à la maison"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
        "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
      "OrgSubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We offer:"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons&nbsp;:"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student at the école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, the ideas come very quickly!”"
        "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
        "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
      "TroubPackagesComparisonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unlock thousands of scenery options, correction tools, and more!"
        "fr-CA" => "Débloquez des milliers de décors, des outils de correction et plus encore!"
      "stripe_invalid_expiry_month" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your expiration month is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le mois d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
      "stripe_invalid_source_usage" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
        "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
      "PackageTotalCurrencyTaxLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0% + Tax"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0% + Taxes"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
        "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
      "TroubFeatureFamilySpacesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each member of the family will have a space for their own creations.<br><br>You will be able to view what your children create, and encourage them!"
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque membre de la famille aura son propre espace de création.<br><br>Vous pourrez lire ce que vos enfants créent et les encourager!"
      "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
      "stripe_invalid_charge_amount" => [
        "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is not valid."
        "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction n'est pas valide."
      "BuyPromoExpirationDateDynamic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Promotion until %$0promotionEndDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au %$0promotionEndDate%"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
        "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0} Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
      "LicenceTypeUnitPriceReduction" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
      "OrganisationNameLabelShortTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name of school"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement scolaire"
      "SubFeatureUnlimitedChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "The ability to create an unlimited number of challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "La possibilité de créer autant de défis que vous le souhaitez."
      "TroubFeatureMonthlyThemesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Fantastic, historical, and realistic themes will be offered to you each month!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des thèmes fantastiques, historiques et réalistes vous seront proposés chaque mois!"
      "HomeSchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "All the tools you need to monitor your child's progress, encourage them, and help them improve!"
        "fr-CA" => "Tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour suivre la progression de votre enfant, l’encourager et l’aider à s’améliorer!"
      "IncludedClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the Classroom subscription, you will be able to:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Classe, vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
        "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
      "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
        "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
        "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
      "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "With a subscription you will be able to:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly.<br><br>Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.<br><br>Merci de votre intérêt!"
      "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
      "stripe_platform_api_key_expired" => [
        "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
      "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "With the Family subscription:"
        "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Famille&nbsp;:"
      "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
      "TroubEducationSubscriptionsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour education subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour Éducation"
      "TroubFeatureUnlimitedStoriesDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your children will be able to create as many stories as they want, using thousands of characters and settings."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos enfants pourront créer autant d'histoires qu'ils le souhaitent en utilisant des milliers de personnages et de décors."
      "SchoolPackageExpirationDateDynamic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Buy now and enjoy the subscription until %$0Package EndDate%"
        "fr-CA" => "Achetez maintenant et profitez de l’abonnement jusqu'au %$0PackagaeEndDate%"
    "ExploreMode" => [
      "AuthorTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "WorkGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "In the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans le groupe de"
      "PresentedByText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Presented by"
        "fr-CA" => "Présenté par"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ReadCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read your teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire le commentaire de ton enseignant"
      "StopSharingUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is posted on one or more shared Classroom Walls."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est affiché sur un ou plusieurs babillards partagés."
      "StopSharingUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsharing this work will remove it from any Classroom Wall(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus le partager le retirera du ou des babillards."
      "StopSharingUCText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous continuer ?"
      "StopSharingUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager ce travail"
      "BackToWritingButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Retourner écrire"
      "TitleStudentNameText" => [
        "en-CA" => "By %$0student%"
        "fr-CA" => "Par %$0student%"
      "ReadYourCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre commentaire"
      "TitleStudentNameTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A story created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Une histoire créée par"
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this work has been copied to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce travail a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must complete the corrections before the student can continue working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
    "Translation" => [
      "Export" => [
        "en-CA" => "Export"
        "fr-CA" => "Exporter"
      "Import" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer"
      "IncompleteOnlyCB" => [
        "en-CA" => "Incomplete Only"
        "fr-CA" => "Incomplètes uniquement"
      "TranslationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Translation"
        "fr-CA" => "Traduction"
    "PackagesMail" => [
      "UserText" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "GoToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account"
        "fr-CA" => "Se créer un compte"
      "GoToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Aller à mon compte"
      "UCCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux envoyés"
      "LastUsageText" => [
        "en-CA" => " Last Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière utilisation"
      "NanomonxAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal,<br>QC H2M 2E9"
      "SeatAmountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges assignés"
      "TransferDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "- (%$0count%) %$1packageName%"
        "fr-CA" => "- (%$0count%) %$1packageName%"
      "LicenceTypeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "ConfirmEmailAlt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*If the button does not work, click the following link or copy it to your browser's address bar:"
        "fr-CA" => "*Si le bouton ne fonctionne pas, suivez le lien suivant ou copiez-le dans la barre d’adresse de votre navigateur: "
      "PackagesToSignup" => [
        "en-CA" => "To use it, you simply need to create your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour l'utiliser, il vous suffit de vous créer un compte!"
      "TransferDateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned On"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné le"
      "TransfersSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The user has received the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! L'utilisateur a bien reçu vos abonnements."
      "LicensesToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Use it immediately in your account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisez-le dès maintenant dans votre compte!"
      "PackagesToAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can use it immediately in your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez désormais l'utiliser dans votre compte."
      "TransferNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) transferred a subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) vous a transféré un abonnement:"
      "ChallengeCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis lancés"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montreal, QC H2M 2E9"
      "packageReceivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have received a subscription package!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez reçu un abonnement!"
      "TransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$2username%)</span></b> has transferred a Boreal Tales subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré un abonnement à La Constellation de l'Ours:"
      "TransferNameNoAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) has transferred a Boreal Tales subscription package to you:"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0firstname% %$1lastname% (%$2username%) vous a transféré des abonnements à La Constellation de l'Ours:"
      "TransferLegendNoAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Good news,"
        "fr-CA" => "Bonne nouvelle, "
      "MailTransferPackageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0name% sent a subscription package to you"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0name% vous a envoyé un abonnement"
      "TransfersNoAccountSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The user does not yet have an account, but an email with instructions has been sent out. The subscription package will automatically be transferred once the user’s account is created. "
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! L'utilisateur ne possède pas encore de compte, mais un courriel explicatif lui a été envoyé. L’abonnement lui sera automatiquement attribué une fois son compte créé."
      "TransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#2792AB'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> transferred Nanomonx subscription(s) to you :"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0firstname% %$1lastname% <span style='color:#006A52'>(%$2username%)</span></b> vous a transféré un(des) abonnement(s) Nanomonx:"
      "NanomonxEmailTransferPackagesTextDetail" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b><span style='color:#006A52'>(%$0count%)</span> %$1packageName%</b>"
    "Anonymization" => [
      "Username" => [
        "en-CA" => "Child's username"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom d'utilisateur de l'enfant"
      "KeepMyAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep my account"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder mon compte"
      "NanomonxEmailAdress" => [
        "en-CA" => "8955 Avenue André-Grasset #201,<br>Montréal, QC H2M 2E9"
        "fr-CA" => "8955, avenue André-Grasset, bureau 201,<br>Montréal, (Québec) H2M 2E9"
      "CreateNewAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create a new account"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un nouveau compte"
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Due to your 2 years of inactivity on, we have removed your personal information from our servers and made your account inaccessible. This measure is part of our efforts to protect your data."
        "fr-CA" => "En raison de votre inactivité pendant 2 ans sur, nous avons supprimé vos informations personnelles de nos serveurs et rendu votre compte inaccessible. Cette mesure fait partie de nos efforts pour protéger vos données."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The e-mail address associated with your account has been released for reuse. If you would like to re-join, please click on the link below."
        "fr-CA" => "L'adresse électronique associée à votre compte a été libérée pour être réutilisée. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre à nouveau, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_4" => [
        "en-CA" => "We hope you have enjoyed your experience with Troubadour and Boreal Tales. We look forward to welcoming you back to discover the new features of our educational platforms."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié votre expérience avec Troubadour et La Constellation de l'Ours. Nous serions ravis de vous voir revenir pour découvrir les nouvelles fonctionnalités de nos plateformes éducatives."
      "ManagerAccountGoodbye_5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for using our products!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d'avoir utilisé nos produits!"
      "KeepStudentAccountButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep the account"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder le compte"
      "MailMangerInactiveTitle_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning: your account is about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: votre compte est sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "PrivacyPolicy_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you wish to have more information, you can view our privacy policy by clicking"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez avoir plus d’information, vous pouvez consulter notre politique de confidentialité en cliquant "
      "KeepAllStudentAccountsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep all accounts"
        "fr-CA" => "Garder tous les comptes"
      "ValidateStudentAccountsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validate my students"
        "fr-CA" => "Valider mes élèves"
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your data and your student's data, we will automatically delete your account and your personal data, because the account has not been used for almost two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger vos données et les données de vos élèves, nous allons automatiquement supprimer votre compte et vos données personnelles, car le compte n’a pas été utilisé depuis près de deux ans."
      "MailStudentInactiveToManagerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Restore your student’s account"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le compte de votre élève"
      "PreventManagerAccountAnonymization2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The account will be deleted on %$0deletionDate%. If you do not wish to keep your account, no action is required on your part. If you wish to keep the account and prevent it from being deleted, please click on the button below and login to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Le compte sera supprimé le %$0deletionDate%. Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder votre compte, aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si dans le cas contraire vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "ManagerAccountAnonymizationInfoPart2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that once your account is deleted, it will be inaccessible and unrecoverable."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que lorsque votre compte sera supprimé, il sera inaccessible et irrécupérable."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "One or more students have created an account and wish to be added to your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Un ou plusieurs élèves ont créé un compte et souhaitent s’ajouter à votre groupe."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please log in to the teacher platform, and go to the Groups and students menu to validate the accounts within 72 hours. Otherwise, they will be deleted from the system."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez vous connecter à la plateforme enseignant, et aller dans le menu Groupes et élèves pour valider les comptes d’ici 72 heures, sans quoi ils seront effacés du système."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your students' data, we will automatically delete their accounts and personal data, as the accounts have not been used for more than two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger les données de vos élèves, nous allons automatiquement supprimer leurs comptes et leurs données personnelles, car leurs comptes n’ont pas été utilisés depuis plus de deux ans."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that only personal data is deleted, student work remains intact. Your students' work in your portfolio will therefore remain accessible."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que seules les données personnelles sont supprimées, les travaux d’élèves demeurent intacts. Les travaux de vos élèves qui se trouvent dans votre portfolio demeureront donc accessibles."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you do not wish to keep the account, no action is required on your part. If you do wish to keep the account and prevent it from being deleted, please click the button below and log in to your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas garder le compte, aucune action n’est requise de votre part. Si, dans le cas contraire, vous désirez conserver le compte et empêcher sa suppression, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous et vous connecter à votre compte."
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarning_4" => [
        "en-CA" => "To keep all accounts, click the button below:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour garder tous les comptes, cliquer le bouton ci-dessous:"
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationInfo_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "In order to protect your student’s data, we will automatically delete the account and personal data because the account has not been used in almost two years."
        "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger les données de votre élève, nous allons automatiquement supprimer son compte et ses données personnelles, car le compte n’a pas été utilisé depuis près de deux ans."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Validation of your students' accounts"
        "fr-CA" => "Validation des comptes de vos élèves"
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationDeletionDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Will be deleted on %$0deletionDate%."
        "fr-CA" => "Sera supprimé le %$0deletionDate%"
      "MultipleStudentAccountAnonymizationWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Attention: your students' accounts are about to be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention: les comptes de vos élèves sont sur le point d'être supprimé"
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a reminder."
        "fr-CA" => "Ceci est un petit rappel."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_2" => [
        "en-CA" => "One or more students have created an account and wish to be added to your group. If you do not verify these accounts within the next 12 hours, they will be deleted from our system."
        "fr-CA" => "Un ou plusieurs élèves ont créé un compte et souhaitent s’ajouter à votre groupe. Si vous ne validez pas leur compte dans les 12 prochaines heures, ceux-ci seront effacés de notre système."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you don't want these students added to your group, you can ignore this message."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous ne souhaitez pas que ces élèves s’ajoutent à votre groupe, vous pouvez ignorer ce message."
      "StudentAccountAnonymizationInfoPart2_ManagerEmail" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that only personal data will be deleted, the students’ works remain intact. The works of your students that are in your portfolio will remain accessible. "
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez noter que seules les données personnelles sont supprimées, les travaux d’élèves demeurent intacts. Les travaux de vos élèves qui se trouvent dans votre portfolio demeureront donc accessibles."
      "MultipleStudentAccountUnvalidatedWarning_Urgent_Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "REMINDER: student accounts not activated within 24 hours will be deleted"
        "fr-CA" => "RAPPEL : les comptes élèves non activés seront effacés dans 24 heures"
    "FamilyLanding" => [
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "AddMyFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Get Started"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ma famille"
      "HowItWorksUIText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A picture is worth a thousand words! Thanks to its unique interface, Troubadour allows you to transform your ideas into images. Your child will naturally find the words to tell their story."
        "fr-CA" => "Une image vaut mille mots! Grâce à son interface unique, Troubadour permet de mettre ses idées en images. Ainsi, le récit émerge et l'enfant trouve naturellement les mots pour raconter."
      "HowItWorksUIText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour helps the child discover the pleasure of writing, and to perfect their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour permet de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire et de perfectionner ses compétences."
      "HowItWorksUIText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing becomes a creative means of expression, and allows your child's voice to emerge."
        "fr-CA" => "L'écriture devient un moyen d’expression créatif, et laisse émerger la voix de l'enfant."
      "WorldExample1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Weave a tale of wizards and warlocks!"
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte une histoire de magiciens!"
      "WorldExample2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share sweet details of your day at the sugar shack."
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte ta journée à la cabane à sucre."
      "WorldExample3Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recount an odyssey of intergalactic adventure!"
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte une aventure intergalactique!"
      "WorldExample4Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share the highlights of your Canadian vacation."
        "fr-CA" => "Raconte ton voyage au Canada."
      "HowItWorksDecorText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings to engage every child: from the aspiring author, to the reluctant writer!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors pour engager chaque enfant : de l’aspirant auteur, à l’écrivain réticent!"
      "HowItWorksSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "How does it work?"
        "fr-CA" => "Comment ça marche?"
      "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour has proven itself in schools!"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
      "TroubadourFamilyTagline" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family writing platform that turns your child into an author."
        "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture familiale qui transforme votre enfant en auteur."
      "WorldExamplesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "By creating interactive scenes in worlds that captivate them, children enjoy writing."
        "fr-CA" => "En créant des scènes interactives dans des univers qui les captivent, les enfants prennent du plaisir à écrire."
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student at école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, ideas come really quickly!”"
        "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
      "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
        "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
      "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
        "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
    "LicencesIndex" => [
      "IsOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "You!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes le propriétaire"
      "ReturnLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "MyPackagesTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Subscription Packages Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements que je peux utiliser"
      "LicenceV2InfoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TableCurrentOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Propriétaire"
      "LiberateLicenceMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "The subscription will be returned to the owner, and you will no longer have access to the seats.<br>Without a subscription, you will be switched to the free mode."
        "fr-CA" => "L'abonnement sera retourné au propriétaire, et vous ne pourrez plus l'utiliser.<br>Si vous n'avez plus d'abonnement, vous passerez en mode gratuit."
      "AdministrateLicence" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transfer Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Distribuer mes abonnements"
      "LiberateLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you return the subscription package, the owner will once again be able to use the seats it contains, or may assign it to another user."
        "fr-CA" => "En restituant l'abonnement, son propriétaire pourra de nouveau bénéficier des sièges qui lui sont associés, ou l'assigner à un autre utilisateur."
      "LiberateLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you return your subscription package to its owner, you will no longer have access to the seats it granted you."
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer votre abonnement à son propriétaire ne vous permettra plus de bénéficier des sièges associés à celui-ci."
      "LiberateLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<u>Every student in each of your groups requires a seat. Make sure you keep enough seats for your needs before returning a subscription package.</u>"
        "fr-CA" => "<u>Des sièges sont nécessaires pour qu'un groupe puisse comporter des élèves. Assurez-vous de conserver suffisamment de sièges pour vos élèves.</u>"
      "LiberateLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "LiberateLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Restituer l'abonnement"
      "FreeTrialNotStartedYet" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not yet started"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas commencé"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup6" => [
        "en-CA" => "The %$2productName% free trial makes <b>%$0amount%</b> seats available to you free of charge, with no commitment, for a period of <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether to homeschool, suggest a fun and educational activity to your kids or students, or simply to discover the application, you will have access to all the features!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de %$2productName% c'est <b>%$0amount%</b> sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de  <b>%$1duration% jours</b>. Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, proposer une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités! "
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup7" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once the free trial is over, it will be possible to reactivate the accounts of your students associated with these seats by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the works they have started and will be able to get access again after giving them seats from your new subscription. To make sure your kids can keep playing after the free trial, buy a subscription package now!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement. Pour que vos enfants puissent continuer de jouer à la fin de l'essai gratuit, achetez un abonnement maintenant!"
    "OwnedLicences" => [
      "IsOwner" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are the owner"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes le propriétaire"
      "UserText" => [
        "en-CA" => "User"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateur"
      "SearchInput" => [
        "en-CA" => "Search"
        "fr-CA" => "Rechercher"
      "UCSentCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Creations Submitted by Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de travaux soumis par les élèves"
      "UCCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux envoyés"
      "UCFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Creations"
        "fr-CA" => "Travaux"
      "BundleActions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Batch Actions"
        "fr-CA" => "Actions en lots"
      "LastUsageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière utilisation"
      "ReturnSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You have returned this subscription package to the owner."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous avez restitué cet abonnement à son propriétaire."
      "RevokeSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You can access the seats of your subscription again."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez de nouveau accéder aux sièges de votre abonnement."
      "SeatUsedCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de sièges utilisés"
      "UsernameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "Username format is incorrect"
        "fr-CA" => "Le format du nom d'utilisateur est incorrect"
      "PackageFilters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les abonnements"
      "SeatAmountText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges assignés"
      "TableBuyedDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchased on"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheté le"
      "TableSelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner tout"
      "DuplicateReturn" => [
        "en-CA" => "This subscription package has already been returned."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet abonnement a déjà été restitué."
      "LicenceTypeText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Type of Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Type d'abonnement"
      "PackageHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PackagedExpired" => [
        "en-CA" => "This subscription has expired"
        "fr-CA" => "Cet abonnement est expiré"
      "SeatsFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Sièges"
      "UserStatsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Package Details"
        "fr-CA" => "Détails de l’abonnement"
      "SameUserTransfer" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can already use this subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez déjà utiliser cet abonnement."
      "TransferDateText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned On"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné le"
      "UserStatsFilters" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filter Users"
        "fr-CA" => "Filtrer les utilisateurs"
      "ConsultTransferts" => [
        "en-CA" => "View Pending Transfers"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir les distributions en cours"
      "YieldLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Giving a subscription package to another user transfers the ownership of the package. The new owner will have access to all the seats associated with the package."
        "fr-CA" => "Céder un abonnement à un utilisateur lui permettra de bénéficier de tous les sièges associés à l'abonnement. L'utilisateur deviendra le nouveau propriétaire de l'abonnement."
      "YieldLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Warning! This action is irreversible. By giving the subscription package, you will not only lose the seats associated with it but also its administration rights.</b><br>The new owner will be able to use the seats of the package, but also to assign it or give it to another user. If you would rather only permit the use of the package without losing its ownership or its administration rights, you should assign the package instead of giving it."
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Attention! Cette action est irréversible. En cédant l'abonnement, vous perdez les sièges associés mais aussi les droits d'administration de celui-ci.</b><br>Le nouveau propriétaire pourra alors utiliser les sièges de l'abonnement, mais aussi l'assigner ou le céder à son tour. Si vous préférez simplement permettre l’utilisation de l’abonnement sans en perdre la propriété ni les droits d’administration, vous pouvez assigner l’abonnement plutôt que le céder."
      "AssignLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigning a subscription package to another user grants this user with access to all the seats associated with the package."
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner un abonnement à un utilisateur lui permettra de bénéficier de tous les sièges associés à l'abonnement."
      "AssignLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will retain ownership of the subscription package and can take it back at any time."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous restez propriétaire de l'abonnement et pouvez le récupérer à n'importe quel moment."
      "AssignLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Every student in each of your groups requires a seat. Make sure you keep enough seats for your needs with your other subscription packages before giving this package.</u> "
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Des sièges sont nécessaires pour qu'un groupe puisse comporter des élèves. Assurez-vous d’avoir assez de sièges pour vos élèves avec vos autres abonnements avant de céder cet abonnement.</b>"
      "FilterOptionState2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Libre"
      "FilterOptionState3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "FilterSelectState0" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un état"
      "LicenceStatsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "User Statistics"
        "fr-CA" => "Statistiques de l'utilisateur"
      "AssignLicenceAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'abonnement"
      "ChallengeCountText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Submitted Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis lancés"
      "ChallengeFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis"
      "FilterLastChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last Submitted Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dernier défi soumis"
      "FilterMinChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers who have created at least: "
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants qui ont créé au moins :"
      "FilterMinSeatCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers who have assigned at least:"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants qui ont assigné au moins :"
      "PackageFiltersCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Filtered Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements filtrés"
      "ChallengeCreateCount" => [
        "en-CA" => "# of Challenges Created"
        "fr-CA" => "Nombre de défis créés"
      "UnassignLicenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Taking back the subscription package of a user will give you access to the seats that are associated to it."
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement d'un utilisateur vous permettra de récupérer les sièges qui y sont associés."
      "UnassignLicenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will then have the possibility of using these seats for your own groups, or to assign the package to another user."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pourrez alors de nouveau utiliser les sièges de l'abonnement pour vos groupes ou assigner l'abonnement à un autre utilisateur."
      "UnassignLicenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "The current user will no longer be able to use the seats associated with this subscription package. If this results in the user not having enough seats, this user will have to choose between removing some students or acquiring another subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisateur actuel ne pourra plus utiliser les sièges associés à cet abonnement. Si ceci fait en sorte que l'utilisateur ne dispose plus de suffisamment de sièges, cet utilisateur devra choisir entre retirer des élèves ou se procurer un nouvel abonnement."
      "UnassignLicenceTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement"
      "UnassignLicenceAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back the subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre l'abonnement"
      "UnassignLicenceButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back subscription package"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner l'abonnement"
      "FilterPackageAvailable" => [
        "en-CA" => "Package Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponibilité des abonnements"
      "UnassignLicencesAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take back Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Reprendre les abonnements"
      "FilterMinUserChallenge2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teachers whose students have submitted at least:"
        "fr-CA" => "Enseignants dont les élèves ont soumis au moins:  :"
      "FilterDateSelectionAfter" => [
        "en-CA" => "After"
        "fr-CA" => "Après"
      "FilterDateSelectionBefore" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before"
        "fr-CA" => "Avant"
      "SharedPackageManagersList" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscription Packages Recipients"
        "fr-CA" => "Les utilisateurs à qui j'ai partagé des abonnements"
      "FilterLicencesPurchaseDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Date"
        "fr-CA" => "Date d'achat"
      "PackageManagerDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Owned Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements dont je suis propriétaire"
      "FilterSelectionLicencesType" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select Package Type"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un type"
    "UserChallenge" => [
      "Print" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer"
      "DoneBy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Written By <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "FAILED" => [
        "en-CA" => "Private"
        "fr-CA" => "Privé"
      "minutes" => [
        "en-CA" => "Minutes"
        "fr-CA" => "Minutes"
      "HelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help"
        "fr-CA" => "Aide"
      "WritedOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text written by the student on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Texte écrit par l'élève le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "COMPLETED" => [
        "en-CA" => "Public"
        "fr-CA" => "Public"
      "Continuer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer"
      "NewStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "New"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau"
      "ApprovedOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Approved on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Approuvé le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "BankAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place in bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en banque"
      "EditButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Éditer"
      "ReadButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Read"
        "fr-CA" => "Lire"
      "BackTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler"
      "IN_PROGRESS" => [
        "en-CA" => "Ongoing"
        "fr-CA" => "En cours"
      "PrintButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer"
      "ResetButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps"
      "ShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager"
      "SpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "Game modes"
        "fr-CA" => "Modes spéciaux"
      "ActiveStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Activés"
      "AssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ce défi"
      "CloseWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you deactivate this challenge, your students will no longer be able to work on their associated creations.                   However, you can reactivate the challenge whenever you wish to do so."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous marquez ce défi comme désactivé, vos élèves ne pourront plus modifier les mondes attachés à ce défi.                    Vous pourrez néanmoins le réactiver ultérieurement si vous le souhaitez. "
      "ColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text Color"
        "fr-CA" => "Couleur du texte"
      "DeleteAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroy this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce défi"
      "DeleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer"
      "OurGamesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our platforms"
        "fr-CA" => "Nos plateformes"
      "RefreshTimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
      "ReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger le texte"
      "SeeAnswerKey" => [
        "en-CA" => "See the Answer Sheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Voir le corrigé"
      "ArchiveAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bank this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce défi en banque"
      "CopyShareLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing address"
        "fr-CA" => "Adresse de partage"
      "DeleteSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been deleted."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été supprimé."
      "DeleteWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you delete this challenge, you will no longer be able to edit it, and it will disappear from the challenges list.                    Students will no longer be able to access the worlds they built for this challenge. <br><b>All deletions are final.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous supprimez définitement ce défi, vous ne pourrez plus le modifier et celui-ci disparaîtra de la liste des défis.                Aussi, vos élèves n'auront plus accès aux mondes de ce défi.<br><b>Toute suppression est définitive</b>"
      "DisableButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver"
      "EndedUCStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Work’s Publication Status"
        "fr-CA" => "Statut de publication du travail"
      "HistoryButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique"
      "IntroModeName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Narration mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode Narration"
      "NEED_REVISION" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision Required"
        "fr-CA" => "Besoin de retravailler"
      "NoHistoryText" => [
        "en-CA" => "There is currently no log for this text."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas encore d'historique pour ce texte."
      "NoSpecialMods" => [
        "en-CA" => "None"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun"
      "ResendUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "If the work is currently in your portfolio, it will be removed. The work will remain inaccessible to other students until it is re-published."
        "fr-CA" => "Si le travail est actuellement dans votre portfolio, il en sera retiré. Il ne pourra pas non plus être exploré par les autres élèves, tant que vous ne le terminerez pas à nouveau."
      "ResendUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you change a work’s status to “Waiting for correction”, you may once again send it back to the student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque vous reclassez un travail dans “À corriger”, vous pouvez de nouveau l’envoyer à l’élève pour révision."
      "StrikeTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Strike"
        "fr-CA" => "Barré"
      "ToWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Up to %$0count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Jusqu'à %$0count% mot(s)"
      "403TextContent" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be logged in to access this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être connecté pour accéder à cette page."
      "ActivateButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activate"
        "fr-CA" => "Activer"
      "BackButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir"
      "BuyLicenseLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase"
        "fr-CA" => "Achat"
      "ChallengesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes défis"
      "ClassroomsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "My Groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Mes groupes"
      "CopyShareLink2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Copy address"
        "fr-CA" => "Copier l’adresse"
      "DisabledStatus" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactivés"
      "EmptyGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This group has no students.<br><br>Add students to this group and invite them to participate!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce groupe n'a pas d'élève.<br><br>Ajoutez des élèves au groupe et invitez-les à se connecter pour participer."
      "ForwardTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redo"
        "fr-CA" => "Refaire"
      "IncludingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Including:"
        "fr-CA" => "Incluant:"
      "ResetTimeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Resetting the challenge time of <b>%$0name%</b> will reset the remaining time of each student back to its original value of <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Réinitialiser le temps du défi remettra le temps restant de chaque élève sur le défi <b>%$0name%</b> à sa valeur maximale de <b>%$1count%</b> minute(s)"
      "UCFilterLabel2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display completed works <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> and/or works currently in correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
        "fr-CA" => "Seulement afficher les travaux finis <img src="%$0CompletedImage%"> ou en correction <img src="%$1CorrectionImage%">"
      "UnassignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ce défi"
      "WorkWordPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "works"
        "fr-CA" => "travaux"
      "ApporovedButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Mark Text Corrected</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Marquer le texte comme corrigé</i>"
      "ChallengeFailed" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Public Completed Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail complété et privé)"
      "DefaultSubworld" => [
        "en-CA" => "Default Environment"
        "fr-CA" => "Île par défaut"
      "DuplicateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer ce défi"
      "DuplicateBUtton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer"
      "EmptyBinderList" => [
        "en-CA" => "As of this moment, no students have started this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour le moment, on dirait bien qu’aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi"
      "SendToPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send directly to portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer directement au portfolio"
      "SetReviewPublic" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as public"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le défi public"
      "ShareDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you decide to share this challenge, any user of Boreal Tales will be able to use it with their group if they have the share code. <br>Your name will not appear associated with the challenge, and you cede any copyright to the contents of this challenge. <br><br>Users who use your template will be able to modify it during the import. <br><br>You will not be able to modify this challenge anymore. Nanomonx may use your challenge in a public library of templates."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous décidez de partager ce défi, n'importe quel utilisateur de La Constellation de l'Ours pourra l'utiliser avec son groupe pour peu qu’il ait le code de partage.        <br>Votre nom n'apparaîtra pas, vous cédez donc vos droits d’auteurs pour l’utilisation de ce défi.        <br><br>Les utilisateurs qui utiliseront votre gabarit pourront le modifier lors de l’importation.        <br><br>Vous ne pourrez plus modifier ce défi.        <br>Il est possible que Nanomonx utilise votre défi dans la banque publique des gabarits."
      "ShownChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis affichés :"
      "StudentReviewOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected by the student on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Corrigé par l'élève le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "TeacherReviewOn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Last correction on %$0date% at %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
        "fr-CA" => "Dernière correction le %$0date% à %$1hour%h%$2minute%."
      "ToCommentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commenter"
      "ToCorrectButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "UnassignAction2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set to unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en désassigné"
      "ActivateAndClose" => [
        "en-CA" => "I want to activate the challenge now"
        "fr-CA" => "Je veux activer le défi maintenant"
      "ApprovedTextInfo" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as approved."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce texte a été marqué comme approuvé."
      "CorrectionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "<i>Edit Correction</i>"
        "fr-CA" => "<i>Modifier la correction du texte</i>"
      "DescriptionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "FirstGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create your first group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer votre premier groupe"
      "MaskingHowToText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève"
      "PublicStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your whole group, and anyone that has the access code, will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Le travail sera explorable par tout le groupe et tous ceux ayant le code d’accès."
      "RevisionApproved" => [
        "en-CA" => "This text has been marked as corrected."
        "fr-CA" => "Le texte a été marqué comme corrigé."
      "SetReviewPrivate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set this work as private"
        "fr-CA" => "Rendre le travail privé"
      "ShareInstruction" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can share this code with any Boreal Takes user, and they will be able to use the code to import this challenge."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez partager ce code avec n'importe quel utilisateur de La Constellation de l'Ours pour qu'il puisse importer ce défi."
      "StudentTextLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte élève"
      "UnderlineTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Underline"
        "fr-CA" => "Souligné"
      "WorkWordSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "work"
        "fr-CA" => "travail"
      "CancelShareButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager"
      "ChallengeDescTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A challenge is a story starter or assignment created by the teacher.<br>Challenges contain student work.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Un défi est une amorce de récit ou un devoir créé par l'enseignant.<br>Les défis contiennent les travaux des élèves.*"
      "ChallengeDescTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Without challenges, students cannot create anything."
        "fr-CA" => "*Sans défis, les élèves ne peuvent rien créer."
      "DisabledChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi désactivé"
      "PrivateStatusText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Only you and your student will be able to explore this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Seuls l'élève et vous pourrez explorer ce travail."
      "SaveChangesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save All Changes"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauvegarder tous les changements"
      "StateArchivedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Save your successful challenges for next year by placing them in the bank."
        "fr-CA" => "Conservez vos défis réussis pour l’année prochaine en les mettant en banque."
      "StateAssignedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student can write, build, and have fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève peut écrire, construire et s'amuser\u{A0}!"
      "SubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements"
      "WrittenWordsLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% word(s) written."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% mot(s) écrit(s)."
      "BetweenWordCounter" => [
        "en-CA" => "Between %$0count% and %$1count% word(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "Entre %$0count% et %$1count% mot(s)"
      "ChallengeCompleted" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Public Completed Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail complété et public)"
      "ChallengeNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$name%</b>"
      "CorrectAllUCButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct All"
        "fr-CA" => "Tout corriger"
      "ManageGroupsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage my groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer mes groupes"
      "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "RevisionUnapproved" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may correct this text again."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez de nouveau corriger le texte."
      "ShareAndCloseLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share and Close"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager et fermer"
      "StateArchivedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked"
        "fr-CA" => "En banque"
      "StateAssignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigné"
      "StopSharingUCText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is posted on one or more shared Classroom Walls."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail est affiché sur un ou plusieurs babillards partagés."
      "StopSharingUCText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unsharing this work will remove it from any Classroom Wall(s)."
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus le partager le retirera du ou des babillards."
      "StopSharingUCText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous continuer ?"
      "StopSharingUCTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Stop sharing this work"
        "fr-CA" => "Ne plus partager ce travail"
      "StudentsGroupLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students in this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves du groupe"
      "TeacherReviewLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's review"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction de l'enseignant"
      "ChallengeFilterDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis"
      "ChallengeInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Ongoing Work)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Travail en cours)"
      "ChallengePrintTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge <b>%$0name%</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi <b>%$0name%</b>"
      "CloseChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver un défi "
      "CorrectedTextButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Corrected Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte corrigé"
      "EditChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "ExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots que le maximum demandé."
      "GeneralCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire général"
      "GeneralHistoryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "General Comments Log"
        "fr-CA" => "Historique des commentaires généraux"
      "NumberWorksFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_finished% finished"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_finished% fini"
      "OriginalStudentText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Original Text"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte original"
      "RemainingStarsPrint" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0count% star(s) remaining."
        "fr-CA" => "%$0count% étoile(s) restante(s)."
      "ReviewHistorybutton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Correct"
        "fr-CA" => "Corriger"
      "RevisionSaveSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Text saved!"
        "fr-CA" => "Texte sauvegardé!"
      "ShareChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager un défi"
      "StateUnassignedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can still read what they have written but they cannot make any modifications."
        "fr-CA" => "Les étudiants peuvent toujours lire ce qu’ils ont écrit mais ils ne peuvent rien modifier."
      "TeacherCommentLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher's comment"
        "fr-CA" => "Commentaire de l'enseignant"
      "TemplateImportError" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred during the template import, please retry later."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'import du gabarit, veuillez réessayer."
      "WorldObjectNotFound" => [
        "en-CA" => "An error occurred while retrieving the object."
        "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération de l'objet."
      "ChallengeBinderTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Défi"
      "ChallengeCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge is deactivated by default. You may activate it whenever you are ready to submit it to your students."
        "fr-CA" => "Celui-ci est désactivé par défaut mais vous pourrez l'activer à tout moment lorsque vos élèves seront prêts à y participer."
      "ChallengeDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Description"
        "fr-CA" => "Description du défi"
      "ChallengeStatesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges can be assigned, unassigned, or banked."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis peuvent être assignés, désassignés ou mis en banque."
      "ChallengeStatesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students can only work on assigned challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Les étudiants ne peuvent travailler que sur les défis assignés."
      "CloseChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Finish Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer le travail"
      "DuplicateSingleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Should the duplicate challenge be automatically assigned?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que le défi dupliqué sera automatiquement assigné?"
      "HideForStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hide for certain students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masquer pour certains élèves"
      "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NoNeedToReviewButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Nothing to revise"
        "fr-CA" => "Rien à corriger"
      "NoStudentInChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "No student can currently access your challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève ne peut présentement accéder à votre défi!"
      "NumOfWorksInProgress" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% in writing"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inprogress% %work_label% en rédaction"
      "NumOfWorksInRevision" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% to be reworked"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inrevision% %work_label% à retravailler"
      "PendingStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Pending"
        "fr-CA" => "En attente de validation"
      "PrintChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Print the student’s work"
        "fr-CA" => "Imprimer le travail de l'élève"
      "QuickReviewActivated" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode activated"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau activé"
      "SendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Send Back Student Work"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyer le travail en révision"
      "StateUnassignedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigné"
      "StayInactiveAndClose" => [
        "en-CA" => "Keep the challenge inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Laisser le défi inactif"
      "ActiveStatusChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Activated Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis activés"
      "ChallengeCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Congratulations, you have created a challenge!"
        "fr-CA" => "Félicitations, vous venez de créer un défi!"
      "ChallengeReviewLegend" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "Correction du défi"
      "CloseChallengeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have to choose whether this student's work will be public or private. If public, all the group's students will be able to explore them. If private, only you and the student will be able to explore them.<br>Warning: defining this work as public or private closes it for any further modification by the student. However, you will still be able to make changes to the text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez choisir si le travail de l'élève sera public ou privé. S'il est public, tous les élèves du groupe pourrez aller l'explorer. S'il est privé, seuls vous et l'élève pourrez explorer sa création.<br>Attention. En marquant ce travail comme public ou privé, vous le terminez. Votre élève ne pourra plus modifier sa construction ni son texte. Il sera toutefois possible pour vous de modifier ses textes."
      "IntroTextDoesNotExist" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write the mandatory introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit l'introduction obligatoire."
      "NumOfWorksInPortfolio" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% in portfolio"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_inportfolio% %work_label% en portfolio"
      "PublicRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This work is now visible to other students."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi est désormais visible par les autres élèves."
      "RemoveAChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer un défi"
      "SendToRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The work has been sent back to your student for revision."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le travail a bien été envoyé à votre élève pour révision."
      "SendToRevisionWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. Make sure you have completed all your corrections of this work before sending it, because you will not be able to correct this challenge again until you receive a new revision from your student."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Assurez-vous d'avoir terminé toute votre correction de ce travail avant de l'envoyer,                 puisque vous ne pourrez plus corriger ce défi avant de recevoir une nouvelle révision de votre élève."
      "ChallengeNotFoundError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This challenge does not exist."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce défi n'existe pas."
      "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click here"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
      "DisableChallengeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivate a challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désactiver le défi"
      "FreemiumUnassignedMsg1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, a new challenge is activated and the current one is unassigned. Unassigned challenges will be found on this page."
        "fr-CA" => "À chaque semaine, un nouveau défi s’active et celui en cours est désassigné. Les défis désassignés se retrouveront sur cette page."
      "FreemiumUnassignedMsg2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When a challenge is unassigned, you will still have access to completed works, and be able to share them on a bulletin board!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu’un défi est désassigné, vous pouvez toujours accéder aux travaux des élèves et les partager sur un babillard!"
      "PrivateRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! This work is no longer visible to other students."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi n'est plus visibile par les autres élèves."
      "ResendToRevisionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Put this work back in “Waiting for correction”"
        "fr-CA" => "Reclasser le travail dans “À corriger”"
      "SharingCodeConfirmText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code of the challenge you want to import."
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez, ci-dessous, le code de partage du défi que vous souhaitez importer."
      "ToEditOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit student's text"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier le texte de l'élève"
        "en-CA" => "Waiting for Correction"
        "fr-CA" => "À corriger"
      "ChallengeVisibiliyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that can access your challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant accès à votre défi"
      "DisabledStatusChallenge" => [
        "en-CA" => "Deactivated Challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désactivés"
      "DoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots."
      "NumberWorksInCorrection" => [
        "en-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% in correction"
        "fr-CA" => "%num_works_incorrection% en correction"
      "QuickReviewColorTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Paintbrush Mode: Choose a color and click a word to color it."
        "fr-CA" => "Mode pinceau: Choisissez une couleur puis cliquez sur un mot pour le colorer."
      "ReSendToRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Done! You can correct this work once again and/or return it to the student."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez de nouveau corriger ce travail et/ou le retourner à l’élève."
      "ResetChallengeTimeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Resetting Challenge Time"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le temps du défi"
      "StudentsNotStartedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "These students have not started."
        "fr-CA" => "Ces élèves n’ont pas commencé."
      "StudentsNotStartedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The list excludes students for whom the challenge is hidden."
        "fr-CA" => "La liste exclut les élèves pour lesquels le défi est masqué."
      "ChallengeListDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge context"
        "fr-CA" => "Mise en contexte du défi"
      "CompletedRevisionSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The challenge has been completed."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le défi a bien été complété."
      "ConfirmCopyChallengeLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "A link to this work has been saved to your clipboard."
        "fr-CA" => "Un lien vers ce travail a été copiée dans votre presse-papier."
      "QuickReviewCancelTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quit Paintbrush Mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Arrêter le mode pinceau"
      "ClassroomsAndStudentsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Groups and students"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes et élèves"
      "DuplicateChallangeOptions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign or place in bank?"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ou mettre en banque?"
      "EditStudentTextOnComplete" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
      "EmptyChallengesReviewText" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started this challenge.<br><br>Invite them to participate by logging in to"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé ce défi.<br><br>Invitez-les à se connecter sur pour y participer."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once your free trial period is over, you can reactivate the student accounts associated with it by purchasing a new subscription package. Your students will not lose the work that was started, and will have access to it again once you have assigned them the seats of your new subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque la période d'essai arrivera à son terme, les comptes de vos élèves associés à ces sièges pourront être réactivés en achetant un nouvel abonnement. Vos élèves ne perdront pas les travaux commencés et y auront de nouveau accès lorsque vous leur redonnerez des sièges de votre nouvel abonnement."
      "FreeTrialDisclaimerPopup5" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Boreal Tales free trial grants you <b>%$0amount%</b> seats for <b>%$1duration% days</b>. Whether you wish to homeschool, do a fun and educational activity with your children or students, or simply discover the application, you will have access to the full version of the game, without any purchase obligation!"
        "fr-CA" => "L'essai gratuit de La Constellation de l'Ours c'est <b>%$0amount%</b>  sièges mis à votre disposition gratuitement, sans engagement, pour une durée de <b>%$1duration% jours.</b> Que ce soit pour faire l’école à la maison, donner une activité ludique et pédagogique à vos enfants ou élèves, ou simplement pour découvrir l’application, vous aurez accès à l’ensemble des fonctionnalités!"
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When students join your group via the game using your access code, they may immediately start working on your challenges.<br>          However, they will not be able to explore their classmates’ creations, or have their own work corrected by you, until you confirm their inclusion in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque des élèves se joignent à votre groupe via le jeu en utilisant votre code d’accès, ils peuvent directement commencer à travailler sur vos défis.<br>            Toutefois, pour qu’ils puissent explorer les créations de leurs camarades de classe ou vous faire corriger leurs propres travaux, vous devrez confirmer leur inclusion dans le groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may confirm or refuse students from your group directly in your students list."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou refuser des élèves directement dans la liste de vos élèves."
      "SharingCodeDisclaimerText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: Changes to the imported challenge will not alter the original."
        "fr-CA" => "Notez bien : Vous pouvez modifier le défi importé comme vous le souhaitez, cela ne modifiera pas l’original."
      "StudentsSubscriptionsLink" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students and subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves et abonnements"
      "ViewModifyChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter / Modifier"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningText" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Stop correcting and place this work in the portfolio?"
        "fr-CA" => "*Arrêter la correction et mettre ce travail au portfolio?"
      "ChallengeReviewStudentName" => [
        "en-CA" => "Created by"
        "fr-CA" => "Réalisé par"
      "ConclusionTextDoesNotExist" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write the mandatory conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit la conclusion obligatoire."
      "InputChallengeTemplateCode" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the sharing code"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrer un code de défi"
      "StudentParticipationsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students that have worked on this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves ayant participé à votre défi"
      "BinderPortfolioWarningTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You are correcting this work."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes en train de corriger ce travail."
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Students will still be able to read them."
        "fr-CA" => "*Les élèves pourront toujours les lire."
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Continue?"
        "fr-CA" => "Continuer?"
      "ChallengeDeletionPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "By destroying this challenge, you will no longer be able to view any associated student works."
        "fr-CA" => "En détruisant ce défi, vous ne pourrez plus consulter les travaux des élèves y étant rattachés."
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to hide or unhide a challenge for a student*"
        "fr-CA" => "Cliquez pour masquer ou démasquer un défi pour un élève*"
      "MaskingHowToUnassignedText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "*These changes will be applied when you assign the challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "*Ces changements seront appliqués lorsque vous assignerez le défi"
      "printableQuestionnaireLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Printable Quiz"
        "fr-CA" => "Questionnaire imprimable"
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "ChallengeTimerRefreshSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenge time has been successfully reset."
        "fr-CA" => "Le temps de votre défi a bien été réinitialisé."
      "DuplicateMultiChallangeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate for these groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer dans ces groupes"
      "IntroTextExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum for the introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots dans son introduction que le maximum demandé."
      "ConfirmCancelChallengeSharing" => [
        "en-CA" => "This work is no longer shared."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce travail n’est plus partagé."
      "ShareChallengeDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Share Challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Partager un défi"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfos" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "ChallengeEditionSuccessMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been updated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les modifications à votre défi ont été enregistrées!"
      "ChallengeCreationSuccessMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre défi a été créé!"
      "CreateChallengeForClassDropdown" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create Challenge for this Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un défi pour ce groupe"
      "FinalTextWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Be careful, you are directly editing the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention : Ces modifications seront appliquées directement au texte de l'élève."
      "IntroTextDoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words for the introduction."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots dans son introduction."
      "ChallengeListStudentInstructions1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Instructions"
        "fr-CA" => "Consignes"
      "ConclusionTextExceedsMaximumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student wrote more words than the requested maximum for the conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a écrit plus de mots que demandé dans sa conclusion."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% students have not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élèves n'ont pas commencé"
      "NotEditableWarningOnCompleteButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cannot directly edit a student's text until the work is published. Once you have published the work, you will be able to edit the student's text."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier directement le texte d'un élève avant que le travail soit terminé.\u{A0}Une fois que vous aurez terminé le travail, vous pourrez modifier le texte de l'élève."
      "ChallengeBinderActivityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0student% student has not started"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0student% élève n'a pas commencé"
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosPlural" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élèves"
      "ConclusionTextDoesNotMeetMinimumWords" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student did not write enough words for the conclusion."
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n'a pas écrit assez de mots dans sa conclusion."
      "SharedReadingChallengeToBeImplemented" => [
        "en-CA" => "This feature is not yet available for reading challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas encore disponible pour les défis de lecture."
      "ChallengeBinderVisibilityInfosSingular" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hidden for %$0student% student"
        "fr-CA" => "Masqué pour %$0student% élève"
    "FamilyCreation" => [
      "FamNameErrMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please provide a name between 3 and 90 characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir un nom entre 3 et 90 caractères."
      "GroupTypeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Is this a family?"
        "fr-CA" => "S’agit-il d’une famille?"
      "GroupIsFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Members of the same family"
        "fr-CA" => "Il s’agit des membres d’une même famille"
      "NameYourGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name your group"
        "fr-CA" => "Nommez votre groupe"
      "HereWeGoButtonLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here we go!"
        "fr-CA" => "On y va!"
      "NameYourFamilyTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name your family"
        "fr-CA" => "Nommez votre famille"
      "FamilyNamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "The Squirrel Squad"
        "fr-CA" => "L'équipe des écureuils"
      "GroupIsNotFamilyLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "This is a group whose members are not a family"
        "fr-CA" => "Il s’agit d’un groupe dont les membres ne sont pas une famille"
      "MemberNameDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "This name can be fictional, but it's better if family members can recognize each other."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom peut être fictif, mais c’est mieux si les membres de la famille peuvent se reconnaître."
      "UseActivationCodeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Redeem an activation code"
        "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un code d’activation"
      "FamilyCreationRadioLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you going to play as a family?"
        "fr-CA" => "Allez-vous jouer en famille?"
      "AddMembersGroupDoneButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "My group is complete"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon groupe est complet"
      "DeleteFamilyMemberPopupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "This action is irreversible. You will lose all of this child's creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet action est irréversible. Vous perdrez toutes les creations de cet enfant."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The family and teacher versions can be used from the same account. However, they require separate subscriptions and function very differently. You may switch between these two versions at any time without losing any work."
        "fr-CA" => "Les versions famille et enseignant peuvent être utilisées à partir du même compte. Elles utilisent des abonnements distincts et fonctionnent très différemment. Vous pourrez passer de l’une à l’autre à tout moment et rien ne sera perdu."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: The teacher version is designed for use in class or for homework."
        "fr-CA" => "NB : La version enseignant est conçue pour une utilisation en classe ou pour les devoirs."
      "SwitchToTeacherVersionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Switch to the teacher version"
        "fr-CA" => "Passer à la version enseignants"
      "DeleteFamilyMemberPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this child?"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer cet enfant?"
    "MarketingEmail" => [
      "MailNewChallengeSubject" => [
        "en-CA" => "New challenge for you!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau défi pour vous!"
      "ValidationEmailCopyright" => [
        "en-CA" => "© Copyright 2023 by Nanomonx inc."
        "fr-CA" => "© Copyright 2023 par Nanomonx inc."
    "SharedLicences" => [
      "ClaimSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! You can now use this subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Vous pouvez désormais utiliser cet abonnement."
      "TakeLicences" => [
        "en-CA" => "Take Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Prendre un abonnement"
      "MyPackagesTitle3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Subscriptions I can use"
        "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements que je peux utiliser"
      "AvailablePackages" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available Subscription Packages"
        "fr-CA" => "Abonnements disponibles"
      "SharedLicenceCount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available"
        "fr-CA" => "Total disponible "
    "ClassroomCreate" => [
      "SchoolName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School Name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre école (facultatif)"
      "DeleteWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Warning. If you permanently delete this group, <br> all its challenges, its students and their work will be destroyed. <br>            <br> Their licenses will be unassigned and you can reassign them to other students in another of your groups.<br> <b> Any deletion is irreversible.</b> "
        "fr-CA" => "Attention. Si vous supprimez définitivement ce groupe, <br>tous ses défis, ses élèves et leurs travaux seront détruits.                    <br><br>Leurs sièges vous seront néanmoins réattribués et vous pourrez les réassigner à d'autres élèves dans un autre de vos groupes.                    <br><b>Toute suppression est définitive</b> "
      "RenameStudent" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change display name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer le nom affiché"
      "ClassNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom"
      "GroupCodeHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By entering this access code, students will automatically be able to join your group. You just need to pass it on to them. <br>For the young ones, you can also create their student account"
        "fr-CA" => "En entrant ce code d’accès, les élèves pourront automatiquement se joindre à votre groupe. Il vous suffit de le leur transmettre.        <br>Pour les tout petits, vous pouvez également créer leur compte élève"
      "LangSelectLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Language used in game"
        "fr-CA" => "Langue utilisée dans le jeu"
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "NoClassroomsMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no other classes at this time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n'y a pas d'autres classes pour le moment."
      "SchoolBoardName" => [
        "en-CA" => "School board or district name (optional)"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom de votre centre de services scolaire (facultatif)"
      "UsageTypeSelect" => [
        "en-CA" => "Which of these situations best corresponds to yours?"
        "fr-CA" => "Laquelle de ces situations correspond le plus à la vôtre?"
      "DeleteGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete group"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer le groupe"
      "DeletePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to remove this student from your archived students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer cet élève de vos élèves archivés?"
      "RejectPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser ces élèves ?"
      "DeleteGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete"
        "fr-CA" => "Supprimer le groupe"
      "DeletePopupAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "DeletePopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Are you sure you want to remove %$0studentName% from your archived students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir retirer %$0studentName% de vos élèves archivés?"
      "GroupCodeHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "DeletePopupWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student may request to re-join one of your groups at a later time."
        "fr-CA" => "Il pourra toujours demander à rejoindre l'un de vos groupes ultérieurement."
      "ResetPasswordTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Reset password"
        "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
      "TagertedGradeLevel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade Level"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveau scolaire"
      "UnassignPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this student?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner cet élève ?"
      "studentsCountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students who are present in this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves présents dans ce groupe"
      "CurrentDisplayName2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Actual name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom actuel"
      "OpenHouseDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you activate the Guest Mode, you allow everyone who has your group’s access code to explore the public, finished creations of your students.<br>                This function is very useful when you want to share the creations of your students with, for example, parents, or, teachers and students from other groups.<br>             When the guest mode is deactivated, only the students of your group will be able to explore their classmates’ creations."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous activez le mode visiteur,     vous permettez à toute personne qui possède le code d’accès de votre groupe de visiter les créations publiques terminées de vos élèves.<br>              C’est utile pour permettre, par exemple, aux élèves et enseignants des autres classes de votre école ou à des parents de découvrir les créations de vos élèves.<br>               Si le mode est désactivé, seuls les élèves de votre groupe pourront visiter les créations du groupe."
      "RejectAdditionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Decline addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser l’ajout"
      "RenameStudentTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change a student's name"
        "fr-CA" => "Changement de nom d'un élève"
      "StudentGroupsAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student's groups"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupes de cet élève"
      "UnassignPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove %$0studentName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer %$0studentName% ?"
      "rejectStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Decline student"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser l'élève"
      "ConfirmAdditionLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirm addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmer l’ajout"
      "GradeLevelDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "The grade levels are currently based on the cycles of the Quebec Education Program. The average student age corresponding to each cycle is provided for non-Quebec users for reference."
        "fr-CA" => "Les niveaux scolaires sont présentement basés sur les cycles du programme de formation de l’école québécoise.                    L’âge moyen des élèves correspondant à chaque cycle est indiqué à titre de référence pour nos utilisateurs hors-Québec."
      "GroupNamePlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enter the name of the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Entrez le nom du groupe"
      "PurchaseSubscription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grab a subscription"
        "fr-CA" => "Procurez-vous un abonnement"
      "licenseOverflowInfo1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than allowed by your current subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "licenseOverflowInfo2" => [
        "en-CA" => "So that your students have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "licenseOverflowInfo3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*You may also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "*Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "manageStudentsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manage students"
        "fr-CA" => "Gérer les élèves"
      "removeGroupsStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "AllThemesToolTipsMess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Selecting "Activate all" will activate all the creative themes including those added in the future."
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner "Tout activer" activera tous les thèmes créatifs actuels ainsi que ceux ajoutés à l'avenir."
      "AssignGroupPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group(s) of"
        "fr-CA" => "Groupe(s) de "
      "AssignedStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign student to group"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner l'élève au groupe"
      "DeleteThisGroupButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Delete this group"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce groupe"
      "RejectStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "<b>Work done by students in other groups will not be affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "<b>Les travaux réalisés par les élèves dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "RejectStudentWarning3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Removing students from a group will remove their work in progress from that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Refuser des élèves d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "RenameStudentSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The name displayed is the one that will appear to other students in the class."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom affiché est celui qui apparaîtra aux autres élèves de la classe."
      "SchoolInfosDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Help us serve you better by providing information about your school:"
        "fr-CA" => "Aidez-nous à mieux vous servir en fournissant des informations sur votre école:"
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ces élèves ?"
      "AllowPublicAccessLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Guest mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode visiteur"
      "LongPasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend that you use different passwords for each student. If all the passwords are identical, or easy to guess, you risk that some students log in under other accounts to modify the content."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles                                 à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "RemoveGroupsOrStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can also remove groups or students."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez également retirer des groupes ou des élèves."
      "UnassignAllPopupTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove all students from group %$0classroomName%?"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer tous les élèves du groupe %$0classroomName% ?"
      "licenseOverflowMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You have more students than seats allowed by your current subscriptions."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez plus d’élèves que de sièges permis par vos abonnements."
      "pendingStudentsMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some students have been added to your group.<br>You must confirm their addition to continue."
        "fr-CA" => "Certains élèves se sont ajoutés à votre groupe.<br>Vous devez confirmer leur ajout pour continuer."
      "AccessStudentChallenges" => [
        "en-CA" => "For your students to have access to the challenges:"
        "fr-CA" => "Pour que vos élèves aient accès aux défis :"
      "CreateStandardGroupText" => [
        "en-CA" => "No, create a standard group"
        "fr-CA" => "Non, faire un groupe standard"
      "OnboardingAddGroupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a group:"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout d'un groupe :"
      "UnassignStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigning a student from a group will remove their works in progress, and their completed (public) works done within that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés mais public réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "UnassignStudentWarning4" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed and public works will carry over.<br><b>Work completed by the student in other groups will not be affected.</b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br><b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b>"
      "UnassignedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign students"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner les élèves"
      "studentsCountButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$0variableA% student(s)"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0variableA% élève(s)"
      "AddStudentToAnotherGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add this student to another group."
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter cet élève à un autre groupe."
      "ManageGoogleClassroomMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "To add or remove students, please use Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter ou enlever des élèves, passer par Google Classroom directement."
      "ResetPasswordPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the new password"
        "fr-CA" => "Écrire le nouveau mot de passe"
      "SyncGoogleClassroomLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sync with Google Classroom"
        "fr-CA" => "Synchroniser avec Google Classroom"
      "UnassignedStudentSButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign student"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner l'élève"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt1" => [
        "en-CA" => "A Google Classroom class will only be able to use Troubadour."
        "fr-CA" => "Un groupe Google Classroom ne pourra utiliser que Troubadour."
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTxt2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student management must be done in Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "La gestion des élèves se fera uniquement dans Google Classroom."
      "PasswordGoodPracticesLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "PasswordGoodPracticesText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Visit our information page to learn more about classroom password best practices."
        "fr-CA" => "Consultez notre page d’information pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures pratiques au niveau des mots de passe en classe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "When a student joins your group through the app, they can directly access your challenges and start working.<br> However, to access the work of their classmates and be marked, you will need to confirm their participation in the group."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu'un élève rejoint votre groupe via l'application, il peut directement accèder à vos défis et commencer à travailler.<br>            Toutefois, pour accèder aux travaux de ses camarades de classe et être corrigé, vous devrez confirmer sa participation au groupe."
      "PendingStudentDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can confirm or reject students directly on the list of your students"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez confirmer ou rejeter des élèves directement sur la liste de vos élèves"
      "ImportGoogleClassroomTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to import a group from Google Classroom?"
        "fr-CA" => "Souhaitez-vous importer un groupe de Google Classroom?"
      "RemoveSelectedStudentsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove these students"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer ces élèves"
      "StudentIsPartOfTheseGroups" => [
        "en-CA" => "The student belongs to the following groups"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève fait partie des groupes suivants"
      "UnassignMultiplePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign these students?"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ces élèves ?"
      "AddGroupConfigurationLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add a Group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout d'un groupe"
      "AlreadyExistingGroupNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already have a group with this name."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous disposez déjà d'un groupe avec ce nom."
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigning a student from a group will remove their works in progress, and their completed (public) works done within that group.<br> <b><u>This action is irreversible</u></b>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner un élève d'un groupe supprimera ses travaux en cours et ses travaux terminés mais public réalisés dans le cadre de ce groupe.<br>                <b><u>Cette action est irréversible</u></b>"
      "UnassignMultipleStudentWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completed and public works will carry over.<br><b>Work completed by the student in other groups will not be affected.</b><br> The seats they occupied will nevertheless be released."
        "fr-CA" => "Les défis terminés et publics seront conservés.<br>        <b>Les travaux réalisés par l'élève dans d'autres groupes ne seront pas affectés.</b><br>           Les sièges qu'ils occupaient seront néanmoins libérés."
      "OnboardingGroupConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration:"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe :"
    "ExpiredLicences" => [
      "selfUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "You"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes l'utilisateur"
    "FamilyChallenge" => [
      "" => [
        "en-CA" => "For a better student experience, we advise you not to exceed %$0maxSelectionAmount% categories."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de chargement et une meilleure expérience élève,nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser %$0maxSelectionAmount% catégories."
      "BeginStoryBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Start the story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Commencer l’histoire!"
      "RemoveThisCategory" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove this category"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer cette catégorie"
      "categorySelectionAmount" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> selected categories"
        "fr-CA" => "<span class='category-amount'>%$0selectionAmount%</span> categories sélectionnées"
      "noSelectionThemeWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must select a theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner un thème"
      "CreateFamilyChallengeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "It's time to create a new story!"
        "fr-CA" => "C’est le temps de créer une nouvelle histoire!"
      "noSelectionCategoryWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must select a category"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez sélectionner une catégorie"
      "selectedCategoryDescription3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here are the characters and settings included in the theme"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici les personnages et décors compris dans le thème"
      "CreateFamilyChallengeSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose a theme of objects and settings for your story!"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisis une thématique d’objets et de décors pour ton histoire!"
    "Troubadour_Play" => [
      "SeeCaseStudy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the case study!"
        "fr-CA" => "Regarder l’étude de cas!"
      "ScheduleDemoBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Schedule a demo"
        "fr-CA" => "Planifier une démo"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "RequestDocsPopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "An email containing all the required information will be sent to you shortly."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel contenant les informations requises vous sera envoyé sous peu."
      "RequestDocsPopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We also offer tailored one-on-one Troubadour demos for schools and organizations."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous proposons également des démonstrations personnalisées pour les écoles et les organisations."
      "RequestDocsPopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can schedule an appointment at a time and date that suits you."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous à l'heure et à la date qui vous conviennent."
      "RequestDocsPopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for your interest!"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci pour votre intérêt&nbsp;!"
      "SignupPlayFreeHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Signup and play for free!<span>(for as long as you want!)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez-vous et jouez gratuitement&nbsp;!<span>(aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez&nbsp;!)</span>"
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "We inspire children to love writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous faisons naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "An empowering online platform for creative writing that inspires students, builds confidence, and nurtures their inner authors."
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme d’écriture créative qui encourage les élèves, renforce leur confiance et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "TroubPlayLandingCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Learn how Troubadour transforms schools into communities of enthusiastic writers!"
        "fr-CA" => "Apprenez comment Troubadour transforme les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
      "TroubSchoolProjectBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour as a school project"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour comme projet d’école"
      "RequestDocsSchoolOrgHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request documentation for schools and organizations"
        "fr-CA" => "Demander de la documentation pour les écoles et les organisations."
    "TroubadourGroups" => [
      "BankAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Place in bank"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en banque"
      "AssignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Assigner ce défi"
      "DeleteAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Destroy this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Détruire ce défi"
      "ArchiveAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Bank this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre ce défi en banque"
      "UnassignAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassign this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Désassigner ce défi"
      "DuplicateAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Duplicate this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Dupliquer ce défi"
      "UnassignAction2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Set to unassigned"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre en désassigné"
      "NoStudentsStarted" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have started"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a commencé"
      "CountryChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Country to assign to your account"
        "fr-CA" => "Pays à assigner à votre compte"
      "IdleStudentWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% students have no challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élèves n’ont pas de défis sur lesquels travailler."
      "NoStudentsFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "No students have finished"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun élève n’a indiqué qu’il avait fini"
      "CurrentCountryLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "(Country currently assigned)"
        "fr-CA" => "(Pays actuellement assigné)"
      "EditChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Edit this challenge"
        "fr-CA" => "Modifier ce défi"
      "EmptyChallengesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un."
      "EmptyChallengesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='unassigned'>unassigned</span> challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='unassigned'>désassignés</span>."
      "EmptyChallengesText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='archived'>banked challenges<span>."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='archived'>en banque<span>."
      "EmptyChallengesText4" => [
        "en-CA" => "You may create one or assign one from your <span class='unassigned'>unassigned</span> or <span class='archived'>banked<span> challenges."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez en créer un ou en assigner un parmi vos défis <span class='unassigned'>désassignés</span> et <span class='archived'>en banque<span>."
      "EmptyChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No challenges assigned for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi assigné pour ce groupe."
      "HideForStudentAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Hide for some students"
        "fr-CA" => "Masquer pour certains élèves"
      "StateArchivedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will no longer be able to modify these works. They will be available to read from their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "StateAssignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Now available for students to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent maintenant y travailler."
      "BankedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "SingleStudentFinished" => [
        "en-CA" => "1 student has finished"
        "fr-CA" => "1 élève a fini"
      "StateUnassignedMsgText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students will no longer be able to modify these works. They will be available to read from their portfolio."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ne pourront plus y travailler. Ils pourront lire ce qu’ils avaient écrit via leur portfolio."
      "ArchivedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "AssignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Assigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis assignés"
      "CountryChangePopupText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Oops! It appears that the country we assigned to you when you registered is not the same as that of your payment organization."
        "fr-CA" => "Oups! Il semblerait que le pays que nous vous avons assigné lors de votre inscription n'est pas le même que celui de votre organisme de paiement."
      "CountryChangePopupText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "We use your country of residence <u>only</u> to provide you with curriculum-specific content."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous utilisons votre pays de résidence <u>uniquement</u> pour vous fournir du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire de celui-ci."
      "CountryChangePopupText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you have changed your country of residence or it was assigned to you by mistake, you may change it below:"
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous avez changé de pays de résidence ou que celui-ci vous avait été assigné par erreur, vous pouvez le changer ci-dessous:"
      "CountryChangePopupTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your purchase was successful!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre achat a bien été effectué!"
      "IdleStudentWarningSingle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% student does not have any challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élève n’a pas de défi sur lequel travailler."
      "ChallengeDuplicateSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your challenge has been duplicated"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre défi a bien été dupliqué"
      "UnassignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désassignés"
      "ViewModifyChallengeAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "View / Modify"
        "fr-CA" => "Consulter / Modifier"
      "EmptyBankedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No banked challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi en banque pour ce groupe."
      "IdleStudentWarningMultiple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note: %$0count% students have no challenges to work on."
        "fr-CA" => "Attention! %$0count% élèves n’ont pas de défis sur lesquels travailler."
      "BankedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "EmptyArchivedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No banked challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi en banque pour ce groupe."
      "ThanksForBuyingPackagesLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thank you for purchasing a subscription. A receipt has been sent to %$0username%"
        "fr-CA" => "Merci d’avoir acheté un abonnement. Un reçu a été envoyé à l’adresse %$0username%"
      "ArchivedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Banked challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis en banque"
      "AssignedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Challenges assigned to students"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis assignés aux élèves"
      "EmptyUnassignedChallengesTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "No unassigned challenges for this group."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun défi désassigné pour ce groupe."
      "UnassignedChallengesSectionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unassigned challenges"
        "fr-CA" => "Défis désassignés"
      "StateStillInCorrectionToastMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must finish the correction before the student can resume working."
        "fr-CA" => "N’oubliez pas de terminer la correction pour que l’élève puisse y travailler."
    "LicenceStatistics" => [
      "UserNoUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucune activité"
      "UserLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "UserNoUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Inactive"
        "fr-CA" => "Inactif"
      "UserHighUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Very Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Très actif"
      "IndicatorNoUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Unused"
        "fr-CA" => "Non utilisé"
      "UserAverageUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "UserVeryLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Active"
        "fr-CA" => "Actif"
      "IndicatorLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
      "IndicatorNoUsage2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not used"
        "fr-CA" => "Non utilisé"
      "IndicatorHighUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Extensively Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Beaucoup utilisé"
      "IndicatorAverageUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
      "IndicatorVeryLowUsage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Used"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisé"
    "LoggedOutCheckout" => [
      "newLoginLabel3" => [
        "en-CA" => "You need to signup to finish your purchase."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez créer un compte pour finaliser vos achats."
      "CartCreatedText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Log in or Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Connectez-vous ou faites la création de votre compte administrateur"
      "CartCreatedTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You cart has just been created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Votre panier a été créé!"
      "loginLabelCheckout" => [
        "en-CA" => "Already have an account? Log in!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà un compte? Connectez-vous!"
      "Invalidcredentials." => [
        "en-CA" => "Invalid username or password."
        "fr-CA" => "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect."
      "ValidationMailInfoSub" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the validation link in the email that you received when you created your account."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien du courriel reçu lors de l'inscription."
      "ResendValidationEmail1" => [
        "en-CA" => "I did not receive a confirmation email"
        "fr-CA" => "Je n'ai pas reçu de courriel de confirmation"
      "ValidationMailInfoMain" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your email address has not been validated."
        "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse courriel n'a pas été validée."
      "ValidationMailSendTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A confirmation email has been sent."
        "fr-CA" => "Un courriel de confirmation vous a été envoyé."
      "ValidationMailSendSubtitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please click on the confirmation link."
        "fr-CA" => "Merci de cliquer sur le lien de confirmation"
      "ResendValidationEmailDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please note that the email may take up to 10 minutes before being delivered to your inbox"
        "fr-CA" => "Attention, le courriel peut prendre jusqu'à 10 minutes avant d'arriver dans votre boîte de réception"
      "ResendValidationEmailValidation2" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you did not receive the confirmation email, we can resend it to you. You may also want to make sure it is not in your spam box."
        "fr-CA" => "Si vous n'avez rien reçu, nous pouvons vous envoyer le  courriel de confirmation à nouveau. Vous pouvez également vérifier s’il ne se trouve pas dans votre boîte de courrier indésirable."
    "WhiteListLicences" => [
      "ArchiveButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Archived"
        "fr-CA" => "Archivés"
      "UserAuthorize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized Users"
        "fr-CA" => "Utilisateurs autorisés"
      "AuthorizeButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized"
        "fr-CA" => "Autorisés"
      "DomainAuthorize" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authorized Domains"
        "fr-CA" => "Domaines autorisés"
      "DomainNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This domain name does not exist, or the format is incorrect."
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom de domaine n'existe pas ou son format est incorrect."
      "noWhitelistUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "No authorized users at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun utilisateur autorisé pour le moment..."
      "noWhitelistDomain" => [
        "en-CA" => "No authorized domains at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun domaine autorisé pour le moment..."
      "DuplicateUserError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This user has already been added."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet utilisateur a déjà été ajouté."
      "addUserPlaceHolder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add user’s email address"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter l’adresse courriel d’un utilisateur"
      "SelfWhiteListedError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You already have access to your own subscriptions"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous avez déjà accès à vos propres abonnements"
      "addDomainPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add Domain"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un domaine"
      "UnauthorizedDomainName" => [
        "en-CA" => "This domain name is not permitted."
        "fr-CA" => "Ce nom de domaine n'est pas permis."
      "noWhitelistArchivedUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "No archived users at this time..."
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun utilisateur archivé pour le moment..."
      "NanotoastSuccessDeleteWhitelistUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "The email address has been successfully deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "L’adresse courriel a été supprimée avec succès!"
      "NanotoastSuccessDeleteWhitelistDomain" => [
        "en-CA" => "The domain name has been successfully deleted!"
        "fr-CA" => "Le nom de domaine a été supprimé avec succès!"
    "InTransferLicences" => [
      "BundleActions" => [
        "en-CA" => "Batch Actions"
        "fr-CA" => "Actions en lots"
      "CancelSuccess" => [
        "en-CA" => "Success! The transfer has been cancelled."
        "fr-CA" => "Succès! Le transfert a bien été annulé."
      "TableSentDate" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sent on"
        "fr-CA" => "Envoyé le"
      "TargetedRight" => [
        "en-CA" => "Management levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux de gestion"
      "TableSelectAll" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select All"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner tout"
      "PackageHelpLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TableSendingToUser" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recipient"
        "fr-CA" => "Destinataire"
      "CancelTransferText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The user has not yet created an account, and therefore has not received your subscription package."
        "fr-CA" => "L'utilisateur n'a pas encore créé son compte et n'a donc pas encore reçu votre abonnement."
      "CancelTransferText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can cancel the transfer if you have decided you want to use the package yourself, or if you want to transfer it to someone else."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez interrompre la distribution si vous souhaitez finalement vous servir de l'abonnement ou le transférer à un autre utilisateur."
      "NoPackageInTransferPlaceholder" => [
        "en-CA" => "No subscription packages pending transfer..."
        "fr-CA" => " Aucun abonnement en cours de distribution..."
    "StudentCredentials" => [
      "Hard" => [
        "en-CA" => "Complex "
        "fr-CA" => "Complexe"
      "later" => [
        "en-CA" => "Later"
        "fr-CA" => "Plus tard"
      "Simple" => [
        "en-CA" => "Simple "
        "fr-CA" => "Simple"
      "GoToGroup" => [
        "en-CA" => "Go to the Group page"
        "fr-CA" => "Accéder au groupe"
      "QuitLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter"
      "NoAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must provide your date of birth"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez fournir votre date de naissance"
      "SelectGame" => [
        "en-CA" => "Select a game"
        "fr-CA" => "Sélectionner un jeu"
      "ChangeLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Change"
        "fr-CA" => "Changer"
      "NoNameError" => [
        "en-CA" => "This field must not be empty"
        "fr-CA" => "Ce champ ne doit pas être vide"
      "ImportToggle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import students from spreadsheet"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer des élèves depuis un chiffrier"
      "CreationHelp1" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are two ways to add students to a group:<br>        1) You can create their account, thereby automatically adding the student to your group. This method is preferred in the case of younger students.<br>          2)You can also provide your group’s access code to your students: "
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves peuvent être ajoutés à un groupe de deux façons:<br>            1) Vous pouvez créer un compte élève et il sera ajouté à votre groupe. Cette méthode est préférable pour les plus jeunes.<br>            2) La nouvelle façon consiste à fournir le code d’accès de votre groupe aux élèves:"
      "CreationHelp2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will be able to create their own account directly in the game and use this code to join your group. This way, you will not have to manage their account, and they will be able to reuse an existing account if they want to."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves pourront se créer un compte rapidement à même le jeu et utiliser ce code pour rejoindre votre groupe. De cette façon, vous n’aurez pas à gérer leur compte et ils pourront réutiliser un compte existant."
      "LegalAgeError" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must be %$0Age% or older to use the administration website."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez être agé de %$0Age% ans ou plus pour utiliser le site web d'administration."
      "FastOptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Passwords will be automatically generated!"
        "fr-CA" => "Nous nous chargeons de générer les mots de passe!"
      "DefaultPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "%$1adjective%%$0noun%%$2number"
        "fr-CA" => "%$0noun%%$1adjective%%$2number"
      "FastOptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quick addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout rapide"
      "ImportFileTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import your file"
        "fr-CA" => "Importez le fichier"
      "NewHardPassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New complex password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe complexe"
      "AddStudentsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students to the group"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajoutez des élèves au groupe"
      "CreationWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Some of your students are valid and ready to be confirmed, are you sure you want to leave the page?"
        "fr-CA" => "Certains de vos élèves sont valides et prêts à être confirmés, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter la page?"
      "CreationWarning2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By leaving this page, your unconfirmed students will be lost."
        "fr-CA" => "En quittant la page, vos élèves non confirmés seront perdus."
      "DisplayNameLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Display Name"
        "fr-CA" => "Nom affiché à l'écran"
      "ImportButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Once ready, import your students from the file !"
        "fr-CA" => "Une fois prêt, importez vos élèves depuis votre fichier !"
      "ImportFileButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import Your Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer vos élèves"
      "ManualOptionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You choose the passwords for each student."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous choisissez les mots de passe pour chaque élève."
      "PasswordDownload" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the passwords"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger les mots de passe"
      "AddStudentManualy" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import students manually"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer des élèves manuellement"
      "EndCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Return to My Students"
        "fr-CA" => "Terminer (revenir à ma liste d'élèves)"
      "FastCreationLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Write the first name of each student in your class without spaces, separated by a comma or a tab."
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrivez le prénom de chaque élèves de votre classe sans espace, séparé par une virgule ou une tabulation."
      "FastCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Quickly add students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout rapide des élèves"
      "FreemiumModeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Free mode"
        "fr-CA" => "Mode gratuit"
      "IPreferToAddLater" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "ManualOptionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manual addition"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout manuel"
      "NewSimplePassword" => [
        "en-CA" => "New simple password"
        "fr-CA" => "Nouveau mot de passe simple"
      "PasswordDownload2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You will no longer be able to view your students’ passwords once you close this page."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous ne pourrez plus consulter leurs mots de passe une fois cette page fermée."
      "ScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Grade levels"
        "fr-CA" => "Niveaux scolaires"
      "StudentHasAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student already has an account"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève a déjà un compte"
      "CancelImportButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Cancel Import"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler l'import"
      "ChoiceOptionButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Addition methods"
        "fr-CA" => "Méthodes d’ajout"
      "ImportExempleTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Prepare Your File"
        "fr-CA" => "Préparez votre fichier"
      "OnboardingSkipStep" => [
        "en-CA" => "Skip this step for now"
        "fr-CA" => "Sauter cette étape pour l'instant"
      "PasswordHelperText" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "AddedStudentMessage" => [
        "en-CA" => "Added student"
        "fr-CA" => "Élève ajouté"
      "AllChildrenAreAdded" => [
        "en-CA" => "I added all my children"
        "fr-CA" => "J'ai ajouté tous mes enfants"
      "ImportCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Import from a spreadsheet file"
        "fr-CA" => "Importer un fichier tableur"
      "ImportExempleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Download the example"
        "fr-CA" => "Télécharger l'exemple"
      "ManualCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Manual addition of students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout manuel des élèves"
      "PasswordDisclaimer3" => [
        "en-CA" => "For privacy and security reasons, all the students’ passwords are now encrypted. If you leave this page, you will no longer have access to the passwords you have just generated."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour des raisons de sécurité, tous les mots de passe des élèves sont maintenant cryptés. Si vous quittez cette page, vous n’aurez plus accès aux mots de passe que vous venez de créer."
      "PasswordDisclaimer4" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is therefore strongly suggested to keep a copy of these passwords on your computer, or to print out a list for safekeeping."
        "fr-CA" => "Il est donc fortement recommandé de garder une copie des mots de passe sur votre ordinateur ou encore d’en imprimer une liste."
      "PasswordDisclaimer5" => [
        "en-CA" => "If students forget their passwords, don’t worry! You can always reset their passwords on the My Students page."
        "fr-CA" => "Si un élève oublie son mot de passe, pas de panique! Vous pourrez lui en créer un nouveau en tout temps sur la page Mes élèves."
      "StudentAddInfoText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "You must have an available seat for each student that you add."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous devez disposer d'un siège libre pour chaque élève que vous ajoutez."
      "StudentSeatWarning1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Not Enough Seats"
        "fr-CA" => "Pas suffisamment de sièges"
      "StudentTakenWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "This username is already taken."
        "fr-CA" => "Cet identifiant a déjà été pris."
      "AddStudentTagsButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add these students"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter ces élèves"
      "OtherScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose another system"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir un autre système"
      "PasswordDownloadName" => [
        "en-CA" => "identifiers_%$0className%"
        "fr-CA" => "identifiants_%$0className%"
      "BuyMorePackagesButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Purchase Subscription Package"
        "fr-CA" => "Acheter un abonnement"
      "ChooseScholarLevelBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose"
        "fr-CA" => "Choisir"
      "CreationWarningAction" => [
        "en-CA" => "Back to creation"
        "fr-CA" => "Revenir à la création"
      "CreationWarningCancel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Leave this page"
        "fr-CA" => "Quitter cette page"
      "NoStudentContentError" => [
        "en-CA" => "The imported file does not appear to have any students."
        "fr-CA" => "Le fichier fourni ne semble pas comporter d'élèves."
      "SchoolNotFoundWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "The school you entered was not found. You may add it to the list by clicking above."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous ne trouvons pas cette école, vous pouvez l'ajouter à la liste en cliquant ci-dessus."
      "TransferFamilyAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "Before you may begin using Troubadour as a teacher, we need a little more information."
        "fr-CA" => "Avant de pouvoir utiliser Troubadour comme enseignant, nous avons besoin d'un peu plus d'informations."
      "UseSameAccountTooltip" => [
        "en-CA" => "It is recommended that students who have already used Boreal Tales, for example in their class last year, continue to use the same account."
        "fr-CA" => "Si un élève a déjà utilisé La Constellation de l'Ours, par exemple dans sa classe l'année dernière, il est préférable qu'il continue à utiliser le même compte si possible."
      "ClassroomCreationToast" => [
        "en-CA" => "The group %$0name% has been created."
        "fr-CA" => "Le groupe %$0name% a été créé."
      "ImportExplainationText" => [
        "en-CA" => "1. Download and open the example file. The file can be opened in any spreadsheet software, e.g. Excel or Google Sheets (which is free online).<br> 2. Add the display name, username and password of each of your students in the correct column (only the display name is mandatory).<br> 3. You can add as many students as you wish (attention - you need to have enough seats for your students).<br> 4. You need to export the file in the CSV format.<br> In Google Sheets, the option is under "File"/"Download as"/"Comma-separated Values (.csv, current sheet)".<br> In Excel, the option is under "File"/"Save as" and then select "Comma-separated Values (*.csv)" under "Save as type".<br> 5. Click on "Import", on this page, and select your CSV file. If there are problems, the site will let your correct these, one by one.<br> 6. After you click confirm, all the students will be added to your group.<br>"
        "fr-CA" => "1.  Téléchargez le fichier d'exemple. Le fichier peut s’ouvrir dans n’importe quel logiciel de fichiers tableurs tel qu'Excel ou Google Sheets (gratuit et en ligne).<br>                        2. Insérez le nom affiché à l'écran, l'identifiant et le mot de passe dans les bonnes colonnes (seul le nom affiché à l'écran est obligatoire). <br>                        3. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de rangées que vous avez d’élèves (attention, vous devez posséder suffisamment de sièges libres).<br>                        4. Vous devez ensuite exporter ce fichier en format CSV.<br>                        Dans Google Sheets, l’option se situe dans Fichier/Téléchargez sous/.csv.<br>                        Dans Excel, l’option se situe dans Fichier/Enregistrez sous/ choisir CSV dans la boite qui s’ouvrira.<br>                        5. Cliquez sur Importer, ci-dessous sur cette page, et sélectionnez votre fichier CSV. Si il y a des problèmes, le site vous laissera les corriger un à un.<br>                        6. Voilà, tous les élèves seront ajoutés à votre groupe.<br>"
      "ScholarLevelConfirmBtn" => [
        "en-CA" => "Yes, continue"
        "fr-CA" => "Oui, continuer"
      "WelcomeToNanomonxTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Welcome to Nanomonx!"
        "fr-CA" => "Bienvenue chez Nanomonx!"
      "ConfirmationDisclaimer1" => [
        "en-CA" => "The usernames and passwords have been automatically downloaded on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les noms d'utilisateur et les mots de passe ont été automatiquement téléchargés sur votre appareil."
      "ConfirmationDisclaimer2" => [
        "en-CA" => "For security reasons, all your students' passwords are now encrypted and are no longer accessible in this platform. It is therefore strongly recommended to keep the downloaded list on your device, or to print it, for future reference."
        "fr-CA" => " Pour des raisons de sécurité, tous les mots de passe des élèves sont maintenant cryptés, et ne sont plus accessibles sur cette plateforme.<br>  Il est donc fortement recommandé de garder la copie téléchargée sur votre appareil ou encore d’en imprimer une liste.<br><i>* Si un élève oublie son mot de passe et que vous n'avez pas sauvegardé la liste, pas de panique! Vous pourrez lui en créer un nouveau en tout temps sur la page Mes élèves.</i>"
      "ImportExempleButtonText" => [
        "en-CA" => "You can get an annotated example to help you."
        "fr-CA" => "Vous pouvez obtenir un exemple commenté pour vous aider."
      "OthersScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Others"
        "fr-CA" => "Autres"
      "ScholarLevelDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "System: %$0scholarLevel%"
        "fr-CA" => "Système de : %$0scholarLevel%"
      "SchoolLevelDescription1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Do the following levels match those in your school system?"
        "fr-CA" => "Est-ce que les niveaux suivants correspondent à ceux de votre système scolaire?"
      "SchoolLevelDescription2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Choose the grade levels that best match your school system."
        "fr-CA" => "Choisissez les niveaux scolaires qui correspondent le mieux à votre système scolaire."
      "CancelFastCreationButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Undo additions"
        "fr-CA" => "Annuler l'ajout"
      "ExportExcelExempleButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Excel Version"
        "fr-CA" => "Version Excel"
      "FastCreationSummaryTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Confirmation student additions"
        "fr-CA" => "Confirmation des élèves"
      "ManageGoogleClassroomMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "To add or remove students, please use Google Classroom."
        "fr-CA" => "Pour ajouter ou enlever des élèves, passer par Google Classroom directement."
      "PasswordDisclaimerTitle1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students Created!"
        "fr-CA" => "Élèves créés!"
      "PasswordDisclaimerTitle2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The usernames and passwords have been automatically downloaded on your device."
        "fr-CA" => "Les noms d'utilisateur et les mots de passe ont été automatiquement téléchargés sur votre appareil."
      "WelcomeToTroubadourTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Enjoy Troubadour"
        "fr-CA" => "Profitez de Troubadour"
      "OnboardingSkipAddStudents" => [
        "en-CA" => "I prefer to add my children later"
        "fr-CA" => "Je préfère ajouter mes enfants plus tard"
      "PasswordDownloadButton111" => [
        "en-CA" => "Passwords"
        "fr-CA" => "Mots de passe"
      "SignupTopTitleNewAccount2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Proud creators of <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> and the <span class="cdo-product">Boreal Tales</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Fiers créateurs de <span class="tbd-product">Troubadour</span> et de la <span class="cdo-product">Constellation de L'Ours</span>"
      "StudentDoesNotHaveAccount" => [
        "en-CA" => "This student does not have an account"
        "fr-CA" => "L'élève n’a pas de compte"
      "StudentCreationHelperTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "We strongly recommend using a different password for each student. If all your students' passwords are identical, or if they are easy to guess, you run the risk of having mischievous students modifying other students' creations by logging into their account."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser des mots de passe différents pour chaque élève. Si tous les mots de passe sont identiques, ou faciles à deviner, vous risquez que certains élèves se connectent sous d'autres comptes pour en modifier le contenu."
      "RemoveImportedStudentButton" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove Student"
        "fr-CA" => "Retirer l'élève"
      "StudentImportedLoadingLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Importing your students..."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous importons vos élèves..."
      "WhereWillYouUseThePlatforme" => [
        "en-CA" => "In what context will you use the platform?"
        "fr-CA" => "Dans quel contexte allez-vous utiliser la plateforme?"
      "AddNewEducationalInstitution" => [
        "en-CA" => "My school is not mentioned / I do not work in a school"
        "fr-CA" => "Mon école n’est pas mentionnée / Je ne travaille pas dans une école"
      "RecommendedScholarLevelTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Recommended"
        "fr-CA" => "Recommandés"
      "StudentCreationLengthWarning" => [
        "en-CA" => "Please enter at least %$count% characters."
        "fr-CA" => "Veuillez entrer au minimum %$count% caractères."
      "StudentImportExtensionError2" => [
        "en-CA" => "The file isn't in the correct form, we only support CSV.                     You can export a spreadsheet from Excel in the correct form via the button "Save As" menu, then selecting "Comma Separated Values (*.csv)" as the "Save as Type"."
        "fr-CA" => "Le fichier n'est pas dans le format approprié, veuillez fournir un document de type CSV.                    Vous pouvez exporter un tableur dans ce format via le bouton enregistrer sous de votre outils puis en sélectionnant Texte CSV (*.csv)"
      "OnboardingStudentCreationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add students to your group "
        "fr-CA" => "Ajout des élèves à votre groupe"
      "OnboardingGroupConfigurationTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Group configuration:"
        "fr-CA" => "Configuration du groupe :"
      "StudentImportedValidationDisclaimer" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students have been imported, please verify their information and correct where needed, then click confirm to create them."
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves ont bien été importés, veuillez vérifier leurs informations et les corriger au besoin, puis confirmez leur création."
      "AddStudentConfirmationDisclaimerTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "The students have been added to group %$0classroomName%."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves ont été ajoutés au groupe %$0classroomName%."
    "Troubadour_Landing" => [
      "TryDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try the demo!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo!"
      "TroubStat1Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "87%"
        "fr-CA" => "87%"
      "TroubStat2Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "85%"
        "fr-CA" => "85%"
      "TroubStat3Val" => [
        "en-CA" => "77%"
        "fr-CA" => "77%"
      "TroubStat1Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TroubStat2Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubStat3Desc" => [
        "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
        "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
      "CallToActionText" => [
        "en-CA" => "In just a few minutes, even your most reluctant students will be writing stories. Plus, it's free!"
        "fr-CA" => "En quelques minutes, même vos élèves les plus réticents rédigeront des histoires. En plus, c’est gratuit!"
      "TroubTools1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "The game students love, the tools a teacher needs"
        "fr-CA" => "Le jeu que les élèves adorent, les outils dont l’enseignant a besoin"
      "TroubTools2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "A tool that will change the way you teach writing"
        "fr-CA" => "Un outil qui changera la manière dont vous enseignez l’écriture"
      "TryItNowBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Let's go"
        "fr-CA" => "Allons-y"
      "CallToActionTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it in your classroom today!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez-le dans votre classe dès aujourd’hui!"
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "TroubFeature1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Students create fascinating scenes that stimulate their imagination and creativity."
        "fr-CA" => "Les élèves créent des scènes fascinantes qui stimulent leur imagination et leur créativité."
      "TroubFeature2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers personalized correction and feedback tools for teachers."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour offre des outils de correction et de rétroaction personnalisés pour l’enseignant."
      "TroubFeature3Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creations are transformed into shareable illustrated albums that will delight parents, classmates and the school community!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les créations des élèves se transforment en albums illustrés partageables qui enchanteront les parents, les camarades et la communauté de l'école!"
      "TroubTryDemoTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Would you like to try it?"
        "fr-CA" => "Vous voulez essayer?"
      "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "CreateAccountLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Create an account!"
        "fr-CA" => "Créer un compte!"
      "InfoLandingHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "We inspire a love of writing in children."
        "fr-CA" => "Nous faisons naitre l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants."
      "TroubFeature1Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Desire to write <span>(intrinsic motivation)</span>"
        "fr-CA" => "Désir d'écrire <span>(motivation intrinsèque)</span>"
      "TroubFeature2Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools designed for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils conçus pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFeature3Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing and recognition"
        "fr-CA" => "Partage et reconnaissance"
      "TroubFeature4Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Offers curriculum-specific content."
        "fr-CA" => "Propose du contenu spécifique au programme scolaire."
      "TroubFeature4Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows you to correct directly on the platform."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet de corriger directement sur la plateforme."
      "TroubFeature4Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with learning support tools."
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’apprentissage."
      "TroubFeature4Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFeature5Text1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Makes writing assignments fun!"
        "fr-CA" => "Rend les travaux d'écriture amusants!"
      "TroubFeature5Text2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Allows students to translate their ideas into images."
        "fr-CA" => "Permet aux élèves de transposer leurs idées en images."
      "TroubFeature5Text3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of objects and characters for their stories!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers d'objets et de personnages pour leurs histoires!"
      "TroubFeature5Title" => [
        "en-CA" => "An engaging game for students"
        "fr-CA" => "Un jeu engageant pour les élèves"
      "TryDemoDescription" => [
        "en-CA" => "Test the feedback tools or experiment with the student tutorial."
        "fr-CA" => "Testez les outils de rétroaction ou expérimentez le tutoriel élève."
      "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
        "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
      "FreeTrialClassTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free with your class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez le gratuitement avec votre classe!"
      "SignupPlayFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your students will be ready to write epic stories in just minutes!"
        "fr-CA" => "Vos élèves seront prêt à rédiger des histoires épiques en quelques minutes!"
      "StudentDemoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student tutorial"
        "fr-CA" => "Tutoriel élève"
      "TangibleResultsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "After just 45 days of use, teachers noticed a remarkable increase in motivation towards writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
      "TeacherDemoBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Teacher correction tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Outils de rétroaction enseignant.e"
      "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
        "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
        "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
      "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
        "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
      "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
        "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
      "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
        "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
        "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
      "CreateAccountCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Register my class for free"
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrire ma classe gratuitement"
      "InfoLandingSubHeading" => [
        "en-CA" => "A creative writing platform that encourages students, builds their confidence, and nurtures their inner writer."
        "fr-CA" => "Une plateforme d’écriture créative qui encourage les élèves, renforce leur confiance et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
      "TroubExplainerVideoLink" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => ""
      "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
        "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
        "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
      "TroubTryStudentTutorial" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez la démo élève"
      "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
        "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
        "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
      "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
        "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
        "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
        "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
        "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
        "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
        "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
        "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
        "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
        "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
        "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
        "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
      "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
        "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
        "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
    "Troubadour_Subpage" => [
      "TroubFreeDesc1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Each week, a new writing activity will automatically become available to your students. You can then read and share their creations with your group."
        "fr-CA" => "Chaque semaine, une nouvelle activité d'écriture s'activera automatiquement pour vos élèves. Vous pourrez ensuite lire et partager leurs créations avec votre groupe."
      "TroubFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour, free"
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour, gratuitement"
      "TroubWriteDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "By creating scenes, the student sees his story emerge as if by magic. Ideas spring forth, and facilitate transposition into writing."
        "fr-CA" => "En créant des mises en scène, l'élève voit son récit émerger comme par magie. Les idées jaillissent, et facilitent la transposition à l'écrit."
      "TroubWriteTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Desire to write"
        "fr-CA" => "Désir d’écrire"
      "TroubSharingDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Student creations are shared in the form of beautiful interactive stories."
        "fr-CA" => "Les créations des élèves sont partagées sous forme de magnifiques histoires interactives."
      "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sign up"
        "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
      "TroubFreeSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Developing the pleasure of writing, it's easy with Troubadour!"
        "fr-CA" => "Développer le plaisir d'écrire, c'est simple avec Troubadour!"
      "TroubSharingTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Sharing and recognition"
        "fr-CA" => "Partage et reconnaissance"
      "TroubWriteUxText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thanks to its unique interface, students can graphically represent their ideas. This mode of creation reduces apprehension and facilitates the writing process."
        "fr-CA" => "Grâce à son interface unique, l'élève peut représenter graphiquement ses idées. Cette phase de création réduit les appréhensions et  facilite le processus d'écriture."
      "TroubWriteUxText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Troubadour allows students to discover the pleasure of writing, and perfect their skills."
        "fr-CA" => "Troubadour permet de découvrir le plaisir d'écrire et de perfectionner ses compétences."
      "TroubWriteUxText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Writing becomes a means of creative expression, and allows the students' voices to emerge."
        "fr-CA" => "L'écriture devient un moyen d’expression créatif, et laisse émerger la voix des élèves."
      "TroubWriteSubTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Intrinsic motivation"
        "fr-CA" => "Motivation intrinsèque"
      "FreeTrialClassTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Try it for free with your class!"
        "fr-CA" => "Essayez le gratuitement avec votre classe!"
      "TroubWriteAssetsText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Thousands of characters, objects and settings to instill the pleasure of writing in young authors!"
        "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de personnages, d'objets et de décors pour insuffler le plaisir d'écrire chez les jeunes auteurs!"
      "TroubTeacherToolsDesc" => [
        "en-CA" => "Revision tools that simplify the lives of teachers and allow students to improve without becoming demotivated."
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils de révision qui simplifient la vie des enseignants et qui permettent à l'élève de s'améliorer sans se démotiver."
      "TroubCompatibilityNote" => [
        "en-CA" => "NB: Troubadour is compatible with learning support tools!"
        "fr-CA" => "NB&nbsp;:&nbsp;Troubadour est compatible avec les outils d'aide à l'apprentissage!"
      "TroubTeacherToolsTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Tools designed for teachers"
        "fr-CA" => "Des outils conçus pour les enseignants"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Authors are worth reading!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les auteurs méritent d'être lus!"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "When an activity is completed, head to the Bulletin Board section to share student creations in the form of interactive albums"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsqu'une activité est terminée, dirigez-vous vers la section Babillard pour diffuser les créations des élèves sous forme d'albums interactifs"
      "TroubFreeBabillardText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Parents will love it!"
        "fr-CA" => "Les parents adoreront!"
      "TroubFreeChallengeText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "One challenge per week!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une semaine par défi!"
      "TroubFreeChallengeText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
        "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, l'activité en cours est fermée et remplacée par une nouvelle."
      "TroubWriteResultsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>87%</span> of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on student motivation in writing!"
        "fr-CA" => "<span>87%</span> des enseignants utilisant le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves face à l’écriture!"
      "TroubWriteTestimonialAuth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Student of École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubWriteTestimonialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, ideas come quickly”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages”"
      "TroubSharingBabillardText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Easily group and share student achievements by creating themed bulletin boards."
        "fr-CA" => "Regroupez et partagez facilement les réalisations des élèves en créant des babillards thématiques."
      "TroubSharingBabillardText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "A great way to disseminate the works of your class throughout the school, and to establish a link with parents who will be able to follow their child's progress."
        "fr-CA" => "Une belle façon de diffuser les oeuvres de votre classe dans toute l'école, et de nouer un lien avec les parents qui pourront suivre l'évolution de leur enfant."
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Build your students' confidence by sharing their stories in the form of interactive illustrated albums!"
        "fr-CA" => "Renforcez la confiance de vos élèves en partageant leurs récits sous forme d'albums illustrés interactifs!"
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Transform the class into a community of authors."
        "fr-CA" => "Transforme la classe en une communauté d'auteurs."
      "TroubSharingConfidenceText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "Gives students a purpose for their writing."
        "fr-CA" => "Donne aux élèves un but à leur écriture."
      "TroubSharingTestimonialAuth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Rosalie, mother, École St-Louis-de-France"
        "fr-CA" => "- Rosalie, maman, École St-Louis-de-France"
      "TroubSharingTestimonialText" => [
        "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents).<br><br>I agree 100%.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents).<br><br>J’approuve à 100%.”"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial1Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Amélie Beaulieu, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Beaulieu, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial1Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“Children want to use the platform. These were periods of writing where the students were calm and engaged.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Les enfants ont le goût d'aller sur la plateforme. Ça été des périodes d'écriture où les élèves étaient calmes, étaient engagés.<br><br>Je ne reculerais pas.”"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial2Auth" => [
        "en-CA" => "- Mylène Corfield, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
        "fr-CA" => "- Mylène Corfield, École du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
      "TroubTeacherTestimonial2Text" => [
        "en-CA" => "“My first experience with Troubadour, I found it really pleasant.<br><br>The interface is simple and intuitive.”"
        "fr-CA" => "“Ma première expérience avec Troubadour, je l'ai trouvé vraiment agréable.<br><br>L'interface est simple et intuitive.”"
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Request a correction to specific elements before continuing, consult the modification history, and assign different activities according to everyone's needs.*"
        "fr-CA" => "Demandez de corriger une partie du texte avant de poursuivre, consultez l'historique des modifications, assignez différentes activités selon les besoins de chacun.*"
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "Our tools are designed specifically for a primary school teacher."
        "fr-CA" => "Nos outils sont conçus spécifiquement pour un enseignant du primaire."
      "TroubTeacherToolsEntriesText3" => [
        "en-CA" => "*Some of these tools require a paid subscription."
        "fr-CA" => "*Certains de ces outils nécessitent un abonnement payant."
      "TroubTeacherToolsResultsHeader" => [
        "en-CA" => "<span>85%</span> of school boards resubscribe year after year."
        "fr-CA" => "<span>85%</span> des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
      "TroubTeacherToolsCorrectionText1" => [
        "en-CA" => "Feedback is one of the most influential factors in a student’s success."
        "fr-CA" => "La rétroaction est l'un des facteurs les plus influents sur la réussite d’un élève."
      "TroubTeacherToolsCorrectionText2" => [
        "en-CA" => "By providing feedback, words of encouragement, corrections, and constructive suggestions, the teacher helps students improve their writing skills."
        "fr-CA" => "En incorporant des commentaires, des mots d'encouragement, des corrections et des suggestions constructives, l'enseignant aide ses élèves à améliorer leurs compétences en écriture."
    "BorealTalesDownload" => []
    "TroubadourPortfolio" => [
      "AddTrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Move to trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Mettre à la corbeille"
      "EmptyTrashList" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no works in the trash."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a aucun travail dans la corbeille."
      "AddFavoriteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Add to favorites"
        "fr-CA" => "Ajouter aux favoris"
      "RemoveTrashLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from trash"
        "fr-CA" => "Enlever de la corbeille"
      "EmptyCompletedList" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your work has been corrected and completed by your teacher, you will find it here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tes travaux auront été corrigés et terminés par ton enseignant, tu pourras les retrouver ici !"
      "EmptyFavoritesList" => [
        "en-CA" => "There are no works in your favorites."
        "fr-CA" => "Il n’y a aucun travail dans tes favoris."
      "YourPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Your portfolio!"
        "fr-CA" => "Ton portfolio!"
      "EmptyTrashBubbleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "If you are not happy with one of your works, you can move it to the trash by clicking here."
        "fr-CA" => "Si tu n’aimes pas trop un travail, tu peux le mettre à la corbeille en cliquant ici."
      "EmptyUnassignedList" => [
        "en-CA" => "No unassigned work at the moment :)"
        "fr-CA" => "Aucun travaux désassignés pour le moment:)"
      "RemoveFavoriteLabel" => [
        "en-CA" => "Remove from favourites"
        "fr-CA" => "Enlever des favoris"
      "EmptyFavoritesBubbleMsg" => [
        "en-CA" => "When you're proud of one of your works, click here to add it to your favourites."
        "fr-CA" => "Lorsque tu seras fier d’un travail, clique ici pour l’ajouter aux favoris."
      "SamplePortfolioCardTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "A story for which I am very proud!"
        "fr-CA" => "Une histoire dont je suis fier!"
      "StudentPortfolioPageText" => [
        "en-CA" => "Click to read them again."
        "fr-CA" => "Clique dessus pour les relire."
      "EmptyStudentPortfolioText" => [
        "en-CA" => "When your work is corrected and completed, you will find it here!"
        "fr-CA" => "Quand tes travaux seront corrigés et terminés, tu pourras les retrouver ici!"
      "StudentPortfolioPageTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "Wow, you have a lot of completed works!"
        "fr-CA" => "Wow, tu as beaucoup de travaux terminés!"
      "EmptyStudentPortfolioTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => "You don't have any completed work yet"
        "fr-CA" => "Tu n’as pas encore de travaux terminés`"
      "StudentPortfolioPageTitleAlt" => [
        "en-CA" => "Here is your finished work"
        "fr-CA" => "Voici tes travaux terminés"
    "Halloween_Contest_Page" => [
      "SignupGroupCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Inscrire mon groupe"
      "ParticipateNowCTALabel" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Participez maintenant!"
      "HalloweenSignupPlayFreeTitle" => [
        "en-CA" => ""
        "fr-CA" => "Vous recevrez la marche à suivre par courriel."
  -pageKeys: [
    "CVC" => [
      "en-CA" => "CVC"
      "fr-CA" => "Code de sécurité"
    "Pays" => [
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      "fr-CA" => "Pays"
    "Ville" => [
      "en-CA" => "City"
      "fr-CA" => "Ville"
    "Modify" => [
      "en-CA" => "Modify"
      "fr-CA" => "Modifier"
    "Resume" => [
      "en-CA" => "Summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Récapitulatif"
    "Adresse" => [
      "en-CA" => "Address"
      "fr-CA" => "Adresse"
    "Balance" => [
      "en-CA" => "Amount Outstanding"
      "fr-CA" => "Solde"
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      "fr-CA" => "+taxes"
    "OrgLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Organisation"
    "Payement" => [
      "en-CA" => "Paid by credit card"
      "fr-CA" => "Paiement par carte de crédit"
    "PostCode" => [
      "en-CA" => "Postcode"
      "fr-CA" => "Code postal"
    "Province" => [
      "en-CA" => "Province"
      "fr-CA" => "Province"
    "CardNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "Card Number"
      "fr-CA" => "Numéro de la carte"
    "ClassLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom"
      "fr-CA" => "Classe"
    "TaxesLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Taxes"
      "fr-CA" => "Taxes"
    "TotalLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Total"
      "fr-CA" => "Total"
    "FamilyLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family"
      "fr-CA" => "Famille"
    "RegionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Province"
      "fr-CA" => "Province d'où vous faites l'achat"
    "ResetButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Reset"
      "fr-CA" => "Réinitialiser"
    "SchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "School"
      "fr-CA" => "École"
    "TPS_taxName" => [
      "en-CA" => "GST"
      "fr-CA" => "TPS"
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      "fr-CA" => "TVH"
    "TVP_taxName" => [
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    "TVQ_taxName" => [
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      "fr-CA" => "TVQ"
    "404TextTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Oops!"
      "fr-CA" => "Oops!"
    "NoRefundText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription packages are not refundable as mentionned in the<a href=''>Teacher's Users Agreement. </a> "
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne sont pas remboursables, tel que spécifié dans <a href=''>l'entente            d'utilisation. </a>"
    "PriceDisplay" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$1currency% %$0price%"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0price% %$1currency%"
    "BuyPromoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Current promotion!"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion en cours!"
    "JobTitleAdmin" => [
      "en-CA" => "Administrator"
      "fr-CA" => "Administrateur(trice)"
    "JobTitleLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Job/Occupation"
      "fr-CA" => "Emploi/Profession"
    "LicenceInfos1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each teacher must have their own subscription."
      "fr-CA" => "Chaque enseignant doit posséder son abonnement."
    "LicenceInfos2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions cannot be split to transfer part of them to someone else."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu’un d’autre."
    "LicenceInfos3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A subscription package gives you access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement donne accès à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "MedSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "From 300 to 500 students"
      "fr-CA" => "De 300 à 500 élèves"
    "PromotionText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sale!"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécial promo!"
    "SelectedPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='price-placeholder'></span> $"
    "SubTotalLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subtotal"
      "fr-CA" => "Sous total"
    "SubmitPayment" => [
      "en-CA" => "Confirm Purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Confimer l'achat"
    "TroubStat1Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "87%"
      "fr-CA" => "87%"
    "TroubStat2Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "85%"
      "fr-CA" => "85%"
    "TroubStat3Val" => [
      "en-CA" => "77%"
      "fr-CA" => "77%"
    "ValidityRange" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expires on <b>%$0date%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le <b>%$0date%</b>"
    "404TextContent" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sorry, we cannot find this page."
      "fr-CA" => "Il semble bien que cette page n’existe pas."
    "ABProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Alberta"
      "fr-CA" => "Alberta"
    "BCProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "British Columbia"
      "fr-CA" => "Colombie-Britannique"
    "BuyLicenseLink" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Achat"
    "BuySubmitLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Proceed with the order"
      "fr-CA" => "Procéder à la commande"
    "CardholderName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Cardholder Name"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom du détenteur de la carte"
    "EditCartButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Edit my shopping cart"
      "fr-CA" => "Modifier mon panier"
    "MBProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Manitoba"
      "fr-CA" => "Manitoba"
    "MedSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Medium school"
      "fr-CA" => "Moyenne école"
    "NBProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "New Brunswick"
      "fr-CA" => "Nouveau-Brunswick"
    "NLProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Newfoundland and Labrador"
      "fr-CA" => "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador"
    "NSProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Nova Scotia"
      "fr-CA" => "Nouvelle-Écosse"
    "NTProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Northwest Territories"
      "fr-CA" => "Territoires du Nord-Ouest"
    "NUProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Nunavut"
      "fr-CA" => "Nunavut"
    "ONProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Ontario"
      "fr-CA" => "Ontario"
    "QCProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quebec"
      "fr-CA" => "Québec"
    "QuoteFormTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de devis"
    "RateLimitError" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete the transaction at the moment. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "SKProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
      "fr-CA" => "Saskatchewan"
    "SchoolCTAItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
      "fr-CA" => "De formations personnalisées"
    "SchoolCTAItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailor-made documentation for your school"
      "fr-CA" => "D’une documentation sur mesure pour votre école"
    "SchoolCTAItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A lesson plan to introduce students to Troubadour"
      "fr-CA" => "D'un plan de cours pour initier les élèves à Troubadour"
    "SchoolCTAItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Attentive customer service"
      "fr-CA" => "Un service à la clientèle attentionné"
    "TotalLabelText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Total:"
      "fr-CA" => "Total:"
    "TroubStat1Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of teachers using the game notice a positive effect on students' motivation towards writing."
      "fr-CA" => "des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation des élèves à l'égard de l'écriture."
    "TroubStat2Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of school boards resubscribe year after year."
      "fr-CA" => "des centres de services scolaire se réabonnent année après année."
    "TroubStat3Desc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of teachers believe that using the game has a positive impact on exam results."
      "fr-CA" => "des enseignants estiment que l'utilisation du jeu a un impact positif sur les résultats aux examens."
    "TutoStep0Text2" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you wish to use the game with students or simply try it, start by <b>Creating my first group.</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser le jeu avec des élèves ou faire un essai, commencez par <b>Créer mon premier groupe.</b>"
    "YTProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Yukon"
      "fr-CA" => "Yukon"
    "État/Province" => [
      "en-CA" => "State/Province"
      "fr-CA" => "État/Province"
    "AddMorePackages" => [
      "en-CA" => "Add subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Ajouter des abonnements"
    "AddPackageLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Add a subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Ajouter un abonnement"
    "BuyPromoDetails" => [
      "en-CA" => "Save on the purchase of 1000 classroom subscriptions! Get 15% off for any additional subscriptions!"
      "fr-CA" => "Économisez à l’achat de 1000 abonnements classes! Obtenez 15% de rabais pour tout abonnement supplémentaire!"
    "FamilyPckgPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$65"
      "fr-CA" => "65$"
    "JobTitleTeacher" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant(e)"
    "LargeSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "More than 500 students"
      "fr-CA" => "Plus de 500 élèves"
    "MessageLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Phone number where we can reach you and any additional message"
      "fr-CA" => "Numéro de téléphone où vous joindre et tout message additionnel"
    "MessageTextArea" => [
      "en-CA" => "Message"
      "fr-CA" => "Message"
    "NotEqualsEmails" => [
      "en-CA" => "The two email addresses are not identical"
      "fr-CA" => "Les deux adresses courriel ne sont pas identiques"
    "PEIProvinceName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Prince Edward Island"
      "fr-CA" => "Île-du-Prince-Édouard"
    "SchoolBoardName" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of institution or organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation"
    "SchoolSizeTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "School size"
      "fr-CA" => "Taille de l’école"
    "SmallSchoolDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "300 students or fewer"
      "fr-CA" => "300 élèves et moins"
    "lgSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;200"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;200$"
    "lgSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$3&thinsp;240"
      "fr-CA" => "3&thinsp;240$"
    "mdSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;000"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;000$"
    "mdSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$2&thinsp;700"
      "fr-CA" => "2&thinsp;700$"
    "smSubDur1yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$700"
      "fr-CA" => "700$"
    "smSubDur3yPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$1&thinsp;890"
      "fr-CA" => "1&thinsp;890$"
    "AddLicenseV3Info" => [
      "en-CA" => "All our subscriptions include access to both <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> and <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>Boreal Tales</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Tous nos abonnements donnent accès à <a target='_blank' href='%$0%'>Troubadour</a> et à <a target='_blank' href='%$1%'>La Constellation de l’Ours</a>."
    "CartSummaryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Order Summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
    "ChromeDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "You're planning to use the game on Chromebooks?"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous planifiez d'utiliser le jeu sur des Chromebooks?"
    "GetQuoteBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demandez un devis"
    "JobTitleTechSpec" => [
      "en-CA" => "Technology specialist"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste en technologie"
    "LargeSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Large school"
      "fr-CA" => "Grande école"
    "LicenceTypeTotal" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$1currencySymbol% %$0currencyLabel%"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0currencyLabel%%$1currencySymbol%"
    "PackageBuyHeader" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Achat d'abonnements"
    "SchoolCTAHeading" => [
      "en-CA" => "Buy for the whole school and enjoy:"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez pour toute l’école et profitez&nbsp;:"
    "SmallSchoolLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Small school"
      "fr-CA" => "Petite école"
    "StripeDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "In order to protect your security, your credit card details are securely encrypted and transmitted to our 3rd party payment provider, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx does not store or save your card details."
      "fr-CA" => "Afin de protéger votre sécurité, les détails de votre carte de crédit sont encryptés et transmis à notre fournisseur sécurisé de services de paiement, <a href='' target='_blank'>Stripe</a>. Nanomonx ne sauvegarde jamais les détails de votre carte."
    "TeacherPckgPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "$130"
      "fr-CA" => "130$"
    "licensePromoTag1" => [
      "en-CA" => "promo"
      "fr-CA" => "promotion"
    "CardErrorOccurred" => [
      "en-CA" => "An error has occurred with your card:"
      "fr-CA" => "Une erreur est survenue avec votre carte de crédit:"
    "CardErrorTryAgain" => [
      "en-CA" => "The amount has not been charged to your card. Please try again."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant n'a pas été facturé à votre carte de crédit. Veuillez essayer de nouveau."
    "CreatingEmailText" => [
      "en-CA" => "An administrator account will be created for you to manage your subscriptions."
      "fr-CA" => "Un compte administrateur sera créé pour vous permettre de gérer vos abonnements."
    "ExistingEmailText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions will be added to your account."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements seront ajoutés à votre compte."
    "InvalidCountryMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please enter a country"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner un pays"
    "JobTitleAdminAsst" => [
      "en-CA" => "Administrative Assistant"
      "fr-CA" => "Assistant(e) administratif(ve)"
    "LicenceTypeAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0count%</b> Siège(s)"
    "NeededClassAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "Number of classes desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Nombre de classes souhaitées"
    "PackageAddHelper4" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you wish to pay by check or via bank transfer, send us a purchase order at <a href=""></a>.<br>Make sure your purchase order includes the following information."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous désirez payer par chèque ou virement bancaire, simplement nous transmettre un bon de commande contenant l'information suivante à l’adresse            <a href=""></a>."
    "PersonalInfoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personal information"
      "fr-CA" => "Informations personnelles"
    "QuoteFormUserType" => [
      "en-CA" => "You are:"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous êtes :"
    "RegionPlaceholder" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please select your province"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province"
    "RequestQuoteTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Request a quote"
      "fr-CA" => "Demander un devis"
    "SubFeatureCatalog" => [
      "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for students."
      "fr-CA" => "L’utilisation d’un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour les élèves."
    "SubscribeBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Sign me up"
      "fr-CA" => "Je m’inscris"
    "stripe_rate_limit" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "AskForAQuoteAdvice" => [
      "en-CA" => "To purchase more than 4 subscriptions:"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour acheter plus de 4 abonnements :"
    "BackToPurchasePage" => [
      "en-CA" => "Return to purchase page"
      "fr-CA" => "Retour à la page d'achat"
    "BuyPackageBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscribe!"
      "fr-CA" => "S’abonner!"
    "BuyPromoDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Only valid for school subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "*Uniquement valide pour abonnements scolaires"
    "CaseStudyVideoLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ChromebookListLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ClientsRenewedDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "of schools renew year after year"
      "fr-CA" => "des écoles ont renouvelé leur abonnement"
    "FamilyPackageItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "FamilyPackageItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your children."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour vos enfants."
    "FamilyPackageItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
    "FamilyPackageItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to %$0noOfStudents% children!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à %$0noOfStudents% enfants!"
    "FamilyPackageItem5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase."
      "fr-CA" => "Valide un an à partir de la date d'achat."
    "FreemiumPopupText1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each week, an exciting writing challenge will automatically become available to your students!"
      "fr-CA" => "Un défi d’écriture excitant sera automatiquement ajouté à vos élèves à chaque semaine!"
    "FreemiumPopupText2" => [
      "en-CA" => "At the end of the week, the challenge will be closed and a new one will become available!"
      "fr-CA" => "À la fin de la semaine, le défi sera fermé et un autre commencera!"
    "FreemiumPopupText3" => [
      "en-CA" => "A paid subscription is required to use Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous souhaitez utiliser La Constellation de l’Ours, un abonnement sera nécessaire"
    "JobTitleDaycareEdu" => [
      "en-CA" => "Daycare educator"
      "fr-CA" => "Éducateur(trice) en service de garde"
    "NANO_HelpInfosLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "PackageNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$0% seats"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0% sièges"
    "PackageOrgFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Even lower price"
      "fr-CA" => "Prix encore plus avantageux"
    "PackageOrgFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "In-person or virtual training"
      "fr-CA" => "Des formations en personne ou en virtuel"
    "PackageOrgFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Custom settings and characters for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Décors et personnages sur mesure pour votre organisation"
    "PackageOrgFeature4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailored exercises for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Exercices sur mesure pour votre organisation"
    "PaymentInformation" => [
      "en-CA" => "Payment Information"
      "fr-CA" => "Informations de paiement"
    "PurchaseDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "If a problem has occurred during the transaction, please contact us at"
      "fr-CA" => "Si un problème est survenu lors de la transaction, merci de prendre contact avec nous à"
    "QuoteFormHeaderTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Contact us for a personalized quote."
      "fr-CA" => "Contactez-nous pour obtenir un devis personnalisé."
    "QuoteFormUserOther" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other"
      "fr-CA" => "Autre"
    "RenewedClientsStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "85<sup>&percnt;</sup>"
    "WatchVideoBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Watch the video"
      "fr-CA" => "Écoutez la vidéo"
    "stripe_invalid_cvc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas valide."
    "AddFamilyPackageBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family"
      "fr-CA" => "Famille"
    "FamilyPackageParam1" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your children."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos enfants."
    "FamilyPackageParam2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "FamilyPackageParam3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Effective tools for correction and feedback."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction efficaces."
    "FamilyPackageParam4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for up to 5 children!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité jusqu’à 5 enfants!"
    "FamilyPackageParam5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid for one year from date of purchase"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide pour un an à partir de la date d’achat"
    "InvalidSchooNameMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please enter the number of classes desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre de classes souhaitées"
    "JobTitleParentTutor" => [
      "en-CA" => "Parent or tutor"
      "fr-CA" => "Parent(e) ou tuteur(trice)"
    "NoPackagesChosenMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "You have not selected any subscriptions."
      "fr-CA" => "Vous n’avez pas choisi d’abonnements."
    "OrgFeaturePriceDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Our institutional discounts are very attractive. Take advantage of the best prices and tailor-made features. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contact us to learn more</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Nos rabais institutionnels sont très intéressants. Profitez des meilleurs prix et de fonctionnalités sur mesure. <a href="%$0OrgQuoteForm%">Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus</a>."
    "OrgSubscriptionDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "From schools to school boards to entire public school systems, we are accustomed to large-scale deployments."
      "fr-CA" => "Des écoles aux conseils scolaires, jusqu'aux systèmes scolaires publics entiers, nous sommes habitués aux déploiements à grande échelle."
    "PackageSeatsAmount1" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='seats-amount'>%$0count%</span> siège(s)"
    "QuoteFormDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "By submitting this form, I accept that the information entered will be stored and used in the context of the commercial relationship resulting from this quote request."
      "fr-CA" => "En soumettant ce formulaire, j’accepte que les informations saisies soient conservées et utilisées dans le cadre de la relation commerciale qui découle de cette demande de devis."
    "QuoteFormUserSchool" => [
      "en-CA" => "A school"
      "fr-CA" => "Une école"
    "SelectedSeatsAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='amount-placeholder'></span> X"
    "SendQuoteFormButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Send request"
      "fr-CA" => "Envoyer la demande"
    "TangibleResultsText" => [
      "en-CA" => "See how, after just 45 days of use, teachers saw a remarkable increase in writing motivation."
      "fr-CA" => "Voyez comment, après seulement 45 jours d'utilisation, les enseignants ont constaté une augmentation remarquable de la motivation à l'égard de l'écriture."
    "TeacherPackageItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "TeacherPackageItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey exercises for your students."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de d’exercices clé en main pour vos élèves."
    "TeacherPackageItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
    "TeacherPackageItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
    "TeacherPackageItem5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiryDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
    "TroubStrengthOnline" => [
      "en-CA" => "Completely online, no installation required"
      "fr-CA" => "Complètement en ligne, aucune installation nécessaire"
    "TroubStrengthsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Perfect for schools"
      "fr-CA" => "Parfait pour les écoles"
    "stripe_expired_card" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card has expired."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre carte bancaire est expirée."
    "stripe_token_in_use" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "ActivationCodePrompt" => [
      "en-CA" => "If you have an activation code, <a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>click here</a>."
      "fr-CA" => "Si vous détenez un code d’activation,&nbsp;<a href='%$0CodeActivationLink%'>c’est par ici</a>."
    "AddTeacherPackageBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
    "BuyPackagePromoTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase your 2024/25 subscription and receive instant access!"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement 2024/25 et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
    "CartCustomerProvince" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please choose your province:"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez choisir votre province pour le calcul des taxes :"
    "FreemiumPopupHeading" => [
      "en-CA" => "Free version activated!"
      "fr-CA" => "Version gratuite activée!"
    "InvalidSchoolNameMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of the school"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement scolaire"
    "LicenceTypeUnitPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
    "NANO_HelpContactLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "OrgFeaturePriceTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Lower prices!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des prix plus qu’avantageux!"
    "OrgPackageAdvantages" => [
      "en-CA" => "All the School advantages +"
      "fr-CA" => "Tous les avantages Écoles +"
    "OrgSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour for your organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour pour votre organisation"
    "PackageCategoryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Catégories d’abonnements"
    "PackageClassFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
      "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
    "PackageClassFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
      "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
    "PackageClassFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
      "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
    "PurchaseSummaryTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Order summary"
      "fr-CA" => "Résumé de la commande"
    "QuoteFormUserTeacher" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher"
      "fr-CA" => "Enseignant"
    "QuoteMailMessageFull" => [
      "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
      "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}                  Message: {message}"
    "QuoteMailSubjectFull" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name} from {schoolName}"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name} de {schoolName}"
    "SubDuration3yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "10% discount and fixed price for 3 years!"
      "fr-CA" => "Rabais de 10% et prix fixe pour 3 ans!"
    "TPS_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "PST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TPS (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVH_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "HST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVH (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVP_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "RST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVP (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TVQ_taxNameAndNumber" => [
      "en-CA" => "QST (%$0taxNumber%)"
      "fr-CA" => "TVQ (%$0taxNumber%)"
    "TangibleResultsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tangible Results"
      "fr-CA" => "Des Résultats Tangibles"
    "TeacherPackageParam1" => [
      "en-CA" => "A catalog of turnkey challenges for your students."
      "fr-CA" => "Un catalogue de défis clé en main pour vos élèves."
    "TeacherPackageParam2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete access to Troubadour and Boreal Tales."
      "fr-CA" => "Accès complet à Troubadour et La Constellation de l’Ours."
    "TeacherPackageParam3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correction and feedback tools designed for teachers."
      "fr-CA" => "Des outils de correction et de rétroaction conçus pour les enseignants."
    "TeacherPackageParam4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited access for your whole class!"
      "fr-CA" => "Accès illimité pour toute votre classe!"
    "TeacherPackageParam5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until August 28, 2023"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au 28 aout 2023"
    "TroubStrengthRebates" => [
      "en-CA" => "Significant discount for school purchases"
      "fr-CA" => "Rabais important pour achat école"
    "stripe_email_invalid" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your billing address is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse mail n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_incorrect_cvc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your CVC is not correct."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de sécurité n'est pas correct."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubAges" => [
      "en-CA" => "For students aged 8 to 12"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour les élèves de 8 à 12 ans"
    "AddLicenseV3TroubDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour offers an online educational platform designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills."
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour propose une plateforme éducative en ligne conçue pour aider les élèves du primaire à améliorer leurs habiletés en écriture."
    "BuyFamilyPackageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "ChromebookInstallLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "ChromebookNetworkLink" => [
      "en-CA" => ""
      "fr-CA" => ""
    "InvalidNumChildrenMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the approximate number of children"
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez renseigner le nombre approximatif d'enfants"
    "JobTitleSpecNeedsSpec" => [
      "en-CA" => "Special needs specialist"
      "fr-CA" => "Spécialiste, besoins particuliers"
    "PackageNumberChildren" => [
      "en-CA" => "Up to %$0% children"
      "fr-CA" => "Jusqu’à %$0% enfants"
    "PackageSchoolFeature1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Very advantageous price"
      "fr-CA" => "Prix très avantageux"
    "PackageSchoolFeature2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Usage Statistics"
      "fr-CA" => "Statistiques d'utilisation"
    "PackageSchoolFeature3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to your students"
      "fr-CA" => "Milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition de vos élèves"
    "PackageSchoolFeature4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Catalog of turnkey exercises"
      "fr-CA" => "Catalogue d’exercices clé en main."
    "PackageSchoolFeature5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tools for correction and feedback"
      "fr-CA" => "Outils de correction et de rétroaction"
    "PackageValidityRange3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expire on <span class='expiration-date'>%$0Year%-%$1Month%-%$2Day%</span>"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le <span class='expiration-date'>%$2Day%-%$1Month%-%$0Year%</span>"
    "SelectLicenseCategory" => [
      "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription category"
      "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
    "SelectPackageCategory" => [
      "en-CA" => "Choose a subscription type"
      "fr-CA" => "Sélectionnez une catégorie d'abonnement"
    "StoriesByStudentsDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Stories created by students"
      "fr-CA" => "Histoires créées par les élèves"
    "StoriesByStudentsStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "150&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
    "SubDuration1yearTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "1&nbsp;year"
      "fr-CA" => "1&nbsp;an"
    "SubDuration3yearTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "3&nbsp;years"
      "fr-CA" => "3&nbsp;ans"
    "TroubCTAFamilyPackage" => [
      "en-CA" => "We also have a family version"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous avons aussi une version familiale"
    "stripe_invalid_number" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card number is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code de carte bancaire n'est pas valide."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubIdeas" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotes the emergence of ideas for writing"
      "fr-CA" => "Favorise l'émergence d'idées pour écrire"
    "AddLicenseV3TroubNeeds" => [
      "en-CA" => "Adapts to the needs of students and teachers"
      "fr-CA" => "S'adapte aux besoins des élèves et des enseignants"
    "AddMoreThanFourLicense" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchasing for more than 4 classes?"
      "fr-CA" => "Vous achetez pour plus de 4 classes?"
    "BuyPackagePromoDetails" => [
      "en-CA" => "Benefit from an extension to your subscription: valid from the moment of purchase until the end of the next school year."
      "fr-CA" => "Bénéficiez d'un prolongement de votre abonnement : il sera valide du moment de l'achat jusqu'à la fin de la prochaine année scolaire."
    "BuyPackagePromoTitleV2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Purchase your %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% subscription now, and begin using it immediately!"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez votre abonnement %$0startYear%/%$1endYear% et utilisez-le dès maintenant!"
    "BuyPromoExpirationDate" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotion until August 20, 2023"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au 20 août 2023"
    "BuyTeacherPackageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
    "ChromeDisclaimerButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "click here"
      "fr-CA" => "Cliquer ici"
    "ClassSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Classe"
    "ClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Transform students into authors"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez chaque élève en auteur"
    "FamilyPackageBuyButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscribe my family"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonner ma famille"
    "InvalidOrganisationMsg" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please provide the name of your institution or organization."
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez fournir le nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
    "OrgFeatureContentItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Adding tailor-made exercises to the catalog, created by you or by our team"
      "fr-CA" => "L'ajout d'exercices sur mesure dans le catalogue, créés par vous ou par notre équipe"
    "OrgFeatureContentItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creation of settings and characters that represent your reality. For example, we can add your school, or a popular activity within your organization."
      "fr-CA" => "La création de décors et de personnages qui représentent votre réalité. Nous pouvons par exemple ajouter votre école, ou une activité populaire au sein de votre organisation."
    "OrgFeatureContentTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Content tailored to your needs"
      "fr-CA" => "Du contenu sur mesure pour vos besoins"
    "OrgRequestInfoFrmTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Information request form"
      "fr-CA" => "Formulaire de demande d’informations"
    "PackageAddHelperButton" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other payment method?"
      "fr-CA" => "Autre mode de paiement?"
    "PackageExpiryDateLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Expires on %$0%"
      "fr-CA" => "Expire le %$0%"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "The purchase is for:"
      "fr-CA" => "L’achat est pour :"
    "SelectedReductionPrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='reduction-price-placeholder'></span> $"
    "SubFeatureDesignAssets" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves!"
    "TroubFeatureAssetsDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Thousands of settings and characters available to students."
      "fr-CA" => "Des milliers de décors et de personnages à la disposition des élèves."
    "TroubPackagesFamilyBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "View the Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement Famille"
    "TroubProvenSchoolTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour has a proven track record in schools!"
      "fr-CA" => "Troubadour a fait ses preuves dans les écoles!"
    "ViewSchoolSubscription" => [
      "en-CA" => "View the School subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École"
    "stripe_api_key_expired" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "FamilyPackageDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 4 children"
      "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 4 enfants"
    "FamilyPurchasePageTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Transform your children into authors!"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez vos enfants en auteurs!"
    "FamilySubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "FamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Instill a love of writing in children"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour faire naître l'amour de l'écriture chez les enfants"
    "MedSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 6 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 6 abonnements classes"
    "OrgSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Live training and personalized support!"
      "fr-CA" => "Formations en direct et  accompagnement personnalisé!"
    "PackageInfosButtonLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "How subscriptions work"
      "fr-CA" => "Fonctionnement des abonnements"
    "PackageTotalSeatsAmount" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> seat(s)"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-seats-amount'></span> siège(s)"
    "PackagesDesiredLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Number of subscriptions desired"
      "fr-CA" => "Nombre d’abonnements souhaités"
    "QuoteMailMessagePartial" => [
      "en-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Country: {country}                  Classes desired: {classAmount}"
      "fr-CA" => "                  Type: {userType}                  Pays: {country}                  Classes souhaitées: {classAmount}"
    "QuoteMailSubjectPartial" => [
      "en-CA" => "Quote request for {name}"
      "fr-CA" => "Demande de soumission pour {name}"
    "ReturnToBuyPageLinkText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Go back to the purchase page?"
      "fr-CA" => "Retournez à la page d’achat?"
    "SchoolSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "School subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École"
    "SchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We transform schools into communities of engaged authors"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous transformons les écoles en communautés d’auteurs engagés"
    "SeeAllSubscriptionLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "See all subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir tous les abonnements"
    "TransferDisclaimerTexte" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscriptions can be combined and transferred to suit your needs, but cannot be split to transfer a part of it to someone else."
      "fr-CA" => "Les abonnements peuvent être combinés et transférés pour convenir à vos besoins, mais ne peuvent être scindés pour en transférer une partie à quelqu'un d'autre."
    "TransferDisclaimerTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please note :"
      "fr-CA" => "Notez bien :"
    "TroubFeatureCatalogDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Access to a catalog of turnkey exercises for their students."
      "fr-CA" => "Utiliser un catalogue d’exercices clé en main pour leurs élèves."
    "TroubPackagesFamilyText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Turn screen time into creation time with Troubadour."
      "fr-CA" => "Transformez le temps d’écran en temps de création avec Troubadour."
    "TroubStrengthTargetAges" => [
      "en-CA" => "Designed for students aged 7 to 12"
      "fr-CA" => "Conçu pour les élèves de 7 à 12 ans"
    "stripe_amount_too_large" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too high."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop élevé."
    "stripe_amount_too_small" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is too low."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction est trop bas."
    "AddLicenseV3TroubWebsite" => [
      "en-CA" => "A simple website, accessible from anywhere"
      "fr-CA" => "Un simple site Web, accessible de partout"
    "ChallengesByTeachersDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Teacher-created writing challenges"
      "fr-CA" => "Défis d’écriture créés par les enseignants"
    "ChallengesByTeachersStat" => [
      "en-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
      "fr-CA" => "27&thinsp;000<sup>+</sup>"
    "EstablishedResourceTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "A well-established resource"
      "fr-CA" => "Une ressource bien établie"
    "OrganisationNameLabelTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of your institution or organization"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement ou organisation pour lequel vous travaillez"
    "PackageAddHelperBullets2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Billing name and address (usually: school or district)<br> Name of responsible person <br> Purchase order number <br> Type and quantity of required subscription packages <br> Email address of the account to which subscription packages must be transferred"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom et adresse de facturation (en général: centre de services scolaire ou école)<br>                    Nom de la personne responsable <br>                    Numéro de bon de commande <br>                    Type et nombre d'abonnement(s) désiré(s) <br>                    Adresse courriel du compte où transférer les abonnements                "
    "QuoteFormUserSchoolBoard" => [
      "en-CA" => "Services Centre"
      "fr-CA" => "Centre de services"
    "SchoolSubscriptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "School Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Scolaires"
    "SubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "A subscription allows"
      "fr-CA" => "Un abonnement permet"
    "SubscriptionOptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Explore the other subscription types"
      "fr-CA" => "Explorer les autres abonnements"
    "TeacherPackageExpiration" => [
      "en-CA" => "Valid until %$0expiry Date%"
      "fr-CA" => "Valide jusqu’au %$0expiryDate%"
    "TroubPackagesFamilyTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Family Subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement Famille"
    "stripe_incorrect_address" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your address is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre adresse n'est pas une adresse valide."
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText0" => [
      "en-CA" => "The game is available on Chromebook if your model allows installing Android applications. We have installed the game on various models without any problems, but we still recommend that you install the game on one of your students' Chromebook first and test it for free before buying packages. The number of Chromebook models supporting Android increases continuously, but there is still no guarantee that your Chromebooks will support the game."
      "fr-CA" => "Le jeu est disponible sur Chromebook si le modèle que vous utilisez permet d'installer            des applications Android. Google considère cette fonctionnalité comme étant encore en mode Beta. Nous avons            installé le jeu sur divers modèles sans problèmes mais nous recommandons tout de même d'installer            le jeu sur le Chromebook d'un élève et de l'essayer gratuitement avant de vous procurer des            abonnements. Le nombre de modèles supportant Android augmente sans cesse mais il n'y a pas de garantie que vos            Chromebooks supporteront le jeu."
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A list of Chromebook models compatible with Android can be found "
      "fr-CA" => "Une liste des modèles de Chromebooks compatibles Android se trouve "
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Google provides instructions on how to install Android applications on a networked computer (as is often the case in schools) "
      "fr-CA" => "Google fournit des explications sur comment installer des applications Android sur un            ordinateur en réseau (comme c'est souvent le cas dans une école) "
    "ChromebookDisclaimerText4" => [
      "en-CA" => "To install it on a personal Chromebook, the information can be found"
      "fr-CA" => "Pour l'installer sur un Chromebook personnel, les informations se trouvent "
    "ClassSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires students, gives them confidence, and nurtures the writer within them."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les élèves, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
    "IncludedSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With a subscription:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement&nbsp;:"
    "LargeSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 7 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 7 abonnements classes"
    "NoProvinceSelectedWarning" => [
      "en-CA" => "Please select your province."
      "fr-CA" => "Veuillez sélectionner votre province."
    "OrgRequestInfoFrmSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We will respond as soon as possible."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais."
    "OtherPaymentModesBtnLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Other payment methods are available"
      "fr-CA" => "D’autres mode de paiement sont disponibles"
    "PackageTotalPurchasePrice" => [
      "en-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
      "fr-CA" => "<span class='total-purchase-price'></span> $"
    "PaymentIssueContactPrompt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Having difficulty paying via credit card? Want other payment options? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contact us!</a>"
      "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le payment via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <a href='%$0ContactLink%'>Contactez nous!</a>"
    "PurchaseErrorOccuredLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => " An error occurred during the transaction. If you have not received your licence, or if a purchase was made in error, please contact us at"
      "fr-CA" => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la transaction. Si vous n'avez pas reçu vos abonnements, ou si un achat a été effectué par erreur, veuillez nous contacter à"
    "SmallSubDuration1yearDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlimited subscriptions for the price of approximately 4 classroom subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements illimités pour le prix d’environ 4 abonnements classes"
    "SubscriptionDurationTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Subscription duration"
      "fr-CA" => "Durée de l’abonnement"
    "TroubStrengthMultilingual" => [
      "en-CA" => "Available in English and French"
      "fr-CA" => "Disponible en français et anglais"
    "stripe_token_already_used" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your transaction has already been completed."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre transaction a déjà été effectuée."
    "CreditCardIssueDisclaimer3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Problems paying with your credit card? Do you need other payment options?<b>Contact us</b> "
      "fr-CA" => "Des difficultés avec le paiement via carte de crédit? Vous voulez d'autres options de paiement? <b> Contactez nous! </b> "
    "FamilySubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative writing platform that inspires young people, gives them confidence, and nourishes the author within them."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme d’écriture créative qui inspire les jeunes, leur donne confiance, et nourrit l’auteur qui sommeille en eux."
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem1" => [
      "en-CA" => "Personalized training"
      "fr-CA" => "Des formations personnalisées"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem2" => [
      "en-CA" => "Tailored user documentation and a plan for getting started"
      "fr-CA" => "Une documentation sur mesure pour les utilisateurs et un plan de démarrage"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem3" => [
      "en-CA" => "Dedicated customer support"
      "fr-CA" => "Un support client dédié"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationItem4" => [
      "en-CA" => "Monthly usage reports"
      "fr-CA" => "Des rapports d’utilisation mensuels"
    "OrgFeatureIntegrationTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Complete management of the implementation in your organization:"
      "fr-CA" => "Une prise en main complète de l’implémentation dans votre organisation&nbsp;:"
    "PackageDecreaseNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "Return to standard Classroom subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Remettre en abonnement Classe standard"
    "PackageIncreaseNumberSeats" => [
      "en-CA" => "Convert to Classroom+ subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Transformer en abonnement Classe+"
    "PackageTotalPurchaseDetail" => [
      "en-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
      "fr-CA" => "$ cad + tx"
    "QuoteFormConclusionMessage" => [
      "en-CA" => "Someone from our team will contact you shortly with a quote. Thank you for your interest!"
      "fr-CA" => "Quelqu’un de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu avec un devis.Merci de votre intérêt!"
    "ReturnToSubscriptionsLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "Back to subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Retour aux abonnements"
    "SchoolSubscriptionInfoText" => [
      "en-CA" => "For several subscriptions, the school subscription may be more advantageous."
      "fr-CA" => "Pour plusieurs abonnements, l’achat école peut être plus avantageux."
    "SchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "The creative platform that facilitates the teaching of writing and brings the school together around an inspiring and unifying project."
      "fr-CA" => "La plateforme créative qui facilite l’enseignement de l’écriture et réunit l’école autour d’un projet inspirant et rassembleur."
    "TroubFeatureChallengesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Create an unlimited number of challenges."
      "fr-CA" => "Créer autant de défis que souhaité."
    "TroubFeatureCorrectionDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Correct and provide feedback on student work."
      "fr-CA" => "Corriger et donner de la rétroaction sur les travaux des élèves."
    "TroubPackagesHomeSchoolBtn" => [
      "en-CA" => "See the Homeschool subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Voir l’abonnement École à la maison"
    "TroubStrengthCompatibility" => [
      "en-CA" => "Compatible with writing assistance tools"
      "fr-CA" => "Compatible avec les outils d’aide à l’écriture"
    "stripe_country_unsupported" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your card was refused by our payment processor."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre pays n'est malheureusement pas supporté par l'organisme de payement."
    "stripe_invalid_expiry_year" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your expiration year is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "L'année d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_postal_code_invalid" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your postcode is not correct."
      "fr-CA" => "Votre code postal n'est pas correct."
    "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle1" => [
      "en-CA" => "With Troubadour, your children will develop their creativity by discovering the pleasure of writing and telling stories."
      "fr-CA" => "Avec Troubadour, vos enfants développeront leur créativité en découvrant le plaisir d'écrire et de raconter des histoires."
    "FamilyPurchasePageSubTitle2" => [
      "en-CA" => "We also have versions for school and home education!"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous avons également une version pour le milieu scolaire et l'éducation à domicile!"
    "HomeSchoolPackageDisclaimer" => [
      "en-CA" => "*Maximum of 5 children. Subscription valid for up to one year after the date of purchase."
      "fr-CA" => "*Maximum de 5 enfants. Abonnement valide jusqu’à un an après la date d’achat."
    "HomeSchoolSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Homeschool Subscription"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnement École à la maison"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy1" => [
      "en-CA" => "“The students are extremely motivated to compose after having created their own universe. You could hear a pin drop! To try it is to adopt it!”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Les élèves sont extrêmement motivés à composer après avoir créer leur propre univers. On entendrait une mouche voler! L'essayer, c'est l'adopter! »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy2" => [
      "en-CA" => "“Troubadour helped him develop his abilities, but also his self-confidence. Since Johann has been using the platform, he has gone deeper and seems to have understood how a story unfolds, which motivates him to write even more.”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Troubadour l'a aidé à développer ses capacités, mais aussi sa confiance en lui. Depuis que Johann utilise la plateforme, il va plus en profondeur et semble avoir compris le déroulement d'un récit, ce qui le motive encore plus à écrire »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy3" => [
      "en-CA" => "“We loved the experience and all the 3rd cycle classes want to register on your platform... Children have never been so motivated by writing! Thanks again!”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Nous avons adoré l'expérience et toutes les classes du 3e cycle souhaitent s'inscrire à votre plateforme... Les enfants n'ont jamais été aussi motivé par l'écriture! Merci encore! »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy4" => [
      "en-CA" => "“We love Troubadour. All the students, even those with difficulties, especially them I would say, progress and love writing during our projects.”"
      "fr-CA" => "« Nous adorons. Tous les élèves, même ceux avec des difficultés, surtout eux je dirais, progressent et adorent écrire lors de nos projets. »"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialCopy5" => [
      "en-CA" => "“It’s really nice to read and it feels different. The visual is beautiful. I imagine that for children the experience is stimulating (this is what is important for parents). The use of technology is consistent with today’s world. I agree 100%”"
      "fr-CA" => "« C’est vraiment agréable à lire et ça fait différent. Le visuel est beau. J’imagine que pour les enfants l’expérience est stimulante (c’est ce qui est important pour les parents). L’utilisation de la technologie est en cohérence avec le monde actuel. J’approuve à 100% »"
    "OrgSubscriptionDetailsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "We offer:"
      "fr-CA" => "Nous offrons&nbsp;:"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Auth" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Student at the école du Préambule, Quebec, Canada"
      "fr-CA" => "- Élève de l’école du Préambule, Québec, Canada"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial1Text" => [
      "en-CA" => "“With all the characters, the ideas come very quickly!”"
      "fr-CA" => "«Ça vient vraiment vites les idées avec tous les personnages!»"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Auth" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Joannie, mother"
      "fr-CA" => "- Joannie, maman"
    "TroubFamilyTestimonial2Text" => [
      "en-CA" => ""Wow, it's really great! <br> It's interactive for both the parent, and the child writing their story!""
      "fr-CA" => "«Wow c'est vraiment génial!<br>C'est interactif pour le parent comme pour l'enfant qui écrit son histoire!»"
    "TroubPackagesComparisonText" => [
      "en-CA" => "Unlock thousands of scenery options, correction tools, and more!"
      "fr-CA" => "Débloquez des milliers de décors, des outils de correction et plus encore!"
    "stripe_invalid_expiry_month" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your expiration month is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Le mois d'expiration de votre carte n'est pas valide."
    "stripe_invalid_source_usage" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "LandingPlayTestimonialsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Happy teachers, parents and specialists."
      "fr-CA" => "Des enseignantes, des parents et des spécialistes comblés."
    "PackageTotalCurrencyTaxLabel" => [
      "en-CA" => "%$0% + Tax"
      "fr-CA" => "%$0% + Taxes"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeSchoolBoard" => [
      "en-CA" => "School board or district name"
      "fr-CA" => "Un centre de service scolaire"
    "TroubFeatureFamilySpacesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Each member of the family will have a space for their own creations.<br><br>You will be able to view what your children create, and encourage them!"
      "fr-CA" => "Chaque membre de la famille aura son propre espace de création.<br><br>Vous pourrez lire ce que vos enfants créent et les encourager!"
    "TroubPackagesComparisonTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour Subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour"
    "stripe_invalid_charge_amount" => [
      "en-CA" => "The transaction amount is not valid."
      "fr-CA" => "Le montant de la transaction n'est pas valide."
    "BuyPromoExpirationDateDynamic" => [
      "en-CA" => "Promotion until %$0promotionEndDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Promotion jusqu’au %$0promotionEndDate%"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor1" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, 5th grade teacher, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
      "fr-CA" => "- Amélie Turgeon, Enseignante 5e année, École St-Joseph, Centre de services scolaire des Chênes"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor2" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent of a 4th grade student at Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
      "fr-CA" => "- Stéphanie Descart, parent d'un élève de 4e année au Centre de services scolaire de Montréal"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor3" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, 6th grade teacher, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
      "fr-CA" => "- Karine Potvin, Enseignante 6e année, École Chabot, Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor4" => [
      "en-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Teacher-Orthopedagogue,\u{A0}Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
      "fr-CA" => "- Karoline Gagnon, Enseignante-Orthopédagogue,\u{A0} Centre de services scolaire Harricana, Amos"
    "LandingPlayTestimonialAuthor5" => [
      "en-CA" => "Rosalie, mother"
      "fr-CA" => "Rosalie, maman"
    "LicenceTypeUnitPriceReduction" => [
      "en-CA" => "<b>%$1currency%%$0price%</b>"
      "fr-CA" => "<b>%$0price% %$1currency%</b>"
    "OrganisationNameLabelShortTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "Name of school"
      "fr-CA" => "Nom de l’établissement scolaire"
    "SubFeatureUnlimitedChallenges" => [
      "en-CA" => "The ability to create an unlimited number of challenges."
      "fr-CA" => "La possibilité de créer autant de défis que vous le souhaitez."
    "TroubFeatureMonthlyThemesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Fantastic, historical, and realistic themes will be offered to you each month!"
      "fr-CA" => "Des thèmes fantastiques, historiques et réalistes vous seront proposés chaque mois!"
    "HomeSchoolSubscriptionSubTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "All the tools you need to monitor your child's progress, encourage them, and help them improve!"
      "fr-CA" => "Tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour suivre la progression de votre enfant, l’encourager et l’aider à s’améliorer!"
    "IncludedClassSubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With the Classroom subscription, you will be able to:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Classe, vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormUserTypeGroupTeachers" => [
      "en-CA" => "A group of teachers"
      "fr-CA" => "Un groupe d’enseignants"
    "TroubStrengthSecurityStandards" => [
      "en-CA" => "Highest standards in data protection and confidentiality"
      "fr-CA" => "Normes les plus strictes en protection des données et de confidentialité"
    "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "With a subscription you will be able to:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec un abonnement vous pourrez&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt" => [
      "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly.<br><br>Thank you for your interest!"
      "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu.<br><br>Merci de votre intérêt!"
    "TroubStatTeachersMotivationText" => [
      "en-CA" => "87% of teachers who use the game notice a positive effect on writing motivation."
      "fr-CA" => "87% des enseignants qui utilisent le jeu remarquent un effet positif sur la motivation en écriture."
    "stripe_platform_api_key_expired" => [
      "en-CA" => "We cannot complete your transaction right now. Please try again later."
      "fr-CA" => "Nous ne pouvons compléter votre transaction en ce moment. Veuillez essayer de nouveau plus tard."
    "IncludedFamilySubscriptionTitle2" => [
      "en-CA" => "With the Family subscription:"
      "fr-CA" => "Avec l’abonnement Famille&nbsp;:"
    "QuoteFormConfirmationMessageTxt2" => [
      "en-CA" => "A member of our team will contact you shortly."
      "fr-CA" => "Un membre de notre équipe vous contactera sous peu."
    "TroubEducationSubscriptionsTitle" => [
      "en-CA" => "Troubadour education subscriptions"
      "fr-CA" => "Abonnements Troubadour Éducation"
    "TroubFeatureUnlimitedStoriesDesc" => [
      "en-CA" => "Your children will be able to create as many stories as they want, using thousands of characters and settings."
      "fr-CA" => "Vos enfants pourront créer autant d'histoires qu'ils le souhaitent en utilisant des milliers de personnages et de décors."
    "SchoolPackageExpirationDateDynamic" => [
      "en-CA" => "Buy now and enjoy the subscription until %$0Package EndDate%"
      "fr-CA" => "Achetez maintenant et profitez de l’abonnement jusqu'au %$0PackagaeEndDate%"
  -lang: "en-CA"
  -allLanguages: null
  -activeLanguages: [
    App\Entity\Language {#3317
      #id: 14
      #language: "French"
      #displayName: "Français"
      #tag: "fr-CA"
      #isActive: true
      #noun_sample: "angle, armoire, banc, bureau, cabinet, carreau, chaise, classe, clé, coin, couloir, dossier, eau, école, écriture, entrée, escalier, étude, extérieur, fenêtre, intérieur, lavabo, lecture, lit, marche, matelas, maternelle, meuble, mousse, mur, peluche, placard, plafond, porte, poubelle, radiateur, rampe, rideau, robinet, savon, serrure, serviette, siège, sieste, silence, sol, sommeil, sonnette, sortie, table, tableau, tabouret, tapis, tiroir, vitre, crayon, stylo, feutre, pointe, mine, gomme, dessin, coloriage, rayure, peinture, pinceau, couleur, craie, papier, feuille, cahier, carnet, carton, ciseaux, découpage, pliage, pli, colle, affaire, boîte, casier, caisse, trousse, cartable, jouet, jeu, pion, domino, puzzle, cube, perle, chose, forme, rond, livre, histoire, image, album, titre, conte, magazine, catalogue, page, ligne, mot, enveloppe, étiquette, affiche, alphabet, appareil, cassette, chaîne, chanson, chiffre, contraire, doigt, écran, écriture, film, fois, idée, intrus, lettre, liste, main, micro, modèle, musique, nom, nombre, orchestre, ordinateur, photo, point, poster, pouce, prénom, question, radio, sens, tambour, téléphone, trait, trompette, voix, zéro, ami, attention, camarade, colère, copain, coquin, dame, droit, effort, élève, enfant, fatigue, faute, fille, garçon, gardien, madame, maître, ordre, personne, retard, sourire, travail, arrosoir, assiette, balle, bateau, boîte, bouchon, bouteille, bulle, canard, casserole, cuillère, cuvette, entonnoir, goutte, litre, moulin, pluie, poisson, pont, pot, roue, saladier, seau, tablier, tasse, verre, anorak, arc, bagage, baguette, barbe, bonnet, botte, bouton, bretelle, cagoule, casque, ceinture, chapeau, chaussette, chausson, chaussure, chemise, col, couronne, cravate, culotte, écharpe, épée, fée, flèche, gant, habit, jean, jupe, lacet, laine, linge, lunette, magicien, magie, maillot, manche, manteau, mouchoir, moufle, nœud, paire, pantalon, pied, prince, pyjama, reine, robe, roi, ruban, semelle, soldat, sorcière, tache, taille, talon, tissu, tricot, uniforme, valise, veste, vêtement, aiguille, ampoule, avion, bois, bout, bricolage, bruit, cabane, clou, colle, crochet, élastique, ficelle, fil, marionnette, marteau, métal, mètre, morceau, moteur, objet, outil, peinture, planche, plâtre, scie, tournevis, vis, voiture, aéroport, auto, camion, feu, frein, fusée, garage, gare, grue, moto, panne, parking, pilote, pneu, quai, train, virage, vitesse, voyage, wagon, zigzag, acrobate, arrêt, arrière, barre, barreau, bord, bras, cerceau, chaise, cheville, chute, corde, côté, cou, coude, danger, dos, échelle, épaule, équipe, escabeau, filet, fond, genou, hanche, jambe, jeu, main, milieu, montagne, muscle, numéro, ongle, parcours, pas, passerelle, pente, peur, pied, plongeoir, poignet, poing, prise, roulade, saut, serpent, sport, suivant, tête, toboggan, tour, trampoline, tunnel, ventre, bagarre, balançoire, ballon, bande, bicyclette, bille, cadenas, cerf-volant, château, coup, cour, course, échasse, flaque, paix, pardon, partie, pelle, pompe, raquette, rayon, sable, sifflet, signe, tricycle, tuyau, vélo, filet, allumette, anniversaire, appétit, beurre, coquille, crêpe, croûte, dessert, envie, faim, fève, four, galette, gâteau, goût, invitation, langue, lèvre, liquide, louche, mie, moitié, odeur, part, pâte, recette, rouleau, sel, soif, tarte, tranche, yaourt, glaçon, jus, kiwi, lame, mûre, noyau, paille, râpe, arête, frite, gobelet, jambon, os, poulet, purée, radis, sole, animal, bébé, bouche, cage, câlin, foin, hamster, lapin, maison, nez, oreille, patte, toit, yeux, légume, abeille, agneau, aile, âne, arbre, bain, barque, bassin, bébé, bec, bête, bœuf, bottedefoin, boue, bouquet, bourgeon, branche, caillou, campagne, car, champ, chariot, chat, cheminée, cheval, chèvre, chien, cochon, colline, coq, coquelicot, crapaud, cygne, départ, dindon, escargot, étang, ferme, fermier, feuille, flamme, fleur, fontaine, fumée, grain, grenouille, griffe, guêpe, herbe, hérisson, insecte, jardin, mare, marguerite, miel, morceaudepain, mouche, mouton, oie, oiseau, pierre, pigeon, plante, plume, poney, poule, poussin, prairie, rat, rivière, route, tortue, tracteur, tulipe, vache, vétérinaire, aigle, animal, aquarium, bête, cerf, chouette, cigogne, crocodile, dauphin, éléphant, girafe, hibou, kangourou, lion, loup, ours, panda, panthère, perroquet, phoque, renard, requin, singe, tigre, zèbre, zoo, épingle, bâton, bonhomme, botte, canne, cauchemar, cri, danse, déguisement, dinosaure, drapeau, fête, figure, géant, gens, grand-mère, grand-père, joie, joue, journaux, maquillage, masque, monsieur, moustache, ogre, princesse, rue, trottoir, boule, cadeau, chance, cube, guirlande, humeur, papillon, spectacle, surprise, trou, visage, âge, année, calendrier, début, dimanche, été, étoile, fin, heure, hiver, horloge, jeudi, jour, journée, lumière, lundi, lune, mardi, matin, mercredi, midi, minuit, minute, mois, moment, montre, nuit, ombre, pendule, retour, réveil, saison, samedi, semaine, soir, soleil, temps, univers, vacances, vendredi, air, brouillard, ciel, éclair, flocon, goutte, hirondelle, luge, neige, nuage, orage, ouragan, parapluie, parasol, tempête, tonnerre, traîneau, vent, assiette, balai, biscuit, boisson, bonbon, céréale, confiture, coquetier, couteau, couvercle, couvert, cuillère, cuisine, cuisinière, désordre, dînette, éponge, évier, four, fourchette, lait, lave-linge, lessive, machine, nappe, pain, pile, plat, plateau, poêle, réfrigérateur, repas, tartine, torchon, vaisselle, argent, bague, barrette, bijou, bracelet, brosse, cadre, canapé, chambre, cheveu, chiffon, cil, coffre, coffret, collier, couette, coussin, couverture, dent, dentifrice, drap, fauteuil, frange, glace, lampe, lit, ménage, or, oreiller, parfum, peigne, pouf, poupée, poussette, poussière, shampoing, sourcil, trésor, tube, vase, album, bavoir, biberon, caprice, rasoir, ambulance, bosse, champignon, dentiste, docteur, fièvre, front, gorge, infirmier, infirmière, jambe, larme, médecin, menton, mine, pansement, peau, piqûre, poison, sang, santé, squelette, trousse, araignée, brouette, chenille, coccinelle, fourmi, herbe, jonquille, lézard, rangée, râteau, souris, taupe, terrain, terre, terrier, tige, sac, billet, caisse, farce, grimace, grotte, pays, regard, ticket, bûche, buisson, camp, chasseur, chemin, chêne, corbeau, écorce, écureuil, forêt, gourde, lac, loupe, lutin, marron, moustique, muguet, paysage, pin, rocher, sapin, sommet, tente, adresse, ascenseur, balcon, boulanger, boutique, caniveau, caravane, carrefour, cinéma, cirque, cloche, clocher, clown, coiffeur, courrier, endroit, enveloppe, essence, facteur, fleuriste, foire, hôpital, hôtel, immeuble, incendie, laisse, magasin, manège, moineau, monde, monument, ouvrier, palais, panneau, paquet, parc, passage, piscine, place, police, policier, pompier, poste, promenade, quartier, square, timbre, travaux, usine, village, ville, voisin, volet, abricot, ail, aliment, ananas, banane, café, carotte, cerise, chocolat, chou, citron, citrouille, concombre, crabe, crevette, endive, farine, fraise, framboise, fromage, fruit, gâteau, haricot, huile, marchand, melon, monnaie, navet, noisette, noix, nourriture, oignon, orange, panier, pâtes, pêche, persil, poire, poireau, pomme, prix, prune, raisin, salade, sucre, tomate, viande, baleine, bouée, jumelles, marin, mouette, navire, pêcheur, plage, poisson, port, sardine, vague, voile"
      #adjective_sample: "Abricot, Acajou, Alezan, Ambre, Ardoise, Argent, Argile, Aurore, Azur, Basané, Beige, ivoire, platine, neige, Blé, bleuet, électrique, marine, saphir, Bordeaux, Brique, Bronze, Châtain, Chocolat, Cyan, Ebène, Ecarlate, Fauve, Jade, Jaune, Magenta, Marron, Mauve, Or, Orange, Pastel, Pêche, Pourpre, Prune, Rose, Rouge, Saumon, Taupe, grenat, adorable, dynamique, hirsute, magnifique, maigre, mince, propre, sale, sauvage, snob, sombre, splendide, svelte, terne, fade, timide, avare, brave, calme, fourbe, hypocrite, intrépide, lâche, loufoque, placide, sage, sincère, solitaire, vorace, coupable, fourbe, horrible, malade, mature, pacifique, perplexe, timide, tranquille, triste, large, maigre, raide, simple, vaste, énorme, immense, infime, minuscule, super, vaste, antique, jeune, moderne, rapide, vétuste, dense, énorme, vide, âcre, aigre, fade, ferme, souple, tendre, Admirable, Agréable, Aimable, Céleste, Chouette, Cynique, Drôle, Efficace, Équitable, Excusable, Exemplaire, Flamboyante, Formidable, Grandiose, Honnête, Horrible, Incrédule, Innommable, Intenable, Louable, Magnifique, Médiocre, Minable, Ordinaire, Passable, Placide, Quelconque, Remarquable, Splendide, Suave, Sublime, Superbe, Suprême, Supportable, Tolérable, Tragique, Valable, Vénérable, Vivable, Magique, Féérique, Antique, Colérique, Unique, Critique, Ludique"
    App\Entity\Language {#3329
      #id: 15
      #language: "English"
      #displayName: "English"
      #tag: "en-CA"
      #isActive: true
      #noun_sample: "aardvark, air, airplane, airport, alarm, almond, alphabet, ambulance, animal, ankle, ant, anteater, antelope, ape, apple, arm, armchair, arrow, asparagus, aunt, baby, back, backbone, bacon, badge, badger, bag, bagpipe, bait, bakery, ball, balloon, bamboo, banana, band, bandana, banjo, bank, baseball, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathroom, bathtub, battery, battle, bay, beach, bead, bean, bear, beard, beast, beat, beauty, beaver, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beetle, bell, belt, bench, beret, berry, bicycle, bike, bird, birthday, bite, blade, blanket, blob, block, blood, blouse, boar, board, bus, bush, butter, button, cabbage, cactus, cafe, cake, calendar, calf, camel, camera, camp, candle, canoe, canvas, cap, captain, car, card, cardboard, cardigan, carpenter, carrot, carton, cartoon, cat, caterpillar, cathedral, cattle, cave, celery, cello, cement, cemetery, cereal, boat, bobcat, body, bone, book, bookcase, booklet, boot, border, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brass, bread, break, breakfast, breath, brick, bridge, broccoli, brochure, brother, brush, bubble, bucket, bug, building, bulb, bull, bulldozer, bun, butter, chain, chair, chalk, channel, cheek, cheese, cherry, chess, chest, chick, chicken, children, chin, chip, chive, chocolate, church, cinema, circle, city, clam, clip, clock, closet, cloth, cloud, coach, coal, coast, coat, cobweb, cocoa, coffee, coil, coin, collar, college, colt, comb, comics, comma, computer, cone, copy, corn, cotton, couch, cougar, country, course, court, cousin, cow, crab, crack, cracker, crate, crayfish, crayon, cream, creek, cricket, crocodile, crop, crow, crowd, crown, crumb, cucumber, cup, cupboard, curtain, curve, cushion, cyclone, dad, daffodil, daisy, dance, daughter, deer, denim, dentist, desert, desk, dessert, detective, dew, diamond, dictionary, dinghy, dinosaur, dirt, dish, dock, dog, doll, dollar, door, dragon, dragonfly, drain, drawer, drawing, dress, dresser, drill, drink, drum, dryer, duck, duckling, dungeon, dust, eagle, ear, earth, eel, egg, eggplant, elbow, elephant, energy, engine, equipment, eye, eyebrow, face, fact, factory, fairy, family, fan, fang, farm, farmer, father, fear, feast, feather, feet, finger, fire, fireplace, fish, fist, flag, flame, flood, floor, flower, flute, fly, foam, fog, food, foot, football, forehead, forest, fork, fountain, fox, frame, freckle, freezer, frog, frost, fruit, fuel, fur, furniture, game, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gear, ghost, giraffe, girl, glass, glove, glue, goal, goat, gold, goldfish, golf, gorilla, grape, grass, grasshopper, grater, grease, grill, grin, group, guitar, gum, gym, gymnast, hail, hair, haircut, hall, ham, hamburger, hammer, hamster, hand, handball, handle, hardware, harmony, hat, hawk, head, headlight, heart, heat, hedge, height, helmet, hem, hen, hill, hip, hockey, hog, home, honey, hood, hook, hope, horn, horse, hose, hospital, house, hurricane, hyena, ice, icicle, ink, insect, instrument, iron, island, jacket, jade, jail, jam, jar, jaw, jeans, jeep, jelly, jellyfish, jet, jewel, joke, journey, judge, judo, juice, jump, jumper, kangaroo, karate, kayak, kettle, key, keyboard, kick, kiss, kitchen, kite, kitten, knee, knife, knight, knot, lace, ladybug, lake, lamb, lamp, land, laugh, laundry, leaf, leather, leek, leg, lemon, lemonade, leopard, letter, lettuce, library, lift, light, lightning, lily, line, lion, lip, lipstick, liquid, list, litter, lizard, loaf, lobster, lock, locker, locket, locust, look, lotion, love, lunch, machine, magazine, magic, magician, mail, mailbox, mailman, makeup, man, map, marble, mark, market, mascara, mask, match, meal, meat, mechanic, medicine, memory, men, menu, message, metal, mice, middle, milk, mint, minute, mirror, mist, mistake, mitten, monday, money, monkey, month, moon, morning, mother, motorboat, motorcycle, mountain, mouse, mouth, music, mustard, nail, name, napkin, neck, needle, nest, net, news, night, noise, noodle, nose, note, notebook, number, nurse, nut, oak, oatmeal, ocean, octopus, office, oil, olive, onion, orange, otter, oven, owl, oyster, packet, page, pail, pain, paint, painter, painting, pair, pajama, pan, pancake, panda, pansy, panther, pants, paper, parcel, parent, park, parrot, party, pasta, paste, pastry, patch, path, pea, peace, peanut, pear, pelican, pen, pencil, pepper, perfume, person, pest, pet, phone, piano, pickle, picture, pie, pig, pigeon, pillow, pilot, pimple, pin, pipe, pizza, plane, plant, plastic, plate, playground, plot, pocket, poison, police, policeman, pond, popcorn, poppy, postage, postbox, pot, potato, poultry, powder, power, price, printer, prison, pumpkin, puppy, pyramid, queen, question, quicksand, quill, quilt, rabbit, radio, radish, raft, rail, railway, rain, rainbow, raincoat, rainstorm, rake, rat, ray, recorder, rectangle, relatives, restaurant, reward, rhino, rice, riddle, ring, river, road, roast, rock, roll, roof, room, rooster, rose, rowboat, rubber, sack, sail, sailboat, sailor, salad, salmon, salt, sand, sandwich, sauce, sausage, saw, scarecrow, scarf, school, scissors, scooter, scorpion, screw, sea, seagull, seal, seashore, season, seat, second, secret, seed, sentence, servant, shade, shadow, shallot, shampoo, shark, shears, sheep, sheet, shelf, shell, ship, shirt, shoe, shop, shorts, shovel, show, side, sidewalk, sign, silk, silver, singer, sink, sister, skin, skirt, sky, sled, slippers, slope, smoke, snail, snake, sneeze, snow, snowflake, snowman, soap, soccer, sock, sofa, softball, soldier, son, song, sound, soup, soybean, space, spade, spark, sparrow, spear, speedboat, spider, spike, spinach, sponge, spoon, spot, sprout, spy, square, squash, squid, squirrel, stage, stairs, stamp, star, station, steam, steel, stem, step, stew, stick, stitch, stinger, stomach, stone, stool, stopwatch, store, storm, story, stove, stranger, straw, stream, string, sugar, suit, summer, sun, sunshine, sunflower, supermarket, surfboard, surname, surprise, sushi, swallow, swamp, swan, sweater, sweatshirt, sweets, swing, switch, sword, swordfish, syrup, table, tabletop, tadpole, tail, target, tax, taxi, tea, teacher, team, teeth, tennis, tent, textbook, theater, thistle, thought, thread, throat, throne, thumb, thunder, thunderstorm, ticket, tie, tiger, tile, time, tire, toad, toast, toe, toilet, tomato, tongue, tooth, toothbrush, toothpaste, top, tornado, tower, town, toy, tractor, traffic, trail, train, transport, tray, tree, triangle, trick, trip, trombone, trouble, trousers, truck, trumpet, truck, trunk, tub, tuba, tugboat, tulip, tuna, tune, turkey, turnip, turtle, twig, twilight, twine, umbrella, uncle, valley, van, vase, vegetable, vessel, vest, violin, volcano, volleyball, vulture, wagon, wall, walnut, walrus, washer, wasp, waste, watch, water, wave, wax, weasel, weather, web, wedge, well, whale, wheat, wheel, whip, whisk, whistle, wilderness, willow, wind, window, windscreen, wing, winter, wire, wish, wolf, woman, wood, wool, word, workshop, worm, wound, wren, wrench, wrinkles, wrist, yacht, yak, yard"
      #adjective_sample: "Absurd, Adorable, Afraid, Alert, Alert, Alive, Amusing, Amusing, Angry, Annoyed, Apologetic, Arrogant, Askew, Awful, Awkward, Bad, Bashful, Beautiful, Better, Big, Bitter, Blistering, Blithe, Blue, Bored, Brave, Brawny, Brazen, Brilliant, Broad, Bulky, Busy, Calm, Capable, Carefree, Careless, Caring, Cautious, Cavernous, Ceaseless, Challenging, Charming, Cheeky, Cheerful, Chilly, Clean, Clever, Clumsy, Content, Contrary, Courteous, Cowardly, Cozy, Cozy, Crabby, Cranky, Cranky, Crawling, Crazy, Creaky, Creaky, Creative, Creeping, Creepy, Crispy, Cruel, Cruel, Cuddly, Curious, Curly, Dangerous, Daring, Dawdling, Dead, Deep, Delicate, Delighted, Delinquent, Demanding, Dense, Desolate, Difficult, Disgusting, Dishonest, Dismal, Disrespectful, Dowdy, Dreadful, Dreadful, Dull, Dull, Early, Easy, Ecstatic, Edgy, Effortless, Enchanting, Endless, Endless, Enormous, Entertaining, Erratic, Eternal, Excited, Exhausted, Faint, Fair, Famished, Fancy, Fantastic, Fetid, Fidgety, Fierce, Filthy, First, Flat, Fluffy, Fluttering, Foolish, Foul, Freezing, Friendly, Frosty, Furious, Fussy, Fuzzy, Gaunt, Gauzy, Generous, Gentle, Ghastly, Gilded, Glassy, Gloomy, Glowing, Good, Gorgeous, Graceful, Grand, Grave, Gray, Great, Greedy, Greedy, Green, Grimy, Grimy, Groggy, Gullible, Happy, Hard, Hardworking, Hasty, Haughty, Heavy, Hideous, Hopeful, Horrid, Hostile, Huge, Huge, Humble, Icy, Idyllic, Immense, Important, Indifferent, Infamous, Ingenious, Intense, Intimidating, Irritable, Itchy, Jolly, Joyful, Kind, Large, Last, Lavish, Lazy, Little, Lively, Lonely, Long, Loud, Lousy, Lovely, Loyal, Lulling, Lumpy, Mangy, Marvelous, Massive, Massive, Meek, Menacing, Messy, Mighty, Minute, Miserable, Modern, Modest, Monstrous, Moody, Muffled, Muggy, Mushy, Mysterious, Narrow, Nasty, Nasty, Nervous, New, Nimble, Odd, Old, Oppressive, Optimistic, Opulent, Orange, Ornery, Parched, Peculiar, Perpetual, Petite, Picturesque, Piercing, Plain, Pleasant, Plump, Plush, Polite, Precise, Proud, Prudent, Puny, Puny, Purple, Quaint, Quick, Quiet, Rancid, Rapid, Raspy, Red, Relaxed, Rich, Rotten, Rude, Rusty, Savage, Scarce, Scared, Scary, Scorching, Selfish, Serious, Severe, Shining, Shocking, Shy, Silly, Simple, Simple, Sizzling, Sleepy, Slick, Slick, Slight, Slimy, Slimy, Sloppy, Sluggish, Small, Smelly, Smooth, Snug, Soaring, Solemn, Somber, Sparkling, Speedy, Spiky, Splendid, Spoiled, Spoiled, Startled, Starving, Steaming, Stern, Sticky, Stiff, Stifling, Still, Stingy, Stinky, Strict, Striking, Strong, Stubborn, Stuffed, Stunning, Sturdy, Subtle, Sullen, Superb, Surprised, Sweet, Sweltering, Swift, Swollen, Tart, Temporary, Tender, Tense, Terrified, Thrifty, Timid, Tiny, Tiny, Tough, Towering, Tranquil, Trendy, Tricky, Truthful, Ugly, Vast, Verdant, Vigilant, Vile, Warm, Weak, Wet, Wide, Wild, Wise, Witty, Wonderful, Wooden, Worried, Wrinkly, Wrong, Yellow, Young, Yummy"
  -em: App\Repository\NanomonxManager {#436 …}
  -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#681 …}
  -env: "dev"
  -folderPath: "/code/src/"
  -bugsnagReporter: App\Service\Error\BugsnagReporter {#435 …}
  -dbTranslation: App\Entity\TranslationFile {#267 …}
Closure() {#3278
  class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension"
  use: {
    $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#455 …}
    $message: Closure() {#3277 …}
    $translationDomain: "validators"

View Vars

Variable Value
Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3318
  -errors: []
  -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3334 …}
Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3279 …5}